Y&R Transcript Thursday 9/29/16
Provided By Suzanne
Mariah: More balloons, or do you think we're good?
Dylan: More balloons? More balloons and we're gonna float away.
Mariah: That is a solid point. I hope the little squirt appreciates this, because I have about a thousand papercuts from tying ribbon.
Dylan: Can you help me hang this?
Mariah: Yeah, yeah. Of course.
Dylan: Okay. Thanks.
Mariah: So, did you take the day off work? Uh, actually, I'm gonna go in after the party.
Mariah: Big investigation to get back to?
Dylan: Yeah, you know, something like that.
Mariah: So, how does that work, anyway -- investigating people? Are there certain, like, tells or signs that you look for?
Dylan: Mariah...
Mariah: What?
Dylan: [Sighs] ...If there's something you want to ask me, just ask.
Chelsea: I mean, how psyched is this birthday girl gonna be?
Chloe: It is so awesome. Hey, I think that maybe you should start a kids' line.
Chelsea: Maybe... someday, when things come close to approaching normal again.
Chloe: Hey, look... if you don't want to go to the party, I can just drop the dress off.
Chelsea: No. No. It's okay. I promised faith I would be there. Plus nick has done so much for Connor lately, you know, I just want to return the favor. What?
Chloe: No. No. It's nothing, really.
Chelsea: Chloe, what?
Chloe: I just -- I get that maybe you see it that way, but -- I don't know -- do you get the feeling that maybe Sharon doesn't?
Chelsea: I have no idea what you're talking about.
Chloe: Faith made it sound like Sharon wants nick to spend time with you and Connor. It's like she's pushing the two of you together.
Chelsea: That's ridiculous. Nick and I are friends, period.
Nick: Well, where is the birthday girl?
Sharon: She's upstairs, picking out hair accessories.
Nick: Ooh, accessories? You think she needs my expertise?
Sharon: Uh, nope. I think she'll manage.
Nick: Her loss.
Sharon: [Chuckles] Whatever she chooses, it's gonna have to be pretty spectacular to go with her new dress.
Nick: Yeah. Chelsea really outdid herself.
Sharon: You know, it was so incredibly thoughtful and generous. Faith is so lucky to have her in her life.
Nick: You know, after everything Chelsea's been through, she went above and beyond for our little girl.
Sharon: I know it's a small thanks, but I hope she comes today to celebrate.
Nick: Chelsea? Uh, yeah. That's the plan.
Sharon: Great. I think this party will be just what everyone needs.
[Knock on door]
Victor: Hi, sweetheart.
Nikki: Hi.
Victor: What brings you by?
Nikki: Uh, well, I was hoping you would be ready. We don't want to be late to our granddaughter's birthday party.
Victor: Oh, I'd totally forgotten. Damn. Do you think there's a way that you and I can have a private party, just you and faith and me?
Nikki: No. No.
Victor: Why?
Nikki: No! You have known about this for weeks. Everybody is taking time out of their busy days to go, including Victoria and Nicholas.
Victor: Oh, boy. Full of people there?
Nikki: Yep. It's a party.
Victor: Okay. All right. You win.
Nikki: I do?
Victor: Yeah. Family comes first.
Nikki: Whew! Well, I've heard you say that many times, but I think this is a first.
Victor: What do you mean, "this is a first"? How many birthday parties have you and I been to? How many birthday parties have I been singing that song at? Huh? Hundreds? Thousands of times?
Nikki: Oh. Well, okay. All right. All right. I will admit that you have been to more than you have missed.
Victor: Well, thank you. Okay.
Nikki: Sorry.
Victor: So, is Victoria coming with that new boyfriend of hers?
Nikki: Well, I assume she is, seeing as they're living together now, but I don't want you to give her any grief about that decision, all right? She is a grown woman.
Victor: I kind of like that guy. I think he's good for her.
Nikki: Okay. What are you up to?
Victor: What do you mean, what am I up to?
Nikki: What are you up to?
Victor: About what?
Victoria: No. Uh...no.
Cane: You don't seem to be too interested in those layouts. You have somewhere you need to be?
Travis: Come on, guys. Hey.
Victoria: Wow! You look, um...
Travis: Interesting?
Victoria: [Chuckles] Did you have a rough morning?
Travis: Getting these two dressed and in the car is harder than any deal I ever closed on wall street.
Victoria: Well, um, they're here, and they're not naked, so that's a win in my book.
Travis: Really?
Victoria: Yeah! Look at them. Thank you.
Travis: You're welcome.
[Both chuckle]
Lily: Is this for real?
Hilary: Uh-oh. Look at lily, frothing at the mouth again.
Lily: So, you're working for "GC buzz" now?
Hilary: Well, I'm writing and co-producing and I'm hosting, so I think that's a yes.
Lily: And you're okay with this, even though she used this company to destroy our family?
Devon: Yeah, 'cause that was a lifetime ago. Yeah.
Hilary: I've come a long way since then.
Lily: Yeah, you're right. You're more devious than ever. You're just better at hiding it now.
Devon: Hey.
Lily: And 30 minutes of uninterrupted air time? Please, god, help us all.
Hilary: Especially you.
Lily: So, who's gonna be your next victim, Hilary?
Victor: I can't keep up with you.
Nikki: Well, try.
Victor: Sweetheart, first you tell me that I should accept Victoria's choice, and when I do, you chastise me.
Nikki: No, no, no. Don't get me wrong. I am thrilled that you have changed your tune about Victoria's new boyfriend, Travis, if that indeed is what's going on. I shouldn't be suspicious, though, that you also quickly change your mind about going to faith's birthday?
Victor: Because you asked me to come to the party. That's why.
Nikki: And then you suddenly have this amazing change of heart about Travis. Less than a month ago, you accosted him in our living room.
Victor: We had a rocky start. Meanwhile, I've met him a few times, and he seems shrewd and has a mind of his own and has a backbone -- all the qualities Billy Abbott misses. Even offered the boy a job at Newman.
Nikki: Oh, you did? Travis?
Victor: He turned me down flat.
Nikki: And you're disappointed?
Victor: Oh, no, no, no, no. In fact, I expected it, you know? He's not someone who jumps at the first offer. In fact, he may change his mind by the time we get to the party.
Nikki: Victor Newman, don't you dare turn faith's day into a recruitment opportunity.
Victor: What?
Nikki: This day is about our granddaughter and not business.
Victor: Sweetheart, you know how much I love that girl. Don't you worry about a thing, okay?
Victoria: Are you guys ready? We're gonna go to faith's birthday party, and, um, I'll come back to work after that.
Billy: Okay. Sounds good. All right. Give me a kiss. Bye-bye. [Smooches] Have fun at the birthday party. Don't each too much cake. Actually, you know what? On second thought, eat as much as you want. Really get it in there.
Travis: You can manage that, right, guys? Yeah?
Victoria: Let's go.
Travis: Okay. You ready?
Billy: See ya.
Travis: See you guys.
Cane: See ya.
Billy: All right. [Clears throat] Let's get back to work.
Cane: You're seriously not okay with it, are you?
Faith: Which one?
Nick: Doesn't need my expertise? I mean, really? It's that one -- so easy. Never been more confident.
Faith: Mommy? What do you think?
Sharon: You know, I like them both, but I might go with the other one.
Nick: Wrong!
Sharon: Oh!
Nick: Oh! The deciding vote.
Chelsea: What?
Nick: Trying to pick between headbands, and your vote will decide it.
Chelsea: Oh, all right. Let's see. Definitely that one, for sure.
Nick: Ahh! Told you. Fist bump.
Sharon: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay.
Faith: Is that my dress?
Chelsea: It sure is.
Faith: Ooh-wee!
Sharon: I think she's pretty excited.
Faith: Isn't Chelsea the best?
Nick: Eh, I mean...
Chelsea: Nice. [Chuckles]
Faith: Can I put it on?
Sharon: Yeah! Of course!
Chelsea: Do you need any help?
Sharon: Um, you've done enough. I think I can get the belle of the ball into her gown.
Faith: Eee!
Nick: You know, you really are the best. I mean, what little girl gets an original Chelsea 2.0 for her birthday?
Chelsea: Oh, it's nothing. I was happy to do it. I never really had birthday celebrations when I was younger, so...
Nick: Really?
Chelsea: Yeah. My mom would sneak me into some other little girl's pizza party and pretend it was mine.
Nick: Wow. That really sucks.
Chelsea: [Chuckles] It's -- it's fine. It's totally forgotten. Well, no, it's like almost totally forgotten, I think.
Nick: Well, you know, if you need any help with Connor's birthday, I would love to help. I would pull out all the stops.
Chelsea: Really?
Nick: Do, like, paintball, zip line. Actually, that's starting to sound like a party for me, but for him, I could dress up like a dinosaur.
Chelsea: Now, that I would love to see.
Nick: Well, you might. [Chuckles]
Dylan: Well, look, you don't have to talk about it if you don't want to.
Mariah: No. I could actually use your help.
Dylan: Okay. With what?
Mariah: With Chloe. Something's off with her, and I'm worried about Kevin.
Dylan: Define "off."
Mariah: I don't know. "Off" is just something people say when they get a feeling, detective.
Dylan: Well, I trust your instincts, and you should, too, so go ahead.
Mariah: Look, I-I certainly don't have any proof, but -- I don't know -- things just don't add up with her. She has contradicting stories about Bella's father, and then she did this whole 180 with Kevin. She went from not wanting anything to do with him, practically pushing me towards him... to, "just kidding! Let's date!" I mean, it's like a flip switched in her.
Dylan: When did you notice the change?
Mariah: A few weeks ago, I think, after Adam died.
Dylan: Really? What, so maybe a month?
Mariah: Yeah. Exactly. And I can't help the feeling that she's hiding something. And, normally, I would stay out of it, it'd be none of my business, but, "a," Kevin's feelings stand to get hurt, and, "b," this is Chloe. I mean, wasn't it just a year ago that she tried to run Adam down with her car? And now she's all Zen and full of forgiveness, living in his house with his wife and his kid? I mean...it just doesn't add up.
Dylan: Yeah. I --
Kevin: Hey! Everybody ready to party?
Sharon: Ladies and gentlemen, I present you with the sweetest, the kindest, and the prettiest little girl in the whole wide world -- miss faith Newman!
[Cheers and applause]
Chelsea: Beautiful!
Faith: Do you like it?
Nick: You are the prettiest thing that I have ever seen.
Faith: Thanks, daddy. And thank you so much, Chelsea. It's the best dress ever.
Chelsea: Oh, you are so welcome, faith.
Faith: [Chuckles] I love it!
Victoria: So, where's the guest of honor?
Travis: Out on the patio with the rest of the kids. It's game central out there.
Victoria: Oh.
Travis: Johnny and Kate are in line for the piņata.
Victoria: Alone?!
Travis: Oh. Unsupervised toddlers with sticks a bad idea?
Nick: We got sitters watching everyone to control the chaos, so just sit back and relax and have some fun.
Victoria: Okay. I guess this is the best party ever.
Nick: Well, this is nothing. I mean, this is just for family and close friends. Next week I'm taking her entire class out to an apple orchard and just lettin' 'em at it, just picking a million apples.
Victoria: Wow. You are crazy.
Nick: [Chuckles] Uh, all right. I got to make some rounds. Get some punch and just, you know, keep it real, you two.
Victoria: Thanks.
Chloe: Hey.
Nick: Hey, guys. Thanks for coming.
Kevin: Are you kidding? We wouldn't miss it.
Chloe: So, how does the dress look?
Nick: You haven't seen it?
Chloe: Well, no, I haven't seen it on the birthday girl yet.
Nick: She is out on the patio. You better go check it out.
Chloe: Ooh!
Victor: Hi, sweetheart.
Chloe: I'm gonna go check it out.
Victor: Huh? I'm gonna write it in. Yeah.
Chloe: It looks so cute.
Faith: [Chuckles]
Victor: Sweetheart, why don't you join your friends, okay?
Faith: Okay.
Chloe: Dylan's backed off the investigation.
Victor: Yeah, well, you know, that's what a restraining order does. So, I no longer need updates from you. That means... you can disappear.
Dylan: I sure hope this party doesn't end up with somebody under arrest.
Devon: You are very out of line.
Lily: Am I?
Devon: Yes, you are, and if you'll let me speak for a second, I'll tell you why.
Lily: Please tell me how this is appropriate in any way.
Devon: Because this, for starters, is my idea.
Lily: Which part?
Devon: All the parts -- buying the company, making her the face of it, everything.
Lily: Why?
Devon: 'Cause, ultimately, we want to change the way that
GC buzz operates.
Hilary: Seriously, lily. We want to protect the people that we care about, not cause more pain.
Lily: Even if that is the case, it doesn't terrify you that she has this huge weapon at her disposal?
Devon: No, because my wife and I are on the same page, and I think you will be, too, if you tune in. Our first show is today.
Hilary: Yeah. I think you'll be hooked.
Chloe: That's one way to welcome your guests -- threaten to arrest them? [Chuckles]
Dylan: Well, no. I was talking about me. Thanks to victor's restraining order, we're not supposed to be within 100 yards of each other.
Victor: Well, I wouldn't let that ruin my granddaughter's special day. So I suggest we let bygones be bygones.
Dylan: Yeah, let's do that. Let's put it all behind us.
Sharon: Did someone slip hallucinogens into the punch?
Nikki: I haven't had any yet, but I am seeing what you're seeing.
Sharon: Wow!
Nikki: Maybe it's a step in the right direction.
Sharon: I'd like to believe that.
Nikki: You know, speaking of things that are unbelievable, I hear that sully is walking?
Sharon: Yeah! Just a few wobbly steps, but he's getting there.
Nikki: I can't believe it. I think he's the earliest of all of the grandchildren. And he is so big. I mean, he's not even gonna be 1 until the end of November. It's incredible!
Sharon: Yeah. It's incredible, yeah.
Victor: Why, Travis, I'm glad you showed up.
Travis: Thanks. Me, too.
Nikki: Well, victor can't wait to sing "happy birthday" to his granddaughter.
Victor: Oh, yeah. But these are the sacrifices one makes as a grandparent.
Nikki: [Chuckles]
Victor: Do you know that I am known for singing "happy birthday"...
Travis: Is that right?
Victor: ...At my grandchildren's parties? You know that?
Happy birthday to you
Nikki: [Laughs]
Travis: [Laughs]
Victor: Happy birthday to you after a tequila, then I really start singing.
Travis: Okay.
Victor: Yes.
Travis: Well, this is a side of victor Newman I did not expect to see.
Nikki: Well, you know what? Even a shark can't always be on the attack. [Chuckles]
Victor: [Chuckles] Talking about sharks, I think as we speak, jack Abbott is probably coming at me with both guns blazing, trying to take over my company.
Travis: I see. So, load up with some fresh blood and fend off the attack. That would explain your generous offer to me.
Victor: Yes, my boy. Talking about that offer, are you still mulling it over, or --
Nikki: Excuse me. Remember what I said about talking business about this party? I don't think that's what he's here for.
Victor: You know, I think Travis is old enough to make up his own mind whether he enjoys the party or not, or business talk, for that matter, right, Travis? Hold on for one second. I'm getting a call, just in the nick of time. One second.
Travis: Want to go have some fun?
Nikki: Sure. [Laughs] What's out here? More fun?
Travis: Games.
Nikki: Oh!
Nick: Hey. What's up with dad and Travis?
Victoria: Well, it's possible that he might like him.
Nick: Hmm. I don't know. Be careful. You know dad always has an agenda.
Victoria: You know, you sound an awful lot like Billy.
Billy: I got to say, Vicki missed the mark when she tossed these aside.
Cane: Yep... because she was focused on her hot date with her boyfriend and your kids.
Billy: She can date whoever she wants. It's her business.
Cane: Okay. You do realize that this guy is making their breakfast and brushing their hair and cleaning their teeth every morning.
Billy: Yeah. So what?
Cane: So what? When Joe Clark took Charlie to a flag-football game, I almost lost my mind, and that is not even close to what has happened here, Billy.
Billy: No, you're right. It's not even close, because Victoria and I are divorced. You were still married to lily when she was sleeping with Joe.
Cane: Marital status has nothing to do with this. You have another man who's playing daddy to your kids, and you don't even seem to care.
Billy: Well, I guess I'm not as insecure as you. You'll have to work on that.
Lily: Hey. Sorry to interrupt, but you will not believe what Hilary is up to.
Travis: Oh, yeah. That is definitely your look.
Nikki: You like?
Travis: Mm-hmm.
Nikki: [Laughs]
Travis: I'd save you from a castle any day.
Nikki: Oh, I just might take you up on that.
Travis: Yeah?
Kevin: Are you thinking what I'm thinking?
Chloe: Uh, photo op.
Movin' to the funky sound spin the record 'round and 'round jammin' till the break of dawn chick-a tock-a tock-A. Rockin' when the sun goes down feel the groove all over town jammin' till the break of dawn you know the party's on you know the party's on we're gonna do it you know the party's on
Sharon: To our wonderful, sweet, caring, hilarious...
Nick: Dancing queen of a daughter.
Sharon: You have the biggest heart in the whole wide world.
Nick: And your nail-polish skills are insane. You should see my toes right now.
Kevin: Prove it. Prove it. Take your shoes off.
Nick: Uh, you just watch your mouth over there.
Sharon: We love you more than words can say. Happy birthday, faith. Cheers!
Nick: To a million more.
Sharon: Yay!
Nick: I love you. Mwah!
[Cheers and applause]
Nick: Cheers! Okay. Well... that's it. Party's over. Uh, let's wrap this up.
Dylan: All right.
Faith: Dad!
Nick: What? We didn't forget anything. That's it. It's closing time. Grab your jackets.
Faith: The cake!
Nick: Ohhh, the cake! I didn't. Did you --
Sharon: Uh, no. I-I didn't. Um, Dylan?
Dylan: Totally spaced.
Nick: Oh, man. Maybe we can find, like, a brownie or a doughnut or something. I don't know.
Faith: Guys, look!
Victor: Happy...
All: Birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday, dear faith happy birthday to you
Sharon: Okay. Make a wish.
[Cheers and applause]
Kevin: Well, I guess I should add kids' birthday parties to my list of dating venues.
Chloe: Yeah, right.
Kevin: I wasn't sure this would be your jam.
Chloe: No, this was great. This is exactly what I needed. Thank you so much for inviting me.
Kevin: Well, thank you for saying yes.
Dylan: Chelsea looks happy.
Kevin: Yeah. It's good to see, isn't it?
Dylan: It's thanks to you.
Chloe: Me?
Dylan: You've really stood by her since the night Adam died.
Chloe: I think the credit really goes to nick. He's been so amazing through all this.
Nick: I mean, this is hands-down the best part of any party -- cake.
Chelsea: Oh, it's so true. Thank you for inviting us. Connor and I are having a really nice time.
Nick: I'm glad.
Chelsea: [Sighs] And I'm -- I'm sorry that I overreacted before... pushing you away. It's just -- it's just been so hard.
Nick: After I lost sage, it was crazy. I mean, one minute I'd feel like I was sailing along. The next I'd just start railing at everyone.
Chelsea: It's quite the roller coaster.
Nick: Yeah. Well, I'll tell you this -- it does get easier.
Chelsea: Promise?
Nick: I promise.
Chelsea: Are your toes really painted?
Nick: Hot pink.
[Both chuckle]
Chloe: Hey, Mariah.
Mariah: Hi.
Chloe: Um, can I talk to you for a sec?
Mariah: Uh, you know, I'm kind of busy.
Chloe: [Chuckles] Mariah, please. I, um... I just want to clear the air.
Mariah: I wasn't aware the air needed clearing.
Chloe: I mean, it's very obvious that you still have feelings for Kevin, and if you and I are gonna continue to work together, I think that, uh, you know, we just need to figure this out.
Mariah: You want to know what I'm feeling?
Chloe: Yeah.
Mariah: I'm pissed. Kevin is my best friend, and I can't stand sitting back and watching him get used.
Cane: Devon bought GC buzz?
Lily: Yeah -- the show, the website, everything. And Hilary is the new spokesdemon. Devon's saying it's his idea, but this reeks of Hilary.
Billy: So, what's the big deal, exactly?
Cane: Yeah. I thought you and Hilary made peace when she stepped off Neil the way she did.
Lily: We did, but what if this was her plan all along -- to get us to lower our guard so that she could go after the big prize?
Billy: Didn't Devon say that he was gonna change the concept of GC buzz and it was gonna be more about protecting people now?
Lily: That is not Hilary's M.O. She's gonna use this platform to settle every grudge she's ever had. And you should be worried especially, given recent events.
Billy: What do you mean? What did I do? Oh, yeah -- that.
Lily: Well, I'm just trying to be sensitive.
Billy: I appreciate that.
Lily: I think it should be starting now, so brace yourselves.
Billy: [Sighs]
Hilary: Ugh. I'm nervous.
Devon: Nothing to be nervous about.
Hilary: I hope editing was kind. I hope they didn't make me look bad.
Devon: Your looking bad is impossible, okay?
Hilary: Welcome to "GC buzz TV." I am your host, Hilary Hamilton. Today, the supercouple that everyone is talking about but very few people really know -- jack and Phyllis Abbott.
Chloe: Whoa, whoa, whoa. You can't just say something like that to me and then just walk away. I'm using Kevin?
Mariah: What would you call it?
Chloe: Not that!
Mariah: A few weeks ago, you guys were ancient history, right? At least that's what you told me when you were shoving me towards him. And now you guys are all lovey-dovey. You're going on dates.
Chloe: We are not lovey-dovey.
Mariah: What changed?
Chloe: Kevin and I have a very complicated history, okay? And... I have feelings, and I didn't know what they were exactly, and I needed to stuff them, and it just -- it didn't work.
Mariah: Apparently not.
Chloe: Listen, I am sorry that you feel like you were sideswiped. But the last time that you and I talked about this, you said that you didn't have any feelings for Kevin, and if that's changed, it's fine. It's totally legal.
Mariah: You know what? I don't need to deal with this, and I really don't need to deal with you.
Chloe: You're being so immature about this.
Mariah: Do you want to know what's immature? Smashing somebody over the head with a bottle and never apologizing.
Chloe: So you're still upset about that?
Mariah: [Laughing] Yes!
Chloe: I don't know what to say. I just -- if we're gonna work with each other, I think that we need to figure out a way to get past this.
Mariah: You know what? We don't, because I quit.
Chelsea: Wait. What?
Chloe: I --
Mariah: All right! Time for presents!
Chelsea: Uh, Mariah?
Mariah: Everybody gather 'round!
Nick: Okay.
Sharon: Oh. Maybe we should open them all when we get home.
Victor: Well, no. I would like to give faith this one.
Nikki: Mm. It's just what every girl wishes for -- stock.
Faith: That?
Victor: Yes -- shares from our family company.
Faith: That's cool!
Nikki and victor: [Laugh]
Nikki: Well, honey, it's not your only present. She is on her way to the ranch...
Victor: Uh-huh.
Nikki: ...From her farm.
Victor: Uh-huh.
Faith: You got me a pony?! Ohhh!
Nikki: Grandpa picked her out just for you.
Nick: Now, that's what every girl wishes for.
Victor: Come here, sweetheart. Come here.
Faith: Thank you, grandpa! Thank you!
Victor: And she's as pretty as you are. You know that?
Faith: Thank you!
Victor: She's a beaut of a pony!
Kevin: Hey.
Mariah: Hey. That was, uh, quite the whirlwind, right?
Kevin: Yeah, especially the part where you quit your job. What was that about?
Mariah: Um... the fashion world doesn't suit me, clearly.
Kevin: I thought you liked working there.
Mariah: Not anymore. Can we drop it?
Kevin: No. Is this a jealousy thing?
Mariah: What?
Kevin: Because of me and Chloe?
Mariah: No. It's a personality thing. I don't like people who lie to my friends.
Kevin: Chloe is not lying.
Mariah: Yes, she is, and if you opened your eyes, you would see that.
Kevin: Okay. What is she lying about?
Mariah: I don't know, Kevin, but it's something. I'm positive.
Kevin: I want to appreciate what you're doing, okay? I know you're looking out for me, but I don't need protection from Chloe. We're in a good place.
Mariah: Great. I am so happy that you guys are in a good place. Don't say I didn't warn you.
Hilary: You've seen them portrayed as stereotypes, even on this very show, but I know a thing or two about stereotypes, and jack and Phyllis Abbott -- they are not bullies or victims. She is not a greedy slut, and he's not a vengeful husband. They're people. They are a couple who is going through a very painful and public humiliation -- one that would humble the best of us. So, if anyone needs their privacy right now, it's them. So, sure, we could follow their every move. We could dig through their garbage. We could do our fair share of speculating. But what would you want if it was your marriage? I know what I would want. I know what I wanted when my life became a tabloid sensation -- time. So, that is what this show is going to give the Abbotts. We're gonna give them time -- time to figure out what's best for them.
Cane: That wasn't the bloodbath we expected. She didn't go for the jugular once.
Billy: And my jugular was out there for the taking.
Cane: She was fair and, dare I say, kind.
Lily: Yeah. That's what's so suspicious.
Billy: Come on. Let's be honest. She did a good job. I tried to start a TV show, and "restless style" wasn't half that good. More power to 'em.
Lily: The last thing Hilary needs is more power.
Hilary: Don't get me wrong. If there's a story that needs to be told, we will tell it. But we won't invent one, and we won't profit from people's misery. We will poke fun at those who deserve it. We will "ooh" and "ahh" at those who fascinate and thrill us. And we will dig up plenty of juicy dirt. Sound like a plan? Well, it does to me. Thank you for watching. I am your host, Hilary Hamilton, and I hope that you will join me on this journey.
Devon: Wow. Wow. [Chuckles]
Hilary: So...
Devon: Ha!
Hilary: ...What did you think?
Devon: What did I think? I thought you were passionate, convincing.
Hilary: Uh-huh.
Devon: I thought you were thoughtful... and dynamic.
Hilary: Mm.
Devon: And you looked incredible -- damn near perfect, if you ask me.
Hilary: Near?
Devon: Well... that's -- that's perfect right there. But you know in my new line of work, I have to worry about censors and standards and practices and all that.
Hilary: What would your censors say about... this?
Devon: Huh. I'm not sure what they would say about that, but I do know that I have never made love to a TV star before.
Hilary: Well, I guess there's a first time for everything.
Devon: Is that right?
Hilary: [Laughs]
Devon: [Chuckles]
Victoria: So, did you tell Hannah no more desserts for the rest of the day?
Travis: Yeah. She got the memo. It's fruits and veggies the rest of the day.
Victoria: Okay. Thank you.
Travis: Yeah.
Nikki: This was really so much fun, seeing faith so happy. It really made my day.
Victor: Made my year.
Victoria: Mm-hmm.
Travis: You have a beautiful family, victor.
Victor: Thank you.
Travis: Especially this one.
Victoria: Ohh.
[Cell phone rings]
Victoria: I'm so sorry. It's work.
Travis: Okay.
Victor: Take your time, sweetheart.
Nikki: It's okay. Actually, I will take this opportunity to go to the ladies' room, and...
Victor: All right.
Nikki: ...You can finally conduct that business you've been itching to do.
Victor: I intend to do that. Okay.
Nikki: Excuse me.
Travis: She doesn't pull any punches, does she?
Victor: Neither do I, Travis, so let me put this on the table for you. I have a lot of divisions under the Newman umbrella. There must be one that piques your interest.
Travis: Well, working under a bunch of execs in a publicly traded company doesn't really give you room to fly.
Victor: You'd be working for me in the private sector. The sky is the limit. You will not get a better offer -- certainly not from chancellor.
Travis: I don't know. I think if I pit the offers against each other, I could get Jill to up hers.
Victor: You want to work for the best... and that's Newman.
Faith: [Sighs] We barely left the parking lot before Connor fell asleep.
Chelsea: I know. I think your party totally tired him out. Ohh! It's a good thing your dad is here to help carry him upstairs. Connor's just getting heavier and heavier.
Faith: He's growing up.
Chelsea: He is growing up, and too fast -- like you. When did you get so big? I'd ask you if you had fun today, but it's written all over your face.
Faith: The party was perfect from start to finish. I even got my birthday wish.
Chelsea: You did?
Faith: I guess I can tell you since it already came true. Daddy's happy again.
Chelsea: Oh, that's what you wished for?
Faith: And I think maybe mommy is right. I think it's because of you.
Dylan: Phew! Sully's down for the count.
Sharon: Mm. I bet. This was a really big day for him.
Dylan: The kid is a party animal. That's for sure.
Sharon: [Chuckles] Are you, uh, going to the station?
Dylan: Yeah.
Sharon: Okay. Thanks for all your help with the decorations and closing the coffeehouse.
Dylan: You know I would do anything for you guys.
Sharon: Even put up with victor as one of your guests?
Dylan: Let's just say today gave me some new perspective on things.
[Telephone rings]
Dylan: Hello? Hello? Another wrong number. That's been happening a lot lately.
Nick: Just so you know, Connor mumbled something about more cake before he fell asleep.
Chelsea: Ah, yeah. That kid has a sweet tooth like you wouldn't believe.
Faith: Just like me!
Nick: You ready to go, birthday girl?
Faith: Mm-hmm.
Nick: I just want to thank you, uh, for today, and it's not just the dress, you know? The party wouldn't have been the same without you there. So, thanks.
Chelsea: Mm-hmm.
Faith: Bye, Chelsea.
Chelsea: Bye. Happy birthday, faith!
Faith: Thanks!
Kevin: Bella finally calmed down?
Chloe: Ohh. Finally. But, I swear, I think I need an arm replacement from pushing the stroller back and forth for so long.
Kevin: Replace a whole arm? Will you settle for a massage?
Chloe: Ohh. That is so much more practical. Hey, um... I think we should talk about hurricane Mariah spinning out of control. What was that about?
Kevin: I'm not sure.
Chloe: You're not sure or you don't want to tell me?
Kevin: Maybe both.
Chloe: She was really angry, Kevin, and...it just -- [Scoffs, chuckles] It, uh -- it makes me wonder, you know, if there's more between you two that you're not letting on.
Kevin: No.
Chloe: You're positive?
Kevin: I have been nothing but honest with you. Mariah and I gave dating a shot. It crashed and burned, so we stuck to being friends.
Chloe: She's so angry. What is she angry about?
Kevin: Mariah's stubborn. She has trouble letting go of things.
Chloe: What things?
Kevin: Who knows with her?
Chloe: But you know, obviously, Kevin. Why won't you just tell me, please? Okay. Well, so much for being honest with each other.
Kevin: Mariah thinks you're hiding something... about Bella's dad.
Victoria: [Sighs] Don't even say it.
Billy: What, 'cause your boyfriend's getting in deep with daddy dearest like I predicted? Now, why would I say such a thing?
Victoria: Leave it alone, Billy.
Billy: Look at them, Vick.
Victoria: I am. Do you know what I see? I see two adults getting along -- something that you could never manage.
Nikki: Oh, my.
Victor: There you are.
Nikki: This day has taken more of a toll on me than I thought.
Victor: Our business has been concluded. Are you ready to go home?
Nikki: Well, let me guess. Welcome to Newman enterprises, Travis.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Nick: Whatever hints you're dropping and whatever seeds you're trying to plant, it ends now.
Victoria: You turned my father down. You told him that you aren't interested in working with him. So what changed?
Michael: She's willing to give you the divorce, free and clear. There is one condition.
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