Y&R Transcript Thursday 10/13/16

Y&R Transcript Thursday 10/13/16


Provided By Suzanne

Paul: Patty. You recognize me, don't you? 

Patty: Paulie.

Paul: You do! [Chuckles] I knew it! The doctor said not to get my hopes up, but look at you.  This is great! Oh, Patty, I'm so happy. And look, we have an artist in the family. And you're very productive. Look at all your paintings. They're beautiful. I'm very impressed. I am.


Patty: It's a present.

Mariah: Metal detector? Is that really necessary?

Stonevale is a secure facility, ma'am.

Mariah: Okay. I'm sorry. It's just these things, they kind of freak me out. Not that I'm trying to smuggle anything in or anything. I didn't do anything wrong. I'm gonna stop talking now. Phone. Purse.

Sharon: Love you, Dylan! See you when you get home!

Nick: What's wrong?

[Machine beeps]

Do you have any metal on you?

Mariah: I don't think so. Oh, you know what? Could this have done it?

[Coins clatter]

Mariah: Just go back around.

[Knock on door]

[Computer keys clacking]

[Knock on door]

Summer: Jack? Hey. What are you doing here? Where's Jack?

Ashley: And everybody's talking about brash & sassy's party, celebrating the new campaign. Not to mention the tantalizing, new perfume and ad campaign. Have you heard anything I've said?

Jack: Yeah, party, tantalizing. I got it.

Ashley: Jack, this is important. Our competitors are going for it -- market share, headlines, and we've got nothing. Nothing. How we gonna fight this?

Jack: Let's discuss this in my office, please.

Phyllis: I was dropping off some research.

Summer: Okay, um, well, I'm glad I found you. I wanted to talk to you for a second if that's okay.

Phyllis: Yeah, yeah. Come on. Let's go back to my cozy, little closet.

Summer: Okay.

Jack: What's going on?

Phyllis: I was just dropping off some r&d files.

Jack: And what are you doing here?

Summer: I was just looking for my mom.

Jack: You seem to be doing a lot of that recently.

Summer: That's okay, isn't it?

Phyllis: Bark at me, Jack. That's fine. But please don't use that tone with my daughter.

Jack: I'm sorry, summer. This is a work environment. We need to keep it secure. I thought you'd be busy at Newman by now.

Summer: I'm actually on my way to go to a meeting with Abby right now.

Jack: Don't leave.

Ashley: Bye, summer. [Sighs] There must be some way to get rid of that woman, Jack. Because of Billy and Phyllis, we're still dealing with negative P.R. Issues. Now that brash & sassy is making so much noise, it's just another hit that we can't afford to take. It's a problem, Jack. What is it?

Jack: Nothing.

Paul: It's beautiful. I love it. I know where I'm gonna hang it. Something you want to tell me. I can feel it. I can see it in your eyes. What is it? Patty? Look, it's just you and me here. Nobody's here. No matter how bad -- no matter how bad it is, you can tell me. You're safe, okay? Sweetheart? Come on, Patty. I want to help you. You know that, right -- I love you and I want to help you?

Sharon: Um, you don't have to do that.

Nick: Hey, while there's a stalker on the loose and you're stuck with me playing bodyguard, I'm gonna make myself useful.

Sharon: [Sighs] Gosh, it got cold in here all of a sudden, didn't it? Fall really came early this year.

Nick: You're cold? I could make a fire. Do you want a fire?

Sharon: Um, yeah, yeah, that sounds great.

Nick: Okay.

Sharon: [Sighs] Mariah, you have to get out of there. Paul is going there to visit with Patty. If he sees you, it's over. Everyone will find out about sully. [Sighs]

Mariah: I'm so sorry about this. I don't know why the metal detector keeps going off. Look, nothing.

Sometimes it's sensitive, but I'll have to wand you.

Mariah: Okay.

[Desk clangs]

Summer: I still cannot believe that Jack put you in this hole in the wall.

Phyllis: [Sighs] We both know he is punishing me. I can handle it.

Summer: Yeah, but you've been working so hard. I just wish he'd , and that is on me. He is angry. He is hurt. And I'm just gonna have to ride it out.

Summer: Yeah, well, why is Jack angry with me? I mean, he practically bit my head off.

Phyllis: Honey, you were standing too close to me. L that molten anger, fiery hot that he loves to save fo all over you, so I am sorry for that.

Summer: Well, I love you and I love Jack. I just wish, you know...

Phyllis: I know. I wish, too.

Summer: Hey, I, uh, have something for you.

Phyllis: Really? Yeah. Too much, but...

Phyllis: [Laughs] Well, there's not much room in here. I love this!

Summer: I was hoping I could get you, you know, a painting, some art for the walls. I just didn't really know your color scheme.

Phyllis: Well, I don't think dingy is a color scheme anyway. I love it. It's perfect.

Summer: Well, elephants are supposed to bring good luck, so...

Phyllis: Oh, well, that's good. I need plenty of that. Hey, didn't you tell me you have a meeting with Abby pretty soon?

Summer: What? You trying to get rid of me, too?

Phyllis: Oh, of course not.

Summer: Yeah, actually, I do have that meeting to get to, so...

Phyllis: Hey. Thank you. Thank you for this and thank you for being my beautiful, amazing daughter. I've really been having a tough time lately solely brought on by myself, but you've been there for me. I love you so much.

Summer: I love you, too. Yeah, I mean, I think I've been having a tough time since Luca. I think we've been there for each other. And Jack is gonna come around someday. I know it. I love you. R one more second. Jabot is in crisis. No doubt. We need to be proactive about protecting our market share. You did a great job on tracking brash & sassy's awareness metrics, and we will keep that data. But right now, we have to develop a strategy to strengthen and solidify our position.

Ashley: Okay, well, I think what we need to do is start boosting our influence for marketing.

Jack: No, hold on. I agree that brash & sassy is a priority. I can't take that on right now.

Ashley: You're the C.E.O., so you might have to.

Phyllis: Got your I.M. You wanted to speak with me?

Jack: Yeah, brash & sassy is going big. I guess you already know that. I need to develop a strategic marketing plan, targeted, and I want both of you in charge of it.

Ashley: What do you mean? Phyllis and me? No.

Jack: Yes. The decision's already been made. Phyllis, your office will serve as the war room. Get to work.

Ashley: Oh, fantastic.

Summer: And if you look at the operational efficiency ratios, the fixed --

Abby: Wait, where's my copy? It was just right here. Now I can't find it.

Summer: Is this about Ben?

Abby: [Sighs] Everything's about Ben.

Summer: Do you want to talk about it?

Abby: I've already talked about it too much with you, with my mom, with the guy who picks up my dry cleaning, even my dad.

Summer: Grandpa? What was his advice?

Abby: He said that we should try and fix what's wrong, and if we can't, then I should do what's best for me.

Summer: So...

Abby: So, I don't know what's best for me. I mean, I think I want one thing, and then I want something else. I think we can work on our marriage, and then I'm not so sure.

Summer: I think that you're just looking for someone to tell you that it's okay if you're not in love with Ben anymore.

Abby: No, I love Ben. Yeah, and I want to work on our marriage. We both do. We talked again, and we're trying to sort things out.

Summer: It just didn't go as you had planned?

Abby: Something like that. Wait, that -- that doesn't mean that I should just give up, right? I mean, we need to focus on the positive, on the reason why we fell in love, the reason why we got married. We have to create new memories and work on the ones that we already had. I think that'll save our marriage.

Summer: Well, it looks like you're gonna get a chance to create a moment right now.

Stitch: Hey. Your office told me you'd be here.

Abby: Hi.

Stitch: Wow. You look busy. Hey, summer.

Summer: Hey.

Abby: You know, numbers, spreadsheets, more numbers.

Stitch: Oh, wow. That sounds exciting, but, uh, I got your get-out-of-work-free ticket here.

Abby: I don't understand.

Stitch: This is a signed letter by Victor Newman himself excusing you for the rest of the day. If you want to spend some quality time with your husband, that is.

Summer: This is not very pressing. We can definitely pick this up tomorrow.

Abby: It looks like I'm free.

Stitch: Great.

[Both laugh]

Summer: Have fun, you two.

Abby: Bye.

Summer: Bye.

Stitch: See you, summer.

Abby: Um, you were in surgery so late last night. I just thought you'd want to catch up on your sleep.

Stitch: Hey, my wife, this marriage -- way more important than a couple hours of rest.

Abby: I cannot believe that my dad signed a note like this.

Stitch: I wasn't taking any chances. [Chuckles]

Abby: [Chuckles]

Paul: Patty? I love you. Steve and Todd send their love, you know. And Chris and Dylan, too. [Chuckles] And you should see my grandson. He's gotten so big. Your -- your great-nephew.

Patty: He's not my great-nephew.

Paul: You know, I was thinking maybe I could bring him in one day and, uh, you could see how big he's gotten. I...I have a picture if you want --

Patty: No! No pictures. You know, just -- just leave me alone. Can't -- can't you see? I'm creating. I'm -- I'm making magic. And I'm changing my life, Paulie, and you're -- you're interrupting with this not-so-great-nephew and -- and it's making me upset, and I just -- I just want you to go away! Just go! Go! Go! Just go away! Go away!

Paul: I'll leave.

Patty: Go, Paulie! I don't want to see --

Paul: I'll leave, Patty.

Patty: No!

Paul: Patty?

Patty: No! Just go!

Paul: I'm gonna leave.

Patty: Just leave me alone.

Paul: Should I get the doctor?

Patty: Go away!

Chief Williams?

Patty: Go away!

What happened?

Patty: [Sobbing] Go away! Go away, Paulie!

Paul: I was just talking to her. She was lucid, and then... [Sighs] She got all agitated.

Patty: [Sobs]

Paul: I'm sorry. It -- it was probably a mistake of mine coming here.

Nick: Everything okay?

Sharon: Yeah. Everything's fine.

Mariah: That was fun.

Sorry about the delay. Let's sign you in.

All right. Next guard station will buzz you into the visiting area.

Mariah: Thank you. Uh, I need to send a text before I go in. [Sighs]

Ashley: So, we have to figure out a way to tackle this, Phyllis.

Phyllis: Oh, you mean working together or brash & sassy?

Ashley: Brash & sassy's gonna be a lot easier.

Phyllis: Hmm, you can say that again.

Ashley: So maybe we focus on the problem and not on how much we don't like each other. [Sighs] I didn't bring anything with me. Do you have a notepad?

Phyllis: It's all right. No, I got it. I have them buried in here somewhere.

[Door closes]

Phyllis: There you go.

Ashley: Okay. Thank you. So, I guess we stick to our strengths, maybe initiate additional incentives so that the retailers, they'll put our product on the shelves that are eye level. That's always good for sales.

Phyllis: Okay. Again with the brick and mortar. Ashley, you got to get your head out of the 20th century.

Ashley: I don't need you to do this, Phyllis. I'm perfectly capable on my own.

Phyllis: You're a chemist.

Ashley: I have been C.E.O., Amongst many other things.

Phyllis: And marketing is what I do. And maybe I have a clue how to kick some brash & sassy ass.

Ashley: Well, you did sleep with the enemy -- literally -- so then there's that.

Phyllis: Can we focus? We need to get our omni-channel presence up. We need to cultivate new influencers who can take our products and push them over multiple platforms. We need to get our customers excited again.

Ashley: Well, we could get a brand ambassador, somebody that could generate some effective customer engagement.

Phyllis: I will take a look at the website, make sure we are mobile optimized and responsive. Maybe we should consider a customized app. We could launch a mobile targeted campaign.

Ashley: For two women who can't stand to be in the same room, let alone the same broom closet, I guess we're doing okay.

Phyllis: We will have something concrete to give Jack next week. That is, if he's not distracted. He has been acting distracted, hasn't he?

Ashley: That's none of your business, Phyllis.

Phyllis: But you agree?

Ashley: You know, why don't you get to work, and then we can reconnect on this later, all right?

Phyllis: It's from summer. It means good luck.

Ashley: That's sweet. You're gonna need it.

Jack: What are you up to, Victor?

[Computer keys clacking]

[Computer keys clacking]

Stitch: I think we made some real progress the other day. That idea you had about remembering when we knew we wanted to be with each other, that was a great first step, don't you think?

Abby: It was, yeah.

Stitch: And, you know, it made me think of some other things, like the day you accepted my proposal in the hospital chapel. All right, okay. Your turn. Your favorite moment.

Abby: [Chuckles] It kind of feels like a test.

Stitch: Ah. Am I pushing too hard? I'm pushing too hard. I'm pushing too hard. Okay.

Abby: Maybe just a little.

Stitch: I guess I just really want this marriage to work. You know, the sooner we fix everything, the sooner we can, you know, get back on track and have the family we've always dreamed of.

Abby: Yeah. I want that, too. But we can't force it.

Stitch: You're right. Absolutely. [Chuckles] Let's just, uh... hey, let's relax and enjoy the day together. How about a trip to the pumpkin patch?

Abby: [Chuckles]

Stitch: Halloween's not too far off, right?

Abby: Yeah, that -- that sounds great. Oh, um, you know what? I actually can't. Uh, the Barnett report.

Stitch: I thought you didn't have anything pressing.

Abby: No, it's with a subsidiary in London. They need these numbers by the end of the day. I'm -- I'm so sorry.

Stitch: Okay, yeah, but they're -- they're probably already closed. I mean, can't it wait one more day?

Abby: No, no, that's why I have to hurry. Um, I'm sorry. I'll totally make it up to you.

Stitch: Or are you just running away?

Abby: Don't be mad. I'm just scared.

[Cell phone chimes]

Nick: You good?

Sharon: Oh, uh, it's just Mariah asking me if I need anything.

Nick: Okay.

Sharon: Um, you're building a fire in the afternoon? Why?

Nick: You just said you were cold. I asked you if you wanted a fire, and you said, "yeah, that'd be great."

Sharon: Oh. Uh, yeah. Right. That's right. [Chuckles] Wow. I don't know where my mind is today.

Nick: [Chuckles] So, fire or no fire?

Sharon: Uh, no. No fire. But could you help me with something else?

Nick: Yeah. Name it.

Sharon: Um, address and stamp the "thank you" cards for faith's birthday party.

Nick: Right. You've known me for years. Do you honestly think my handwriting is legible enough to go through the post office?

Sharon: Hmm, maybe you just do the stamps.

Nick: Good call.

Sharon: Thanks for helping me with this. Also, thanks for being my bodyguard. You know, Dylan shouldn't have roped you into this.

Nick: Sharon, you know if you ever need help, I'm gonna be here. You know, we're a family. 21st century style, but, uh, you're stuck with me. Unless, of course, you keep trying to push me with Chelsea. [Chuckles]

Sharon: Oh, I'm -- I'm sorry about that.

Nick: That's all right. I know you just care about me and Chelsea. But she and I are just friends. We're never gonna be anything more than that. I honestly have enough family and love right here, so you're just gonna have to deal with that.

Sharon: I guess I will.

Mariah: [Inaudible] Pick up the phone. Patty, pick up the phone. [Audible] Really? That's how you're gonna play this? Because if it is, I can just leave, and then you'll never hear what my mom wanted you to know.

Patty: Why didn't Sharon come?

Mariah: You know all those calls that you've been making to the house? Well, Dylan thinks that Sharon has a stalker, so she's practically on lockdown.

Patty: Mom's little helper. [Chuckles] That's very sweet. Except not so much. You're a little bit sour.

Mariah: Yeah, yeah. I've heard that before.

Patty: My business is with Sharon.

Mariah: Oh, business? You mean your little scheme to blackmail my mom into getting you out of this five-star spa? Well, there's been a change of plans.

Patty: The deal was I give Sharon the phone, keep my mouth shut, and she gets me out of here. That was the deal. Now, if she doesn't want to do that, then I'm gonna sing my little song and the whole world will know that she's a lying liar.

Mariah: Sharon was a victim, too, Patty.

Patty: Yeah, and now... now she's a lying mama.

Mariah: Dylan thought that he had a son once and was lied to. That can't happen again. It will kill him.

Patty: Or make him stronger.

Mariah: He's your nephew. He's Paul's son. Dylan is the only father that sully has ever known. That little boy has been his son for almost a year, and you just want to rip him away? Dylan will be devastated. He'll divorce Sharon. Nick will take faith away from her. Do you understand how many lives you could destroy?

Patty: Yeah, Sharon has a lot to lose. No baby, no husband. Everyone will hate her. Which -- which will get her very, very motivated to get me out of here.

Mariah: Okay. Fine. Sharon has a plan.

Patty: [Chuckles] Good. Okay. So let's hear it.

Mariah: This place is max when it comes to security. So the idea is to get you transferred to another facility, one with less security, preferably out of state so Paul can't keep tabs on you.

Patty: And then?

Mariah: We get you out.

Patty: [Chuckles] How?

Mariah: Somehow.

Patty: Someh-- [Laughs] Ohhh! That is the plan? It really stinks.

Mariah: One step at a time. What can I say?

Patty: And how do I get myself transferred?

Mariah: You tap into that inner crazy of yours. Go hard. Paul will want to get you the help and care that you need, better treatment. He'll request for a transfer.

Patty: So I just have to act like a cuckoo bird?

Mariah: I think you can handle that. Help us help you, Patty.

Nick: Please don't worry. Dylan is gonna figure out who the stalker is. He won't rest until he finds out.

Sharon: I hope so.

Nick: You -- you know, you went off to Fairview. You wanted to get better, so you put in the work. You're happy. You got a beautiful family, a beautiful house. You're really living the dream, and you deserve it. Hey. Sharon, what's wrong?

Sharon: [Voice breaking] It's... you're right. My life with Dylan and the kids, it is a dream.

Stitch: Last thing I want to do is pressure you, but we're just being honest with each other, so where's the pressure?

Abby: I mean, honest -- honest is good. Honest [Sniffles] -- Honest is what relationships are built on. But the truth, the truth can heal things, but it can hurt.

Stitch: Hey. Baby, is -- is that what this is? You -- you think you're gonna hurt me? I would rather be hurt than lose you. Abby. Hey, come on. Talk -- talk to me here.

Abby: [Sniffles] You told me, um... the exact moment that you knew that we should be together.

Stitch: It was the same for you. It wasn't?

Abby: I didn't want to hurt you.

Stitch: [Chuckles] Hey, this -- you know... there's nothing that says that two people have to feel the exact same way at the exact same time, you know?

Abby: I never had...that moment. Are you sorry you wanted me to be honest with you?

Stitch: I wasn't expecting that.

Abby: [Sniffles] I'm sorry that I had to say that, not because I hurt you, but because...

Stitch: But you never had that moment when you realized you loved me. So, you're not sure you really ever loved me.

Abby: No, no, no. That is not it. [Sniffles] I love you.

Stitch: But?

Abby: I don't know. I-I don't even make sense to myself.

Stitch: Try.

Abby: Maybe I [Sniffles] -- Maybe I don't know what love feels like. Maybe I've watched too many of those romantic comedies and I've been brainwashed to think that there has to be this thunderbolt moment, this moment when you just know. But life, it's -- it's not like the movies. Maybe I've just had some false expectations.

Stitch: I let you down.

Abby: No. No, you could never let me down.

Stitch: So, what? You want out?

Abby: No, no. [Sniffles] I want you. I want us. I want this marriage. I want a future with you.

Stitch: Even though there's no thunderbolt?

Abby: I shouldn't have said that. I'm sorry.

Stitch: No.

Abby: I shouldn't have said any of that.

Stitch: Truth is good. You know, and it could hurt, but like you said, it can heal, bring clarity. So...

Abby: We can work on us, right? Right?

[Cell phone chimes]

Abby: You should check that.

Stitch: Yeah, they're short-handed in the OR.

Abby: I know you have to go, but... we can work on this, right?

Stitch: Of course. Yeah. Yeah.

Abby: Turn back and wave. Turn back and wave. [Sniffles] [Sighs]

Ashley: We have to rethink this. I don't want to work with Phyllis.

Jack: The decision's been made.

Ashley: She's impossible!

Jack: Well, that gives you two something in common.

Ashley: I resent that! I can create my own team, Jack! I don't need her! Have her count the --

Jack: Find a way to make it work and stop questioning my decisions.

Ashley: Where are you going?

Jack: Lunch meeting.

Ashley: Ugh!

[Telephone rings]

Phyllis: Phyllis speaking.

Ashley: Hi. Meet me in jack's office. He has some files that we can use for our strategy.

Phyllis: I'm on my way out.

Ashley: Where are you going?

Phyllis: I'm sorry. I have a lunch meeting. Bye.

Nick: I was just trying to cheer you up. I guess I'm losing my touch.

Sharon: It's just the stalker and Dylan being out of town. But you're right. I... my life is like a dream. And I realize how -- how fragile it is and --

[Door opens]

Sharon: Thank God you're back.

Nick: Sharon, she was just running errands.

Mariah: But I'm back. What did I miss?

[Sully cries]

Sharon: Uh, oh, nick, could you...?

Nick: Yeah, yeah, I'll -- I'll get him.

Sharon: Did you see Patty? What did she say?

Mariah: I told her about the plan, told her that she needed to get herself transferred to another facility, somewhere with less security, far, far away.

Sharon: And -- and did she buy it?

Mariah: An orderly took her away before she could give an answer. I have no idea if she's gonna play along.

Sharon: Patty may not have a tight grip on reality, but she did understand my logic, right? Or what if she didn't? Oh, my God. What then, Mariah?

Nick: Man, how great is that kid? He was crying. As soon as I picked him up, he just starts giggling. [Chuckles]

Sharon: Nick.

Nick: Yeah?

Sharon: I have to tell you something.

Nick: What?

Mariah: That, uh, she's grateful. Yeah, Sharon's been feeling pretty down about the whole stalker situation, and she told me what you said about how beautiful her life is, and she's grateful that you reminded her how amazing her family is. Right, Sharon?

Patty: Get it out! Get it out! Take this away! Take them away! I don't want them! I don't want them! Take them away! Aaaaah! Stop it! Stop it!

Patty, what's wrong?

Patty: No more art! No more art! No more! Make it stop! There's just all this stuff in my head and I can't get it out! I can't get it out! Just make it stop! Make it stop!

It's all right. It's all right.

Patty: Make it stop! [Sobbing] Make it stop!

It's okay. It's gonna stop. It's gonna stop.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Hilary: Jack is my friend. I'm not gonna drag his name through the mud. That's not what I'm about.

Jack: Victor Newman is going to pay for the pain he caused. I am going to see to that.

Cane: Ladies and gentlemen, the new brash & sassy.

[Cheers and applause]

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