Y&R Transcript Wednesday 11/9/16

Y&R Transcript Wednesday 11/9/16


Provided By Suzanne

Nick: Should we go with the regular applesauce? You want to get a little edgy with the banana, hmm? Banana or regular? I know it's a tough choice. Oh! It's all right. We'll figure it out soon, bud. Get the rest of our lives to get to know each other, and I can't wait.

[Doorbell rings]

Nick: [Gasps] Who's that? Who's that? I bet I know who that is. Let's go check. Let's go check.

Nikki: Good morning, Nicholas.

Nick: Yep. I was right. Hi, Mom.

Nikki: Sully, my goodness! Hello, sweetheart. I didn't expect to see you over here.

Nick: [Chuckles]

Nikki: Oh, so that's why you invited me over, huh? You got roped into babysitting and had to call good, ol' mom, right? What is going on in the kitchen?

Nick: Well, uh, no. No, he's not visiting, and I'm not babysitting. He lives here now.

Kevin: Hey, Dylan. What's up?

Dylan: Is Paul in?

Kevin: Yeah.

Paul: Hey! I was just gonna call you. Come on in. Sully left this little guy at the park, and I'm sure your son's gonna want him.

Dylan: He's not my son.

Victor: We had a deal.

Curtis: I know.

Victor: You were to follow my instructions to the letter.

Curtis: I did.

Victor: But you didn't. Therefore the deal is null and void.

Curtis: But our deal was that --

Victor: Listen to me. You're gonna have to face all those corporate espionage charges on your own.

Curtis: Victor, please. I did as instructed. I went to GC Buzz and shot the interview with Hilary just like you said. I took full responsibility for the leaked documents and told her they were fake. They were in a big rush to run it.

Victor: Why didn't they?

Curtis: I don't know!

Victor: I'll find out.

Hilary: Oh, my God. Hello, Dr. Anderson. [Scoffs]

[Door opens]

Mariah: Who else is home?

Sharon: No one. The house is empty.

Mariah: Faith? Is she okay?

Sharon: She's upset.

Mariah: I'm sure.

Sharon: She decided to have dinner at her friend's, Kayla's.

Mariah: She's not gonna say...?

Sharon: No, she won't say anything. Shouldn't you be at work?

Mariah: I am. I was. But... I needed to tell you this, and I didn't want to send it over text.

Sharon: What? Tell me what's wrong.

Mariah: I don't know how it happened, but Hilary got a call at work, a tip about Dr. Anderson and a baby. And then she started fishing for my take on it.

Sharon: What did you tell her?

Mariah: I-I didn't say anything about Patty or -- or the doctor or the whole situation, but I know Hilary. She's going to keep digging until she hits dirt, and when she does...

Sharon: Oh, my gosh. This is gonna be all over the news. When?

Mariah: Probably soon.

Sharon: It's gonna devastate Dylan and faith. And Nick, the baby.

Mariah: And you.

Sharon: Why did it have to be Hilary? This is an agonizing personal ordeal. She's gonna turn this into a media circus.

Mariah: With you in the center, right?

Sharon: She's not gonna give any thought at all to my innocent little boy who does not deserve to have people gossiping about him and judging the people who love them.

Mariah: We all kind of expected this.

Sharon: Eventually. We could be invaded by photographers, questions, accusations by the end of the day.

Mariah: How are you gonna handle it?

Sharon: I don't know.

Mariah: Dylan? How mad is he?

Sharon: He's -- he's pretty upset. He, uh, tried to convince Nick that we should come up with a shared custody arrangement, but Nick wouldn't do it.

Mariah: It was worth trying.

Sharon: Dylan fought hard for it. So hard that Nick threatened to call the police if we didn't give him Sully. We had no choice.

Mariah: I'm so sorry, Sharon.

Sharon: This is a nightmare watching Nick walk out with Sully, having to explain to faith why her little brother doesn't live here anymore. Dylan's storming off like I'm the worst person in the world. I-I really don't think he's ever gonna look at me the same way again.

Paul: I'm so sorry, son.

Dylan: Uh, no, I'm sorry. 'Cause when we ran into you in the park, it was the last time that you'd be his grandfather.

Paul: Look, don't do this to yourself. I understand why you didn't say anything. I mean, you -- you had to process this whole thing. Give yourself a break.

Dylan: You know what I was really doing? I was holding out hope. What a joke. I'm sitting in the park, looking in his face, seeing myself as I always have, and he's not even... just -- I don't know how to make it real in my head, Paul. I-I mean, Sully's Christian? How can that even be possible? And Sharon, my wife...

Paul: Yeah.

Dylan: My wife -- she hid it from me for months.

Paul: I know. You're angry at her.

Dylan: Yeah, wouldn't you be angry?

Paul: I would.

Dylan: Yeah, and she's been living in denial, and every day... every day I was falling more in love with that little boy.

Dylan: I just want you to know that I'll always be there for you. Always.

Dylan: He was mine, Paul. He was mine, and now he's not mine. I swear to you, when I handed Sully to Nick... I just felt like a part of me died.

Paul: I wish... look, it's all so raw right now, and -- and I really can't see that Nick is gonna cut you out of that little boy's life completely.

Dylan: I don't know. I don't know. He might think it's confusing that I'm around. He's gonna want to keep his distance.

Paul: Right. For a while. And it's probably best. And it's important that you understand the reason why.

Dylan: Yeah, I do. I just don't know how I'm gonna live with that.

Nikki: This is Christian? And he has been alive all this time?

Nick: It kind of feels like a miracle. Like getting something back in your life that you thought was lost forever. It's a lot of emotions.

Nikki: Yes. I'm sure there is.

[Christian shouts]

Nikki: Ohh, yes! Euphoria over finally having him. But sadness and rage over the time that you've lost.

Nick: Yeah, it's a lot to get through, but we'll get there. Christian and I, we're gonna focus on the euphoria and table the rest for now. It's really important I get to build a relationship with my son.

Nikki: Yeah, a relationship that you were robbed of. And now Dylan has been robbed, as well. The child that he loves has been torn away from him.

Nick: I can't think about that.

Nikki: Well, I hope you were kind to him, weren't you?

Nick: I got to put Christian first.

Nikki: I understand that, but Sharon lied to all of us for months.

Nick: We're looking forward here. I don't want to look back. I don't want to be consumed with any negativity.

Nikki: Well, I think it's great that you can do that.

Nick: I really want you to follow my lead. Mom, Sharon has suffered enough because of her lies. I don't want you to blame her anymore.

Nikki: She has betrayed both of my sons.

Nick: I'm asking you to stay out of it. Please. For me.

Nikki: I love you, son. But that's precisely why I will not stay out of this.

Man: May I help you?

Hilary: I'm here to see Patty Williams.

Man: Oh, you must be the lawyer. She's been hoping to see you.

Hilary: Is she in there?

Man: Let me have a peek.

Hilary: Thank you. Hello, Patty.

Patty: Hi. Who are you? A doctor?

Hilary: I'm here to ask you some questions about Dr. Anderson.

Patty: [Gasps] Oh! You're the one! The lawyer that Paulie sent to help me get out of this place, right?

Hilary: I'm here to get your story out there.

Victor: Oh, Devon. May I have a word?

Devon: Mr. Newman. Is there a problem?

Victor: You know there's a problem. It has come to my attention that a former member of my board of directors, Curtis Fielding, has admitted to having leaked falsified documents. Why hasn't that been aired yet?

Devon: Because it hasn't been vetted yet.

Victor: Or is it that you knew his interview would prove that you hadn't fact-checked the last report?

Devon: Well, that is a mistake that I don't intend to make again.

Victor: So we have a deal?

Devon: Absolutely Let's negotiate, please.

Victor: All right. Now, Devon, I'm gonna sue you for every penny you have.

Devon: Unless?

Victor: Unless you have that son of a bitch retract that report.

Devon: Absolutely. So we air the interview and you drop the lawsuit?

Victor: You got it.

Devon: It's done.

Victor: See to it.

Mariah: What do we do now?

Sharon: There's nothing I can do about the story. Nick is furious, and Faith and Dylan, they asked me if I was sick again. So if you're having any lingering doubts --

Mariah: No, no, I-I don't. I know you're taking your meds. I know that you're stable.

Sharon: Okay, good. At least there's one person who believes me. I wish the rest of them would understand that I just... You know, I did this out of love.

Mariah: And fear.

Sharon: Terror. You know, Dylan and I, we just have such a perfect little family. You and Sully and Faith. And I just... I was trying to hold on to that and keep that together for all of us. Now my perfect little family's falling apart.

Mariah: It wasn't perfect. You were constantly lying to Dylan, to Nick, to -- to everyone. And the guilt has been eating at you more than it's been eating at me. Deep down, you must be relieved that you don't have to keep up the act anymore.

Sharon: Yeah. But Sully's gone.

Mariah: And I am heartbroken about that. But I'm glad it's over, because I couldn't keep it up any longer.

Sharon: I'm so sorry for all the pressure that I put on you in all of this, and I'm also incredibly grateful and proud of how you stood by me.

Mariah: You're my mom. If I can't ride for you, then who? I'm just worried about the fallout now for both of us. [Sighs] Okay. I got to get back to work. I'm gonna try to suss out what Hilary's figured out.

Sharon: All right. Be careful.

Mariah: I've got to be. Hilary's sneaky. Bye.

Sharon: Oh, wait. Mariah. I am going to do everything I can to protect you in this. I'm your mother, and I'm always gonna stand by you.

[Door opens, closes]

Dylan: I should get out of here, let you get back to work.

Paul: No, no, no. You're exactly where you should be. You want my advice? Don't give up on your brother. Give Nick some time.

Dylan: I feel -- I feel like I've given him everything. Now I got to give him some time?

Paul: It's really the only thing that's gonna help the situation.

Dylan: He's got my son!

Paul: I know.

Dylan: It's not like he lives out of the country or in another state or even across town! I can see his place from my driveway! The last thing I want to do is give him time! I want to get my son back, Paul!

Paul: I know you do. But because you love your son, you won't do that.

Dylan: No, I'm not going to do that.

Paul: Um... about Sharon.

Dylan: Yeah, Sharon. That's -- that's where I need -- I need some time. I just feel like it's running out.

Paul: You're gonna have to prepare yourself. She might be arrested for kidnapping.

Dylan: [Sighs] Come on. I know what she did was illegal, but Nick's got his son back now. He's not gonna press any charges.

Paul: Yeah, I know. I really don't think Nick is gonna be your problem. But Victor might be.

Dylan: What -- what about Christine? I mean, is Christine gonna go after Sharon?

Paul: Well, once this gets out there, there could be a lot of pressure on her to pursue --

Dylan: Well, I know. That's her choice, right, and your choice?

Paul: I won't make promises I can't keep.

Dylan: Okay. That's great. Thanks for the advice.

Paul: No, no. Dylan. Please. I can't control the entire situation, all right? But I promise you I will do whatever I can.

Dylan: Sorry. I didn't -- I didn't mean to --

Paul: No, it's fine.

Dylan: [Sighs] Whatever you can do, I appreciate it, okay? Sully's been through enough already.

Paul: You both have.

Dylan: We all have.

Paul: Dylan. I love you.

Dylan: [Nods and leaves]

[Door opens]

Sharon: Do you knock?

Nikki: Are you even capable of telling the truth once in your life? Just one time?

Sharon: Dylan's not here, Nikki, so you can turn right around.

Nikki: You denied Nicholas his child, a boy who would have been a great comfort to him when he lost his wife. And you decided Dylan, a man who has been nothing but kind to you, devoted to you. You didn't deserve any of that.

Sharon: Are you done?

Nikki: Oh, yes. I am done. I am done allowing you to get away with breaking both of my sons' hearts.

Devon: [Sighs] Hillary, where the hell are you? Can you please call me? 'Cause I need you back here as soon as possible. [Sighs] Um, Mr. Newman, as soon as we get ahold of Hilary, we'll get this all going.

Victor: Just know that that minor detail could become a major problem if you don't deliver on your promise.

Devon: Absolutely. Absolutely. Hey, I need you to be on camera.

Mariah: What?

Devon: You're gonna go on camera, okay? We're gonna throw away the recorded show for today, and we're gonna go live.

Mariah: Uh, no, no, no, no. I-I-I get coffee. I-I-I take notes.

Devon: I'm expanding your resume, 'cause I need you to go on air, okay? Hey, can somebody get her miked? Please?

Mariah: W-w-w-wait, wait, wait, wait. Where's -- where's your wife?

Devon: I don't know where she is. Just look over these notes and you'll be fine. Okay? Mr. Newman, um, we are going to air the piece with your approved copy, just as promised.

Victor: Devon, I'll be watching.

Devon: All right.

Victor: You have a good day.

Devon: You, too.

Mariah: D-Devon.

Devon: Yeah? Hey, listen. You are really helping me out here, and I'm not exaggerating, 'cause this is a very important piece.

Mariah: No, I know. I-I don't want to let you down.

Devon: You won't let me down.

Mariah: No, but I-I work behind the camera, not in front of it. Y-you got to get somebody else, somebody who wants to be a part of the big story.

Devon: Mariah, there's no one else. It has to be you, okay?

[Knock on door]

Paul: Yeah?

Kevin: Hey, Chief. I saw Dylan take off a little while ago. I was wondering if I could grab you for a minute.

Paul: Well, I'm about to take off myself. What is it?

Kevin: Uh, I wanted to let you know I finished the surveillance setup for Detective Meyers.

Paul: Great. Is that it? [Opens drawer]

Kevin: No, there's something else I was wondering about. Uh, about another case that's kind of like this case.

Paul: Kevin...

Kevin: Do you remember that guy we were tracking because we thought he robbed that jewelry store, and then it turned out it was his friend who committed the crime, and the guy that we were watching just knew about it and didn't say anything? Whatever happened with that?

Paul: Well, the guy we had under surveillance was, uh, charged with accessory after the fact.

Kevin: Right, but it's not like the DA threw the book at him, right, since he didn't commit the crime?

Paul: Obstruction of justice is a crime, Kevin.

Kevin: Right.

Sharon: I really don't give a damn what you think of me, Nikki. I stopped caring about that years ago. And I'm not gonna stand here and listen to you judge me! I love Dylan! I care very much about Nick, and I never meant to hurt --

Nikki: "Either one of them." But that's what you always do, Sharon! Every good man that you get your claws into. And for some reason, you are obsessed with the men in my family!

Sharon: My husband is the only man --

Nikki: And you will do anything to keep them. That's exactly why you didn't tell Dylan that Sully wasn't his because you cannot bear to be alone!

Sharon: Oh, who are you to --

Nikki: And you knew that your marriage was based on nothing other than some vision that Dylan had in his head about you all being this wonderful family. Well, without the child, what would be left?

Sharon: You have the audacity to judge me?

Nikki: After what you've done? Yeah!

Sharon: Talk about a women who can't stand to be without a man no matter what the cost!

Nikki: What the hell are you talking about? Victor and me? We have history!

Sharon: You and Victor? Oh, you do? You have a history? Like hell you do. What you two share is a decades-long mind game!

Nikki: Ha! Says the champion of mind games. I remember when you tortured Nicholas over Summer's paternity. And now you do this?! Dylan is devastated. He has lost the best thing that has ever happened to him, and I'm not referring to you, honey! Because you are only a manipulative, selfish bitch!

Sharon: Really? I'm a selfish bitch? Why is that? Because I wanted to keep my baby?!

Nikki: Don't you mean Sage's baby?

Sharon: Unlike some people who drop the kids off at church and never look back?

Nikki: How dare you. How dare you!

[Glass shatters]

[Vase shatters]

Sharon: You get out of my house, you vindictive --

Dylan: Hey! Stop! Stop!

Nikki: Don't you push me!

Dylan: Stop!

Nikki: [Sighs]

Dylan: I'm assuming that you know?

Nikki: Yes, darling, I know. And I am deeply sorry about Sully. If only the woman you had married could at least, for once --

Dylan: Nikki, Nikki. I can't -- I can't deal with this right now, okay? Our emotions are running high. Can you just... Can you just go?

Nikki: I understand. And I'll be around to talk or -- or anything that you might need. And you are welcome to come stay at the main house in case you decide you just can't tolerate her anymore. Okay?

[Door closes]

Dylan: [Sniffs] You okay?

Sharon: Yeah, I'm fine. She's got bad aim. Where have you been?

Dylan: Uh... I went to tell my dad the news.

Sharon: Oh. How did Paul take it? Was he really upset?

Dylan: He confirmed something for me. Charges can be filed against you if this gets out past the family.

Sharon: It already has. Someone gave a tip to the GC Buzz.

Patty: And that is why I had to stop Dr. Anderson.

Hilary: What you endured, it's horrible. But just so that I'm absolutely clear, you said that Dr. Anderson wanted to get rid of you because of a secret?

Patty: Secrets and lies. You can tuck them away in your pocket, but they always come out in the wash.

Hilary: Just so that everyone can understand, maybe we should explain your secret. Every detail matters.

Patty: Especially when one of the details happens to be a baby.

Hilary: A baby? They are precious, aren't they? Just like little kittens.

Patty: I love kitties.

Hilary: Doesn't everyone? So, what does Dr. Anderson have to do with a baby?

Patty: She was just evil. She took Nick and Sage's baby and gave him to Sharon and -- and Dylan to raise.

Hilary: She stole a baby from his parents and no one knew?

Patty: I mean, Sharon knew, but... I mean, well, later she knew. But not at first. She kept a secret.

Hilary: Just like you, right?

Patty: No. No, not like me. I just -- I-I kept quiet because Sharon promised she would get me out of here and she lied. So that's why Nick knows.

Hilary: This is very interesting.

[Cell phone rings]

Mariah: Kevin.

Kevin: Hey, I'm glad I caught you.

Mariah: I can't talk now. I'm busy. I will call you later.

Kevin: This is important!

Devon: Hey. Are you ready?

Mariah: Ready to throw up.

Devon: You're not gonna throw up. Just breathe. Take a breath.

Mariah: Look, I really think you need somebody else to handle this. Grab one of the hipsters that's always hanging around. The guy with the beard, he'd be perfect. He's perfect.

Devon: Mariah, you are going to be perfect, okay? I promise you. I have a good feeling about this. I really do. You're gonna be fine, okay?

Hilary: What the hell is going on?

Devon: There you are.

Hilary: What -- what -- what are you doing?

Devon: Your job. An emergency came up, and you were nowhere to be found, so we're going live in 30 seconds.

Hilary: Okay, well, talk fast.

Devon: Victor agreed to drop the lawsuit if we aired the interview with the board member.

Hilary: The one that I wanted to --

Devon: The one that you wanted to air, yes. You can be right later. Right now we have to do this.

Hilary: Okay, well, give me that mike and get out of my way.

Devon: You sure you want to do this?

Hilary: Yes. I'm sure. No, Bill. Get out of here. [Sighs]

Devon: Keith, make sure you frame it tight when she starts, okay? You good?

Hilary: Yes, yes, I'm good, I'm good.

Devon: All right.

Hilary: [Sighs] Five more seconds.

Devon: All right.

Hilary: Okay.

Devon: Here we go. All right, we're going live in five, four, three, two...

Hilary: What's Buzzing, GC? Victor Newman, that's who. Now, we did him wrong with the last story on Newman enterprises, and we're sorry. We're really very sorry, Mr. Newman, and that's from all of us here at the GC Buzz team. We were tripped up by an ex-Newman board member. Here's that rat now, Curtis fielding, setting the record straight. I understand you have a confession to make.

Curtis: I'm the leak from Newman Enterprises. I went behind Victor Newman's back and sold company documents, except they weren't actually company documents.

Hilary: What does that mean?

Curtis: They were fake. It was all just one big lie. My lie.

Nikki: Hi.

Victor: Hi, sweetheart. My baby. So?

Nikki: Um... I have something to tell you. I-I don't even know how to say it.

Victor: What is it?

Nikki: It's about Sully. As it turns out... he's not Dylan's child. He's actually Nicholas' son. He's Christian.

Nick: I assume you've heard?

Paul: Yeah. Um... I was hoping I could see Christian.

Nick: I just put him down for a nap.

Paul: Oh, well, I certainly don't want to disturb him. It's -- it's good that he's still on a schedule. But there is another reason I-I came by.

Nick: I assumed there was. You're worried about Dylan.

Paul: Yeah, there are a few things I'd like to say on his behalf and a couple of things of my own, and I hope that you'll hear me out.

Sharon: That's all Mariah told me. That's all that she knew. We don't know when the story will break, but we know that it will. Look, I know you're really upset, but just say something or yell or something rather than sitting there in silence.

Dylan: I'm just trying to look at it from every angle. I can only see one way out.

Sharon: You think I should run?

Hilary: We'll be back tomorrow with more of what you can't live without. Until then, keep on buzzing, GC.

Devon: And we're out.

Hilary: I think I did a pretty good job on no notice.

Devon: You handled it like a pro.

Hilary: Let's not make any more mistakes on who does what around here.

Mariah: You think I wanted to do that? It was all Devon! Ask him!

Hilary: Yeah, don't worry. I certainly will.

Devon: Hey, guys, thank you for pulling everything together so quick. I really appreciate it.

Hilary: And you should be on your way, too.

Mariah: Okay, I'll get my stuff.

Devon: Hey. You don't get to be upset about almost being replaced when I was calling you nonstop, okay? Where were you?

Paul: I want you to know how, uh, how much I appreciate how graciously you've handled all of this.

Nick: You mean by not getting the police involved.

Paul: Well, that, and giving Dylan a chance to, uh, digest all this and say goodbye before moving the child out. Your brother is suffering. And, um, I don't have to tell you how much he loves that kid. And that's not gonna change.

Nick: What are you saying?

Paul: What could be better for a child than to surround him with as many people as possible that love him?

Sharon: I will not abandon Mariah and Noah and Faith and -- and Sully. Assuming that there's some small chance that Nick lets me be around him again.

Dylan: I'm not telling you to run, Sharon. That would be bad for the media. The media would jump all over that. Law enforcement would have to get involved. That would be hell for you. It would be hell for everybody.

Sharon: So then what are you suggesting?

Dylan: Before, I asked that you get professional help.

Sharon: And I told you no!

Dylan: I'm not -- now I'm not asking! I'm telling you, Sharon. You need to check yourself into a facility.

Victor: Well, I've got to say, I couldn't be happier for Nicholas.

Nikki: Well, it was wonderful to see a father and son together.

Victor: Mm-hmm.

Nikki: But my heart breaks for Dylan.

Victor: I know, I know, I know. I understand that. I find it commendable on Dylan's part that he turned over the child to Nicholas, you know? But you and I know that once this gets out, they're gonna be talking about kidnapping.

Nikki: Well, only for Sharon. Dylan didn't do anything. He was deceived by her, just like Nicholas was. Now Dylan's life is in shambles.

Victor: How's Nicholas handling all this?

Nikki: Amazingly well. But I think he is probably still in shock, because when I voiced my upset about what Sharon had done, he insisted that I stop. He doesn't want to go after her. He just wants to focus on Sul-- on Christian.

Victor: [Sighs] Well, that's understandable.

Nikki: Well, perhaps, but I intend to see Sharon pay for what she has done. I'm sure you agree.

Victor: I think this time perhaps we should stay out of it.

[Coffee pours]

Nikki: You hate Sharon as much as I do.

[Carafe thuds]

Victor: Yep. [Sighs]

Nikki: Where is this really coming from?

Nick: Look, Paul, we've been friends a long time, but I don't appreciate you coming into my home and suggesting I share custody of my son with Dylan.

Paul: Nick. I swear to you, that's -- that's not what I meant. And I apologize if that's what you thought I said. Look, you and Dylan are brothers. And Dylan is still related to Christian. So now matter what Sharon has done, however this plays out with her, please do not cut Dylan out of your life. Or Christian's. You and Dylan are still family. You need to hold on to that.

Dylan: Sharon.

Sharon: You may think that I need to be locked in a facility like Patty, but you're wrong.

Dylan: Can't you see that I'm trying to help you?

Sharon: By having me committed?

Dylan: If you checked yourself in and you seek treatment for what you've done, you can't be charged.

Sharon: Well, that's just a chance I'm gonna have to take. Do you know what happened last time I went to Fairview? This happened! This! You need to understand that I will never, ever go back to one of those facilities again.

Victor: Sweetheart, I'm not suggesting that we should forget or even forgive the kind of havoc that Sharon has wreaked on this family. I'm not saying that at all, okay? I mean, but think about the fact that she is already paying a price -- the loss of the child, her compromised relationship with her husband, and then now, you know, with Nicholas.

Nikki: Okay, but that wouldn't have been enough for you in the past.

Victor: [Sighs] Let me just say that things have changed, all right?

Nikki: Adam.

Victor: Yeah. Nicholas has chosen to take the high road. I think we should take the high road, as well, because if we don't, this will affect our children and grandchildren. And I think they have been affected enough already. Baby. Let's count our blessings. You still have a beautiful grandchild, and I now have another grandson.

Nikki: I knew you'd be happy about that.

Victor: So we'll take the high road.

Nikki: If you say so.

Victor: Let's not do anything to fan the flames, all right?

Nikki: Okay.

Hilary: Do you remember that little tidbit about Dr. Anderson which you were uncomfortable with me pursuing? Well, I pursued it.

Devon: Hilary.

Hilary: You should be proud of me, Devon, because I've got an incredible interview and the story of a lifetime.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Travis: Don't interfere. Victoria and I are in a good place right now, and there's nothing you can do about it.

Michelle: I am here to see my long-lost friend Ashley Abbott.

Ashley: Hi!

Hilary: Sharon McAvoy -- does she belong behind bars or back in her old room at Fairview?

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