Y&R Transcript Thursday 11/10/16

Y&R Transcript Thursday 11/10/16


Provided By Suzanne

(small part missing, due to news break; it will be up soon)

Hilary: Now, how do you not know that you're not pregnant? And how do you not know that you haven't given birth? And when you find out the truth, how do you not tell the real baby's father, who happens to be your ex-husband, that the child that he has been mourning is very much alive and that you've been raising him as your own? I don't know what kind of a person, what kind of a mother, what kind of a wife can do that. Sharon McAvoy will say that she's the victim of a cruel hoax, but does that give her a free pass to perpetuate that...

Victor: Sweetheart, turn that damn thing off.

Abby: Hi, dad. Nick called me last night to tell me that Christian was alive. My mind is officially blown. [Scoffs]

Victor: Sweetheart --

Abby: He didn't get into details, but the way that Hilary --

Victor: Do me a favor and do not pay any attention to what this gossip monger spews for ratings.

Abby: Dad, is there something that nick didn't tell me? Dad, how long have you known that the baby was nick's?

Victor: Like you, I found out about Sharon's deception only last night.

Abby: [Sighs]

Victoria: I almost showed up on your doorstep after you called me last night. This is incredible.

Nick: I know.

Victoria: This is your son.

Nick: Yep.

Victoria: I'm so happy for you, nick. I really am. And you. You, little guy, do you know how lucky you are to have him as a father? [Chuckles]

Nick: I'm the lucky one.

Victoria: [Sighs] Wow. I can't stop thinking about Dylan, though. I feel so sorry for him. I mean, the poor guy. His only crime was to love a child that he thought was his.

Nick: Yeah. I feel terribly for him. You know, he, uh, he wanted me to think about the idea of shared custody, and Paul showed up lobbying for the same thing. I mean, they want me to share custody of my son with the people who kept him from me.

Victoria: [Sighs] The person who kept him from you. This is not Dylan's responsibility. This is Sharon. I don't know how she could possibly think that it was a good idea to keep your own child from you. [Sighs]

Nick: Well...

Victoria: I don't know, nick. I can't even find the words.

Nick: Oh, trust me, I found a lot. But I'm just gonna focus on Christian. You know, I just want him to feel loved and safe and to know who his family is and where he belongs. I'm really hoping to keep this quiet until I decide to go public and let the world know how he came back into my life.

Victoria: Yeah, well, just be ready, because when you do, it's gonna blow up. But you're right. For now, we should focus on this little miracle. Hi.

Nick: I just wish sage was here.

Victoria: Oh, look, I know, but being a parent is hard, even when you have someone to share it with, right? But you're not alone. You have your family and your kids and... [Sighs] You got this.

Nick: Yeah.

Victoria: You're gonna be amazing.

Nick: We're gonna be all right.

Victoria: [Laughs]

Hilary: So what do you think, Genoa city? Sharon McAvoy -- hapless victim or conniving villain?

Travis: Yeah, I was listening to that on my run. Now I know why Victoria left early to see her brother.

Billy: Oh, she didn't tell you? I thought you shared everything.

Ashley: We are making waves, jack. Listen to this. "Jabotgo reminds us of what the company does best -- innovation that redefines the beauty industry." Yeah, well, you're right. You do owe it all to me. And you're welcome. I know. I can't help it if I'm brilliant and I just had to snap this up. I can't believe this. N-no, not you. I'll call you back. What are you doing?

Michelle: I am here to see my long-lost friend Ashley Abbott.

Ashley: Hi!

Cane: [Sighs] Damn it.

Lily: Of course you're here.

Cane: And I suppose I should have told you I was coming to work, baby. I'm so sorry.

Lily: No, cane, you shouldn't be here at all. If your assistant hadn't called me... if we're gonna make it to your surgery, we have to go now. Let's go.

Cane: I'm not going to my surgery.

Lily: What?! You're crazy.

Cane: All right, listen. Jabot has come up with this new app, and it is more important than my torn ACL. [Sighs]

Lily: Look at me. Is it more important than playing basketball with your kids or taking moonlit walks with your wife?

Cane: See, now you're not playing fair.

Lily: I'm not playing at all, cane. I love you, and I need you. And those crutches, they get in the way.

Travis: Shouldn't you be at work?

Billy: I got a couple minutes, and this conversation's so much more important.

Travis: Thank you. There is no conversation, Billy.

Billy: You know, for Victoria to shut you out of something that important, I feel your pain.

Travis: Victoria didn't shut me out. We don't keep secrets.

Billy: Really? Like when you neglected to tell her that you're really a wall street guy and not a humble bar owner? Or the time where you forgot to tell her that you had an affair with your boss's wife and you were blackballed? Or what about the time that happened not so long ago where you investigated her family about the Newman mole?

Travis: Hmm.

Billy: Those are all just things that slipped through the conversation cracks, right?

Travis: Yeah. I get why this is so hard for you, Billy.

Billy: Yeah?

Travis: You're still in love with Victoria. But she's with me, and she's happy. And you hate that, so you want to act like a child and you want to cause trouble, right?

Billy: I don't know. You're doing a pretty good job of that yourself.

Travis: Word of advice -- move on.

Billy: Travis, it's happening, and you have no idea.

Travis: What's happening, Billy?

Billy: Well, I mean, you think you're the center of Victoria's universe, and really you're not. You're just a moon orbiting a death star known as her family. She's always gonna feel that gravitational pull towards Victor and the rest of the Newmans, and there's nothing you can do about it. Not even if you get married.

Travis: Who said anything about getting married?

Billy: Well, you're an adult. I just assumed that's what you were gonna do.

Travis: Don't do that. Don't assume. Don't interfere. Victoria and I are in a good place right now, and there's nothing you can do about it.

Victoria: Welcome to the Newman family, my sweet, little nephew. The package comes with a lot of perks. You're gonna have a grandma and grandpa that will spoil you to death. [Chuckles] And I'm not kidding you -- there might be a pony in your near future. And you're gonna have aunts and uncles and brothers and sisters and cousins that are gonna love you to pieces. But between you and me, the package comes with a little bit of a warning. Being a Newman means being a Newman forever.

Nick: Well, we've managed it, right? I mean, we've kept one foot in the family and the other foot in the more sane part of the world.

Victoria: Yes, that's true. We have tried. But there's this little, tiny thing called DNA.

Nick: Hmm.

Victoria: Hmm.

Nick: How are things with Travis?

Victoria: Oh, um, good. Very good.

Nick: You are the worst liar.

Victoria: [Chuckles] What? No. Okay. [Sighs] Not so good, actually.

Nick: Let me take a stab at it. Uh, dad is making Travis jump through hoops so he can prove that he's worthy of dating the great Victor Newman's daughter, and prince charming is starting to resent it.

Victoria: Okay, I don't need a prince. I just need a guy that can stand on his own two feet, that's not intimidated or threatened by...

Nick: By the Newman package?

Victoria: I just feel like I'm always trying to defend Travis to dad or explain dad to Travis, and...

Nick: Good luck with that.

Victoria: Thank you.

[Cell phone chimes]

Victoria: Oh. There's something going on at brash & sassy. I have to go. I wish I didn't have to leave you and Christian.

Nick: Hey, it's all good. Like you said, I got this. I mean, it's the fourth kid. It's like falling off a bike.

Victoria: That's true. Bye.

Nick: Bye. Newman forever.

Victor: Sweetheart, this family has been blessed with a new child, okay? Let's focus on that.

Abby: And I'm all for that. How could Sharon do this to nick? It's unbelievable. And now she's trying to claim that she's the victim? It's like Hilary said. How does a woman not know that the baby isn't hers?

Victor: Sweetheart, these are mostly lies. Ignore her.

Abby: The story's gone viral. And pretty soon a whole cottage industry is gonna pop up looking for secrets, searching the trash, looking for any sort of hint of a scandal to keep this story going. How do we stop this?

Victor: Now that the story is probably gonna go viral, I will no longer take the high road. Action will have to be taken.

Hilary: So, come on. Talk to me, Genoa city. Let me know. Does Sharon McAvoy -- does she belong behind bars or back in her old room at Fairview? Until next time, keep on buzzing, GC. Oh, my gosh. That -- that was amazing. I cannot wait to see the responses come pouring in!

Mariah: I have a response for you. You are full of it.

Hilary: I'm just reporting the facts according to my source.

Mariah: Your source?! You went to rivercrest, didn't you? You got to patty Williams.

Hilary: Are you saying that she's lying?

Mariah: Did she happen to mention that my mother was drugged and manipulated by her own doctor?

Hilary: Yeah, actually, she did, and it's horrible. But she also said that Sharon hid the truth.

Mariah: Well, then I guess she skipped the part about how this has been tearing Sharon apart, how she has been torn between the love for her family and her obligation to the baby's father! Sharon has been -- you know what? I'm not gonna talk to you about this anymore.

Hilary: No, no, you should continue, because you clearly have a great deal of insight. Mariah, how long have you known the truth?

Mariah: You are unbelievable. My family is imploding, and you are so obsessed with the ratings that you're willing to broadcast the ravings of a woman who is certifiably delusional!

Devon: Calm down. Mariah is right. We just finished apologizing for one unverified Newman story, so I thought that you agreed we would hold off on this until you found another credible source.

Hilary: I do. Best one I can think of.

Devon: Who's that?

Hilary: I'm looking at her.

Hilary: Keith, let's get Mariah on camera right now.

Mariah: What?! No!

Hilary: You know what? We will skip the makeup. She'll look more sincere that way.

Mariah: I am not doing this.

Hilary: An unvarnished, heartfelt story that only a family member can tell. God, this is gold.

Mariah: I might as well put a knife in my mom's back.

Hilary: You're just telling her story.

Mariah: And you just care about ratings!

Hilary: You didn't have a problem jumping into my chair yesterday.

Devon: Because you were nowhere to be found.

Mariah: And someone had to undo the damage you did by running a story slamming Victor before you had any proof!

Hilary: Well, poor you didn't get your big chance in front of the camera. Well, now you do, and it's such a personal story. It's your opportunity to tell your side, unless you'd like to continue changing coffee filters for the rest of your life.

Devon: Honey. No need to be rude. Okay? Mariah, will you give us a second, please? What are you doing? Really? Why are you trying to poke the Newman tiger?

Hilary: This is not the same thing. And you and I both know that Victor Newman, he got to that board member and made him "confess" to falsifying that information. This is better. It's real.

[Cell phone rings]

Hilary: Nothing can get better than this.

Devon: Well, I should have expected this. What can I do for you, Mr. Newman?

Victor: Devon, I think I gave you too much credit. I thought you might have learned from your mistakes.

Devon: We did everything that you asked.

Victor: And just when I drop one lawsuit, your wife gives me cause to find another.

Devon: Oh, no, I-I assure you that there is no need to involve lawyers.

Victor: Listen to me carefully. You can go after Sharon McAvoy. She's fair game. She brought this on herself. But you keep my son and my grandson Christian out of this. I want them to be protected. Is that clear?

Nick: Hey! Thanks for coming.

Summer: Yeah. It's not every day that we get a new baby brother.

Nick: [Chuckles] Hey, bud.

Noah: Hey. Can't have too many toys, right?

Nick: Okay, it's official. Christian is spoiled. I just put him down for a nap, so...

Summer: Oh, my God. Why is he even cuter now that I know he's my little brother?

Noah: Well, it's too bad that everybody knows now, too, thanks to GC buzz.

Nick: What do you mean?

Noah: Well, uh, well, Hilary. She plastered the story all over the internet.

Nick: How did she find out about it already?

Summer: Well, Mariah works there, so it's not hard to figure out.

Noah: Well, I would look elsewhere. I mean, Mariah's completely loyal to my mom, and even if she did know something, she wouldn't open her mouth about it.

Summer: Okay, then maybe she's a little too loyal. Could Sharon have kept that secret for all those months without some help?

Noah: Look, summer, it's not like my mom set out to lie about this, all right?

Summer: No, but she did, okay? For months. And she could have told the truth at any time, but she didn't.

Nick: Hey, we're not doing this, okay?

Summer: I'm sorry. But you lost sage, and then you thought that you lost Christian. You were in hell, and Sharon didn't tell you that your son was alive?

Noah: I think that she was trying to do what she thought was right for the baby.

Summer: Oh, my God, Noah. Just wake up. It's not like your mom hasn't done something like this before! Right? She let dad think that I was jack's daughter for -- what? -- Over a year? And she didn't do that for dad or me or jack. She did it for herself. Thank God Christian is too young to understand.

[Christian cries]

Noah: Okay, well, you woke him up, so...

Summer: Yeah, well, at least he's waking up to his real dad.

Nick: Okay, look, both of you, that's enough.

Billy: Hey.

Victoria: Hey. Did you just get the same text?

Billy: Yeah, it's a bit mysterious, isn't it?

Lily: Hey. That was me. Can you please talk some sense into my husband?

Billy: Like he's gonna listen to us.

Lily: He's supposed to have surgery today, but instead he's here.

Billy: What'd you do? Break a nail?

Cane: Yeah, exactly. Have you seen what the competition's doing?

Victoria: Yeah, of course.

Cane: All right, Ashley's unveiled jabotgo. It's gonna be a game changer. They have it. We don't. So we have to match it or top it, okay?

Lily: You see what I mean?

Billy: Take your crutches and go home, cane.

Cane: And leave you in charge to mess it up? I don't think so.

Lily: This is what I'm dealing with. Cane thinks he's indispensable.

Cane: You're saying I'm not indispensable?

Lily: Only at home.

Cane: Aww.

Lily: Please tell him.

Victoria: Uh, in case you don't remember, I ran brash & sassy without either of you, and I did it quite well.

Cane: Exactly. And you're extremely capable. And you... you have good Halloween candy.

Billy: Thank you.

Cane: All right, so listen. Here's the problem.

Billy: I get it. It's hard to take your hand off the wheel, but, you know, look at this way. You go home for a few days, your wife pampers the hell out of you, right, your kids eat their vegetables, they do their homework, the cat doesn't shed all over the furniture.

Cane: And what if we don't have a cat?

Billy: You're already ahead of the game.

Cane: Jabot's playing for keeps in this one. You know that, right?

Victoria: Oh, yeah. Okay, so let's think big picture, long term. You get the surgery, and while you're home recovering, we strategize about how we stay ahead of jabot.

Billy: Yes, and you don't see me every day. Come on. That's a win/win.

Cane: You know what? That is actually a win/win. All right, fine.

Lily: [Sighs] Thank God. Okay, let's go. Come on. Let's go.

Cane: All right, on one condition. Hey, you take a look at that app.

Lily: Yes, not your problem.

Cane: All right.

Lily: Thank you.

Cane: Don't let me down!

Lily: Thank you, guys.

Billy: Ooh, he is a hard-headed man, isn't he?

Victoria: Yeah, well, at least you got him out of here. Good job.

Billy: No, I think it was you. You used his two favorite words. "Strategize" and "big picture." You always know what to say. It's like I said to Travis, you know? You're your father's daughter.

Victoria: Well, actually, I think the idea of not having to see you on a daily basis is what sold it. Wait. Have you been talking to Travis about me?

Billy: No, not -- not really.

Victoria: Well, what else have you "not really" been saying to Travis?

Billy: Nothing really important. I just asked him if he's the marrying kind. Look, okay, it's my bad, all right? I shouldn't have talked behind your back like that. Can we just skip this and go straight to talking about jabot's new app?

Victoria: Travis and I haven't even discussed the idea of marriage. How did it even come up?

Billy: [Sighs] We -- we saw each other at crimson lights. Looked like he just finished a jog or he was being chased by the police --

Victoria: Billy.

Billy: Okay. I was watching GC buzz, and -- hey, listen. By the way, this whole baby switching thing -- how's nick?

Victoria: I just came from seeing him and Christian. He's really happy about that little boy.

Billy: Yeah. Don't blame him.

Victoria: Yeah.

Billy: You think you lose your child, then by some miracle, you...

Victoria: It is a miracle, isn't it? I just...

Billy: Yeah.

Victoria: I hope that GC buzz doesn't turn this into popcorn for gossip junkies.

Billy: Yeah, I'm surprised your dad hasn't brought down the wrath on Devon and Hilary. I mean, like I said to Travis... [Sighs] There I go again. I'm sorry. When am I gonna learn?

Victoria: You know, it is completely unacceptable and inappropriate for you to talk behind my back about me. I want to know exactly what you said.

Billy: I just merely stated the fact that you and your family stick together, which is great for you but it's hell for anybody that's not an anointed Newman.

Victoria: You said that to him?

Billy: I'm paraphrasing.

Victoria: Is that how the topic of marriage came up?

Billy: Don't worry about it, okay? From what I gather, he's in no rush to become part of the venerable Newman tribe. You all right with that?

Victoria: Yes, I'm more than okay with that.

Billy: [Sighs] Vick.

Travis: Hey. Is he in?

Abby: Now's not a good time. Can I help you with something?

Travis: I heard the story on GC buzz. He can't be happy his family's a tabloid headline again.

Abby: Can you blame him?

Travis: People like the Newmans cultivate their celebrity. You milk the fame for all its worth and then you want to cry foul when somebody dares to violate your privacy. You can't have it both ways.

Abby: My brother just found out that his son's still alive. Maybe ease up a little bit.

Travis: Hey, I'm thrilled for nick, really.

Abby: Okay, now would be a great time to keep your opinion to yourself.

[Door opens]

Travis: One family's miracle is another family's nightmare. I just hope nick's big enough to let Dylan see that boy.

Abby: [Sighs]

Victor: Christian is not Dylan's son -- never was, never will be.

Travis: Hey, I'm just saying that --

Victor: I don't give a damn what you're saying. My grandson's future is none of your business. You got that?! You're not a Newman!

Ashley: Thank you. To good friends.

Michelle: Good friends.

[Glasses clink]

Ashley: So, what is going on with you? Are you still on the board of the symphony? Still fighting to conserve central park? Obviously you have time to shop at those fantastic SoHo boutiques.

Michelle: Hmm. New York is new York. I would much rather hear about what's been going on with you.

Ashley: Hold everything. Explain.

Michelle: Uh, Henry and I have tried to keep it quiet, but we've been living separately for some time. He's downtown, I'm uptown. I rarely see him unless I go below 23rd street, which is never.

Ashley: [Chuckles]

Michelle: The, uh, the lawyers are finalizing the divorce as we speak.

Ashley: I'm so sorry.

Michelle: Don't be. I'm looking forward to rebooting my life. I mean, it's worked out for you, hasn't it? Look at all the amazing things you're accomplishing at jabot. That app you're about to launch?

Ashley: Look at you. You're always on top of things, aren't you? I have to admit, I'm pretty excited about it.

Michelle: Well, I wanted to congratulate you. And who knows? Maybe even get a chance to test it out?

Ashley: Uh-huh. Sweet of you. But maybe there's another reason why you're in town.

Michelle: Uh, I don't know what you're talking about.

Ashley: Mm-hmm. Well, how about the fact that Travis Crawford lives here now?

Michelle: Ashley, Travis is the furthest thing from my mind. I don't even know what I would say to him.

Ashley: Mm-hmm. Well, did you know that he and Victoria Newman are in love and living together?

Michelle: Well, I am happy for him. As I said, I'm here to clear my mind and see my good friend.

Ashley: Cheers.

[Glasses clink]

Hilary: I cannot believe that you caved to Victor again.

Devon: I didn't cave.

Hilary: We can only tell the story if we protect his family.

Devon: Honey, can you just be happy that I prevented another lawsuit? Although that won't stop Paul Williams from punishing you for pretending to be a lawyer when you went to visit his sister.

Hilary: It is not my fault that she assumed that I was an attorney. All I did was let the woman tell her story.

Devon: A story that could be nothing more than the imagination of a tortured mind, which you aired without verifying again.

Hilary: I have potential sources at Fairview and at GCPD. But if I'd waited for them to corroborate patty's story, then I could have gotten scooped, and there was no way I'd let that happen.

Devon: Well, if this blows up in our face, then...

Hilary: Okay, tell me. Did Victor say that we had to retract the story?

Devon: No.

Hilary: Because he knows that my facts are right. He knows what Sharon did, and he wants to see her punished.

Devon: And what? He's using us to do it for him?

Hilary: So what? This will launch GC buzz. I have the type of story that reporters only dream of -- murder and lies and missing babies. And in the end, there's a happy ending. Well, mostly. The best part is that it's all true. And the even better part is that

GC buzz will be telling it first. I mean, unless, you know, you want me to kill the story again, because I think I'm at my wit's end with -- what is that for?

Devon: Just consider it a down payment for your raise.

Hilary: Uh-huh. [Chuckles]

Mariah: What do you want? Mail, doughnut run, coffee?

Hilary: I want to apologize. Maybe I came on a little too strong. I actually respect you for standing up for your mom. I get that. Our moms can do things that no one else can understand. And we want to be there for them. We want to protect them. And I'm sorry. I would never want to jeopardize your relationship with Sharon.

Mariah: What's the catch?

Hilary: No catch. But I did want to let you know that I have been given a green light to go ahead with the story.

Mariah: And there's no chance you're gonna drop it.

Hilary: The audience, they're eating this up, okay? If I don't give it to them, somebody else will. But if you really want to protect your mom, you should go on camera and tell your story.

Mariah: Do you really expect me to believe that steaming pile of insincerity?

Hilary: No, I actually expect you to quit, but I thought maybe you'd surprise me.

Mariah: Great. I'll be in H.R. Quitting.

Devon: Hey, Mariah. Mariah, hang on. I would like for you to reconsider.

Mariah: Let me guess. For my mom's sake?

Devon: No. For mine.

Victor: Well, he's home where he belongs.

Nick: You got it.

Noah: Well, you know, this isn't over for my mom or for Dylan. They're heartbroken, and my mom would do anything she could to change what happened, dad.

Victor: Noah. Your mother Sharon had the opportunity to put that boy back into nick's arms where belongs. She had an opportunity over and over again, and she failed to do so. I think the only thing she regrets is that she got caught.

Nick: Well, it's over now, all right? I have my son. And we're just gonna focus on Christian and the future.

Victor: As you should. As we all should. Thank God the lies are behind us now.

Noah: Wait a minute. Where do you get off?

Summer: Noah, don't. No.

Noah: No, come on, come on. No, no, after all the lies and the stunts that you have pulled in the name of family, what you did to Marisa and to me, everybody else, come on -- all the lies.

Victor: One day when you're a father, you will understand my actions.

Noah: I will be a father one day, but I won't be a hypocrite.

Summer: Noah, let's just go. We don't want to wake up Christian again.

Victor: Listen to me. I promised Nikki that I would not be vindictive when it came to your mother. But now that her deed's out in the open, she's gonna have to deal with the consequences.

Abby: Are you gonna finish your mimosa?

Ashley: Is this about Ben?

Abby: Mnh. No, no, no. Ben -- Ben and I are in a good place for two people getting a divorce.

Ashley: Then why are you guzzling my mimosa, honey?

Abby: You haven't heard?

Ashley: I've been knee-deep in the launch of jabotgo. I've missed everything. What?

Abby: Where do I begin? With nick's baby, who's very much alive.

Ashley: Alive?

Abby: Yeah, and being raised by Sharon and Dylan as their own son until yesterday. Or with Travis and Victoria, who are about to crash and burn if my dad has anything to say about it.

Ashley: Okay, shh. Start with the baby, and then fill me in on Travis and Victoria.

Travis: Hey. Got your message. Okay, what's going on?

Victoria: [Sighs] I just thought that maybe we should talk.

Travis: About how you took off this morning, didn't mention your brother's baby?

Victoria: [Sighs]

Travis: Why wouldn't you share that with me?

Victoria: I'm sorry. I-I guess I thought that was just a family thing, you know?

Travis: [Scoffs] Is that your way of saying it's none of my business? You sound like your father now.

Victoria: What's wrong with that?

Travis: I got to prove myself to you, too?

Victoria: Look, my father gave you a chance to get back in the business world, and you jumped at it. It's not my fault that you had my family investigated instead of trying to be a part of it. But that's the last thing that you want, isn't it?

Travis: You've been listening to Billy, haven't you? You can't see what he's doing here?

Victoria: I thought that maybe you could be a part of my life. You know, I thought you could be a part of my family without being intimidated. But you know what? You're no better than Billy. At least he doesn't blame his mistakes on other people.


(part missing here)


Ashley: You realize that Sharon's the one that led jack to believe that he was summer's father. I think she's capable of just about anything. Who I really feel for, though, is Dylan. And what about faith? She must be so confused.

Abby: She is, but, you know, Christian's still her brother, so nick is making sure that she understands that.

Ashley: And nick. That must be so amazing. He realizes his son's alive.

Abby: Yeah, nick told me that one minute he's on cloud nine, and then the next he's overwhelmed with grief because, I mean, sage isn't here to share in his joy.

Ashley: Well, he's a very strong person. I'm sure he's gonna find his way.

Abby: Well, he's gonna need that strength if the GC buzz continues to cash in on the story. I should head back to the office.

Ashley: Wait. You need to tell me about Victoria and Travis. You can't leave.

Abby: Hmm. Well, Travis has pretty much blown it by investigating the family behind dad's back.

Ashley: Oh, you know Victor had to hate that.

Abby: Mm-hmm. He tore into Travis earlier. And judging by the look on Victoria's face, she's not too happy with him, either.

Ashley: Abby, if Victoria and Travis are on the rocks, timing could not be worse.

Michelle: Where are you going in such a hurry?

Billy: Of all the country clubs in this town, what are the odds?

Victoria: [Sighs] I don't know. You're the gambler, not me.

Billy: Okay, well, in that case, how about a little friendly wager?

Victoria: Billy, no. I'm in no mood for games.

Billy: Oh, come on. Just a little bit of fun, okay?

Billy: Heads, you buy me lunch. Tails, I buy yours. What do you say?

Victoria: I got an idea. How about tails you go your way and I go mine?

Billy: It's a deal. You ready? Look at that, Victoria. It's heads. I win.

Victoria: Just my luck.

Billy: Luck has nothing to do with it, darling.

Victoria: [Laughs]

Victor: One day we're gonna go skiing in the alps. Ooh! Then we'll do bicycle riding in Tuscany. You know, it's beautiful. We'll drink a lot of wine. What do you think, huh? Do you like that? And then we will hike the grand canyon. And then one day -- you know what we'll do one day? We'll go the city of light.

La ville de lumičre. That's Paris. I think you would love that. Yeah.

Nick: Why Paris, dad?

Victor: Somehow that just feels right. Right? Right.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Jack: You'll be heading up a whole new division at jabot in new York.

Victoria: I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but it looks like both of our days are about to get a lot worse.

Travis: What are you doing here?

Michelle: God. It's good to see you.

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