Y&R Transcript Wednesday 10/12/16

Y&R Transcript Wednesday 10/12/16


Provided By Suzanne

Faith: I totally want to go to Mars.

Nick: [Scoffs] Who doesn't? And according to the lady at the science museum, you just may get your chance someday.

Faith: The lady who talked to our class was so awesome.

Nick: Wasn't she? You guys should take way more field trips.

Faith: Only if you chaperone again. Please, Daddy?

Nick: Yeah, I guess I'd love that.

Faith: [Giggles]

Nick: But right now, we need to get back down to earth. You see what I did there?

Faith: No.

Nick: No? All right. I do need to get you back to your mom's.

Faith: But I'm having so much fun with you. Can't we hang out a little longer? Please? I'm sure she won't mind.

Nick: Well... I guess I don't have to be at the underground for a little while, so... okay.

Faith: Yay! [Giggles]

Nick: Let me just call your mom, make sure it's cool.

Faith: Daddy. She probably won't answer her phone.

Nick: Why not?

Faith: Mom's been getting these really weird calls lately. It's got her pretty spooked.

[Knock on door]

Paul: Yeah, come in.

Dylan: You wanted to see me?

Paul: Yeah. I need you to go to eau Claire so you can testify in that armed-robbery case tomorrow.

Dylan: Uh, eau Claire --

Paul: Defense counsel won his motion to get a change of venue for an impartial jury. Your hotel's booked, so you can go any time.

Dylan: No, no, hold on, Paul. We got to talk about this.

Paul: Why? What's there to talk about?

Dylan: I can't leave Sharon right now.

Mariah: How can you be so calm?

Sharon: Because sully needs me to be, okay? Can we drop this?

Mariah: You're kidding, right?

Sharon: Listen, patty gave me the phone that she used to make those harassing calls, and you got rid of it. Now Dylan has no reason to pursue it.

Mariah: Except that he is and patty is still a threat. Sharon, you need to take this more seriously.

Sharon: I don't want to think about it.

Mariah: Okay, that's too bad. You have to. Patty is playing everyone at Stonevale. She's totally not out of it. Her mind's sharp enough to blackmail you.

Sharon: I know, okay? I know. Here. Help me with this.

Mariah: Are you gonna let patty keep threatening to tell everybody the truth, that sully isn't yours, that he's nick and sage's?

Sharon: I don't know, okay? Right now I'm fresh out of ideas.

Mariah: Okay, well, I think there's only one solution.

Sharon: What's that?

Mariah: Take away patty's leverage. Tell everybody the truth about sully.

Devon: Hey, you look busy.

Hilary: Little last-minute social media blitz.

Devon: Yeah? Promoting your, uh, interview with the big three at brash & sassy?

Hilary: Well, the show starts in less than an hour, and I want every single eyeball I can get.

Devon: [Chuckles] Well, honey, you know you did a phenomenal job, so I really don't see how people won't love you.

George: Guys! You have to see this!

Hilary: Are you talking to us?

George: Yes, you! Come on down!

Devon: What is it?

George: You know, I don't want to tell you how to run your show --

Hilary: But you're going to, right?

Cane: Baby, have you seen that green folder I was reading last night? It's got the media buys for the new commercial in it.

Lily: Did you look in your briefcase?

Cane: I've already looked in my briefcase. Found it! You're a genius!

Lily: [Chuckling] Oh, yeah. A file in a briefcase. I am a genius. I made you a fruit plate.

Cane: Baby, y didn't have to do that. I know how busy you are.

Lily: But you have to get to the office.

Cane: I have to get to the office. I'm sorry. Can we maybe save it later, have it for dinner or dessert or something?

Lily: Sure.

[Cell phone chimes]

Cane: Oh, man.

Lily: What is it?

Cane: Half my job nowadays is cleaning after Billy Abbott's mess. I mean, he made such an ass of himself in the interview yesterday, and that's before he got into a bar fight. I don't see how there's gonna be an editor on this planet who can cut this so we don't look like a train wreck.

Jill: I just saw the commercial. It's in reasonably good shape. Just needs a few more tweaks before we launch it on the internet and on TV.

Billy: That's good. But you're gonna have to talk to cane and Victoria about that.

Jill: I'm talking to you about it.

Billy: Well, there's a problem with that, mother, because I quit.

George: You know, I ju-- [Sighs] I don't want to -- I don't want to overstep.

Devon: You're not gonna offend us. You obviously have an opinion about something, so just say it.

George: Look, "GC buzz TV" has a proven track record. Put up big numbers over the last eight years, and you two have been here for how long? Couple of days?

Hilary: So much for not overstepping.

Devon: You are free to speak your mind. I will take any good idea, no matter where it comes from.

George: Okay, then. Here it goes. So, the video of Billy Abbott where he's in the bar getting the stuffing kicked out of him?

Devon: Right.

George: Well, that went viral off the national inquisitor's website. But a solid source told me that the guy that shot it with his phone actually offered to send it here first.

Hilary: Yeah, we chose not to run with it.

George: You chose not to?

Hilary: Yes.

Devon: That's okay, right?

George: So, a loyal viewer just hands us a video of an Abbott, gets in a bar brawl, the same Abbott that just got publicly outed for cheating with his brother's wife, and -- wait a minute. Wait. What's that -- what's that I smell? Could that be ratings?! God.

Devon: I get it. Um, but we obviously chose to go in another direction. We're going to air Hilary's thoughtful, incisive interview with the executive team from brash & sassy just ahead of the premiere of their commercial, okay?

Hilary: Yes, that's right. We're not going to dig through people's dirty laundry. That is a very private part of Billy Abbott's personal life.

George: Okay, well, good luck with that.

Devon: What do you mean, good luck? Where you going?

George: Uh, actually, this is my last day.

Hilary: What? You're leaving the show?

George: I got a job on the other side of the camera, where all this, uh, handsomeness won't go to waste.

Devon: What kind of job would that be?

George: Well, I'm not really allowed to talk about it, but I can tell you this much. [Whispers] Game show. Oh, here's a parting prize.

Hilary: [Sighs] I hate to admit it, but, you know, I think that George might be right. That video got over 300,000 views and over 36,000 shares.

Devon: So what? People are gonna forget about it tomorrow. There will be another story to take its place.

Hilary: Yeah, maybe.

Devon: Honey, I originally bought GC buzz to shut it down until you and I decided that we're gonna do it different and do it better and not be dirty like those other tabloids and gossip shows, right?

Hilary: Yes.

Devon: That is what's going to set us apart, and I really believe that that is gonna make "GC buzz TV" the show to watch. Okay?

Paul: So this guy has been calling her cell phone? Were you able to trace it?

Dylan: Well, Kevin did. He traced it back to a cell phone. Turns out some plumber lost it a few weeks ago on a job, so this weirdo either found it or stole it.

Paul: A plumber?

Dylan: Yeah.

Paul: Were you able to talk to him?

Dylan: Yeah, I did. It seemed like his story checked out, but then his phone turned up in a trash can.

Paul: Where?

Dylan: Kevin traced it to chancellor park. Somebody must have turned the phone on. They threw it away. It seems to me like they wanted us to find the phone.

Paul: Really? Why would he do that?

Dylan: [Sighs] You know, Sharon thinks I scared the person off. She was on a call. I grabbed the phone. I told him I was a cop.

Paul: You think she's right?

Dylan: I got a feeling they're still out there.

Paul: Okay. You know, I was with Sharon and sully in the park the other day. She never mentioned it.

Dylan: That doesn't surprise me.

Paul: Why? You didn't want me to know you were looking into it?

Dylan: Well, I mean, it's really not an official investigation.

Paul: It's a possible crime, Dylan. That makes it official. But you still have to go to eau Claire.

Dylan: I'm worried my wife is in danger. Following protocol is not exactly my top priority.

Mariah: Patty is asking you to do the impossible. And she expects you to deliver anyway, but you can't. The place that she's in is all about security. You're not just gonna grab her and walk out the door. So she is gonna blab what she knows to get back at you, and you're gonna be left explaining to nick and Dylan why you've been lying this whole time.

Sharon: [Sighs] Tell me something I don't know.

Mariah: Sharon, please. You have to be the one to break this so you can control how it all comes out. Explain your side, what Dr. Anderson did to you, how you were a victim. That is the only way to save your marriage.

Sharon: Save my marriage? My marriage would be over. Dylan will want nothing to do with me. He'll break up with me in a heartbeat.

Mariah: I don't believe that's true.

Sharon: I believe that you're a little naive when it comes to men. I know what would happen if the truth came out.

Mariah: When the truth comes out.

Sharon: No, that is not happening. I am gonna stop this.

Mariah: Fine! Bury your head in the sand and let patty bring everything crashing down around you. Or take charge of the situation. Mom, you're stuck.

Sharon: Right now all I need to do is string patty along.

Mariah: For how long? Until she catches on?

Sharon: I convinced her to give me that cell phone. Now she thinks I'm coming up with a plan, and that buys me some time.

Mariah: To do what?

Sharon: I don't know. That's what I need time for -- so I can figure that out.

Mariah: And you won't even consider my idea? Coming clean and having the luxury of controlling the story.

Sharon: Maybe I can convince Paul to use the system and get her transferred. You know, to a facility that can give her the care she needs.

Mariah: And then what? You're gonna break into the transport van, kidnap her? Where you gonna stash her?

Sharon: I'm not gonna do anything like that.

Mariah: Then how are you possibly going to keep her quiet? This is a woman who has spent years in psych hospitals.

Sharon: And she's going to live the rest of her life in one.

Mariah: What are you thinking?

Sharon: Maybe patty getting her hands on that cell phone was just a fluke. All I have to do is get her transferred somewhere far away, far away from anyone who might actually believe her story.

Paul: I understand you're worried about Sharon, but you were subpoenaed in this case. You just -- you just can't blow off court.

Dylan: Yeah, but I wasn't the arresting officer. Two other cops were on the scene. Their testimony will be enough to get a conviction.

Paul: Dylan, this is about the chain of evidence.

Dylan: [Sighs]

Paul: And about giving this prosecutor the best shot he can to put this guy away for good. But most importantly, this is about you doing your job.

Dylan: Yeah. Yeah. We seem to be butting heads about that a lot lately.

Paul: Look, son, if this lowlife were calling Chris, I would be just as concerned as you are. So I will have our guys coordinate with ranch security to make sure the property is secure.

Dylan: Okay, I appreciate that.

Paul: And I will also make a point to go out and see Sharon myself to make sure she's okay.

Dylan: Thank you. There's no way I can get out of this?

Paul: I'm afraid not. You can't.

Dylan: [Sighs] I just hate the thought of leaving right now. We're talking about my family, Paul. Nothing is more important to me.

Lily: Look, Billy did what he did on his own time. I mean, was it stupid? Yeah. But I don't see it damaging the company.

Cane: You know what? Normally I would agree with you, but in this case, he is not just an employee. He's the C.E.O.'S son. But more than that, he's an Abbott. And he's the Abbott that decided to blow up the internet.

Lily: Yeah, well, that's just yesterday's news.

Cane: I love your optimism. I do. You see, these people who work in the tabloids, they're looking for any reason to keep this story alive. And he handed them a gift when he got arrested. I just don't see how this isn't gonna come back and bite us in the butt.

Lily: Cane, you have worked so hard to make this new venture a success, and I hate seeing you so torn up over someone else's mistakes.

Cane: I put so much hard work into this. I know. I don't want all the acknowledgment for it. I mean, I don't even care about that. I just don't want to see everybody's hard work just destroyed by Billy's perverse desire to self-destruct.

Lily: Listen to me. I know all the hours and the hard work you've put in to get brash & sassy to this point. And the people who matter most know whether they praise you for it or not. I love you for hanging in there, despite Victoria being AWOL half the time and Billy's antics.

Cane: You know, you are the only person that matters to me. And yours is the only opinion that counts.

Lily: That's sweet.

Cane: It's not sweet. It's true.

[Cell phone chimes]

Cane: I'm sorry. Oh, no.

Lily: What?

Cane: I have to get to the office. But even if I leave now, I'm not gonna make it in time to see the interview.

Lily: I have an idea. Why don't we watch it here together?

Billy: I took a good, hard, long look at myself in the mirror into my bloodshot, hungover eyes, and I had a moment -- not exactly of clarity, but I get it. I'm a mess, mom.

Jill: Well, can't argue with that.

Billy: It's not enough what I did to jack. [Clears throat] But I just keep bringing my personal garbage everywhere I go, and it's not fair. I mean, I bragged to Phyllis about how well Victoria and I work together, and that's a crock. I just keep dragging her down. And cane? Cane's actually good at his job, and believe me, it kind of hurts a little bit to even say that. But it's true. I'm a liability, all right? I'm an embarrassment to you. So I'm gonna walk away quietly before anything gets worse.

Jill: Are you all through baring your soul? Because you will do no such thing.

Billy: Mom, don't do this.

Jill: I'm not accepting your resignation. Now, you clean up your act and get busy, son.

Billy: I'll clean up my act, but somewhere else -- in Hong Kong or something like that where I don't turn this place into a toxic waste dump.

Jill: I'm calling the shots here. You're staying, and that's that.

[Cell phone rings]

Jill: Jill Atkinson. Yes, Carla. No, I'm over here talking to my son at brash & sassy. What's up? Thank you for letting me know. Your interview's about to air.

Billy: Oh. Fantastic. [Clears throat] After you see this, you're gonna want me to resign.

Jill: I thought Hilary was going a puff piece.

Billy: I didn't give her a lot of puff to work with.

Jill: What did you do, Billy?

Billy: You'll see in a second.

Jill: God help us.

Billy: We're reinventing brash & sassy all over again, and we're very excited about the new company.

Billy: Brace yourself, Mother. It's all downhill from here.

Cane: We're creating a whole new business model where we want to broaden our demographics and our social-media presence so we can connect with our customers in a very personal way.

Lily: Wait, this is great. You said that it turned into a free-for-all.

Cane: Yeah, it did. I mean, Hilary and her team spent a lot of effort cleaning this up.

Lily: From the way that you described what happened, she must have cut a ton of footage.

Cane: I'm just glad she kept to her promise and decided to focus on the positive instead of making us look like a bunch of bickering fools.

Devon: You did a fantastic job editing, hon.

Hilary: Yeah, you were right there watching. It was tense.

Devon: Billy and Victoria and cane were at each other's throats, but you cherry picked all the perfect moments and pieced it together to make them look professional. Definitely more palatable than reality. Kudos, honey.

Cane: You mean apart from our impeccable products, right? Yeah? Okay.

Billy: I got to say, I'm kind of surprised.

Jill: What? That you're all coming off as civilized adults? I am, too.

Billy: Well, keep watching. It's about to change.

Cane: I believe that brash & sassy benefits from three very strong leaders, all of whom have run companies on their own in the past.

Hilary: Okay, so there is you, there's Victoria Newman, and Billy Abbott. I mean, is there a risk of too many cooks in the kitchen?

Cane: Well, we all have our differences, you know, but you run into that dynamic in any well-functioning family.

Billy: [Chuckles] Well-functioning family? More like a trio of third graders jacked up on sugar and cartoons.

Jill: Hey, you can be cynical. I am delighted by what I'm seeing.

Lily: You must be so proud of yourself. All your hard work paid off.

Cane: Well, we always focus on business no matter what personal issues come up.

Hilary: So would you say that that is the basis to your success?

Cane: No, I would say the basis to our success is Jill Atkinson. She had the foresight to put the three of us together, and when she did that, she made magic.

Billy: [Laughs] I mean, come on. He managed to do some world-class sucking up to the boss after I left.

Jill: Oh, my God. Maybe he meant it, Billy.

Billy: Well, crisis averted, thanks to Hilary.

Devon: Congratulations, honey. You did a fantastic job of getting the real story.

Hilary: I delivered the fluff as promised, but to me, there's nothing real about that.

Mariah: You need to get real, Sharon.

Sharon: About what? Why won't my plan work?

Mariah: How many reasons do you need? For starters, patty is not gonna wait around forever for you to help her escape. She's gonna smell a rat long before you can convince Paul to have her moved -- if you even can. What's to stop her from telling the whole world that you're raising nick's son? You can never make this happen fast enough.

Sharon: Patty can.

Mariah: What are you talking about?

Sharon: I'm gonna go back to Stonevale, and I'm gonna tell patty that if she's serious about escaping, this needs to be a joint effort.

Mariah: What's her part?

Sharon: She needs to put on the act of her life. She needs to be totally out of control, a danger to herself and others, and this needs to be so severe that Paul will see that she's not getting the help she needs there, and he'll be able to convince a judge to move her.

Mariah: Which is when you'll make your move -- during the transport.

Sharon: Right.

Mariah: Except you won't. That's just what you're gonna tell her.

Sharon: Right again.

Mariah: Sharon.

Sharon: I am going to make this plan work. I promise you.

Mariah: Okay, okay, fine, fine. But let me go. Let me go.

Sharon: You? Why?

Mariah: I know patty from Fairview. I can talk to her. I can get the lay of the land, tell her your plan, convince her that it's real, and explain that she needs to bring a very visible brand of crazy to make this work.

Sharon: Well, that would still buy us time and we can get her transferred.

Mariah: Exactly. And best of all, your hands are clean. You're way more recognizable than I am.

Sharon: Okay. You do it. And thank you.

Mariah: Don't thank me yet. This is gonna be tricky.

[Door opens]

Faith: Hey, Mariah! Hey, mom!

Sharon: Hi! How was your field trip?

Faith: It was good. I really want to go mars someday. Dad said I could.

Sharon: Ohh, okay.

Nick: I did. But first, got to finish your homework. That's the rule.

Faith: Okay. Thanks again, daddy.

Nick: Love you. [Sighs] All right, so about these phone calls you're getting? Why do I have to hear about it from faith? Why didn't you tell me? And faith said it's gotten so bad that you're afraid to answer your own phone around here?

Sharon: I didn't want to worry you.

Nick: Well, I am worried.

Dylan: [Sighs]

Sharon: Hi, sweetheart. How's your day going?

Dylan: Uh, not so great. Nick, I need a favor.

Nick: Yeah, man. Name it.

Dylan: I have to head out of town for a few days for work, and I don't want to leave Sharon and the kids alone right now. Would you be able to stay here until I get back?

Dylan: So calls were coming in to Sharon's cell and the house phone.

Nick: I know her numbers are unpublished. How's anyone getting ahold of them?

Mariah: Uh, guys, I'm so sorry to interrupt, but, uh, I have to run some errands. Dylan, if I don't see you before you leave, have a good trip. Stay safe.

Dylan: Yeah. Take care of your mom for me, okay?

Mariah: I will.

Sharon: So, what's this, uh, trip all about? Why do you have to go?

Dylan: I was subpoenaed to testify at a trial in eau Claire, and, uh, I tried to get out of going, but no such luck.

Nick: How long you gonna be gone?

Dylan: Just a couple days. I mean, could be a little longer depending on how, uh, jury selection goes, but I just -- I just hate the idea of being away, you know, leaving you and the kids alone.

Sharon: Dylan, we're gonna be fine.

Nick: How can you say that? You don't even know who this freak is.

Sharon: But you found the phone. It's over.

Dylan: Whoever it is can get another phone, Sharon. This is far from over.

Nick: I will stay here as long as you need me to. I'll help out any way I can.

Dylan: That's great. Thanks.

Nick: I know you'd rather be here yourself, but don't worry. I'll be here. Nothing's gonna happen to Sharon, sully, faith, or Mariah.

Dylan: I appreciate that.

Paul: I'm Paul Williams, police chief, Genoa city. I'm here to see my sister patty.


Jill: Thank you.

Billy: Cane did a damn good job at that company, which is a good thing, because I sure as hell didn't. Look, he should be running the company along with Victoria, further proving that you don't need me here.

Jill: No! What it proves is that you're aware you've been on a self-defeating rampage, and that just means that, in time, you're gonna come to your senses.

Billy: Oh, did I ever tell you how much I hate that phrase?

Jill: Did I ever tell you how much I hate that you don't live up to your full potential?

Billy: Look, mother. You are a businesswoman, right? You have sunk a lot of money into this company. You don't really want me here. Okay, I'm a liability. I'm a wild card who almost tanked the rollout of our first major ad campaign.

Jill: Yeah. [Laughing] You sure are a wild card.

Billy: Right.

Jill: I mean, you're cantankerous, you're disruptive, you're a royal pain in the you-know-what. But here's the thing. You have a brilliant creative mind. You are constantly generating new ideas. And, baby, you have such a unique perspective. I know you can do this.

Billy: Some people call that deranged, you know.

Jill: Yeah, some people do. I don't. I know you can do this. God, I wish you could get out of your own way. Here's the thing. While you're figuring out how to do that, I'm gonna take advantage of that talent. You, my boy, are gonna come in here every single day and do your job and live up to the terms of your contract, okay? Or, honey, I'm gonna sue you.

Billy: [Chuckles] Sue me? Come on. You're not gonna do that.

Jill: Oh, you watch me. Now get back to work.

Cane: Hey. See you later, chatty.

Jill: Cane? I just saw the interview. That was superb work.

Cane: Thank you. But, you know, it could have been a lot worse, 'cause Billy decided to throw an epic fit and storm out in the middle of it.

Jill: Yeah, I know all about that.

Cane: I know he's your son, okay? But this is a business, and he is a liability, and we need to cut our losses.

Jill: What would you say if I told you he just offered to resign?

Cane: I would say "really?"

Jill: I said no, though. In fact, I told him I would sue him if he breached his contract.

Cane: Of course you did, 'cause you have this master plan to try and put him and Victoria back together. But you can't do it, Jill, at the expense of the rest of us and this company. Do you understand that?

Jill: [Sighs] Yeah, I understand that. But here's the thing. It's my company. It's my decision. And you would do well to remember that.

Cane: [Chuckles]

Devon: Your first major interview and you aced it, hon.

Hilary: Yeah, well, let's see if our viewers agree with you.

Devon: What are they saying on FacePlace?

Hilary: Oh. My. God.

Dylan: Hey, buddy. Your uncle nick's gonna stay here tonight, keep an eye on you and your mom and your sisters, okay? Really, man, I can't thank you enough.

Nick: Dude, it's not a problem. It's my family, too.

Dylan: I'm gonna go pack, okay?

Sharon: Okay. Nick. Thanks for being so great about this.

Nick: It's my pleasure. I mean that.

Sharon: And I know you do. But Dylan is overreacting. Honestly, we're gonna be fine. You don't have to do this. The calls have stopped. It's over.

Nick: Look, I hope you're right. I hope it is a prank, but we can't assume that it is. Dylan has a right to be cautious.

Sharon: The ranch is teeming with security. [Chuckles]

Nick: Great. I'm gonna be here, too. I don't like the idea of some stranger harassing you. Not with the kids in the house.

Paul: Hey, Pattycake. It's your brother, Paulie. How are you doing? I spoke with the director. He, uh, allowed me to come and visit you in your room. Isn't that sweet? He said it was, uh, a professional courtesy, but, um... it's really nice. So I guess sometimes being the top cop has its privileges, huh? You know, this is so much nicer to come and see you in your room. You know, instead of talking to you through that, uh, big, thick Plexiglas window, you know? You know, when I called, the doctor said you might not be too talkative. [Chuckles] I guess he was right, huh? Patty, I'm -- I'm really trying here. Uh... I'm sorry.

Devon: So what's the verdict? Are we a hit?

Hilary: They hated it. They hated me.

Devon: Social media isn't the be-all, end-all, so it's fine.

Hilary: What are you talking about? This is the one place where people can go and say exactly what they're thinking. And this is what they're thinking. "What the hell happened to 'GC buzz TV'? Total snoozefest. Bo-o-o-ring! Exclamation mark. Never watching again. Just lost me as a viewer." "I miss the old host. He was funny. Well, what did they expect? Hilary's billionaire husband bought the show for her. Not like she got the job on talent."

Jill: Oh, hi, lily.

Lily: Hey, Jill.

Jill: I came to see Esther. Have you seen her?

Lily: Uh, you just missed her, actually.

Jill: Oh, too bad.

Lily: By the way, I'm guessing that you saw Hilary's interview on GC buzz?

Jill: I sure did.

Lily: Yeah. I thought cane did an amazing job.

Jill: Oh, it was a terrific interview. Everybody came off really, really well.

Lily: Yeah. You do realize that cane saved that entire thing, right? 'Cause what you saw was shot after Billy went off the handle and stormed out of the taping.

Jill: Yeah. I heard all about that.

Lily: Good. Then you also know that cane is the one doing all the heavy lifting, putting in long hours and cleaning up Billy's messes.

Jill: This is very sweet of you, you being the good wife, singing your husband's praises. Yes, I know that cane is a hard worker, and I know that he is invaluable. Nobody knows that better than I do. I also know that things wouldn't run nearly as smoothly without him.

Lily: I don't think things would run at all, Jill. He's killing himself to do a good job and doesn't feel like anyone notices or appreciates it, especially you.

Jill: Oh, my God. Of course I know how enormously talented he is. I'm aware of his business acumen and his work ethic. Please. He's a boss's dream employee.

Lily: Well, I really think that you should be telling him that and not me.

Billy: I thought the interview came off well.

Cane: Yeah, it did, no thanks to you.

Billy: Hilary was wise to keep my involvement to a minimum. Sure chopped it up in the editing room, made it look like "the cane Ashby show."

Cane: Yeah. Well, that is because the whole company is your show because you are a walking disaster area. Once again I had to save the day and make us look good, didn't I?

Billy: You're right. You're absolutely right.

Billy: I owe you an apology.

Cane: Are you drunk?

Billy: No, but I was a jerk the other day.

Cane: Yeah, you were.

Billy: You were right to call me out on it.

Cane: [Sighs]

Billy: I want to thank you for saving the commercial. I could have undone a lot of work that we all put into it, but you salvaged it.

Cane: All right, look, to be honest with you, Billy, you've put a lot of hard work into this, okay? A lot of the ideas in the campaign are yours, and they're fresh, so...

Billy: Yeah, well, anybody can have ideas, but you need to get the job done, and that's what you did. That's where the talent is.

Cane: [Laughs] Look, if you're expecting us to hug this out, I'm sorry. It's not gonna happen.

Billy: Never crossed my mind.

Cane: All right, good. Well, Jill has sent me a new cut of the campaign, so if you want to have a look...

Billy: Let's open it up and watch it together.

Hilary: "She makes Billy Abbott sound halfway intelligent when we all know how he really spends his time -- in bed with his sister-in-law or getting his face rearranged in a bar. Talk about spin." "I know, right? That Hilary Hamilton's such a lying" -- Devon!

Devon: No more of this. Seriously. I don't need to hear any more of this. This is just people having a knee-jerk reaction to change. That's it.

Hilary: No, no. George was right. People have a connection to this show. They had expectations, which we failed to meet. No, which I failed.

Devon: Honey, you didn't fail. We will rise above this. We're not just gonna abandon our new vision.

Hilary: We didn't tell the real story, and our viewers knew right away. We sugarcoated what was going on at brash & sassy. And isn't that just as bad, if not worse?

Devon: Than using their personal problems to amp the story?

Hilary: Than telling the truth, even if it's painful! [Sighs]

Devon: Honey. Honey, please. Please do not let what people are posting affect you, because they're just trolls, okay? We are going to stick to what we know is the right way to run this place, and it'll work out.

Faith: Okay, so the towels are in here. Um, and then the shampoo is in there.

Nick: Yeah, I know. You remember when I used to live here?

Faith: Oh, yeah. [Chuckles]

Nick: You know, you seem a lot less anxious since you told me about those phone calls your mom's been getting.

Faith: They really upset her.

Nick: Yeah, I bet they did.

Faith: With Dylan gone, I'm glad you'll be here.

Nick: Yeah, me, too. I'm glad I get to spend a lot more time with you and sully.

Faith: [Chuckles]

Sharon: Did you remember your vitamins?

Dylan: Yes, dear.

Sharon: Good.

Dylan: I actually feel better that, uh, nick's staying here. And Paul said he's gonna send some patrol officers to pay extra attention to the ranch. And he said he's gonna stop in and check on you.

Sharon: Oh, well, that was nice of him.

Dylan: Yeah, he texted and said he's gonna come over right after he visits patty at Stonevale.

Mariah: Hi. I'm here to see patty Williams.

Paul: Anyway, Pattycake, um, I'm sorry I haven't come to see you, but the doctors advised me that you, uh, didn't need the distraction for a while. Had, uh, some ideas that they thought might, uh... help you get better. I just want you to know I love you. And even though I wasn't -- I wasn't coming, I was calling the doctors and checking up on you to make sure that, uh... ...that you were doing okay. Look, I-I don't... [Sighs] I don't even know that you can hear me, right? What are you, um... is that a cat? That's beautiful, patty. That's... I know how you love cats. Does he have a name? Your little kitty? You know, the doctors told me that, uh, they were impressed with your painting skills. They said that you're able to express yourself through your painting. I can see why they -- they mentioned it. Well... I guess, uh... I should let you go.

Patty: Paulie?

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

[Knock on door]

Summer: Jack? Hey. What are you doing here? Where's jack?

Jack: What's going on?

Sharon: Mariah, you have to get out of there. If Paul sees you, it's over!

Patty: I just want you to go away! Just go! Go! Go! Just go away!

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