Y&R Transcript Tuesday 10/25/16
Provided By Suzanne
Neil: Well, well. Hey, man. Hey, was that not the best Halloween play of all time? Wasn't it?
Lily: [Laughs] I know. Why don't we celebrate with a round of brownie sundaes?
Charlie: Okay.
Lily: What? That's it? "Okay?"
Neil: Hey, what's going on?
Charlie: Why didn't daddy come to the play?
Lily: Because, honey, he had to work.
Mattie: Then why is he here?
Lily: What?
[Cell phone rings]
Dylan: I'll take it.
Sharon: No, the calls have stopped. I'm sure it's nothing.
Dylan: Sharon, let me answer the phone.
Sharon: No, I got it, I got it. Hello?
Patty: Hey, kitten. You miss me?
Sharon: Um, we don't want a free estimate on any roof work.
Patty: Ohh, you're not alone.
Sharon: That's right.
Patty: But we have so much to talk about, Sharon.
Sharon: We just did it last year, so we won't be needing your services.
Patty: Oh, you're good. I almost believe I'm calling you about the roof on your house.
Dylan: Come on, Sharon. Give me the phone.
Sharon: I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't call this number again.
Patty: But I have to. You have a promise to keep. I have a secret to keep. No promise, no secret. So what's the plan, Sharon? When am I getting out of here?
Dylan: Sharon, just give me the phone.
Sharon: Just please take me off the call list.
Patty: Ohh. Is that my nephew policeman? Pass him the phone. I can give him an earful.
Sharon: I have to go.
Patty: No, don't you dare hang up.
Dylan: That's it. Let me talk to this jerk right now.
Sharon: Um, look, they -- they hung up. [Chuckles]
Dylan: Sharon, you need to let me handle this.
Mariah: You sounded pretty strong with them. Do you think they'll call back?
Sharon: I hope not.
[Keys jingle]
Thank you for waiting, patty. I know it's after hours, but someone wanted to see you.
Paul: Hey, Pattycake. I bet you're surprised to see me.
Patty: Paulie?
Paul: Yeah. You know, the last time I was here, we didn't get to finish our conversation. And we have so much to talk about.
Patty: So very, very, very much to talk about.
Kevin: This is so not how I thought this night was gonna go.
Chloe: Yeah, you thought we were gonna get dessert.
Kevin: That lavender crème brûlée did sound pretty good.
Chloe: You know, I really would have been fine with pasta palace.
Kevin: Yeah, well, it's too bad that nobody got what they wanted, huh?
Chloe: Hmm. Like this. And this.
Kevin: I was so scared of scaring you away. I was willing to wait and go slow. Glacier slow.
Chloe: I think that glaciers move at a much faster pace these days, so I don't even think that glacier slow is a thing.
Kevin: Okay.
Chloe: [Chuckles]
Kevin: So long as this pace is okay for you. As long as that works. Because if it doesn't, I will -- I will give you space, all right?
Chloe: I think this is a great option. And maybe... we should start by finishing off that bottle of wine that you left on the piano.
Kevin: All right. I'm on it. [Sighs]
[Door opens]
[Bottle clunks]
[Glass clatters]
Hey. You're home. Cool. We skipped dessert.
Kevin: I'm so sorry. I'm so, so sorry. I did not know how soon you'd be home or -- or how late it was or --
Chelsea: Or how naked you'd be. Funny. To think Connor recently said nothing fun happens around here.
Chloe: Ohhh, my.
Kevin: Yeah.
Chloe: Kevin. Well, not a lot of men can pull that look off.
Chelsea: Right?
Kevin: Excuse me.
Chloe: [Laughs]
Chelsea: So... date night.
Chloe: It went really well.
Chelsea: I can tell. I heard you skipped dessert.
Chloe: [Squeals]
Cane: See, last-minute tables, that's my specialty.
Lily: Hi, honey.
Cane: Hey! Hey, what are you doing here?
Lily: I was gonna ask you the same thing.
Cane: Hey, this is my wife, lily. Uh, this is Renee. She's the brilliant buyer that's looking at doing a deal for a chain of department stores.
Renee: Your husband is very charming.
Lily: [Chuckles]
Cane: See?
Lily: Yes, he is.
Cane: Uh-huh.
Lily: Would you mind horribly if I borrow prince charming for a second?
Renee: Of course not. I have calls to return.
Lily: Cane?
Cane: One sec.
Lily: I thought you were working tonight.
Cane: I am working. The deal was Fenmore's is about to expire. I'm trying to set this deal up.
Lily: Honey, that's great, but you couldn't have scheduled it when it wasn't the twins' play? You promised them that you would be there.
Neil: Okay, and then we're gonna go bowling. How about that?
Both: Yeah!
Neil: You like that, don't you?
Cane: [Sighs] That was tonight?
Lily: I texted you four times.
Cane: Oh, my phone's on "do not disturb" during this meeting. Baby, I'm so sorry about this.
Paul: I was surprised to see that Mariah Copeland came to visit you. Do you remember that?
Patty: Do we have any chocolate pudding? If I ask nicely, I can have some, right?
Paul: You remember Sharon, don't you? She's married to Dylan. Dylan's my son. You know that. Anyway, Sharon's been getting these, uh, prank phone calls, a lot of hang-ups. And Mariah thought maybe you were the person making them. Were you?
Patty: Hello? Hello? Hellooooo? [Laughs] Nobody's there! [Laughing] Get it?
Paul: You want to talk about your paintings? They're very beautiful.
Patty: No. I don't paint anymore. No more painting.
Paul: You know, when I look at them, a lot of them remind me of your time at Fairview. Like, there was one where you painted Dr. Anderson. And, uh, I remember another one where you painted a pregnant lady. I thought it was Sharon, because she was at Fairview the same time you were. And you knew each other. I thought maybe you became friends.
Patty: Secret.
Paul: You have a secret? You want to tell me about it?
Patty: Soooo many secrets. I paint them. I paint my secrets.
Paul: What kind of secrets, patty?
Patty: The best kind.
Dylan: Just give me the phone. We'll block the number.
Sharon: That won't work. You know, those phone calls never come from the same number twice.
Dylan: Sharon, it can't hurt, right? Just give me the phone. Come on.
Sharon: Oh, look at that. No, my battery's dying. I have to charge it.
Dylan: [Sighs]
Mariah: You know, we never heard about your trip to eau Claire. How'd the trial go? Did the good guys win?
Dylan: Uh, I'm a little concerned about what's going on here right now, Mariah.
Sharon: We're fine, Dylan.
Dylan: I saw your face, Sharon. You freaked out. That phone call freaked you out.
Mariah: [Chuckles] Who likes getting those garbage calls anyway?
Dylan: Well, uh, the phone rang and you froze.
Sharon: [Sighs] Just for a teeny second. And then it was over. I mean, I know there's nothing to worry about, Dylan, especially because you're here now. You know, it's gonna be a chilly night. I was thinking about getting an extra blanket for sully. Maybe you would like to do that.
Dylan: Yeah, I'll do that. This conversation's far from over.
Mariah: Patty? How did she get ahold of another phone?
Sharon: I wasn't able to ask her that.
Mariah: Well, what does she want? What'd she say?
Sharon: She wanted to know what the plan is. She threatened to tell Dylan. What am I gonna do? The plan isn't even a real plan!
Mariah: We just have to manage patty.
Sharon: What if she gets ahold of another phone? What if she calls on Dylan's line or she calls him at the station?
Mariah: Sharon, don't do this.
Sharon: Paul knows that you went to Stonevale to see patty. He saw the painting that she did of me. He has so many questions.
Mariah: And we have answered them.
Sharon: Okay, but then you heard Dylan. More questions.
Mariah: [Sighs] There are a lot of pieces to this and --
Sharon: Yes, they're pieces that Paul and Dylan are going to put together. And when they do... oh, my God, Mariah. Oh, my God. I'm gonna lose sully! I'm gonna lose my son! I'm --
Mariah: Sharon, Sharon, stop. Please keep your voice down. If Dylan hears you freaking out over a telemarketer call, he's gonna get even more suspicious.
Sharon: She's gonna call again.
Mariah: And we will deal with patty. But for right now, you need to pull yourself together. Can you do that?
Lily: So, who's ready for sundaes?
Neil: Yes!
Lily: Huh?
Mattie: Isn't daddy coming over?
Lily: Honey, daddy is in the middle of a very important meeting, okay? He'll come when he can. But we have to respect his work time right now.
Neil: Yeah, that's right. If he doesn't work, he's not gonna be able to buy you toys.
Charlie: I guess so.
Lily: How about this? Why don't you guys go wash up? And by the time you get back, your sundaes will be here, okay?
Neil: Go on, guys.
Lily: And make sure you wait for each other.
Neil: You handled that beautifully.
Lily: What's to handle? Cane has to work. It is what it is.
Neil: I understand. You're obviously very frustrated. This was an important night for the kids. Cane missed it.
Lily: Well, it's the new normal. He rarely gets home before the twins are in bed. I even took them and their pumpkins to his office just so they could have some quality time. And then look at tonight. He promised that he would see their performance, but he missed it because he's having another business meeting.
Neil: Cane has you and the kids always, all right? You got to trust that he's gonna find his way. Maybe with a little assist from you.
Lily: I know he's working hard for us. But this play is all the twins have talked about for weeks. And he missed it. I don't know what to do. I don't know how to fix this. I mean, how do I fix this?
Chelsea: Hey.
Chloe: Hi. Well, at least Connor didn't wake up to witness that.
Chelsea: Oh, no, that is one sleepy kid. Usually bedtime is a struggle, but he went down without a fight. You know what? Let me finish cleaning up so you can get back to your date night.
Kevin: [Sighs] Found this in one of your drawers. Hope it's all right.
Chloe: Well, fits better than the pink blanket look.
Kevin: [Sighs] I think I should get going.
Chelsea: Whoa, whoa. Listen, do not leave on my account. Just, you know, try to keep your clothes on when we're in the same room. That's -- that's all.
Kevin: I am running out of ways to apologize.
Chelsea: [Chuckles] It's fine. Next time just, you know, put a tie on the door.
Kevin: Well, that was fun.
Chloe: So...stay.
Kevin: Very tempting, but I don't want to screw this up.
Chloe: It's not possible.
Kevin: You are amazing and gorgeous. And it's time for me to say good night.
Chloe: What about your shirt?
Kevin: Well, now I have an excuse to come back. I'll call you tomorrow.
Chloe: You better. We got a bottle of wine to finish.
Kevin: Oh, yeah.
Chloe: [Chuckles]
Mariah: Do you really think that's gonna help?
Sharon: Mm-hmm. It's helping already.
Mariah: Sharon, listen, we --
Dylan: [Sighs] Kid can't sleep without this.
[Toy winds up]
Mariah: Patty is not going to call and spill the secret. Because if she does, the deal's off. Goodbye, freedom. And that's all that she wants.
Sharon: So all I have to do is dangle freedom in front of her.
Mariah: And your secret will be safe.
Sharon: Maybe you're right. Patty's not stupid. Thanks for talking me down. You know, we just have to hope that patty gets sent far, far away. Maybe everything really will be all right.
Dylan: That did the trick. Sully's sleeping like A...baby. Guess he's almost too old to call him that, huh? I mean, it's hard to believe that it's almost been a whole year.
Mariah: Well, there's a glass of wine waiting for you. I'm gonna go meet a friend because I'm sure you two want to catch up on some alone time.
Dylan: Yeah, uh, Mariah, hold on. I was hoping that we could finish our discussion about patty.
Mariah: I thought we had.
Dylan: No, we didn't. You see, I'm still a little hazy on how you made the leap from an anonymous caller to a woman who's locked in a psychiatric hospital.
What secrets, patty? Can you clarify for your brother?
Paul: You know what? It's all right, patty. You don't have to tell me what they are. But can we talk about Sharon and the time you spent with her? We don't have to talk about secrets. Just tell me what you remember. We start there? That's right. She was pregnant.
Patty: Sitting on a nest.
Paul: Mm-hmm. Do you remember anything else about her? Patty?
Patty: She helped me. I helped her. So very, very much.
Paul: How? Patty?
Patty: Dr. Anderson was very, very bad.
[Humming "Hush Little Baby"]
Patty, can you answer your brother? Can -- can you be more specific?
Patty: [Humming continues] She was very, very, very bad! She was very bad! Aah! Aah!
Paul: Okay, did Dr. Anderson do something that upset you? Tell me about it.
Patty: [Humming]
Paul: Is that why you killed her, Patty? Because you found out that she did something very, very bad? Patty.
Patty: [Screams] Don't touch me. Don't touch me. No more touching. No. Just get me out of here! Get me out of here! Get me out of here!
Paul: Orderly! Get the hell in here!
Sharon: You just got home. Enough with the questions. Let Mariah go and see her friend. We can talk about this some other time.
Mariah: Really, I've told you everything I can.
Dylan: Are you sure? Because it just feels like that something is missing. And if we go over it again, maybe I can figure it out.
Sharon: Or maybe you can just relax here with your wife and have some wine, and I can tell you all about the pumpkin patch and the jack o'lantern carving.
Dylan: Yeah, I-I would love to hear about all that. But, Mariah --
Sharon: Wait. "But" what? Okay, you know, having an anonymous caller harassing me, that was scary. And patty was a theory. Mariah went and checked it out because she was concerned. Why did patty paint me? I don't know. Who knows what's in that woman's head? She had a dead cat named Mr. Kitty she kept as a pet.
Dylan: Okay. The interrogation portion of this evening is now over.
Mariah: [Sighs]
Sharon: Good. 'Cause we have a lot of other important things we can discuss.
Dylan: [Chuckles]
Mariah: All right. That is my cue to leave. I will see you guys later.
Dylan: I hope I didn't make you late.
Mariah: No, it's all good.
Dylan: Mariah. Uh, thank you for everything you did. You know, Stonevale was a wild goose chase. At least you tried.
Mariah: I'd do anything for my mom.
Dylan: [Sighs]
Sharon: Do you hear that?
Dylan: What?
Sharon: Silence. Two sweet, little cuties upstairs dreaming sweet dreams. You, me, and wine. Welcome home, detective McAvoy.
Dylan: This detective is officially off duty.
Patty: You can't do this. You can't do this. I need to be free! No!
Dr. Powell: You're all right.
Paul: Dr. Powell, we were making progress.
Dr. Powell: Unfortunately, patty's mood swings have gotten more unpredictable.
Paul: Well, Fairview is definitely a trigger for her, Dr. Anderson. And Sharon, for some reason.
Dr. Powell: As difficult as the paintings are to decipher, they do indicate serious psychological trauma.
Paul: How do we get to the trauma? We need to find out what happened.
Dr. Powell: I'm not sure we ever will. But I have outlined a new plan of treatment, and I hope you can look at it with an open mind.
Paul: Are you serious?
Chelsea: Oh. You couldn't convince Kevin to stay?
Chloe: Well, I tried, but apparently I'm amazing and he still needed to go.
Chelsea: Ah. I hope Connor and I didn't crash your party.
Chloe: No, of course not. This is your house. Come on. And it's probably for the best.
Chelsea: For the best. Right. 'Cause he wants to go slow? What I saw tonight was not slow.
Chloe: Well, that was my idea. The naked part, of course.
Chelsea: So, am I allowed to use the "d" word? You guys are officially dating?
Chloe: Ooh.
Chelsea: I'm happy for you. And if I can just say it...
Chloe: Like I can stop you.
Chelsea: It is about time. Kevin adores you. He always has. You know that.
Chloe: I just want to make sure I knew how I felt. You know, there is being with someone because you have feelings for them, real feelings, and then there's being with someone because it's just familiar, it's comfortable.
Chelsea: So, do you think it can become something serious?
Chloe: Well, he wants to take one step at a time, and I'm good with that.
Chelsea: Because you don't want to mess it up or because you're still not sure?
Chloe: We're keeping it fresh, you know? Easy.
Chelsea: Okay. Which just seems -- it seems like it's very casual to you, and you know Kevin doesn't think of it that way. The way that he looks at you, the way that he talks about you, you're the love of his life, Chloe. So if you're not in this for the same reasons as him, I... I would just hate to see him get hurt.
Kevin: Mariah!
Mariah: Hey.
Kevin: Hey. How's nick doing?
Mariah: He's fine, except for the very large lump you left on his head.
Kevin: Yeah, I really am sorry about that. Good news, though. There's no stalker, right?
Mariah: Yay for that.
Kevin: What's wrong?
Mariah: Nothing.
Kevin: Except?
Mariah: I'm just here to get out of the house.
Kevin: Why?
Mariah: Dylan came home.
Kevin: That's good, isn't it?
Mariah: Totally. It's just, um, Sharon got a telemarketer call. Kind of freaked her out and reminded everybody of the stalker drama. I just wasn't in the mood for that.
Kevin: Can I help?
Mariah: What the hell are you doing? [Chuckles] You're asking me questions, trying to be all helpful? Stop it.
Kevin: You could use help. I'm happy to do it.
Mariah: Now you're just starting to creep me out.
Kevin: The call -- let me look into it.
Mariah: No, absolutely not.
Kevin: Maybe it wasn't a telemarketer.
Mariah: Forget it, Kevin, please.
Kevin: Let me check it out just in case. It'll be fun.
Mariah: I know you're into that sort of weird thing, but really, it's -- it's fine.
Kevin: It'll take two seconds. Dylan got a warrant to track Sharon's phone records before he left town. I log in, I hit a few keys, we will know exactly who called Sharon and from where.
Cane: Bare by brash & sassy, it is hot, it is fresh, it is buzz-worthy, and the perfect way for your company to establish its online presence.
Renee: You have done your homework.
Cane: Yes, I have. Tell me we have a deal.
[Footsteps stomping]
[Mattie laughs]
Renee: I can't believe a place as exclusive as this allows that sort of behavior.
Cane: [Sighs] Um, hopefully their mom will take them home soon and put them to bed.
Renee: It's just rude. Where are the parents? I hope they know what kind of children they're raising.
Cane: You know what? Um... I know exactly what sort of kids I'm raising, because I'm their father.
Renee: They're yours?
Cane: Yeah. They're mine.
Lily: What are you doing?!
Cane: And I'm really happy to hear them laughing, because tonight I was meant to be at a play that I missed because I'm here trying to close this deal with you. So I'm sorry if you think they're rude. But those kids, they are my heart and they are my soul.
Mariah: Kevin, you really don't have to do that. There's no point.
Kevin: You're worried about Sharon.
Mariah: The threat is gone!
Kevin: I'm just gonna check it out to make sure. Can't hurt, right? If it's a legit contractor, which it probably is, great. But if it's someone else, we nail them. Okay, one more window.
[Computer keys clacking]
Kevin: Here we go. We're in. Damn.
Mariah: What?
Kevin: The warrant to the phone log expired. I just hit a legal brick wall.
Mariah: Darn. And you were so close.
Paul: Patty? I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to upset you. But I have some news that, uh, hopefully you'll like. The doctor has suggested a new course of treatment.
Patty: No art. No more art.
Paul: No, it's okay. No more paintings. We're gonna move you to a new facility, one closer to home.
Patty: Move?
Paul: Yeah. See, the doctor thinks that they'll be able to serve your needs better at this new facility. And I'll be able to visit more often. You like that, right?
Patty: How -- how will I get there? I-I came here on a bus with bars, and I didn't like it.
Paul: That's okay. I will arrange for transport, okay? It's one of the benefits when you have your brother as chief of police. I'll have a deputy pick you up, and he will drop you off at your new home.
Patty: I don't know.
Paul: It's okay, Patty. I know you don't like your routine disturbed, but... it's the doctor's recommendation that this is going to help you get better. And I want that more than anything. It's a good thing.
Patty: If -- if you think it's okay, I'll -- I'll do it, Paulie. I'll do it.
Paul: I do.
Chloe: Of course, I would never hurt the feelings of a man who immortalized his feelings into a pumpkin.
Chelsea: I know. I'm sorry. It's just that Kevin is so... hopeful.
Chloe: I know. But it's a good thing, right? To hope that things will get better?
Chelsea: Yeah, I guess you have a point.
Chloe: You know, maybe you could find your hope soon, too?
Chelsea: Um, only if Adam walked through that door and I wake up from this nightmare to find him sleeping next to me.
Chloe: I was thinking more like the hope that your future, yours and Connor's, is still ahead of you and not stuck in some, you know, picture frames that are lying around the condo.
Chelsea: I'm sorry. Are you accusing me of wallowing?
Chloe: No, of course not. I know what you and Adam shared was -- was incredibly special.
Chelsea: So is there some kind of clock on it, like time's up? I'm supposed to get rid of all the photos and jump on some dating website and pretend the life we had never existed?
Chloe: Chelsea, I'm not trying to hurt your feelings, okay? I just don't want to see you alone forever.
Chelsea: Okay, Chloe, it's way too soon to be having this conversation.
Chloe: Look, maybe -- maybe it is. All right, you need to take the time that you need, but, you know, some day soon, you are going to have to think about starting a new future for you and for Connor. It's very important --
Chelsea: Okay, and this new future for me and Connor, why is it so damn important that we forget about Adam?
Chloe: I am so sorry.
Chelsea: You know, I'm just gonna check on Connor.
Chloe: No, no, no. Please -- please don't. Okay, I just said a bunch of stupid stuff, and I just let it fall out of my mouth. And listen, I know that you might not be ready, okay? And that is totally fine. I am not saying that you need to erase everything that you shared with Adam. It's not what I'm saying. And what's happening with Kevin right now --
Chelsea: Is great for you. And, Chloe, I am happy for you. But don't presume to tell me what's right for me.
Chloe: I get it. I crossed the line. All I'm trying to say is that me and Bella, it was like us against the world, and I was okay with that for a while. You know, but now that I'm ready to let Kevin in... I have someone to share our world with, share her with. You know, we laugh when she says "I wub you" and when she giggles. I mean, she giggles when he just gives her a pony ride and... I have realized that being with Kevin, my world is bigger and better and happier. But it's better for Bella, too. And I just want that for you. I want that for you and for Connor. You need to find someone who wants to share how amazing you both are. I love you, and I'm -- I'm so sorry if I pushed too hard and if I said too much.
Chelsea: I know you just want us to be happy.
Chloe: So you forgive me?
Chelsea: For saying whatever the hell pops into your head and spending way too much time worrying about me? Yes, I forgive you.
Chloe: Good, 'cause I was kind of getting worried there for a minute.
Chelsea: You need to understand, Adam was everything to me. So just because my husband isn't here anymore, it's never gonna change.
Kevin: You want some cider or a cookie?
Mariah: Oh, no. I am all cidered and cookie'd out.
Kevin: What if we split a piece of apple pie? My treat.
Mariah: Did you not eat your dinner?
Kevin: No, I ate dinner.
Mariah: Okay, did you skip dessert?
Kevin: What? No, I mean, no. I-I -- no, I did not have dessert. I just, uh, just feeling good. Fall is in the air. I love this time of year.
Mariah: And there's your new fashion sense.
Kevin: Ha. This old thing?
Mariah: Did you get dressed in the dark? I mean, sorry, it's kind of girly.
Kevin: Well, that's because it's, uh, it's not mine. It's Chloe's. I sort of borrowed it.
Mariah: And you borrowed a shirt because you spilled wine on yours?
Kevin: Nope.
Mariah: Oh. Yes. Of course. Chloe and you. And you're here in her shirt in a good mood.
Lily: Since when do I have to tell you the rules? Running around disturbing other guests is not okay! And on top of that, your dad is trying to work.
Mattie: That's all he ever does.
Lily: Okay, you know what? This attitude has to stop right now. Your daddy works really hard so we can have a great life. He's a superhero just like in your comic books.
Cane: Hey, hey, hey, hey. There's only one superhero in this family. You know what? It's also the glue that holds us together, and that's your mommy. And now I want to hear all about the Halloween play that I missed. But first, I want a big hug from my superstars. Come here.
Lily: I thought you had a deal to close.
Cane: I'm closing it right now. I love you guys.
Paul: Sorry to interrupt the homecoming.
Sharon: We were just catching up.
Dylan: Have a seat.
Paul: Oh, thanks. I won't stay long. I just stopped by to tell you that patty is being moved from Stonevale.
Sharon: Really?
Dylan: Where to?
Paul: Rivercrest.
Sharon: But that's so close.
Paul: Yeah, it's gonna be a lot easier to see her.
Sharon: But why are they moving her?
Paul: Well, uh, I guess the short answer is her behavior has become more erratic and the doctor feels that at Rivercrest they'll be able to help her more.
Sharon: What about security? She's been known to be an escape artist.
Paul: You don't have to worry about that. Rivercrest is a state-of-the-art facility. She won't be a problem.
Dylan: Did you, uh, get a chance to talk to Patty?
Paul: I did, and, uh... she said something that surprised me. Fairview came up. And she said that she helped you there. You helped each other. Does that mean anything to you?
Sharon: I have no idea. You know, she -- she was a little obsessed with me. But helped me? Um, no. Doesn't make any sense.
Paul: She did paint a picture of you pregnant.
Sharon: Well, maybe she just got tired of painting cats. You know, I-I hate to say this, Paul, but, um, Patty doesn't have a great grip on reality. Isn't there a strong possibility that this is all part of some fantasy?
Paul: Of course, it's possible. It's just that she said there were...bad people at Fairview. I'm assuming she meant Dr. Anderson. And maybe at least in her own mind, she believed that somehow she was helping you, maybe protecting you from Dr. Anderson.
Kevin: I wasn't even expecting that it was gonna happen. It just...did. And it's not just the -- you know, Chloe and I are really starting to connect the way we used to, but in a different way. It's so great. You know, enough about that. Let me at least get you a coffee.
Mariah: No, I should get going back to the house.
Kevin: And interrupt the whole Sharon/Dylan reunion?
Mariah: Make it a hot chocolate and you're on.
Kevin: You got it.
Mariah: Kevin.
Kevin: Yeah?
Mariah: I'm really happy for you. And Chloe. I know what this means to you.
Kevin: Thanks. Hey, can I have two hot chocolates and a s'mores cookie, please?
Chloe: Hey.
Kevin: Hey.
Chloe: What's going on?
Kevin: I just thought I would give you a call, say good night.
Chloe: Aww, that's sweet. You know, I was just talking about you.
Kevin: How funny. I was just talking about you.
Cane: Oh, Mattie, you are the cutest witch I've ever seen, baby!
Mattie: I'm supposed to be scary.
Cane: Ooh!
Cane: And, Charlie, look at you. You are the mummy, man! The mummy!
Renee: I hate to interrupt.
Cane: I thought you were going back to the hotel.
Renee: I am. But I wanted you to know I'm putting through my company's order first thing in the morning.
Cane: I thought I blew the deal.
Renee: Brash & Sassy doesn't just have an amazing product. You are the kind of people I want to be in business with, Cane. Your dad is quite a guy.
Lily: Congratulations!
Cane: Go figure, huh?
Lily: Yeah, I guess whatever you said sealed the deal. [Chuckles]
Dylan: And we know that patty had complicated feelings about Dr. Anderson.
Paul: Complicated enough for her to kill her.
Dylan: How could she even, in her delusional state, think that Sharon needed protection from her own doctor?
Sharon: Yeah, Dylan's right. Dr. Anderson helped me so much. I never felt afraid of her. I never felt like I was in any danger.
Dylan: Yeah, and Sharon was out of Fairview way before Dr. Anderson was killed, so it doesn't make any sense that protecting Sharon was the motive.
Paul: [Sighs]
Dylan: I don't know, Paul. Maybe patty's trying to create some sort of logic to make sense of her own world and just deal with that guilt. I'm sorry.
Paul: What are you gonna do? Doesn't get any easier. Anyway, I've said what I came to say, so, uh, I'll get out of your hair and let you get back to your homecoming.
Dylan: All right. Well, thank you for the update.
Paul: Yeah. Give sully and faith a kiss for me, will you?
Dylan: You can count on that.
Paul: All right.
Dylan: See ya. Hey, you okay?
Sharon: Yeah. This just wasn't the homecoming I had in mind.
Dylan: Lucky for you, I remember exactly where we left off.
Dr. Anderson: You know how far someone will go for love, don't you?
Patty: Shoot them once or twice, maybe? Pretend to be someone else, but -- no. Wait. No. No, no, no. You took a baby. An innocent little sweet pea. I have to tell them the truth. I do, Doc.
Dr. Anderson: I'm sorry, Patty, but you won't be telling anyone. [Gasps] No! Don't! Stop! Stop! [Grunts]
Patty: [Breathing heavily]
[Dr. Anderson screams]
Patty: And if that horse and cart fall down you'll still be the sweetest little baby in town
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Phyllis: What the hell is going on?!
Jack: Remove this man from the premises.
Billy: I'm here to stop you, Jack, from going down the same path I did.
Jill: I didn't authorize any new deals!
Cane: I did.
Curtis: The FBI may be getting involved. We have a right to know the truth, Victor.
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