Y&R Transcript Monday 10/24/16
Provided By Suzanne
Hilary: Hello, Ashley. How are you?
Ashley: Busy. I'm about to make a call, so --
Hilary: Well, I was just wondering if you had a chance to catch the show tonight.
Ashley: Not with my own eyes, but I heard all about it.
Hilary: It's crazy what's happening with Victor, huh?
Ashley: That's one word for it.
Hilary: Well, now's your chance to go on the record. That is, if you have anything to say.
Ashley: I have so much to say. I'll try to keep it short and sweet. No comment.
Hilary: Huh. I'm intrigued. "No comment" -- that's not a denial. Off the record, someone went to great lengths to make sure that GC buzz had all of Newman's financial information. I was just wondering -- is this jack's idea of payback?
Jack: Did you see the breaking news on GC buzz?
Yes. I saw it.
Jack: We may have a problem. I need another meeting. Tonight.
Phyllis: I know if I showed up at your office like this, you would do everything you could to shove me out your window.
Victor: [Chuckles] Lucky for me, you don't have any windows.
Phyllis: I don't know what you want, but I am damn sure I don't have any time for it.
Victor: I want to help you save jack from himself. He stole private Newman enterprise financial information, which is not only against the law, but it's a bad mistake. May very well be the last mistake he'll ever make.
Chelsea: And this is a riff on one of my designs from the very first season. Do you remember? It's crazy. It was just you, me, and a sketchpad. And you're not listening because you're thinking about your date with Kevin.
Chloe: What? No. No, no, no. And it's not a date.
Chelsea: Two people going out at night for dinner. No, you're right. There's nothing date-ish about that. No, it's just a couple of friends who have seen each other naked, who, in fact, were also previously married. It's -- it's not a date at all.
Chloe: If you don't stop, I'm going to hit you soon. [Sighs]
Kevin: Hello, party people!
Chelsea: Well, hello there, handsome.
Chloe: Hi.
Kevin: Hi.
Chloe: You look...
Kevin: What? Is it too much?
Chloe: No, no. I...
Chelsea: I think what Chloe's trying to say is... it's just enough.
Dylan: Hey, what's going on here?
Sharon: Oh, you're home!
Nick: Hey. Excellent timing. Here are the keys back to your house, and I'm out of here.
Dylan: What are you talking about? You're leaving?
Nick: Yeah, you're home. You don't need me here anymore.
Dylan: Well, you didn't even know I was coming back. I thought you were here to keep -- keep your eye on some things.
Nick: Ah, Mariah and Sharon, they got this. I don't want to wear out my welcome. But I'm glad you're back. Let's grab a beer and catch up, all right?
Dylan: Yeah. Hang on a second. I want to hear about everything I missed while I was gone.
Sharon: You know, we should probably tell Dylan everything. We owe him that much.
Nick: He deserves to know the truth.
Sharon: Mm-hmm.
Dylan: Okay. What's going on?
Nick: Something happened while you were gone.
Sharon: And that something is... pumpkin patch. We took the kids to the pumpkin patch.
Nick: It was so awesome. Sorry you missed it.
Sharon: [Laughs] We got you. You thought that we were gonna confess to something outrageous.
Dylan: [Mocking laugh] No. I wasn't buying anything that you were selling.
Sharon: Not even for a second?
Dylan: No, not even for a second.
Nick: Well, maybe a second.
Dylan: No.
Nick: Okay.
Dylan: I see you got into the season while I was away.
Sharon: Yeah. We cut out some cookies and cider.
Mariah: Somebody heard cookies!
Dylan: Oh, there he is! Come here! That's my big buddy!
Mariah: He just woke up, so he's a little bit grumpy.
Sharon: He knows his daddy's voice.
Dylan: Buddy, did I miss you. Did you, uh, thank your uncle nick for staying with you, hanging out? I think he wants you to stay for that one last hit of cider.
Nick: Maybe one for the road. I mean, who could resist that face?
Sharon: Okay, great. Sully and Mariah and I are going to go and get the treats, and we'll be back.
Mariah: We're gonna get them!
Dylan: All right. How's, uh, how's the head?
Nick: Ah, intact. Just remind me never to run into Kevin in a dark alley at night.
Dylan: I owe you. I mean, it happened. You were looking out for my family.
Nick: Listen, it's no big deal. No worries.
Dylan: So, uh, did Sharon and Mariah mention that they thought patty was -- was the stalker?
Nick: Yeah. Why?
Dylan: Because Sharon never mentioned it to me. I had to hear it from my father.
Chelsea: I added this.
Chloe: Okay, but I'm feeling a little underdressed.
Chelsea: What? You look perfect.
Chloe: Yep. Mr. Suit and tie here is really putting me to shame.
Kevin: I had to somehow make up for how gorgeous you are. You could be wearing a paper bag and it still wouldn't be even.
Chloe: Okay, okay. You know, you are kind of ridiculous.
Chelsea: In an adorable sort of way.
Chloe: I feel bad leaving you here to work alone.
Chelsea: Stop! Go! Go! I'm gonna actually make you go, because I myself also have an adorable date tonight, so...
Kevin: All right, we know how to take a hint. Come on.
Chelsea: Go. Have fun, kiddos. Don't stay out too late. Isn't it nice, Connor?
Connor: Fire truck.
Chelsea: I see that! That's what happens when two people go on a date that really like each other.
Connor: Yeah?
Chelsea: Yeah. Aren't we happy for Chloe? She was so sad for so long and so lonely, and now she has somebody to talk to and somebody to...hold hands with at dinner. Yeah, isn't that nice?
Ashley: It's fascinating that you chose to drop this bombshell about Newman enterprises when you have no idea who the source is or how the records were obtained. Wow. You've really got this journalism thing down, don't you?
Hilary: That's why I'm asking for your help. Everyone knows that jack has motive. He would love to see Victor and his company go down in flames.
Ashley: I thought you were my brother's biggest fan. Is this some kind of payback for you, some personal issue that the two of you had?
Hilary: I respect jack. And corporate espionage is not really his thing. But Phyllis? I wouldn't put it past her. My money's on her. I just need some confirmation. Come on, Ashley. Wouldn't it be a nice bandage for jack to watch Phyllis and Victor go down together? You could give that to your brother all wrapped up in a pretty, little bow.
[Footsteps approach, stop]
Devon: Hi.
Ashley: Hi. So, Devon, is this really the direction you want to take
GC buzz? Letting your wife slash and burn no matter who the hell gets hurt?
Phyllis: You know, your threats didn't work on jack. I don't know why you think they'd work on me.
Victor: Well, I once told jack before that you...
[Drawer opens]
Victor: ...Are the more practical of the two. In fact, you're more intelligent.
Phyllis: Oh.
[Drawer bangs]
Victor: I think you are the mastermind behind the attack.
Phyllis: I don't know anything about the leak, Victor.
Victor: Yet here you are in this sorry excuse for an office. You so desperately want to get back into his good graces. You're willing to do his dirty work. Isn't that right?
Phyllis: No. Revenge is your thing, as he mentioned.
Victor: My suggestion is that you come to me before jack entertains another attack on my company. That way I can nip it in the bud, and I won't have to do damage to him.
Phyllis: You're incredible. Are you suggesting we go into business together?
Victor: And you will, because you will help me save jack from himself.
Phyllis: The ego on you. NASA must see it from outer space. Why in the world would I ever want to team up with you?
Victor: Because you were happy enough to have my help when we wanted Luca Santori out of summer's life.
Phyllis: Yeah, that was to save my daughter.
Victor: And this is to save your husband.
Phyllis: The only reason I agreed to work with you was because I knew that you wouldn't hurt my daughter, but you don't give a damn about jack.
Victor: You're absolutely right about that. I have nothing but disdain for your hubby. Be that as it may, I have no time to deal with this nuisance. I need to focus on business, focus on family. I need to mourn the loss of my son.
Phyllis: Okay, so this is just all a nuisance. That's why you decided to come into enemy territory, plant yourself at my desk, ask me, of all people, to team up with you? I mean, that's a lot of effort for just a little nuisance.
Victor: You come to me whenever you realize that jack is about to embark upon a dangerous road, make another egregious mistake. Consider yourself his guardian angel. How's that?
Phyllis: I'm gonna report to you?
Victor: That's right. You're welcome.
Phyllis: Oh, I'm not thanking you for anything, Victor.
Victor: Oh, Phyllis, you will once this is all over, you know, once we have saved your hubby from himself. You want him back, don't you? Righteous Jackie boy who you love oh so much. Warms the cockles of my heart how much you love him.
Phyllis: Jack?
Jack: [Sighs] Sneaking up on me? What are you trying to do?
I can't be too careful.
Jack: Okay, that makes two of us. I need to know that the information you gave me is true. More than that, I need to know Victor can't squirm out of this one.
It's from the Newman system, everything watermarked.
Jack: And if Victor has wiped the hard drive and the server?
All those e-mails and data going missing? That will leave some big gaps and look suspicious.
Jack: That would be proof that he is scrambling and he's nervous, even afraid. And the last thing Victor ever wants to show is fear. You know what? We're gonna move this up. Everything I've done thus far is an appetizer. I think Victor's ready for his entree.
Nick: Look, the reason Sharon didn't tell you about patty was because, you know, she didn't want you to worry. And don't argue with me. We both know you would have worried a lot.
Dylan: Of course I would worry. Who wouldn't? We're talking about patty.
Nick: You were 200 miles away. There wasn't anything you could do. It's over. And now Sharon wants you and her and your kid to go back to a nice, normal life.
Sharon: Well, look at you two, looking so brotherly.
Dylan: Hi, guy.
Sharon: Seems serious.
Nick: It was definitely serious. I was, uh, talking to Dylan about the pumpkin patch and the corn-maze incident, how the odds were stacked against me, but I persevered. I triumphed.
Mariah: That's because faith led you out.
Nick: Yes, she may have led me out, but it just proves that I make intelligent children. So, with that, I'm gonna take one ghost cookie for the road and make like a banana and split.
Mariah: Oh, the dad jokes! There were a million of them. Really, no, I had to listen to a million of them.
Nick: You know, people love my humor. And when I say people, I mean toddlers, like...sully and Connor. Connor loves me.
[Sully whines]
Nick: I know! So I'm gonna go check on Connor and Chelsea right now.
Sharon: Oh, that's a good idea.
Nick: [Sighs] All right. Little man, hey. Thanks for letting me hang out with you, okay? It was fun. It was the best.
Nick: [Voice breaking] Welcome to the world, son. Didn't expect to see you this soon. But you keep fighting, okay? That's what Newmans do. We fight. And you're gonna pull through this.
Dylan: Nick?
Nick: [Sighs] All right, I really am gone now.
Dylan: You sure you okay?
Nick: Yeah, I'm good. Uh... thanks for letting me borrow your son these past couple days. Very lucky to have him.
Dylan: Thanks.
Sharon: Okay.
Dylan: All right.
Sharon: Night-night for this guy. And then we can talk about the trial. You can tell me how it went.
Dylan: Okay, you go up. I'm gonna clear some dishes for you.
Sharon: Okay, say, "bye-bye, daddy." We're glad you're home.
Dylan: All right, I'll see you soon, buddy.
Mariah: Is it wrong to deal with all the leftover cookies by eating them? It's okay. Nobody will know.
Dylan: It's okay.
Mariah: To eat the cookies?
Dylan: No, I know everything that happened while I was gone. And I know Sharon didn't want to tell me because I'd get worked up and I'd rush home, but you know what? You should have said -- you should have said something.
Mariah: She didn't. Yeah, I mean, we all got spooked when the lights went out, but look. Lights. We're good.
Dylan: Yeah, must have been pretty scary since you and Sharon thought patty was the one calling, especially when Paul found out she was missing.
Mariah: That -- that's all over.
Dylan: Yeah, now it is. But you thought patty was the stalker even after you saw her at Stonevale. That's right. Paul told me about that, too. I want to hear all about it from you.
Chloe: Ah, well, this is nice.
Kevin: Nice? Nice is the worst. Nice is the word that all men dread.
Chloe: This is beautiful.
Kevin: [Sighs]
Chloe: [Chuckles] It's sweet. Last time we were at the athletic club having burgers and fries, so what is it this time? Chicken fingers? Grilled cheese?
Kevin: Actually, I thought we graduated to using some silverware. Unless you're talking about finger foods because you miss Bella, which is totally cool.
Chloe: You know, we used to do that. Have a nice grown-up dinner and end up spending the entire night talking about Delia.
Kevin: Ah, back when we were an old married couple.
Chloe: [Chuckles] Yeah. I don't know. I feel...I feel younger these days somehow. I don't know. Maybe it's just less pressure.
Kevin: You don't look any older. You look exactly the same. Well, even more stunning.
Chloe: Well, now -- [Chuckles] Now I'm blushing.
Kevin: [Chuckles]
Chloe: Not you. You look older.
Kevin: I do.
Chloe: Here. Let me fix it. Here.
Kevin: Uh-oh.
Chloe: Wait. Well... you got too much product in there. There we go. There.
Kevin: Okay. Is that better?
Chloe: Now you look like him.
Kevin: "Him" who?
Chloe: The guy who rolls around the floor with Bella, the guy who sings really awful, truly awful karaoke.
Kevin: Oh, that guy. He's nice.
Chloe: Don't call him nice. He's a lot more than that.
Hilary: I have a job to do, and I'm doing it.
Ashley: You're using GC buzz as a hammer to bash people with. It's cheap, it's disgusting, and I won't have any part of it. Excuse me.
Devon: Sure. Hey. Enough. That's enough.
Ashley: Hello.
Victor: So what do you have to say for your brother, stuffing false information down the public's throat?
Ashley: Oh, don't. I mean, honestly, after everything you've put him through? You accusing my brother of anything is laughable, so maybe you should concentrate on Newman's meltdown and not worry about my --
Victor: Ashley, listen to me carefully. He's no match for me, and you know it. So stop him before I retaliate.
Ashley: Right. Have a nice evening.
Victor: Yeah.
Michael: Hmm. Ashley looked like she couldn't get away from you --
Victor: Why are you late?
Michael: You know, my wife's waiting for me at home. Why don't you tell me why you wanted to meet.
Victor: Why the hell would I want to meet you? I want to file a lawsuit.
Michael: And what? You want me to represent you? That didn't work out well for either of us last time.
Victor: And you know damn well why that was the case, okay? Because you egregiously threw this in the direction of Phyllis.
Michael: Yeah, I seem to recall something like that.
Victor: I bet you do.
Michael: Look, I'm just trying to figure out why, after our recent history, you'd want me to represent you at all.
Victor: Because you owe me, and you know it.
Michael: Oh.
Victor: This case could get dirty. And who better than you to get into the muck?
Michael: I'm flattered. [Clears throat] Really.
Victor: Uh-huh.
Michael: But you're right. Nobody knows better than I what it means to owe you. So then...
boss... who are we suing?
Victor: Mr. And Mrs. Devon Hamilton.
Dylan: So why'd you go to Stonevale to see patty?
Mariah: Oh, last Halloween, patty broke out of Fairview to, uh, talk to you. And as you know, that was the night that the world basically exploded. So, uh, Halloween's coming up again.
Dylan: So you thought patty was making the calls.
Mariah: Yeah. I thought there might be a connection.
Dylan: So you went to ask her yourself.
Mariah: I did. And you know what? I learned my lesson. It didn't do any good. Moving on.
Dylan: So what'd she have to say?
Mariah: [Sighs] A lot of "I don't belong here. Get me out of here." She actually can't really hold a conversation. I don't think she's getting any better. Maybe she should be transferred to another facility, one that can actually keep track of her?
Sharon: Hey. Everything okay? I thought you were right behind me.
Mariah: Yeah, Dylan knows that I went to see patty, so he was just asking what went down.
Sharon: Paul told you?
Dylan: Yeah, Paul told me. About patty, about the stalker outside, about Kevin cracking nick over the head.
Sharon: Well, the reason we didn't tell you --
Dylan: Yeah, because you didn't want me to worry, and I got that message loud and clear. But the one thing no one can answer is why did patty paint a picture of you pregnant? I mean, Dr. Anderson delivers our son. Months later, patty kills her. Doesn't it feel like there's some kind of connection here? Why is patty so obsessed with you and sully?
Chloe: We got to get back to new York, you know? It's been way too long.
Kevin: Yeah, you've got a lot of living to catch up on.
Chloe: Yeah. Yeah, I've been doing it.
Kevin: Wait. What? You just got serious. Don't get serious.
Chloe: No, I'm not. Yes. Yes, I am. [Chuckles] I just -- I've got my life back. You know, it's -- it's great. I'm -- I'm sane. Relatively.
[Both chuckle]
Chloe: I'm free. Hey, I can pick out my own shoes now. I don't have to wear those ugly shoes they used to make me wear in California. I get to play with Bella. I get to go out on a hot date with a great guy in a very sexy suit. But...I don't know. Sometimes I just -- I feel guilty.
Kevin: What? Why?
Chloe: [Sighs] Chelsea. You know, no matter what's going on, she always has sad eyes. Just a tinge, but it's always there.
Kevin: Adam's gone, but she has Connor, she has her friends, she has you.
Chloe: Well, I'm not enough. She thinks that Adam was the only one, but, I mean, she needs to find someone, someone who can help her move on.
Kevin: You can't fix this for her. And wanting and wishing for that to be the case doesn't make it happen. It's fate, it's time, whatever. And when it does, there you are, right where you're supposed to be.
Chloe: I think we should skip dessert.
Kevin: Then we skip dessert. Check, please.
Chelsea: You should not be here.
Nick: Well, when I called, you said you and Connor were accepting visitors.
Chelsea: Only so I could tell you in person that you should be taking it easy and not gallivanting after hours. What's wrong? Are you feeling woozy?
Nick: No. No, I just, uh... you know, I don't need to go back to Sharon's. Dylan's home.
Chelsea: Oh.
Nick: And I got to admit, it was harder than I thought to say goodbye to sully. When I saw him tonight, I couldn't help but think about Christian. Hit me kind of hard. You know, I was always afraid that I would forget about his little face or his tiny, little hands and... when I'm around sully, it just kind of makes it seem as real or as vivid as when Christian was still here.
Chelsea: I know what it's like. I'll be dreaming, or even when I'm awake, actually, and I feel like Adam's right there, just out of sight. Like if I went into the kitchen or if I turn a corner, I'm gonna see him and... [Sighs] I think it's normal.
Nick: I mean, it's crazy. It kind of came out of nowhere. It hit me right in the face. It's almost as if Christian was trying to hang on to me.
Michael: GC buzz is a gossip site. To sue them for slander just calls attention to the news. It validates them, Victor.
Victor: Listen to me. They drug my reputation and my company's reputation through the mud. They're not gonna get away with it, all right? Well, now.
Michael: Victor.
Victor: Hello, hello.
Devon: Hey, we're not gonna do this here, okay?
Hilary: No, no, I'm not gonna run and hide.
Victor: I want you to record every word I have to say. Might come in handy when I slap you with a lawsuit.
Michael: It doesn't have to come to that, Victor. We're calm, rational adults. I'm sure we can resolve this without involving the courts.
Devon: That's right. I sure hope we can.
Victor: You should have thought about that before you bought this tawdry production company as if it were a purse for your wife.
Devon: Mr. Newman, you and I have respectable history.
Victor: That's why I've not filed a lawsuit yet. I'll give you a chance to set this right.
Hilary: I'm pursuing a legitimate news story. And in other news, it's 2016. So if you have an issue, you can speak to me directly. Don't tell my husband to curb me, because that's not the way that this marriage works.
Michael: An excellent idea. A one-on-one conversation in a more appropriate setting, say my office early in the week.
Victor: Cut the nonsense, okay? Give me the name of the source.
Devon: Well, the journalists' sources are confidential.
Victor: Your wife ain't a journalist. She's a pretty face slinging mud. You were given fabricated documents. They conned you. You want to pay for their fraud?
Hilary: [Scoffs] So you're still claiming that none of the financial documents are true or accurate? So your wife, she didn't buy $3,000 shoes with company funds, right?
Victor: You're not taking this seriously, are you? Give me the name of the source, I will forget about pursuing this with a lawsuit. You keep the name of the source to yourself, I will see to it that all of you go down together.
Phyllis: Jack.
Jack: You're still here.
Phyllis: Where have you been? You have nothing on your schedule.
Jack: And you know that how? By snooping around my desk? So much for trusting you.
Phyllis: Hey, I am the one you can trust. Anyone else would have caved.
Jack: Caved on what?
Phyllis: Victor.
Jack: Oh, he's already offered you a chance to turn on me? That didn't take long. Can I presume you turned him down on his proposal?
Phyllis: My loyalty is not for sale.
Jack: Your loyalty to me might be a subject we should avoid.
Phyllis: Fair enough. You cannot take Victor down on your own. You cannot. You need me. Whether you want to admit it or not.
Jack: Wait. You want to know what my plan is?
Phyllis: If you want my help, I need the details.
Jack: On one condition, and this is not up for debate. You will not try to talk me out of it. Any of it.
Michael: You've made your point. All you needed was me standing to the side looking appropriately intimidating. Look, let's give them 24 hours to consider your offer. Why don't we do that?
Victor: They either prove that they regret what they have done or they will face the consequences. No. Have you made a decision?
Hilary: We can't name our source even if we wanted to. The package was delivered to GC buzz anonymously.
Victor: Or is it that perhaps you know who the source really is? Jack Abbott.
Devon: We didn't know that, and we still don't.
Victor: I'm sad to see you dishonor your grandmother's name. She and I were good friends, you know. You're now allowing your wife to cast aspersions on my name and on my company's name. I think Katherine would be appalled.
Devon: Well, with all due respect, sir, do you think she'd be pleased with some of the things you've pulled this last year?
Victor: Give me the name of the source, and I will forgo pursuing this legally.
Michael: If he hasn't made it quite clear, he's very adamant on this point.
Devon: No, I know. He has. And, uh, I believe my wife has given you her answer. And I want to make it very clear to you, too, that Hilary has my full support as my wife and as the decision-maker for GC buzz. So if you do want to come at us, then you can come at us.
Victor: All right. Do what you have to do, Michael.
Chloe: [Laughs] Chelsea!
Kevin: Uh, maybe she and Connor are still at the studio.
Chloe: Which means that we're alone.
Kevin: Very alone. Together at the same time. Wow. That sounded so stupid. In my mind, it sounded cool.
Chloe: I'll take your word for that. So, um, can I offer you a nightcap since I didn't let you have any dessert?
Kevin: I would love one.
Chloe: Then why does it sound like you're saying no?
Kevin: Because as terrific as a nightcap would be... I think it's best I just say good night.
Chloe: Are you afraid of a drink?
Kevin: I'm cautious of it going to my head.
Chloe: Okay. Understandable. If -- if you'd rather not.
Kevin: Rain check, please? Can I have a rain check?
Chloe: Totally. Okay, well... good night, friend.
Kevin: Good night, pal.
Chloe: Good night.
Kevin: Yeah. 'Night.
Chloe: I mean, you're not seriously going, are you?
Kevin: Seriously not going anywhere.
Chloe: That sounded cool. [Laughs] [Laughs]
Nick: You know, the months -- oh, thank you -- before sage died, I just kept telling her over and over again how... how unhealthy it was for her to always be around sully. And it's like I'm the biggest hypocrite ever, because I absolutely love being around that little boy. When I'm around him, it -- it helps me to imagine my son, and so when I had to say goodbye to him tonight...
Chelsea: I'm sorry. That must have been brutal. Oh, thanks. Bringing back all the pain.
Nick: You know, it's not pain, Chelsea. It's, uh... holding sully, I-I find it very comforting. It's almost as if the ache isn't as awful. I kind of feel whole again.
Mariah: If the doctors can't decipher what's in patty's head, how can Sharon? So her weirdo paintings will just have to remain a weirdo mystery.
Dylan: Well, I mean, you can't just dismiss it. She's obviously trying to communicate. She just might not have the ability.
Mariah: But if patty's trying to communicate something, how could we possibly decipher it? There's no way.
Dylan: There's got to be a way. Why Sharon? Why pregnant? There's got to be a reason for this whole thing.
Sharon: Okay, it's because she's mentally ill, Dylan! Because we were at Fairview together! Because I was pregnant and she was obsessed with me! You know, jack told me that she miscarried years ago. Maybe that was it! You know, Dr. Anderson tried to shield me from patty, and -- and that made patty resentful. Maybe that was it. Like Mariah said, we're not gonna be able to figure out patty! For you to go on and on as if I have any answers, you know, it's not enough that Dr. Anderson lied about who she was, and it's not enough that patty then killed her. But, you know, it's like that time of my life will never be over! I just want it to be over!
Mariah: Look, you just got home, and everybody really missed you. Is this how you want to celebrate coming back? Talking about patty?
Dylan: Sharon. I'm sorry. I just feel like things are being kept from me. I had to find out about patty through Paul. I mean, if there was a reason that you suspected her...
Sharon: We suspected everyone!
Dylan: Yeah, but you didn't tell me you were worried it was patty. I assumed it was some guy, and both of you backed me up on that, by the way. Meanwhile, you're off in another direction, and obviously you had a reason, so I want to know why!
Hilary: I am a strong, independent woman.
Devon: You sure are.
Hilary: And I am your partner. I'm not someone who can be controlled.
Devon: [Chuckles] You've made that abundantly clear, honey.
Hilary: But the way that you defended me back there with Victor, that... that was sexy as hell.
Devon: So what are you doing? You just going back to work now?
Hilary: Yeah, Victor's footage is incredible, but I'm gonna be editing all night if I want to get this on tomorrow's show.
Devon: No, you're not running that.
Hilary: What are you talking about? I'm not afraid of Victor, and apparently neither are you.
Devon: This isn't about fear. It's about sense. You made unsubstantiated claims about Newman enterprises. You can't cite the source, and you didn't get the information verified. You didn't even speak to a lawyer to analyze the risks. So what I need you to do right now is to find out exactly where in the hell that information came from and if it's legit, 'cause if it's not, Victor will make sure that you and I pay for this.
[Glasses clink]
Michael: Libel -- listen to me -- is notoriously difficult to prove in a court of law.
Victor: Well, that's your problem.
Michael: I imagine it's our problem.
Victor: Michael, they can bring in the FBI, the IRS, whoever the hell they want. Check my hard drives, my servers, look at all the documents. They will find out that they are fabricated.
Michael: There is always something lurking deep in the dark recesses of a computer system, Victor. Always. That's why my brother has a job.
Victor: Not if there's nothing to find.
Michael: I think we know each other far too well for secrets at this point. I can't help you if I don't know the truth. If those documents are from your company, if they're legitimate...
Victor: They are not. And I will say the same thing in court.
Jack: So, that's the whole plan. Needless to say, nothing I just said can leave this room.
Phyllis: Of course.
Jack: So now you know everything. Here's the question. Are you still in or are you out? Either way, it's going to happen.
Phyllis: What you're proposing is insane.
Jack: This from the woman who brought paragon back for round two.
Phyllis: If I knew then what I know now --
Jack: All you have to focus on right now is one question. Are you in or are you out? I'm putting a final nail in Victor's coffin. You can swing the hammer with me or not.
Chloe: Okay, you can't break me.
Kevin: I never want to hurt you.
Chloe: You never could.
Kevin: I've missed you. I missed you so much.
Chelsea: So I have to ask. Was it strange, living with your ex? I mean, it's got to be a little awkward, right?
Nick: You know, I don't know if Sharon felt like it was an intrusion or not, but I have seen this look in her eyes before.
Chelsea: What look?
Nick: There's something going on that she doesn't want to tell me. When we first met, it was about a guy. And then it was about Cassie. Then it was some other stuff between us. And, uh, summer's paternity. And whether Sharon wants to admit it or not, that look is back. There is something going on that she doesn't want me to know.
Sharon: Mariah had an idea about patty. She went to Stonevale. Nothing came of it. Now, the phone calls have stopped and there's no one peering in the window. You know, after I haven't seen you in how long, this is what you want to talk about?
Dylan: You're right. I'm sorry. Just got home. I'm here. I just hate there's anything that you can't tell me.
Sharon: There's nothing to tell, Dylan. I swear.
[Cell phone rings]
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
[Glass clatters]
Kevin: You're home. Cool.
Lily: Honey, he had to work.
Mattie: Why is he here?
Dylan: Let me answer the phone.
Sharon: No, I got it, I got it. Hello?
Patty: Hey, kitten. You miss me?
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