Y&R Transcript Friday 10/7/16
Provided By Suzanne
Billy: All right, listen, we need to stay on message, which means we need to show a united front. Can you do that?
Billy: I'm here, aren't I?Cane: [Chuckles] That's not really the, uh, team spirit I was hoping for.
Billy: Well, maybe I'm not in the mood to be grilled. [Clears throat]
Cane: Okay, all right. Our ad campaign premieres next week, okay, so we need publicity, all right? That means good publicity. So if you could be on your best behavior, it would be appreciated.
Billy: Cane, this is not the wall street journal, okay? It's GC buzz.
Cane: No, it's the new GC buzz, thanks to Devon and Hilary.
Billy: Hmm. And speaking of your sister-in-law, she doesn't exactly have the reputation for playing fair, does she?
Cane: Well, I think you're underestimating Hilary. But listen, if you're not in the mood to do this, you can always go, let Victoria and I handle it the way we handled the northwest campaign.
Billy: Oh, yeah, that's -- that's smooth, right? So Victoria doesn't show up and you take all the credit for brash & sassy? It's not gonna happen.
Cane: Uh-huh.
Billy: And looky here. Hi. Both of you, thanks for coming.
Devon: Hey.
Billy: You look beautiful. So listen, um, we're really excited to share brash & sassy with your viewers, so appreciate it.
Hilary: A behind-the-scenes look at one of the most dynamic businesses in town? It is going to be a hit.
Billy: Exactly what I was just telling cane.
Cane: Yeah, so we're ready to get started whenever you are, right, Billy?
Billy: That's right.
Devon: Sounds good. Where's, um, Victoria?
Cane: Uh, she's on her way.
Billy: But we're ready to go without her.
Cane: Yeah.
Hilary: No offense, boys, but I need a Newman on camera.
Victoria: So that whole "saw the light, too evolved for the rat race, free spirit" thing, you're not that guy at all. You're just the guy that slept with your boss's wife and got fired for it.
Travis: Victoria, I'm trying to be honest with you, okay?
Victoria: Before someone else told me the truth. Which means you've been lying to me.
Travis: I already told you I was in love once.
Victoria: Yes, you did. You did tell me you were in love. But you just left out a few of the details, like it ruined your career and she was married. And by the way, this is about a lot more than being in love before. We've all been in love before, okay? This is about you spinning some story to make yourself look like a hero because you walked away from some cutthroat wall street job out of some higher moral standard.
Travis: I honestly didn't like the person I was becoming.
Victoria: How do I even know what person you are now?
Travis: You know who I am, Victoria, okay? I made a mistake, all right? I learned my lesson. I've changed.
Victoria: How do I know that?
Travis: Well, you laid down some lies, too, Tori, the receptionist.
Victoria: Oh, please don't throw that in my face.
Travis: It's okay for you to lie?
Victoria: We've moved in together. We're talking about a future. Were you ever gonna mention this to me at all?
Travis: Yeah, I would eventually. This is embarrassing for me, okay? I made some really bad decisions, and I'm not proud of them.
Victoria: Yeah, and you tanked your career. And look at how it worked out for you. You slept with the boss's wife, you got blackballed. You sleep with the boss's daughter, who knows? Maybe it'll get you back in the game. Is that the kind of man that you are?
Travis: I withheld information, and I'm sorry, okay? Now you know the truth, and that's all of it.
Victoria: Really? That's all of it? How am I supposed to know that's all of it?
Travis: I love you, Victoria, okay? We got a great thing going here. Don't mess it up by making this a bigger thing than it is.
Victoria: You lie, and I'm the one messing things up?
Travis: No.
Victoria: That's interesting.
Victor: You know I adore Victoria, and I would not mind having her back at Newman.
Nikki: Oh, my god. You do have a plan.
Victor: No, I didn't say that, okay? She made her choice, and I support that.
Nikki: All right. Well, it was very good to see her so happy.
Victor: It is.
Nikki: I do think Travis is good for her, and I think you like him, too. Oh, my god. Victor, please don't stir things up.
Victor: Well, let me just be cordial.
Nikki: No, no, no, no, no, no. Let's just leave it alone.
Victor: No, it's okay. Don't worry.
Nikki: Please.
Phyllis: What do you want?
Victor: Tough day at the office?
Jack: Summer.
Summer: Hi.
Jack: Something I can help you with?
Summer: Yeah, um... why are you researching Newman enterprises?
Travis: You're leaving?
Victoria: You know what? I can't stand to be here for one more second.
Travis: Victoria, hold on. Think about what matters here.
Victoria: Honesty, integrity, trust, none of which is at this table right now.
Travis: Please just stop, okay? Just listen.
Victoria: I thought I could trust you. I thought I finally found someone that I could believe in.
Travis: I am that man you can believe in.
Victoria: No, you pretend to be that man. It's not the same thing.
Travis: Just -- we can get past this, okay?
Jill: I assume that you're leaving because you've realized you're late for your brash & sassy interview, hmm?
Victoria: Oh, damn it. [Sighs] I didn't realize the -- what time --
Jill: Get yourself over there. I expect amazing things.
Victoria: Yeah, okay. I'm -- I'm on my way.
Travis: Victoria, don't leave like this.
Jill: Hmm! It was bound to happen eventually.
Travis: What was bound to happen?
Jill: Your first big blow-up.
Billy: Thank you, man. [Clears throat] So, why do we need a Newman when we have an Abbott and, uh, one of him?
Cane: Yeah, you've already got two of the three people who are redefining the way cosmetic companies do business.
Hilary: Yeah, I'm sure that both of you guys will be great. But the Newman name, it's what gives this story juice. And, I mean, an Abbott and a Newman working together --
Billy: Juice? That's what we're talking about? Gossip, right? What kind of below-the-belt questions should I be prepared for?
Hilary: Okay, that's not what GC buzz is about anymore.
Devon: Yeah, Hilary's legit, and the GC buzz is out of the tabloid racket.
Billy: Well, no disrespect, but I've heard that before.
Hilary: Can you just find Victoria? We can wait.
Cane: All right, I'm texting her right now.
Billy: Victoria's significant other is now working for her father, the bloodsucking, soul-sapping son of a bitch who's either gonna crush her boyfriend under his foot or turn him into a mini me. So you can understand why she's AWOL.
Devon: Wow.
Hilary: Just a little note for the interview -- we're going for a slightly lighter tone.
Billy: Okay, so just don't ask me about victor Newman and we're gonna be just fine.
Hilary: Well, you know, we can always edit out anything that comes across indelicate.
Billy: Ooh. That's the kind of journalism we're working with here? We just don't like something, we put it on the cutting room floor?
Hilary: If you'll excuse me, I need to go get ready.
Devon: Look, Billy, this truly is just gonna be a straightforward interview, okay? I know that Hilary could ask you about your affair with Phyllis and get ratings from it, but she's not gonna do that. So just be cool, all right?
Billy: Okay, come on, Devon. We both know Hilary's not gonna leave out the ugly bits to protect me. She's gonna do that to protect jack.
Devon: And what the hell is that supposed to mean?
Jack: Hardly research. Just a little residual clean-up from a defunct merger. That's all.
Summer: But the merger dissolved over a year ago.
Jack: Yeah, but the paperwork wasn't. It's a pretty complicated deal. All kinds of tax ramifications, stock reallocations, things like that.
Summer: It's weird.
Jack: Not really. Just business. So what brings you by?
Summer: I was just looking for my mom.
Jack: I let your mom go early today.
Summer: Is that because she pulled an all-nighter and was exhausted because she's trying to prove herself to you?
Jack: She's probably on her way home right now. Might even be at your condo as we speak.
Summer: Well, can we talk about her office? Really? Because it's a closet. Literally. How is that fair?
Jack: Your mother wanted to work here.
Summer: And you're gonna make her suffer every day, aren't you?
Jack: Phyllis and I know exactly where each other stands. Nothing's going to change that. Now, if you don't mind, I got some work to do.
Summer: Just...don't punish her for too long. Please, jack. Please.
Victor: I just wanted you to know how sorry Nikki and I are about all the stuff that you have to go through.
Phyllis: The hell you are.
Nikki: Victor, this really isn't the time.
Victor: I mean, the press has been awfully invasive, hasn't it?
Phyllis: Marco was invasive. This I can handle.
Nikki: Okay, excuse me. I'll be back.
Victor: All right. You know, I was speaking to Abby earlier, and I told her of the importance of separating personal from professional lives.
Phyllis: Oh, I see. Are you gonna try to give me some golden advice? The man who has blackmailed and fired his own children I don't know how many times and baited them and pitted them against one another. How has that separating of the business and personal lives work for Adam? Because he's dead. So no. I'm gonna pass on your advice.
Victor: You know, I have to wonder. I guess you and jack and the Abbott family, I mean, you have found a way to live a very harmonious life. I mean, you all seem to be getting along, although you just happened to have had an affair with your husband's brother. But, you know, everything is back to normal, right? Everything's going smoothly at the office? I'll be damned.
Phyllis: I'm living the hell.
Victor: Hmm.
Phyllis: And when you brought Marco into our lives, you ripped a hole in the universe, and nothing has been the same for either family. We are all miserable because of you.
Victor: And I'm sick and tired of the righteousness of you Abbotts. You are the one who unleashed the paragon virus on my damn company. Have you forgotten that?
Phyllis: No, I haven't forgotten that. But how about we stop all of these battles and these wars? Because if we do not, it'll bring both of these families down.
Victor: You mean we all get along now. Is that it?
Phyllis: Well, this family, your family, my family, we talk about peace.
Victor: Yeah.
Phyllis: But no one's hands are clean here.
Victor: Talking about clean hands... how dirty are your husband's hands? How about jack Abbott's hands?
Travis: It wasn't a blow-up.
Jill: Okay. A painfully frank conversation. A contretemps. Mercury in retrograde. [Chuckles] Doesn't really matter what you call it. Victoria was one royally ticked off woman.
Travis: It's not really any of your business, Jill.
Jill: [Sighs] You're right. Sorry. It's not. Why would you want to confide in me about relationship issues? Let's just mark it up to the planets being out of alignment.
Travis: You want to know? Victoria found out why I left wall street.
Jill: And why was that? You were tired of the lifestyle and you decided to wisely invest in a dive bar in Genoa city?
Travis: I was sleeping with my boss's wife, and I got blackballed.
Cane: Can you try and leave your immaturity at the door, 'cause you've ticked them off and we haven't even started.
Billy: Don't lecture me, cane.
Cane: And don't screw it up.
Billy: I know what's at stake, all right?
Cane: Good, good. Good job.
Victoria: [Sighs]
Hilary: Ah, the woman of the hour.
Victoria: Hi. Sorry I'm late.
Devon: It's all right. You're here and that's all that matters.
Hilary: Yeah, let's get you miked up so we can get started right away.
Billy: Why the grumpy face? Travis too busy kissing up to victor that he doesn't have time for the woman that got him the job?
Victoria: Travis got the job on his own merits, Billy.
Billy: Oh, that's right, because everybody loves Travis.
Victoria: Why don't you just shut the hell up, huh?
Cane: Can you guys please control yourselves or this is gonna be a train wreck.
Hilary: Okay, let's get this interview started, shall we?
Billy: So, would you like the conduct the train or should I?
Cane: Okay.
Phyllis: You leave jack out of this.
Victor: Your husband threatened me, suggesting an escalation of hostilities. I think I have a right to know.
Phyllis: I see. So all of this concern is really just some hope that you can get some inside action on jack? Well, it's your lucky day.
Victor: Hmm.
Phyllis: This very minute, jack is scouring the globe to find a man who looks just like you.
Victor: Whoa! [Laughing] Really?
Phyllis: Yeah.
Victor: I'll be damned. Don't take this lightly, all right?
Phyllis: Oh, I would never take anything related to you lightly.
Victor: Uh-huh.
Phyllis: Thank god that jack does not put other people at risk the way you have. And just so that we are very, very clear, even if I knew that he was hatching some grand, elaborate scheme against you, I would never tell you.
Victor: Sweetheart.
Summer: Hi.
Victor: So...
Summer: What's going on here?
Phyllis: Oh, your grandfather is doing what he does best -- making trouble.
Victor: Phyllis and I just finished a conversation. Now, may I suggest you come to the ranch and you and I take a ride? Beautiful horses. This time of year, it's absolutely beautiful, okay? Do a horseback ride.
Summer: Yeah, sounds like fun.
Victor: Goodbye, Phyllis.
Phyllis: Bye-bye.
Summer: So, what just happened?
Phyllis: Oh, your grandfather's unbridled paranoia. Apparently jack has thrown out some empty threats, and now your grandfather is locked and loaded for war.
Summer: Well, I hate to say this, but maybe those threats weren't empty. Jack may be out for revenge.
Jack: Curtis fielding, jack Abbott. I know. It's been a long time. Well, I was hoping we could get together, catch up.
Nikki: [Sighs] It's been a long night. I'm glad we're going home.
Victor: Sweetheart, I'm gonna go back to the office, okay?
Nikki: What?! Are you kidding?
Victor: No.
Nikki: Battle stations already?
Victor: Mm-hmm.
Nikki: I told you, you are blowing this out of proportion.
Victor: Have you forgotten when jack Abbott came into our living room and blamed me for his wife's affair with his brother Billy?
Nikki: No, I haven't forgotten. I was there. He had just found out the truth about Phyllis and Billy. He was in a rage.
Victor: I don't give a damn if he was in a rage or not. He threatened me. I take that seriously.
Nikki: Well, it didn't help anything that you irritated Phyllis tonight. You shouldn't have even talked to her.
Victor: All I remember is last time the Newmans and the Abbotts went to war, things spun out of control, all right? I'm gonna make sure this doesn't happen again. I'll nip the whole damn thing in the bud.
Nikki: I have news for you.
Victor: What?
Nikki: It is already a runaway train.
Victor: Oh.
Nikki: And you know what scares me the most?
Victor: What?
Nikki: After everything our families have been through, you actually want jack to pick a fight.
Victor: That's ridiculous.
Nikki: Please. Don't lie to me. You and jack are both itching for a battle.
Victor: [Chuckles]
Summer: Jack claimed that he had the documents on his computer because of some tax issues about the Newman-Abbott merger, but, I mean, it didn't make a lot of sense. That happened so long ago.
Phyllis: Well, there's no reason for jack to lie.
Summer: He's really angry. He blames grandpa for everything. What if he's planning something really horrible?
Phyllis: Sweetheart, maybe -- maybe those documents are exactly what he said they were.
Summer: So are you gonna stop him or you gonna help jack?
Phyllis: Sweetheart, there is nothing for you to worry about. I promise. Yes, there were some residual tax issues from the merger, but no war. No revenge. There's nothing for you to worry about, okay? Promise.
Summer: Okay. Thank god for that.
Jill: Why on earth would you confess this to me?
Travis: Now that it's out, it's not really dirt. Can't be dug up and used against me, against Victoria.
Jill: [Chuckles] I guess that is one way to combat potential blackmail.
Travis: You know more about that than me.
Jill: Hmmm.
Travis: [Chuckles]
Jill: It's a very humiliating story, though, really. I mean, your boss's wife. What'd he do? Catch you? [Gasps] He caught you in the act.
Travis: Maybe we'll leave the details out of it.
Jill: No. He did. He caught you in the act, didn't he? No wonder he overreacted and he blackballed you.
Travis: Couldn't get a job as a janitor.
Jill: So your new dream life here was really just hiding from some sad, little fling, huh?
Travis: It wasn't sad. It doesn't matter. I was an idiot. But, you know, I got to say it feels pretty good having the truth be out. You know, instead of running from my past, I can just own it, move on with my life.
Jill: Yeah, but what a thing to own. And Victoria didn't take it well. What are you gonna do about that?
Travis: I'll handle it.
Jill: Travis. It all makes sense now. Your tawdry, little affair, having it blow up in your face -- god, no wonder Victoria's attracted to you. You're just a pale imitation of Billy.
Hilary: Now, this is a very exciting time for brash & sassy, isn't it?
Victoria: Yes. This company is very near and dear to my heart.
Billy: And I saw the tremendous potential when it came on the market.
Victoria: Well, brash & sassy was already a success before you bought it.
Billy: I saved it, more so. I mean, the opportunity was there, and I took it.
Cane: And then you lost the opportunity when you mismanaged it.
Hilary: Okay, maybe we can start at the beginning. Now, you revived brash & sassy when you were at Newman enterprises. You made it a huge success. Why don't you tell us about that?
Victoria: Yes, I'm very proud of what I accomplished, reintroducing brash & sassy to the public. I diversified it, I expanded the line, and --
Billy: And now we're reinventing that product, and we're very excited about the new brash & sassy.
Cane: Yeah, we're creating a whole new business model. We're broadening our social media and our demographics with a focus on the customer, making them feel like they have a very personal relationship with us.
Hilary: Yes, but, Victoria, you were the sole head of brash & sassy. Now you share that title with cane Ashby and Billy Abbott, your ex-husband.
Victoria: [Sighs]
Hilary: How is that different?
Victoria: Oh, it's different in so many ways. But a three-way power structure actually makes the company much stronger.
Cane: Yes, like a triple threat, if you will.
Victoria: Yes, we bounce ideas off of each other, and we have a lot of respect for each other.
Cane: Yeah, a lot.
Billy: Let's just be honest, okay? Our brainstorming sessions become more like cage fights. You only like either cane's idea or your idea because, like you said, I'm just the ex-husband.
Victoria: We all contribute and participate, Billy.
Billy: And there you go. B&s stands for much more than just brash & sassy now.
Hilary: Um, okay, well, you guys, you have a new commercial that's going to be released.
Cane: Yeah, that's right, and we're very excited in what we've created.
Billy: What you created, 'cause it's basically your cut.
Hilary: If we can just stick to the topic.
Billy: You don't have to tell me how this goes, okay? I owned restless style. I know how the interview process works.
Cane: Yeah, another one of those failed business ventures, Billy.
Victoria: Could you two just maybe -- could we be professional for like two minutes? And could you please stop sniping at one another?
Cane: There's no sniping.
Victoria: I hope you'll just be kind to us in editing.
Billy: Oh, you don't have to worry about that. If we don't like anything, it ends up on the cutting room floor, right? Because all we're doing here is a toothless, sugar-coated puff piece? Is that what you said?
Victoria: [Sighs]
Cane: I'm sorry for this.
Billy: No, it's okay, because we can't all be, you know, loved "yes" men like Newman enterprises' latest executive.
Victoria: Wow, you're actually threatened by Travis.
Billy: [Chuckles]
Victoria: Are you serious?
Cane: You know what? I think actually Billy's threatened by anybody who has a brain, so...
Billy: Which is exactly why you've never been competition to me, cane.
Cane: Could you please keep your ex in line?
Victoria: Billy is not my responsibility.
Hilary: Excuse me! I am trying to put a positive spin on how exes can work together.
Billy: [Sighs]
Hilary: Can either of you speak on that?
Billy: Oh, yeah, I'll speak to that. This company works exactly like our marriage. We argue, we argue some more, and then I storm out.
Cane: Fantastic. As a matter of fact, I was thinking we ern,
Jack: I appreciate the concern, Curtis, really. Right now I'm focused on business. Anyway, I ran across your name and thought we should reconnect. Well, just because you work on the Newman board doesn't mean we can't get together. As a matter of fact, I was thinking we could dust off the rackets. You and I had quite a tennis rivalry there for a while. Okay, no, I understand. Yeah, good to hear your voice, too. Uh, listen, I meant what I said. If, uh, if time allows, I'd love to get a tennis game in. Thanks. [Sighs]
Jack: No one knows better than I do what victor's schemes cost innocent people. I lost months with you. I'll never get them back. I'm not going to lose another minute. That's why I took this sabbatical from jabot.
Phyllis: Step away from it all, jack. I am begging you.
Jack: I'm sorry. I can't do that. Not as long as someone is plotting to ruin our happiness.
Phyllis: There is not some phantom enemy out there getting in the way of our happiness. It is victor. He is the one coming between us.
Victor: I want all of Newman's cyber security monitors on full alert. There may be a breach, okay? Keep me updated. Yep.
Nikki: Don't you think you're overreacting a little?
Victor: [Sighs] What do you mean, overreacting? Jack Abbott is trying to come after my business. There's no overreacting, okay? I protect what is mine.
Nikki: Victor, don't you see what this is? Jack has lost Phyllis, he's lost his brother, you have lost Adam forever. You're grieving, and you're turning this grief into some kind of a war. I mean, you're both so hurt and angry over what has happened to you.
Victor: I'm sick and tired of you always forgiving jack Abbott, all right? You always give him the benefit of the doubt!
Nikki: Well, I am sorry, but he is a good man and he is not doing what you think.
Victor: Oh, give me a break. Jack Abbott, a good man? Who are we talking about? The guy's trying to come after my company again. I'm gonna prevent it from happening. He'll do damage. He tries to beat me. He never has. He never will.
Nikki: Victor, you have --
Victor: But he could do damage.
Nikki: You have no proof that he is going after Newman! There is no war unless you turn it into one.
Victor: Listen to me. He precipitated this. I did not.
Nikki: Fine. Good. Okay. You do that. You do that. You come up with whatever excuse you need to blow both of our families up again!
Victor: Yeah.
Nikki: But god help you and us!
Victor: Yes, thank you. Ay, yi, yi, yi.
[Footsteps approach]
Victor: I'm glad you came back. I don't want to fight, okay?
Jill: Really? What would you rather do instead?
Victoria: Hey, uh, I really apologize for Billy leaving like that.
Cane: Yeah. Job comes with a lot of stress.
Hilary: And a lot of personal life, apparently.
Victoria: But that's not what this is about, right? This is not about our personal lives.
Hilary: No, it's strictly about brash & sassy.
Victoria: Okay.
Cane: Okay. So, uh, how about we roll again? You know, we're very excited about this company and we're dedicated to it, and that's what matters, right?
Hilary: Okay, yeah. Let's -- let's give it another shot.
Cane: Fantastic. Thank you.
Hilary: [Clears throat]
Victoria: Thanks.
Cane: Okay, let's do this.
Hilary: All right.
Cane: All right.
Hilary: Well, you guys have a very unique situation here at brash & sassy.
Cane: Yeah, yeah, well, we both come from a very, you know, different part of the way we do business in this world. I was a C.E.O. You were a C.E.O., too. Um, you know, I managed GCAC, I've been involved in marketing, and I think that allows us to bring different strengths and lets us bring a very fresh approach to the way we do business.
Hilary: Okay, well, a little more to the point, Victoria, how do you walk into the office every single day knowing that you're gonna be working alongside your ex?
Victoria: Well, you know, you just have to put the company first. You have to stay in the present and focus on the work and not involve your personal issues.
Cane: Uh-huh.
Victoria: And honesty. Honesty is very crucial, because without honesty, you don't have trust. And once the trust is gone, it's never coming back.
Billy: Can I get a whiskey? Neat, please?
[Both scoff]
Billy: Damn.
Travis: Yep. Damn. You know, there's only one way to settle this.
Jack: Record profits? Like hell!
[Elevator bell dings]
Nikki: Oh, hard at work, I see.
Jack: It's awfully late for a visit, Nik. To what do I owe the pleasure?
Nikki: Stay away from Newman enterprises.
Jack: These sound like victor's words.
Nikki: You have threatened my husband.
Jack: No, I have told your husband in no uncertain terms should the occasion arise, I will be ready for him.
Nikki: Which is the same as a declaration of war. You know victor. He will retaliate at the slightest sign of a first strike.
Jack: There will be no first strike.
Nikki: Well, he's already convinced that you have a plan of action against Newman. He's quite eager to fight you, but you were counting on that, weren't you, because you are out for blood!
Jack: It's late, Nikki. I have a lot of work to do.
Nikki: Oh, no, no. No, don't you put me off, jack. If this threat is more than words, you will bring down the Abbotts and the Newmans, and I'm not just talking about companies. I am talking about the people, people we love. And we won't survive another one of those. Is that what you want?
Jack: These sound like questions you need to ask victor.
Nikki: Look, I understand. I know how devastated you must be. I mean, your heart is breaking. You're running on rage. But can you really blame victor for Phyllis' betrayal?
Victor: You're obviously here for a reason, so get to it quickly, okay?
Jill: [Chuckles] Travis.
Victor: Ohh. You tried to hire him. I think he turned you down, but he accepted my offer. I guess that gets your goat, doesn't it? Live with it, will you?
Jill: No, no, no, no. Here's the thing. Tonight I discovered that sometimes things aren't exactly as they appear.
Victor: Really?
Jill: Hmm.
Victor: What do you know?
Jill: I hate to break this to you, victor. [Chuckles] God, I love saying that. But you are about to send Travis packing, probably with your boot.
Victor: Ah. So what information do you have that I don't?
Jill: Your golden boy is not quite as shiny as he appears. And he is definitely not the squeaky clean future son-in-law that you had hoped for. As a matter of fact, he's a lot like Billy.
Hilary: Now, thank you, Victoria. Your insight, your story, it was truly inspiring. And thank you, cane. Well, now you guys know what makes brash & sassy so sassy.
Cane: Okay, if I could, I'd like to add a few things.
Hilary: We really love your enthusiasm, cane, but I think we have everything that we need. All right, so, um, what about that tour that you promised me?
Victoria: Oh, yeah. Of course.
Cane: So, what was all that about? It's like she's trying to cut me out of the interview.
Devon: I don't think she's doing that.
Cane: Really?
Devon: Yeah.
Cane: You didn't see that every single question she had was directed to Victoria?
Devon: I mean, cane, I don't know what to tell you. She's brand new in doing this, so you can cut her some slack. I actually think she did pretty well considering what you guys gave her to work with. It wasn't easy.
Cane: Really? Okay. This was meant to be an interview about brash & sassy, but it came across as a Victoria Newman fangirl profile.
Devon: Okay. Hey, you should have some gratitude, because if we were the old GC buzz, that little back-and-forth you had with Billy would already be viral by now.
Travis: Oooh!
Billy: [Sighs] Ah! Rough night?
Travis: [Sighs] Not so good. You?
Billy: Not so good.
[Jukebox plays]
Travis: God, I hate that song.
Billy: Yep. You're not the only one.
Travis: Hmm.
Longest game ever! Come on! Time to move it along.
Billy: Yeah, that's not gonna happen. We miss a shot, we take a shot, and the game's not over, so why don't you just relax? Think I'm gonna bank it off the rag here, kiss it off that little stripe-y number, and put it in there. Corner pocket. What do you say?
Can you take this little tea party to a booth, ladies?
Billy: [Chuckles] Oh, he just called us ladies.
Travis: Hey, we paid our buck, all right? Just be patient.
Billy: I don't know if he understands that word. Do you know what that word means?
What the hell's your problem, huh?
Billy: Oh, I don't have a problem. Up until you got up off that chair. So why don't you just go back to where you were and everything's gonna be fine.
Travis: Hey. Just take a walk, all right? Get a drink or something. We'll be done soon.
Billy: Yeah, you heard what he said. You can go play in traffic or something. That's totally fine.
Get off the table now.
Billy: [Laughs]
Or you'll regret it.
Billy: Oh, my god. Travis, I-I think he just warned us. Was that a threat? Maybe he threatened us. Was that a threat?
Travis: Let's just give him the damn table, all right? Neither of us need the trouble.
Billy: Yeah, that's right. And because you asked so nicely, we're most definitely gonna finish our little tea party here. Cool.
Like hell you are.
Billy: [Sighs] What are you gonna do? You're gonna hit me?
[Punch lands]
Jill: Bedding his boss's wife, banished in disgrace, and not just from the company -- I mean, from all of wall street. This is a man who's suitable for your company, for your daughter?
Victor: You know, Jill, if I were you, I wouldn't throw stones at glass houses that you have had many an affair in.
Jill: [Laughs]
Victor: [Chuckles] Wasn't that nicely put?
Jill: Yes, it was.
Victor: People make mistakes, you know.
Jill: Mm-hmm.
Victor: And some of us learn from them.
Jill: Okay, good. But while you're in this very broad-minded and forgiving mood, why don't you consider that this secret might have been the easy one to find? 'Cause where there's one, there could be more, much deeper and much darker. So if I were you, I would just cut Travis loose before he does any real damage.
Victor: And if I were you, I would leave Travis Crawford to me, all right? You stay the hell out of it.
Cane: Listen, um, you're right. I shouldn't have come down so hard on Hilary, all right? She got slammed by that circus in there, and she didn't lose her cool, so I'm sorry.
Devon: No, man, it's cool. She's a natural, though.
Cane: Okay.
Hilary: Victoria, thank you. Thank you so much for this. I can't wait to try this, especially the new fragrance.
Victoria: Well, you're welcome. I-I really hope you enjoy them.
Hilary: And thank you for your interview today. You were so candid.
Victoria: Well, you probably got more candor from Billy than you wanted. Sorry.
Hilary: Oh, don't worry about it. Everybody has a bad day. But what you said about focusing on what's important, the present, I know what it's like to want to just put the past behind you.
Victoria: Yes, well, it's easier for some of us than others.
[Cell phone rings]
Victoria: Um, would you excuse me for a minute?
Devon: I am very proud of you, honey. That was not easy.
Hilary: Aww, thank you. But it was crazy, though, wasn't it? The way that Billy just went off, and even cane got a little...
Devon: Yeah, there were some real tough moments, but you kept it together. You pulled them back from the brink. You kept it positive. And I think you definitely got the kind of interview that we're going for with the new GC buzz.
Hilary: Yeah. I think we did.
Victoria: What? Both of them?!
Jack: I promise you, Nikki, you have nothing to worry about.
Nikki: Well, you always have been a man of your word. But please don't make that promise if you're not planning on keeping it. I'll never forget how upset you were when you came out to the ranch so upset with victor. I mean, that kind of anger doesn't just go away.
Jack: Those words were spoken in a moment of rage. I just found out that my wife was sleeping with my brother. I wanted to lash out to hurt anyone who had ever hurt me. That's all it was. I'm just trying to get on with my life, deal with my divorce, my brother. Victor is the last thing on my mind.
Nikki: Thank you. Thank you for hearing me out. I'm so happy to hear that. I was just so scared. I don't know that any of us could survive another epic clash of the titans.
Jack: On that we agree. You parked downstairs? I'll walk you back to your car.
Nikki: Okay.
Phyllis: Oh, no, jack. No, no, no, no. Don't... be mad at me. Go after me. But do not go after victor.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Jill: What is it gonna take to make all this disappear?
Hilary: Do you think that this fight started because of you?
Victoria: As far as I'm concerned, Billy and Travis got themselves into jail. They can get themselves out.
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