Y&R Transcript Monday 11/7/16
Provided By Suzanne
Dylan: Pretty fun sleepover we had last night, huh? Promised I'd be there when you woke up this morning...and who did you see first thing? You saw me. Ohh. Bud, I hate to say this. I may not be able to promise that again. Whatever changes... this will always be true... that I love you more than anything, and I'm so proud of you, and being your dad has been, without a doubt, the greatest privilege of my life. But you know what? Nothing's set in stone, and, uh, we still have a chance that we can all be together.Paul: Hey, there! How are my two favorite guys?
Dylan: Hey. Ohh.
Paul: So, uh, since you didn't return my call, I thought I'd see if you're sticking to your favorite routine.
Dylan: The park is where it's at. Right, sully?
Paul: I bet, huh? So, how's my precious little grandson today?
Chelsea: Nick?! You here?!
Sharon: Oh, Chelsea. You're looking for nick, too?
Chelsea: Yeah. I was worried about him after the state he left in last night.
Sharon: Yeah. Well, he's not at the house. Maybe I'm gonna call him again and see. Mnh. No. That went straight to voicemail.
Chelsea: Out of curiosity, what happens when you do find him?
Sharon: I don't know. Maybe just try to convince him somehow to spare my family.
Nick: [Sighs] He's coming home, sage. Our son is coming home.
Victor: Chelsea, would you kindly call me as soon as you get this message? Thank you.
Abby: Hi, dad.
Victor: Hi, sweetheart.
Abby: Mmmmmwah!
Victor: Have a seat.
Abby: That sounded important. Why do you need to talk to Chelsea?
Victor: Why? Because I was scheduling a visit with Connor.
Abby: Ah.
Victor: So... any reaction to the new leak I planted?
Abby: Not yet. But, dad, what if you set up uncle jack for nothing? Maybe he's not the one behind it.
Victor: [Chuckling] Yeah. Are you serious? I knew from the beginning what board member leaked information to jack and Phyllis, and they drew first blood. And I have every right to defend myself, okay?
Ashley: What the hell is this?!
Phyllis: [Sighs]
Cane: Ahh! Ohh! [Breathing heavily] Hey, guys. Just give daddy a sec, all right? You guys are wearing me out.
Lily: Hey, hey. Why don't you guys go practice your dribbling skills while I help daddy recharge, okay?
Cane: [Groans]
Lily: Hey. Are you okay? Is it your ankle?
Cane: No, no, no, no. It's not my ankle. It's my knee. I feel like I've sprained it.
Lily: We should take you to the E.R.
Cane: I don't want to go to the E.R. I'm okay. Just let me walk it off.
Lily: Walk? Cane, you can barely put weight on it. Listen, what if moving around makes it worse? We should at least get it checked out, okay? Please.
Cane: [Sighs]
Lily: Come on.
Cane: All right. Okay. All right. I'll go to the hospital.
Hilary: Deacon Sharpe, former Genoa city resident and one of Nikki Newman's ex-husbands, has fled los Angeles and taken his scheming to parts unknown. Now, we at "GC buzz" -- we have the goods on this devious, devilish, dare we say degenerate? Or maybe we should just call a snake a snake. Stay tuned for his path of destruction, and in the meantime, keep buzzing, G.C.
Devon: There's my brilliant wife.
Hilary: Aww. No, stop it.
Devon: No, it sounded good. The "call a snake a snake" line -- I like that.
Hilary: Thank you. Thank you. I've been working really hard on it.
Devon: I can tell.
Hilary: But I don't think that it's gonna be the ratings grabber that we were hoping for.
Devon: Yeah. Kind of hit a lull, haven't we?
Hilary: We just need one more big story. There has got to be something juicy going on in this town.
Nick: This whole time, I thought Christian was with you. I'm so grateful, knowing that you knew...the truth before you left this earth. Must have given you some peace. Or maybe it made you a little more crazy, up in heaven, furious with me 'cause I hadn't seen the light. Well, I've seen it now. This lie has gone on much too long. No more. Today... I set things right.
Abby: Dad, what if the second leak never surfaces? The IRS could crack down on you any minute.
Victor: I'm well aware of that, my sweetheart, and that's why I've launched phase 2.
Abby: Oh, wow. How very "mission: Impossible" of you.
[Telephone rings]
Victor: Isn't it? Excuse me. Yeah? Send him in.
Abby: "Him" who?
Victor: Him.
Abby: Okay. I will leave you two to talk.
Victor: Okay, sweetheart.
Abby: Bye, dad. Bye.
Curtis: Bye.
Victor: So, Curtis, what can I do for you?
Curtis: [Chuckles] Well... it was a, uh, difficult decision, to say the least, but due to some...personal issues, I've decided to leave the board.
Victor: Do these personal issues by chance have to do with you selling me out... to jack Abbott? How much did he pay you for that? Was it worth it?
Curtis: [Chuckles] Uh, Victor, I, uh -- [Clears throat]
Victor: From where I'm sitting, you have two options. You can either watch your life disintegrate before your very own eyes, or you can do what I'm asking you to do.
Curtis: And what do you want me to do?
Victor: I want you to make sure that the Abbotts don't get away with this.
Jack: We had a little mishap.
Phyllis: I spilled coffee all over my blouse.
Ashley: Oh. So, of course, you just had to take it off.
Phyllis: It was scalding.
Ashley: And yet look -- you don't seem to be scalded.
Jack: Here.
Phyllis: Thank you. Okay. I have some dry-cleaning in my office. Excuse me.
Ashley: Really?
Jack: What?
Ashley: You're really gonna buy that? "Oh, I spilled coffee on myself! I just had to take my shirt off!"
Jack: You honestly think she risked personal harm trying to make --
Ashley: Absolutely! Let's not forget what she's capable of.
Jack: I couldn't if I tried. Honestly, it was an accident. I assume there's some reason you stopped by my office.
Ashley: Well, it certainly wasn't for a peep show.
Jack: Okay, ash. What's up?
Ashley: I found a way to keep brash & sassy! From blowing us out of the water.
Dylan: This kid is a force of nature.
Paul: He sure is! Look at him there.
Dylan: He's strong enough to overcome any challenges that come his way.
Paul: Yeah. So is his dad. So, how are you doing? You doing okay?
Dylan: Yeah. Yeah. How could I not be great? I mean, I'm out here in the park with this kid in the sunshine. How are you doing?
Paul: I'm doing all right. I, uh -- I went to visit patty.
Dylan: Oh, yeah?
Paul: Yeah. She, uh... has got a lot going on, I guess. Uh... she was able to talk about the night she killed Dr. Anderson for the first time. She claims it was self-defense. Dr. Anderson was trying to prevent her from revealing a secret. You wouldn't know anything about that, would you?
Dylan: Uh, I mean, how could anybody know what's going through patty's mind?
Paul: Yeah. Boy, you know something? I sure wish I knew you when you were that age. I was probably too young to appreciate it. Look at that pumpkin, huh?
Dylan: At least you know I had a great childhood...
Sully: [Babbles]
Dylan: ...Raised by a man who loved and protected me without a single drop of blood connecting us.
Paul: There's not a day that goes by that I'm not... grateful to him. Terry, right?
Dylan: Yeah. I was lucky to have him then.
Paul: Funny how life works out. I'm sure glad we found each other. I'll tell you that.
Dylan: Yeah. Me, too.
Paul: Terry knew what he was doing, I guess, huh? He raised a kind, honorable man. That is not easy in this day and age.
Dylan: Yeah. Well, a father's a father, period. Doesn't matter what road led you there.
Chelsea: Well, nick's not in the back, either, so... I don't know. It's probably for the best. He probably needs his space.
Sharon: Chelsea... um, I just want to thank you for last night -- you know, for the way you calmed nick down and you got him to see how traumatic it would be to take sully. Our home is the only home he's ever known.
Chelsea: Well, sure, I got nick to reconsider, but you have to know that that's temporary.
Sharon: Yeah. Well, I appreciate it anyway.
Chelsea: Please -- please don't thank me, Sharon.
Sharon: I was wondering if maybe you could help us now, you know -- make nick understand that ripping sully away from his parents is not what's best for him.
Chelsea: No. I'm sorry. I can't do that.
Sharon: Chelsea, I'm asking you mother to mother.
Chelsea: Mother to mother? What you did was far from maternal, Sharon, and it had nothing to do with what is best for that little boy.
Devon: That one there. Hey! Whoa!
Lily: Hey.
Devon: Ohh! I don't remember hiring two new staff members. Where did you guys come from?
Hilary: Yeah. Neither do I.
Lily: I tried to reach dad. None of our sitters are available.
Devon: That's okay. What's going on with you?
Lily: Well, cane hurt his knee while playing basketball with the kids, and he's telling me not to freak out, but I just want someone to look at it.
Devon: Where is he right now?
Lily: He's in the car. He can barely walk.
Devon: Okay. Take him to the hospital. I'll watch the kids.
Lily: You sure?
Devon: Uh, yeah, I'm sure.
Hilary: Yeah. Yeah. We got this.
Lily: Okay. Thank you. Hopefully it's nothing, but just in case. Okay. Be good for uncle Devon and aunt Hilary, and I'll be back soon to get you, all right? I love you. Thank you.
Devon: Of course. Thank you for being cool with watching them.
Hilary: Yeah. Just try and remember that we have a show to finish, okay?
Devon: I know. The kids won't be any trouble.
Charlie: [Giggles]
Mattie: Come back!
Hilary: [Chuckles sarcastically]
Ashley: Even with tying up the original manufacturing plant, brash & sassy's! New perfume continues to fly off the shelves.
[Knock on door]
Jack: Come in. Yeah, that is definitely a problem.
Ashley: Yeah, one that you haven't even tried to solve.
Jack: Am I mistaken, or did I assign that task to you?
Ashley: Am I mistaken, or are you the C.E.O.? You're supposed to be thinking about this company's welfare always. Instead, you're taking potshots at Victor with your partner in crime here.
Jack: Okay. For the millionth time, that is not what we are doing.
Ashley: Mm-hmm. So, what was in that envelope?
Jack: What envelope?
Ashley: The one you tried to hide after Phyllis left.
Jack: Ash...
Ashley: You know what? Save it. I don't want to hear another one of your stupid excuses. I am so done with this whole thing. While you've been distracted with your top-secret revenge plot, I've been doing things that really matter, like trying to put jabot back on top, where it belongs.
Sharon: I love my son. For a long time, I believed that he was my flesh and blood, that he was mine. I fed him. I changed him. I bathed him. I sang him to sleep. We made the connection that only a mother and a child can make. I know that you know what I'm talking about.
Chelsea: Of course I believe that you loved him, Sharon.
Sharon: Dylan, he was the happiest man in the world when that baby was placed in his arms. To finally get to raise a child after...
Chelsea: After I lied to him and told him Connor was his. Okay. That's fair. I did that, and it was one of the biggest mistakes I've ever made in my life, but at the time, I thought I was protecting my son. Christian didn't need protection from nick. Nick is an amazing father.
Sharon: I agree with you.
Chelsea: You could have lessened his pain, Sharon. You could have lessened his grief.
Sharon: Well... that's a regret I'm gonna have to live with for the rest of my life, just like you will regret lying to Dylan about Connor. You know, we all have our ways of justifying our mistakes. But in the end, don't we have to put that aside? Isn't that innocent child what's most important?
Chelsea: Yeah.
Dylan: Water -- check. Snack -- check. Am I missing something? Duh. What's a snack without our favorite tune, huh? You ready for our jam?
[Toy winding]
Dylan: 'Cause here we go. Ah. Just too good, huh? Come on. I know you want to dance, buddy. Yeah. There we go. [Exhales sharply] What lesson are we on, huh? What are we up to now? [Sighs] [Voice breaking] Let's call it, um... lesson 127, "how to grow up to be a decent guy." Never be to macho to dance with your own kid. It's important.
[Knock on door]
Dylan: [Sighs] I guess we should see who that is. [Clears throat] Let's go see.
Nick: I'm here for my son.
Stitch: Hey. You all right?
Abby: Yeah. I'm -- I'm fine. Sorry. I-I probably should have called and not just stopped by. You'd think with my family history, I would know the dos and don'ts of divorce.
Stitch: Not a pro yet, huh?
Abby: Not yet. I was pulling out my winter shoes, and, um, well, I found this, and it felt wrong keeping it, 'cause I know it's your favorite. Okay. Well, um... I'm gonna go back to work. I'll let you do the same.
Stitch: Yeah. See you around, Abby.
Abby: See you.
Lily: Stitch, hey.
Stitch: Oh, hey.
Lily: Cane needs help.
Cane: I'm okay. I'm fine. I'm fine, all right?
Stitch: Okay. All right. Well, first things first. Let's get you to a room. Come on. Come on.
Nick: Look, Dylan, um... I'm sorry. I wish there was some other way.
Dylan: [Exhales sharply] Uh, Sharon's not home, and I think she needs to be before anything happens.
Nick: We all know what has to happen. And why isn't Sharon here? Is there anything more important than this?
Dylan: I don't know.
Nick: So, she just took off? She didn't tell you where she was going?
Dylan: We haven't spoken since last night.
Nick: Look, I don't want to drag this out.
Dylan: Okay. Nick, that's not what I'm doing.
Nick: I did what you asked. I let Christian stay the night here. I gave you more time. But I don't think giving you any more time is gonna make this any easier.
Dylan: All right. I get that. That's why --
Sharon: Nick. Uh...I was looking for you. I was hoping that we could talk.
Nick: I don't want to talk anymore.
Sharon: Well, can you at least hear me out? Okay. Last night, you were able to see reason. You put sully first.
Nick: His name is Christian.
Sharon: Well, this is his home. And he has routines here. And even the tiniest changes -- it can upset him. Like, last week, we tried to move his crib to the other side of the room, and forget it. He -- he -- he couldn't fall asleep. And he's got to have his loveys.
Nick: I can buy him some of those.
Sharon: But not just any kind. You know, he has his favorites. And then if those aren't washed in the right detergent, then it's over. He throws those on the floor. Please, nick. We know these things.
Nick: I will learn.
Sharon: It's not the same. The thought of him waking up in a strange room and in an unfamiliar house --
Nick: Yes, it is going to be an adjustment period. But I already know a lot about him. I know what kind of diapers he wears. I know what food he likes. I even know what kind of music he likes to go to sleep to.
Sharon: That's not enough. He's going to be traumatized.
Nick: And whose fault is that? Is it mine? None of this would have happened if you had just come forward when you found out the truth months ago.
Dylan: Nick, I agree. But maybe there's another possibility. I don't know. Maybe... uh, we could split time -- share custody.
Chelsea: Hi.
Victor: Hi, Chelsea. So... I guess what you said is true -- that Sharon has been raising my grandson.
Chelsea: I can hardly believe it, but...yeah.
Victor: So, why hasn't Nicholas taken that boy, and why hasn't he told the rest of the family about this?
Chelsea: I think it's just very complicated.
Victor: I don't think it's complicated at all. I think Nicholas should raise that boy as his son.
Chelsea: Well, that is what nick wants.
Victor: So? Excuse me.
[Cell phone chimes]
Victor: Mm-hmm. Nicholas is on the way to Sharon's right now.
Chelsea: What, are you having him watched?
Victor: You bet. I don't trust Sharon at all. Never have. And I'm not gonna have her run away with my grandson. Ain't gonna happen. Yep. If I could, I would have the cops at her doorsteps right now.
Chelsea: Ah. But you can't, because if you get the courts involved, then they might ask for a DNA test, which would show that the baby was never nick's but really Adam's.
Victor: Exactly.
Chelsea: I don't know. I mean, maybe the truth should come out... because if it doesn't, then, I mean, aren't we just as bad as Sharon?
Chelsea: I listened to you yesterday, and I agreed. Adam would want nick to raise his son.
Victor: Something changed your mind.
Chelsea: No. Nothing's changed. I'm just -- I'm just torn. That baby boy is Connor's half-brother.
Victor: Yeah, and if Nicholas raised him, they would be cousins. What's wrong with that? Better than growing up a McAvoy.
Chelsea: And we just continue to lie? They never find out the truth?
Victor: What's the alternative -- Sharon raises Adam's son? He wouldn't want that.
Chelsea: I know, but all of the lying...
Victor: Sweetheart, we've been over this, okay? It was Adam's wish that Nicholas raise Christian as his son, as it was his wish to, you know, be a father for Connor. He trusted him.
Chelsea: I'm not arguing that.
Victor: I don't want this boy to grow up as an orphan. Not gonna happen. And think of Nicholas. Think of the losses he has suffered. If he now found out that Christian was not his son, it'd be devastating to him.
Phyllis: You know, I have to say it sounds pretty good.
Ashley: I'm actually not interested in your opinion, Phyllis. I'm interested in my brother's. What better way to steal the spotlight back from brash & sassy!?
Jack: This would definitely win us new market share.
Phyllis: Something jabot desperately needs right now.
Jack: You put a lot of time into this already. This thing's practically ready to roll.
Ashley: There's no "practically" about it, Jackie.
Jack: Well, when were you doing this? You doing all-nighters left and right?
Ashley: Well, you know, like I said, when there's no distractions, you know, it's a plus.
Phyllis: And it shows. Nice work.
Ashley: Is there some reason why you're still here, injecting yourself into our conversation?
Phyllis: Okay. I'm done. I know when it's time to leave.
Jack: Phyllis, wait.
Devon: Okay. No, I get it. I will be right in. Thank you. Uh, honey, I need to go to the club.
Hilary: Wh-what?
Devon: There's a mini crisis with this annual event that we have booked, and lily would usually take care of it, but she's at the hospital right now.
Hilary: Okay, but isn't there someone else that can...?
Devon: I wish there was, but it's a longtime client, and I really should handle it personally, so... I won't be gone long. Mind watching the kids for me?
Hilary: That's what family's for, right?
Devon: Indeed. All right, guys. Hey. Don't give Hilary any trouble, or you have to answer to me, okay?
Charlie: Score!
Mattie: Yeah!
Hilary: Mariah... hey, you know, I-I need to finish, um, perfecting the segment for tonight, and I can't do that if I'm babysitting, so, um, see those two terrors over there? They are all yours.
Mariah: That's so sweet, the way you talk about them. I would love to, but twinsitting -- it's not in my job description.
Hilary: It is now.
Mariah: Okay, then. All right, guys! Come here. Do you guys want to go play?
Mattie: Did you know aunt Hilary used to be our grandma?
Mariah: What? She did?! That's crazy! Well, you know what? We're gonna give granny here some peace and quiet. Let's go. Come on. Move it! Move it!
Dylan: Nick, I know it sounds out there.
Nick: Out there? It's ridiculous. I can't even believe you would ask me that. It's not happening.
Dylan: We could keep this whole mess quiet.
Nick: It's not a mess I created.
Dylan: Okay. We can stop the press from descending on us like vultures. Think of the trauma that we can spare faith and sully.
Sharon: Yes. You know... this could work. Why turn our lives upside down even more than they already are?
Nick: Because it's wrong and it's a lie and I'm not doing it.
Sharon: But look at faith. I mean, she goes between our two homes, and she's doing really well. She's a happy and well-adjusted little girl.
Nick: Are you seriously comparing those two things right now? Sharon, we are divorced, and we are sharing custody of our daughter. You're asking me to just pretend to be uncle nick to my son?
Sharon: You would be spending as much time with him as us.
Nick: What do you think the world is gonna say when this gets out? What do you think our families are gonna do? How 'bout Christian? Aren't we supposed to be putting him first?
Sharon: We are putting him first. This is putting him first!
Dylan: We can figure this out together. It's gonna be years before he even knows what's going on.
Nick: Exactly. Now is the time for the clean break. He is too young to understand any of this. He won't even know that he used to have other parents. And I'm sorry if that's painful to hear, but it's the truth. The window to make this as easy as possible on my son is now, and I'm taking it.
Sharon: Nick, you're not listening.
Nick: I am listening to you. I just don't agree with you.
Sharon: Come on. There are all kinds of blended families out there, nick. Just at least consider this.
Nick: No.
Sharon: Why not?
Nick: Because that boy had a mother. She was beautiful and kind and amazing, and she dreamed of a future with her son, and he deserves to know about her. And you know what? Sage deserves it, too. And I will not erase her just to keep you happy.
Sharon: That is not what I'm asking you to do.
Nick: It is, and I'm not doing it.
Sharon: Nick.
Nick: He's gonna be raised by me, his father, the way he should have been raised since the day he was born. Both of you listen to me. Just watch what happens if either one of you tries to stop me from doing that.
Ashley: You know, with all due respect -- actually, without any respect at all -- I'm not comfortable having our conversation with her here.
Jack: I understand that.
Ashley: Thank you.
Jack: Phyllis and I still have some things to finish up.
Ashley: Oh. Regarding Victor, perhaps?
Jack: Let's move full speed ahead with your idea and issue a press release immediately.
Ashley: Jack, I've already scheduled a press conference.
Jack: Of course you have. Well, I would say, "good luck," but you don't need it. Go make shockwaves.
Ashley: Yeah. I'm on it. Jack...
Jack: Got it. Thank you.
[Door opens, closes]
Phyllis: Got to thank you. Got to thank you for sticking up for me with Ashley. I knew you'd still realize we make a good team.
Jack: That's not why I asked you to stay.
Lily: Hey.
Stitch: Hey.
Cane: Hey.
Lily: So, how bad is it?
Stitch: It's not great. You tore your ACL.
Lily: ACL?
Stitch: The anterior cruciate ligament.
Lily: So, does he need surgery?
Stitch: Only if he wants to get back to his regular activities.
Cane: Which I do. Which I do.
Stitch: Then we need to reconstruct that knee.
Lily: Well, what's the recovery like?
Stitch: You put in the work with rehab and home exercises, you can be back on your feet in no time.
Lily: Yeah, that's good. You can do this.
Cane: Okay. All right. All right. Let's do it.
Stitch: I checked with our top orthopedic surgeon. It could happen as soon as this Thursday.
Cane: All right. Sign me up. Oh, wait. Does Thursday work with your schedule?
Lily: Yeah, no. I mean, the sooner we do this, the quicker you're healed.
Cane: Okay. All right. All right. Let's do it.
Stitch: Sounds like a plan. I'll get the paperwork going.
Cane: Thanks.
Lily: Thank you.
Cane: Thanks, mate.
Lily: It's not the news that we wanted to hear, but it could have been worse.
Cane: Can you pass me my computer, baby? I got to check on some work stuff.
Lily: What? Cane, no. You need to be taking it easy.
Cane: Baby, I don't need my knee to check e-mails, okay? It'll keep me busy while you pick up the kids.
Lily: [Sighs] Fine. I'll be back, okay?
Cane: Hey... it's gonna be okay.
Lily: I know.
Hilary: Okay. Let's get this show on the road, shall we? All right. Hello, there. We are back with -- uh, Mariah?!
Mariah: I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I tried -- okay. Get out of here. Get out of here. Sorry. I -- they got away from me, and they're slippery little suckers.
Hilary: If you can't handle two 6-year-olds, how do you expect to handle this job?
Mariah: Hey, unclench, would you? I have some good news.
Hilary: What?
Mariah: That juicy story you were looking for -- I found it.
Nick: Please tell me you're not here to try and talk me out of taking Christian.
Chelsea: I just -- I came to help any way I can.
Nick: Well, thanks. I could use some help with Christian's things.
Sharon: You're really gonna do this now, right this second?
Nick: I gave you time to prepare.
Sharon: What about faith? What, she's gonna come home and her little brother's gone? She's not gonna understand.
Nick: Well, we're gonna have to help her understand it. I think it's best if we all do everything we can to keep this as private as possible until we get a chance to talk to faith and the rest of our families.
Sharon: Nick, please don't do this.
Nick: This is happening.
Sharon: Your house isn't even set up -- not for a baby.
Nick: I was up all night making sure my place was ready. Now, if there's anything you two want to give me to help with this transition, I will certainly take it, but it's time.
Dylan: What if I say no?
Nick: Then you leave me no choice. If you don't let me walk out of here right now with my son, then I'm filing charges for kidnapping. So either say your goodbyes now... or I'm calling the police.
Cane: Hey, listen, I got to call you back.
Ashley: I am so proud to announce that jabot has purchased and is releasing a new makeup app called jabotgo. This revolutionary program allows people to try our cosmetics on a selfie taken with their phones. No more sending away for colors or shades that aren't you. Now you can find out up close and personal what works and what doesn't work from the comfort of, well, just about anywhere.
Stitch: All right. Surgery's all set for Thursday.
Cane: Um, I'm gonna have to reschedule with you.
Stitch: Okay. You got another date in mind?
Cane: Um, let me get back to you, okay? Just right now is not a good time for me to take some time off work.
Jack: Listen, I want to be very clear on where I stand. I don't want there to be any misunderstandings.
Phyllis: That sounds smart.
Jack: I appreciate everything you've done to help me bring down Victor, but it doesn't change anything.
Phyllis: I know that, jack.
Jack: I don't want you misinterpreting what happened here earlier. I don't forgive you. I don't want you back.
Abby: So... how'd the launch of phase 2 go?
Victor: The mole knew he was trapped... and, as a result, he's gonna plug all the leaks. Now let's see what "GC buzz" does with the whole thing.
Hilary: And you never told me how you snagged this interview.
Mariah: Well, I wish I could say that I dug up the dirt myself, but a shovel wasn't necessary. The guy came in. He was ready to spill everything.
Hilary: Well, far be it for me to stop him. Okay. We got to get this guy on camera now. So...are we ready? Hmm? Okay. So, just follow my lead. It's just like we're having a conversation, okay?
Curtis: Okay.
Hilary: Hello, everyone. Now here with me today is ex-Newman enterprises board member Curtis fielding. Now, let's just cut to the chase, because this is why you're here, right? Now, I heard that you have a confession to make.
Curtis: I'm the leak from Newman enterprises. I went behind Victor Newman's back and sold company documents, except, uh, they weren't actual company documents.
Hilary: What do you mean?
Curtis: They were fake. It was all just one big lie -- my lie.
Nick: You know keeping my son from me is a crime. A simple DNA test will prove Christian is mine.
Chelsea: No. I don't think anyone wants to get the police involved. Plus that's not a fair way for Paul to find out about his grandson.
Dylan: Nick's right.
Sharon: Nick... I am begging you... please, just give us a little more time, a few more days.
Dylan: A few more days is not gonna -- it's just gonna make things harder, Sharon.
Sharon: How? What could be harder than this?!
Dylan: Sharon! It's over. Ohh, man. Hey, buddy. No more fighting and screaming, okay? Everything's gonna be okay. I'm not worried about you at all. You see that guy? Your uncle nick? We're gonna be trading places. He's gonna be your dad, and I'm gonna be your fun uncle. Nick's an honest guy. He's gonna love and protect you as much as I have. Because I love you more than anything. [Crying] I do. Don't forget about us all, okay? [Sniffles] You got to wind this up. He loves to dance to it. Do you want to say goodbye?
Sharon: Yeah. That's exactly what I want to do. I want to say goodbye to my heart and my soul -- my little boy.
Dylan: This is hard enough.
Sharon: [Crying] I can't. I don't know how. I can't. Oh, my God.
Dylan: Oh, man. [Sighs] [Sniffles] There you go.
Nick: That took guts... and grace. The only thing that makes this even slightly bearable is knowing my son had you to raise him for a year. Everything you said was true. He'll be happy.
Dylan: I know.
Nick: I'm sorry. Let's go home.
Dylan: [Sighs] [Sniffles]
Sharon: [Crying]
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Kevin: Exactly how long did you lie and cover for Sharon?
Faith: Did you just find out this morning? When did you know he's not sully?
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