Y&R Transcript Friday 11/4/16

Y&R Transcript Friday 11/4/16


Provided By Suzanne

Jack: [Sighs] [Sighs] You're late.

Phyllis: No. You're early. [Sighs] Double latte with skim milk, piping hot. Thank you. Whoo! Not that I need any caffeine with these nerves of mine. I didn't sleep very well last night. I didn't want to wake summer up. How about you? How'd you sleep?

Jack: Could we please get to the business at hand?

Phyllis: I can't believe Victor is setting us up. Actually, I can. I think we should have expected this.

Jack: You still haven't told me how you found out these leaked documents are fake.

Phyllis: Well, we are t-minus seconds from total disaster. Those documents are in Hilary's office. If she gets her hot, little hands on those and that goes viral --

Jack: It won't.

Phyllis: You sound so sure. But I think Victor could take us down.

Jack: I had a little chat with Neil. We had a chance to catch up, and then I managed to weave Hilary and Devon into the conversation. It turns out Hilary isn't much of an early riser. She doesn't get to the office before 10:00 A.M.

Phyllis: Ooh. So sly of you.

Jack: I have a problem to solve.

Phyllis: No, we have a problem to solve, and it's a good thing that we have plenty of time to intercept that envelope.

Both: I have a plan.

Mariah: [Sighs] Good morning.

Hilary: I need a coffee, double. Actually, you know what? Make it a triple.

Mariah: Okay, um, you know, I had some ideas for the tip line --

Hilary: Coffee first, please.

Mariah: Well, I can multitask. I was thinking that maybe we should --

Hilary: Mariah. Your job is not to think. It's to do what I tell you to do.

Mariah: Coffee. Uh, right. Yeah.

Hilary: And this time, flat white, please.

Mariah: Flat white.

Hilary: Yeah, I am so over the foam.

Mariah: Okay. [Sighs] Get right on that.

Hilary: Was that a sigh? Because attitude is critical. You begged me for this job. But if it's beneath you --

Mariah: No, no, I-I promise you I'm on it. I'm on it.

Hilary: You still haven't opened the mail?

Mariah: I was gonna do that right after --

Hilary: I don't think so. I have told you a hundred times, okay?

This is my cup. Only this cup.

Mariah: Of course. Of course. You are in early today.

Hilary: Yeah, well, you know what they say. Early bird gets the first scoop.

Cane: Hey, look who just joined the clean plate club. Huh?

Lily: [Chuckles]

Cane: Bam.

Mattie: [Muffled] I'm done, too, daddy!

Cane: Oh, baby girl! Bam! Can we have Halloween candy now?

Lily: Uh, maybe later.

Charlie: I wish every day was teacher conference day.

Cane: Well, if you don't go to school, you won't be as smart as your mommy.

Lily: [Chuckles] Or your daddy.

Charlie: Can we play basketball today?

Cane: [Sighs] Guys, I would love to shoot hoops with you guys today, all day long, but I can't because daddy's got to go to work.

Lily: You know what, honey, daddy has a very important job and a lot of people count on him.

Charlie: Is your job more important than us?

Travis: [Whistling]

Natalie: Ow. Was that completely necessary?

Travis: Hmm. It looks like somebody partied on a school night. Did Victor give you a bonus for ratting me out?

Natalie: That was a freebie. And I'm glad I did it.

Travis: Oh, well, maybe he needs to know that his pet hacker's too hung over to do her job.

Natalie: I can totally do this job. And it's not like I meant to get drunk. But Billy kept ordering more shots.

Travis: Billy Abbott? Why the hell were you drinking with him?

Victoria: [Sighs] You're early.

Billy: I work here. Where else would I be?

Victoria: Did you get my e-mail? I sent you jabot's print ads. I'd like your opinion on what we should do for a response.

Billy: You sure you wouldn't rather have cane's opinion?

Victoria: Just read the e-mail, Billy.

Billy: Ha! They're perfect.

Victoria: What?

Billy: Look at these little ones. Your other e-mail.

Victoria: [Sighs] Yes. Our little sugar demons are so sweet.

Billy: So cute.

Victoria: Which reminds me, um, I guess Johnny didn't think you had enough sugar, so he wanted me to bring you this.

Billy: What? He gave me his favorite candy? What amazing children we have.

Victoria: We do. We do.

Billy: I appreciate it, by the way, you including me last night. I had a great time.

Victoria: Oh, yeah. They wanted their daddy to be there. And it is kind of a tradition, isn't it?

Billy: It's the best one. What about Travis? Did he have a good time? He seemed a little distracted. Maybe he's not a trick-or-treat kind of guy.

Victoria: Well, you know, he's been putting in a lot of hours at Newman.

Billy: Oh, yeah. Working hard to keep that golden-boy shine to him. How's that going, by the way?

Victoria: You know, Billy, if you have something to say, you should just say it.

Billy: It's just that sincere thing he does. You know, so earnest like a rock that could be trusted. It's the way he projects himself. Except the whole time, he's investigating your family behind your back. So much for trust.

Cane: Hey, guys, come here for a second. You know that you guys and your mommy are the most important thing in my life, right? You know that? Yeah?

Lily: You know daddy has to work. That's what daddies do.

Cane: And mommies. Mommies work, too, okay?

Mattie: But we never see you.

Lily: You know what? I know that you don't see daddy that much right now, but it won't last forever, right?

Cane: Right. Hey, I have an idea. How about this weekend I play basketball with you, all right? That is my promise to you.

Lily: I know! Why don't we play basketball today? I could show you guys some pointers.

Cane: Hey.

[Both laugh]

Lily: Hey!

Cane: Hey, hey! Don't laugh at your mommy. She's an amazing basketball player. She's excellent at horse. You know why? [Whispers] She even beats me, but don't let her know I said that.

Lily: Well, that's most of the time, but who's counting?

Cane: Aww.

Lily: You know what? Your grandpa showed me all his best moves. I'm gonna show them to you, and that way next time you play daddy, you're gonna beat him.

Cane: You know why? 'Cause your mommy's amazing. Love you.

Lily: Love you.

Cane: Hey. You guys have fun. And that's an order. I love you guys.

Lily: We're gonna have a great time.

Mariah: Come on, microfoam. Or is it no foam? I need you to do this. I believe in you. You can do this.

Hilary: Mariah! Coffee!

Mariah: Uh, c-coming! It's on its way! Just something hot would be great, because between you and me, I don't think she knows the difference between flat white and old-school foam. Oh, yes. Thank you. Thank you. I love you.

Kevin: Oh, well, I guess you don't need this.

Mariah: Oh. Hot basic coffee works for me, but my boss needs something flatter, silkier, fresher.

Kevin: Ah, yes. The flat white. You know, the key is the heating of the milk.

Mariah: I-I would love that lesson, but not now. Right now el Capitan awaits. What are you even doing here?

Kevin: Well, this was my subtle way of making sure you were here at your job and not in jail.

Mariah: I'm fine. You can go.

Kevin: I know something big is going on.

Mariah: Kevin, I'm at work.

Hilary: Mariah!

Mariah: I'm coming!

Kevin: Hey, hey, listen, you dropped a -- you dropped a hell of a bomb last night, and then you just walked away. I'm worried about you.

Mariah: I am worried about keeping my job.

Kevin: Mariah, talk to me. Let me help.

Mariah: [Sighs] Not even Og the powerful can fix this one.

Kevin: All right, whatever is going on, I know that it's huge. Dylan called in sick. Paul is nowhere to be found. If your family is imploding --

Mariah: Shh! I need you to keep this down. Last thing I need is for this to go viral.

Kevin: All right, now you're starting to scare me.

Mariah: Look, I-I know that you want to support me, but there's honestly nothing you can do. There's nothing anybody can do.

Kevin: I can stand by you.

Mariah: While I pretend that my life is still normal before nick flips a switch and everything hits the fan? If you want to help me, please just go.

Kevin: Wait, nick is involved in this, too?

Mariah: [Sighs]

Jack: I will drop by GC buzz before Hilary gets there. I will find the envelope, and I will be gone before she even realizes it was on the premises.

Phyllis: And what if she shows up?

Jack: I'm told I have a certain charm. I will use it.

Phyllis: And she has a huge crush on you, so you should take full advantage of that. Flash those baby blues and use that sultry voice of yours, I'm sure she will be melting in your arms. Wouldn't be the first time.

Jack: Jealousy really isn't appropriate.

Phyllis: Well, I'm just saying what if Devon walks in on you charming his wife? I mean, how do you see all that playing out?

Jack: I'm resourceful. I will do whatever it takes to retrieve the documents.

Phyllis: Really? How far will you go?

Jack: This question from an expert in going too far.

Phyllis: All right. So you get there. You have to find the mail. Then you got to steal the envelope. Then you got to hope no one notices you walking out with a big, fat package addressed to GC buzz. That's a lot of ifs. Why not listen to my plan?

Jack: We don't have time for your plan.

Phyllis: You don't know if you're still being followed. Just because you caught Travis in the act doesn't mean Victor doesn't have other eyes on you.

Jack: Eyes on me doing what? Visiting a friend in her workplace?

Phyllis: Stealing back an envelope that could blow up your life. Excuse me for being worried.

Jack: I am not your concern any longer. We have a divorce decree to prove that.

Phyllis: Okay. Grabbing an envelope is not gonna solve our problems. I get it. But we don't know how intricately Victor has planned this setup. I mean, those documents could be step one. Who knows what step two is.

Jack: Believe me, I know what's at stake. Our first step is retrieving the documents.

Phyllis: Then hear me out.

Jack: You want to help? You still haven't told me. How did you find out Victor was setting me up? Who told you? Summer?

Phyllis: It doesn't matter.

Jack: I hate that she is caught between her two families again. I hate it. This is the worst part of it. I want to talk to summer.

Phyllis: No. It's not summer, all right?

Jack: Then who is it?

Phyllis: It doesn't matter. What matters is that we got the information and we got it on time. Where's the waiter when you need another cup of coffee?

Jack: It's Billy, isn't it?

Victoria: I already know that Travis was investigating my family. He told me everything.

Billy: And you're okay with that?

Victoria: I'm not discussing this with you.

Billy: [Chuckles] Which means you're not okay with that.

Victoria: You know what, Billy? Someone at Newman was leaking information. My father wanted Travis to investigate.

Billy: Not the precious Newman family. Your father was setting up Travis, wasn't he? It was all a trick just to watch him go down in flames.

Victoria: How do you know any of this anyway?

Billy: I happened to run into your father's receptionist/world class hacker/bar fly last night.

Victoria: Natalie.

Billy: Natalie.

Victoria: And you ambushed her.

Billy: Ambushed her? No. I sat beside her at the bar.

Victoria: Yeah, and you made it your business to grill her about Travis and my father.

Billy: No, we had a few shots, and she started talking.

Victoria: You got her drunk.

Billy: I did not get her drunk. She did that on her own. I made sure she got home safe and sound.

Victoria: Yeah, that's the kind of guy you are.

Billy: Well, I'm not a guy that gets his butt kicked by your father. Been there, done that. Not fun. That sucks.

Victoria: So... jabot's new ad is fresh and provocative, so we need to talk about our strategy for our new print campaign when cane gets here. Are you ready for that?

Billy: Oh, I have ideas, all fresh, all provocative. So, about Travis. Does he wish he was on the high seas right about now?

Victoria: [Sighs] Billy, you know what? It's really not any of your business. I don't even know why you care.

Billy: Why do you think I care, Vick?

Phyllis: So what if it was Billy?

Jack: I do not need or want my brother's help.

Phyllis: No, you don't want to owe him for saving your behind.

Jack: What? I'm supposed to believe him, just trust him? No, those days are over.

Phyllis: Billy warned us that Victor would hit harder after those documents were leaked. We played right into his hands. If GC buzz runs with those bogus documents, it could take us all down. You, me, Hilary, Devon.

Jack: If we're to believe what Billy's saying.

Phyllis: The source is unimpeachable. It's Natalie, okay? Who else has a front-row seat to Victor's games?

Jack: Wait, wait, Natalie, who double- and triple-crossed how many people during that pass key thing? She's the source of Billy's truth?

Phyllis: Billy is concerned if those documents go public, Victor is gonna be all too happy to point the finger at you. You paid to get that information. You could go to prison.

Jack: I'm sure Billy would be all too happy to comfort the new divorcée.

Phyllis: He's trying to protect you.

Jack: Or he's trying to sabotage me and my father's company.

Phyllis: No, no. If he wanted to do that, he would have never told me the information. He would have sat on it just to watch you hang.

Jack: Who are you kidding? He stepped up for you. I disowned him.

Phyllis: He didn't disown you.

Jack: I got to get to GC buzz.

Phyllis: Let me come with --

Jack: I've got this.


Natalie: Stop doing that.

[Whirring stops]

Travis: I will... as soon as you tell me what you were doing with Billy Abbott.

Natalie: That's none of your business.

Travis: I have, uh, 13 more of these.

Natalie: I'm gonna report this to H.R.

Travis: Or I could tell Victor that you and Billy Abbott are drinking buddies. How long you think you get to stay behind that desk?


Natalie: Okay. Fine.

Travis: Spill it.

Natalie: It was nothing. I ran into Billy at the underground. One shot led to another.

Travis: Billy liquored you up. To get information about me?

Natalie: Maybe. I tried not to talk at all, but words kept coming out of my mouth. Tequila. Who knew?

Travis: Everybody. Now tell me everything you said, exactly what you said. I'd hate to tell Victor that his trusty assistant is leaking company secrets to Billy Abbott, but I will if I have to.

Natalie: You wouldn't.

Travis: Try me.

Natalie: [Sighs] Fine. All I said was that there was a mole... and that Victor tested you... and that you maybe might have possibly, uh, failed. [Clears throat] Because you thought it was a good idea to investigate his family, even though he didn't want you to. So you're kind of, um... screwed. [Sighs]

Victoria: We agreed that our private lives are off limits. Remember that, Billy? Boundaries.

Billy: You share a house with somebody that I don't trust. My children sleep under that roof. So you're damn sure that everything Travis does and does not do is going to be my business.

Victoria: Oh, all in the name of protecting our children?

Billy: Whatever I have to do, Victoria.

Victoria: So it's not some excuse to dig around in my personal life? I have an idea for you. Why don't you focus on work for a change and not my personal life, huh? It's a good idea, right?

[Cell phone chimes]

Victoria: I have to go.

Billy: Is it the kids?

Victoria: No.

Billy: Is it Travis?

Victoria: I will be right back.

Billy: And she's off.

Cane: Oh, where you going?

Victoria: Out. Maybe you can get Billy to actually concentrate on some work for once.

Cane: Ha. Yeah, right. Yo, hey. Before you say a single thing, don't want to know.

Billy: Honestly, it started off really well.

Cane: Bet it did. Sorry I'm late. I had to, uh, have breakfast with lily and the kids.

Billy: It's all right. You're usually the first one here and the last one to leave in the evening. Having a morning off is not a bad thing, especially if it's for the kids. How are they, by the way?

Cane: They're excellent. They are still coming down from their Halloween sugar high.

[Both laugh]

Billy: Look at these two clowns.

Cane: Aww. Billy, we are lucky men.

Billy: We are lucky, are we?

Cane: Uh-huh.

Billy: I just wish I didn't have to share them with another man.

Mariah: Too cold, too foamy. You're still here. Stop looking at me like that.

Kevin: Like what?

Mariah: Like that. Because if you keep looking at me like that, if you keep saying nice things, I'm gonna completely lose it, and I can't do that, so please just go. I need to make her highness's coffee in peace.

Kevin: I'm a phone call away if you need anything.

Mariah: I know.

Hilary: Mariah, this is an office. This isn't a place for you to entertain your posse.

Mariah: Oh, my god. Please, please, please just go. Go now.

Kevin: Lord, is she always like that?

Mariah: Yeah.

Kevin: Good luck.

Mariah: Kevin?

Kevin: Yo.

Mariah: Thank you. It's still hot.

Jack: Good morning.

Kevin: No, it isn't.

Hilary: Jack. Can I help you?

Jack: [Sighs]

Travis: Hey.

Victoria: Hey.

Travis: Thanks for coming. Sorry to pull you away from work.

Victoria: No, it's okay. I needed the break.

Travis: Let me guess. You needed the break from Billy.

Victoria: Well, working with one's ex does present certain challenges.

Travis: Especially if he's hung over?

Victoria: No. Why?

Travis: Billy got Natalie drunk last night so he could pump her for information.

Victoria: [Sighs] She needs to show more respect for the company. A certain amount of discretion no matter how many shots she's had. That's ridiculous. It's not as if I don't know my father wasn't testing you, anyway.

Travis: Ah. Okay. So Billy found out, then he went straight to you. What's his problem?

Victoria: I spoke with him about boundaries.

Travis: Like that mattered. This guy needs to stay the hell out of my life.

Billy: [Sighs] I love making pancakes in the morning for them, little bunny pancakes, and cleaning their sticky fingers off.

Cane: Wait. You make pancakes?

Billy: I make amazing pancakes. Make sure you ask Johnny next time you see him. Katie ends up usually just playing with them, but they're good.

Cane: Wow. You rock, huh?

Billy: Well, thank you very much. Of course, this is all when I get to see them.

Cane: Yeah. I know exactly what you mean.

Billy: At least you get to live with your kids. I miss the ins and outs, you know, the getting them up in the morning, getting them dressed, feeding them. Then at the end of the day, you feed them, you get them undressed, you kiss them good night, ask them what the best part of their day way.

Cane: Nothing better.

Billy: Nothing better. Until you don't get to do it anymore. That's when you realize how amazing it is.

Cane: You know, I'm missing some of those moments myself.

Billy: Yeah. Scheduling nights that I get to see them, dates on the calendar that I get to hang out with them. I always feel like I'm playing catch-up, trying to be relevant to their life.

Cane: Johnny and Katie love you, and you are their dad, and nothing you do can change that.

Billy: I promised myself one thing -- going back from when I was in boarding school -- that I wouldn't end up like my mother. That I would be there for them whenever they need me, whenever that is. What am I missing? I mean, the good things, the big things, the small things. Last week Johnny learned the alphabet song. I didn't hear it. I wasn't there for it. Victoria told me about it.

Cane: I can top that. I missed Mattie and Charlie's first Halloween play.

Billy: That is unforgivable.

Cane: I'm the worst. I know. But you know what? What I learned was you cannot be there for your kids 24/7. Even if you're happily married.

Billy: Guess you just got to do what you can, right? Make the most of whatever time you have with them.

Cane: Yeah.

Jack: Wow! Quite an operation.

Hilary: Yeah, we're pretty proud of it. We're especially proud of everything that we've accomplished.

Jack: I always knew you were destined to be more than just my assistant.

Hilary: It's been a really gratifying experience. Except for Victor wanting to sue us. Whatever happened to freedom of the press, huh?

Jack: I'm confident you'll prevail there, too. I'm just glad you found your niche.

Hilary: You know, if you like, you can watch me do a run-through, hmm?

Jack: I would love that, but right now that coffee smells great.

Hilary: [Chuckles] Okay, give me a minute. Mariah! Mariah?

Mariah: What I'd do?

Hilary: If you're not, um, too busy socializing, would it be too much to ask if you can make Jack a cup of coffee, hmm?

Mariah: Yeah. Yeah, I can do that. I can do that.

Hilary: Not very well. So, Jack, what brings you here so early in the morning? Is it too much to hope that you want to expose yourself as the anonymous tipster that is taking a wrecking ball to Newman enterprises? Because I could put you on camera right now.

Jack: Much as I would like to take credit for outing Victor's latest criminal behavior, I'm afraid the glory belongs to someone else.

Hilary: Don't be coy with me, Jack. We are friends, okay? If we go sit down, I get you on the record, I will make you look like a hero.

Jack: And, of course, ratings have nothing to do with any of this, right?

Hilary: You know me too well. Hmm. Okay, fine. If you're not here to boost my ratings, then why did you come?

Jack: It's the foundation. I understand you've missed a couple of board meetings.

Hilary: And you haven't been to any since you walked out, so why are you checking up on me?

Jack: Well, Neil's still trying to accomplish quite a lot. He's a friend, and I feel a responsibility.

Hilary: Okay, I appreciate that. But getting all of this up and running, it's been a lot of work. And it's pretty important, as well.

Jack: Yeah, well, I can appreciate that.

Hilary: Mariah, are you gonna be delivering this mail, like, sometime today?

Mariah: Yeah, I was gonna do that right after my barista duties were finished. But there's no job too small.

[Fire alarm blares]

Victoria: Okay, look, Billy might have gone overboard, but that's who he is.

Travis: So you just let him get away with it?

Victoria: I think you're overreacting.

Travis: He was digging up dirt on me, and then he came running to you.

Victoria: With information that I already knew.

Travis: No, that's beside the point. He doesn't respect me. He doesn't respect our relationship. I love you. I don't have to prove myself to anybody.

Victoria: Is your problem with my father for testing you, or is it with Billy for finding out about it?

Travis: I didn't apologize to your father. I'm not going to. He gave me an assignment. I did what had to be done.

Victoria: You went behind his back, and you had my family investigated.

Travis: It wasn't that long ago that your entire family turned on Victor. I get that you've all made amends, okay? It's nothing but love. But it would have been negligent to ignore the possibility that somebody still holds a grudge and wanted to hurt Victor.

Victoria: Oh, I see, because now you're an expert on my family.

Travis: It's because I know business. I've been in the trenches. I made the right call.

Victoria: Oh, I see. Did you make the right call when you slept with your boss's wife?

Travis: Now we're gonna drag Michelle into this?

Victoria: [Sighs] Wasn't one of your better business decisions, was it?

Travis: But you're okay with Billy sleeping with his brother's wife.

Victoria: I'm not saying that. We're talking about you right now, Travis.

Travis: So now I'm the bad guy? I've been trying to navigate your father's endless power trip. I've got an ex-husband who takes overprotective to a whole 'nother level. And the kicker is, you encourage him.

Victoria: As long as you live in the house with Johnny and Katherine, Billy has every right to be concerned about a man who's spending so much time with his children, don't you think?

Travis: This isn't about parental concern. This has nothing to do with the kids! This is Billy trying to make trouble. And you're giving him free rein to do it.

Victoria: Okay, this is a new situation for all of us, and Billy is doing the best that he can, Travis.

Travis: The hell he is! And maybe it's time you stopped defending your ex and this endless downward spiral and you cut your losses.

Victoria: I will never cut the father of my children out of their lives.

Travis: [Sighs]

Billy: Hey, man. It's been awhile.

Kevin: You're just in time.

Billy: [Chuckles] A little early, even for me. Thank you.

Kevin: It's a smoothie.

Billy: Well, in that case, I'll have one, please. Extra strawberries.

Kevin: So, how are you?

Billy: Um, well, anybody that reads a tabloid knows how I am. But I have to say things are calming down, which is nice. Speaking of, I, uh, saw Chloe last night. Sounds like you two are doing well.

Kevin: Yeah, we're back together, taking things slow.

Billy: Yeah? Moving in together is taking things slow with you, huh?

Kevin: She mentioned that?

Billy: She did.

Kevin: Well, I love her. Slow, fast, in between -- whatever she wants, I'm game.

Billy: Does she know what she wants?

Kevin: Maybe you can tell me.

Billy: I don't want to overstep.

Kevin: Well, now you have no choice.

Billy: She mentioned that she might be a little worried that Bella's father might show up at some point and might make it awkward for the two of you.

Kevin: A concern she hasn't mentioned to me. Okay, well, thank you for sharing.

Billy: Yeah, of course. Ah. Thank you. [Clears throat] Hmm. That is good. Good call. Hey, speaking of, do you, uh, do you know anything about Bella's father?

Kevin: Not a clue. You?

Billy: No. Not a clue.

Lily: Okay, the most important part is your eyes. Don't laugh at me. It's your eyes, okay? Look at the basket, all right? And then you take your shot, like this. Yeah! Right? Thank you. Okay. It's your turn. You've got this, dude. You've got this. Use your eyes. Right? Look at the basket first. That's all right. It's okay. Next time, yeah? [Chuckles]

Cane: Whoo-hoo!

Both: Daddy!

Cane: Ahh! You see that?

Lily: Yeah. Hi.

Cane: Hey, little buddy. Yeah? You guys having fun?

Both: Yeah.

Cane: All right.

Mariah: Okay, thanks. The building manager says that this is not a drill. We need to evacuate. Everybody, let's go.

Hilary: No, I don't have time for this.

Mariah: We don't have a choice.

Hilary: [Sighs] Uh, Jack?

Jack: Yeah, yeah, I'm, uh, I'm coming.

Kevin: Is this how you get over it? Work through it lifting weights?

Billy: [Chuckles] Just trying to go forward. [Clears throat] Repair relationships, if that's at all possible.

Kevin: I'm sorry.

Billy: It's all good, you know? Johnny and Katie are my priority right now. I'm just trying to be a good father.

Kevin: You got that covered.

Billy: Best thing that ever happened to me, along with Delia, of course.

Kevin: It is amazing how much Bella looks like Delia.

Billy: Right?

Kevin: Same laugh, but she's her own little person. Total heartbreaker.

Billy: You don't know anything about Bella's biological father?

Kevin: Uh, Chloe said that he was a loner, but then she said that he had a complicated life. She hasn't exactly been forthcoming.

Billy: When is she ever? You know, you never wanted to put those hacking skills to work, get online and look up that birth certificate, try and see if the father's listed?

Kevin: Uhh, yeah, I can't say that I'm not tempted, but Chloe trusts me not to. I have worked too hard to rebuild this relationship to do anything that could sabotage it.

Billy: You're a good man.

Kevin: Hmm. I don't know. I'm a selfish man. I figure if I leave it alone, Bella's biological dad stays out of the picture, and I'm the only father figure she knows. And there's nothing more that I want than to be her dad.

Billy: Well, fatherhood.

Kevin: Fatherhood.

Cane: All right, okay. Now, you are up, my man. I want to see what mommy taught you. Let's do this. Come on.

Lily: You got this.

Cane: You got this. You got this! [Cheering] Way to go! All right. Okay. See? Mommy's good. She's amazing. She could be an NBA coach. Huh? And I would play on your team any day. You know that, right?

Lily: Yeah. [Laughs]

Cane: All right, here's what we're gonna do. We're gonna play a little game of two-on-two. You ready?

Lily: Oh, no, no, no. This mommy is sitting this one out.

Cane: Ohhh! Boo!

Lily: Boo!

Cane: Boo! I see what's gonna happen. You guys ready for this?

Lily: Come on, you guys. You can do this.

Cane: You ready?

Lily: You can get him.

Cane: Ohhh!

Lily: [Laughs] Come on, Charlie.

Cane: All right.

Lily: Come on.

Cane: Come on.

Lily: Come on, Charlie. You got this.

Both: Yeah!

Hilary: Evan gave me a copy. She thinks that she's some sort of real writer. I don't know where she comes up with this stuff. It's ridiculous, really. Here. Take a look. Doesn't make any sense.

Mariah: Okay. "Deacon Sharpe, the infamous former Genoa city resident, rapscallion, and one of Nikki Newman's multiple ex-husbands, seemed to have fled the city of los angels and taking his scheming and scamming to parts unknown. But we at GC buzz may have the goods on this devious, devilish, dare we say degenerate and his path of destruction. So stay tuned."

Hilary: That wasn't too bad.

Mariah: You know, or you could just skip all the fancy words and call the snake a snake.

Hilary: Thank you for your input.

Mariah: You know, if you want, I could take a look at the copy and see if I have some other suggestions.

Hilary: Your job is lunch. Sushi with rice paper. No seaweed. Low sodium soy sauce. And can you make sure that the wasabi is not too spicy? Hello. Are you taking this down?

[Shredder whirring]

Phyllis: Hello.

Jack: You can't knock?

Phyllis: Well, I got hot coffee.

Jack: Had enough coffee for one day, thank you.

Phyllis: So? I want to know. Did you get those documents? Did everything go as planned? What happened?

Jack: No, I did not get the documents.

Phyllis: Oh. Did your charm backfire, or was Hilary too busy throwing herself at you?

Jack: The fire alarm went off. We were all evacuated.

Phyllis: Oh. You didn't go back in?

Jack: No, Hilary was already suspicious of why I was there in the first place. If I'd gone back in after the alarm, it would have aroused even more suspicion.

Phyllis: That's a shame. It was a good plan.

Jack: Okay. Go ahead. Say it. I know you want to.

Phyllis: Say what?

Jack: "I told you so." Damn it. I guess I can hope that maybe the sprinkler went off and doused the papers beyond recognition.

Phyllis: Well, there is another possibility.

Jack: Oh, right. That GC buzz is airing this stuff as we speak.

Phyllis: Or someone close to you knows a thing or two about guerilla warfare, going extreme, fire alarms.

Jack: You did it.

Phyllis: [Laughs] I did it.

Jack: [Laughs]

Mattie: Come on, daddy.

Charlie: Let's play.

Lily: Hey. You okay?

Cane: I'm okay. I'm all right.

Lily: Okay, don't do the macho thing. You don't have to keep playing.

Cane: I'm not doing the macho thing. I'm doing the dad thing. I'm okay. I'm all right, baby. I love you. All right. All right, guys, come on. Let's do this. Let's play some horse. Who wants to go first? Come here. You're first, baby girl.

Mattie: Okay.

Cane: All right. Come on, sweetheart.

[Ball dribbling]

Mariah: Yes to the wasabi. Do you have any that's not too spicy? No. No, I didn't think so. No, no, no, no, no. Yes to the ebi. No to the uni. Sea urchin? God. She would have my head.

Hilary: "Or we can just call a snake a snake." Perfect.

Mariah: And can I get a dragon roll with eel sauce?

Natalie: [Sighs]

Travis: I want to see Victor.

Natalie: Well, he isn't in, so you can go away.

Travis: I have some advice for you.

Natalie: Not interested.

Travis: Well, you should be if you want to keep this job.

Natalie: That's a big "if."

Travis: Discretion is the key to success. You need to learn to keep your mouth shut.

Natalie: Does that mean you don't want me to tell you who called?

Travis: Michelle?

Billy: Well, I didn't expect you to pick up. I'm worried about you and Jack, what Victor might do. Hopefully I was able to help. Bye. Welcome back. Everything okay?

Victoria: Everything's fine.

Billy: It was Travis, wasn't it?

Victoria: Oh, please. It's none of your concern.

Billy: He needed somebody to hold his hand? Becoming a habit, isn't it?

Victoria: Where are we at with jabot's print ads? You've had more than enough time to come up with a strategy.

Billy: Right here. Top of my list. Counter-campaign geared directly towards the demographic.

Victoria: Thank you.

Billy: You're welcome. There's a lot of variables, so if you want to discuss it, I have time.

Victoria: No, it's okay. I'm good.

Billy: [Sighs]

Jack: It's definitely all here. Any glitches?

Phyllis: Not really.

Jack: What does that mean?

Phyllis: Well, I had to sweet-talk my way past a security guard.

Jack: Did he recognize you? Could he go to Hilary?

Phyllis: I played lost. He gave me directions to the nearest exit. The point is, the papers -- they're safe, you're safe. Mission accomplished.

Jack: I expressly told you I didn't want you involved in this.

Phyllis: I was trying to help.

Jack: You've proven once again you can't be trusted.

Phyllis: Hilary does not have those papers in her hands. You do, okay? I'm not apologizing.

Jack: I didn't think you would.

Phyllis: We're gonna get rid of these.

Jack: No, wait, wait. Maybe we can use these fake documents.

Phyllis: No, we're not gonna use them.

Jack: What if we convinced Victor that we --

Phyllis: I am gonna -- Jack! Aah!

Jack: What? What?

Phyllis: Oh! It's burning! It's burning!

Jack: Let me help!

Phyllis: It's burning! Aah! [Sighs]

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Curtis: What do you want me to do?

Victor: I want you to make sure that the Abbotts don't get away with this.

Hilary: I just need one more big story. There has got to be something juicy going on in this town.

Nick: This lie has gone on much too long. Today I set things right.

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