Y&R Transcript Thursday 10/27/16
Provided By Suzanne
Dylan: I'm sorry you have to go through this, Paul.
Paul: Yeah, thanks. I mean, I don't even know really why I'm here. I just think that, uh, maybe her seeing me will help somehow.
Dylan: Yeah, you're doing everything you can for your sister. And she knows that even if she can't express it.
Paul: Okay, I, uh, I'll give you a call on my way home.
Dylan: Okay. Sounds good.
Sharon: Is everything okay?
Dylan: Uh, no. There was a problem with patty's transfer.
Mariah: What was the trouble?
Dylan: Well, apparently, you know, everything was fine. She was acting fine both before she got picked up and on her way to Rivercrest. She was calm, she was cooperative. But when she got through the doors at the new facility, she completely lost it. Nobody has any idea why.
Paul: Hey, Pattycake.
Patty: [Gasps] Paulie! Something went very, very wrong.
Paul: What's the matter?
Patty: It went very wrong. It wasn't supposed to happen like this.
Paul: I don't understand. How was it supposed to happen?
Neil: Hey, you know, Nikki, I can't thank you enough for helping us out.
Nikki: Oh, planning charity luncheons is right up my alley. And it's for such a good cause. I'm really proud of you with your foundation.
Neil: I am, too. It's been rough, you know, keeping the ball rolling without my partner.
Nikki: Jack will be back.
Neil: You think so?
Nikki: Yeah. In the meantime, I can pitch in. Whatever you need.
Neil: Has anyone ever told you how wonderful you are?
Nikki: Oh, my. Well, one can never hear that enough, can one? [Laughs]
Neil: You're wonderful. [Laughs]
Hilary: Nikki. Neil.
Nikki: Oh. Hello, Hilary.
Hilary: I just wanted to make sure there was no hard feelings about the story that we just aired.
Nikki: Um, about my husband?
Hilary: That's the one.
Nikki: Well, to be honest, I -- are you recording this?
Hilary: Yes, I am.
Neil: What are you doing, Hilary? You don't need to do this.
Hilary: Well, I didn't think that there would be a problem. I mean, come on. Nikki Newman afraid of the spotlight?
Nikki: [Sighs]
Hilary: I figured that you'd want your opinion on camera. So, how do you feel about your husband's unethical -- I'm sorry. I mean, alleged unethical business practices?
Devon: How bad is it?
Leslie: I mean, I'd like to sugarcoat, but it's not really possible. So... you broadcast a disparaging story without checking the source first. It's like journalism 101. They probably teach you that the first day of class.
Devon: Okay. Um, just tell me what this means for -- for everything that I have, from my inheritance from Katherine.
Leslie: It's all vulnerable, Devon. Victor is suing you for every penny he can get.
Victor: The source of the leak is not my family.
Natalie: But Travis said we need to think --
Victor: I don't care what Travis said. He is looking in the wrong places.
Natalie: I'm just wondering if maybe you're a little too close. Sometimes it's hard to be objective when it comes to the people we care about.
Victor: My dear girl, the leak does not come from a member of my family. They tried some rather destructive tactics against me before, and it ended disastrously for them. So no one in my family would do this.
Natalie: So you trust them completely?
Victor: As I do you.
Natalie: Really?
Victor: Yeah. You brought this information to me. That means you're loyal. And I reward loyalty.
Natalie: I feel like I just entered the inner sanctum.
Victor: [Laughs]
Natalie: I'll get back to work, then. No more leaks for Newman enterprises, not on my watch.
Victor: Okay. Natalie? I have a better idea.
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Nikki: My husband has been accused of many things through the years. That's what happens when you're successful.
Hilary: True, but not all those accusations were unfounded. I mean, the man did spend the last few months in prison, right?
Nikki: Oh, is that -- I did not know that.
Hilary: It would be such a shame if he had to go back again and so soon.
Neil: Okay, hey, hey, that's enough. There's no way that Devon signed off on this, accosting guests at his own club. Last time I checked, the press has been banned from here. I think that means you, too. Now go on. Get out of here.
Hilary: Okay, relax, Neil. I'm just trying to get to the truth.
Neil: I am relaxed. She gave you her statement. Now beat it.
Hilary: In case you want a real sitdown. Have a nice day.
Neil: You, too.
Nikki: [Sighs]
Neil: Wow. Are you all right? Huh?
Nikki: Listen, if I let it get to me every time I was in GC buzz, or any member of my family, for that matter, I just wouldn't even be standing anymore. I'm afraid it's just one of those unfortunate facts of life.
Neil: Not if I have anything to say about it.
Leslie: The easiest way to make this disappear would be to track down the source to verify the authenticity of the documents, negating victor's entire suit.
Devon: Yeah, well, I'd love to, uh, to do that, but we have no idea where they came from. It just ended up on a desk here with no name, address, or stamp.
Leslie: You're gonna have to somehow make peace with victor.
Devon: Yeah, have you met victor Newman?
Leslie: Go to him, Devon, okay, hat in hand, offer him up some kind of deal.
Devon: What kind of deal?
Leslie: I don't know. But I'm sure there's something victor wants. There must be. Find it. Figure out a way to use it.
Victor: See what I'm getting at?
Natalie: Not really. Now you want there to be a leak? I thought my whole purpose was to seal this place shut.
Victor: I want you to continue sealing this place shut, okay? I want you to protect our servers. But... I want you to leave some sensitive files vulnerable. Just not obviously vulnerable. But vulnerable enough for someone to download them or perhaps transfer them or print them out.
Natalie: So they're traceable.
Victor: You got it.
Natalie: That way we snag enough evidence to find this traitor and deliver him to the police.
Victor: No, no, no, no, no. We won't deliver them to the police. Whoever the mole is will be delivered to me. I'll deal with him.
Dylan: [Sighs]
Sharon: Are you thinking about going to see Paul and patty?
Dylan: I mean, yeah. I'm thinking about it. I just don't know if there's anything I can do.
Mariah: What did Paul say about her? Was she saying anything outrageous?
Dylan: I don't think he actually saw her yet. He was right about to go in. You know, I'm just hoping that he can get through to her, give her some peace of mind.
[Cell phone rings]
Dylan: That's the station. I got to take this. McAvoy. Yeah.
Sharon: This cannot be happening.
Mariah: Patty was already a loose cannon. Now that she thinks that we're playing her?
Sharon: What's to stop her from telling Paul everything now?
Mariah: If she hasn't already, Sharon.
Sharon: God, what do we do? What do we do?
Mariah: We can't go there and stop her.
Sharon: I know. But maybe we can get Paul to come home, some kind of an emergency, a reason why he has to leave patty right away.
Mariah: And when he gets here and sees that everything is fine?
Sharon: Just fake something. We'll take sully to the E.R.
Mariah: You can't use sully.
Sharon: No, you're right. Dylan knows that sully's fine. We'll just come up with something.
Mariah: We have already got caught in so many lies, Sharon. Inventing one this huge, it's gonna be the last straw. I know it.
Sharon: If we would just get on the same page, I know --
Mariah: No, no more pages. No more. I'm out. I can't. I can't do it anymore. I-I can't keep coming up with cover stories and spin stories. My god, I can't even keep track of the ones that I've already told. And Dylan? Looking at him in the eyes is excruciating. He's gonna know. He's gonna see. He's gonna figure out that something is very, very wrong.
Sharon: This is not easy. Believe me. I know. But what is the alternative?
Mariah: I don't know. I don't know. I just can't be here.
Sharon: Wait. Mariah.
Mariah: I'm sorry, Sharon. I'm sorry. I really am.
[Door closes]
Patty: But why can't I go back to Fairview?
Paul: Patty, I think you know the answer to that. You need a more secure facility after what happened to Dr. Anderson.
Patty: She is a very bad person, Paulie. She should be locked up, not me!
Paul: Calm down. It's not about Dr. Anderson anymore. When I first explained this to you, you were excited. You were looking forward to something new. Is that not right?
Patty: Right, right! No! But that was before!
Paul: Before what?
Patty: No! Before I knew that this was gonna be for good! I'm never gonna get out of here, Paulie! Never!
Paul: You don't know that it's for good. The transfer was not about getting out. It was about getting better. I don't -- I don't... wait a minute.
Patty: What?
Paul: Were you planning on escaping? Is that what was going through your head? Talk to me.
Patty: You want to know what's going through my head? You wonder what I'm thinking about, Paulie?!
Paul: I just asked what's going through your head.
Patty: I'm thinking about exposing the dirty secrets once and for all.
Paul: Okay, patty, uh... let's talk about the paintings. That's where your secrets are, right?
Patty: I told you, they're in my head.
Paul: I know they're in your head, but you expressed yourself through... okay, you don't want to talk about the paintings? Let's not talk about the paintings. Just tell me what the secrets are. If you tell me the truth, it'll help me help you. That's all I want.
Patty: Why am I here?
Paul: You're here to get better.
Patty: You're lying, Paulie.
Paul: I am not lying.
Patty: Places like this, they don't make me better. They dim me. I'm never going to get help. I'm never going to be free. They -- they want me never to exist!
Paul: Patty, do you trust me?
Patty: [Breathing heavily]
Paul: Do you? There is no ulterior motive here. I love you.
Patty: I know, Paulie, but I'm not talking about you, Paul! I'm talking about them! They want me to rot away in here! I just need you to protect me!
Paul: Patty, patty.
Patty: No, Paulie. Please let me go!
Paul: Come on, sweetheart.
Patty: I just need help.
Paul: Just stay with me.
Patty: [Gasping]
Paul: There you go. You make it harder on yourself, sweetheart. Attagirl. You okay?
Patty: Sharon.
Paul: Shar--
Patty: Bring her here. I have to talk to her. Please, Paulie.
[Computer keys clacking]
Natalie: If you don't say hello to me, I might have to hack your e-mail.
Mariah: Hey, swizzlestick.
Natalie: Hi.
Mariah: When did you get back?
Natalie: Who says I ever left?
Mariah: Okay, then.
Natalie: If you're dying to tell me "I told you so" about Kevin, then this is your chance.
Mariah: No, I'm good.
Natalie: Really?
Mariah: My intentions were legit. Okay, they were legit-ish. I was honestly trying to warn you that there's no competing with the Kevin and Chloe show.
Natalie: I've given up on competing. He's a non-entity, and I'm too busy moving on with my life.
Mariah: In Genoa city?
Natalie: Why not?
Mariah: I just thought you'd be jetting off to Europe, taking in another safari, hoverboarding across the country.
Natalie: Actually, there is something keeping me here. A new job.
Mariah: Cool office.
Natalie: Coffee break.
Mariah: So what's your new gig?
Natalie: I'm working for Newman enterprises.
Devon: Hi.
Hilary: Hey.
Devon: So you ambushed Nikki Newman at the club?
Hilary: Wow. Neil moves fast.
Devon: So you did do that?
Hilary: It was hardly an ambush, Devon. It was an opportunity for Nikki to defend her husband, which she technically didn't do, by the way.
Leslie: Okay, I'm going to have to suggest that you avoid any more future opportunities, at least until the lawsuit is over.
Devon: Or forever.
Leslie: Yeah, harassing the plaintiff's wife like that could very well destroy our defense.
Dylan: So you know detective Ratchford?
Sharon: Uh, Shelly. Yeah.
Dylan: Right. Yeah. Well, her husband is a baker, and he is gonna pull out all the stops for sully's birthday cake. He's gonna make it in the shape of a race car kind of like the one he plays with here. And, oh, he's adding a smash cake.
Sharon: Smash cake?
Dylan: Yeah, you know, apparently 1-year-olds now get their own mini cake to destroy for, uh, a photo op.
Sharon: Oh, okay. Smash cake. Good.
Dylan: I can't believe he's gonna be 1, Sharon. A whole year. I mean, where -- where does the time go?
Sharon: Yeah, it just flew by.
Dylan: Flew by. Our boy's walking. I mean, really, it seems like yesterday I held him for the first time. My life changed forever in that moment. Everything I've ever wanted is under this roof, and that's because of you.
[Knock on door]
Dylan: [Sighs] Hey.
Paul: Hey. Sorry I didn't call.
Dylan: Is everything okay with patty?
Paul: No. She's not all right. And she's insisting on seeing you.
Hilary: My interview with Nikki was good journalism.
Devon: I know you don't believe that, hon.
Hilary: Yes, I do, Devon! She could have let something slip, something that could have thrown out this whole lawsuit.
Devon: And did she?
Hilary: No.
Devon: No. No, she didn't, because Nikki Newman is a smart woman who wouldn't say anything to incriminate her husband.
Hilary: You don't know that.
Devon: I do know that, okay? And please, you need to stop making these big decisions behind my back, because now this is about more than just protecting this business. It's about protecting everything we have, all of our money, my inheritance, Katherine's legacy.
Hilary: Where are you going?
Devon: I'm gonna end this.
Hilary: [Sighs]
Sharon: No way am I going to Rivercrest. I can't.
Dylan: Did patty say why she wanted to see Sharon?
Paul: No. No, she didn't. But she was adamant. At first there was the usual delusion. I mean, she went on about the transfer, her lack of freedom, and this whole conspiracy against her. But when she asked to see you, it was the first time she actually seemed coherent.
Sharon: Well, that's great, Paul, but that's not enough to convince me to go. I just don't see what good it would do anyone, especially patty.
Dylan: Look, I'm not gonna push you to do something that you're uncomfortable with. But we really need to put this behind us. Paul, I'll go see patty, settle this myself.
Mariah: So, you're working for victor?
Natalie: Yep.
Mariah: Newman?
Natalie: Yep.
Mariah: The same guy who almost had you strangled for selling out to the competition.
Natalie: That's the one. And it's all water under the bridge.
Mariah: [Chuckling] Right. If that bridge was on fire and endangering the lives of everybody around it. So, what exactly does victor have you working on? Some cutting-edge, new security program that lasers any non-Newmans on sight?
Natalie: I'm victor's new assistant.
Mariah: As in getting coffee, sorting mail, answering phones type of assistant? I don't mean to be rude, but isn't --
Natalie: Do you have another setting?
Mariah: Isn't that sort of a downgrade?
Natalie: I have bills to pay.
Mariah: So pay them with the pass key fortune. Oh, I'm sorry. Did you forget the financial landslide that you cut me out of it?
Natalie: It's gone.
Mariah: How is that even remotely possible?
Natalie: I put all the money in a silicon valley startup. Needless to say, it crashed and burned. It was a stupid app.
Mariah: So now it's back to the working world.
Natalie: More specifically back to the office. See you around.
Mariah: See you.
Nikki: Well, we could always do one of those walkathons to raise awareness for addiction. Those are always very successful.
Neil: Yeah. How do you do that?
Nikki: Um, do what?
Neil: You know, just black out everything that happened with Hilary.
Nikki: [Scoffs] That was nothing.
Neil: Was it?
Nikki: Are you insinuating that I can't take a little muck-raking?
Neil: Well, you see here, I'm just more concerned about the actual muck.
Nikki: Ah, ah. Don't do that.
Neil: What?
Nikki: Don't lecture me on victor.
Neil: No, no, no, no. No lecture. I'm just, uh, I want you to be careful, you know? His actions and subsequent fallout has always been a trigger for you.
Nikki: I know that you're saying that out of love for me, but believe me, I am in no danger of falling off the wagon.
Neil: [Laughs] Yeah. You don't believe that any more than I do.
Devon: Thanks.
Victor: Hello, Devon.
Devon: Hello, Mr. Newman. I, uh, I was just wondering if you had time to get lunch.
Victor: Wow. Just the two of us?
Devon: Just the two of us. I thought that you and I can discuss our disagreement civilly.
Victor: Yeah. Does that mean you're willing to give up the source of this slanderous information?
Devon: I literally can't do that because we don't know who dropped those documents off.
Victor: Oh, I'll be damned. Then why did you come to see me?
Devon: Well, I came to see you because even though I don't have the name of the source, I do have a proposition for you.
Victor: Ah.
Nikki: Thank you. You're very sweet, but you didn't have to buy me tea.
Neil: Oh, yes, I did. It's penance for trying to give you a lecture after I said I wouldn't.
Nikki: I know it's coming from a good place.
Neil: It's coming from a personal place. More personal than you know.
Nikki: What do you mean? What's going on?
Neil: I saw my mother.
Nikki: My god. When?
Neil: A couple of months ago. She was barely hanging on, Nikki.
Nikki: Oh. I am so sorry.
Neil: I got there in time, you know. I made peace with her before she died.
Nikki: Well, that's good. That's very important. I just had no idea. Again, I'm so sorry.
Neil: I'm not. And I didn't tell you this to get your sympathy. This experience has totally changed me, Nikki. It steered me in a different direction. I want to make the most out of my time while I'm here, spend it with family and friends. I want to leave my imprint before I go.
Nikki: As we all do.
Neil: Let me ask you something. Is this what you want your imprint to be? The woman who defended victor Newman at all costs?
Nikki: Neil, that is not fair.
Neil: Oh, really? Why not?
Nikki: Because it's just not that cut and dried.
Neil: Well, see, it is, and that's what I'm saying. If you look at it, life has a way of --
Paul: Hey, you two.
Nikki: Hi, Paul.
Neil: Hey, Paul.
Paul: Am I interrupting or can I join you?
Neil: Pull up a chair. Go ahead.
Paul: All right. So, how are you guys? What are we talking about?
Neil: Well, we're talking about victor. Care to weigh in?
Victor: Well, I'm intrigued, Devon. I mean, what could you possibly have that would make up for the damage done by that preposterous GC buzz show of yours that has done so much damage to me and my company?
Devon: Well, it would only be damaging if the information is not true.
Victor: Now you're pointing more fingers. You're making my case much easier now.
Devon: I want you to know that I'm very aware of all the legal ramifications, and I have discussed this with my attorney thoroughly, and her advice to me was that I need to uncover who the source is.
Victor: Well, you keep that attorney. That's good advice.
Devon: It really is. It's obvious, you know? So what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna take it a step further. I've hired of team of private investigators to probe into every facet of your life, personal and professional, so that we can find anything, anyone, something to validate our story, or debunk it.
Victor: Ah. So you hired a group of snoops to investigate me.
Devon: Because I figure what better way to get to the truth. Now, with all of that digging, who's to say what they might unearth? Accidentally, of course. That is, unless you drop the lawsuit.
Victor: Mm-hmm.
Devon: Because then I would have no need to investigate you.
Victor: Devon, you're threatening me. That's never a good idea.
Nikki: My husband has been accused of many things through the years. That's what happens when you're successful.
Hilary: [Sighs]
Mariah: I have a tip.
Hilary: Good for you.
Mariah: It's about Newman.
Hilary: I'm listening.
Mariah: It's big, but it's gonna come at a price.
Hilary: Okay, how much?
Mariah: I would like a job here.
Hilary: Okay, I was thinking more along the lines of a couple hundred bucks.
Mariah: Not that I couldn't use it, but I'm more interested in the long run.
Hilary: Do you even have any experience in television?
Mariah: About as much as you did when you took over as host.
Hilary: I had some professional experience.
Mariah: And all that experience landed you in the middle of a lawsuit, by the way.
Hilary: We're handling that.
Mariah: I know, and I can help. I have dirt on the guy who's suing you for everything you're worth. Call me crazy, but I think a job is a small price to pay.
Dylan: Hey. I can do this alone. You don't have to go in.
Sharon: If you can handle doing this, um, so can I.
Dylan: Okay. Ready?
Sharon: Yeah.
Patty: You. [Breathing heavily] You stabbed me in the back, you liar!
Dylan: Hey, hey, hey. Just take it easy. Take it easy.
Patty: I got new accessories. [Laughs] What do you think? Very fashionable, huh?
Dylan: We just came to talk to you.
Patty: Talk away.
Dylan: Uh, I don't know what you were saying. Sharon didn't stab you in the back. She didn't really do anything to you.
Patty: Well, maybe not to me. But she's done something to you.
Sharon: We're on the same side. When we were at Fairview, remember? Why invent reasons for us to be enemies now?
Patty: Inventing? Ohh! Like I'm a magician or a scientist. Now you see something. [Laughs] You can even hold it. And then poof! It's gone. But you are right about those days at Fairview. They were very special. And Dr. Anderson taking such sweet, good care of us. Oh, and that healthy, strapping baby boy of yours. Oh, a gift from the stork.
Sharon: That's right. Sully -- sully was a gift. A gift that his father and I cherish very much.
Patty: Of course. What parent wouldn't cherish their little flesh and blood, hmm?
Dylan: Okay, what's going on here? It seems like you're dancing around something.
Patty: [Laughs] I love to dance, but I can't with these! There's no more dancing! Yeah, I just sit here and I think about my life. I think about your life. All our lives. I'm just mulling around, mulling around the choices that led us to this place.
Dylan: I'm gonna check in with your doctor. You gonna be okay?
Sharon: Mm-hmm.
Dylan: Okay. Be right back.
Sharon: Patty. I am so sorry. This was not part of the plan at all. The -- the transfer, it happened. It came out of nowhere. There wasn't enough time to plan an escape.
[Sighs] Just please be patient. I promise you I will find a way to get you your freedom.
Sharon: Patty, please. Please don't crush Dylan's soul. Sully is our child in every way that matters. We would be devastated.
Time for a vitals check. It's good to see you so calm.
Dylan: Was it something Sharon said?
Patty: Yeah. She reminded me how much more I would gain by following the rules instead of fighting them. Right, Sharon?
Sharon: That's right.
Dylan: So was this all you needed from Sharon?
Patty: Yep. Thank you for bringing her to visit me.
Sharon: We should go.
Dylan: All right. Take care, patty.
Patty: Oh, I will.
Perfectly steady and even. Very good.
Patty: You should check the pulse of the woman that left here. I bet it's racing.
Mariah: You won't regret it.
Hilary: Fine. You're hired. But only in a gofer position.
Mariah: I will take it.
Hilary: Okay, so, what's this life-changing scoop that you have?
Mariah: Natalie Soderberg is victor Newman's new assistant.
Hilary: Who?
Mariah: Natalie. From the whole pass key debacle. You had to have read about her.
Hilary: Okay, she's -- the computer whiz?
Mariah: Yes, exactly. Now, why would victor Newman need to hire a world-renowned hacker to answer his phone?
Hilary: [Sighs] It's a front. And it explains why victor was so willing to open up his servers for inspection.
Mariah: I mean, when you have Natalie on the case, why not? She could probably wipe those clean before breakfast.
Hilary: God, this is so juicy.
Mariah: I told you.
Hilary: But we can't use it. We can't use any of it.
Mariah: Why not?
Hilary: Because our lawyers won't let us air anything unflattering about Newman unless we have solid proof.
Mariah: Okay. I get it. But there's got to be a way around it.
Paul: You know, Nik, it's just that we don't want to see you dragged into yet another one of victor's messes.
Nikki: Have I told you two lately how much I love you?
Paul: [Chuckles]
Neil: Well, you can tell us again and again if you want. [Chuckles]
Nikki: You don't need to worry. My eyes are wide open. I see my husband for who he is, flaws and all.
Neil: Well, that's an awful lot of flaws.
Nikki: My marriage is solid. My sobriety is solid. And I'm happy, truly happy.
Paul: That's all that matters, right?
Neil: Mm-hmm. You're, uh, you're leaving us now?
Nikki: Yeah, I got to go, so you can direct all of those good intentions towards somebody who actually needs them, huh?
Neil: Okay.
Nikki: I'll see you. Mwah, mwah. See you later.
Paul: Good to see you. Okay. She didn't once mention that victor was innocent, did she?
Neil: You noticed that, too?
Victor: Let me ask you something, Devon. How do you think Katherine would feel that her grandson, who she loved a great deal, now was turning against her old friend, victor Newman, was going after his company, after his name, after his family?
Devon: It's not that I'm going after you, you know. I-I-I know that about Katherine. I know that she never loved anything that had to do with the tabloids, you know, which is why I'm trying to do something different and take the TV show and the website and turn it into something that even she would be proud of.
Victor: All right.
Devon: Okay? And look, you don't have to guilt-trip me, either, because there's literally not a day that goes by that I don't stress about living up to Katherine Chancellor's expectations, okay? Trust me. What I'm doing here is I'm -- I'm appealing to you as her friend and as my former mentor to find it within yourself to let this lawsuit go.
[Cell phone chimes]
GC buzz will make a full retraction, and your reputation will remain intact.
[Cell phone chimes]
Mr. Newman, I am -- I'm very sorry. I have to go.
Victor: There is an emergency?
Devon: Very sorry. Yes.
Victor: All right. Oh, well.
Natalie: They're on to us! We're all going to jail!
Hilary: That's good. Really.
Devon: What the hell do you think you're doing?!
Hilary: Well, I guess that you saw our latest and hottest blind item of the week. "Which top C.E.O. is hiring hackers in entry-level jobs to cover his crooked books?"
Devon: Here's a blind item. How about the TV host that keeps digging her own grave. I was seconds away from coming to terms with victor, and then this pops up on my phone. Victor is not gonna drop the lawsuit while we're still attacking him!
Mariah: It was my idea, by the way.
Devon: You don't work here!
Hilary: Yeah, actually, she does. I just hired her in a low-level gofer position.
Mariah: I-I don't know if "low-level" was necessary.
Hilary: And even though it was Mariah's idea, it was my decision to run with it.
Devon: Right. Without consulting me again.
Hilary: God, why are you freaking out, okay? Nowhere in there does it say anything about victor or Newman. That's the beauty of a blind item!
Devon: I know it's too much to hope that you ran this by Leslie or the guy in the mailroom or anyone, for that matter. Did you?
Hilary: Okay, just take a deep breath and look at the facts. Victor hired a hacker, and now he's trying to pass her off as his assistant. We are two steps away from proving that this man is guilty as sin.
Devon: You are never gonna get victor to crack.
Hilary: Yeah, you know what? You're right. He's as tough as they come. But Natalie? That's a whole other story.
Natalie: It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that they're talking about me. We're going down for wiping those servers clean.
Victor: As far as I remember, I never ordered you to wipe any servers clean, did I? Hence no crime was committed.
Natalie: Maybe not by you. My digital fingerprint is all over this.
Victor: I will not let you take the fall. I told you that loyalty will be rewarded, all right?
Nikki: Oh, I'm so sorry. Am I interrupting?
Victor: Hi, sweetheart.
Natalie: Yes, but thank God you did. See ya.
Victor: Don't you worry about a thing, Natalie. Hello, sweetheart.
Nikki: Such an odd girl. Well, I assume you're having her help you with this scandal?
Victor: Are you insinuating --
Nikki: No, I'm not insinuating anything. Your secret's safe with me. I won't say a word.
Victor: Well, I'll be damned.
Nikki: [Chuckles]
Victor: Come here. I'm happy to see you, my baby.
Nikki: Me, too.
Victor: Okay.
Patty: So, am I in tip-top shape, doc?
Well, your health seems fine. Why would you want to see Sharon McAvoy if you so clearly don't like her?
Patty: Ohh. You think I don't like Sharon? You're silly, Doctor. [Chuckles] She's my golden ticket out of here. And I am getting out. How else do you think I'll get my cat back?
Dylan: You and Patty. Must have been a very intense conversation after I left the room.
Sharon: Everything's intense with patty.
Dylan: What were you talking about?
Sharon: Just exactly what she said. She needs to be careful how she conducts herself when she's there.
Dylan: And that's all?
Sharon: Well, I mean, I might have gotten a little bit heated with her when I warned her to stop creating trouble, you know, all these paintings and these pictures and requesting to see me. It's too much. It's got to stop.
Dylan: Well, you know, Sharon, when I came back, she was really calm.
Sharon: Are you accusing me of something?
Dylan: You just seem a little on edge.
Sharon: Well, yeah, of course, I'm on edge, Dylan. Do you know what it's like being in a place like that? I'm gonna have nightmares now tonight about feeling trapped and being around people who are out of their mind, drugs running through my body, constantly aware of the fact that if you don't follow the rules exactly, you're gonna be back at square one! It's terrifying!
Dylan: Okay, all right. Everything's okay.
Sharon: No, it's not okay! I don't want to think about things like this anymore. I've done my time! Now I'm falling apart at the seams! I'm not gonna lose everything, Dylan! I won't!
Dylan: Okay. Sharon.
Sharon: [Sighs]
Dylan: It's all right. I got you. I got you.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Kevin: What? Tell me you don't recognize Og the powerful.
Sharon: I need you now more than ever.
Mariah: You mean now that Patty expects us to help her escape.
Jack: I can't risk having victor see me with the mole.
Phyllis: I'll make the drop.
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