Y&R Transcript Monday 10/17/16
Provided By Suzanne
Sharon: Nick! I need help!
Nick: Hey! Oh, my God. Whoa, whoa, whoa!
Sharon: I can't--
Nick: Okay. Okay.
Sharon: Okay.
Nick: Okay. I got it.
Sharon: Okay. Got it?
Nick: I got it. I don't got it.
Sharon: [Yells]
[Both laugh]
Chloe: So, Halloween -- it's not my favorite holiday. But now that I have Bella, I just love that she's at the point where she's finally realizing that something special is happening. You know? So everything just needs to be perfect. I mean, the costume, the party, the trick-or-treating. Right down to the jack-o-lanterns. I just can't wait to see her little face light up and watch her giggle and... [Sighs] What's wrong?
Chelsea: Everything.
Lily: Okay, you guys. Here we are. Now, who is ready to find the best pumpkin ever? Huh? Hello? Hey, what happened to the running around and having a contest of who can find the best pumpkin? What's going on?
Charlie: It's not as much fun without daddy.
Lily: Okay, daddy had to work.
Mattie: That's all he ever does -- work.
Charlie: Yeah.
[Wheelbarrow clatters]
Cane: Look at these orders! Look at them. Look at them!
Victoria: I knew we would go big, but this? These numbers are phenomenal.
Jill: Oh, you did a great job! I am so proud of my team! And you, you can do a Victory dance.
Billy: I'm all danced out, thank you very much.
Cane: It's Lauren. Hey! Hey, Lauren. We're excited, yeah. Oh, that's -- that's great. No. No problem. Okay. All right. Bye.
Jill: What's no problem?
Cane: That was Lauren, and bare by brash & sassy is flying off the shelves so fast, they're gonna sell out in record time.
And she wants to order 200,000 more units for all the stores.
Victoria: Wow! Are you kidding me? Your gamble with the ad buys really paid off.
Jill: Hey, hey, hey! Not quite.
[Door closes]
Jack: I'm ready to make my move against Victor.
Phyllis: And you want my help?
Jack: I need your skill set.
Phyllis: We can do this, jack. We can bring him to his knees.
Jack: Just to be clear. Aside from both of us wanting Victor to go down, this doesn't change anything between us.
Phyllis: I know exactly where I stand with you. Now, what's your plan?
Jack: Have a seat. Business stories and publicly released information say that Newman is in the black -- in all divisions. Huge profits, never better.
Phyllis: But that tells a different story?
Jack: This tells the truth. The oil and shipping arms of Newman are operating at a significant loss. He has been siphoning off money from other divisions to cover that up. He's been lying to the business world, to his corporate partners, he's been lying to his board -- made up largely of his family -- all of whom have just finished lobbying to have him released from prison.
Phyllis: So they're all going to feel betrayed again, and then Victor is exposed for the lying, manipulating, cheat he is.
Jack: This is where you come in. I haven't decided the best way to deliver the good news. My first is an anonymous delivery to the D.A. Christine will see that the proper authorities are involved. This is corporate fraud, pure and simple. Victor will never see it coming.
Phyllis: That is one way to go about it -- involve cricket. But...I have a better idea that doesn't involve the bug --
Ashley: Jack, I've got news. What are you doing with your heads together?
Jill: There's no way we can deliver that amount of units that fast.
Victoria: [Sighs] So we come up with a solution.
Jill: Well, you better. Because empty shelves mean a sudden drop in interest. Same thing on the internet. If people have to wait too long, sales are gonna plummet.
Cane: Okay, I'll call the manufacturer, offer them an incentive so they make us a top priority -- problem solved.
Billy: It's not gonna be that easy. Their new CEO -- Harrison Sawyer Jr. -- of course, only runs the company because he inherited it. He's more interested in schmoozing than he is with contracts and negotiations.
Victoria: I worked with his father a few years back -- Harrison sr. He's a tough sell, but I managed to negotiate a very lucrative contract for brash & sassy.
Cane: Okay, go work your magic.
Victoria: Well, maybe I'll make an appointment with junior and, uh, see if I can make him an offer that he can't refuse.
Jill: If anybody can do it, you can. In the meantime, since you know this Harrison Jr., You go with her.
Cane: Are you serious?
Billy: [Scoffs]
Cane: You're gonna turn our biggest meeting so far into a date?
Jill: Would you please relax? This is purely business. And while they're off negotiating for these units, you and I will draft a press release to announce our spectacular triumph.
Cane: You know, there's a, uh, a little part of you that seems to want to take our spectacular triumph and rub it in our competitor's face.
Jill: [Chuckles]
Cane: I'm feeling this.
Jill: How about a great, big, gigantic part of me? What, do you think that's childish?
Cane: Mm...a bit.
Jill: Well, that's too bad. Boy, would I love to see those faces of jabot right about now.
Ashley: Almost seems like old times, doesn't it?
Jack: I was just giving Phyllis her next assignment.
Ashley: I was hoping you were gonna give her her walking papers.
Jack: Don't worry. Phyllis knows. Her next breach of trust, she is out of here. Understood?
Phyllis: I have apologized profusely. It'll never happen again.
Ashley: Once was one too many times. She hacked into your computer. If that's not grounds for dismissal, I don't know what is. I mean, how many shots at "breach of trust" does she get? Didn't trust get thrown out the window when she climbed into bed with our brother?
Phyllis: Hey! I'm still here!
Ashley: Yeah, you are still here, aren't you? Because you are...what, far too generous?
Jack: What did you want to see me about, ash?
Ashley: [Sighs] I was right -- my prediction about brash & sassy's new perfume. Overnight sensation -- sales and orders are going through the roof.
Jack: So where are we on our strategy to counteract their rollout?
Ashley: I'm researching it as we speak.
Jack: Okay, I want something on my desk by the end of today. Something big. And it has to be soon. We don't want to lose any more market share.
Ashley: Excuse me, hello? I have news, like I said. Our new moisturizer is selling like gangbusters, as well. In fact, so good that I had to place a double purchase order with production. I spoke to Harrison this morning.
Jack: Well, that's good news. I'm not sure how it's relevant.
Phyllis: Brash & sassy uses the same manufacturer. They can't handle two orders of that size. If they're making products for us...
Ashley: They can't fulfill brash & sassy's orders.
Jack: My sister to the rescue. Outstanding!
Ashley: Thank you.
Chelsea: Making this costume. Seeing how excited Connor is to go trick-or-treating, go to this party, filled with joy... and then I remember. Adam's not gonna be able to take Connor trick-or-treating ever again. He's not gonna be able to watch him open Christmas presents or blow out the candles on his birthday cake. And I -- I start to feel like I'm not gonna be able to get through this without him.
Chloe: I'm sorry.
Chelsea: Don't be sorry. You've been able to remind me that [Sighs] I have to make every single moment special. Especially Halloween. This has to be the best Halloween for him. Especially after last year [Sniffles] After last year's fiasco of Adam being in custody and [Sighs] You know, being in the hospital.
Chloe: Yeah. Because of me.
Chelsea: Yeah, but you weren't you last year. You were acting out of grief. [Sighs] I just remember that night so well. I mean, Adam insisted I take Connor to that party at Newman tower, to give him the best Halloween. And there was that fire. Adam dragged himself out of his hospital bed to come save us. He almost died.
Chloe: That was really brave.
Chelsea: [Sighs] He told me after that that the reason he survived was because of me and 'cause of Connor. He said he would always come back for us. Except this time. He's not coming back for us this time. [Sniffles] Oh, gosh. [Sniffles]
Chloe: I'm so sorry.
Chelsea: No, it's okay. I'm okay. I'm okay. I have to be okay. For my son's sake, I have to be okay. I have to give Connor an amazing life -- full of happy memories. That's what Adam would have wanted. [Sniffles] [Sighs]
Chloe: I have a great idea. It's a gorgeous day outside. Let's get the kids up from their naps and let's go make happy memories at the pumpkin patch.
Chelsea: You really are the best. You know that? [Sniffles] You make me feel like I'm strong even when I'm not strong. [Laughs] I don't know what I would do without you.
Mariah: Nice towel.
Nick: I was just about to get in the shower. I heard Sharon yell for help. I thought it might be the stalker, so I came running.
Kevin: What were you gonna do to the stalker dressed like that?
Nick: Do I need to show you what an incredible towel snapper I am?
Mariah: Oh, no! No. I don't want to picture that, thank you. [Scoffs]
Sharon: Well, I'm sorry I startled you, nick. But you know, it was kind of an emergency.
Nick: It's all good.
Sharon: [Chuckles]
Mariah: Halloween decorations?
Sharon: Yeah, it's time to get into the spirit! You're gonna go to the pumpkin patch with us, aren't you? Because after that, there's gonna be some decorating to do and some pumpkin carving and some treats to be had.
Mariah: Yeah, I'm in. Should I got upstairs and get the little monsters ready?
Sharon: Thank you, yeah.
Mariah: Cool.
Nick: Any, uh, word on the stalker? Like, who it might be? Where he might be?
Kevin: Uh, well, we are monitoring Sharon's phones, we've got a trap and a trace device set up, and we're working with branch security in case the guy does show up, but so far, it's all quiet.
Sharon: Well, hopefully it will stay that way.
Nick: Thanks for looking out. Uh, I'm gonna go get changed into my pumpkin-patch attire.
Kevin: Oh, that's not it? Well, I am sorry that we don't have any more leads. I'm sure you're kinda freaked out, but we get anything -- I promise you -- this guy's cooked.
Sharon: You know, I'm just trying to keep things normal for the kids. You want to go to the pumpkin patch with us?
Kevin: Well, isn't that sort of a family thing?
Sharon: Yeah, but, you know, the more, the merrier. Or should I say scarier?
Kevin: [Laughs]
[Telephone rings]
Nick: That could be him!
Sharon: [Sighs] It's Dylan! Hi, sweetie. Yeah, everything's okay.
Faith: Oh! Can I talk to Dylan? I want to tell him we're going to the pumpkin patch.
Sharon: Hold on a minute, sweetie. Faith would like to talk to you, okay? Okay.
Kevin: Must be kind of weird, huh? Moving back in. I mean, even if it's just temporary, it's still got to be strange -- awkward, with an ex?
Nick: Yeah. Yeah, I mean, it's a little awkward and I don't like the reason why I'm here, but we got to spend a lot of time with Sharon and the kids, so...
Mariah: Sully is very excited to go to the pumpkin patch. And he doesn't even know what one is yet.
Nick: Well, I'm excited, too. Let me go get him. Come on, man, let's got get some jack-o-lanterns!
Jill: Great job with the press release.
Cane: All right, I'll get it out right now for you.
Jill: Mm! No. We need to run it by Billy and Victoria first. What?! You're a team! We've been crushing it with you as a team. Let's just keep up the momentum and we'll build a strategy to take advantage of this spectacular triumph.
Cane: All right, listen, I'm gonna focus on video marketing so we can get the millennial and maybe build a micro site...
Charlie and Mattie: Daddy!
Cane: What are you guys doing here? Hey!
Lily: Hi. Oh, what a great surprise. Look at these pumpkins!
Charlie: We picked them ourselves.
Jill: You did? You did a great job!
Lily: Yeah, I thought maybe you could take a break and we could have a picnic at the park? You know, since you work late tonight maybe we could carve pumpkins, while we eat?
Cane: Oh, I would love to, but I can't. I have -- I've got too much work I have to do right now. Guys, I'm sorry.
Victoria: So anyway, thank you for meeting us on such short notice.
Harrison: It's my pleasure. It's great to put names to faces.
Victoria: Yes. [Sighs] Well, we're in a bind, in a good way -- actually in a great way. We have a 200,000-unit order to fill.
Harrison: Good for you.
Victoria: Mm-hmm.
Harrison: Great. But before we talk business, let's celebrate your success. They have a 2000 Bordeaux. It's an excellent year.
Victoria: Oh, nice! Are you a connoisseur?
Harrison: Uh, I don't know about that. But I am fairly knowledgeable. I enjoy a good bottle.
Billy: Well, maybe you'd be up for something a little bit less traditional?
Harrison: I'm always open to try something new.
Billy: There's a 2007 Napa cabernet. It's big, bold, and --
Harrison: Let me guess -- brash and sassy?
Victoria: [Laughs]
Billy: That is exactly right. It seems fitting for a meeting like this I would say.
Harrison: Mm. Sounds good to me.
Victoria: So, perhaps we should talk cost per unit. With incentives...
Ashley: So, I did finesse the deal with Harrison, but since you're still here...
Phyllis: Mm.
Ashley: ...Keep your eye on it. And him.
Phyllis: I am on it.
Ashley: Great.
Jack: Hold on. We're not through yet. Ashley, could I have a moment alone with Phyllis?
Ashley: No, we're supposed to go over options for brand ambassadors.
Jack: That'll have to wait.
Ashley: Of course.
Jack: Sis. Good job.
Phyllis: That was close.
Jack: Okay, you said you have a plan. What is it?
Phyllis: Victor is waiting for an attack. He is on high alert. This inside information you got, we may not be able to trust it from your source.
Jack: You think it might be bogus information, that we've been set up?
Phyllis: If we pass along bogus information to the authorities, they could close the case. And then game over. Victor walks along his merry way.
Jack: So, what's your plan?
Phyllis: We leak the information -- to someone like GC buzz--
Jack: No. No!
Phyllis: Just hear me out. It would be all over the TV, the web, it would not matter whether it was true or not.
Jack: Victor can question the validity all he wants, the damage is already done.
Phyllis: But in the court of public opinion, Victor will be found out guilty as hell.
Jack: You're a genius, Red.
Faith: What about this one?
Nick: Ooh!
Faith: Oh, no. This one!
Nick: [Chuckles]
Faith: [Gasps] No, this one! It's so much better!
Nick: That one's pretty cool.
Mariah: Is it? They're all orange, round squashes.
Kevin: Gourds. Pumpkins are gourds.
Mariah: I promise you, I didn't need to know that.
Chelsea: Hey, everybody!
Sharon: Hi! What a nice surprise!
Nick: What's up, con? How you doing, bud? Yeah.
Chelsea: We have circled this field twice, and Connor has not found the perfect pumpkin.
Nick: Ah. What's, uh...what's that one?
Chelsea: Well, that one is Bella's.
Nick: Okay.
Faith: My dad is the best pumpkin picker ever. You should totally help Connor look for one.
Nick: Are you sure? It's kind of a tradition with just you and me.
Faith: Okay, make sure the shell is hard, don't pick it up by the stem, and don't choose one that's bigger than you can carry, unless you're with your dad.
Nick: I have taught you so well.
Chelsea and faith: [Laughs]
Faith: And now I can teach sully.
Sharon: I guess that settles it.
Nick: Well, okay. Connor, come on, man.
Chelsea: All right.
Sharon: Have fun, you two.
Chelsea: Thanks.
Faith: Come on, mommy, over here!
Sharon: All right.
Mariah: All right. I know you want to. Go photobomb.
Kevin: Well, Chloe wasn't so keen on hanging out the other day, so...
Mariah: It was the anniversary of Delia's death. She wanted to be alone. You respected that. That doesn't mean stay away.
Kevin: Well, I haven't heard from her since, so maybe she needs some more time.
Cane: Okay, I'll tell you what, I promise you guys as soon as daddy gets home, I'm gonna help you carve these pumpkins, okay?
Mattie: But we're always asleep when you get home.
Jill: Aw, that does it. Hey, hey, hey. This is all my fault. I'm a very tough boss, and I've been loading your daddy up with work. So, daddy, take the afternoon off, spend the time with your beautiful babies, 'cause you've earned it.
Cane: You know what, I have a better idea. How about we get this conference room ready, we go in there and carve so when I've finished, I can go straight back to work?
Mattie and Charlie: Yeah!
Jill: All right, but first, hugs and kisses for grandma. And a little bit for grandpa Colin, too. Okay. Have fun!
Cane: Now, listen, guys, one thing, one thing. We have to be careful, all right? We can't be slinging pumpkin guts around this year, all right? Let's go! Come on, come on, come on!
Jack: Clearly, we can't just e-mail this information to GC buzz.
Phyllis: No, we -- we can't leave an electronic trail.
Jack: Okay, here's what I want you to do -- print a paper copy of this, clear the printer history, and destroy this flash drive. Understood?
Phyllis: You can count on me, jack.
Ashley: Did you have a nice chat with jack?
Phyllis: Lesson learned.
Ashley: The hell it is. You can keep working my brother, which we both know is exactly what you're doing. But I'm gonna be watching you every step of the way. 'Cause you're not gonna hurt him again.
Phyllis: Did you let yourself into my office just to dump on me?
Ashley: The manufacturing deal with Harrison, I don't anticipate there being any problems, but I want you to keep a close eye on production, just in case.
Phyllis: Not a problem. Is there anything else?
Ashley: I'm so surprised that you're still here. I mean, honestly, you crossed the line. This wasn't the first time, right? And all jack did was give you a little scolding. And apparently some secret assignment?
Phyllis: [Scoffs] Well, let me clue you in, jack still hates me. And instead of yelling and screaming about it, he buries me in crappy little assignments like generating a report for a market share that nobody's gonna read. You know what I get? A thousand paper cuts.
Ashley: And yet you stay. You do know that you're not gonna get what you want, right?
Phyllis: You know what I'd settle for? To be left alone to do my job, which will only ever be useless brainless busywork in my broom closet because jack does not trust me with anything important anymore.
Billy: Australia definitely best surf that I've ever been in. I tell you what, Harrison, if I could start every day paddling out and with one or two of these, life would be sweet.
Harrison: Hmm. A man after my own heart.
Victoria: [Sighs] So, we, uh, we knew that the launch of the perfume was gonna be huge. But this, I mean, this is incredible. So, I mean, meeting this demand will be a bit of a challenge, um, but if we work together, the more revenue that we make, the more revenue you make.
Harrison: Right, the people behind the business that interest me do like to surf. What's the rest of your story?
Billy: [Chuckles] It's not that interesting.
Harrison: Mm, I doubt that. I must say, you don't strike me as the makeup and perfume kinda guy. How'd you get in the business?
Billy: [Sighs] An old love.
Harrison: Well, don't stop now -- let's hear that story.
Billy: My ex owned brash & sassy. Poured everything in to it, made it what it was, and lost it in a shady negotiation. I wanted to right the wrong, so I bought the company to make amends.
Harrison: Victoria, your partner's quite the romantic.
Victoria: Yes, and he's giving you a revisionist history. I doubt that Harrison wants to hear these stories, Billy. And there's a reason that we called this meeting, right?
Billy: That's true. Victoria's right. Our new perfume is a smash, Harrison. We need to up the production by three fold. We cannot afford to run out.
Harrison: I'd love to help, but I can't. The factory's at full capacity manufacturing for jabot.
Victoria: Yeah, but you've handled both companies before. What's changed?
Harrison: Well, jabot doubled their usual manufacturing order.
Billy: When?
Harrison: This morning.
Billy: I should've known. Thank you for your time, Harrison. It was a pleasure to meet you.
Harrison: Uh, but I just ordered a second bottle.
Billy, you should stay. I'm sure we can work this out.
Billy: You should stay. I can't sit here and talk business knowing that I was just stabbed in the back.
Chelsea: You know, this is the easy part, but it's the carving that's the problem.
Sharon: Oh, well, you should have nick help you with that. He is amazing.
Nick: Yeah, I don't know about amazing.
Sharon: Oh, come on, yes, you are. You should lend your expertise to Chelsea and Connor. No, that's not what I'm doing, I'm not matchmaking -- those days are over. This is about the kids. It's about Connor and Bella. You could help them carve their pumpkins and then come home and help faith with hers.
Nick: Look, I made a promise to Dylan. I'm not leaving you and the kids.
Chloe: Wait, what's going on?
Nick: Sharon's been getting some weird calls to her house and on her cell phone. So she may have a stalker. I promised Dylan I'd look out for Sharon and the kids while he's out of town for a couple days.
Chelsea: Wait, what?! Is this why you wanted to work from home?
Sharon: Well, I choose to believe that this is over. I have not gotten a weird phone call since Dylan left.
Chelsea: Well, I'm glad, but I'm with nick on this one. I mean, you shouldn't be alone.
Nick: Yeah, but I don't want Connor to think I'm bailing on him.
Sharon: Okay, well, how's this? If Dylan is home by Halloween and Sharon is feeling safe, why don't you come trick-or-treating with me and Connor? You can show him how it's done.
Nick: Well, I do have some pretty sick trick-or-treating skills.
Chelsea: Oh, geez, is there anything you're not good at?
Nick: Well, I can't be in two places at once. I'm working on that.
Chelsea: Mm.
Nick: I'll tell you what, if Dylan does come home, then I will help you and Connor go trick-or-treating. How's that sound?
Chelsea: It's a date. But not a date.
Sharon: No, I get it.
Chelsea: All right, what do you say? Should we get these ghouls home and start our pumpkin carving?
Chloe: Yes, just give me one moment, okay?
Mariah: Looks like fall's officially here.
Kevin: Okay. [Scoffs]
Mariah: And it looks like somebody's over needing space.
Kevin: Hi.
Chloe: Hey. Sorry, I was kind of mia the last few days, I just...
Kevin: Yeah, you needed some time.
Chloe: Well, I was hoping that you had some? Poor Bella, she would really like to see you. And I was thinking maybe we could do some decorating, some -- some carving, you know, the usual Halloween mayhem.
Kevin: Yeah, that sounds great, but I was supposed to hang with Mariah...
Mariah: That's okay. You can't disappoint Bella. Go on.
Kevin: Uh, well, wait till she sees my scary ghost impression. I mean, I'll tone it down a little bit.
Chloe: You cannot scare my daughter.
Kevin: I will tone it down. I don't want to scare her.
Ashley: So you really let Phyllis off the hook.
Don't worry. 'M not letting her get to me.
Ashley: Hmm. Slap on the wrist and a special assignment? Sounds like she may be already is getting to you.
Jack: Cost analysis of second quarter revenues -- hardly a special assignment.
Ashley: Phyllis said it was market research.
Jack: Okay, maybe it w-- I gave her a file. As long as it's pure drudgery. The point is to get her tortured enough to leave the company.
Ashley: Right, yeah, I think it's really odd that you're okay with her spying on you.
Billy: Really, jack? This stunt with manufacturing? What the hell are you doing?
Victoria: So, um, a whole month sailing in the Greek isles? Sounds like paradise.
Harrison: You should try it sometime. Does Billy like sailing?
Victoria: Billy likes fun.
That, um, ex of his, any chance they're getting back together?
Victoria: Oh, God, no.
Harrison: Well, in that case, would you mind giving me his number? I'd love to continue our conversation over dinner. There's a great little place in mistral. I think he'd really like it.
Victoria: Yeah, he does like it, actually. We went there for our anniversary a few years ago.
Harrison: You're the ex?
Victoria: I am.
[Both chuckle]
Harrison: Ah. You seem to work so well together. Not everybody could pull that off.
Victoria: Yeah, I know. I mean, what can I say? Sometimes I think we're crazy to do it, but the building hasn't fallen down around us yet, so...
Harrison: Well, I have to ask, why did you let a guy like Billy go? I mean, he's the total package. Style, charm, intelligence, that smoldering stare.
Victoria: Oh, he does know how to work that smoldering stare, doesn't he? Oh, well, he's a great guy. We just didn't have a very great relationship, that's all.
Harrison: Well, I don't know what broke you up. That man bought brash & sassy 'cause it meant that much to you. Now, in the world of romantic gestures [Scoffs] That beats the hell out of flowers, girl. You, uh, ever think that --
Victoria: No! No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. We're coworkers and we're coparents, and that's it. We've actually both moved on.
Harrison: Or maybe you just refuse to see what's in front of you.
Victoria: No, I see Billy very clearly.
Jack: Get the hell out of my office.
Billy: This is how you're gonna come after me, huh?
Jack: I don't even think of you.
Billy: By sabotaging our rollout?
Jack: I have done no such thing.
Ashley: You're out of line, Billy.
Billy: Really? Of course you would take his side, Ashley.
Ashley: I'm taking his side because you're out of line. We handled this like we would handle any other competitor.
Billy: This is jack trying to stick it to me, isn't it?
Ashley: You're wrong! Do you really think he'd be that petty?
Billy: Yes, I do, 'cause I slept with his wife. Come on, jack. Tell me this isn't personal. Go ahead.
Jack: I've got work to do.
Billy: Look me in the eye. Tell me this isn't the first move in a long term plan to sabotage my company.
Jack: I will say this one more time -- get the hell out of my office.
Charlie: Stop it!
Mattie: You stop!
Cane: What are you doing? I said to you please don't make a mess. I said to you -- guys, what are you doing? Why don't you listen?
Mattie: Sorry, daddy.
Cane: Mattie, ju-- no, no, no, no. It's not gonna cut it. Sorry's not gonna cut it this time. It's not.
Lily: Let's get this cleaned up. Come on, you guys, come on.
Cane: No, don't touch that, don't touch that. That's important, all right? Just, just, please just stop it.
Chloe: It was too bad that nick couldn't join us, but I guess with everything that's going on with Sharon, it makes sense that he wants to be close to her.
Chelsea: Yeah. It must be unsettling having somebody invade your life like that. It gives me the creeps just thinking about it.
Chloe: So are there any leads?
Kevin: Eh, not really.
Chloe: So there's something.
Kevin: Well, whoever it is, they call, they hang up. We tried to trace the call but got nothing. I'm thinking prank and the prankster got bored.
Chelsea: Well, I don't think Dylan agrees with you. Or else, why would he have nick staying there?
Kevin: Well, Dylan is very protective of Sharon. Nick's not the only one who's watching her, he's go the whole department involved -- regular patrols.
Chloe: Did you ever think that maybe this person is trying to contact Dylan, has a tip about the case?
Kevin: We've got a hotline at the station for that kind of thing.
Chloe: Yeah, I know. I just think it's weird that Dylan goes out of town, the calls stop.
Chelsea: Well, I hope they stop for good and this freak leaves them alone. [Scoffs] How in the world did we get pumpkin all the way to the fireplace?
Kevin: Hey, why are you so interested in these calls to Sharon?
Mariah: All right.
Nick: You know, somehow that is just so you, Mariah.
Mariah: You know, I am very minimalist.
Sharon: Oh, nice! And what about you, sweetie? You ready?
Faith: Yep.
Nick: Let's see it. The big reveal.
Sharon: [Laughs]
Mariah: [Laughs]
Faith: Ahh, 'kay.
Mariah: Turn that sucker around.
[All gasp]
Nick: Oh, yeah! That is the happiest jack-o-lantern I've ever seen.
Faith: He's happy because he love Halloween.
Sharon: Aw, good job, sweetie. Okay, you better go up and get ready for bed.
Faith: Okay. Yours is good too, mommy.
Sharon: Gee, thanks.
Nick: You know, she is a sweetheart, because that is a hatchet job.
Mariah: Yeah.
Sharon: Well, at least I tried. Good thing that my kids are better at this than I am.
Mariah: Uh, I think sully wins for the best pumpkin gut removal technique.
Nick: Yeah, come on, little man. I'll take you upstairs and get you all cleaned up. [Groans] Let's go. Nobody wants pumpkin on 'em. Right?
Sharon: Did you see that?
Mariah: See what?
Sharon: How much nick is bonding with sully -- "my little man," "my little goblin." And how they're so alike with the pumpkin slime.
Mariah: You're being ridiculous.
Sharon: I'm concerned. In case you've forgotten, there's a crazy woman who wants to tell the whole world my secret.
Harrison: Thank you. My car's here.
Victoria: Okay, um, I'll walk you to the door. Thank you again for taking this meeting. If there's anything that you can do to try to facilitate this order as soon as possible...
Harrison: I'll do my best, but I can't break my arrangement with jabot.
Victoria: Yeah, of course. [Sighs heavily]
Jill: Well? How did it go? And where is Billy?
Victoria: He walked out. And I had to sit through two bottles of wine and no deal.
Jill: What do you mean, no deal?
Victoria: And on top of that, did you put that Harrison up to matchmaking or what?
Jill: Don't be crazy! I've never spoken to him. Why, what did he say?
Victoria: Never mind.
Ashley: Time hasn't healed anything yet, has it, Jacky?
Jack: Every time I think it has, a -- a moment with Billy, a look from Phyllis and it's another knife in the heart for me.
Ashley: Is there anything I can do?
Jack: Oh, just be there for me, like you have been. It helps.
Ashley: I love you.
Jack: You too. Come on, let's call it a night. Let's get out of here.
Billy: What are you doing?
Lily: There. It's good as new.
Cane: It's not good as new. I ruined a perfectly good time.
Lily: Hey, you didn't ruin anything, okay? The kids did exactly what we told them not to do. They're old enough to know better.
Cane: No, it's not their fault. It's mine. I'm just so stressed out at work, I just don't know what I'm doing sometimes. I'm sorry.
Lily: Honey, don't be so hard on yourself. It happens to me, too. They just -- they just know how to push our buttons and you lose it. I mean, it's fine. Don't worry.
Cane: Yeah, I got to admit, Mattie had the pumpkin on her nose, it was kind of cute, you know?
Lily: [Chuckles] They are the cutest.
Come here. Hey, hey. Come here. I'm sorry. Sweetie, I'm sorry. Your daddy loves you. I'm so sorry I yelled at you like that.
Chloe: I'm interested in who the caller might be because, you know, it's -- it's scary. Just like Chelsea said -- and not like Halloween scary, like, creepy scary.
Kevin: And because...?
Chloe: And because I'm thinking of Chelsea.
Kevin: Chelsea?
Chloe: I know this sounds farfetched, but Dylan was very deep into investigating Adam's death and, I don't know, maybe this caller is trying to reach him because they have a tip or something.
Kevin: That's an interesting theory, but no. The calls came into the land line and Sharon's cell, not Dylan's. I don't think there's any connection to Adam.
Chelsea: Kevin, can you help me? I can't seem to get this gunk off. Gross!
Kevin: What is that?
Chelsea [Laughs] No, don't! Get that! Don't rub the paint off, silly.
I'm not gonna get the paint off.
It's sticky, it's gross.
Mariah: Sharon, please, take a breath. Take 10! I mean, if you lose your cool -- you're gonna tip nick off that you're wigging out about him being around sully. And you know nick. If he starts to wonder what's up, he's not gonna stop until he figures it out.
Sharon: You're right. I have got to get it together. [Sighs] [Gasps]
Mariah: Sharon?
Sharon: [Shrieks]
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Phyllis: Billy Abbott! You give me back that flash drive right now!
Billy: You said there's nothing important on here, Phyllis, so it doesn't really matter if I take a look, does it?
Paul: Does somebody want to tell me what the hell happened? How did my sister get out of here?
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