Y&R Transcript Monday 10/3/16
Provided By Suzanne
Ashley: I think this thing is cursed. It's been breaking down ever since Brash & Sassy! moved in the building. Maybe it needs an exorcist.
Travis: Or we might just need, you know, a mechanic.
Ashley: [Chuckles] You're Victoria's friend, right?
Travis: Mm-hmm.
Ashley: I saw the two of you at the club together. But you seemed familiar to me even then.
Travis: Oh, please don't tell me I have one of those faces. I never know how to take that. Travis Crawford.
Ashley: Ashley.
Travis: Nice to meet you.
Ashley: The Hamptons. You were an up-and-comer at Hazelton and...
Travis: Crestwood, yeah.
Ashley: What a coincidence!
Travis: Mm-hmm. Yeah. What are the chances?
Ashley: Wow! I would have thought by now you would have been a partner. But instead you're here?
Travis: Even trapped in an elevator, I think I prefer it here.
Ashley: Really? What happened to turn you so off of new York?
Travis: Oh, all of it -- everything. I just realized I need something new. And I found it here.
Billy: Why are you picking a fight with me? I mean, you made your point. You don't care about me anymore. I get it.
Victoria: Oh, Billy.
Billy: No, no, no. It's fine. I mean, all we have is history with a couple kids and three weddings.
Victoria: I'm not trying to be hurtful, all right? I'm just trying to be honest. Yes, we have kids. Yes, we have history. But the romance is totally gone.
Billy: Right. And what you have with Travis is much more real than what I had with Phyllis.
Victoria: What I have with Travis is a relationship. It's not a fling. It's not an affair. We're not sneaking around behind people's backs, lying. We're being trustworthy and honest. It's two people making decisions -- decisions not to ruin people's marriages and not to hurt people, not to break their hearts.
Billy: So, that's what it is? It's righteous? And one of you just happened to end up with a new job -- with Victor Newman, by the way?
Victoria: [Sighs] Dad came after Travis, okay? Not the other way around. And he said no at first.
Billy: Vick, your father is signing your boyfriend's checks. What could possibly go wrong with that?
Phyllis: Oh. Was this your plan -- to dump a bunch of files on my desk and just call it a day?
Jack: I'm sorry. Is it too much? I thought you said you could handle it.
Paul: Well, it is official. As of this evening, there will be no domestic-assault charges filed against jack. Phyllis' fall was accidental.
Michael: Hmm. I imagine Christine is relieved that case won't be crossing her desk.
Paul: Yeah, she is. We both are. I mean, considering what jack and Phyllis survived these past few years... I don't know. Maybe it was just too much. The straw that broke the camel's back, you know?
Michael: Well, I'm not excusing Phyllis, and I'm not blaming jack. Relationships are complicated. But Phyllis had what anyone would call a terrible year, and then she made a terrible mistake, and now she's paying for it.
Paul: Is it gonna be a messy divorce?
Michael: [Chuckles] Phyllis insists on not fighting it because she intends on winning jack back.
Paul: [Chuckles] Anyone who takes on Victor Newman and lives to tell the tale I wouldn't bet against.
Michael: Hmm.
Dylan: [Sighs]
Paul: Ought to -- what are you still doing here? Your shift ended hours ago. You should be home, spending time with the wife and the...
Sharon: Patty? You shouldn't have gotten a gift for faith.
Patty: [Laughing] I did. She's my nephew's stepdaughter. We're family now. The gift is for you, too. The dolly is so sweet, it's almost like the real thing.
Sharon: Faith didn't know who to thank. She took the doll straight upstairs to bed.
Patty: Oh, good. Knowing that Mr. Dolly has a home is thanks enough. I know you feel the same way. Every baby needs a home and love.
Sharon: Patty... why are you doing this?
Patty: Sharon! [Laughs] You knew this day would come. Oh, my goodness. You didn't think I would forget, did you?
Sully: [Crying]
Dylan: I was just, uh, doing a little extra research to, uh, help Kevin. It's a case we're working on.
Paul: Oh. What case?
Michael: What, my brother's slacking off so you have to man the computers for him?
Dylan: Well, you know, Kevin does the heavy lifting. I can run a routine search to move things along.
Michael: Mm. Well, I suppose he's spending less overtime here and more time with Chloe and Bella. He's really grown attached to that little girl.
Dylan: Yeah, which is why I don't mind doing the extra work.
Paul: Right. Right. What case are we talking about?
Dylan: [Chuckles] Paul, I know what you're -- I know what you're thinking, and this case does not involve Victor Newman.
Paul: Ah. That's good to hear.
Dylan: Yeah. I can top that. I actually saw Victor today at faith's birthday party, and, uh, we shook hands.
Paul: That's even better to hear. That's a gift to my ears. As far as work goes, though, go home. Spend some time with your wife and my grandchild. That's a direct order.
Dylan: Yes, sir. See you guys later.
Michael: Good night, Dylan.
Dylan: Good night.
Michael: And yet somehow, with all that good cheer and reassurance, he never did mention what case he was working on.
Paul: Yeah, you noticed that, did you? So did I. Dylan is very good at what he does. And sometimes it's very difficult for me to draw the line between being his boss and being his father.
Sharon: All right, little man. Must have been a bad dream if it woke you up. You know, mommy has bad dreams sometimes, too. But mommy can fix your bad dreams for you. You know what I have here? Mmm! Milk! Yeah! [Chuckles] There you go. Your sister is so tired out from her big party. That'll be you one day, too. Hmm. When you turn 1 year old, such a special day. But they're all special with you.
[Telephone rings]
Sharon: [Sighs] Just -- just stop it. Stop it. [Sighs]
Sully: [Babbles]
Sharon: Okay. I'm sorry, little guy. No one's gonna bother us anymore.
Phyllis: Okay. So, if you want to stuff me into a windowless, airless office where I don't have any room to turn around, that is not a problem. I can do that. And if you want to dump 6 pounds of work onto my desk when everybody else has gone home and you want that done by tomorrow morning, you've got it. Will do. But what you can't do is just walk away -- not if you want all of this done right. We need to work together. It's in jabot's best interest.
Jack: Well, you appear to have misunderstood your job description. We are not teaming up. This isn't the buddy system. I run this place. You have your job, per your request. That was our agreement. But work together? No. We have to end this joke of a marriage. We're not going to work together -- ever. You see, it's in jabot's best interests -- and mine -- never to trust you again.
Ashley: Now, as I recall, we were doubles partners against our hosts. You seemed really happy... even though we were losing love-40. No, seriously, I thought you fit in really beautifully -- the whole lifestyle, you know? Unless, of course, that was just an act to impress your boss.
Travis: [Exhales sharply] Not at first. It's pretty heady stuff, wall street -- the custom suits and the fat bonuses.
Ashley: Yeah.
Travis: I was living the dream.
Ashley: And then?
Travis: I just realized it wasn't my dream. None of it really matters -- not in the grand scheme of things. So I had to find something that did.
Ashley: And you ended up in Genoa city. How'd that happen?
Travis: I bought a bar...
Ashley: [Chuckles]
Travis: ...At first. And then, like you mentioned, Victoria. I came back for her.
Ashley: Yeah. My former sister-in-law.
Travis: You're Billy Abbott's sister?
Ashley: Yep -- Ashley...Abbott.
Travis: Hmm.
Ashley: Very small world.
Travis: Yep.
Victoria: My father hired Travis because he's his own man. He already walked away from Wall Street. You know what? Nobody controls Travis or pulls his strings.
Billy: Oh, no. But now he just happened to be in town, working for a little mom-and-pop operation called Newman Enterprises. He's a real maverick, Vick.
Victoria: He did not come back from Mexico for a job. He came back for me.
Billy: I'm sure he came back for you. And he just happened to get a corner office and lunch with the mustache as a bonus.
Victoria: And?
Billy: And you don't see the red flags in that? Come on.
Victoria: It's a job. That's it. Travis will be very good at it. He's not gonna suddenly become one of my fathers minions. He doesn't want or need anything.
Billy: I know -- just a paycheck and a new job title.
Victoria: None of that matters to him. He knows who he is and what he wants. That's one of the reasons why I love him.
Billy: What? Okay, what? Hold on a second. Did you just -- was that, uh... heat of the moment, or -- or, uh... did you mean to announce that you love this guy?
Dylan: Hey. I thought at least one of you would be asleep after, uh, faith's big party today.
Sharon: Yeah. Sully woke up. But that's okay. It's more time together.
Dylan: Really? He's usually down for the count unless he's a cutting tooth. Is that it? Don't tell me there was another hang-up. That's what woke him up? Sharon, I know you say these calls mean nothing, but this is ridiculous. You don't have to put up with it. We can change the number. If you don't want to change the number, we're gonna put a trace on it.
Sharon: Sully didn't wake up because of a phone call. It was a bad dream. Right, little guy? Anyway, I bet you're glad you're up now, 'cause you got to see daddy!
Dylan: Give me this little guy right here.
Sharon: [Chuckles] How was work?
Dylan: Work. It's over for the day. Now I just want to crash right here with my crew. Daddy's gonna make those monsters go away.
Sharon: Mm-hmm.
Dylan: Mm-hmm.
Sharon: Daddy can protect everyone.
Dylan: Can we do that? Huh? Let's make those bad dreams go away, buddy. [Smooches] Let's go.
Victoria: Now I'm headed home. You can feel free to stay and turn out the lights.
Billy: So, it was a mistake? Is that what you're saying? You didn't mean to say that you love him?
Victoria: Billy... why is this so important to you?
Billy: Because. Because we know what love is. We know the difference between "hot and heavy" and "real and lasting."
Victoria: Really? Which one did we have -- real and lasting? Because after two divorces, I'm really not so sure anymore.
Billy: Okay, Vick. I screwed up. I've admitted that, and we can go over the ways. We can list 'em. We can start in alphabetical order, or we can go by the date. But we were up against it from the get-go because of your father, because my last name is Abbott and your last name is Newman. I mean, if we compare it to Romeo and Juliet, hey, we're still alive.
Victoria: Yeah. That's really a ringing endorsement.
Billy: Come on. We had good days. Green beer and ring tattoos. And in the end, I let you down. Travis might do the same thing.
Victoria: That's true. He might. But I'm not gonna hide away from the world and never fall --
Billy: Never fall in love again? There you go, not using the "l" word.
Victoria: Billy, I invited Travis to move in to the home that I share with our children. This is important to me. It means something to me, and I know exactly what I want. Maybe you don't know what certainty looks like anymore... because of Phyllis. She didn't know what she wanted until it was too late.
Travis: Sometimes the right combination of buttons can bypass a bad switch, sometimes just some brute force.
Ashley: Yeah. Hmm. Is it my imagination, or are you a little anxious? It's certainly not because you're trapped in an elevator with an Abbott.
Travis: Why? You want to deck me on behalf of your brother Billy?
Ashley: [Laughs] No. I have learned the hard way. I stay out of my brother's love life. I leave that to his mother. But, honestly, this thing, this elevator -- it's crazy. I think it's reacting to all the bad vibes in the building. I've got my little brother and his ex, I've got my older brother and now his ex.
Travis: I have noticed that everyone seems to be obsessed with love lives in this town.
Ashley: Really? I think that's human nature. Don't you? I am not obsessed with people's love lives in general, I promise you.
Travis: Mm-hmm.
Ashley: I do have to wonder, though. I mean, eventually, I think the wrong two people are gonna get trapped in this thing, at some point.
Travis: You mean Victoria and Billy?
Ashley: I think it'd be fine.
Travis: Again, novel idea -- mechanic might help.
Ashley: Oh, I don't think a mechanic can help when it comes to fate.
Travis: I don't believe in fate.
Ashley: Really?
Travis: Mnh-mnh.
Ashley: What do you believe in?
Travis: Hard work. Honestly. And Victoria and me.
Ashley: [Gasps]
Travis: How 'bout that?
Ashley: Yeah, look at that. Well, it seems like you had the right words. Maybe this elevator's a romantic after all. Or maybe it was just your brute force.
Travis: Hey!
Ashley: Hi!
Victoria: Hi! Travis, I thought you left already.
Travis: I did, but the elevator conspired to bring me back to you.
Ashley: [Chuckles]
Jack: Far be it from me to tell you how to do your job, but if you want this finished by morning, you might want to get back to work.
Phyllis: Okay. I get it. You doubt my commitment.
Jack: Oh, now, why would I do that?
Phyllis: Okay. I understand your tone. I have earned it. But what I'm talking about is my commitment to this company, and if you do not trust working with me, well, then, you're tying my hands and you're not using my abilities to their fullest.
Jack: I don't give a flying fig about your abilities. I truly don't. I did not bring you back to jabot because we couldn't do without you. You made our divorce agreement contingent on your having a job, a paycheck -- with benefits. Well, you have that now. That doesn't mean I want you back, it doesn't mean I appreciate your contributions, and it doesn't mean I forgive you.
Phyllis: If you could just look at me like a real person and not a collection of mistakes, maybe we could sit down and discuss some of these projects.
Jack: What exactly is it you see the two of us sitting down, looking at these files, and I'm just dazzled by your intellect, reminded of your focus and fire? We'll get punchy drinking old coffee at midnight and laugh at dumb jokes? That is not going to happen. All of that died. You can't erase the past, no matter how much you try.
Phyllis: Our love is part of the past, jack. You can't just erase that.
Travis: Ashley and I were stuck between the floors. I guess it's not the first time this beast has done that.
Ashley: No. Travis doesn't think that the elevator's reacting to the bad vibes in the building or fate or curses, right? But, honestly, there's only so many times I want to wonder how much oxygen is actually left on that thing.
Victoria: That's terrifying. How long were you stuck?
Travis: A few minutes. And the elevator's not airtight, so I think we would have survived.
Ashley: I'm being a little overdramatic, clearly. All right. Well, anyway, it was nice to get reacquainted with you.
Travis: Yeah.
Victoria: Oh. You two know each other?
Travis: Yeah. Long story.
Ashley: Lots of fun being trapped with you, but, um, you know, let's not let it happen again anytime soon.
Travis: [Chuckles]
Ashley: See you both later.
Travis: All right. See you.
Victoria: Yeah.
Travis: Well, Ashley seems like a really nice person with a solid sense of humor. But she's an Abbott, so I guess I'm supposed to hate her, right?
Victoria: Oh, why? Because you have to kiss up to my father?
Travis: Your father pays my salary, but there's only one Newman I care to kiss.
Phyllis: What are you doing here?
Billy: I heard you got a new gig, and I wanted to see it for myself.
Phyllis: Yes. I am back, and I could not be happier.
Billy: It looks that way. That's a hell of a dress.
Phyllis: What about the dress?
Billy: It just doesn't look like you're here to crunch numbers. That's all.
Phyllis: You know, here's a hint -- do not comment on a woman's appearance at the office, all right? If you'll excuse me, I need to get my work done.
Billy: Right now? The place is a ghost town.
Phyllis: Yeah, I know. That's the way I prefer it -- no distractions, usually.
Billy: Oh. I'm a distraction now?
Phyllis: Billy, I don't want to say things that are gonna hurt you.
Billy: Oh, go ahead. It wouldn't be the first time today.
Phyllis: I need to get this done.
Billy: Don't pretend with me. You didn't pretend before. Why start now?
Phyllis: Really? See, I think that's all we did, was pretend. I was pretending to be at a business trip while I was at your house. We pretended that we did not have other obligations and commitments. We pretended that we had something real.
Billy: No, that was real.
Phyllis: Billy --
Billy: No, I know. You don't want to hurt my feelings, even though what we had wasn't real. Okay. Let me ask you a question. Is this real -- you here, working for jack, in his offices again? Or are you just hoping it's gonna magically put you two back together? Or maybe I'm wrong, Phyllis. Maybe you are pretending.
Dylan: And this little piggy had none, and this little piggy ordered a triple-decker sundae with cherries on top and whipped cream...
Sharon: [Laughs]
Dylan: ...And then brushed and flossed, and that's only because mom's listening. Shh.
Sharon: [Chuckles]
Dylan: Can you believe this? He's almost 1. It's been a whole year. I'm just sorry I missed the beginning. And, you know, the night you showed up, buddy, it was just you and your mom against the world, and I should have been there to protect both of you.
Sully: [Babbles]
Sharon: Sully knows his daddy loves him. And I know you love me.
Sully: [Babbling continues]
Sharon: This is all we need.
Patty: Hello, Dr. Anderson.
Dr. Anderson: [Sighs] You can't just barge in, patty.
Patty: Well, I just did, so I guess I can.
Dr. Anderson: Please leave.
Patty: Not until we have a chitty-chat about a wee little baby. Sharon wanted a baby, and you helped. You took sage and nick's baby. I have to tell them the truth. I do, doc. I'm gonna tell them.
Dr. Anderson: I'm sorry, patty, but you won't be telling anyone.
Patty: No, Doctor.
Dr. Anderson: [Gasps] No! Don't! Don't! Don't! Ugh!
Patty: [Gasps] [Crying]
Dylan: We are so blessed to have each other. I can't help thinking about what nick's lost and, you know, Chelsea having to raise Connor without Adam. I know -- okay. I'm sorry. No more talk, all right? No more bad dreams. It's just us. We're gonna focus on us -- this little family that we have together. [Smooches] Nobody's gonna take anything from us. Nobody.
Travis: Hey.
Victoria: Hi.
Travis: Kids down for the night?
Victoria: Yes. Peaceful and sprawled out in every direction.
Travis: All right. Well, I could use a drink.
Victoria: Yeah?
Travis: We'll need a bartender in the house. Oh, that's me.
Victoria: That's funny.
Travis: What's it gonna be, Tori -- a white wine, regular?
Victoria: Uh, no. How 'bout something new to celebrate your new job?
Travis: All right.
Victoria: So, what did you guys talk about?
Travis: Your father?
Victoria: No. You and Ashley. I mean, you were stuck in the elevator. I'm sure she was happy to talk to you about Billy and... how he can be his own worst enemy and --
Travis: Billy wasn't really a topic of conversation, and the fact that you two work together.
Victoria: Oh. So, then you just...caught up, talked about old times and stuff like that?
Travis: It's okay to ask, you know.
Victoria: What? Ask what?
Travis: What you want to know. How do I know Ashley Abbott?
Ashley: Hey.
Jack: Hey.
Ashley: I'm glad you texted me. I was gonna track you down sometime tonight.
Jack: To tell me what a jerk I am for letting Phyllis back in the door?
Ashley: How you decide to handle her outrageous demands is your business.
Jack: Oh. Then what you meant to say back at the office was you trust my judgment?
Ashley: What I meant to say is I want to throw her out on her butt, but instead, I left you in her clutches. I am sorry.
Jack: I'm not in anyone's clutches. Look, I'm trying to handle this divorce in the most expedient way possible. She wants a job? She's got a job. I want to keep my company, our company, the Abbotts'. She's not an Abbott anymore.
Ashley: Jack, it's not gonna be that simple or easy. You know that. It's a ploy on Phyllis' part. She's gonna work her way back into your life...
Jack: I know that. It's not gonna work.
Ashley: ...Piece by piece, day by day.
Jack: It's not there anymore.
Ashley: You've already admitted that you hate it.
Jack: Yes, as an irritation, as a bother.
Ashley: Can you see how maybe that will grow into an attraction?
Jack: Please give me a little bit of credit here. I am not naive about Phyllis' agenda. Give me her best shot. It's gonna fail. She's gonna fail. She already has, if she's willing to admit it to herself.
Phyllis: I don't mean to be rude, but I...need to get some work done.
Billy: How's this gonna work, Phyllis? You and jack face to face, working in the same offices? It's gonna get old for the both of you -- real quick.
Phyllis: Well, I don't go into a corner and hide.
Billy: Right, but you're not gonna give him his space, either.
Phyllis: Jack has an office, and I have my closet -- with a desk.
Billy: [Chuckles] See? You crack a joke like that, dressed like that, and it's just hard for me to not... but that's not gonna work on jack. He's not gonna be amused by that.
Phyllis: Yeah, well, he has made that clear.
Billy: So, why are you fighting a fight that you can't win?
Phyllis: Well, who says I can't win?
Billy: Rational thought.
Phyllis: We're not acquainted.
Billy: Well, don't expect me to wish you good luck, okay? I'm the definition of a sore loser, and I lost you.
Phyllis: I don't need luck. I need to do what I came here to do. So, please, let me get to work.
Sharon: Here we go. Night-night, daddy.
[Cell phone rings]
Sharon: Leave me alone, patty. Leave all of us alone. No more calls, gifts, or threats.
Patty: But I would never -- we're family, Sharon. You know what it's like to be locked up, away from the people you care about. I'm just lonely here. And of all people, I thought you would understand and want to help me.
Sharon: I cannot help you, patty. You are at Stonevale for a reason, and it won't go away. You need specialized care.
Patty: And why is that? Because I did something naughty? Dr. Sandy isn't going to tattle on you. You're welcome. You think because I'm in here, I can't tell anyone? One ringy-dingy is all it takes, Sharon.
Sharon: Okay, patty. I should not have raised my voice at you. But there's just nothing to tell. Patty, whatever you think you know, well, medications can make people feel very confused. I know. I've been through it.
Patty: Hey. I know what I know. And there was no bun in the oven. You weren't on the nest, you didn't hatch any eggs, and that baby you took wasn't yours. It isn't yours, Sharon, and it never will be yours.
Sharon: Stop it! Just leave me alone!
Dylan: Is it him again? Hey! Who the hell are you, and what do you want with my wife?
[Knock on door]
Michael: Hi. There you are.
Phyllis: Welcome to my domain.
Michael: Ooh. Wow. Uh... I had a mutt once -- ginger. Her crate was bigger than this.
Phyllis: Oh, maybe that's what this space needs -- an office dog. Make it a little more cozy.
Michael: If I were any more cozy, I'd be on your lap.
Phyllis: Ahh. I can work anywhere.
Michael: Hmm. This is an insult... to you and your abilities.
Phyllis: Oh, come on. I'm paying my dues, Michael.
Michael: Now, look... we could sue for constructive discharge and collect damages.
Phyllis: No. No, no, no. Jack thinks he is going to just scare me off, but I am not gonna run.
Michael: Listen to me. You agreed to a settlement that gives you nothing more but a paycheck and a glorified closet. Let me tell the judge we need more time to file. We can do better.
Phyllis: [Chuckles] Better than this? Michael... the work sucks. The workspace sucks even more. And I'm swimming in humiliation. But I'm here, where jack spends his days, and I bot a chance to prove to him how much I love him and how much he still loves me. Now, that's all I need... to get what I want, okay?
Jack: Time to head home. You, too.
Ashley: Jackie, an empty house is not the easiest place to be.
Jack: It's a whole lot easier than living a lie.
Ashley: I agree with that, but the purveyor of that lie is gonna be in the office tomorrow morning.
Jack: Oh, no, no, no. She's probably at the office right now, trying to prove how invaluable she is to all of us, how we can't live without her.
Ashley: Not us, jack -- you.
Jack: Yet here I am, living just fine without her. Good ni-- well, if it isn't my devoted brother, Billy. We were just talking about your paramour. She's back at jabot.
Billy: Yeah. I just saw her.
Jack: I guess you did. Well...you two are free to carry on, but that probably goes without saying. You know, nothing's standing in your way, not that anything ever did.
Billy: She doesn't want me, jack. She wants you. You know that. I know that. He's a terrible listener.
Ashley: Why don't you try listening to him for a change?
Billy: Because I've had enough self-righteous indignation. It all starts to sound like, "wah, wah, wah, wah, wah."
Ashley: Would you just shut up? Seriously. What you're hearing is the sound of people caring about you.
Billy: No. That is an annoying sound that people make when they want me to do what they want me to do... [Sighs] ...Like you and jack and my mother pushing me to be with Victoria. It's all the same sound.
Ashley: Oh, well, Victoria -- I think that ship has sailed. Yeah. I got a closer look at your competition today.
Billy: And what does that mean?
Ashley: Well, you know... I was trapped in an elevator earlier with, uh, Travis.
Billy: And let me guess -- you're a big fan, right, just like Victor and Victoria? Everybody loves this guy.
Travis: Turns out Ashley and I met one weekend in the Hamptons, and we played tennis, evidently.
Victoria: You're not sure?
Travis: [Sighs] A lot of those weekends came after 80-hour weeks, you know? Dinners, tennis matches -- it all kind of runs together. But, yeah, your former sister-in-law and I played mixed doubles.
Victoria: Oh.
Travis: Not that exciting, huh?
Victoria: That's really not that dramatic, no.
Travis: Okay. What's with the look?
Victoria: I don't know. I just find it interesting that I don't know that much about your life before I met you.
Travis: Sometimes... I'm not sure I had much of a life before you met.
Victoria: Oh, my goodness. Stop. I'm not saying that we have to know every sordid detail. I just -- you know, we're adults. We're have pasts. Honestly, I'm just a little curious about... how many women --
Travis: How many women I've been with?
Victoria: How many women you've loved. I don't know. Maybe that's too personal.
Travis: No. Hey, we live together. You trust me with your kids. I'm working for your father's company. I don't think there's anything that's too personal at this point.
Victoria: So?
Travis: So... how many women have I loved before? Just one.
Victoria: I don't mean to corner you into intimate confessions.
Travis: It's not that I don't talk about because it's something deep and private. I just don't think about it that much.
Victoria: Yeah, but if you were in love...
Travis: I'm not even sure if that's what it was. Maybe it's just something I told myself. Then it was over. And then I just drifted. More weekends, more parties, but it never really meant anything, you know? But then... it was Genoa city and a woman named Tori. And I know something now. This is real. This is what they mean. You walk in the room, and... I can't look away. I zip up your dress before dinner, and I unzip it when we get home, and I know how lucky I am. And I don't want that to ever go away.
Victoria: So, I guess you're attracted to me, huh?
Travis: Yeah. You could say that. But it's more than that. I'm in love with you. And I never want to stop saying that.
Victoria: Even if I don't say it back?
Travis: You let me in your home. You let me in your family. I'm not greedy. I don't need the words.
Victoria: Yeah, but words matter, too. I love you, Travis. I love you.
Ashley: Hold on a second, Billy. What makes you think that Victor's a fan?
Billy: Oh, you didn't hear? Oh, yeah. Travis is the newest employee at Newman enterprises, recruited by the man himself. So, you were in an elevator this whole time, and you didn't -- you didn't know that?
Ashley: Well, I mean, the fact that Victor wants to keep his eye on Travis isn't that surprising. It's a little shocking that Travis would agree to that. No, he didn't mention that to me, Billy.
Billy: Let me guess -- he was so friendly and casual and likable? Yeah. He comes across as a straight shooter, but let me tell you, there's a lot that he's not mentioning. Yeah.
Phyllis: I don't want any changes to the settlement. If you have to contact the judge, it is just to speed this along. I want to give jack everything he wants.
Michael: Which is a divorce from you, the woman who loves him enough that she's gonna plan to dissolve the marriage? Just saying it sounds absurd.
Phyllis: You know what? This is not the first time we've been to divorce court. Okay? We survived it. That made us stronger. It bonded us. We felt like we were more in love.
Michael: Phyllis, you don't think this time might be different?
Phyllis: Well, you know... I understand. Jack wants to wipe that slate clean. I get it. But what connected us at one point -- one day, he's gonna look at me, and he's gonna see all of the love right there. That's never gonna go away. I know what you're thinking.
Michael: [Chuckles]
Phyllis: You're thinking I'm delusional, that I'm kidding myself. And I've heard it before, my friend.
Michael: [Laughing] You're something else. [Laughs] All right. [Clears throat] Nobody knows jack better than you, and nobody is as stubborn as you. So, maybe, between those two things, you might just pull it off.
Dylan: I want to know who you are and why you're harassing my wife. What do you want? Oh, now you're not gonna talk? Well, I'm a cop, and this is your only warning. Don't ever bother my wife again, or I'm gonna -- he's gone.
Sharon: Ohh. Well, bullies always back down when they're up against authority, so that should be the end of it.
Dylan: Well, first it's the land line, and now it's the cell phone. This is not just a prank, Sharon. This is harassment. And I'm not gonna let the person just walk away, okay? I'm gonna find out who's calling you and why. Come on. Let's go.
Sharon: Um, I'll be up in a minute. Be right there.
Dylan: Okay.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Abby: Maybe you should close the door.
Dylan: I'll get the warrant from Judge Ramsey, and I'll be right there to see what you got.
Paul: This sounds like something that you should fill me in on.
Patty: I was wondering when you'd get here. I just knew it wouldn't take you very long.
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