Y&R Transcript Monday 10/31/16

Y&R Transcript Monday 10/31/16


Provided By Suzanne

Travis: Hi.

Victoria: Hi.

Travis: Hey.

Johnny: Daddy!

Billy: Hey! Ah!

Katie: Daddy!

Billy: Hi, sweetheart!

Jack: I was right about Victor having me followed.

Phyllis: You spotted someone? Did they confront you?

Jack: I confronted him. It's Victoria's new boyfriend. What does that look mean?

Phyllis: It's just that's not Victor's usual M.O. Travis is a recent Newman hire. He is not family. It just surprises me that Victor would trust him enough to send him after you.

Jack: Maybe he's just showing initiative, trying to impress the boss. Anyway, you should have seen the look on his face when he opened an envelope full of blank pages. I almost felt sorry for him. Almost. So, how'd the exchange go with, uh...

Phyllis: Fielding? It went as planned. Though he's not so hot at this clandestine stuff.

Jack: Nerves starting to get to him?

Phyllis: Yeah, clearly. I mean, after that leak of the first batch of documents, Victor must have turned up the heat.

Jack: Obviously.

Phyllis: I just hope we got everything we needed, 'cause I think this will be the last time that fielding will pass along sensitive information to us.

Jack: This is exactly what we need to start digging Victor's grave.

Summer: Okay, we have to get in touch with grandpa, let him know.

Abby: Not yet.

Summer: Abby, this guy fielding is leaking company secrets.

Abby: Just let me think.

Summer: Abby, we cannot wait.

Abby: Summer, are you really that eager to sell out your own mother?

Summer: I don't know how she could do something this stupid. [Sighs] How do you think grandpa's gonna react?

Abby: I don't know, but we have to be careful. I don't want him to do something that will land him back in prison.

Summer: Okay, but if he finds out on his own --

Abby: I will tell him, summer. I promise. I will tell him everything. I just -- I need to figure out how to handle this before he gets back from his business trip.

[Door opens]

Victor: Well, well, well.

Summer: Grandpa.

Abby: Hi. I-I didn't think you'd be back from your trip so soon.

Victor: Actually, I never left town.

Where you going, patty?

Patty: [Gasps] Oh! Hi! [Chuckles] I-I was just looking for Dr. Hadley.

Oh, he's expecting you?

Patty: No, but we need to have a little chat since I'm not gonna be here much longer.

Sharon: Look at you, sully! You look so cute! You're growing up so fast. And I love you so much. And your daddy loves you, too.

[Door opens]

Dylan: Hey. I personally drove by sage's accident site and then, uh, went to Christian's grave.

Sharon: Didn't you get my text? We found where nick was.

Dylan: Where?

Sharon: Chelsea figured it out.


Sage: Ever since he was a heartbeat inside me, there was so much joy, love. But I was...scared, superstitious, nick. And the nightmares... the one where he was taken from me.

[Glass shatters]

Nick: Not now. Go!

Chelsea: I know what an impossibly difficult day this is, the anniversary of losing your son.

Nick: I didn't lose my son! I mean, you say it like -- like I misplaced him, like the only thing I need to do is retrace my steps or think a little bit harder so I can figure out where the hell I left him!

Chelsea: Nick.

Nick: Say it right, Chelsea. Christian is dead!

Chelsea: Would that help you if I -- if I say it right?

Nick: Nothing helps. How am I supposed to feel better? All these people that I was supposed to protect until I die are gone. Cassie, Christian, sage. They're all gone! So how am I supposed to get better?

Chelsea: I don't know, but maybe if you talk about it --

Nick: Didn't you hear me? I don't want to talk to you.

Chelsea: Okay. [Sets mug down] Okay. Here. You don't want to talk, fine. Don't talk. But I am going to continue to hand you things that you can break until everything in this room is broken. And then you can go out there, you can break all the glasses, you can break all the bottles, and then the mirrors. Don't forget about the mirrors. And the tables and the chairs.

Nick: So you're not leaving?

Chelsea: No, I'm not leaving. Because after you're done screaming and breaking everything, the pain will still be there. Plus you're gonna have a big, old mess to clean up here, and I have a toddler, and I'm really good at cleaning up messes.

Nick: You shouldn't even be here. Go home. Help your little boy into his Halloween costume so he can go and have fun with all his friends tonight. What are you even doing here?

Chelsea: People were worried about you.

Nick: People?

Chelsea: I was worried about you.

Sharon: Wow!

Dylan: That is the best costume ever.

Sharon: So fabulous.

Faith: Thanks. We have to hurry so we can get there at the same time as Kayla and the rest of my friends. I can't wait to show them my costume.

Sharon: Well, we're ready to go. Grab your coat. Dylan.

Faith: Where's daddy?

Dylan: I got sully.

Sharon: You know, we're -- we're gonna get started without him.

Faith: He's supposed to be here.

Sharon: Faith...

Faith: Daddy's sad about Christian, isn't he?

Sharon: He would want to be with you on Halloween like always, but this day ended up being harder for him than he thought.

Faith: Is he at his house? We could go over there first. I bet when he sees me in my costume, it'll make him smile.

Sharon: I know it would, but you know how sometimes when you're sad you feel like being by yourself? Let's just let your dad have this time.

Faith: And he'll be happy again tomorrow?

Sharon: Soon. He'll get better as time goes on. He will get past this.

Billy: It's our little tradition, isn't it? Trick-or-treating on Halloween.

Travis: As it should be.

Billy: Wait. Where's the most important thing? Where's your candy bags? What? Come on, I think they're in the kitchen, mom?

Victoria: Yeah.

Billy: Okay, come on. Let's go.

Katie: Kitchen, kitchen!

Billy: In the kitchen. Come on, come on, come on. I'll race you. Go, go, go, go. Come on, Johnny.

Victoria: [Sighs]

Travis: Hey.

Victoria: Hey. I thought you'd be home earlier.

Travis: I got held up with work.

Victoria: Oh, yes. Abby told me that you invited her to lunch.

Travis: Yeah. I thought it was time we got to know each other better. So, how does this tradition work? Just you and Billy with the kids or are boyfriends welcome?

Victoria: Oh, you know you're always welcome. You know that. You know you can always be honest with me, too, right?

Travis: I have been.

Victoria: [Sighs] Getting to know Abby better? Is that the version that you're gonna try to sell my father?

Travis: Look, can we not do this right now?

Victoria: No, just that I'm wondering if you're following through with your theory that someone in my family is behind the Newman leak. And you're trying to get my sister to incriminate herself.

Summer: So you've been in town spending quality time with grandma?

Victor: Among other things, my sweetheart. Darling, would you give Abby and me some time alone? I need to discuss something with her.

Summer: Yeah, sure. Call me later? Okay. Bye, grandpa.

Victor: Bye, sweetheart.

[Door closes]

Victor: You seem very concerned about something.

Abby: I am.

Victor: Does it have to do with stitch?

Abby: That's a whole 'nother catastrophe. Um... dad, I have something to tell you, but you have to promise me that you won't implode. I don't want you to do something that'll land you back in jail.

Victor: It's that bad? Tell me.

Abby: [Sighs] Curtis fielding -- he's the one that's been leaking the corporate secrets.

Victor: And how do you know?

Abby: I saw him. I witnessed a briefcase exchange between fielding and... and Phyllis.

Victor: Where?

Abby: At the club. They were sitting next to each other at the bar.

Victor: Out in the open. That's pretty brazen.

Abby: Yeah. I mean, I saw them, so it's possible that other people saw them, too. But, dad, I was super sneaky. There's no way that they saw me.

Victor: Uh-huh.

Abby: And that's what's important. Look, they don't know that we know, so we can manage this. We don't have to do anything lethal.

Victor: Well, since you asked me so kindly...

Abby: Wait, you're not angry?

Victor: Let's say I'm not surprised. I've known for a while that Curtis fielding is leaking information to jack Abbott.

Jack: Victor is using company funds to invest huge amounts in gold.

Phyllis: And to make personal real estate investments.

Jack: The IRS is gonna eat this up. There are probably 20 instances of tax evasion in there.

Phyllis: That's how they got al Capone.

Jack: Well, let's hope Victor suffers the same fate. Turns out it was a good thing I listened to you and let you handle the exchange.

Phyllis: I was glad to do it.

Jack: We need to get this information to GC buzz right away.

Phyllis: Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Jack: No, we have --

Phyllis: So quickly?

Jack: ...To hit Victor while he's still reeling from the first punch. He'll never see this coming.

Victoria: I've already explained the complexities of my family to you, okay? We're way past selling each other out.

Travis: How can you possibly know that everyone else in your family feels the same way?

Victoria: Because I know.

Travis: Abby -- Abby is jack's niece. Maybe she felt Victor hadn't paid enough.

Victoria: You obviously don't know Abby, do you?

Travis: Okay. Was it really that outrageous of me to try to figure it out?

Victoria: Yes, it was, all right? My father explicitly asked you not to go there.

Travis: Well, maybe Victor's too close to the situation. Did you think about that?

Victoria: So you ignore your boss? And you -- you ply his daughter with champagne to try to get her to admit that she was responsible for the sabotage? Do you know how ridiculous that is?

Travis: I'm tired of --

Billy: Whoa. Arguing in the living room. Makes me feel at home.

Victoria: Billy, please. Come on. Not in front of the kids.

Billy: The kids are fine. No worries. Travis, you're looking a little pale. Maybe candy for the blood sugar?

Victoria: Billy.

Billy: I'm just kidding. He knows I'm kidding. What's that, bud?

Johnny: Make him come with us.

Billy: Is that right, huh?

Katie: Make him come with us.

Billy: Oh, you want Travis to come with us, too, huh?

Travis: I'd like that, guys. But I don't have a costume.

Billy: Well, you look like a ghost. That'll work.

Travis: [Sighs]

Jack: I got to figure out some way to leak this information to "GC buzz TV." If Devon and Hilary are exposed to any more litigation, they could kill the whole story.

Phyllis: You know, there is a lot of complicated material here. I don't want us to make any mistakes.

Jack: You really think we have to go over every single detail?

Phyllis: Just organize and focus the material, that way GC buzz will be prepared to handle all the allegations or whatever Victor may throw their way.

Jack: We're settling in for a long night.

Phyllis: I don't mind.

Jack: Look, I'm gonna go to crimson lights, get some food and coffee.

Phyllis: Have someone else do it. You're the boss.

Jack: I need the break. Turkey and cheddar okay?

Phyllis: That's fine. I'll also take a double --

Jack: Double latte with skim.

Phyllis: That's right. Thank you. I'll start organizing.

Faith: Yeah, we're leaving right now! Let's go!

Sharon: Well, we better get going before she drives off without us.

Dylan: Yeah, uh, why don't you go ahead and I'll catch up?

Sharon: What? Why? What do you --

Dylan: It won't take long.

Faith: We're late!

Dylan: I-I -- it won't take long. I'll --

Sharon: Okay.

Dylan: Just got something to take care of.

Sharon: Okay. Come on, buddy. Here we go.

Dylan: Okay.

Faith: Come on.

Patty: And dr. Anderson taking such sweet, good care of us. Oh, and that healthy, strapping baby boy of yours. Oh, a gift from the stork.

Sharon: Sully was a gift, a gift that his father and I cherish very much.

Patty: What parent wouldn't cherish their little flesh and blood, hmm?

Chelsea: Don't throw this one. It's hot.

Nick: Chelsea, I know what you're trying to do. I just... I need to do this on my own.

Chelsea: Says who?

Nick: I don't want you to see me like this.

Chelsea: Okay, you know how people say -- they tell you that they've been where you are?

Nick: Yeah, and I hate it.

Chelsea: I know. Well, I am where you are. You don't have to be ashamed with me.

Nick: I am ashamed, you know. I don't feel like I have any reason to be like this. I have -- I got a lot of friends, I've got an amazing family, I've got my children.

Chelsea: Yeah, most days that helps, but today's different.

Nick: Mourning Christian is different. [Voice breaking] It's lonelier, you know? Sage was the only other person who -- who knew Christian the way I did. And she's gone. I just miss him, you know? I miss my son, and I miss my wife so much.

Victor: First I allowed Curtis fielding to think that he was getting away with this betrayal.

Abby: So this was a long-term plan?

Victor: And it was a test for Travis, a test he failed.

Abby: You expected him to come after me.

Victor: And I specifically told him not to come after you, summer, or Noah.

Abby: You know, when Travis was trying to get me to give myself up as the leak, I laughed. It was exactly what you warned me might happen.

Victor: While he was blundering around trying to find some dirt on our family, you found out who leaked what to whom. That shows you have the Newman instinct, you know.

Abby: Thank you, daddy. That means a lot coming from you.

Victor: You know, those instincts have served us well in business.

Abby: [Chuckles] And when it comes to our personal lives, sometimes they've failed us spectacularly.

Victor: As they say in French, cette une histoire. "That's another story."

Abby: [Laughs]

Esther: Okay, there you go.

Travis: So we do a loop around the neighborhood then come here for the party.

Billy: We come here to get more candy.

Victoria: And then more running around to burn off the candy.

Travis: Come on, bud.

Victoria: Let's go see what goodies Esther has out here.

Jack: Esther! I didn't expect to see that look on you again.

Esther: Hi, jack. Well, it's Halloween, and my old uniform wanted to come out of mothballs for the occasion.

Jack: Kind of like an old friend.

Esther: Yeah, like one you don't want to visit too often.

[Both laugh]

Esther: Your order will be up soon, jack.

Billy: Come on, it's Halloween. They can have a couple more pieces of candy.

Victoria: Okay, one more piece for you and for you. Then I'm cutting you off. Especially you.

Jack: Who are these cuties? Look at you!

Victoria: It's uncle jack!

Jack: Hello!

Victoria: Watch out for sticky fingers, though.

Jack: Oh, no, that's all right. I got to see these outfits. Hey, you know what? I happen to know that Esther has a secret stash of candy behind the counter.

Esther: Don't tell. Come on, you guys. You want candy? Yes.

Billy: Working late at the office tonight, big brother? What are you cooking up over there?

Jack: What I do at work is none of your business.

Billy: Kind of depends on who you do business with.

Jack: Travis, little surprised to run into you again so soon. Did you find whatever it was you were looking for in the trash?

Victoria: Oh, you really had a busy day, haven't you?

[Cell phone rings]

Travis: Hello? Yeah, I'm, uh, in the middle of -- I'll be right there.

Billy: Duty calls, huh?

Travis: I got to go. I'll be home as soon as I can.

Victoria: Okay. I'm just gonna go make sure that Johnny hasn't emptied out the candy jar.

Esther: Here we go. It's all ready. Two sandwiches, two coffees -- one regular and one double latte with skim.

Jack: Thank you.

Billy: Hmm. That's what Phyllis orders.

[Door opens]

Summer: You know, you don't have to hide that stuff from me. I know what it is.

Phyllis: Hello, sweetheart. It's just work.

Summer: Don't play me, mom, okay? I heard all about how you're working against grandpa leaking damaging information to the press.

Phyllis: Heard from whom?

Summer: From someone who knows. What are you thinking? All this is gonna get you is the full wrath of Victor Newman coming down on your head.

Phyllis: Okay.

Summer: Is that what you want?

Phyllis: You have misunderstood.

Summer: Really? Newman enterprises confidential memo --

Phyllis: Summer. It is not what you think. Believe it or not, I am not trying to take Victor down or his company.

Summer: I came here hoping for a reasonable explanation from you. I thought that my own mom was gonna be honest with me.

Phyllis: Summer, please. Close the door. Please. Jack is the one who's after Victor. I am only helping, or at least that's what I want jack to believe.

Summer: That makes no sense.

Phyllis: Jack wants Victor to suffer the same kind of pain that he suffered. He wants him to feel like he thinks it's gonna make it right and bring him some closure and satisfaction.

Summer: Well, it won't.

Phyllis: I know that better than anyone. And ultimately it will bring jack more pain, but he can't hear that right now.

Summer: So you're placating jack! You're just going along with this until grandpa drives jabot out of business or has both of you arrested!

Phyllis: I'm not gonna let any of that happen.

Summer: That is already happening, mom.

Phyllis: What else have you heard? You know what? Forget it. I need to find a way to show jack this isn't what he wants, that this isn't who he is.

Summer: You mean by lying to him. Again.

Dylan: You know, Sharon was really upset after our visit with you. And I asked her why and what you two were really talking about when I left the room.

Patty: Sharon told me to be good so that good things would happen.

Dylan: Well, I think there's more to it. What'd you tell Paul you wanted to talk to Sharon?

Patty: Fairview wasn't fair. Not much of a view, either. I miss her.

Dylan: Who? Sharon?

Patty: My cat.

Dylan: I talked to your doctor. I talked to Paul. And you said things to them that imply that... you think you're getting out of here, don't you? Patty, you're here for a reason. I know that you understand that, but what I don't know is how you came up with this idea about leaving and how, in your mind, that's somehow tied up with my wife. You're gonna get all the help that you need here, patty. And we're all happy about that, including Sharon. So just -- just concentrate on your treatment, okay? Forget about Fairview. Forget about whatever happened there. You leave Sharon alone. Don't try and contact her again.

Patty: [Voice breaking] Secrets and lies. That's... what your wifey and I really were talking about.

Dylan: What are these secrets you keep talking about? Come on, patty. Don't get quiet on me now. Please. Obviously it's something you're thinking about. You keep bringing up Fairview, you keep bringing up dr. Anderson. If there's something you want to tell me, just tell me! I don't know what it's like for you here, okay? But I just -- I just want my wife to be at peace. And I get a sense that you understand her lingering memories of Fairview better than anybody, so if something happened there, if you can just help me understand what's upsetting Sharon...

Patty: I'm -- I'm sorry. I-I just don't want to hurt you.

[Door opens]

Patty: But -- my meds now? Can't it wait?

No, these are administered on a very strict schedule, patty.

Patty: [Sighs]

Dylan: Thank you for your time, patty.

Patty: [Sighs] [Sniffles]

[Door opens]

Patty: [Sighs]

[Door closes]

Nick: You know, it's Halloween. I should be at home taking pictures with faith in her costume. I just couldn't shake the sadness, you know? And I didn't want to bring this, like, dark cloud over everyone's happiness. I thought I could suck it up and just smile and pretend like everything was okay, but I just couldn't do it.

Chelsea: What amazes me is that you actually thought that you could. I mean, you don't expect me to suddenly just stop being sad about Adam.

Nick: That's different.

Chelsea: No, it's not. It's not different at all. Nick Newman is allowed to have a bad day. And all the people that care about you aren't putting some arbitrary time limit on your grief. They understand.

Nick: But I don't understand. I don't think I'm ever gonna be able to find peace again.

Summer: Mom, look at what all of your lying has done, how many people you've hurt, including yourself.

Phyllis: Which is why I have to stop jack from going down this destructive path that he is on.

Summer: Were you not just paying attention to what you just went through with jack? Keep lying to him and you will destroy any chance of the two of you having any kind of relationship. When he finds out about this --

Phyllis: He's not going to find out.

Summer: Mom, he found out about Billy. He's gonna find out about this.

Phyllis: You're the only one who knows what I'm trying to do, and you are not going to tell him. I am trying to protect the man that I love.

Summer: With more lies, mom. That worked out really well the last time.

Phyllis: I am aware of the mistakes I've made, and I do not need my daughter to remind me, and I certainly do not need a lecture.

Summer: You know what? Fine. It's your life. Just forget I said anything.

Phyllis: Summer, I know that I hurt jack. I helped drive him to this, which is why I have to save him now. So if you're not gonna be in this to support me, then tell me you are at least trying to understand.

Summer: Mom, this is going to blow up in your face. I know that. So no, I cannot just stand here and let you believe that.

Phyllis: If you're not gonna be here for me on this, then at least promise me your silence.

Summer: You are hurting yourself, and you are hurting jack.

Phyllis: I need your promise.

Summer: I won't say a word. But I pray that you know what you're doing.

Abby: Dad, I mean, it's -- it's great that you saw this coming, that you realized Curtis fielding was the bad guy on the board, but no offense -- why didn't you just cut him off? I mean, even if we had gotten rid of him this afternoon, Phyllis wouldn't have gotten her hands on those Newman documents. And then she wouldn't be able to release them to the tabloid press. You set it all up. You leaked them phony information. You're setting up Phyllis and jack.

Victor: And?

Abby: And GC buzz.

Victor: Yes, my darling. It's called running the table.

Abby: And when they broadcast the story...

Victor: Without vetting the source...

Abby: They'll be wiped out. Credibility undermined. And that first release about Newman will be completely negated. At the very least, everything they've ever published will be in question.

Victor: You have the Newman instinct. I told you.

Abby: [Chuckles]

[Door opens]

Travis: Victor. When'd you get back?

Abby: I'm sure you guys have a lot to talk about. I'll see you later, daddy. Bye, Travis.

Travis: This is a nice surprise. I thought you were out of town.

Victor: Yes, well, I was out of the office for a while. Kindly close the door, Travis.

Nick: You know, when Dylan asked me to stay at his house and watch out for Sharon and the kids while he was gone, I didn't hesitate.

Chelsea: Why would you?

Nick: Yeah, I mean, Sharon and I, we've got a great relationship. I knew I'd get to spend a lot more time with faith and, you know, joke around with Mariah. Of course, there's sully.

Chelsea: What about him?

Nick: [Sighs] You know, I just didn't think I'd enjoy spending as much time with him as I have. I mean, he's just such a great kid. He's got such an amazing little personality. And when I'm with him, when I'm holding him and taking care of him, it just feels natural, feels easy.

Chelsea: So then why did you leave?

Nick: You know, the longer I stayed, the vibe got a little weird. You know, I kind of felt like -- like Sharon was getting uncomfortable.

Chelsea: She told you that?

Nick: Well, she asked me to leave. And this stays in this room, please.

Chelsea: Of course.

Nick: But that really hurt me, you know. With everything I've been feeling today, I think Sharon realized before I did the effect spending time with sully had on me. It's kind of like the more time I spent with him, it kind of turned on itself, you know?

Chelsea: I know you said it brought up painful memories.

Nick: [Sighs] It blindsided me. You know, I'd been so successful at selling my own hype. Even before sage died, you know, I... I just kept playing, you know, the grieving father and soldiering on and dealing with his kid's death. And I thought if I said the right things enough, if -- if I smiled enough, if I acted normal enough that it would get easier. It just hasn't. [Voice breaking] It hurts. You know, it hurts...so much. It hurts just as much as the day I lost him.

Sharon: Yeah.

Dylan: Wow. That's quite a haul. Look at that!

Sharon: Well, what can I say? Our kids are a magnet for candy. How was work? Everything okay?

Dylan: Uh, that? Yeah, yeah, everything's good.

Billy: Okay, here's the deal. How many pieces of candy here? You guys get one each. I get all the rest, okay? Oooh!

Katie: [Laughs]

Billy: What? What is this? What's that? Where'd that come from? It come from your ear? Ohh! Look at that. What you gonna do with all that?

Victoria: I think it's time for me to get our little goblins home.

Billy: Going home, huh? Can I help you to the car?

Victoria: No, no, no. I got it. Let's go. Say goodbye to your daddy.

Billy: Bye, sweetheart.

Victoria: Okay! Let's get you to the car and everything that we have. Okay. Bye.

Billy: [Chuckles]

Jack: Well, everything appears to be legitimate. Time to take the next step. Let's print copies and send them out.

Phyllis: Wait.

Victor: Here you go.

Travis: Thanks. I assume Abby told you about the lunch we had.

Victor: Oh, yeah. The luncheon where you ignored my specific instructions.

Travis: I was being proactive, Victor. I don't believe jack Abbott's the one receiving internal documents.

Victor: Phyllis is.

Travis: Phyllis?

Victor: Someone has been passing documents to her directly.

Travis: A board member?

Victor: Curtis fielding. I've suspected that SOB. For over a week.

Travis: So you were just testing me.

Victor: That's right, Travis. Ever since Natalie told me that you were digging for dirt on our family.

Travis: The situation required me to be objective and thorough. I was investigating everyone who had access to secure documents, Victor.

Victor: Calm down, Travis. You made a mistake, okay? While you were blundering around trying to find dirt on our family, my daughter Abby found out exactly who was leaking what to whom. She and I will now take this on ourselves.

Travis: So where does that leave me?

Victor: It leaves you crunching numbers.

Travis: Victor.

Victor: Listen. I gave you a chance. You blew it. You probably will not get another one again. I will take this over, which I should have done from the beginning. One does these things best oneself. Unless I deal with someone I can fully trust.

Phyllis: I want to delay releasing this information.

Jack: What? Victor is reeling right now.

Phyllis: I don't want to underestimate Victor. You know he's got to be ready for the next hit.

Jack: We have the documents in hand.

Phyllis: We're gonna put them in the safe. We're gonna use them when it's optimal. We are in a chess match with Victor Newman, and I don't want to put our queen into play too soon.

Jack: I made that mistake more than once playing with you. I won't make that mistake again.

Esther: Billy, want something?

Billy: How about a double latte, skim?

Esther: Oh, that's Phyllis' usual. Jack ordered one of those earlier.

[Keys jingle]

Victoria: So what was the crisis?

Travis: Victor had me summoned. He's known the identity of the mole for a week. It was just a test, and I failed. Guilty of being too thorough.

Victoria: Of investigating my family.

Travis: You should have seen the way he dismissed me. He's a son of a --

Victoria: That son of a bitch is my father. Don't say I didn't warn you. I'm gonna go up.

Sharon: Well, faith, your costume was a huge hit.

Faith: Thanks. I thought Kayla was gonna die. Everybody loved it.

Dylan: Yeah, so did your baby brother.

Faith: Sully wasn't scared at all.

Dylan: I know, right? I mean, this guy loved the Halloween costumes, all the decorations. Not bad for a first Halloween. There's gonna be a lot of firsts for him this year.

Faith: His birthday's coming up.

Dylan: I know. I got huge plans.

Faith: [Chuckles]

Nick: Chelsea, thanks a lot for talking. Uh, it helped. You were right.

Chelsea: Better than smashing things?

Nick: A lot less clean-up. I can tell you that.

Chelsea: Well, I'll help you.

Nick: No, don't worry about it. Let's just leave it. It's still Halloween. If we leave now, I can still spend part of the day with my daughter.

Chelsea: Oh, I think that's an excellent idea. Let's do it.

Nick: All right.

[Cell phone rings]

Nick: Oh. Don't recognize this number. Should I risk it?

Chelsea: Yeah.

Nick: All right.

Chelsea: Go for it.

Nick: Hello? Patty?

Patty: Nick, there's something you need to know.

Nick: What is it? What do I need to know?

Patty: Christian is alive. Sharon has him.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Chelsea: Apparently there is a chance that Christian is alive.

So what brought about this change in attitude?

Patty: It's because there are no more secrets.

Nick: I got a weird call tonight from Patty Williams.

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