Y&R Transcript Tuesday 9/27/16

Y&R Transcript Tuesday 9/27/16


Provided By Suzanne

Lily: I like the way her hair is flowing. It's very sexy.

Cane: Yeah, and the setting is a, uh, green screen.

Lily: Green -- yeah.

Cane: Exactly. So we can change the background if you want, you know, from the bow of a ship to a castle, beach, you know, whatever we want.

Lily: I love when you talk about work. It's so sexy.

Cane: Yeah?

Lily: I wish I was at the shoot so that I could have been very wifely, make sure that model didn't get any ideas.

Cane: Well, let me tell you one thing, all right? You can come to any shoot you want.

Lily: [Chuckles]

Cane: And when she looks in my eyes, she knows I'm in love with my wife.

Lily: Mm-hmm. Good answer.

Cane: So, what do you think about the setting? What do you think we should do?

Lily: I mean, I think just go for it, you know? Try different backgrounds and don't move on from this setup until you get what you want.

Cane: Okay.

Billy: What's going on?

Cane: I'm just getting a woman's take on the commercial.

Billy: Well, that's great, but isn't that Victoria's job?

[Water running]

Victoria: Oh, my goodness. Oh, listen, do not leave the sink a mess. It's a thing for me. Just fair warning.

Travis: Do not stand that close to me looking like that. It's a thing for me.

Victoria: I like you. You're cute. But I'm serious about the sink thing, please.

Travis: This bathroom's a little tight for a house this big, don't you think?

Victoria: Uh-huh. Well, it builds togetherness.

Travis: Hmm?

Victoria: Uh-huh. Excuse me.

Travis: Hey, watch it.

[Cell phone rings]

Victoria: Hmm. Oh, hey, dad.

Victor: This a bad time?

Victoria: No, it's fine, actually. I was just on my way to work. Uh, uh -- [Chuckles] What do you need? Oh, uh -- [Chuckles] Okay. [Clears throat]

Travis: What's up?

Victoria: He wants to talk to you.

Lauren: Are you okay, sis?

Jill: Oh!

Lauren: Yoga's hard! I know!

Jill: You didn't even break a sweat.

Lauren: 'Cause I don't sweat. I just glow.

Jill: Well, next time, could we glow over cocktails, please, and you can fill me in on fen and Scotty.

Lauren: Ah, right. And you can tell me all about Colin's get-rich schemes. Fun.

Jill: Oh! By the way, I had the most brilliant idea for brash & sassy's perfume campaign. I am going to give Fenmore's the exclusive. By that time, we will have hit our stride, people will be demanding the product, and then you can only get it at Fenmore's. Wow. You're speechless. I didn't expect this. But you're welcome.

Lauren: I love you.

Jill: As well you should.

Lauren: Yes. But Fenmore's has thrived because we only invest in strong, grounded companies, not glorified dating services that exist just to get the executives to remarry.

Michael: So, Jack was being harassed by a reporter, and you tried to stop him by...

[Computer key clacks]

Michael: ...Offering him money.

Devon: Can you believe the guy, though?

Hilary: His people, they have no morals at all.

Michael: Strong words. Devon, this was not your fight. It started with Billy and Phyllis. And now you're being dragged into the middle of it. I hope you don't regret that.

Devon: One of the main reasons I bought this place was to keep vultures like that guy out of here.

Michael: Oh, rest assured, the buzzards will find new roadkill to swarm, and they will forget you and you can forget about them.

Hilary: No, I don't think so. Devon and I, we have been the tabloid favorites for too long. They're gonna play this on loop until we hear it in our sleep.

Devon: She's absolutely right. They're not gonna just stop.

Hilary: Which is why Devon wants to sue them.

Devon: We can keep these people tied up in court for years. You want that summer house, Michael? This is gonna be the case to take.

Michael: Okay, let's break this down. GC Buzz caught you trying to bribe them. Then they reported it because they are a... "news" organization. And you want to sue them because they did their job.

Devon: Listen, I didn't bribe anyone. I was trying to motivate him to do the right thing.

Michael: With cash. On tape.

Devon: I was protecting a friend, Michael. The reporter's trying to make out that Jack put Phyllis in the hospital.

Hilary: Which is ridiculous.

Devon: And now that story is on TV, it's on their website, and every other form of social media out there.

Hilary: It's on loop, so everyone can see. It's unfair to a good and decent man like Jack.

Michael: Oh, and Devon, who tried to motivate a reporter with cash. And now you want to sue them for libel. You'd have to prove they lied on purpose, which they didn't.

Devon: Okay, I'll give you one. That video was made without my knowledge. No one got my permission, had me sign any release forms. What about that?

Michael: All that is very true. But also beside the point. Do you really want to pick a fight with these people who would be more than happy to shout to the world "Billionaire trying to silence freedom of speech"? Is that how you want to clear your name or jack's?

Hilary: So these trolls win no matter what? What good is money and power if you can't even fight back?

Cane: I'll talk to you later. All right, bye. Hey, hey, don't go, don't go. Don't go yet. We're gonna go over the commercial edit, then we'll get some lunch.

Lily: Thank you. I have to get back to the club. You know, I forgot how fun it is when you two go at it. Never gets old. And by old, I mean it was old about five years ago.

Billy: Ah, yes, the good, ol' days when Cane lied about being Delia's father.

Cane: Oh, when you made me think that she was my daughter, right?

Lily: Okay, I'm -- I'm leaving. You did an amazing job on the commercial.

Billy: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Where's mine? I get no love for my contribution?

Lily: Bye, Billy.

Billy: That stings.

Cane: Well, in case you haven't noticed, that's what you get for being a jerk.

Billy: I have noticed. Thank you for pointing that out. Look, you -- it's fine that she comes here, but you can't get her opinion before Victoria's even seen the cut of the commercial.

Cane: Oh, so now you're defending Victoria.

Billy: I'm trying to do the right thing. I woke up this morning determined to not be, as you would say, a jerk. It's not going so well right now, but I'm trying to put the last few months in the rearview mirror.

Cane: Yeah? And how's that going for you?

Billy: I said I'm trying.

Cane: Okay, well, you're failing.

Billy: Excuse me, Cane?

Cane: You're failing, Billy. I mean, you said you woke up this morning, you didn't want to be a jerk, and that's exactly what you just were. I mean, I don't understand why you're even here. I mean, it's not pleasant for us, it's not pleasant for you, so go, leave.

Billy: Because I bought the company, that's why.

Cane: Okay, now you mean that Jill snaked it from underneath you 'cause you didn't care about the company. So go, Billy. Leave. Move on.

Billy: You're questioning me? Why are you here? Other than tricking Jill into thinking that you were actually her son, you don't have a résumé. I have no idea how you even ended up with a seat at the table.

Travis: Okay, yeah. That works for me. Got it. [Whistling]

Victoria: That's it? You're not gonna tell me what my father said?

Travis: He wants me to stop by the office for a quick chat.

Victoria: Oh, my God. Are you kidding me? I'm so sorry. [Sighs] My father's his own person who makes his own decisions, some of which really embarrass me, and this is one of them.

Travis: Honey, it's fine, it's fine. He just wants me to stop by so he can size me up.

Victoria: Oh, yeah?

Travis: I'll survive.

Victoria: Yeah. You will. You will.

Travis: I will.

Victoria: Mm-hmm.

Travis: It's not the first time I've been through this.

Victoria: Oh, not the first time you've had to impress the mogul or impress the father?

Travis: Hey, I know how to present myself as desirable boyfriend material.

Victoria: Yeah.

Travis: Mm-hmm.

Victoria: Yeah. Tell me all about it, please.

Travis: [Chuckles] Keep your father waiting?

Victoria: Well, you know what I was thinking? Maybe I should go into the office with you. What do you think?

Travis: No. He made it pretty clear it's not a plus-one invitation. And I got to get in the shower or I'm gonna be late.

Victoria: Oh, yeah. No, of course. Go. Go ahead.

Travis: But, um, my back.

Victoria: Your back?

Travis: Mm-hmm.

Victoria: What's wrong with your back?

Travis: Well, it needs soaping.

Victoria: You have to go meet my father.

Travis: He can wait.

Victoria: You're gonna ruin my makeup.

Travis: You don't need makeup.

Victoria: Yes, I do.

Travis: I'll make it worth it.

Victoria: [Laughs]

Victor: Anything further on Crawford? Well, it's imperative that I know everything. Keep me updated. Okay. [Sighs]

Victoria: Please don't interfere in this relationship. I don't want you judging Travis or proclaiming that he doesn't live up to your incredibly high standards.

Victor: This is what I have to say to you. I don't mind this one.

Victoria: You don't?

Victor: No, I don't. I think he really, really likes you and really appreciates you, straight shooter, honest, from what I can tell. Certainly preferable to this useless SOB. That you used to be with.

Victoria: Okay, all right. I know that you would rather if Billy vanishes from my life. But, you know, he is the father of my children. You do realize that, don't you?

Victor: And you do realize, of course, that he has made another catastrophe of his life. I don't want that to affect you or my grandchildren.

Hilary: We have the moral high ground, Michael. Look at how slimy the GC buzz is. And yes, I know that I sunk to that level at one point. But these people, they are getting web hits and advertising money for ignoring people's privacy and humiliating them. And why? So that their readers and their viewers could feel superior?

Michael: You said so yourself. There's a market for this kind of thing, and it's not going away.

Hilary: Yes, but it doesn't have to be like this. There are plenty of people in this town that would love to be on the gossip pages. They want to wear the cute clothes for the paparazzi or promote their latest movie, so focus on them. Focus on the people who are in on the joke, not the victims, not the ones who are just trying to live their lives. There's a difference between fun and nasty, isn't there?

Devon: Basically I can't change their minds?

Michael: No, I'm afraid you can't. And though I love the idea of buying a summer house, a lawsuit is not the answer.

Devon: Well, I can't just hide out here all day, either.

Hilary: Where are you going?

Devon: I have an idea that I'm gonna look into. I'll fill you in on it later, all right? Thank you, mike.

Michael: Sure.

Jill: All right, Lauren, look. Press releases, photos from the commercial shoot, a list of celebrity endorsements, focus groups, projected earnings. [Scoffs] Where do you get off calling my little company a dating service? I break my neck for this company! And we have a damn fine product!

Lauren: So, why did you buy brash & sassy again? Honestly.

Jill: Honestly?

Lily: Mm-hmm.

Jill: To get Billy and Victoria back together. Everybody knows that.

Lauren: Right.

Jill: No, but here's the thing. It's a real company with a real product, and we're gonna make real money.

Lauren: How can you be so sure? You put three people in charge instead of one.

Jill: Yep.

Lauren: Why? To get a divorced couple back together and to have Billy and Cane goad each other into greatness.

Jill: Yeah.

Lauren: That's not how adults do business.

Jill: Well, that's how this adult is doing business, and this adult is gonna make a ton of money.

Lauren: If Billy and Victoria end up together, fantastic. But if they don't, then what? Fenmore's is on the hook for marketing and shelf space for a company that has no leadership?

Jill: Excuse me? You're looking at the leadership.

Lauren: [Sighs] I will say it again. I love you. You are a genius at business. But this company is set up only to micromanage your son's life, and he doesn't need your help!

Jill: Oh, please. You don't know what you're talking about. Okay! Thank you so much for your condescending advice. It's been swell, sis. FYI -- I hate yoga.

Billy: Oh, come on. You can't be serious. Come on, Cane.

Victoria: Now what?

Cane: That is perfect timing. See, Billy wanted to see what I brought to the table, so I showed him the commercial.

Billy: Yeah, it's fantastic. He did a great job. It's the exact commercial a bartender from Australia would make.

Victoria: You watch it about bartenders.

Billy: Look, it's got to be re-cut.

Cane: Why don't we let Victoria watch it and decide?

Billy: Go ahead. Queue it up. Be prepared. She's not gonna "yes" you to death like Lily did.

Cane: Hey, hey, hey. I thought you were done being a jerk for the day, Billy.

Billy: Hey, um... thank you for last night, letting me hang out with the kids a little bit. I know it wasn't my night, but I needed it.

Victoria: So we're talking now?

Billy: Yeah. We talked last night.

Victoria: I didn't think it would stick, that's all.

Billy: All right. Go watch the commercial.

Cane: Okay, so I changed the setting to make it a little fresher.

Billy: No, you changed the whole visual concept.

Cane: Oh, God, Billy. It's a green screen. You can change it back. It's not a big deal.

Billy: Yeah, but we matched the backdrop so it would match, and now it doesn't.

Cane: Okay, so we'll fix it in post is what you can do.

Billy: It's a joke, Cane. Come on. Would you please just tell him?

Victoria: I like it.

Billy: What?!

Victoria: Actually, I love it.

Cane: Thank you.

Victoria: [Chuckles] You asked me for my opinion, so I gave it.

Billy: Can I speak to you for a second, please?

Victoria: What do you think you're doing?

Billy: The question is, what are you doing?

Victor: Glad you could make it, Travis.

Travis: My pleasure.

Victor: Please sit down. What did Victoria think about you coming here?

Travis: Oh, she's okay. Just a little curious. Just like me.

Victor: Well, then let's get to it, shall we? What do you think about Newman enterprises?

Travis: Oh, I just know the basics.

Victor: So, what are the basics?

Travis: Your strongest divisions withstanding market fluctuations, specifically shipping. Energy has always been a sure bet for you, and now with the scandal dying down, you're back on top, despite the dip in oil prices.

Victor: That's a little more than the basics.

Travis: It's just white noise for me, Victor. I hear it, I can repeat it. It's not my life anymore.

Victor: So let's cut to the chase. What do you really think about Newman enterprises?

Travis: You want my opinion on Newman enterprises?

Victor: Mm-hmm.

Travis: Well, I'm sorry, Victor. I just don't have one.

Victor: Of course you have one. I did my research, you know. You were known as a hotshot in the business world, right? Known for your incisive analyses of complex business problems. Then what happened? Cashed out, you bought a boat and a bar. Why the hell for?

Travis: You're gonna tell me.

Victor: [Laughs] I bet you I know what happened. You hit a ceiling, didn't you? You realized that others reaped the fruits of your hard labor. They got more than they deserved, right?

Travis: Newman Enterprises hasn't been stable for the last eight quarters, ever since you went public to pay off a $1.5 Billion settlement to your kids. Yeah, you took it private. You've taken one hit after another, including execs going to prison for violent crimes. Meanwhile, management's been bailing water, using capital to restore weak divisions instead of reinvesting into research and development. Now, all these things, they hit your bottom line. If I can see it, so can your competitors. Newman is vulnerable. There's a scent of blood in the air, Victor, and I can hear the hyenas howling.

Victor: Thank you for having the guts to look me in the eye and telling me the truth.

Billy: There is no way that you like that crappy commercial.

Victoria: Except that it's good and I did like it. And surprise -- I can think for myself.

Billy: You got to stop playing games here.

Victoria: I like the commercial. That's my honest opinion, and if you didn't like it, then we're either not on the same page or you just feel like giving Cane a hard time.

Billy: Or third, it's terrible.

Victoria: [Sighs] Okay, so I guess we're not on the same page. Look, Billy, adults can work together and disagree, and if you can't accept that, that's your problem.

Billy: Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait, wait. That's crazy talk. Nobody told me that.

Victoria: There you go, trying to make a joke to apologize. Oh, you're so unpredictable, Billy. Except not.

Billy: It'd be a lot easier if you didn't know me so well, you know.

Victoria: [Sighing] Yeah, well, it's too late for that. Look, Cane is not the enemy, okay? We can do this. It's a three-way power structure, you know? And we're stronger if we work together. We're possibly unstoppable.

Billy: You're right. Cane is not the fly in the ointment. [Sighs] It's mommy dearest.

Cane: You like it?

Jill: Hmm? Yeah, it's fine.

Cane: Wait, wait, wait. It's just fine? Hey, hey. Did you hear that?

Jill: Hmm?

Cane: I swear I heard Billy and Victoria say "I love you."

Jill: What?

Cane: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Listen, listen, listen. Someone said "I love you." Hey, hey, here, here. Take this. Go and put this over on the door. You might hear them say it. Better yet, you can walk in so if your timing's right and they get married, they may even take you on the honeymoon. Hey, hey, hey. Don't look at me like that. Everybody knows they're your priority, okay? I come in, the security guard says, "how's the lovebirds doing today?" But you know what? They're not lovebirds. They're pigeons. So you can stay here with your little cup and spy on the pigeons. Now I'm gonna go and do some work, 'cause you know what? I'm the only person here doing any work. Just don't forget that.

Jill: Okay, okay.

Devon: I'm looking for, uh, Howard Green.

Howard: Hang on. Ah! Next six-pack is on you. I'm Howard. What can I do for you?

Devon: Hey, how you doing, man? I, uh, I understand that you own the production company that produces GC buzz.

Howard: And you're Devon Hamilton. [Chuckles] You are walking clickbait on the website, you know? Oh, and, uh, I greatly appreciate the extra footage, you know, you trying to bribe my reporter?

Devon: Is that what you call him? A reporter?

Howard: Guy's got to make a living. We can't all inherit a Billion.

Devon: Yeah, that's -- that's very true. Um, listen, I'm -- I'm really just here 'cause I'd like to try and get you guys to leave Jack Abbott alone, okay?

Howard: Is that why you came?

Devon: Yeah.

Howard: Well, you should have just shot me a text. You wasted a trip. Abbott drama gets eyes on the TV and clicks on the site. And so do the Hamiltons and the Winters. Ratings are spiking, and, ooh, do I love a good spike.

Devon: I'm sure you do. And believe me, I understand that you guys need the story. Um, I just assume that a man like yourself would be reasonable.

Howard: Oh, reasonable? Yeah, uh, I work in media. Reasonable is ratings death. Thanks, but, uh, no thanks.

Howard: Okay, so let's, uh, let's drop the audio on this last clip, and then we'll lay in some horses neighing. The audience will get the joke. [Chuckles]

Devon: Hey, so, Howard, we're, uh, we're not finished here.

Howard: Yeah, I got a lot on my plate, okay? It's, uh, it's not all foosball and keg stands. I mean, well, no matter how it looks.

Devon: I imagine it takes a lot of energy to trash people's lives 24/7, and I bet you're very proud of what you do here, you know? Getting three victims to cry on camera a day.

Howard: Oh, three, huh? That's what we call a hat trick. I like your instincts. You know, I could make some room for you around here.

Devon: You realize that you and what you're doing here is the problem with the media today?

Howard: Oh, you want educational TV, huh? Well, just change the channel. No one's forcing you to watch. Free country, free speech, and, well, almost free money.

Devon: And is that the only thing you care about is your bank account?

Howard: Oh, you want to try and bribe me now? Hold on, let me get a camera up and running. Guys?

Devon: No, I'm -- I'm not, uh, I'm not here to do that at all. I just came to make a rational appeal, but it seems that you're only motivated by one thing, so...

Howard: Oh, you want rational, huh? I work hard. I should make a good living. You want to show me how to make more money, then we could talk. Until then, I'm gonna go ahead and defend my title. Hey, you, you're up. Let's go. Come on. I got my title to defend here. Ah! Look at that.

Hilary: Hey, babe. Uh, where did you run off to? I mean, it's fine. Do your thing. Just tell me what's up, okay? I love you.

Lily: Devon took off? Is it the bribery video? 'Cause I saw it, and I texted him and he never answered.

Hilary: Devon woke up angrier than he was when he went to sleep. And please, don't call it bribery. It was a monetary incentive.

Lily: [Chuckles] I'm sure that euphemism is your idea. You probably even put him up to it, didn't you?

Hilary: [Chuckles] You're right. It was all me. Devon hasn't had a single thought in his head in his whole life. Nice truce. It lasted all of what? 10 minutes?

Lily: Well, I didn't hear a denial in there.

Hilary: Devon makes his own decisions, and he decided to stand up for Jack. That makes me love him even more.

Lily: Of course, it does, because Jack's a priority for you, not Devon's privacy or reputation.

Hilary: God, you still think that I'm chasing after Jack, don't you? Please. I have Devon. My smart, my sexy, my brave, and loving husband. I'm not even thinking about cheating. That's all in your head, not mine.

Lily: Well, it's only because you've made a habit of cheating on your husbands.

Hilary: Oh, and you are just so pure and virginal. And a full-on hypocrite. Have you spoken with Joe Clark lately?

[Cell phone vibrates]

Lily: Oh, it's Devon. That's funny. Weren't you just calling him? It's strange that he's contacting his sister and not his devoted wife.

Hilary: Did he tell you where he is?

Lily: No, he just said to find you and meet him in my office in a bit.

Victoria: So, this is how you have a conversation? By wandering away in the middle of it?

Billy: I thought I heard my mother.

Victoria: Yeah, if she was out there, she'd be barging in here, once again insisting that we belong together. You know she has no concept of reality.

Billy: That's why we're getting t-shirts made that say "never getting back together."

Victoria: She doesn't listen. You think she's gonna read? Because I don't.

Billy: You know, what really gets me is that she's messing with a good thing. Brash & sassy is lucky to have you, okay? As a former owner and employee, I'm lucky to have you, too. And she's gonna make us miserable, which is bad for business.

Victoria: Yes, well, Jill is annoying. She's also trying to mother you.

Billy: I'm sorry. What? Did you say mother or smother? Like a pillow over your face? Because that's how it feels. Look, clearly I'm allowed to blow up my personal life, but she doesn't have to try and make it worse.

Victoria: You did blow up your life.

Billy: I just said that.

Victoria: I'm sorry. I'm sorry. No sarcasm.

Billy: Thank you. No sarcasm back.

Victoria: We just have to show Jill that we can work together. No emotion, no drama. Because even a little sign of fighting, she's gonna think that she's gaining ground.

Billy: [Chuckles] I forget that you know my mother just as well as I do.

Victoria: So we're agreed? We stick together by not sticking together.

Billy: Agreed. Should we drink on it?

Victoria: Yeah. Before she comes back. Want to go to the club?

Billy: Absolutely.

Victoria: Okay. Thank you.

Billy: You're welcome.

Hilary: So, Devon didn't tell you exactly when he will be here?

Lily: Funny, the answer's the same the last time you asked me. No. Hey, finally.

Hilary: What -- what's going on? What's wrong?

Devon: I just wanted to fill you guys in. I met with the guy who owns the production company that produces GC buzz.

Lily: Howard? You met with Howard about Jack? I mean, did he listen to you?

Reporter: Am I in the right place?

Devon: Hey.

Lily: Uh, no, you're not.

Hilary: You must not be very smart to show your face here.

Devon: It's okay. I asked him to come here.

Reporter: This where you want me to set up, dude?

Hilary: "Dude"?

Devon: Just wherever is the best angle.

Lily: Wait, what is he doing here?

Devon: I'm doing a follow-up interview.

Lily: A what?!

Hilary: Devon.

Devon: Yes?

Hilary: Can we just -- can I talk to you for one second?

Devon: One second.

Hilary: This is a mistake. You can't get the upper hand with people like that. He's gonna take the footage, he's gonna edit it and make you look even worse than you did before.

Devon: That's not gonna happen. That's not gonna happen. I promise you, okay? Trust me.

Hilary: This is a bad idea.

Lily: Yeah, finally we agree on something.

Michael: Mwah! Ooh. I'll take that. And I'll take this. I'm gonna need both after that last meeting.

Lauren: Are you on your way to the hospital now?

Michael: Yeah. [Sighs] I was hoping to be there a half hour ago.

Lauren: Please tell Phyllis that I send my love. I called the hospital to visit her, but they said she was sleeping.

Michael: I'm sure she'll understand.

Lauren: Please make sure you tell her, okay?

Michael: Sure. What's wrong?

Lauren: I-I don't want her to think that I'm the world's worst friend.

Michael: She would never think you're the world's worst friend.

Lauren: Well, my sister thinks I'm the world's worst sister right now, that's for sure.

Model: Hi. Hi. Is Cane here? He said I can pick up my check.

Jill: Oh, no, no, no. Come here. I'm just watching a version of the commercial.

Model: Oh.

Cane: Hey. Thanks for coming. How you doing? Accounting just dropped off your check.

Jill: I'll just, uh, get out of your way, huh?

Cane: Hey, uh, I just need to get you to sign this release.

Model: Of course.

Cane: Here you go.

Model: Was the, uh, boss happy with the commercial? I couldn't tell.

Cane: Yeah.

Model: More importantly, were you happy with it? Because if I didn't give you the look you were going for, I can --

Cane: I was thrilled. Thrilled. So was Victoria. You of looks, and you took direction very well, so thank you.

Model: Would it be pushy if I asked to see the cut?

Cane: Sure. Come on. I'll show it to you.

Model: Great.

Victor: Brash & sassy was always Victoria's baby.

Travis: Hmm.

Victor: I'm glad that she's still involved.

Travis: Well, I know she enjoys it. Even all the stress it brings.

Victor: Yeah, well, she seems to handle stress very well. I'm very proud of her.

Travis: So, does the job offer come before or after coffee?

Victor: [Laughs]

Travis: That's the point of all this, right?

Victor: What? For me to offer you a job?

Travis: You're Victor Newman. You don't need me to explain to you what's wrong with Newman enterprises. And you don't need me shining a light on your company for you. Now, if I work at your company, it's a way for you to keep an eye on me. It also allows Victoria to feel that we have your approval.

Victor: All of the above is true. As for shining a light on my company, I respect the fact that you don't mind telling truth to power. Not too many people can do that.

Travis: So what's the offer?

Victor: Do you think this will keep my daughter happy?

Billy: Look at these two getting all cozy.

Victoria: Yeah, dad wanted to meet with Travis.

Billy: And you let him go?

Victoria: I didn't let him do anything. It's an adult thing. You wouldn't understand. Travis can handle his own actions. He can handle my father.

Billy: No one person can handle your father. Look at him. He's up to something.

Lauren: The reality is, Fenmore's comes first. My obligation is to every vendor, customer, and employee.

Michael: Which is admirable.

Lauren: But I was very blunt with Jill. I said the only reason she bought brash & sassy was to get Billy and Victoria back together. I mean, how do I make a financial commitment based on those circumstances? A business deal that could fold over a romance?

Michael: Honestly... I think you're underestimating Jill. Now, I know Jill is Jill and currently she is obsessed with her son's love life. But she is always obsessed making a profit.

Lauren: So you think I screwed up.

Michael: No, I understand your concerns. But I think Jill can and will fight like the dickens to make brash & sassy a huge success. I don't think she's gonna flake on you.

Lauren: So I should say yes to keep the peace.

Michael: [Chuckles] By all means, keep the peace. But most important, make some money. I just lost our summer home today.

Lauren: What?

Michael: Never mind. Call your sister.

Lauren: What do you mean, you lost our summer home?

Michael: Call your sister.

Lauren: Gonna eat some humble pie.

Michael: Yum, yum.

Lauren: [Sighs]

[Cell phone rings]

Jill: Hello, I'm very busy running my son's life.

Lauren: You're upset with me. I know.

Jill: Oh! I'm not upset. I happen to be in tree pose. It's very Zen and very relaxing, and you're interrupting me.

Lauren: I'm sorry. Jill? Are you there?

Jill: You're sorry? So?

Lauren: I was wrong to turn down your proposal. And wrong the way I did it. So, does the exclusive for brash & sassy for Fenmore's still stand?

Jill: Well, see, that's the thing. I'm not sure that we should do this because you're always off visiting fen or Scotty or being romantic with Michael. And I don't know that I can count on you to focus on business, sis.

Lauren: I said I was sorry! I should not have said you didn't care about brash & sassy.

Jill: [Sighs] Well, that's not the first time I've heard that today. There is a chance, a very slim chance, that you may be right.

Lauren: That's very gracious of you. Thank you.

Jill: And I still hate yoga!

Cane: So, what do you think? Do you like it?

Model: You made me look so good.

Cane: [Chuckles] Um, no, that was, uh, that was all you.

Model: Maybe I could buy you a drink to say thank you.

Cane: I am flattered, but, uh, I'm also married.

Model: You're a professional. I respect that.

Cane: Okay. So I will have advertising call you and let you know when the commercial's going to air. Oh, wow. So now you're spying on me. Okay.

Jill: She's right, you know. You are a professional. And you're good, and I should know 'cause I taught you all those years ago, remember?

Cane: Yeah.

Jill: You're very good, and I should tell you that more often.

Cane: That's because I care. This place matters to me, so...

Jill: I care, too, Cane. I know it doesn't always show. Damn. You have all your father's good qualities and none of his bad.

Cane: [Laughs]

Jill: I'm really sorry if I underestimate you sometimes.

Cane: You know, this is all suspicious, this compliment, so what do you want?

Jill: I just want you to know it's important to me that you realize I value you, and I'm lucky to have you in my company. And in my life.

Cane: Thank you.

Jill: Get back to work.

Cane: [Chuckles]

Reporter: Now, Devon, you invited me here to chat. Or, uh, did you want to make another charitable donation?

Devon: No, I am actually here to set the record straight.

Reporter: Oh, is this about Jack Abbott's alleged abuse of his wife?

Devon: It's very clever how you use words like "alleged" so you're not held responsible for sick lies like that. Because that's what you guys are about. You -- you keep it ugly and you keep it trashy. Um, but that's gonna stop.

Reporter: You still don't get it. This is what I get paid for.

Devon: No, it's not anymore.

Reporter: What are you talking about?

Devon: What am I talking about? Well, I met with Howard Green earlier.

Reporter: Oh, yeah? Is he gonna ax me? I don't think so. Howard would never fire me.

Devon: You're absolutely right. He wouldn't. But I bought the company today. So... ...I'm firing you. You can get the hell out now.

Billy: In what world do you think it's a good idea that your father and your new guy get all chummy like that over steak tartare? I mean, come on. He's got to be working him, or worse, your new bartender boyfriend's working your father.

Victoria: You got to be joking. Do you think that Travis is working my father?

Billy: Maybe that was the plan all along -- get all close with you and then work his magic on the mustache.

Victoria: You're jealous my father likes Travis.

Billy: Yeah, Victoria, I am simmering with envy.

Victoria: Well, it's either that or you're jealous that I found someone who fits into my life.

Billy: Can you stop that? You're actually channeling my mother, and it's disturbing.

Victoria: Look, Travis is trying to get along with my father for my sake.

Billy: Oh, for your sake?

Victoria: Mm-hmm.

Billy: 'Cause I would never do that, right? I'm not adult enough. You say it like it's only my fault.

Victoria: Well, it's partly your fault. I mean, an adult would be able to admit that.

Billy: Yeah.

Victoria: Okay, well, so much for our cooperative get-along spirit.

Billy: Yeah, thanks for the drink. I'll see you at the office.

Victoria: Sure.

Victor: Take your time, Travis. I don't need an answer right now.

Victoria: Hi.

Victor: Hi, sweetheart.

Victoria: I thought you two were -- mwah -- meeting at the office. What's this?

Travis: Oh, uh, Victor made me an offer to join Newman enterprises.

Victor: I gave Travis some time to think about the offer.

Travis: Actually, I already have my answer. I appreciate the offer, Victor, but I'm gonna pass. Thank you for lunch. Ready?

Victoria: Yeah. Bye, Dad.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Kevin: What? What happened?

Mariah: Faith is missing.

Faith: You're here. I need your help.

Ashley: You don't even have a prenup! This divorce could drag on for months!

Phyllis: I don't want Jack's money. I just want my husband back.

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