Y&R Transcript Thursday 11/3/16

Y&R Transcript Thursday 11/3/16


Provided By Suzanne

Chloe: Hey.

Chelsea: Yeah?

Chloe: [Scoffs] Are you just gonna reorganize everything in the apartment?

Chelsea: Oh, I guess I didn't realize I was doing that.

Chloe: I know. You're worried about nick. With good reason.

Chelsea: Yeah, I mean, I have a knot in my stomach. This whole thing is a mess.

Chloe: Well, that's an understatement.

Chelsea: How could something like this even happen? I mean, Sharon finds out that sully isn't hers, and she just -- she just keeps it to herself? She just continues to lie to nick, to Dylan, even faith, and then she continues to raise him as her own? It doesn't make -- I mean, who does something like that?

Chloe: I mean, maybe she didn't have good choices to make, so she just decided to leave it alone.

Chelsea: Well, it wasn't right. She could have always made another choice. She could have just told the truth.

Chloe: Yeah, but you know how hard that is, Chelsea. I mean, we can't judge Sharon. We have no idea what was going on in that woman's head.

Chelsea: Look, I get it. I know I sound like a hypocrite. I certainly have not made the best choices regarding paternity in the past. I'm just saying I don't know how Sharon was able to look herself in the mirror for all of these months.

Chloe: I wonder who's been screwed over more. Nick or Dylan.

Chelsea: God. I can't even.

Chloe: I know. I shouldn't have even said that. I take that back. What they're going through is an absolute nightmare.

Chelsea: Yeah. My heart really goes out to Dylan.

Chloe: I know. Mine does, too. I mean, nick -- he gains a son. But Dylan, what he's about to go through, it's -- it's unbearable.

Chelsea: What they're all about to go through is unbearable. And I just worry. I... if they can't find a kind way to resolve all this, it's gonna get ugly.

Dylan: Nick, it's late. You can't come charging in here, making demands! We have a lot to wrap our minds around! It's gonna take awhile to figure out!

Nick: There's nothing to figure out. Sharon kept what wasn't hers, and that's my son. Now, Dylan, I'm sorry that you got caught in the middle of this, but trust me, this only ends one way.

Dylan: No, you don't get to come in here and decide that!

Nick: My son has no business being in this house!

Dylan: Can you listen to yourself?! This is the only home that sully's known!

Nick: His name is Christian!

Dylan: For god's sake, will you stop thinking about how you've been hurt and think about that child for one minute?!

Nick: You listen to me. You -- both of you listen to me. That is my son. He is mine. That is my child with sage. You cannot stop me from seeing him.

Sharon: Nick, no one is trying to do that. We're just trying to stop you from doing something rash!

Nick: How can you of all people say "rash"? It's been a year. One year! You had to know it was gonna end like this! Now get out of my way! I'm gonna see my son.

Dylan: No, not like this you're --

Billy: [Sighs]

Billy: I heard a rumor you were back in town.

Natalie: The rumors are true.

Billy: I see that. Doesn't look like you're celebrating.

Natalie: You know, I used to only drink wine before I came to this town.

Billy: [Chuckles]

Natalie: And now you put a glass of something in front of me and I drink it. That's what this place does to people.

Billy: What's your problem tonight?

Natalie: This buzz is brought to you by the fine folks at GC buzz.

Billy: Oh, my gosh. It's true. You're back working with victor, aren't you?

Natalie: Please. Don't remind me.

Billy: That good, huh? I got to say, Natalie, you do look miserable.

Natalie: You know what they say about misery.

Billy: I sure do. Scotch, please.

Jack: Get back to me as soon as you can. I don't care how late it is. Yeah, I want it done tonight if possible. Right.

Phyllis: You wanted to see me? What's going on?

Jack: I took your advice. I am not releasing the documents we got from Curtis fielding, at least not immediately.

Phyllis: I think that's wise.

Jack: You made a good argument for us being cautious, but I am not sitting on this material forever. This kind of stuff gets stale. So I hired a forensic accountant.

Phyllis: Ooh. Sounds sexy. I like it. So now what happens?

Jack: He works offsite, goes over all the documents that were in this briefcase that fielding gave you, sees if the information we have about victor's precious metal and real-estate dealings are legit. As soon as I get the confirmation I need, we move ahead with the plan.

Phyllis: So you're gonna leak it to GC buzz.

Jack: Tonight if possible. By morning, victor won't know what hit him.

Phyllis: I don't mean to be a wet blanket.

Jack: Then don't be.

Phyllis: And I get it. I get why you're so eager for this to happen. I just would hate to see you rush blindly into something this big. Jack, this is not like you. You're usually more cautious.

Jack: Sometimes it's possible to be too cautious and let important opportunities slip away.

Phyllis: I like that you're taking what we got and you're running it by that accountant. I think it's a smart move. But the material doesn't have an expiration date. If it's as damaging to victor as we believe it is, that's gonna be true a month from now as it is today.

Jack: A month from -- you think I'm gonna sit on something that's this volatile for a month?

Phyllis: Well, I would hope that you would wait for as long as it takes. For two reasons. One -- that it's really damaging to victor by this news going public. And most importantly that you're not damaging yourself by leaking this information.

Jack: Okay, let me remind you I let you in on this because you were ready to go for the jugular. Your job is not to look out for me.

Phyllis: Okay, then why can't it be both?

Jack: I think you know why.

Billy: I have done a wonderful job making things hard on myself, but you -- come on. I mean, if you're not happy, you don't have to stay at Newman. You don't have to continue to work for victor.

Natalie: That fat of a paycheck you don't say no to.

Billy: Is that right? Receptionists make that much money nowadays?

Natalie: Instant ramen gets old pretty fast once you let yourself get used to the finer things in life. You ever eat caviar on a private jet?

Billy: No. How is it?

Natalie: So much better that way.

Billy: You make caviar money over at Newman?

Natalie: [Sighs] Not quite. I sold my soul. Cheaply. At least I'm not alone. [Chuckles] I'll bet Victoria's new boyfriend's feeling like he got hit by a truck right about now.

Billy: Travis? Why do you say that?

Natalie: [Scoffs] If he didn't know what he was getting into joining Newman, he certainly got an education. [Chuckles] Ooh. I'm gonna hit the road.

Billy: Oh, come on. I miss you. It's been awhile. Stay. Come on. I'm buying. Two more shots, please. There we go.

Chloe: Why don't you sit?

Chelsea: All right, all right, all right.

Chloe: Sorry this is tearing you up so badly.

Chelsea: Yeah, of course it is. I mean, for many reasons. Um, I just -- I feel bad for nick. This whole thing obviously has hit him really hard.

Chloe: [Sighs] Yeah. I'm sure it did.

Chelsea: And what about faith? I mean, I just hope that nick doesn't go over there and completely lose it on Sharon right in front of faith. You know, she thinks she has this little brother. They spend so much time together. And I just don't think that anyone has considered what this is gonna do to her.

Chloe: I know. I mean, it's like you said. It's an epic train wreck.

Chelsea: Mm-hmm.

Chloe: With repercussions followed by more repercussions.

Chelsea: Correct. Oh, I just feel so bad. Dylan has no idea that his whole life is about to obliterated. I mean, nick promised Sharon that he would let her break the news to Dylan and that he would give them one more night alone with their son, the son that they think they were raising.

Chloe: I don't think that nick is gonna keep that promise. And I hate to say it, but I don't blame him. He thought that he lost that child forever. He's been grieving the death of his son for an entire year. That lives with you. That lives inside of you, and I cannot imagine what it's like to just wake up and realize that you've been dealing with all that pain for what -- for nothing.

Chelsea: But it wasn't just that nick lost his son. He lost sage, too. I mean, they went through so much together. They leaned on each other. And then suddenly she was just -- she was just gone. And he didn't even get a chance to say goodbye. I mean, you and I both know how -- how painful that is. You went through it with Delia. I went through it with Adam. It just makes it so much worse. I think nick is just very overwhelmed right now, so he doesn't know how to handle all of this. He's feeling very desperate, and he's very angry. So he's not taking into consideration how this is going to affect anybody else.

Chloe: Especially Christian.

Sharon: Can we please talk about this rationally and do what's best for that innocent little boy upstairs? What are you doing?

Nick: I'm just gonna fix this right now. I'm calling my lawyer.

Sharon: No!

Dylan: Come on, nick. Stop. That's not gonna -- nick, that's not gonna do any good. We just have to try to stay calm.

Nick: Is that what you'd be doing right now? Would you be staying calm if you found out your ex-wife stole your son and deprived you from being around him, watched you grieve and suffer? This should have been resolved months ago. Is that what you'd be doing? 'Cause I think you'd be doing exactly what I'm doing.

Dylan: I'm not saying that you shouldn't be furious! Where I draw the line is you charging in here saying that you're gonna grab a sleeping baby out of his crib and take him away!

Sharon: Nick, I've said I'm sorry a thousand times today, but I will continue to say it. But please, you need to realize that when all of this started, I was as much in the dark as you were! That little boy has been in this house for months with Dylan and I believing -- with us knowing that this was our baby! We devoted our lives to him!

Dylan: I love that kid, nick. And he loves us.

Nick: You keep talking as if you have some claim to him.

Dylan: [Sighs]

Nick: How come no one's said it yet? A crime was committed. A child was kidnapped. Now, yes, Dr. Anderson did it. But right here -- this is her accomplice. You're a cop, and you're just standing there doing nothing. Get out your cuffs and arrest her.

Billy: Ooh. So... [Clears throat] Whoo! Tell me about Travis.

Natalie: Travis. [Clears throat]

Billy: Travis.

Natalie: What about him?

Billy: Well, you said that he bit off more than he could chew with victor.

Natalie: [Sighs] Oh, my God. He did. Totally.

Billy: I don't understand, though. Isn't, uh, isn't he the golden boy? Wasn't he victor's newest pet?

Natalie: He was. But then he blew it.

Billy: Really? How?

Natalie: It's just a total viper pit, man. It's, like, so political.

Billy: Yeah.

Natalie: Especially with these leaks.

Billy: I know.

Natalie: It's just like...

Billy: Too much, eh? Didn't Travis know that going in? I mean, you know, he's always been with the big boys. He lived to tell it. He didn't see that?

Natalie: He didn't see me coming. I-I taught him a lesson, all right.

Billy: Natalie, are you the one that -- are you the one that stabbed him in the back? That was you? What happened? Tell me.

Natalie: [Scoffs] I said too much. And I don't think I should have had that shot last -- last --

Billy: Oh, no, it's fine. I'm just -- you know, it's interesting to me. I'm fascinated by it. Come on. Tell me about Travis.

Natalie: Well, when it comes down to it, I didn't have a choice. It was orders from above.

Billy: What they'd say?

Natalie: Well... victor told Travis to find whoever gave those papers to GC buzz, right? [Scoffs] And Travis got the bright idea to go after victor's family behind his back, when victor told him not to bother because it wasn't any of them. [Chuckles]

Billy: What -- what do you mean by "go after them"?

Natalie: Investigate. Accuse. [Scoffs] Travis had no idea it was a test.

Billy: A test he failed, it sounds like.

Natalie: Whoo! Big red "F."

Billy: But I don't understand. Why would -- why would victor be playing Travis? Doesn't he want to find out who the mole is?

Natalie: Maybe he already knew.

Billy: You good there?

Natalie: Little bit.

Billy: Didn't you say you had enough?

Natalie: [Clears throat] This stuff's good. You're still buying, right?

Billy: [Chuckles] Come on. I'm gonna buy you a cab ride home.

Natalie: Ohh.

Billy: I think we've both had enough. Come on, sister. You did good.

Natalie: Thank you...

Billy: Come on.

Natalie: ...Very much for your help, sir.

Jack: I do not need or want your help, Phyllis.

Phyllis: And I understand that. What I'm trying to explain --

Jack: You've done enough today. Go home.

Phyllis: Okay. I have crossed the line a little bit. I am sorry. Please, if you're intending to go ahead with this tonight, then I should be a part of it.

[Cell phone chimes]

Jack: It's the forensic accountant. He's done. He wants to see me.

Phyllis: Really? Already? I will grab my purse. We will go together.

Jack: No, I meant what I said. I can handle everything from here on tonight. Once I have confirmation of everything I think he's going to tell me, I go straight to GC buzz with the information and drop it off anonymously.

Phyllis: Oh, come on, jack. Wait.

Jack: Try to remember there is only so far I'm willing to go.

Phyllis: You begged me to let go of the anger, and I told you I wouldn't. I understand how you feel.

Jack: Don't do this.

Phyllis: You have rage inside of you that's eating you alive, and the only way you're gonna stop it is by making that bastard pay.

Jack: We are nothing alike.

Phyllis: Oh, we're more alike than you think.

Jack: So when you swore you had put vengeance behind you for good?

Phyllis: I lied.

Jack: You're getting awfully good at that lately.

Phyllis: So are you, apparently, which is why hell no, I am not gonna talk you out of any of this. I'm gonna join you. We're gonna bring victor down together.

Phyllis: [Sighs]

Chloe: Okay. Well, you clearly need some of this because you are very tense.

Chelsea: Thank you.

Chloe: Look, I know that nick was really upset when he left here, but he has the entire ride to the ranch to calm down. And hopefully while he's on his way, he's gonna realize that if he shows up demanding things, it's not gonna be good for anyone. He is a reasonable person. Everything is gonna be okay.

Chelsea: Would you be reasonable in this situation?

Chloe: [Scoffs] Well, that's not a fair question because I'm never a reasonable person.

Chelsea: You didn't see him when he was leaving here, Chloe. He kept calling Sharon. She wasn't answering. And suddenly his mind went to the worst possible scenario.

Chloe: She's gonna take off with the baby?

Chelsea: Or Dylan because that's what he did with Connor.

Chloe: Okay, well, if that's even possible, then you can't be here with me talking about this. I mean, you have to be with nick.

Chelsea: Oh, no. No, no, no. That's not my place.

Chloe: What do you mean, it's not your place? Of course it's your place. You guys are friends. You guys are getting very close. Closer every single day.

Chelsea: This situation is volatile enough as it is without adding an outsider to the mix. Thank you very much.

Chloe: Okay, well, that is nuts. You're Sharon's boss. You are Dylan's ex. You are not a stranger to these people. And nick has really been showing up for Connor. I think the least you can do is do him a favor.

Chelsea: He doesn't want me there.

Chloe: Look, the way that I see it is that you are the only person that nick might listen to at this point, because you are the only one who doesn't have a personal stake in all of this.

Chelsea: Yeah. I guess maybe you're right. All right, maybe I should go, see if nick needs support. Bye.

Chloe: Bye.

[Door closes]

Dylan: You're not helping the situation by making ridiculous statements like that.

Nick: What is ridiculous about it? A crime was committed.

Dylan: Come on! I'm not arresting Sharon!

Nick: Okay. Now you know, and that makes you an accessory. You are blocking me from seeing my son. You're the one who's making this worse. You are holding on to something that just isn't yours.

Dylan: Stop acting like I don't have a connection to that child! Okay, I've held my son when --

Nick: He is not your son!

Dylan: Don't you understand what I'm trying to say?! I'm the only father sully has ever known!

Nick: Christian! That boy's name is Christian! How many more times do I have to say that?!

Sharon: Nick, please stop! The children!

Faith: Don't you have the baby monitor on? Sully's been crying! He needs someone.

Nick: What's the matter? Did you see your little brother? Is he okay?

Faith: I think so. He just needs to be held. Maybe you should go up, daddy. I know you were upset before. Is that why you're here so late? You're still thinking about little Christian?

Nick: Uh, yeah. Tonight I've been thinking a lot about Christian.

Faith: Then you should go up. I know how much you love being around sully. Maybe just seeing him, it'll help.

Nick: Yeah. Maybe it will.

Billy: You outed victor. You exposed his slimy ways. You hit him hard. Now he's gonna come back hitting harder.

Jack: Victor has no proof that was me.

Billy: You didn't fool me. You think you're gonna fool him?

Jack: There is no evidence to be found.

Billy: Not exactly a denial.

Phyllis: He doesn't owe you one, Billy.

Billy: What are you gonna do? You gonna just whistle past a graveyard pretending you're innocent in all this? He is going to retaliate. Worse, he's gonna escalate.

Jack: So what are you telling me? He doesn't deserve this?

Billy: No, of course he deserves this. You know that, and he knows that, which is why, in his mind, you are gonna be suspect number one.

Jack: Then what the hell do you care? He got hit. Things are starting to unravel.

Billy: And you're enjoying every second of it, right?

Jack: You bet I am.

Billy: Like I said, going down the wrong path, jack. And trust me, you're not gonna like where this ends.

Jack: Where is this coming from? Why are you here? You're concerned about victor? You're certainly not concerned about me. Why are you here?!

Billy: All right, you want the truth? I don't care if you and victor slug each other until you're bleeding and breathless. I don't want to see you drag Phyllis down with you.

Billy: Thank God I caught you. Where's jack?

Phyllis: What the hell are you doing here? Where is the guard? How the hell did you get up here?

Billy: The elevator.

Phyllis: You know you're not supposed to be on our floors. [Sniffs] Have you been drinking?

Billy: Yeah, I had a few drinks. What's the big deal?

Phyllis: A few? You reek of alcohol!

Billy: Okay, that's not important right now. What I'm about to tell you is.

Phyllis: Billy, we are not doing this again. I told you. I am trying to make things right with my husband. You and I made a huge mistake, and that is over now.

Billy: What I'm about to tell you has nothing to do with me and you. It's about you and jack and the land mine you're about to step on.

Phyllis: Whatever that means.

Billy: Yeah. Victor's on to you, and he's setting you up. Hmm. Got your attention yet?

Faith: Maybe just the sound of your voice made him calm.

Nick: Yeah. Maybe. Yeah.

Faith: Well, it's pretty late. I'm gonna go back to bed. So, I guess you're going back downstairs?

Nick: Uh, no, I think I'm just gonna hang out with him for a little while longer.

Faith: I hope you're feeling better tomorrow, daddy.

Nick: Thank you.

Faith: Good night, sully. [Chuckles]

Nick: Good night. Hi. Hi. Christian. It's me. It's your daddy. Your real daddy. Yeah, it's your real daddy. I'm here for you. I'm always gonna be here for you. I promise. [Sighs]

Sharon: He's been up there a long time.

Dylan: Can't hear anything. I'm guessing sully fell back asleep.

Sharon: Hopefully when he comes back down, he's gonna be a little bit more calm or a little more rational. Maybe spending some time with sully will make him see reason. He'll let the baby spend one night here.

Dylan: If he doesn't see reason, I'm gonna make him.

Sharon: Dylan, I don't like when you talk like that.

Dylan: How do you expect me to feel at a time like this?! He's gonna take our son. His son.

[Knock on door]

Dylan: Hey.

Chelsea: Hi. Um, I grabbed a cab and came on over. I thought nick would be here.

Sharon: Yeah, he's here. He's upstairs.

Chelsea: Is everything all right? He was pretty worked up when he left my place.

Dylan: Uh, no, nick is not all right. Nobody here tonight is -- is all right.

Nick: We're done here. We're leaving.

Billy: Natalie is working directly with victor. She's in a perfect position to know exactly what that bastard is up to. Yes, we had a few drinks. Her lips got loose, and she told me that she's the one that ratted out Travis, okay? So if what I'm telling you is true, you can understand that it's a pretty big deal.

Phyllis: It's only big if we assume you're right about jack and me taking victor down, which we're not.

Billy: Does it sound like we have time to play games right now? Come on, I know that it was you and jack that gave that information to GC buzz, all right? So if you're planning a round two, I'm here to tell you that it's about to blow up in your face.

Phyllis: Okay, fine. You soaked Natalie in some tequila, and maybe she slipped. All right. And now you think you're connecting the dots. You know, you might be right. You might be wrong. But there's a bigger issue here, and that is your motivation for even coming here.

Billy: Oh, wow. You're -- you're unbelievable.

Phyllis: Jack disowned you. He said, "you are not my brother" to your face last time you talked. And then you ran into me later right when I told you that I had just signed my divorce papers, and I could see that you were taking yet another stab of pulling me back in. You could see how heartbroken I was, how much pain I was in!

Billy: Phyllis.

Phyllis: I am not finished! I shut you down hard that day, and I meant it. But despite all of that, you come in here, you rush in here with a bombshell, claiming that you want to help me. Can you understand why I would be suspicious?

[Keys jingle]

Nick: Where's his bag with all his things? Where is it?

Chelsea: Nick, are you okay?

Nick: I'm fine. Where's his bag, Sharon?

Dylan: This is not gonna happen, nick.

Nick: No, it's happening. I have my son, and I'm leaving with him.

Dylan: I'm assuming you didn't tell faith.

Nick: I didn't say a word to her.

Dylan: Okay, so how do you think that's gonna play out? She wakes up and sully's gone.

Nick: Stop calling him that!

Dylan: Nick, what? Are you gonna walk out of here and just leave me to clean up the mess?! I have to sit your daughter down and explain this huge change to her when I can barely comprehend it myself?!

Nick: Well, if you believe that, then when is he ever gonna get to leave, Dylan? When is the right time for him to go? He never should have been here in the first place! And you. You should have come to me when you found out the truth months ago, but you didn't. You lied! You lied to everyone.

Sharon: I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

Nick: It's too late. It's too late for "I'm sorry."

Chelsea: You're really just gonna take Christian? I mean, you're not set up for a baby at your place.

Nick: It's fine. It's fine. I'll make it work.

Chelsea: Right now? Right this second?

Dylan: Nick, we should be making this decision together. That's what I was trying to say since you got here.

Nick: Well, I'm done listening to you! I'm done. Do you see what's in front of you? A father holding his son. That's right. It's me. And I'm all he has now because his mother is gone! I'm here to do what's right! I'm taking him with me!

Billy: Phyllis, is it really that hard to believe that I don't want to see you get hurt?

Phyllis: [Sighs] Nobody has asked for your help.

Billy: After everything we've been through, you don't think I care what happens to you?

Phyllis: Look. What about jack? Why are you lifting a finger for him after everything he said to you?

Billy: Yeah. Jack hates me, all right? There's nothing I can do about that. But it doesn't mean I hate him back. And it doesn't matter how much of a disappointment I am to him. I'm still his brother. We're still family.

Phyllis: Well, I'm not gonna argue with that, although jack sure would.

Billy: Yeah, I'm sure he would. But believe it or not, I don't want to see him get hurt, either. I came here with what I knew because I felt like I needed to tell you. It's as simple as that.

Phyllis: You do realize something like this could push jack and me together again.

Billy: Hmm. Go ahead. Twist the knife. Look. I said my piece, all right? Now it's up to you to stop whatever's about to happen.

Phyllis: There's somewhere I need to be.

Chelsea: Okay, I-I think you just need to take a minute and take a deep breath. What can I do for you? How can I help you?

Nick: It doesn't feel right, you know? Maybe I should... leave him here tonight so he can stay in his own bed. Yeah?

Chelsea: I-I think that's the right thing to do.

Dylan: We're -- we're all upset. Letting our emotions run things.

Nick: Yeah. We just have to do what's best for Christian, right?

Dylan: That's exactly right.

Nick: I will be back in the morning.

Dylan: [Sighs]

Billy: You're up late.

Chloe: Well, I could say the same about you.

Billy: Yeah, that's true. Is the coffee still on? I know it's about to close up.

Chloe: Yeah, pretty soon they're gonna start asking me to wipe down the counters, throw the chairs up on the tables.

Billy: [Chuckles] I would love to see that.

Chloe: [Chuckles] I'm sure you would.

Billy: [Chuckles] Well, here we are, huh? [Clears throat] This was her favorite holiday. Thank you.

Chloe: Yeah, well, that's because her daddy told her so. You know, I think that her favorite was Christmas just like her mommy.

Billy: Are you saying I was too much of an influence on our daughter?

Chloe: [Chuckles] No. I'm saying that that kid loved presents.

Billy: Just like her mother.

Chloe: [Chuckles]

Billy: You here alone? [Clears throat]

Chloe: Yeah. Bella and Connor, they're enjoying a post-Halloween sleepover at my mother's, and my best friend/roommate -- well, she is off putting out a fire.

Billy: Should I ask?

Chloe: No, you shouldn't. So... all that was left...

Billy: You started walking, you ended up here.

Chloe: Nailed it.

Billy: Yeah, it was an easy guess. That's what happened to me.

Chloe: Where are your kids?

Billy: With Victoria, dreaming of all the Halloween candy they're gonna eat in the morning. I don't have a best friend. If I did, he probably would be busy. So that's why I'm here.

Chloe: There is more going on with you than just that.

Billy: Hmm. Maybe. What about you?

Chloe: Well... I started seeing Kevin again, and he asked me to move in with him, so there's that.

Billy: Wow. That freak you out?

Chloe: Well, it was flattering, but yeah. It's kind of scary.

Billy: Yeah, I can understand that. Just be careful you don't...

Chloe: Just...just what? Finish what you're saying.

Billy: Just don't let something great slip through your fingers. Before you realize it could be gone. You can't do anything about it.

Dylan: I'm gonna put him in his crib. [Sniffles]

Sharon: Okay. Maybe when you're done, we can talk. I know it's late, but --

Dylan: Yeah, well, there's really nothing to talk about. You've done enough for a lifetime.

Sharon: Okay, I'll just turn off the lights. I'll be right up.

Dylan: Do what you want. I'm sleeping in the nursery with sully.

Chloe: Thank you.

Billy: You're welcome.

Chloe: So... I don't mean to pry.

Billy: Ohh. But you're going to anyway?

Chloe: Well, listen, I've heard the stories, and, you know, when you said earlier about letting something great slip between your fingers, I can only assume that you were talking about Phyllis.

Billy: Who?

Chloe: [Chuckles] Okay, well, thank you for the advice, and I'll consider it.

Billy: Wonders never cease.

Chloe: Well, listen, seizing the day isn't as easy as it looks.

Billy: Something bothering you about Kevin?

Chloe: I don't know. I'm not sure.

Billy: Is it Bella?

Chloe: No. No. He loves Bella.

Billy: No, I mean is it the thought of Bella's father showing up someday and ruining things between you and Kevin?

Chloe: [Sighs] Yeah. Maybe. Maybe it is about Bella's father.

Phyllis: Jack, don't do it!

Jack: What the hell are you doing here?

Phyllis: Victor is setting you up.

Jack: How do you know that?

Phyllis: It doesn't matter how I know. You cannot give the documents to GC buzz.

Jack: You're about five seconds too late. I just did it. And now they're behind that locked door.

Phyllis: [Sighs]

Chelsea: Thank you for driving me back. Are you gonna be all right?

Nick: [Sighs] Eventually. You know, I just... I can't believe this is happening. I can't believe any of it.

Chelsea: Yeah, it's -- it's gonna take some time to adjust.

Nick: I'm pretty upset at myself with the way I was at Sharon's. You know, I was making it more about me than Christian. I feel terrible. Um... it means a lot that you came and tried to help.

Chelsea: For what it's worth, I think you did the right thing, letting Christian sleep in his own bed tonight.

Nick: Yeah.

[Keys jingle]

Chelsea: Um, I mean, you know, you're welcome to come in. Maybe you shouldn't be alone.

Nick: I think I do want to be alone. I got a lot to think about.

Chelsea: Well, if you need anything...

Nick: Thanks.

[Elevator door closes]

Dylan: Daddy loves you. I'm not going anywhere. I'm gonna be here all night. And when you wake up in the morning... I'm gonna be right here, okay?

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Travis: I hate to tell victor that his trusty assistant is leaking company secrets to Billy Abbott.

Natalie: You wouldn't.

Travis: Try me.

Jack: I will do whatever it takes to retrieve the documents.

Hilary: Jack. Can I help you?

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