Y&R Transcript Tuesday 10/4/16

Y&R Transcript Tuesday 10/4/16


Provided By Suzanne

Dylan: Come on, are you telling me a blocked caller ID's gonna stop you, Kevin? I need to know who's calling my house and harassing my wife.

Kevin: Yeah, I get that, Dylan, but I am slammed. Hold on.

Dylan: Kevin, don't put me on hol--

Sharon: Are you getting Kevin involved in this?

Dylan: Yeah, he's the best. He's gonna help.

Sharon: [Sighs]

Kevin: Sorry about that. I'm very popular this morning. But like I was saying, I'm buried with work.

Dylan: Are you kidding me? We're talking about my family.

Kevin: I get that, but --

Dylan: Kevin, please. I'll owe you.

Kevin: Maybe, and this is a big blinking neon "maybe," I can spare a few hours later today.

Dylan: Great. Great. You get started. I'll get the warrant from judge Ramsey, and I'll be right there to see what you got. Thanks.

Paul: So, was that Dylan?

Kevin: Yeah, looking for a favor. So I'll just add it to the quadrillion other things I'm juggling.

Paul: Right. Um, Kevin, this sounds like something that, uh, you should fill me in on.

Dylan: All right, I'm going in early.

Sharon: Wait! Not until we talk about this. I know you're worried, but getting people involved at the station?

Dylan: Stalking is a police matter, Sharon.

Sharon: A couple of phone calls doesn't constitute stalking. I think you're blowing this way out of proportion, honey.

Dylan: You were terrified after that call last night.

Sharon: Well, that was last night. But since then I've had a chance to think about it, and maybe it's not so strange that someone called our home phone first and then my cell phone. You know, both of those numbers are listed on my business card. That caller may have no more connection to me than a piece of paper I dropped somewhere by accident.

Dylan: I hate to break it to you, but that's, like, a one in a million chance. Okay, if this is a stalker --

Sharon: And it might not be.

Dylan: Okay, things could escalate.

Sharon: Or it won't.

Dylan: And it's not gonna happen. I don't want my wife feeling unsafe in her own home. That's it.

Sharon: I don't feel unsafe. You make me feel perfectly safe.

Dylan: Well --

Mariah: What's going on?

Sharon: Nothing!

Dylan: Your mom has a stalker.

Mariah: What?! Well, what are you doing just standing here? You got to go find that guy and take him down!

Abby: When you're done flagging those sections, that should be it for this morning. You know, if you want to go to campus and check in with your professor, you totally can. What's so interesting?

Summer: It's just this distribution list that Curtis fielding sent us. Travis Crawford's name has been added and...added and... added.

Abby: Okay, well, that's no surprise. We knew he was starting today.

Summer: I'm glad I'm just here getting college credits. If I was counting on this place for job security, I would be worried.

Abby: Because of Travis?

Summer: He will be reporting to grandpa directly. That puts him on the fastest track possible.

Abby: You don't like him?

Summer: I don't know. I just haven't decided yet. You?

Abby: Well, Victoria likes him, so that sells it for me.

Summer: Yeah, he'll be getting aunt Vicki's old office. It's just, I don't know, so...

[Cell phone rings]

Abby: Ben, hey.

Stitch: Hey, where are you?

Abby: Work. Why?

Stitch: Did you forget we have an appointment with the fertility doctor today?

Abby: I'm sorry. Yeah. Things have been insane here at work. I mean, I don't even think I'll be able to squeeze in lunch.

Stitch: Abby, this is important. If you leave now, you could probably still make it.

Abby: No, no, that won't work. I should probably just cancel. I mean, I'm right in the middle of something. It's a big project and, um... I really -- I can't make it.

Stitch: Then we'll reschedule. Fine.

Abby: Ben.

Stitch: I thought we agreed it's urgent we make sure there's no underlying issues with us trying to get pregnant again.

Abby: We did. Um, I will handle it. I will call the doctor and work it out. I'll talk to you later. [Sighs]

Summer: So, that's how you're fixing problems with your husband. By lying to him?

Nick: Don't worry, dude. I'm gonna fix this up for you and it'll be rolling in no time.

Chelsea: You know, you don't have to worry about fixing the truck. Connor's got plenty of toys.

Nick: Promise is a promise.

Chelsea: Thanks for coming with us to the park. It's beautiful, isn't it? And Connor really loves it here. Adam and I, we used to bring him all the time, so I feel like he thinks -- nick? Hey, what is it? Tell me what's wrong.

Nick: I'm -- I'm fine.

Chelsea: You're fine? That's it? You're not gonna tell me what that was about? You're upset, nick.

Nick: We were just, you know, we're near the playground. I guess I got a little sand in my eye or something.

Chelsea: That is the lamest excuse I have ever heard.

Nick: That's the lamest excuse you've ever heard? I mean --

Chelsea: Yeah.

Nick: You haven't heard anything yet. I can come up with 50 that are better than that. That commercial where the kids grow up too fast -- I mean, that gets me every time. The one with the dogs? It's a crusher.

Chelsea: Okay, you know what? What happened to, um, straight-talking nick? The guy that just says how he feels? Is that not you?

Nick: [Sighs] I guess not always, no.

Chelsea: You know, if you're gonna be there for Connor like you promised Adam and you're gonna be a friend to me, we have to be able to talk.

Nick: You're right.

Chelsea: Okay, so... want to tell me what's going on?

Nick: Honestly, it's this truck. [Chuckles] Noah had one a lot like this when he was about his age. And I guess it just reminded me how much I was looking forward to having another son when Christian was born. I made a lot of mistakes with Noah, and I was determined not to make them again. I guess it just...reminds me how much I miss Christian. You think I'm crazy, don't you?

Chelsea: Yeah, I think you're totally out of your mind. No! What are you talking about? Are you kidding? It happens to me all the time. The strangest moments.

Nick: Just random?

Chelsea: Yeah. Like this morning when I was getting coffee. I went to my cupboard, I pulled two mugs out. I almost went to pour the second one.

Nick: Adam's cup.

Chelsea: And I just froze.

Nick: Yeah, I know. Those feelings come back of pain and missing him. It's like brand new.

Chelsea: God, it just hurts. It's like a physical ache inside. Everything's normal for a while, and then bam, you're back in that moment when you lost him. You relive the pain and the -- the terror and...

Nick: And the loss. [Sighs] I didn't want to tell you what was bothering me 'cause... I was embarrassed.

Chelsea: Really?

Nick: Yeah. Uh, you know, I've been going through this a lot longer than you have. Christian died a year ago. Sage was six months. And I guess I just don't feel like I should be getting torn up about this in front of you.

Chelsea: That's ridiculous. I'm glad you got over that because if we're gonna make this work and, you know, you're gonna be there for Connor, we really do have to be able to talk. As far as I'm concerned, you have absolutely nothing to be embarrassed about, except for the fact that it's taken you 20 minutes and you still haven't fixed that truck. [Chuckles] Give it. Give it to me. Let a pro do it.

Nick: You got a better chance.

Chelsea: Let me show you how it's done.

Nick: Yeah.

Chelsea: [Chuckles]

Abby: I keep guessing wrong. I think that he wants to break up, and he wants to have a baby. I think that we should work on our marriage before we're parents, and he schedules me an appointment with a fertility specialist. What do I do?

Summer: Talk to your husband.

Abby: I've tried. He doesn't listen.

Summer: Try again.

Abby: [Sighs] But...

Summer: Abby, talk to stitch and do not stop talking and listening until you guys figure out what you're doing and if you're doing it together or alone.

Kevin: Whatever you need researched, programmed, or detected, no can do.

Paul: Even for your boss?

Kevin: Oh. Chief, I'm sorry. I --

Paul: Look, Kevin, there's something I've been wanting to talk to you about. Um, I heard rumblings last night that you and Dylan were involved in, uh, something together. Is that true?

Kevin: Last night? But --

Paul: And the fact that you didn't really answer my question about, uh, the phone call you had with Dylan.

Kevin: Well, that's only because --

Paul: Begs the question, does this...thing you're working on together have anything to do with Victor?

Kevin: Victor?

Dylan: Yeah. Victor Newman. I'm sure you're familiar with his work.

Kevin: I am.

Paul: Ironically, it's the same Victor Newman that filed a restraining order against Dylan. So if Dylan is involved in anything that has --

Kevin: He's not. I can absolutely swear to you that that phone call from Dylan just now had nothing to do with Victor at all.

Paul: I'm glad to see that my trust in Dylan is justified.

[Cell phone rings]

Paul: I'm gonna have to take this, so whatever Dylan needs, make sure he gets it. Thank you.

Kevin: But I -- [Sighs]

Dylan: Hey. Is sully okay?

Sharon: Yeah, he's fine. I just put him down for his nap.

Mariah: Dylan updated me on the whole situation. A stalker? That's insane. Do you know who'd do something like this to you?

Sharon: I'm sure there's nothing to worry about. The caller hung up the minute Dylan got on the phone last night.

Mariah: And you told him you're a cop, right?

Dylan: I did, yes.

Sharon: Which should take care of that. If I were him, I would go and find someone else who doesn't have a detective in the house.

Mariah: You are being way too mellow about this. I'm with Dylan. Stay on the case until the creep is locked up, and I'll do anything I can to help.

Dylan: I'm glad somebody in the family has the right attitude, unlike my wife here, who should be a little more concerned.

Sharon: Well, you worry too much.

Dylan: Yeah, maybe. I'm gonna head to the station, see what Kevin can dig up. You guys make sure the doors and all the windows are locked.

Sharon: Yes, sir.

Mariah: Who would do this to you?

Sharon: I know who it is.

Mariah: What? Who?

Sharon: It's patty, and it's a disaster.


Chelsea: Can you get it? Ooh! Oh, right in your lap! You want to throw it back?

Nick: You do it. Throw it here. Vroooom!

Chelsea: Whoa! Whoa! Look at the truck coming! Turn him around, turn him around, turn him around. Whoo! Oh, my goodness. I don't get it. How does he keep going?

Nick: It's called being a toddler.

Chelsea: [Sighs] True. You know... if being around him is too much for you...

Nick: No. No, actually, it helps. [Sighs] I guess I'd like to think that somewhere in heaven, Adam's up there taking care of my little boy. So it's kind of like we switched places.

Chelsea: That's really sweet.

Nick: You know, Christian would be about a year now. Who knows? Maybe we would have even had his first birthday here. You and Connor would have been here, sully. Sometimes when I close my eyes, I can see Christian. We're playing catch in the yard, you know, with the baseball, hitting them grounders, flyballs. My son would have loved baseball.

Sharon: First there was the gift to faith -- a baby doll without a note. That was a little strange. And then there were the hang-up calls to the house. And if that wasn't bad enough, then they started on my cell phone. And that's when patty revealed herself.

Mariah: And then she tells you she was the one who sent the doll. You should have known that she would never just drop it.

Sharon: Well, I hoped. But she wouldn't stop calling and she's taunting me, Mariah, and she... [Sighs]

Mariah: What? What did she do?

Sharon: She reminded me that she knows I was never pregnant. And that's when Dylan picked up the phone.

Mariah: But she didn't say anything to him.

Sharon: No. All Dylan heard was some breathing.

Mariah: And that's how he came to the conclusion that there's some guy making harassing calls.

Sharon: But now he's not going to quit until he finds out where these calls are coming from.

Mariah: Patty's always been a ticking time bomb. But the good thing is, she's certifiably nuts, so nobody's gonna believe --

Sharon: That's the thing that's really scaring me, Mariah. She sounded really lucid this time.

Mariah: Well, to you, but that's 'cause you know that sully is actually nick's son. But to anybody else...

Sharon: I can't just ignore this. I can't just hope that patty goes away and that her accusations are dismissed. As soon as Dylan finds out that these calls came from where patty's at, all bets are off! I can't just let this go! I have to be proactive! I have to head this off!

Mariah: There's no way for you to do that.

Sharon: Well, you can.

Mariah: Me?!

Sharon: Yes. You have a best friend who works down at the station.

Mariah: You want me to pump Kevin for information?

Sharon: No, not exactly. Just -- just hang out with him, see what you can find out.

Mariah: [Sighs] That's not gonna work. Kevin and I --

Sharon: You have the perfect reason. You're worried about me. Just go down to the station. You'll know what Kevin finds out the minute he finds it, and then you can text me and let me know if Dylan's getting close.

Mariah: And what are you gonna do in the meantime?

Sharon: I don't know. I have really nothing to go on except two phone calls from patty. Hi, Paul. It's Sharon. You know, I was thinking you haven't spent any quality time with your grandson lately. Can we get together?

Kevin: Ah. I know that smell.

Dylan: Yeah. Doughnuts from your favorite place. Personally, trendy doughnuts aren't my thing.

Kevin: These are the best doughnuts in the world.

Dylan: Okay, then give me something that I can use and they're yours.

Kevin: Well, I haven't had much to go on with that number being blocked, but I did have a breakthrough right before you got here and found that the calls to your house are originating from a cell phone.

Dylan: What's the num-- what's the number?

Kevin: I don't have it.

Dylan: It's a dead end?

Kevin: No, I just need some time.

Dylan: Well, how much time?

Kevin: I don't know how much time!

Dylan: Okay, one. One. You can have the rest when you give me something.

[Computer keys clacking]

Stitch: Hey. You made it. Hey, baby, it's not too late for the doctor to fill you in. He's a friend of mine, so I'll just --

Abby: Ben, um, wait. Uh... can we talk first?

Stitch: Sure. What is it?

Abby: Maybe you should close the door.

Dylan: You're getting closer?

Kevin: Sort of. I breached the cell info trying to triangulate a signal.

Dylan: Okay, I have no idea what that means.

Kevin: It's just numbers and coordinates, Dylan. Each of these hits still has to be cross-checked, and I got other work to do.

Dylan: What are you talking about? You -- you can't stop. Not if this guy's going after my wife, Kevin.

Mariah: What he said.

Dylan: Hey, Mariah. What are you doing here? Did Sharon get another call?

Mariah: No, no, Sharon's fine. I was just hoping that I could stick around and see if you guys make any progress.

Dylan: Yeah, well, Kevin made some headway. We found out the caller's using a cell phone.

Mariah: Well, that's a start.

Dylan: Yeah, it's a good start. But, you know, it's -- it's bad enough that I'm the one looking over Kevin's shoulder, so maybe...

Mariah: No, no, no. I promise that I-I won't interrupt. I won't be a distraction. It's just knowing that somebody's out there watching Sharon, it's really scary.

Kevin: She can stay. I'm used to Mariah hanging around while I'm working. She won't be that much of a distraction. Plus she's worried about her mom.

Dylan: Okay. Grab a seat. I'll get us some coffee.

Mariah: Okay. Uh, that was pretty decent of you. I thought you'd still be mad at me after what I said about Chloe at faith's party.

Kevin: I can't recall. What did you say?

Mariah: The thing ab-- [Sighs] I'm not falling for that. You know what I said.

Kevin: Something about her being a liar even though you have no idea what she's lying about.

Mariah: Yeah, that rings a bell. But can we please focus on the stalker thing? For the record, I'm still mad at you, but this is more important.

Kevin: I don't know if we're dealing with some harmless loser or someone who might actually be dangerous, but I think the stakes could be pretty high.

Mariah: The stakes are definitely high.

Chelsea: You sure you have time for a coffee?

Nick: Yeah, let's do it.

Chelsea: Well, look who it is. Our matchmaker.

Nick: Yeah, I already told her it was inappropriate, so...

Chelsea: Okay, well, now it's my turn.

Nick: Okay.

Sharon: Chelsea.

Chelsea: Just so we're clear, let me reiterate what nick already told you. Suggesting to faith that she try to get us together was wrong on so many levels.

Sharon: I totally overstepped.

Chelsea: Yeah, you did.

Sharon: I'm sorry. You have to know that my heart was in the right place. It was. What can I do to make this right?

Nick: I think a promise that you won't do it again will be cool with me. How about you?

Chelsea: Fine.

Nick: There we go.

Sharon: You got it! No more matchmaking. And I will tell faith that was wrong and it was unfair to both of you.

Nick: All right, we're good. Can I, uh, hold him?

Sharon: Um...

Nick: What's up?! What's going on, dude? Oh, yeah! Come here! Oh, man! You got to stop getting so big. Look at this guy. He's a tank.

Chelsea: [Chuckles]

Nick: What's up? Man, it's crazy. He reminds me so much of Noah when he was this age.

Sharon: There are some similarities.

Nick: Ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba!

Sharon: Um, so anyway, um, I hear you loud and clear, and I apologize until the end of days, but, um, I just need to know, Chelsea, do I still have a job?

Chelsea: As long as I can trust you.

Sharon: Okay. You can.

Nick: All right, well, here you go.

Sharon: Yeah.

Nick: See you, dude! See you, bud!

[Cell phone chimes]

Nick: You got to let it go.

Chelsea: I know, I know. It just still bothers me. I feel like Sharon doesn't recognize that we're still grieving Adam and sage. It's like now that she has Dylan...

Nick: Actually, I think Dylan is the reason why she's trying to push us together.

Chelsea: Say what?

Nick: Yeah. Look at how things have turned around for her, you know? All the problems she's had. Her life's pretty good right now. She's got a grown daughter that's a huge part of her life. She's got a solid marriage with Dylan. I mean, she's got faith, who's the greatest thing in the world. And then sully's an awesome little boy.

Chelsea: So you're saying that now that she's happy and carefree...

Nick: Maybe she's just trying to spread the joy.

Chelsea: Huh. Look at you. I never thought of you as a "glass half full" type of guy.

Nick: Eh, well, sometimes. Just, you know, trying to cut her some slack. I think Sharon just wants everyone to be as happy as she is.

Paul: Oh, I know! You're just a smiley little person!

Sharon: Sully is at such a fun age. We're having so much fun with him right now.

Paul: Oh, he's adorable.

Sharon: [Chuckles]

Paul: Understandable. Yes.

Sharon: You know, he's walking and crawling. He's very speedy, and -- and Dylan is just -- he's overjoyed. You know, everything that sully does Dylan thinks he walked on the moon.

Paul: Well, that's 'cause it's like that.

Sharon: [Laughs] Well, I don't want to keep bragging about myself. I want to hear about you, you and Christine.

Paul: Oh, uh, well, she just won a big embezzlement case. I don't know if you heard, but...

Sharon: Yeah, that was with the guy who stole $2 million from an insurance company?

Paul: Yeah, just about $2 million. And there was evidence to go through. Really labor intensive.

Sharon: I bet you she's wiped out.

Paul: Oh, yeah. She is. We made a pact, actually, that, uh, maybe after the first snow we'll fly on out of here to a beach somewhere, maybe sooner if she needs it.

Sharon: You know, I feel bad asking, but how is patty?

Paul: Oh, don't feel badly. No, I-I appreciate your concern. She, um... [Sighs] She's doing as well as could be expected. Most of the time she's in her own world, you know?

Sharon: Hmm. Well, that must be tough on you and your family now that she's been transferred to that high-security facility.

Paul: It's as it should be. Patty's a danger to herself and -- and to, uh, other people, as well. There's no getting around that. And who knows? Maybe one day she'll be declared competent. But then she'd have to stand trial for the murder of Dr. Anderson, and, well, we're not exactly wishing for that, either.

Sharon: Understandably. Um, have you seen her?

Paul: No, not for a while. The doctors told me that I was more of a distraction than a help, and they're trying a new therapy with her. It's called art therapy, and they're hoping that she's able to express herself more through painting. But she's pretty unresponsive. I think, I don't know, it's like she's willed herself out of this world.

Sharon: How sad.

Paul: There's really no telling where her mind goes, what she's feeling, what she's thinking.

[Door opens]

Patty, just came to see if you need some more supplies. I can bring you more paints. I'll be back to check on you.

[Door closes]

Abby: I need to apologize to you. We're husband and wife, and at the very least, we owe each other honesty.

Stitch: [Scoffs] You think I haven't been honest with you?

[Door opens]

Abby: I'm the one who needs to apologize. Ben, I keep acting like things are getting better between us when they're not.

Stitch: That's what you think?

Abby: You must be feeling it, too. Deep down, I mean, aren't you?

Stitch: Abby, things aren't perfect, but I'm --

Abby: All of this supposed work that we've been doing on our marriage, it's all superficial. We can't keep pretending like our marriage is getting better when it's not.

Stitch: All right. You know, we'll address that later, all right? We'll work it out. I promise. In the meantime, we have an appointment to go to.

Abby: Ben, no, stop. We need to do this now.

Stitch: I was able to get this appointment as a favor to me, all right? I'm not gonna leave him --

Abby: I don't need to see a fertility doctor. There are no issues.

Stitch: How would you know that?

Abby: Because I'm still taking my birth control.

Abby: I'm sorry. I shouldn't have just blurted it out like that, but I've been trying to tell you.

Stitch: Hey, we're trying to have a conversation here.

Abby: Maybe you should apologize.

Stitch: Later.

Abby: You're angry. I understand. You have every right to be. It was wrong for me to mislead you that way.

Stitch: So why did you?

Abby: You were so intent on believing that now is the right time for us to try to have another baby.

Stitch: Because I thought that's what you wanted. If you didn't, why didn't you just say so?

Abby: Because I was scared. I didn't want to lead us in a wrong direction.

Stitch: And lying to me isn't the wrong direction?

Abby: I didn't have the courage to do the right thing.

Stitch: The right thing being tell me that you're not sure about us.

Abby: I am sure about one thing.

[Lock clicks]

Stitch: What's the one thing you're sure about?

Abby: That I love you and that I always will. I-I just... I don't know if that love is enough.

Stitch: Enough?

Abby: Enough to -- to get us past everything that we've been through, everything that's still holding us back.

Stitch: Things like max?

Abby: We never talk about him. We never have real, deep conversations. We never talk about the baby that we lost.

Stitch: We talk. We talk all the time.

Abby: No, we pretend. We pretend like we're healing. We pretend and we pretend and we pretend, and... [Sighs] Look where it's gotten us. I have an appointment with a fertility specialist that I don't even need. The denial -- it has to stop for both of us. So I'm asking you... can it?

Summer: Hey! I'm glad I ran into you. Hey. Hey, Connor! Hey! What's up, buddy? What have you guys been up to today? Just hanging out?

Chelsea: What do you mean?

Summer: I don't know. Just going to the park or something like that?

Connor: I went to park.

Summer: You want to go to the park? What? Is this about Sharon trying to hook you guys up?

Chelsea: Wait, she tried to get you in on that plan, too?

Nick: No, I clued summer in. Uh, why aren't you at the office? Did dad say you didn't have to come in because it's so nice outside?

Summer: No, I actually have to run to campus and then back to the office, but I'm not gonna slam on Sharon 'cause I've been trying to hook some people up together myself lately.

Nick: Who?

Chelsea: Jack and Phyllis, right?

Summer: Yep, but they have not been biting yet.

Nick: Yeah, don't get your hopes up. I can't imagine jack taking Phyllis back after everything that went down.

Chelsea: [Gasps] I have an idea. Put Sharon on the case. She might not be successful.

Summer: Uh, yeah, then she'll forget about you and my dad, so...

Chelsea: Exactly.

Summer: Why is she in your guys' business anyways?

Chelsea: Well, let's see. Your father thinks it's because she wants to spread love and happiness and joy in the world.

Sharon: You're defending Sharon?

Nick: It's not crazy.

Summer: Yeah, it kind of is.

Chelsea: It really kind of is.

Nick: No, no, look, I've seen a definite change in Sharon. I think it's a good thing.

Chelsea: I'm not sure I'm buying that.

Summer: Why is she trying to hook you guys up anyways?

Chelsea: I don't know. I'm trying to figure that out.

Summer: What? You think there's got to be more to it than just peace and goodwill?

Chelsea: Knowing Sharon, yes. But soon enough we'll figure out what it's really all about.

Dylan: You guys find anything?

Mariah: Not yet.

Kevin: Ooh, but this caffeine's gonna go perfect with my sugar high from that doughnut.

Dylan: So, uh, Mariah, did Sharon mention anything about going out today?

Mariah: Uh, I don't... maybe. Uh, what do you mean?

Dylan: Well, I was looking for Paul, and the sergeant said that he went out to meet his daughter-in-law and I don't know why she didn't really mention that to me.

Mariah: Oh, you know, I think she actually did mention something about that the other day. They probably set it up awhile ago. I'm sure it's national spend the morning with your grandson day. That's a thing, right?

Dylan: No, that's not a thing. And it still doesn't really explain --

Mariah: You know, Dylan, with all the commotion this morning and this whole stalker thing, I think Sharon just forgot to update you on her schedule. Not a big deal.

Dylan: Yeah, I guess you're right. What do you got?

Kevin: Do you want this done fast or you want it done right?

Dylan: Both.

[Cell phone chimes]

Dylan: Go deeper into the files. Hack, whatever it takes.

[Computer keys clacking]

Kevin: Whoa! I think I got something.

[Door closes]

Sharon: Hello, patty.

Patty: I was wondering when you'd get here. I just knew it wouldn't take you very long.

Stitch: I can't do it, Abby.

Abby: You can't forgive me?

Stitch: [Scoffs] Wow, we really are lousy at understanding each other. I'm saying I can't be angry with you about what you did. I mean, sure, I wish you'd been up front with me, but you called it. I haven't been honest, either. Not even with myself. I wanted to believe we were doing better than we really were.

Abby: So what do we do now?

Stitch: Let's stop pretending. Maybe we were afraid to do the work, but a real relationship is all about the work. Loving someone isn't always easy. But I know one thing for sure.

Abby: That you love me?

Stitch: [Scoffs] I do, but that's not what I was gonna say.

Abby: [Chuckles] Damn it. I never know what you're thinking. You never know what I'm thinking. I mean, maybe we really are incompatible.

Stitch: What I know for sure is that it's worth trying. With you, it is so worth it. I do love you, Abby. I love you more and more each day, baby. Just -- just please tell me that it's...it's not -- it's not too late.

Abby: Honestly... it's not too late.

[Both sigh]

Stitch: [Sighs]

Abby: [Sighs]

Nick: All right, bud. I'm gonna see you real soon, okay? Blow it up. Boom!

Chelsea: Thank you for everything.

Nick: No, thank you. Today was, uh, it was great.

Chelsea: You ready? Bye.

Summer: Bye.

Chelsea: Let's go.

Summer: You know, it's really nice that you're stepping up for Connor with Adam gone.

Nick: Well, he makes it easy. He's a great kid.

Summer: And he's changing all the time. That must be the best part about being a parent, getting to watch it all happen. You know, from baby to toddler, boy, teenager, a man. Can you almost picture what he's gonna be like?

Nick: [Chuckles] Yeah. I can picture it. And you're right. It is the best part of being a parent.

Dylan: All right, talk to me, Kevin. What do you got?

Kevin: All right, it's coming. It's comi-i-i-ng. There.

Dylan: Is that the phone number?

Kevin: It took hacking into every cell tower in a 50-mile radius of your house, but there it is.

Mariah: Does that mean you know where the phone is?

Kevin: If the phone is on, I'm gonna be able to track it.

Dylan: So if it's not a burner and you have the number, you can get the name, right?

Kevin: Easy.

Dylan: All right. Text me when you get it.

Kevin: Whoa. Hold on. If you wait a minute, I can just --

Dylan: No, I got to get gas. I don't want to waste a second tracking this guy.

Kevin: Okay, I'm on it.

Dylan: And do me a favor. Pull up the phone bills. I want to see who else this piece of scum is calling.

Kevin: Yeah, will do.

Dylan: All right, enjoy the doughnuts.

Kevin: Thanks.

Mariah: I want to help. What can I do?

Kevin: Uh, stay put. I need to cross-reference these coordinates so I can pinpoint the phone's location.

Sharon: Hi. This is Sharon. Leave me a message, and have a great day. I know you have a cell phone. Did you steal it?

Patty: That would be naughty.

Sharon: How did you get it?

Patty: Does it matter?

Sharon: Not anymore. But one word from me to the people who run this place and they will confiscate that cell phone. That will be the end of this lunacy.

Patty: Oh, oh. But if you end the...lunacy here at the home of dangerous lunatics, what happens? Do we just cease to exist? Do we go "poof" and disappear?

Sharon: That's not what I meant. I just -- I want the phone calls to end, patty.

Patty: Sharon, we have a lot more to talk about than a silly phone. And, uh, not enough time, either.

Sharon: What do you mean by that?

Patty: Well... my nephew, Paul's son, after last night, he must be anxious to look into those phone calls.

Sharon: You leave Dylan out of this.

Patty: He seemed pretty upset when he got on the line. [Deep voice] Strong voice, a very strong voice. "Who is this?!"

Sharon: Dylan's very protective.

Patty: Mm-hmm. Yeah. And how long do you think it's gonna take him to track the phone here? Oh, I know that, uh, you hope he never does. But I, um... I kind of hope he gets here soon. To end this lunacy.

Sharon: Patty. You don't need to say anything.

Patty: But I have a lot to tell Dylan when he gets here. Mostly about a boy he thinks is his son... but isn't.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Ashley: This is a family company. You're not family anymore. You really don't belong here.

Mariah: Dylan is on his way. We need to do something, Sharon. Call me back.

Patty: An eye for an eye. Isn't that what they say?

Sharon: I'm not gonna listen to any more of this.

Patty: Yeah, well, someone will want to listen to it, and I'm sure he'll be riveted.

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