Y&R Transcript Tuesday 10/11/16

Y&R Transcript Tuesday 10/11/16


Provided By Suzanne

Victor: Oh. Well, now. Did Jill kick you out of Katherine's house?

Billy: That's not how it went, but you know that already, don't you?

Victor: So even your mother's done with you, right?

Billy: Yeah.

Victor: I guess the video was the last straw.

Billy: What video?

Victor: Oh, you don't know about that?

Victoria: Ugh.

Travis: What's wrong?

Victoria: It's viral. The video of that stupid bar fight.

Travis: I'm sorry.

Victoria: Ugh! It's not your fault. Actually, it is kind of your fault for stooping to Billy's level. But why does Billy always have to be so Billy, huh? A bar fight? This is the last kind of pr that brash & sassy! Needed. I mean, we are a women's brand. We're about beauty and cosmetics and fun, not grunting and fighting and bruising. Cane and I, we actually care about this company. I-it means something to us, but Billy, it's just an afterthought for him. You know what? I am not gonna let him take this company down.

Billy: I was there. I don't need to see it again.

Victor: This a joke to you? Your lack of self-control? I knew your father, john Abbott, you know? I respected him. He gave you everything. What have you done with it?

Billy: Not today, victor.

Victor: You've thrown it away again and again, haven't you?

Billy: I said not today. Do you know what today is? Let me remind you. Today is the day that your son took my daughter from me.

Chelsea: You have to thank uncle nick for coming and hanging out with us today, huh? It was very nice of him.

Nick: Well, I promised the little man we'd have some kite lessons. I intend to keep all my promises. You know, um... I'm more surprised that you were able to come. I thought you might be with Chloe today.

Chelsea: I checked in on her this morning, and I'm gonna check on her a little later on. I just let her know that I'm here for her. If she needs to talk... or not talk. I just have to wait and follow her lead, you know? Only Chloe knows what's best for her today.

Nick: That's absolutely right. The only thing you can do is make sure she knows that you're there for her if she needs you.

Chelsea: Can I be terrible and confess something?

Nick: What could you say that's bad?

Chelsea: I was relieved that she didn't need my help today. I don't think I can help her. I mean, I think I would just make it worse. I've had that terrible feeling all day. The pressure behind my eyes and that terrible feeling in my throat like I was gonna break down at any second. I just keep thinking about Delia.

Jill: Oh, good morning.

Esther: Oh, Jill. What can I get you? Your usual? And by usual, I mean coffee, and no insults today, please.

Jill: Don't be such a dope.

Esther: Oh!

Jill: I didn't come here to insult you.

Esther: You just called me a dope.

Jill: I'm sorry. It was just -- it was just a reflex action. I -- I just came here to see you, as one grandma to another. Three years.

Esther: We lost that beautiful Cordelia Katherine. And that night, everything changed.

Jill: Yeah. For all of us. Forever.

Chloe: Which one goes next? Oh, my goodness. Look at you. [Laughs] You are just so smart, you know that? You're smart like your big sister. [Sighs] Today is gonna be a hard day for mommy because today Delia went to heaven. And I got you. 'Cause you're my little lifesaver. Are you mommy's lifesaver?

[Knocks on door]

Chloe: Okay, baby. Stay right here. I'll be right back.

Kevin: Hi.

Chloe: Hi.

Kevin: Uh, is it okay for me to be here?

Chloe: Yeah. Of course.

Kevin: How you doing?

Chloe: Good. We were just, um... we're stacking cups. How are you?

Kevin: I'm good. I actually just came by to see if I could stack cups with you. Or do anything else, really. The three of us.

Chloe: Uh, Kevin...

Kevin: You're gonna say no.

Chloe: It's just -- it's just today.

Kevin: I know what today is. That's why I came by, really. I just wanted to say if -- if there's anything you need...

Chloe: Thank you.

Kevin: [Sighs] Chloe, I get it. You're standing there, you don't want me to come in.

Chloe: Kevin...

Kevin: No, it's okay to be honest about it. We should talk about it. You don't want to be around me today.

Chloe: Look at you! You got that perfect again! Okay, mommy will be right back. So, what makes you think that I don't want you around today?

Kevin: For starters, you haven't invited me in. Look, I know. It was me. I'm the reason you weren't with Delia before she passed. Our movie date, that I pushed for, even though you weren't sure. Then we got the call, we went to the hospital, and Delia was gone, and I took that from you. The chance to say goodbye to her. And I know that's what you see when you look at me. You all but admitted it to Mariah, but I already knew that.

Chloe: That was the truth then. That's not the truth now.

Kevin: You don't have to say that.

Chloe: Do you want to talk about this or not?

Kevin: [Sighs] I'm sorry. Go on.

Chloe: Kevin, you didn't take anything from me the night that Delia died. You were the one that held me in that hospital room and kept from breaking into a million pieces.

Kevin: You did break, Chloe, and I couldn't help you.

Chloe: And I just said that was then...and this is now. Things are very different.

Kevin: I see it. I look at you and I know you don't have that same look in your eyes of panic and anger.

Chloe: Well, that's because I have Bella now, and I have to do things right from now on. I promise you, this is not me trying to push you away. I just want to spend the day with my daughter.

Kevin: Okay. [Sighs] She is pretty amazing.

Chloe: Well, I make amazing daughters.

Kevin: [Chuckles] I'm happy for you.

Chloe: Thanks. I'm really happy for me, too.

Kevin: Okay.

Chloe: [Sighs]

Esther: I spent last night with Chloe and Bella, but she wanted today to herself, so...

Jill: Mm.

Esther: Have you seen Billy?

Jill: Uh, I left him a message. I don't expect to hear back from him, though.

Esther: Oh, come on. He wouldn't ignore you today of all days.

Jill: Oh. [Laughs] Today and many days to come, if he has his way.

Esther: What happened?

Jill: He's lost again. Mistake after mistake, and I cannot seem to find a way to stop this downward spiral. What a dreadful way for somebody to go through life, stumbling in the dark.

Esther: Jill, you can't give up hope. I mean, Chloe was lost, too, but she came back from the darkness. Come on. Chloe's a lot stronger than I'll ever be.

Jill: Yeah, well, she's a lot stronger than Billy, obviously. I mean, he's tried to find his way, but Delia's death just hangs over him. I-I'm so afraid. I'm so afraid that my boy will never find peace.

Victoria: I'm so sorry. It just gets exhausting cleaning up all of Billy's messes.

Travis: I understand. I'll help out, though, okay? I'll help out with the kids and I'll make sure you have coffee and breakfast in the morning, and I'll do whatever else you need. 'Cause you're not gonna change. You're a girl that takes care of people. And you forgive mistakes, like forgiving me for not telling you about my past.

Victoria: I love you. Do you see that? It just rolled off my tongue. I love you. And I need you and I want you. And I trust you.

Travis: You got me.

Victoria: [Sighs] Suddenly, I'm not so worked up about Billy anymore.

Travis: Good. I did my job. Just don't look at the stupid bar fight video anymore, okay? I can't kiss you all day and calm you down.

Victoria: [Chuckles]

[Cell phone chimes]

Travis: Oh. It's victor. He needs to see me. "Now." All caps.

Victoria: Mm, guess I'm not the only one worked up over that video.

Travis: [Sighs] Yeah.

Billy: You know, according to you, I was a screw-up before I was even born.

Victor: You know, Billy boy, you did one thing right in your life. You saved Delia when she had leukemia. Beyond that, you haven't done a damn thing that I could respect.

Billy: Well, that's good, because I don't give a damn about your respect.

Victor: There's only one problem. You're the father of my grandchildren. They want to respect you because you're the only father they have.

Billy: And you're Adam's only father. How'd that work out for you?

Victor: He felt terrible about what happened to Delia, and you know by now it was an accident. My son admitted to it. Took responsibility. And you stood up in court. And you said you would forgive him. And everyone was hoping that once you gave forgiveness that your life would change.

Billy: Well, that'd be great for you, right? Because forgiveness would set me free. But Delia would still be gone. So it doesn't matter, does it? On a day like today, forgiveness? It's not enough, victor.

Victor: Send him in. Do you know why I called you here?

Travis: The video about the bar fight, I assume?

Victor: I gave you a job to make a reputation for yourself. Not to have fisticuffs in a bar. How did Victoria react?

Travis: We talked it out. She understands.

Victor: Because she's your girlfriend. I'm your boss. If you want to be a tough guy, get in the ring. Don't have a stupid brawl in a bar. That's as dumb as having an affair with your boss' wife. I do know about that. You tried to cover it up, but it's out there.

Travis: So you knew about the affair but you hired me anyway. Then you gave Victoria and me your blessing, so is that genuine or just to yank the rug out from under me?

Chelsea: Connor, I want to show you something. I want to show you something. You see this tree? See this tree? This was planted last year for a really beautiful little girl named Delia. Bella's big sister. She was really special to us. Special to you, too.

Nick: You know we all got you covered, right? Me, Connor, that tree.

Chelsea: I mean, that gift that Delia gave him, the gift that Billy and Chloe gave him, I can never repay them for that. Connor sees the whole world differently now because he sees it through Delia's eyes. I mean, now he can see the trees and the leaves and this kite all because of her. Right? He can look at me and tell me that he loves me. I mean, that is the greatest gift either one of us could ever have. Just -- at such a terrible cost.

Kevin: And I get it. Chloe just wanted some alone time with Bella.

Esther: I know. But it hurts to be on the outside. I feel the same way. But Chloe knows what she needs to do, so we just have to let her do things her own way.

Kevin: How about you? How are you doing?

Esther: Well, my shift's almost over, so I'm gonna take some of this tea and I'm gonna go for a walk and maybe find some ducks to feed for Delia. Delia just loved feeding the ducks with grandma. She was convinced that the ducks would talk to her if no one else was around.

[Both chuckle]

Kevin: You sure you're okay being alone?

Esther: I won't be alone, Kevin. Delia will be with me.

Chloe: Okay, I want you to be careful and stay close to mommy, okay? I want to show you something. Do you see all of these pretty things?

Bella: Horsey.

Chloe: Yeah, that's a horsey. Do you know what this is? These are all the pretty things that people have left for Delia. Because they love her. They love her just as much as mommy does. So we're gonna leave these flowers. You want to help me? Okay. Let's put them right over here. Right there. Oh! Mommy misses you so much.

Billy: Guess I should have expected to see you here.

Chloe: [Chuckles]

Billy: And I'm sure Dee planned it that way.

Chloe: Oh, you know it. I mean, you know, she was very stubborn. She always got her way.

Billy: Yeah, she did. Hi.

Chloe: Bella, this is my friend, Billy. He's Delia's daddy.

Billy: Hi, Bella. How you doing? You know, your big sister -- she was the greatest. Yeah. She was smart and funny. Really silly. She would tell you a joke and she'd have you rolling on the ground with it.

Chloe: Oh, yeah. [Giggles]

Billy: Wow, she looks so much like Dee at that age.

Chloe: Yeah. Yeah. I guess she does. But she is her own person! Aren't you? How lucky am I? Two miracles in one lifetime. [Sighs] [Chuckles]

Nick: You know, Connor was given a gift. You all were. It's not doing yourself or anyone for that matter any good for you to be walking around with all that guilt. Now, I'm sure Chloe's happy that a part of Delia lives on.

Chelsea: Yeah, no, she is. I mean, she says that all the time. She does, but it doesn't make the guilt go away. I mean, my child is here and hers is not. I'm sorry. You know what? I shouldn't even -- I shouldn't even be talking to you about this.

Nick: No, no, no. No. You know, there's not a day that goes by that I don't miss Christian. But you can't feel guilty about that. Please don't feel like you have to walk around on eggshells around me, Chelsea. I'm -- I'm here, and you can talk to me about anything -- Delia, Connor. Anything.

Chelsea: What if I wanted to talk about Adam? I mean, he was a part of this. This whole thing started with him. That guilt of his that took over. He had so much guilt about the accident. He had guilt about covering it up. I mean, all of that time wasted fighting those demons. Eventually, Billy forgave him. Even Chloe forgave him. But I just think about the what-ifs, you know? Or what if they hadn't? Or what if Adam had died without ever getting that forgiveness from them?

Nick: Just -- those sort of what-ifs... don't do that yourself. I mean, you will spin out going down that road. Adam got forgiveness. There wasn't a whole lot that came out of this nightmare to hold onto. But that. That forgiveness? Don't ever let that go.

Mariah: Hi.

Kevin: Hi. Thanks for coming.

Mariah: You asked, so I'm here. Why am I here?

Kevin: Well, people do this thing where they text each other for coffee, and they meet for coffee.

Mariah: Yeah. Text. Meet. Coffee. Why am I here?

Kevin: Well, I'm sure you heard from Dylan that we found the phone that Sharon was called from.

Mariah: Yeah, I did. Uh, the guy said that he lost it, and you guys found it, so... good job, super sleuth.

Kevin: Thank you. How's Sharon? Have the calls stopped?

Mariah: Yeah. No more calls. Sharon's fine. Dylan's being very supportive, attentive, very Dylan-ish.

Kevin: Good! That's good. Since when are you so weird around me?

Mariah: Since when do you text me for coffee and tell me something you could have sent over text?

Kevin: Well, I needed an excuse to see you because things have been weird, and I want a chance to make them right.

Chloe: You read this while I talk to my friend, okay? Mommy's right here. So that's what you've been up to, huh? Single-momming it?

Chloe: Yeah. I mean, it works!

Billy: Just the two of you, even when you were at the --

Chloe: Even when I was in the psych facility? Yeah.

Billy: What about Bella's father -- is he around?

Chloe: Not in the picture.

Billy: Oh.

Chloe: It's good, though. We're -- we're great. We're just two singletons taking on the world.

[Both chuckle]

Billy: Well, I'm happy for you. You know, I know how badly you wanted to have another baby. A daughter, more specifically. You know, when you came to me --

Chloe: Yeah, can we just -- can we not?

Billy: "Not" like just pretend that never happened?

Chloe: Yeah. It wasn't one of my finest moments. You know, to think that we could clone a little Delia, just -- I was practically begging you for it. It was --

Billy: It was understandable, Chloe.

Chloe: No, it was impossible to think that we could actually make another Delia. I mean -- [Laughs] I mean, how many kids can actually brush their teeth and tap dance at the same time?

Billy: Yeah.

Chloe: And sit at the dinner table every single night reciting pinkerton pony's entire history?

Billy: She was one of a kind.

Chloe: Yeah. She was. And so is Bella. You know? She is just her own unique little self.

Billy: She is cute.

Chloe: [Laughs]

Billy: My gosh. The resemblance to Dee -- it's just -- it's amazing.

Chloe: Well, yeah. I mean, well, they're sisters.

Billy: Yeah, well...

Chloe: But she is her own person. We are our own people. And I'm really excited to see what the future has in store for us.

Billy: I'm happy for you. I really am. I'm really -- I'm proud of you. You made it out of that dark, dark cave. I don't know if I'm ever gonna catch up.

Victor: You did a stupid and reckless thing, having an affair with your boss' wife, all right? I hope you learned your lesson.

Travis: Yes, sir. I learned lots of them.

Victor: Well, one of the lessons you learned hopefully involves not having a brawl in defense of Billy Abbott, of all people.

Travis: All I can do is apologize.

Victor: Right. Let me tell you about Billy Abbott. He's an idiot who does a lot of damage to a lot of people! His reputation is in the garbage can, you get it? I expected more from you. You may go.

Kevin: I know the thing with Chloe and me is weird to you.

Mariah: It's weird, not just to me. I mean, it's objectively weird. But it's also none of my business.

Kevin: That's true.

Mariah: Thanks.

Kevin: But not.

Mariah: That doesn't make any sense.

Kevin: Will you just listen to me? I don't want the situation between Chloe and me to get between us. This. We're friends no matter what.

Mariah: Well, I'm glad to hear you say that. I appreciate it. But I'm not sure it was worth the buildup of this entire conversation.

Kevin: And friends support each other.

Mariah: If you're asking me to be the best man at your wedding --

Kevin: The other day at the bar, the online guy who stood you up?

Mariah: Really? We're talking about that? Let's not. Ever. Okay, friend? Because friends don't let friends talk about that kind of stuff.

Kevin: It's okay. I get it. You don't put yourself out there romantically, so to go online and try and meet somebody, and then.... to get stood up --

Mariah: Oh, we're still talking about it. It's getting worse.

Kevin: I'm just saying. You don't have to meet someone that way if it freaks you out. I could introduce you to somebody at the station.

Mariah: A cop? You want me to date a cop. Really? With my rap sheet.

Kevin: My rap sheet's longer than yours. I know these guys. They're good guys. So if there's one that you've noticed, that you think might be your type...

Mariah: Okay, okay. Thank you. Really. Really. I -- I'm touched that you are invested in me finding a love connection, but don't. Ever. Not -- not ever. Just focus on your own love life. In fact, go to Chloe right now. Fly like the wind! Unless she has something better to do today.

Kevin: She's spending some time alone with Bella.

Mariah: And you couldn't join? Like I said, it's kind of weird.

Kevin: She needed some time alone because today is an anniversary.

Mariah: Delia. Oh, my god. I'm so sorry, Kevin. I'm such a jerk.

Jill: How are you, honey? Have you talked to Billy?

Victoria: Uh, you know, I don't think that would be a good idea, at least not right now.

Jill: He needs you. Please. You haven't forgotten what today is, right?

Victoria: Do you honestly think that I would forget the day that we lost Dee-Dee? I just can't deal with Billy when he acts this way. [Sighs] We just need some distance.

Jill: Who's "we?" The last thing in the world Billy needs is distance from you. I remember you in that hospital room. I remember you at his bedside. You didn't want to lose him any more than I did.

Victoria: Of course not.

Jill: Then stop all this nonsense about distance. If Billy feels that he's alone in this now, I don't know what's gonna happen.

Billy: You know that day in the courtroom? Adam's sentencing? I didn't know what I was gonna say. I didn't know that I was gonna tell everybody -- tell the judge, tell the room, the world that I forgave Adam. But I had to. I had to say it. I had to mean it. 'Cause if I didn't, there was no getting back to normal for me. It was gonna be over, so I had to do something. But the thing is, I, uh... I never -- I never got back to normal. Normal never really kicked in for me. I feel like I'm a walking bruise, affecting everybody around me, and I just can't stop it. Because of one moment. After Delia's play, I stopped to get ice cream. Now I'm here and she's not. And it's not right. It's never gonna be fair. But that's just the way the world works, right?

Chloe: You know, when Delia died... a part of you broke. And you feel like you can't fix it.

Billy: Yeah, but you did. How'd you do that?

Chloe: Time. Therapy. Bella. I mean, what other choice is there? You either crawl into a ball and you shrivel up and you die, or... you open your heart up and you learn to love again. Because I had to get healthy. You know? I had to -- I had to be happy. I -- I don't know, I just had to be whole again for Bella's sake. And for Delia's sake, too. Because there is no other choice, Billy. [Voice breaking] We can't honor Delia if we destroy ourselves.

Victor: Clear my schedule for a while, okay? There's something important I need to do.

Chloe: Those cookies are gonna be so good! Are you gonna make me a pretend milkshake, preferably chocolate, to go with those cookies?

Chelsea: Hi.

Chloe: Oh, hi! [Laughter] Why don't you sit down here? Oh! Baby girl.

Nick: I don't want to intrude. Just came to drop off this very valuable package, and I'll be on my way.

Chelsea: Nick was helping me with Connor today. We flew kites.

Chloe: So much fun!

Chelsea: Yeah.

Chloe: And don't worry. You're not intruding at all. We are having a really great day.

Nick: Good, well, I'll, uh, get out of your hair. Hey, bud, do you know what the secret is to pretend milkshakes? Lots and lots of chocolate syrup. The pretend kind. Here you go. You have fun there. I'll see you, dude. Bye. Uh, you know, I know these anniversaries can be rough, so my heart goes out to you.

Chloe: Thanks, nick.

Nick: Well, see you.

Chelsea: Bye. Thank for you today. [Sighs] You know, if you need some alone time, I can bring Connor upstairs.

Chloe: No, no. Please. Come on. This is your house. I'm really glad you're here. And, um... Bella and I, we -- we went to Delia's memorial and we ran into Billy. He's really struggling. You open your heart up and you learn to love again.

Billy: Is that why you're here, Chloe? Hmm? You just here looking for a little specimen? You had a little cute cup in your purse? You want me to just go to the bathroom and just take care of it right now? What are you thinking?

Chloe: Look, I -- I know it's a little out there --

Billy: A little out there? No, it's insane! Even for you. Even grieving. You want to take my sperm, mix it up with your egg, and make a little, what? A little Dee-Dee clone?

Chloe: What -- that's not what I'm saying!

Billy: That's exactly what you're saying and you're twisted!

Chloe: No, I'm not! I just -- Billy, I don't -- I don't know how to live on, okay? It hurts. It hurts so much.

Billy: You need help, Chloe. Obviously more than you're getting.

Chloe: No, what I need is I need a baby, okay? I need a baby or I don't know how I'm going to live on.

Victoria: Billy. I was hoping you would be here.

Billy: Yeah? Really? You here to talk about the stupid bar fight or the stupid viral video? Yeah, oh, I'm viral, Victoria. I'm possibly contagious, so you're probably better just to stand back.

Victoria: I didn't want to talk about the video. I -- I miss her, too. I miss Delia. On the way over here, I drove by the park. I saw her tree. It looks like it's growing really strong.

Billy: Yeah, it's stronger. Surviving, thriving. Why not me, Vick? I mean, everybody's able to rebuild except for me.

Kevin: She's not pushing me away. There's still something there. We just have a lot of work to do. And I don't need to be boring you with this.

Mariah: No, you're not boring me. Actually, it's good to hear this stuff about you and Chloe. It makes you seem...30% to 40% less weird.

Kevin: Thank you? Okay, uh, I'm gonna take off and spend some time at Delia's tree.

Mariah: And wait for the great pumpkin?

Kevin: [Laughs] Yeah. Something like that. Thank you for listening.

Mariah: I like trees.

Kevin: What?

Mariah: I like the outdoors and trees and nature-y things.

Kevin: No, you don't.

Mariah: I went camping once!

Kevin: Is this a circuitous Mariah way of saying that you would like to come with me?

Mariah: If you want me to go with you, I'll go with you.

Kevin: Let's go.

Victor: This flower is from Adam. And from me. You know, he's gone now. He's probably in heaven with you. If you meet him... he'll probably ask you to forgive him. I would like that, too. Maybe you already have. If you have, then just -- give him a hug for me. Okay? May you both rest in peace.

Chelsea: They're good together.

Chloe: Bella, um... you know, she didn't get to meet her big sister, but... Connor -- he's like a big brother to her now. It's just so sweet.

Chelsea: Yeah. They have each other. Just like we have each other.

Chloe: Yeah, just like "the Chloe and Chelsea show." I don't know if you've noticed, but I have given you top billing, which is a huge thing for me. You know my ego.

Chelsea: Appreciated. I'm so glad you're back, Chloe. And I -- I know that Bella changed you, but the fact that you could forgive Adam, and you know, you went to the jail that day and you told him to his face? Adam died knowing that you forgave him and it -- it gave him peace. I'm grateful for that.

Chloe: Well, you asked me to talk to him, and... I'm really glad that I did. You know? Because after that, I could just finally breathe again.

Billy: That night -- the play. Delia's costume. The dog. The ice cream. It's -- and that night -- that's my life now. Over and over again, I can't get rid of it. Holding her and just begging her to wait till the ambulance can get there, praying that she can hold on. [Sniffles] You know, when I woke up from the coma in the hospital, and I told you about the dream that I had -- where I promised Delia that I would try and be better? [Sighs] I try. I really do. I try. I try to move on. And I feel like I start to get somewhere, I feel like I start down the right path. And it feels good. But then I end up ruining it again, and I don't know why. I just -- I know everybody has an opinion on what they can do, how I can fix myself, but to be honest... I just think that this is my life now. That's just the way my life is gonna be.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Jill: Just needs a few more tweaks before we launch.

Billy: You're gonna have to talk to cane and Victoria about that. I quit.

Mariah: Take away patty's leverage. Tell everybody the truth about sully.

Paul: I'm Paul Williams. I'm here to see my sister patty.

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