Y&R Transcript Monday 10/10/16
Provided By Suzanne
Victoria: Great.
Devon: What's wrong, Victoria? Is everything all right?
Victoria: Billy and Travis are in jail.
Devon: What do you mean, jail? Billy was just here.
Cane: What happened?
Victoria: I don't know. A bar fight. He must have left here immediately, and...
Hilary: Victoria, that is awful. I cannot imagine how you are feeling. Do you think this fight started because of you?
[Footsteps approaching]
Paul: Hey.
Billy: Paul, buddy. I need to get out of here.
Travis: Hey, when can we post bail?
Paul: Nobody's going anywhere till I get some answers, all right?
Billy: Oh, okay. I'll give you answers. Can we do it in private, please?
Travis: Oh, that's how it's going down? Preferential treatment 'cause he's an Abbott?
Billy: Paul, have you met this fine gentleman right here? You should shake his hand, because it would be your honor. This is Travis. Everybody loves this guy.
Paul: Looks like there's not much love lost between you two. Not much sobriety, either. So, you want to tell me exactly how this fight got started?
Billy: It was his fault.
Travis: His fault.
Lily: I like that. It looks good.
Neil: Hey. Look who it is! They're pretty quiet.
Lily: Yeah. They're having a coloring duel. It was their father's invention.
Neil: Oh, is their father, cane, gonna be joining us?
Lily: Uh, no. He had to work.
Neil: Aww. That's too bad.
Lily: Yeah. He's been having a lot of late nights lately.
Neil: Yeah? Are you okay with that?
Lily: I mean, I just miss when we worked together. You know? Even when he was at Fenmore's, he would still see me here, but I couldn't be prouder of him.
Neil: Yeah. I hear he's doing really well at brash & sassy!
Lily: You have no idea what's going on there. They need cane now more than ever.
Victoria: I can only assume that Billy instigated this fight with Travis.
Hilary: Why, is that because of how upset Billy was when he left here?
Cane: Well, Billy's always upset about something. I mean, if you saw the way he turned this interview into a free-for-all, it's kind of obvious he was gunning for a fight when he left here.
Devon: Well, look, we'll take off and let you handle things, okay?
Victoria: There's nothing for me to handle. Billy is not my responsibility.
Hilary: Well, what about Travis? Victoria, you're obviously serious about the man. You moved him into your home with your kids, and now he's been arrested with your ex.
Victoria: Look, as far as I'm concerned, Billy and Travis got themselves into jail. They can get themselves out.
Billy: And that's when the big guy, he cocked his arm back and he took -- he took a swing at me.
Travis: That's when "bad boy" Billy went down.
Billy: I didn't go down on the ground. I was trying to surprise him on the way up.
Travis: Yeah, yeah, and then I grabbed the guy and then I handled it.
Paul: Right, and busted up some chairs and some pool cues and glassware, it says here.
Billy: We were protecting ourselves, Paul. I'm telling you. It was the cheddarhead. It was his fault.
Travis: Right. No, you should see that guy.
Paul: I did see him. He's got his own cell downstairs. Quite frankly, looks better than either one of you right now.
Billy: That's 'cause he distracted me, Paul. I was fine.
Travis: Dude, you were on the floor.
Billy: I was not on the floor. How many times we got to go over this?
Paul: How much did you have to drink, exactly?
Billy: Shots -- maybe three or something like that.
Travis: No more than seven.
Billy: It was his idea. He wanted to play "miss a shot, take a shot."
Paul: Okay, I'm gonna let you guys sober up until Victoria gets here.
Travis: Wait, what?
Billy: Paul, really? You called Victoria?
Travis: [Sighs]
Jill: Not just Victoria.
Billy: You called my mother? You got to be kidding me.
Jill: When you act like a child, Billy, mommy has to fix things.
Victoria: Well, unless you can think of anything else that needs to handled tonight, cane, I'm gonna go home and see my kids.
Cane: You're not going to the police station?
Victoria: No, I'm not going to the police station. They're big boys. They can handle themselves.
Hilary: Victoria, you have to at least check. They could be hurt.
Victoria: Paul didn't say anything about any injuries. Look, okay. They're in jail. They're not in the hospital. It's fine. Okay? They're gonna sleep it off and make bail. The worst thing that'll happen is they'll be late for work tomorrow, that's all.
Devon: Well, Travis just started working for Victor, right? That's not gonna go over too well.
Hilary: Victoria. You know what? You're right. Travis and Billy, they are big boys. They can take care of themselves. It's just if it were me... you know what? Never mind.
Victoria: No, if it were you... what?
Hilary: If it were me, I wouldn't help but feel responsible on some level. After all, you are the one in the middle.
Cane: All right, hang on a sec. She doesn't have to feel responsible for her husband's poor choices, and if Billy doesn't get his focus straight, this business is gonna suffer.
Hilary: I really don't think that the company is important right now.
Devon: Yeah, I'm all for tough love, Victoria, but --
Victoria: After everything that Billy's done, cane is right. We can't keep running interference for him.
Hilary: Which is every reason to be mad at Billy. But what about Travis? What did he do wrong?
Victoria: Okay. All right. I will go downtown and I'll see what the damage is and see if I have to clean up their childish mess.
Cane: Uh, I got to take this call. Thanks for that interview.
Devon: You're welcome.
Hilary: Okay, get the elevator. I'll be right behind you, okay?
Devon: Hilary.
Hilary: Okay, Devon, not right now. I'll see you at home, okay?
Devon: Okay. No. Hang on. What do you think you're doing?
Hilary: [Scoffs] I am turning this story into a gold mine.
Billy: This is not my fault, okay? I was -- I was goaded into the fight. To be honest, I was over-served.
Travis: If you were a better pool player, you'd be sober right now.
Billy: Okay, well, you better watch yourself, 'cause when we get out of here, I'm gonna play you under the table.
Travis: Maybe that's your problem, Billy. Pool's supposed to be played on the table.
Jill: Would you please stop talking and let me fix this?
Billy: No. No, no, no, no.
Jill: Paul.
Paul: My office.
Billy: No, no. Mom, you don't need to -- I can fix this. Mom! Mom! Paulie!
Jill: All right, Paul. What is it gonna take to make all this disappear?
Travis: Just had to start a fight, didn't you? You know, you could just give the guy the table!
Billy: What are you pissed off about?
Travis: I'm in jail, Billy! Now Victoria's got to come down here, she's got to bail me out. I mean, can you understand that? All because you just -- you couldn't just walk away from some dumb drunk.
Billy: Hey, I could have handled myself. You didn't have to jump in.
Travis: Yeah, you would have handled yourself right into a hospital bed. Ma'am, can I get a phone call, please, to get a message to Victoria Newman?
Billy: You know, when Victoria walked into her interview, she was in a pretty foul mood. She didn't want to tell me why.
Travis: Ma'am, one call. Please.
Billy: And then in the bar, you said that you and Victoria weren't talking anymore. So what the hell did you do to her?
Cane: I'll talk to you later. Thanks. Hey.
Devon: Hey.
Cane: I thought you guys were gone.
Devon: Do you mind if we use that room for a second?
Cane: Sure.
Devon: Thanks.
Hilary: [Sighs]
Devon: Thanks.
Hilary: Devon.
Devon: Yeah?
Hilary: We could be getting some amazing footage right now of Victoria storming into that police station.
Devon: Right, but that's not the story we're telling, right?
Hilary: It's a natural progression from that hostile interview that Billy just gave, okay? His arrest, it ties right in.
Devon: It's trashy journalism, though.
Hilary: Why shouldn't we show Victoria confronting her brash & sassy! Partner in a story about brash & sassy!? Because this is about more than just business partners, that's why.
Hilary: Exactly. That's what makes it so dynamic. I mean, all of the great stories are, okay? From politics to sports to business. It all ties into the personal.
Devon: Honey, tell me the truth. Did you try to push Victoria to go visit the jail because you're trying to get a better story?
Hilary: No. I was genuinely concerned.
Devon: Really? You're trying to get a better story.
Hilary: Devon, the two are not mutually exclusive, okay? This is a legitimate news story. This is not trashy gossip, okay?
Devon: Honey. Believe me, I understand the temptation to run with this. I really do.
Hilary: Okay. Then I will see you at home.
Devon: Hilary. Tell me you remember our original goal for purchasing the production company and the show.
Hilary: Yes, of course I do. I haven't forgotten that.
Devon: Okay, good. Because it really meant a lot to me to hear you tell the world that we're gonna do this show different, and we're not gonna profit off of people's misery.
Hilary: No one is miserable, Devon. Billy is angry, Victoria is doing damage control. That is the story.
Devon: Running this story would hurt more than just Billy and Victoria. They have children. There's kids involved this.
Hilary: Okay, yes, yes. You're right, okay? I will be careful. I will watch my tone.
Devon: I want you to kill the story.
Hilary: Devon, that's not necessary, okay? I-I will -- trust me --
Devon: If you do not kill the story, I will shut this show down today.
Lily: I'll take that. Thank you.
Neil: Oh. Thank you.
Lily: Mm-hmm.
Neil: Any word from cane?
Lily: Um, yeah. He just checked in. He's gonna be working later.
Neil: Mm.
Lily: Where are the kids?
Neil: The kids are helping out Tina in coat check.
Lily: Mm, if only they were that enthusiastic about their math homework.
Neil: Ah, my grandkids don't like math?
Lily: No, they just like it when daddy helps them with their homework, but he's still catching up after his big interview with Hilary, of all people.
Neil: Ooh, I bet you that'll give brash & sassy! A nice marketing boost.
Lily: Yeah, I think it will. You know, at first, I was worried about Hilary taking on GC buzz, but it looks like Devon is keeping her from getting trashy like she usually does.
Neil: Hey, hey, hey. Let's be nice.
Lily: Point is, I'm not worried. I think cane can handle anything.
Neil: I'm not as biased as you are, but I happen to believe that my son-in-law has brilliant business acumen.
Lily: Yes, he does.
Neil: And you miss him, so I'll tell you what. I'm gonna take those kids of yours, I'm gonna go back to the house, and I'm gonna do the homework thing.
Lily: Really?
Neil: Yeah. Go. Go now before I change my mind.
Lily: Thank you so much.
Neil: You don't have to thank me. I mean, come on. This is elementary math. How hard can it be?
Lily: Uh, yeah. Good luck with that.
Neil: Okay, baby.
Lily: Thanks.
Neil: Yeah.
Hilary: There's no reason to cancel the show.
Devon: So you're gonna kill the story, then?
Hilary: The gossipy parts? Yes, and it's not because you threatened me. It's because it's the right thing to do.
Devon: And no follow-ups at the jail or bar, right?
Hilary: None.
Devon: Okay. Thank you. I really think this is gonna be better for Billy, Victoria, and our show.
Hilary: I don't know about that last part because me taking the high road, it doesn't leave very much to report on. Except for Billy's bad behavior during the interview.
Devon: Well, except we have an untapped secret weapon at our disposal.
Hilary: Cane.
Cane: Yeah?
Hilary: [Chuckles] I just -- I realized that I may have shorted you during the interview. How about I make it up to you with a one-on-one?
Cane: Sure. Where's the camera?
Hilary: I'll be right back.
Cane: So, did you put her up to this?
Devon: I may have given her a little push, yeah. Just don't blow it.
Cane: [Chuckles]
Hilary: We are here with cane Ashby, a very, very important part of brash & sassy! So, cane, what is your take on what makes brash & sassy so special?
Cane: You mean, apart from our impeccable products? Uh, I think this company benefits from three strong leaders that have a lot of experience running their own businesses.
Hilary: So, there's you.
Cane: Mm-hmm.
Hilary: Victoria Newman. And Billy Abbott.
Cane: Right.
Hilary: I mean, is there a risk of too many cooks in the kitchen?
Cane: [Chuckles] Uh, I think that everybody has their differences, and you're gonna see that dynamic in any well-run family. But at its core, as long as we respect each other, you'll see why the three of us teamed up.
Hilary: You have a common goal, right?
Cane: Yeah, we do. And that is that we put our business before any personal issues that may come up.
Hilary: Do you think that that's what makes your business so successful?
Cane: I think what makes our business so successful is Jill Atkinson, and it was her foresight that put the three of us together, and when she did that... she made magic.
[Door opens]
Paul: Sorry about that.
Jill: Paul. Could we please tie this up before you get distracted by some robbery or stabbing or stubbing of a toe?
Paul: Well, we can try if you talk fast. Can I get you some water? Do you want some coffee? Anything?
Jill: I'll tell you what I want. I want for this potential scandal to be nipped in the bud. Now, tell me what I need to do to help Billy.
Paul: You can leave.
Jill: That's all you got? I'm serious, Jill. Leave now.
Jill: Please. Please. I need options.
Paul: Billy is a grown man. He has a family of his own. You cannot fix his life for him.
Jill: I will die trying. Now, are you gonna help me, or shall I call the mayor?
Paul: Call the mayor. Tell him I said hi. Look, it's not like I'm not being sympathetic. I am. Do you remember where we were at the beginning of the year? I was investigating a car accident that nearly took Billy's life.
Jill: Do I remember? That is all I can think about. Why do you think this is so damn important?
Billy: Is it her?
Travis: No.
Billy: Nope. I don't think she's coming. So you just might as well tell me -- what are you two fighting about?
Travis: [Sighs] Why don't you just take your mom's advice and just stop talking?
Billy: Did you wreck her car? Did you insult her father? Did you insult her? Look, we were married for a while, so I could go on and on. I could give you a whole list of the things that make her mad because I did it on a daily basis. Let me guess one of the best ones. You didn't clean the sink after you shaved, did you?
Travis: Okay, just stop, all right? Honestly, I'm surprised your mother hasn't shared this with the world yet.
Billy: Hold on a second. My mother is the cause of the strife? [Exhales sharply] Well, I take that back. She is actually good for something. So, what do she have on you?
Travis: I slept with a married woman in new York.
Billy: You cheat on Victoria, Travis?
Travis: No, of course not. This was years ago.
Billy: Okay, well, there's got to be something going on because Victoria wouldn't get that twisted about an ex.
Travis: Ah, just forget I said anything, okay?
Billy: No, no, I'm not gonna forget about it. In fact, you should probably tell me yourself because if I hear your side of the story, it's gonna be better than hearing my mom's because my mom can be really loud! Really loud. She'll scream in crimson lights. She'll do it at GCAC. Maybe even in the lobby of Newman enterprises.
Travis: It was my boss' wife, okay, and I got fired. All right?
Billy: Ooh.
Travis: Yeah.
Billy: Well, it's a little more salacious than I expected. But still, not that bad for Victoria. So, let me guess. It was the breach of trust that got her pissed off, right?
Travis: Yeah.
Billy: Yeah. I thought so. Look, sleeping with your boss' wife is bad, but it's not --
Travis: I should have just told her the truth from the beginning. I wish I had. The last thing I wanted to do was hurt her.
Billy: That's right. The last thing you wanted to do was hurt her because it would have ruined everything. First, you get into her bed, and then you get into her father's company. Isn't that right, Victoria?
Neil: All right, guys. We're gonna finish up on this homework, and then it's gonna be bedtime, all right?
Mattie: But we want daddy to help us with our homework.
Neil: Well, your daddy's working, so... you didn't know this, a little secret, but my last name's Einstein. I'm a math whiz! Okay. Right. Um, am I to assume that your dad has some kind of secret method of helping you out with your homework? Yeah, he does, doesn't he? Okay, well, let me in on it! Come on!
Charlie: He makes it fun with brain food.
Neil: Oh. What's brain food?
Mattie: Granola bars.
Charlie: With ice cream.
Neil: Ice cream, huh? Okay, well, if I'm gonna compete with your father, then I'm gonna have to get you some brain food. Ha!
[Mattie and Charlie giggle]
Cane: [Sighs]
Lily: Nothing sexier than a hardworking man.
Cane: [Chuckles] Actually, that is not true 'cause what I am looking at right now is a lot sexier than a hardworking man.
Lily: Oh, good one.
[Both chuckle]
Lily: Have you had a rough day?
Cane: [Sighs] God. You have no idea. Oh, baby. You're killing me. You can't do this. I have hours to go.
Lily: I'm sorry. I can't help myself. I missed you.
Cane: [Sighs] I missed you. I miss the babies, too.
Lily: I mean, if you want, if you're too busy, I can go.
Cane: No, are you crazy? Come here. You're not going anywhere. Come here.
Lily: Talk business to me.
Cane: You like that?
Lily: Mm-hmm.
Cane: Does that turn you on?
Lily: [Laughs]
Cane: Yeah? Okay. Well, I just did an interview...
Lily: Mm-hmm.
Cane: And I saved the company from a dumpster fire. Can you believe that?
Lily: What did Hilary do?
Cane: Actually, this time, it wasn't Hilary. It was Billy. He goaded Victoria and myself into an argument, then he left and went and got arrested in a bar fight.
Lily: You're kidding me.
Cane: No, I'm not kidding you. I wish.
Lily: You fixed it, right?
Cane: Hopefully.
Lily: Well, I have complete faith in you and your ability to clear things up.
Cane: Yeah? Mmm. Well, you know what, you could give some props to, uh, Hilary and Devon 'cause if this was the old GC buzz -- oh, don't do that to me.
Lily: Yeah, I'll thank them later. Right now, I want to celebrate you.
Cane: Yeah. I can't do this. I can't do this, baby. I got too much work to do.
Lily: I know, I'm willing to celebrate right here. What -- [Laughs] Are you kicking me out? Really? What are you doing?
Cane: I'm not kicking you out. Close the blinds.
Lily: [Moans softly]
Hilary: I just really hope that we have enough footage to put together a decent piece.
Devon: You are going to make it brilliant, honey. Just hurry home, okay?
Hilary: Mm. Okay.
Devon: Love you.
Hilary: Love you. Hey, Roz. How is the editing going?
Roz: Just got started, but you're gonna love what I put together so far.
Hilary: Okay, okay. Show me. Show me.
Roz: [Laughs]
Billy: Well, I'll tell you exactly how this company works. Just like our marriage. You argue, you argue some more, and then you storm out.
Victoria: Look, as far as I'm concerned, Billy and Travis got themselves into jail. They can get themselves out.
Billy: That's it, isn't it? You think he used you to get a job with your father.
Victoria: You couldn't be more wrong, Billy.
Billy: Oh, he just admitted to lying to you.
Victoria: Yeah, well, he left out a few details about his past, okay?
Billy: And you're gonna let him get away with that?
Victoria: At least Travis was honest with me when I needed to hear the truth.
Billy: That's only because my mother was about to out him.
Victoria: I know what kind of man Travis is, and that's all that matters to me. He's good and he's trustworthy.
Billy: Give me a break.
Victoria: He has a very strong sense of right and wrong. Please don't screw this up.
Billy: Good and trustworthy? He's using you, Victoria. If you don't want to see it, I guess that's your problem.
Victoria: Yeah, it is. And you had no right to start a fight with Travis.
Travis: Victoria, that's not --
Billy: Oh, you think that's what happened? You think we started a fight over you? No, sweetheart, I'm sorry, but your boyfriend is not that gallant, okay? It was because of some meathead over a pool game.
Travis: Yeah, well, what Billy's not mentioning right now is that he provoked the fight when I was trying to smooth it over.
Billy: You did a fantastic job.
Victoria: I knew you were gonna do something idiotic when you stormed out of that interview, Billy.
Billy: Everything said in that interview was true.
Victoria: Everything you do and say and think lately brings you and everyone else around you nothing but trouble!
Billy: Thank God. You here to break up this party?
Paul: Okay, the bar owner agreed not to file any charges as long as the damages are paid. And you'll need to pay the drunk and disorderly fines.
Victoria: Fine. I have no problem paying Travis'. As for Billy, he's all yours.
Lily: I wish I could say I'm sorry I interrupted you.
Cane: Oh, I'm sorry I'm not coming home with you.
Lily: I know, but you have a big roll-out event for the campaign launch coming up.
Cane: Have I, um, thanked you yet for the rooftop deck of the club?
Lily: Oh, I am feeling very thanked. Anything else I can help you with? You know, I really hope that Jill appreciates the sacrifices you're making to single-handedly keep this company afloat. Because if she doesn't...
Cane: Yeah, what?
Lily: Okay, I'm going.
Cane: Don't go.
Lily: I'm going.
Cane: Don't go, don't go.
Cane: Hey.
Lily: Hmm?
Cane: Kiss those kids good night for me.
Lily: I think I can do one better.
Mattie: Grandpa, did your mom help you with homework with raisins?
Neil: Well, let me tell you something. They were no yogurt raisins when I was a kid. And for that matter, there was no electricity, no running water, no cell phones, no electronic tablets! Mm-hmm!
Charlie: Well, at least you had a mom! Uh...sorry, grandpa.
Neil: No, no. Charlie, it's okay. My mom's in heaven. And just like your mom and your dad, they teach you stuff, when I was a little boy, my mom taught me a lot of stuff, too. You know something? I'm gonna tell you all about it, if you want to hear it. As long as you focus and concentrate on your homework after, okay?
Mattie: Okay.
Neil: My mom taught me about you.
Mattie: Us?
Neil: And Moses and mom and Devon. She taught me that every minute that we spend together as a family is precious. And that we shouldn't take any of it for granted. Especially these yogurt raisins!
[Mattie and Charlie chuckle]
Neil: Get back to work, all right?
Hilary: You need to put the piece together with a positive spin.
Roz: Positive? This? This is a train wreck.
Hilary: We're not using any of the argument.
Roz: We've got to use the argument. That's --
Hilary: Especially none of the footage that I recorded secretly.
Roz: Uh, no disrespect, but that's a total waste. The meat is in the conflict. That Billy dude and his ex-wife trying to bite each other's heads off, and then the dude ends up getting arrested after this? That's dish any show would kill for.
Hilary: No, we don't know what actually happened, okay? And we're not gonna start insinuating. So you can start by deleting that obnoxious graphic. Get to work.
Roz: [Scoffs]
[Cell phone vibrates]
Hilary: Okay, Roz, hold up.
Roz: Hmm?
Hilary: It looks like we have some extra footage.
Roz: We need it. That's that dude, Billy!
Hilary: And that's Travis. It's the bar fight. Somebody took it on their phone.
Billy: What are you gonna do? Hit me?
Roz: This is gold. Gold! Oh, we've got to go full-tilt exploit with this story! You've got legit video of the fight. Nothing insinuated about that.
Hilary: No. No, this is -- no, that's not what we're trying to do.
Roz: Uh, Hilary, you didn't make this up. We don't even have to edit it to make it more combative. It's all there! It's news! Ugh, this is a gift from the television gods. You've got to run with it.
[Door slams]
Jill: Oh, of course. You've had enough to drink tonight, Billy. Lord, how many times have I had to bail you out over the years? How many times have you been thrown in jail? [Scoffs] Maybe I should ship you off to Hong Kong again.
Billy: Well, they have good beer there.
Jill: [Sighs] And the interview. It's one thing to get pulverized, but did you have to hurt the company, as well?
Billy: It's always a pleasure to sink to your low expectations, mom.
Jill: You know what the trouble is here? You have the lowest possible expectations for yourself! God. And you have so much potential.
Billy: Yeah, here comes the lecture, so if you don't mind, I'm gonna finish this upstairs in peace and quiet.
Jill: No, no, Billy, please. Please, no! Stay here and tell me how to get through to you.
Billy: Okay. It's quite simple. Stop pushing me in my career. Stop trying to rekindle my failed marriage.
Jill: Your marriage was not a failure. Do you know how many people would give anything for one moment to be as happy as you and Victoria were for years?
Billy: Happy has left the building for me and Victoria, okay? So why don't you just give up?
Jill: Because you won't give up! I have seen you with her. You protect Victoria, you defend Victoria, you fight for her!
Billy: That fight tonight --
Jill: That fight tonight was about Victoria. Don't be a fool! She chose Travis over you, and it hurt you --
Billy: Proving that there's nothing left for us!
Jill: Proving that you still desperately want her!
Victoria: I thought, uh... are you leaving?
Travis: Am I still welcome?
Victoria: Yeah, I mean, I wouldn't have driven you home if you weren't. [Sighs] I have to get a cup for Johnny in case he gets thirsty --
Travis: Vick, talk to me.
Victoria: Look, I don't blame you. It's not your fault. I know that Billy totally instigated that fight.
Travis: That's it?
Victoria: I don't know. I don't know what you need to hear from me.
Travis: Vick, I love the way you stood up for me. But I have to know -- I mean, those things you said back at the police station... were you just trying to get back at Billy, or...?
Victoria: Or what?
Travis: Vick, tell me. Are we okay?
[Door closes]
Neil: Hey.
Lily: Hey.
Neil: They're fast asleep.
Lily: Ohh, you are a miracle worker, thank you.
Neil: Yeah, you're welcome.
Lily: Did they give you any trouble?
Neil: No, none. No, no, no. Um, they actually started asking me about my mom. That got a little dicey.
Lily: Ooh, yeah, I should have warned you about that. They got really curious when they heard that you met her and that she died, and I'm really sorry if that upset you.
Neil: You know, it was kind of therapeutic to talk to my own grandkids about her. It made me think about my own mortality.
Lily: Okay, why are we talking about that? You're gonna be around for a very long time. That is an order.
Neil: Well, that's -- that's the hope, kiddo. I'm not gonna -- I'm not gonna waste any more time. I'm not gonna take anything for granted. Do you know how blessed I feel that I've been able to watch you get married, raising your kids? Hell, I'm even pleased that Devon and Hilary are doing well together.
[Both chuckle]
Lily: Yeah, I haven't gotten there yet, so...
Neil: Life is so short. I might not live long enough to see Moses get married and have kids of his own, you know?
Lily: Dad, why are you talking about this?
Neil: I want to make my own mark in this world, you know? I want this foundation to count for something and to live beyond me. I want to spend more time with my family, you know? Doing homework. Sharing meals, holidays. I intend to be even more present for Moses.
Lily: Wow. I guess spending that night with Lucinda when she died really made you more aware.
Neil: Yeah, it did. I want you to know how grateful I am for you because you're the reason that I got to see her one last time before she died. I got to make peace with her. I got to give her a proper goodbye. Thank you for that. Hey. Come here.
Devon: Hey. There you are.
Hilary: Devon, I need to talk to you about the edit.
Devon: Okay, let's eat and talk.
Hilary: Um...
[Cell phone chimes]
Hilary: Hey, before you look at that, I just want to let you know that we did receive some unsolicited footage of Billy's and Travis' barroom brawl.
Devon: And now this video's gone viral?
Victoria: [Sighs]
Travis: If it's taking you this long to answer, it can't be good.
Victoria: [Sighs] Look, um, I'm not sure if we're okay.
Travis: So, what you said back at the police station...
Victoria: I was just reacting to Billy. And honestly, the things that he brought up about you, they do have me worried a little bit.
Travis: Yeah, I wanted to be different than all the rest of them. All of those damn guys that came before me and broke your trust. I want to prove to you I'm not them, okay? So just tell me what you need --
Victoria: I don't know what I need, okay? I just -- I don't know. I'm afraid.
Travis: Of me?
Victoria: No, not of you. Just of opening myself up. I'm not afraid of a broken heart, okay? But I moved you in here with my children. And I can't afford to make a mistake again. For their sake.
Travis: Victoria, just tell me what you need from me.
Victoria: I just need you to be honest. That's what I need, okay? I need to know that -- look, if you and I are gonna stay together, I don't want to find out down the line that you've been lying to me. Have you been playing me to get yourself back into the business world? Is that what you've been doing?
Travis: What do you think?
Victoria: I don't know what to think. That's why I'm asking you. I need to know the truth.
Billy: Obviously you missed the part where Victoria and I were at each other's jugulars.
Jill: Oh, no. No. I missed nothing. Maybe you and Victoria are furious at each other --
Billy: Maybe?
Jill: That's because the love is still there. And your anger at Travis? That's not anger. That is pure jealousy.
Billy: See, you couldn't be more wrong.
Jill: And you didn't want to hit that degenerate in the bar tonight. What you really wanted to do was to take a swing at Victoria's new man.
Billy: Is that really what I wanted to do?
Jill: Stop fighting me and take aim at your true target and let me help you! Please, honey. Just say "thank you" and let me be your ally.
Billy: Okay. Thank you. I am officially done.
Lily: Look at you two. [Laughs] I knew something was off when you went to bed before your official bedtime.
Charlie: We wanted to see Daddy.
Lily: Honey, he's not home, and he's gonna be working really late. But I have a surprise for you. Daddy wanted to say good night to you virtually.
Cane: Hey, guys!
Mattie: We love you, daddy!
Cane: Mattie, I love you, and Charlie, I love you guys so much and I miss you.
Lily: Okay, blow kisses to daddy.
Cane: Oh! Oh!
Lily: All right, you guys. Off to bed. Good night.
Mattie and Charlie: Night.
Cane: Hey. I'll kiss you for real when I get home, okay?
Lily: I can't wait. Night.
Cane: [Sighs] Okay.
Devon: Why would you put this video out there after what we agreed?
Hilary: Why -- why are you so quick to assume that I'm the one that broke our promise? Check the source of the video, Devon. You'll see that it's not GC buzz.
Devon: You just said that --
Hilary: We had an opportunity to use it, but we chose not to because I remembered what it felt like to be on the other side, sending all of that scandalous footage about your family -- the thought of going back there... I don't want to be that vicious, heartless person anymore, and I'm not.
Devon: I know you're not that person. I'm sorry that I assumed the worst so quick.
Hilary: Why do you always do that to me?
Devon: Honey, honestly, I haven't had a lot of practice at being happy with you and being a team, okay? I think I'm always just -- I'm expecting things to fall apart.
Hilary: Maybe you shouldn't do that.
Devon: I won't do that anymore. I apologize again, and I am very proud of you for doing the right thing. So our competition is who released this video, right?
Hilary: Yes.
Devon: So then that will be on their conscience.
Hilary: Yeah, and they will have a spike in ratings, but at least we'll have our integrity. Right?
Jill: What do you mean, you're done?
Billy: You're sick of me acting like a teenager, so I'm sick of you treating me like one.
Jill: Billy, no. No.
Billy: No, you know what? I am over you trying to control my life, so I'm done living here.
Jill: No!
Billy: Thank you very much for paying for the bail. I'll pay you back when I can, but as of this moment right here, my life belongs to me again.
Jill: Billy.
[Door slams]
Victoria: What are you doing?
Travis: Do you remember this? Do you remember when I flipped out the first time I saw this picture of your ex and your kids? Do you think I was faking that?
Victoria: You still had to have known.
Travis: That I saw your picture? Yeah. Probably. But consider the context, Tori. Some rich heiress walks into my low-rent bar? I mean, you don't expect to bump into bill gates at the Laundromat.
Victoria: Was it a lie?
Travis: None of this has been a lie.
Victoria: Well, I still need to know for sure, okay?
Travis: I walked away even after you told me who you were! I hopped on a boat to nowhere! You think this has all been some kind of grand plan? I've shown you everything of me, and I'm telling you -- I love you. Well, I guess that's my answer. I-I'll cut you a check for the bail, and I'll pack up, okay? It's -- don't feel bad. You can't help how you feel. This doesn't work if you don't trust me.
Victoria: Travis, wait. Hold on. [Sighs] Stay. I do trust you.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Chelsea: I just keep thinking about Delia.
Chloe: How lucky am I? Two miracles in one lifetime.
Jill: Stop all this nonsense about distance. If Billy feels that he's alone in this now, I don't know what's gonna happen.
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