Y&R Transcript Thursday 10/6/16
Provided By Suzanne
Ashley: You think I sent you flowers?
Travis: I know you had something to do with it.
Ashley: Well, I didn't send you flowers. I didn't send you anything. Why would you think it was from me? Was there a card?
Travis: Yeah. I figured you were trying to mess with me.
Ashley: Not my style. Who was the card from?
Travis: Michelle. I was under the impression you two weren't very close.
Ashley: No, that's not true. I called her and I told her that I ran into you.
Travis: Oh, just out of the blue, for no reason?
Ashley: Why is that a big deal? Michelle and I are friends.
Travis: Right.
Ashley: I told her that you were living in Genoa city and that you were working at Newman, something that you didn't tell me when we were trapped in the elevator.
Travis: Why would that matter, Ashley?
Ashley: It matters because you're involved with my brother's ex and you're living with my niece and my nephew, and frankly, I don't think you've been completely honest with everybody.
Travis: I've been upfront about everything.
Ashley: Really?
Travis: Yeah.
Ashley: Even the real reason why you left new York? And ditched your wall street career?
Nikki: Are you saving this seat for Travis, or may I have it?
Victoria: No, it's all yours. He has his nose to the grindstone at the moment.
Nikki: Yes, I know. Today's his first day at Newman enterprises. Have you heard anything?
Victoria: Well, when I stopped by earlier, he seemed to be totally in his element.
Nikki: Yeah? What did you father have to say?
Victoria: I think that dad and Travis are getting along really well. He even gave Travis Adam's old office.
Nikki: Uh-huh. I would think you'd be a little happier that your father seems to like your new man so much.
Victoria: Mom, look, I want to be. I just feel a little wary. And can you blame me? I mean, most of my life, anyone that I've ever been with has never been good enough for dad.
Nikki: I can't deny that.
Victoria: When it comes to Travis and me, I just want to make sure that dad doesn't have some other agenda.
Victor: And, sweetheart, follow up with legal on the rest of the contracts. I want to know where the deal stands, okay? Sweetheart, are you listening?
Abby: I'm sorry, what?
Victor: You seem distracted. What's going on?
Abby: How do you do it?
Victor: How do I do what?
Abby: You and Nikki -- how do you make it work after all these years?
Victor: How do I -- you're asking me for advice about marriage?
Abby: Is that totally weird?
Victor: Well, you know, I've been married I don't know how many times. The more important question is -- why are you asking?
Hey, girl with the gloves! You left your phone.
Mariah: Thanks a bunch. That would have been a pain.
Kevin: Oh, Mariah! What are you doing here? And why do you look so nervous?
Sharon: Stonevale. Yeah. Now that you mention it, I think that is the facility that patty's staying in.
Dylan: And doesn't it seem strange that the guy's phone that we're looking for passed through there?
Sharon: Well, you just said that this plumber works on a lot of different properties. Can I see that list again?
Dylan: Mm-hmm. Hey. Your hands are shaking.
Sharon: No. No. I'm fine.
Dylan: No, no, obviously you're not fine. Whoever's been calling, harassing you -- it's shaken you up a lot more than you're willing to admit.
Time for your art therapy, patty. Another chance to express whatever's on your mind. There has to be so much more you want to get out, so let's see it. Yeah.
Mariah: Me? I'm -- I'm not nervous. You're nervous.
Kevin: What are you talking about?
Mariah: I -- I just don't know [Chuckles] Where you would get that from.
Kevin: Oh, from the way your eyes keep darting around and the tiny beads of sweat that are breaking out on your forehead.
Mariah: Um... you know what? You caught me. I'm nervous. I was meeting a guy here.
Kevin: A date? At a dump like this? Nice!
Mariah: Yeah. Drinks. A beer. I do have a life of my own, you know. What about you? What are you doing here? This isn't exactly your scene.
Kevin: Uh, I was trying to track down that stolen cell phone Sharon's stalker is using.
Mariah: Since when are you about shoe leather and not your computer?
Kevin: Well, this is personal for me. I didn't want to just stay in the office and bang on my keyboard, you know?
Mariah: So, this bar was one of the locations that the phone might have been?
Kevin: That's right.
Mariah: And the cops are really gonna check every single one of the locations on the list.
Kevin: It's what cops do. How else are we gonna find this creep who's been stalking your mom? Of course, if he would just turn the phone on, I could triangulate the location, but I promise you, we're not gonna stop until we find this guy.
Mariah: I appreciate that.
Kevin: You're welcome.
Mariah: I'll talk to you later.
Kevin: Wait, wait, wait. What about your date?
Mariah: You know, turns out, I came here for nothing, so I'm just gonna go home.
Kevin: He didn't show up? Who is this guy? Anyone I know?
Mariah: Nope. I met him online, and yes, he stood me up. Are you happy?
Kevin: Ah-ta-ta. What's with the attitude?
Mariah: I'm sorry. Um... am I supposed to be full of happiness and sunshine because I got stood up in the middle of the day at a place like this? I'm kind of mad at the world right now, I apologize. I'll talk to you later.
Kevin: Later. Excuse me. Hi. Uh, do you know Vince Milani, the plumber?
Sure. He was here a few weeks ago. Why are you asking?
Kevin: He lost his cell phone, and it's important that we find it.
Sorry. I haven't seen it.
Kevin: Do you know if anyone has left a cell phone here recently?
Uh, the gal you were just talking to almost left hers, but I haven't seen any others.
Kevin: Thanks.
Sharon: I didn't want to make a big deal out of this... but I just can't help it. A stalker -- it's not something that you just ignore.
Dylan: That's for sure.
Sharon: Um, you know, what if -- what if he comes here sometime? When I'm here alone. Or when I'm with the kids? I don't know what he wants with me, Dylan.
Dylan: I'm gonna put an end to this as soon as possible.
Sharon: I just need to know that we're gonna be okay.
Abby: Things with Ben and I, they're not where they should be. Thank you.
Victor: Well... I guess losing the baby was tough, you know? And then the problems with his boy. I mean, these are hard issues to deal with.
Abby: Yeah, but I was hoping we'd be in a better place by now.
Victor: And you're asking me, your father -- who's been married many times -- for advice?
Abby: You and Nikki have been together for decades now. Married, divorced, married again. You always find your way back to each other, even when it seems impossible.
Victor: I guess we do, don't we?
Abby: So how do you do it? How do you get through the hard stuff?
Victor: [Laughing] Oh. Well... we fight a lot.
Abby: I'm serious.
Victor: So am I. Listen. If you no longer have fights in a marriage, in a relationship, it means there's no longer any conflict. That means, you know, things are getting too comfortable. Kind of, you know, boring, maybe, at times. Humdrum. Very often, that kind of, you know, status quo in a marriage covers up a lot of deep problems. The question you have to ask yourself -- is it worthwhile delving into those problems, trying to solve them, to save your marriage? If you can answer that, then you know what to do.
Nikki: Well, what exactly do you think your father's going to do? Drive a wedge between you and Travis?
Victoria: No, just the opposite, actually. I think that maybe it's part of some master plan of his to lure me back to Newman. And when I told him that, he flat-out denied it, which completely contradicts anything that he's ever said about his children working alongside of him.
Nikki: So you think he's giving you mixed messages.
Victoria: Don't you, mom? Look, I'm not gonna be jumping up and down and clapping like the happiest seal in the zoo that dad has hired my new boyfriend.
Nikki: Well, I can understand why you'd be skeptical. But humor me for just a minute, will you? I'd like to present a very different scenario.
Victoria: Uh-huh. One that gives dad the benefit of the doubt.
Nikki: Actually, no. It gives Travis the benefit of the doubt. Now, think of all the things you've told me about him. That he's honest, he's patient, he's kind, he's all these wonderful things, and now that I have gotten to know him, I would like to add charming and likable to that listen. Ah, ah! Just a minute. Do you agree with my assessment?
Victoria: Is this a trap, mom?
Nikki: No. I want you to consider how a guy like Travis would appear to a possible employer. I mean, isn't it possible that your father could have met him and thought, "wow, look at this bright young guy who's not afraid to say what he thinks and he could be an excellent addition to my team?" You have to admit that that is a possibility. And if your father is willing to extend that kind of opportunity to a man who makes his daughter happy, isn't that just icing on the cake?
Victoria: You make a very compelling case.
Nikki: Yeah, but you're still...
Victoria: No. No buts. I wish it could be as simple as that. And I would really like to believe every word that's coming out of your mouth.
Nikki: But you're still a skeptic.
Victoria: Well, I mean, this camaraderie between them is just so damn sudden. And given dad's history, I think I would be a little naive if I didn't have some questions.
Travis: I did tell the truth. The longer I worked on wall street, the less I liked the person I was becoming.
Ashley: A person that sleeps with the boss' wife?
Travis: So Michelle told you.
Ashley: She sure did. She also told me that the minute her husband found out, he fired you, blackballed you so you couldn't find work anywhere in town. So it seems to me that you didn't leave big business as much as you were forced out of it. So then I started wondering if maybe you found your way back in using Victoria.
Nikki: Well, your father has put you through the wringer for years, so if it takes you some time to see that he's coming from a good place with Travis, it's totally understandable.
Victoria: Hmm. Reverse psychology. Works every time, doesn't it?
Nikki: Mm.
Victoria: Look, mom. I'm sorry. I know you didn't ask to sit down here with me so I can give you an earful about dad.
Nikki: Oh, no. I'm glad. I'm glad you told me. If you can't talk to your mother, who can you talk to?
Victoria: That's true.
Nikki: I'll tell you a secret. I was a little surprised myself.
Victoria: That dad accepted Travis so quickly?
Nikki: That it was... I'm not sure how to put it.
Victoria: Weird?
Nikki: Well... kind of. It was very fast. I think that in order to know if he's really sincere, you're just gonna have to spend some time with him.
Victoria: Well, I could, um, bug the office, I guess, because I can't exactly lurk around Newman enterprises and observe the two of them in their natural habitat, can I?
Nikki: No, but I have a better idea that's a much more relaxed, social evening.
Victoria: Ooh. What did you have in mind?
Nikki: Just a fabulous dinner out.
Victoria: Oh. Yeah. Dad already suggested that.
Nikki: He did? Great. We'll do it tonight.
Victoria: Oh. [Chuckles]
Abby: It's not like I haven't asked myself these questions before. "Is our marriage worth fighting for, or is it already too far gone?"
Victor: Well, have you concluded?
Abby: I don't know. [Sighs] I was hoping that you'd give me some better advice other than "decide whether or not I want him" and "drink some water."
Victor: Sweetheart. I could tell you all kinds of wonderful stories that you read in romance novels, you know, that love conquers all. That isn't real.
Abby: No, it isn't.
Victor: You know, when you fall in love with someone, you think that's the only person you want to be with. That's someone you can't be without for the rest of your life.
Abby: And then you get married and it's gone?
Victor: Well, now, that's the other extreme. I think the truth is somewhere in between. You know what one forgets very often is what one was attracted to in the other person. Remember that. Remind yourself of why you married him in the first place. Okay? And hold on to that. You have to learn to accept each other for who you are. Weaknesses and all. I mean, I can assure you that many a night Nikki sits at home and wonders where the hell I am. I'm here in my office working. That's a priority for me sometimes.
Abby: Yeah.
[Cell phone rings]
Victor: Oh, speak of the devil. Yes?
Nikki: Hey. Listen, I know you're swamped, but I was hoping you could break away for a little bit.
Victor: What for, darling?
Nikki: I was thinking that we could have an early dinner with Victoria and Travis. It's important to me that we spend time together.
Victor: Okay, why don't we do that? Okay? I agree.
Nikki: Great. We'll see you at top of the tower.
Victor: I'll see you there, and I love you. Goodbye. See? Even I know how to compromise. That's another key to a successful marriage, you know. Knowing when to compromise.
Abby: Yeah. Well, you have given me a lot to think about. So if you're gonna head out, I will take off, too.
Victor: But... let me tell you this. Try your hardest to make things work out. But if they don't... if you feel that your problems are insurmountable, then you got to look out for yourself.
Abby: Yeah. Thank you.
Victor: Careful, sweetheart. Things always work out in the end, okay?
Nikki: One down, one to go.
Victoria: Okay, well, I hope that Travis is up to spending even more time with dad now that he's put a full day in with him.
Nikki: I have a feeling he'll be just fine with it.
Travis: Okay, for the last time with this, I didn't use Victoria to get into Newman, all right? I wouldn't use her for anything.
Ashley: Well, history might suggest otherwise.
Travis: Are you saying that I used Michelle for business reasons? Is that what you're saying right now? You're wrong.
Ashley: It was just a coincidence? Seriously? You slept with the boss' wife, and now you're sleeping with the boss' daughter?
Travis: Okay, for your information, Victor approached me. The life I intend to build out here is gonna be a lot different than the one I had back east, okay? I learned my lessons. I know how lucky I am to have a chance to start over with Victoria, so whatever game it is that you're trying to play right now...
Ashley: I don't play games, Travis. I was sincerely concerned about your motives.
Travis: Of course you were. So what's the plan now, Ashley? Hmm? You're just gonna hold this over my head, threaten to tell Victoria if I don't, what, if I don't spy on Victor for you?
Ashley: No, never crossed my mind.
Travis: Yeah, that's not a bad idea though, right? Everybody in this town knows about the famous Newman-Abbott war. Well, I don't want any part of it, okay?
Ashley: Well, if you're working for Victor Newman, you might not have a choice.
Dylan: All right. I made a little comfort food. Mac and cheese.
Sharon: Oh. Nice. Cassie's favorite recipe?
Dylan: That's right. One of the few things besides toast I do a decent job making.
Sharon: [Chuckles] Well, that's not true. Your BLTs are legendary.
Dylan: Well, yeah! Toast! [Chuckling] There you go.
Sharon: You know, this is really nice of you -- thank you -- but you didn't have to go to the trouble.
Dylan: Oh, it's no problem at all. I mean, we had to eat at some point. I wanted to do something to make you feel better. All right, you get to taste it and test it out for me.
Sharon: Mmm!
Dylan: Come on!
Sharon: Mm-hmm.
Dylan: Right?
Sharon: Mm-hmm. That's really good.
Dylan: I should open a restaurant -- comfort food. 10 different versions of mac and cheese.
Sharon: And toast!
Dylan: [Laughing] Yeah. And toast.
Sharon: And I think that with every dessert, you should get a whole can of whipped cream.
Dylan: I like that idea.
Sharon: You know, I've -- I didn't mean to worry you earlier. I was just a little bit jittery. And before you ask, no I have not gone off my meds. I actually feel a lot better having gotten this stress off my chest.
Dylan: I give you my word that I'm gonna find this creep and everything's gonna be okay. I am not gonna let anything happen to you or Mariah or faith or sully, and I'm gonna do whatever it takes to protect my family, and you can count on that.
[Patty humming]
Stitch: After the day I've had, a glass of wine's gonna taste real good.
Abby: Yeah, I know what you mean.
Nikki: Oh, I wonder what the specials are tonight.
Victor: Where? Where do you see them? Oh, right there.
Stitch: You want to go say hi?
Abby: Not really. I was hoping that tonight would just be about the two of us.
Stitch: I was hoping you'd say that. You've been on my mind all day.
Abby: Oh?
Stitch: I've been thinking about the conversation we had -- what we have to do to get things back to the way they used to be. I wasn't sure where to start, and then I realized, hey, doctor mode -- triage. That's what we have to do now, Abby. We have to identify and treat the most pressing problems first.
Abby: Ben, wait. I really don't think that's gonna work.
Nikki: Oh, look.
Victor: What?
Nikki: The fish special is trout almondine.
Victor: Oh, yeah.
Victoria: Uh, guys, Ben and Abby are at the bar. Maybe we should ask them to join us for dinner.
Victor: No, sweetheart. I think it's important for Abby to spend some time with her very busy husband.
Victoria: Oh.
Nikki: Well, I'm just glad that we all had a chance to get together.
Travis: Yeah, thanks for inviting us.
Nikki: I just thought that your first day at Newman enterprises was an occasion to be celebrated.
Victor: As a matter of fact, it is. Why don't we have a toast to our newest executive?
Victoria: That's a good idea.
Nikki: Hear, hear.
Victor: Travis.
Victoria: Cheers. Oh, I dropped my napkin.
Travis: I got it.
Victoria: Are you okay?
Travis: Yeah, everything's fine.
Victoria: Okay.
Nikki: So, how did it go? Your first day. Was it a success?
Travis: Well, I think if I say so myself, it was, yeah.
Victor: In fact, it was a great success. I think Travis will do very well in our company.
Victoria: Wow, that's very high praise. I don't think I've ever heard you talk about a new hire in that way.
Victor: It's unprecedented but I mean it. Now, I hope, my sweetheart, that you will be doing very well at brash & sassy!
Nikki: So, what areas will you be concentrating on at the company?
Travis: Well, I don't have a single focus. Right now, I'm learning about the company as a whole and all the interconnected parts. I think we should discuss how we're gonna protect the company from external threats, specifically from jabot.
Victor: Well, you know, I'm not worried about that. Jack Abbott will not pose a threat. Nothing we can't deal with.
Travis: I don't think it's that cut-and-dry. The situation may be less tense than in the past, but it's still volatile. I won't be underestimating them.
Victor: All right. Then I suggest you deal with it. How's that?
Travis: Yes, sir.
Victor: All right.
Sharon: Mm-hmm.
Mariah: Hey.
Dylan: Hey yourself. Hey, there's some mac and cheese in the kitchen. Help yourself.
Mariah: Thanks. I'm good. Any more news about that pervy caller?
Dylan: Um, I wish I could say yes. But now that you're home with Sharon to keep her company, I should head back to the station.
Mariah: Yeah.
Dylan: You gonna be okay?
Sharon: Yeah, we'll be fine. I feel a lot of comfort just knowing you're doing everything you can to stop this.
Dylan: Okay. I'll see you later.
[Door closes]
Sharon: Were you able to dump that phone?
Mariah: Not only did I dump the phone, I made sure that it would be found. And now nobody's ever gonna know the truth about what happened.
Victor: Tomorrow, I shall introduce you to the senior VPs of our tech division.
Travis: Bradshaw, Mobley, and Carruthers. Or is she still on maternity leave?
Victor: You did your homework, didn't you? She'll be back next week.
Nikki: So, Travis, tell us a little bit more about yourself. I feel like we've barely scratched the surface.
Travis: Oh, what would you like to know?
Nikki: Oh, I don't know. Tell us about your family, where you're from, what it was like growing up.
Victoria: But you can feel free to give the condensed version, of course.
Travis: [Chuckles] Well, let's see. I came from a working-class family.
Victor: What'd your father do, Travis?
Travis: He sold boats.
Victor: Oh, yeah? Private enterprise. I admire that.
Travis: Well, he didn't always work for himself. Sometimes, though.
Victor: Hmm.
Victoria: Is that why you love to sail so much?
Travis: Good guess.
Victoria: [Chuckles]
Nikki: Did your mother work outside the home?
Travis: Part-time only. She was an elementary school teacher.
Victor: So, how did you get into finance?
Travis: Well, my dad taught me bookkeeping, and I'd come back from school breaks and I'd work for him, and that's when I realized I was pretty good at numbers.
Victor: Huh.
Travis: Yeah. So I got a job and put myself through school. I got started on wall street. Did okay for a while.
Victor: Travis is being very modest right now. He rose through the ranks of Hazelton and Crestwood in no time at all.
Nikki: Really? What did you do there?
Travis: I was a trader. Energy stocks mostly.
Nikki: Mm.
Travis: Yeah.
Victoria: Yeah, but then he left it all behind.
Nikki: Now, why would you do that?
Travis: Well, you know, the world was just really taking a toll on me. There's no such thing as balance or even having a life, so eventually, I just lost my taste for it.
Victor: Well, now, you can have it all back, Travis. The sky's the limit.
Stitch: Why won't trying to fix things work?
Abby: It's your whole approach.
Stitch: Meaning?
Abby: Meaning at the hospital, you have to put your emotions on hold. You have to be scientific and analytical, but... Ben, this is us. We have to be able to talk about our feelings. We have to let all the walls down. We have to be real.
Stitch: I see your point. Sure.
Abby: I'm glad.
Stitch: So, where do we start?
Abby: We could start with something positive. We can start at the beginning. That moment we realized we were meant to be with each other. Do you remember?
Stitch: Well, yeah, that's easy. You know, I never told you this, but it happened a long time before I ever admitted I was in love with you. I was acting as your bodyguard. We were staying at the club together, and there was this one morning, I woke up before you did, and I just -- I watched you sleeping. It was like this wave of feeling hit me so hard, it took my breath away. Then, of course, you woke up and teased me about hovering, and I... I told you I wanted to stay close, I wanted to look out for you. Make you feel safe. Make you happy. You gave me the most beautiful smile, the most incredible kiss. So, when was the moment you knew?
Abby: It was the same for me.
Kevin: I hit six of the eight places on that damn list. Nobody's seen the phone.
Dylan: Maybe one of our patrol officers will have better luck.
Kevin: Yeah, maybe. [Sighs]
[Computer beeping]
Kevin: Hey, the signal! It's triangulating! The guy turned the phone on.
Dylan: Where's the location?
Kevin: Uh, give me a minute. The machine's got to do its thing.
Dylan: Okay, okay. Where is it?
Kevin: All right, it's close, it's close! Chancellor park.
Dylan: Let's go.
Kevin: Okay.
Mariah: Actually, I'm glad the bartender said something. The park was definitely the way to go.
Sharon: Okay, so, you just turned the phone on and you, what, dumped it in the grass somewhere?
Mariah: No, in the trash bin. The police are gonna find it any second, and when they do, they're not gonna be able to connect it to patty. They're gonna think it was some random jerk calling and then he abandoned the phone. Problem solved. Nightmare's over. Thank God.
Sharon: It is not over, Mariah.
Mariah: Why?
Sharon: This just bought me some time. I still have to figure out what to do about all of patty's demands.
Mariah: Her demands?
Stitch: That was a good suggestion, going back to the beginning. [Chuckles] And how amazing is it that we both felt the same way at the exact same moment?
Abby: Yeah. Pretty amazing.
[Cell phone chimes]
Stitch: [Sighs] Damn it. I got to get back to the hospital.
Abby: I thought you were done for the day.
Stitch: So did I. Something came up. This was a good first step. I want to talk more tonight, okay?
Abby: Of course. Bye.
Stitch: Bye, baby.
Ashley: Hi.
Stitch: Hey.
Ashley: See you later. Wow. Ben's in a good mood. And that kiss was certainly a positive sign.
Abby: Yeah, um... well, we're gonna work on our problems. Work on our marriage in general.
Ashley: Well, that's a very good thing.
Abby: It sure is.
Ashley: Then why don't you seem happy about it?
Travis: Thanks again for dinner. This was great.
Victor: You're very welcome, Travis. You put in hard day's work. You deserve a good dinner. Are you ready to go, my sweetheart?
Nikki: Well, yes, I am. I'm sure they would like to spend time together.
Victor: Thank you.
Victoria: Yeah.
Nikki: I'd like to spend some time with my husband, actually.
Victor: There we go.
Victoria: That sounds good, mom.
Victor: Travis. See you tomorrow.
Travis: Yes, you will.
Victoria: Mama.
Nikki: Love you.
Victoria: I love you, too.
Victor: Bye, my sweetheart.
Travis: Good night.
Nikki: Good to see you.
Victoria: Okay.
Nikki: Bye-bye.
Victor: Good to go?
Victoria: Thanks.
Travis: That was nice.
Victoria: Yeah, well... you say that. But I can tell something's bothering you.
Travis: No, I'm just tired, you know?
Victoria: No, you're not just tired. I know something's wrong. Would you please just tell me what it is?
Travis: Um... I saw Ashley today.
Victoria: And...?
Travis: Well, it was a tricky conversation that's been hanging over my head all day.
Victoria: Oh, I see.
Travis: Yeah.
Victoria: Well, is that why you brought up jabot? Is there some eminent threat against my dad?
Travis: No. No, no. It's not that.
Victoria: Okay, then it was just Ashley sticking her nose into our personal business.
Travis: You're right, but... well, she found something out about me.
Victoria: About you.
Travis: Yeah. I need you to hear this from me, okay? And I can't risk her using this against me in this feud between the families.
Victoria: Yeah. Okay. Well, just tell me whatever it is, and we'll face it together.
Travis: Okay. Um... I haven't been completely honest with you.
Nikki: Travis seems to be a good match for Victoria.
Victor: Seems to have a lot of good qualities, yeah.
Nikki: Mm-hmm. Thank you for agreeing to come to dinner. I know it was a lot for you to get away from work.
Victor: I'm glad I did.
Nikki: And to be truthful, I didn't arrange it just for us. I kind of did it for Victoria because she's had some concerns that maybe you have something up your sleeve about Travis.
Victor: Me? Something up my sleeve? Like what?
Nikki: Maybe hiring Travis as a way to get Victoria back at Newman Enterprises. Is she right about that?
Travis: The reason I left my career behind in new York... there's more to the story.
Victoria: Yeah, well, seeing as a I don't know a whole lot of the details, I'm sure there is more to it. So go ahead. Tell me.
Travis: Um... I had an affair with my boss' wife. And when he found out, he fired me, blackballed me all over wall street. No one would touch me. The whole thing was a disaster. And I was forced to take a long look at myself, and I realized I couldn't even look in the mirror. I knew I had to make a change. I don't know how I got caught up in something like that. With a married woman, and... and her husband was a friend. He was my mentor. And...
Victoria: I can't even really believe what I'm hearing. I mean, this doesn't sound like you at all.
Travis: I don't know. I just -- I was really different back then.
Victoria: You just decided to tank your whole life and your whole career because you couldn't stay away from a married woman.
Travis: Michelle just -- she wasn't just any woman. I thought we had a real shot at something. When everything hit the fan, she chose to stay with her husband.
Victoria: This is the woman that you told me about. The only other woman that you've ever loved.
Ashley: You actually went to Victor for advice about your marriage?
Abby: The irony wasn't lost on him, either, but something he said, it really stuck with me.
Ashley: What?
Abby: Well, he said to go back to the moment when you realize that you're meant to be with each other. And when times get tough, you hang on to that moment.
Ashley: That is shocking. I mean, sorry, but it is a little bit more insight than I thought Victor was capable of.
Abby: Well, sometimes I think he surprises himself.
Ashley: So what happened? I mean, after you met with Ben. Something go wrong?
Abby: No. When I asked him what his moment was, he didn't hesitate. He knew exactly when it was. He described every detail. And how much it meant to him. And then... he asked me what my moment was. And I said it was the same. But, mom, it was a lie. I realized I don't think I have a moment like that with Ben.
Dylan: Hey. Hey. Hold up!
Stitch: Wait! What -- I'm almost there. I'll follow up with the patient when I arrive. What -- what's going on?
Dylan: Hey. Sorry. I thought you were somebody else.
Stitch: Yeah, well, it's a new hat.
Dylan: I'll fill you in later, okay? It sounds like you were in a rush to get to the hospital. I don't want you to be late for work.
Stitch: All right. See you later.
Kevin: I found it!
Dylan: Don't touch it!
Kevin: I know, I know. You thinking what I'm thinking?
Dylan: Somebody wanted us to find this phone.
Kevin: Mm-hmm.
Sharon: Patty wants me to get her out of that mental facility in exchange for keeping my secret that sully isn't really mine.
Mariah: Are you kidding me? She literally wants you to bust her out?
Sharon: No, I mean, she didn't say anything like that. I-I assume that she just wants me to intervene on her behalf and maybe get her released to Paul or something.
Mariah: Are you actually gonna try?
Sharon: To keep my secret, to keep my baby boy, to keep my husband, I'll do anything that patty wants.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Victoria: You slept with the boss' wife, you got blackballed. You sleep with the boss' daughter, maybe it'll get you back in the game. Is that the kind of man that you are?
Victor: Talking about clean hands, how dirty are your husband's hands?
Jack: Something I can help you with?
Summer: Why are you researching Newman enterprises?
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