Y&R Transcript Wednesday 10/26/16

Y&R Transcript Wednesday 10/26/16


Provided By Suzanne

[Door opens]

Phyllis: So what's the plan?

Jack: I got the cash from the bank. We're ready for the next step in our plan.

Security Guard: You can't go in there! Hey!

Phyllis: What the Hell is going on?!

Jack: Remove this man from the premises.

Billy: "This man," Jack? I'm your brother.

Jack: Thanks for the reminder. Get him out of here.

Billy: I'm here to stop you, jack.

Jack: Stop me from what?

Billy: From going down the same path I did and ruining yourself in the process.

Lauren: I had an exclusive right to carry bare by brash & sassy in my stores, and now you guys are reneging! You were consulting other buyers, going behind my back?!

Jill: No, Lauren, calm down!

Lauren: I'm not gonna calm down! You are my sister, and you are screwing me over! How can you do that?!

Jill: No!

Victoria: No one is doing that, Lauren. I promise you. We are honoring the deal that we made with Fenmore's.

Jill: Yeah!

Lauren: Really? Then why are new deals being signed without consulting me?

Jill: I didn't authorize any new deals!

Lauren: Oh, seriously?

Cane: I did.

Linda: The negative coverage isn't confined to the tabloids anymore. We're getting pulverized in the business press.

Curtis: And there are rumors the FBI may be getting involved. We have a right to know the truth, Victor.

Victor: And you're wondering if I've been misrepresenting the state of my company, diverting funds or covering up losses or lying to the members of the board of directors. Isn't that the kind of truth you're after?

Lauren: You better start explaining, and fast.

Cane: Our exclusive deal with Fenmore's is only good after the first few weeks of the rollout. After that, we can contract with anybody we want, and I'm merely setting up new deals. That's all.

Lauren: I assumed I would be given the opportunity to extend the exclusivity given my chain's long history with the brand, the fact that my sister is part owner of Fenmore's, and the fact that you left me completely in the lurch.

Victoria: Yes, because of our out-of-stocks, you mean.

Lauren: Yes. I purchased 300,000 units. My shelves are bare, and you have yet to send any product.

Jill: Yeah, but that was because of a problem with our manufacturer. That's beyond our control.

Lauren: Regardless, that puts you in breach.

Jill: [Sighs]

Victoria: Okay, well, it's being handled, Lauren.

Lauren: Really? How?

Victoria: Yeah, I have found a new manufacturer. They're running a triple shift to make up the backorder, and you'll have your delivery by the end of the week.

Jill: Yes, and as a show of good faith, we will extend your exclusivity for two weeks to cover the time that your shelves...

Cane: [Sighs]

Jill: ...Were empty and you had to give rain checks to your customers. Would you please see that that's handled?

Victoria: Of course. Will that make things work for you, Lauren?

Lauren: I guess it will have to do.

Jill: Oh, my God. You're still not happy. I'm gonna take you to lunch.

Lauren: You better.

Jill: Okay.

Lauren: Better be expensive, too.

Jill: Honey, look, we were all caught off guard by the overwhelming response. Bare by brash & sassy is a huge hit, and that's not a bad problem to have, if you think about it. Plus we will put the language in the next contract that you can have the exclusive after the initial rollout as long as you want, unless you waive it in writing.

Lauren: I at least deserve that.

Jill: You absolutely deserve that!

Lauren: Yeah, well, thank you.

Jill: [Chuckles] Lauren, you have to excuse the way this was handled. You know cane. Sometimes he gets just a little overzealous.

Lauren: Oh, I'm well aware of his organizational skills and the fact that his enthusiasm can get the better of him.

Jill: Well, I'm pretty sure that's 'cause he's a guy.

Lauren: [Chuckles]

Victoria: Yeah, so, Lauren, we're sorry for any friction that was created between our two companies.

Lauren: Apology accepted. And now I have to get going because I'm meeting Michael and I'm already late. Now, you...

Jill: Mm-hmm?

Lauren: Lunch this week. I'm holding you to it.

Jill: Absolutely, yep.

Lauren: Love you, sis.

Jill: Yep. Love you. Okay. If you will excuse me...

Victoria: Uh, Jill, go easy on him. I mean, cane was just trying to be proactive. That's a good thing.

Jill: Yeah. Unless it creates ill will with one of our most important customers.

Cane: [Sighs] So I signed a deal with Renee Crofton from Kessler department stores U.S.A. And Canada with very specific start and end dates. So what would you like me to do now?

Jill: I don't know. But I'm sure you'll come up with something. You seem to have all sorts of ideas about how to run the business. The trouble is, you keep forgetting that I am the one in charge.

Victor: The rumors you are hearing are fabrications, you know, obviously put out by our competitors.

Curtis: If that's true, then what's the point of leaking them?

Linda: Once they're proven false, whoever did it just looks foolish.

Victor: The person disseminating these lies obviously hopes that the lies will take on a life of their own, thereby creating some distrust about our company. People will have a lack of confidence, thereby bringing down Newman enterprises and me along with it.

Linda: Then you believe this is a personal attack?

Victor: You bet it's personal. But I'm on to their tactics. You tell the rest of the board of directors not to worry about a damn thing. I have everything under control.

Curtis: Glad to see you're on top of it, Victor.

Victor: I hope I have assuaged your fears.

Linda: For now.

Victor: Okay.

Curtis: Thank you for your time, Victor.

Victor: Thank you. Thank you for coming by.

Travis: What do you think? Either of them behind it?

Victor: Unh-unh. They've been around a long time.

Travis: That precludes them from consideration?

Victor: No, no, no, no, no. Not at all.

Travis: Well, they're on my list.

Victor: Travis, I have a feeling that half the people of this damn building are on your list.

Travis: I'm starting to narrow it down.

Victor: You got members of my family on that list?

Travis: I do.

Victor: Well, cross them off. No one in my family would do this. They would not intentionally sabotage my company, our company.

Travis: You can play the victim in this. You can make a show out of suing GC buzz. But you and I both know the truth.

Victor: Which is?

Travis: Those documents weren't fake. And everything you're being accused of is accurate. Those divisions were in real trouble, and you moved money around to cover it up.

Victor: You know why I'm launching this lawsuit against Devon Hamilton and his wife? I'm going to find out who is sending all this information to jack Abbott.

Jack: You got two minutes to state your case, then get the hell out of here.

Billy: What I have to say is not for Dave's ears.

Jack: Dave, please wait right outside. Two minutes. Talk.

Billy: Well, I hear that, uh, Victor is suing Devon and Hilary for the leaked financial information.

Jack: So? What of that?

Billy: 'Cause I know you're behind it. You outed Victor. You exposed his slimy ways. You hit him hard. Now he's gonna come back hitting harder.

Jack: Victor has no proof that was me.

Billy: You didn't fool me. You think you're gonna fool him?

Jack: There is no evidence to be found.

Billy: Not exactly a denial.

Phyllis: He doesn't owe you one, Billy.

Billy: What are you gonna do? You gonna just whistle past a graveyard pretending you're innocent in all this? He is going to retaliate. Worse, he's gonna escalate.

Jack: So what are you telling me? He doesn't deserve this?

Billy: No, of course, he deserves this. You know that, and he knows that, which is why, in his mind, you are gonna be suspect number one.

Jack: Then what the hell do you care? He got hit. Things are starting to unravel.

Billy: And you're enjoying every second of it, right?

Jack: You bet I am.

Billy: Like I said, going down the wrong path, jack. And trust me, you're not gonna like where this ends.

Jack: Where is this coming from? Why are you here? You're concerned about Victor? You're certainly not concerned about me. Why are you here?!

Billy: All right, you want the truth? I don't care if you and Victor slug each other until you're bleeding and breathless. I don't want to see you drag Phyllis down with you.

Phyllis: Nothing like that is happening. Jack isn't dragging me into anything.

Billy: I know you blame Phyllis and me for the affair that wrecked your marriage. But you blame Victor more, right, because it's easier. There's no temptation to forgive a man who's never apologized for anything in his life.

Jack: Wow. You really have this figured out, don't you?

Billy: It's an easy target, jack. Just unleash it all on Victor, all the hate, all the anger.

Jack: You're making a mistake here.

Billy: It's not just you. Do you understand that? This vendetta is going to hurt Phyllis. Unless that's what you want.

Phyllis: Just stop it right now.

Jack: You are no longer an employee here. You are no longer an Abbott. You are no longer my brother. Your opinion doesn't matter. You don't matter. You came here to save Phyllis? I suggest you go back to doing that work behind my back! Now get out of my office, or I will throw you out! Oh, please. Open your mouth. Give me good reason.

Phyllis: Go. Billy, please.

Michael: Uh, dare I ask how things went with Jill? Still planning to sue?

Lauren: She didn't even know that they were in breach. And the contract that I've been hearing through the grapevine? It was cane.

Michael: Cane?

Lauren: Yeah, yeah. He's just been negotiating all over town without consulting anybody. He was willing to ditch Fenmore's and not even deal with the out-of-stock issue. I-I am -- I am beyond furious. Thank God that Jill and Victoria made good on it.

Michael: Need something stronger?

Lauren: Hmm. I'm okay, I'm okay. Probably shouldn't even be this upset. I'm just -- I-I cannot believe the way cane handled this and the way he treated me.

Michael: How did he -- this doesn't have anything to do with last year and my, um, misguided attempt to push you two together?

Lauren: Hadn't really even thought about that. But now that you bring it up...

Michael: No. You and I are way past that. Too late.

Lauren: Yes, we are. But it stings. Cane was a close friend of mine, but I guess that goes out the window when there's a buck to be made.

Michael: Well, cane's being an idiot, and for what it's worth, I'm sorry that he's an idiot.

Lauren: I'm disappointed. You know, he came to me. He wanted to be part of Fenmore's because he was tired of being second fiddle to Jill. And what does he do? He goes right back. And here I am, I'm watching them together, working, watching that dynamic. She's calling him out in front of Victoria and me.

Michael: I guess he's just walked into the same situation.

Lauren: Yes, he did. Only worse. So to answer your question, no, I am not suing my sister. And you, my darling, are free to pursue Victor's lawsuit.

Travis: Hey, Natalie. You got a sec?

Natalie: Sure. What's up?

Travis: I need some research.

Natalie: Pretty sure there's a whole department for that.

Travis: I want you to investigate the Newman board of directors, everyone on it. I need to see everyone's financial picture -- bank accounts, stocks, bonds, as well as their phone records. You're gonna be looking for anything out of the ordinary -- unusual patterns, large purchases, that kind of thing.

Natalie: I get it, I get it. I know how to find and analyze the personal data of anyone foolish enough to go online without taking the necessary precautions, which is pretty much anyone online. It's simple. I can do it in my sleep.

Travis: Then why aren't you saying, "sure, Travis. I can do that for you"?

Natalie: Because most of the board members are Newmans. Does Victor know what you're doing?

Travis: I'd be grateful for the information.

Natalie: Do you really think that someone from Victor's inner circle is responsible for leaking that data to GC buzz?

Travis: This early in the game, it's a mistake to rule out anybody.

Billy: Well, thank you very much, Dave. Couldn't have done it without you. You are one heck of a hall monitor, so appreciate it, but you can mosey on now.

Don't test me, Abbott.

Victoria: What was that about?

Billy: Paid a little visit to jack and Phyllis.

Victoria: Ah. Well, how long did it take for them to throw you out?

Billy: I got an actual audience. Two minutes. I pushed it to two and a half.

Victoria: Well, you must have had something really interesting to say.

Billy: Well, most of the time I do, but not this time. Jack basically said that I'm dead to him.

Victoria: [Winces] Ouch.

Billy: Is that a smile? Are you having a little, uh, self-satisfying smirk there? Do you enjoy seeing me crash and burn, Victoria?

Victoria: I can't believe that's even a question. Although I do have to ask myself why you even went up there when your brother has so much contempt for you.

Billy: Glutton for punishment. Let's just say I have my reasons.

Victoria: Anyway, you missed a really exciting morning this morning.

Billy: Why do you say that?

Victoria: Lauren's on the warpath.

Billy: Why? She loves our product.

Victoria: Well, evidently cane has been making deals behind everyone's back.

Billy: What kind of deals?

Victoria: With other retailers. And Lauren --

Billy: She has an exclusive with us. What is he thinking?

Victoria: That the rollout period is ending soon and Lauren is under the impression --

Billy: She has the right of first refusal to extend her contract.

Victoria: She has every right to assume that.

Billy: It should be in her contract, but still, the option is implied. What did my mother say?

Victoria: Let me just put it this way. It would have put you in a much more cheerful mood watching her put cane in his place.

Victor: Well, I'll be damned. Here's the other Abbott, the one who was tossed in the clink for brawling.

Victoria: Hey, dad, you're here for lunch.

Billy: So, I heard you got nailed in the press for cooking the books at Newman.

Victor: When you see your brother jack, kindly tell him that I'm doing some sleuthing, okay? I'll soon find out who's responsible.

Billy: I'm sure my brother can take care of himself.

Victoria: [Sighs]

Victor: At least one of the Abbott brothers can.

Victoria: So, um, are you ready to go? I'm really hungry for that, you know, that mandarin salad that they have with the little orange slices. Bye, Billy.

Billy: Enjoy your lunch.

Victor: Oh, this is very nice today. Good menu.

Victoria: Well, I already know what I'm having. So, I saw Hilary's piece on "GC buzz television."

Victor: Oh, yeah? Well, that was nothing but tabloid journalism. And I'm gonna sue the hell out of Devon for that.

Victoria: You think the documents were fake?

Victor: Of course they were fake. It has jack Abbott written all over it. He is spinning out of control ever since he found out about his brother Billy boy having an affair with his wife.

Victoria: It takes two.

Victor: Sweetheart, this latest attack on our company is a desperate act by jack Abbott. That's all.

Victoria: So you think he manufactured the evidence.

Victor: Of course, he did. Put our company and me in a bad light.

Victoria: [Sighs] Meaning you think there's gonna be an investigation.

Victor: Let there be an investigation. They can bring on the FBI, IRS. I don't care what agency they bring. Our books are clean.

Victoria: Dad, if you remember correctly, Luca did a real number on the oil division, and I know that because I was C.E.O. at the time. There's no way that you can turn things around that quickly.

Victor: Watch me.

Travis: This should be everyone who had direct access to the area protected by the firewall.

Natalie: When do you need this?

Travis: 10 minutes ago.

Natalie: Don't get pushy.

Travis: I also want to look at something else.

Natalie: Don't make me regret helping you.

Travis: I also want to look at the satellite players. Anyone close to the people on this list who could have used them to somehow gain access. People who owed money, had expensive problems, people who might be holding a grudge against Victor.

Natalie: That'll be a long list. And it'll include people who are close to you, too.

Travis: I realize that. But we need to be thinking creatively on this, okay?

Natalie: All right. I'll compile everything I can find. I'll have it for you and Victor after I'm done. I'll print it out --

Travis: Actually, right now, let's just keep this between us.

[Pen clicking]

Jill: Oh! Good, I'm glad you're here. I wanted to talk about the timing of our next product rollout.

Billy: Why don't you ask him?

Jill: 'Cause I'm asking you.

Billy: Well, cane's the one with the ideas. I'm just a glorified foot soldier taking orders.

Jill: Oh, Lord. I saw Victor leaving with Victoria. Is this why you're in such a lousy mood?

Billy: No, because Victoria and I are through, all right? She's serious with Newman's new golden boy. I'm just the town pariah.

Cane: You know what? As much as I would love to sit here and listen to you discuss the finer points of your fall from grace, I have a distribution deal I need to go and salvage. Excuse me.

Jill: Honey, what is really gnawing at you? Please tell me you're not thinking of going up against Victor again.

Billy: No, actually. I was the voice of reason on that very subject earlier. [Clears throat]

Jill: Really? With whom?

Billy: Well, I told jack not to go poke the bear, to learn from my mistakes with Victor, that there's nothing to ever gain, that you only lose. So, go ahead. Tell me that that was a waste of time because there's no way that jack's ever gonna listen to me.

Jill: No. I'm gonna tell you how proud I am of you. Honey, you knew he'd be hostile, but you tried to help anyway. It was the right thing to do. No, it proves that you're willing to change.

Billy: Yeah, well, for the record, I didn't do it for jack. I did it for Phyllis. If he's gonna be that reckless, I don't want him taking her down with him.

Jill: For god's sake!

Billy: What do you mean? I thought you just said you were proud of me.

Jill: Ohhh! Phyllis again! She is so bad for you! I thought you closed the door on that!

Billy: Okay. I know that you have a feeling about this, but you're not gonna like this part. I'm always gonna care about Phyllis.

Phyllis: Billy is very sure that you and I are working together.

Jack: It doesn't make any difference.

Phyllis: Well, it might if he decides to make trouble for us.

Jack: What? If he tries to stop us from going after Victor to protect you?

Phyllis: I don't need protection. And quite frankly, Billy should mind his own business. What are you looking for?

Jack: The Ryerson contract. Legal redlined a copy for me, and I don't know where I put it.

Phyllis: The Ryerson file. Right here.

Jack: Thank you. I don't give a damn about what Billy says or does! I meant what I said! He is out of my life! Hell, he's done more to mess up my life than Victor has.

Phyllis: I can understand why you would believe that.

Jack: What? You think I'm being too harsh on him?

Phyllis: I'm not gonna tell you how to act. I'm not gonna tell you how to feel.

Jack: I'm not gonna try to punish him. I'm not gonna waste my energy. Hell, he's perfectly capable of self-destructing all on his own.

[Knock on door]

Jack: Come in. Thank you, Pamela. "Enclosed: Legal documents."

Phyllis: Three guesses who they're from.

Jack: Oh, this is Victor's counterattack. First he sues GC buzz. Then he sues me.

Phyllis: Well, he moved fast.

Jack: Yeah, they move fast. This is not from Victor. This is from my lawyers. Our divorce papers.

Jill: Here are the spreadsheets I wanted you to look over.

Cane: You could have e-mailed them to me.

Jill: No, cane. I wanted to bring them to you in person so I could discuss my instructions. Also so you wouldn't go off half-cocked and make decisions on your own.

Cane: You know what? I don't know why you're so bent out of shape. We had an exclusive deal with Fenmore's. It was coming to an end. I was setting up a new buyer. You know why? Because that is my job.

Jill: It is also your job to keep me informed. You are part of a team, cane. That means you don't make decisions unilaterally! That is why I made you and Victoria and Billy equal! So you could all bring your own particular talents to the table!

Cane: This conversation's getting old, okay? I'm sick of this. This is a matchmaking exercise, and I'm the third wheel here to make sure if it goes south, everything's gonna be okay.

Jill: That wasn't the only reason, cane!

Cane: And I was okay with it in the beginning! Didn't care what my job title was 'cause all I wanted to do was prove to you I'm the right person to run this division. Case in point -- new fragrance. I did the consumer research, the development, the marketing, the rollout. I even did the advertising on the release of it. I even miss everything with my family. I didn't see the kids' Halloween play last night. Do you know why? Because I'm sitting down with Renee Crofton trying to close the deal that you now want me to go and renegotiate!

Jill: I'm so sorry you missed the kids' play! I never meant for that to happen!

Cane: You have been testing me since day one, and I have delivered, and I will continue to deliver! And that, my friend, is the bottom line.

Jill: No, cane. No, that is not the bottom line.

Victor: You know, sweetheart... I built Newman enterprises from the ground up. You don't think I could do it again?

Victoria: In a matter of hours? I know you can get the company back on its feet, but I'm suspicious of how quickly you're doing it. Look, I ran the company for months. I know every division inside and out.

Victor: Jack Abbott set out to ruin me, and he's using someone from the inside of the company to get to very sensitive information, okay, very sensitive documents.

Victoria: Someone like Travis? I know you suspected him, dad.

Victor: If he told you that, then he must have also told you that I don't suspect him. However, since we are talking about your boyfriend, he's keeping something to himself.

Lauren: For the life of me, I cannot understand why Victor has come to you for legal help and why you have decided to take the case.

Michael: Uh, well, Victor feels I owe him for trying to throw his defense. This is my penance.

Lauren: [Chuckles] Really? Because I believe the bar's disciplinary committee that suspended you, that was your penance.

Michael: He's the type of guy who likes to dole out his own kind of punishment.

Lauren: But you don't need to take it.

Michael: No. I let my friendship with Phyllis, my outrage at how Victor treated her and jack, I let that affect my professional judgment. It led me to cross lines that I shouldn't have crossed. It was a valuable lesson. It's one I hope Phyllis learns, too.

Jack: I guess they were able to expedite things. Good. Let's sign, get this over with. That was our deal. You give me the divorce if you keep your job.

Phyllis: I know.

Jack: I got work to do. Could you give that to my assistant?

Jill: Look, a little friendly competition between peers is a healthy thing. And to be honest, I was wondering how sharp you were gonna be coming out of a much smaller operation.

Cane: So what is your verdict?

Jill: There's no verdict. Look, when I took you away from Fenmore's, I knew you were hard-working. I knew how talented you were. But you can't be running things on your own, all right? Just stop trying that. You have two very capable

partners. No, listen to me. Two very capable partners with special skill sets. You divvy up the work according to all of you. And here's the really important thing. Every night you go home to your family. You do not stay here working till midnight.

Cane: But if I don't do that, who's going to do the work? 'Cause these two, all they have in their life is personal problems. I'm the one here who's driving this company in the right direction. It's going in that direction because of me, not because of them. They're not 100% committed to the company like I am. Do you understand this?

Jill: I do understand that. I do. I understand that you're passionate and you're committed, and it's what makes you so damn good. What I don't want is for you to burn out! That's why I had you carve the pumpkins with the kids here. And I'm so, so sorry you missed the play. I'm so sorry. You've got to learn to strike balance.

Cane: I'm trying to strike a balance.

Jill: Good.

Cane: You know, yesterday Neil and lily and -- and the kids, they come in the club.

Jill: Right.

Cane: And the kids were acting all rambunctious, and I'm trying to close this deal with Renee. And she looks up and she's like, "who are these kids misbehaving in this fine establishment?"

Jill: She didn't know they were your kids.

Cane: No, she didn't know. So I tell her, "that's my kids and I'm proud of them and the way lily and I raised them." Then I get up and I walk away from the meeting, and I go and I sit down with my family.

Jill: Gutsy move!

Cane: It had to be done. So you know what happens?

Jill: What?

Cane: She watches me for a little while, then she comes over, apologizes, and awards me the deal.

Jill: What a great story! [Laughs] I love it. I love the way you handled her, and you closed the deal.

Cane: So you don't have to worry. I am keeping things balanced, okay? I'm doing it.

Lauren: Thank you. Honey? There a problem with Victor's case?

Michael: Uh, no, no. This is from Phyllis. Uh... she and jack signed the papers. Their divorce is final.

Lauren: Wow. That was soon, right?

Michael: Yeah. I'm sure jack used his connections to speed things along.

Lauren: I just wish they had taken more time and worked through their pain and anger and come out the other side.

Michael: Hmm. We're living proof that that's possible.

Lauren: Yes, we are. You know, after everything that they've been through and the love that's still there, it's just -- it's sad that they couldn't work it out.

Michael: Yeah. But knowing Phyllis, I don't think a decree will faze her. I don't think it will matter to her that, uh, the divorce is done or how impossible the odds may seem. She's never gonna give up on jack.

Billy: Phyllis. Wait. Stop. Phyllis, please. Just wait a second. Hey, I'm sorry, all right? Stop. Please. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have barged into the office like that. I obviously upset you, and that's not what I intended.

Phyllis: Not now.

Billy: Please stop, okay? I get it, all right? This is your life. You get to make whatever choices you get to make. I know my part in this, all right? I blew up your life. But Victor was a big part of that. Our hate for that man is what brought us together in the first place, wanting to make him pay. And that's exactly what I see happening with jack.

Phyllis: It's over. My divorce is final.

Jack: Love is a funny thing. You can't see it, you can't touch it, you can't lock it up so you can't steal it. But when two people share it, it is strong, it is powerful. And if one of them doesn't screw it up, it's forever. Please don't screw this up. Did you sleep with Billy?

Phyllis: Yes. We know how to roll with the bad times, and we especially know how to claw our way back to the good ones. We have proven that we can face anything, and this is part of anything.

Jack: [Voice breaking] All those incredible memories -- I want to scrub them off me with bleach!

Phyllis: Don't say that!

Jack: They were all lies!

Phyllis: No! I have missed you. I had to get back to you as quickly as possible... to you, to this house, to this bed, the talking and to the fighting, making love. Yes, I loved you both. But I chose you. In the end, I chose us.

Jack: In the end?! This is the end. Anything we ever were, anything we ever had, anything we ever could have been you just destroyed.

Phyllis: Because I do stupid and crazy things! And you of all people should know that! And if you don't, well, then you tell me who the hell you fell in love with!

Jack: I fell in love with you.

Phyllis: [Sobs]

Jack: I fell in love with you and all your stubbornness and your tense, headstrong, misguided passion.

Victoria: Oh, hey, there.

Travis: Hey.

Victoria: Natalie. Hey. What are you doing here?

Natalie: I work here. For your dad.

Victoria: Oh, I see. Um, so you're his new assistant.

Natalie: What? You don't think I can handle it?

Victoria: No, it's not that. It's just that a person with your expertise in computers is --

Natalie: What am I doing wasting my life playing secretary?

Victoria: Frankly, yeah.

Natalie: Yeah, it's not my dream job, but I was burning through my pass key royalty money and I needed a new gig. So here I am.

Travis: I think we're all set here, right?

Natalie: Yep.

Travis: Okay. I'm going back to my office.

Victoria: I'll come with you.

Travis: Okay.

Victoria: Okay, so let's be real. What is Natalie really doing here? I know that my father wouldn't hire some world-class coder and hacker to cover the phones.

Travis: It's like she said. She needed a gig.

Victoria: Well, I'm sorry. I'm not buying it. I know my father. So what is Natalie's first assignment? To figure out who's behind the leak? Who's on the top of the list?

Travis: We're looking at all the associates at Newman right now -- employees, board members.

Victoria: So what you're saying is that I'm a suspect, too.

Natalie: You buzzed?

Victor: Yeah. Kindly close the door. So, how is it going with your current assignment?

Natalie: Well, I strengthened the firewall and encrypted all the sensitive financial files. But it may not matter.

Victor: What do you mean?

Natalie: Travis thinks the leak may be coming from inside your family.

Travis: I don't know how else I can say it.

Victoria: Well, it doesn't matter if you come up with 50 more ways of saying it. I'm not buying what you're selling. If you think that my family is behind this leak, then I'm definitely at the top of the list. But it's a stupid list.

Travis: Okay, you're entitled to your opinion, okay?

Victoria: Look, my entire family made amends with my father when he got out of prison. We're the ones that helped him to get out of prison. I kept Newman enterprises afloat the entire time knowing when he got back here, he was gonna toss me out. There's no way that my family would turn their backs on him now. Is this what my dad thinks? Is he really that paranoid? I'm gonna talk to him.

Travis: Don't, don't.

Victoria: He doesn't know that you're doing this, does he? He doesn't know that you're looking into the family.

Travis: I'm just doing my due diligence.

Victoria: You're not gonna find anything. There's nothing to find. My family doesn't need any money. There's no way we would give this damning evidence to the press.

Travis: Maybe this is about more than just money. Did you think about that?

Victoria: [Sighs]

Jack: Yeah, I have the money. You'll get it when you deliver me a sledgehammer big enough to shatter Victor's world.

Phyllis: We signed the papers in the office.

Billy: After I came in and made everything more tense.

Phyllis: He said some horrible things about you, no longer being his brother or even an Abbott.

Billy: [Scoffs] I wasn't surprised by any of that.

Phyllis: He didn't mean it. That was his anger talking. And don't pretend that doesn't bother you. I know it does.

Billy: Then don't kid yourself, okay? He meant every word. Jack's disowned me. But I wouldn't take any of it back because of what I had with you, because I still care about you.

Phyllis: What? What are you -- are -- are you thinking because I'm free you still have a chance?

Billy: Phyllis, that's not what I'm saying.

Phyllis: I love jack. I love jack, and I knew this was gonna happen. I knew the divorce was gonna happen. But it is a stupid signature on a stack of papers, and it's -- it's not the end. Jack and I belong together, and nothing is gonna stop that. You are not gonna stop that. So if you want me to be happy and if you say that you care, you have to leave me the hell alone.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Natalie: No more leaks for Newman enterprises, not on my watch.

Victor: I have a better idea.

Hilary: How do you feel about your husband's unethical business practices?

Nikki: Are you recording this?

Dylan: What's going on here? It seems like you're dancing around something.

Patty: There's no more dancing!

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