Y&R Transcript Monday 9/26/16

Y&R Transcript Monday 9/26/16


Provided By Suzanne

Phyllis: So what do you think, Doc? Am I gonna live?

Stitch: Your CT scan shows no bleeding, no swelling. Your vitals are strong. Everything points to a mild concussion.

Billy: So you're going to be okay.

Phyllis: So, can I go home?

Stitch: I'd like to keep you for observation. At least for a night. Especially given your medical history - make sure no other symptoms develop. I'll be back later to check on you.

Billy: Thanks.

Phyllis: Thank you.

[Door opens]

Billy: Thank God you're okay.

Phyllis: Why are you here?

Billy: When I saw you lying at the bottom of the stairs, so still... where else would I be?

Phyllis: You were at the house? What were you doing there?

Billy: I wanted to talk to Jack.

Phyllis: Jack. Where's Jack?

Jack: [Sighs]

Mr. Abbott. How are you doing?

Jack: Not now.

Sure, sure. I just thought you'd want to hear what people are saying.

Jack: I have some idea, thanks.

Then you've heard the rumor?

Jack: What rumor?

That you beat up your wife.

Jack: You got your information wrong, pal.

I just thought you'd want a heads up.

Jack: I never intended for Phyllis to get hurt.

So there was a fight?

Jack: I merely wanted her out of the house.

Because she slept with your brother. I'd want her out, too, man. But after that interview she gave me, it seems like she's --

Jack: This is really no one's business but my wife's and mine.

Some crazy business. She wanted to stay, you wanted her gone. Now she's in the hospital. You can see how that doesn't look very good, right? Maybe there's a way to get people to listen to your side of the story.

Victor: Hello, Travis. I'm here to see my daughter.

Travis: She's still at the office.

Victor: Oh, I'm sorry I missed her.

Travis: I can tell her you stopped by.

Victor: All those toys. Where's my grandkids?

Travis: Already in bed.

Victor: Oh, my goodness! Whoa! What a surprise! Look at that. [Laughs] What are you up to? What are all those toys on the table there, huh? [Laughs]

Jill: Hmm! Have you seen these numbers? We've got our work cut out for us.

Victoria: You offered Travis a job.

Jill: Yeah. I thought he would be an asset to chancellor.

Victoria: Jill, would you please knock it off? You wanted to hire him so you could send him to the office in Hong Kong.

Jill: Well, Hong Kong is a very exciting and invigorating city!

Victoria: [Sighs]

Jill: It's perfect for him.

Victoria: Yeah, it's perfect for him. It's conveniently very far away from me.

Jill: Well, Victoria, it was only a conversation, dear.

Victoria: Oh, my God. You are trying to manage my life. You are trying to clear the playing field because you sadly and misguidedly think that there's a chance in hell that Billy and I might get back together if there's no one else on the planet but him.

Jill: My goodness. You are in a mood, aren't you?

Victoria: The lies, the manipulation! You're acting just like my father, I hope you know.

Jill: [Gasps] You have no idea how much that offends me.

Victoria: Jill, would you please stop this? Just stop all of it, because nobody controls my life but me.

Victor: Let me see what you're doing there. You're a smart boy. But then you're a Newman, aren't you? Have you taken a look at this book? Look at this book. Sit down over here. Look at this book. Wow. Look at those color-- colorful frogs. So, Travis, I trust that Victoria's filled you in on some of the Newman family history?

Travis: Yeah. I've had a front-row seat for some of it, too.

Victor: Well, then I'm sure she has told you that I do everything I can to protect my family, make sure that she is treated right.

Travis: That's something we have in common.

Victor: Really?

Travis: I agree Vicki and her kids deserve nothing but the best.

Victor: Ah. I've heard other guys say that to her. Only to let her down.

Travis: I'm not those men. I love Vicki. I mean, she, Johnny, and Katie always come first.

Victor: Really?

Travis: Mm-hmm.

Victor: Glad to hear it. I understand from my wife that Victoria's taken a liking to you.

Travis: Yes, sir. It seems so. I hope you don't mind we've taken the next step now. This is my home.

Victor: Well, I guess I'm gonna have to trust Victoria's judgment despite her relationship with Billy boy Abbott.

Travis: His mother won't be happy about the new living arrangement, that's for sure.

Victor: Well, never mind what Jill thinks.

Travis: She's so determined to get Billy and Victoria back together, she offered me a job at chancellor.

Victor: Oh, yeah? [Chuckles] You turn it down?

Travis: Of course.

Victor: Ah. You watch that woman. Whatever she does comes with strings attached. And she will use those strings to strangle you.

Victoria: I want you to get it through your insanely thick skull that Billy and I are never getting back together, ever. Not ever.

Jill: Well, you say that now, but I'm a big believer in "never say never."

Victoria: God, you just don't know when to stop, do you? Trying to hire Travis away from me is one thing, but blackmailing Phyllis to stay away from Billy?

Jill: Blackmail?! No, I don't think so. It doesn't even sound like me.

Victoria: You are just out of control.

Jill: Honey, I'm concerned. I would think you'd thank me for this one.

Victoria: I am with Travis. I want you to understand that. And I want you to stop.

Jill: Well, who wouldn't want to be with him? He's smart and he's sexy. Oh, lord, have you seen him jogging? The stamina. I can only imagine what he must be like --

Victoria: Oh, please don't imagine. Please.

Jill: I'm just saying I understand. This is like some fling that you enjoy when you're on vacation before you come back home, but you always come back home.

Victoria: Travis is not a vacation. He is not a rebound. He is not a phase. What we have is real, and he's not going anywhere. In fact... I invited him to move in officially.

Jill: [Sighs] Well, that's quick.

Victoria: Well, it's right. And you're on notice, by the way. I've been very tolerant of your games and your sticking your nose where it doesn't belong. But you need to let go of the past and these delusions of things that are never gonna happen. You need to embrace reality before things get ugly.

Jack: I have never. I would never physically hurt my wife.

Nothing intentional, but maybe you pushed her?

Jack: No, I didn't push her! She grabbed my arm! I pulled it away!

And now she's in the hospital, which sucks, but the police must have questioned --

Jack: No, no. No more questions, okay? Or I will take that camera from you.

Come on, Mr. Abbott. I'm just trying to figure out the truth.

Jack: What? So you can twist it?

Devon: All right, all right. Hey, you heard the man. This is private property. You need to respect that or leave, and if you do not leave, I'll throw you out.

Jack: I don't want him anywhere near me.

No need to call security. Interview's over, camera's off.

Hilary: You're not running that, are you?

Hey, if it's a good story, we run it, and this is a very good story.

Devon: But you realize that you're exploiting a family's pain, right? I can't let you do that.

Phyllis: Jack didn't come to the hospital, did he?

Billy: No, he did. I don't know where he is right now.

Phyllis: Well, he could be out there in the waiting room.

Billy: Hey, Phyllis.

I'm here. I want to apologize -- yesterday, about your interview. I shouldn't have questioned you.

Phyllis: It's all right.

Billy: No, it's not all right. I get it. You need to say what you need to say.

Phyllis: Then you understand?

Billy: You can call me what you did -- a mistake. But when I saw you lying at the bottom of the stairs, so still, I knew that I was gonna fight for you, that I was not gonna give up on you.

Phyllis: Billy --

Billy: Listen to me. I love you. I love you. And if you look into your heart, you will find the truth -- that you love me, too, and we can still be together.

Victor: So, Travis, just remember that all I'm concerned about is Victoria's happiness, okay? Her life with Billy boy Abbott has been rather tragic. And it seems that whenever he swears to her that he has changed that she gets sucked back into his arms again. But hopefully this time things will be different.

Travis: Billy's always gonna be a part of her life because of the kids. But yeah. We want a future together.

Victor: Just remember that Billy boy Abbott has now ruined his relationship with Phyllis, ruined a lot of lives in the process. And he will come knocking at that door again -- you know that -- trying to ingratiate himself to Victoria.

Travis: Well, your daughter's the strongest woman I know. She won't allow herself to be manipulated by Billy, by Jill, by anyone else. She's her own woman. That's what I love about her.

Victor: Good.

[Door opens] Look at that. Oh, there's mommy. There's mommy.

Victoria: [Sighs] What's going on here, dad?

Victor: Hi, sweetheart.

Devon, I get that you're like this super powerful billionaire, but I have the first amendment on my side, which means if I have a story, I have every right to tell it to the public.

Devon: Okay. Let's start over. Jack is my friend, and it would mean a great deal to me if you killed this piece.

Are you bribing me?

Devon: I'm offering you an incentive to find a new story.

Phyllis: Do not pack my things, Jack!

Jack: Let go of me!

Phyllis: [Screams]

Jack: [Breathing heavily]

John: Oh, Jackie, Jackie. I am so sorry.

Jack: That makes two of us, pop.

John: It's just a shame what's happened to your marriage, to our family.

Jack: What happened is my brother Billy, and he is no longer family to me.

Phyllis: You're a glutton for punishment. You know that?

Billy: I love you. I mean, where's Jack? He's not even here. He didn't even wait to see if you were okay. You wouldn't be here if it weren't for Jack.

Phyllis: Do not do that. Do not make him out to be a monster with you playing the hero. We both know what we are to one another.

Billy: We're not a mistake, Phyllis, okay? A mistake is trying to salvage your marriage because you feel guilty. So do your interviews. Stake your claim that you're trying to save your marriage. But I know the truth, okay? The feelings that you had for me are not fake. And if you were to be honest with yourself --

Phyllis: I was being honest. You were scared for me, and I thank you for that. But you need to hear what I'm gonna tell you. I meant every word of that interview. I want to save my marriage, and not out of guilt, but because I love Jack. I have always loved him, and if it takes the rest of my life to get back with him, I will do that.

[Door opens]

Summer: Mom? What the hell are you doing here? Get away from her. You should not be here after what you did! I mean, how could you?!

Billy: Okay. All right. Summer's right. I shouldn't be here.

Phyllis: Hey, baby.

Summer: Oh, my God, mom. When I saw you earlier, I was so scared.

Phyllis: Everything is fine. I'm gonna be just fine.

Summer: Okay. Okay.

Victoria: So, have you been having fun with grandpa?

Victor: Oh, yeah. Yeah?

Victoria: Yeah?

Victor: He's a very smart boy.

Victoria: He's smart.

Victor: Aren't you, Johnny?

Victoria: He also knows how to ride his bike now.

Victor: He does?

Victoria: Mm-hmm.

Victor: You do know how to ride a bike? My goodness. Want to teach me one day?

Victoria: Have you been having fun with grandpa?

Travis: Just hanging with the boys.

Victor: That's right.

Victoria: Well, I'm glad everybody's been having fun, but it is so late. It's way past bedtime.

Victor: I see. Well, I'm sorry I've kept him up. But I was happy to see him.

Travis: Hey, Johnny, what do you say we finish that book upstairs, huh? Yeah?

Victoria: Oh.

Victor: All right.

Travis: Come on.

Victoria: That's so sweet of you. Thank you.

Victor: Take this along.

Victoria: Yeah. You can finish this. Good night.

Travis: Come on, buddy.

Victor: Good night, my boy.

Travis: Good night, grandpa.

Johnny: Good night, grandpa.

Victor: Well, good night. So sweet.

Victoria: So, dad, why'd you stop by? I hope you didn't come by to grill Travis, because I just came from seeing Jill and I'm gonna tell you the same thing that I told her. Please stay out of this.

Jill: Boy. Do I need a cocktail.

Devon: Did you have a bad day?

Jill: Challenging, shall we say.

Devon: Guarantee it was better than jack's day. There was a GC buzz reporter here earlier trying to make him out to be an abusive husband.

Jill: Abusive? That's ridiculous! He's the victim in all this!

Hilary: Not if that reporter has anything to do with it.

Jill: All right, this I have to hear.

Hilary: Okay, well, Jack, he was just --

Jill: Ah, ah! From you.

Devon: It seems that Phyllis went home and she and Jack had an argument on the stairs, and Phyllis lost her balance and fell.

Jill: Oh, my God. Is she all right?

Devon: She's in the hospital, but the, uh, reporter is trying to make it seem like Jack pushed her.

Jill: Oh, poor Jack!

Hilary: Phyllis is the one that's in the hospital.

Jill: Oh, Hilary, Phyllis is the one who slept with her husband's brother, for God's sake. Rearrange the chairs at that party -- you know something about that.

Hilary: [Scoffs] You just had to go there, huh?

Jill: Of course I had to.

Devon: We don't need to do this.

Jill: I hope you chased that sleazeball reporter out of here.

Devon: I did better than that. I actually got him to drop the entire story. You know the GC buzz. They'll make the Abbotts' lives a living hell, all at the expense of entertainment.

Hilary: Do you remember how they tortured us? The lies, the exaggerations?

Devon: Yeah.

Hilary: Everywhere we turned, they were in our faces. They had no respect for the truth. It was a nightmare.

Jill: [Scoffs] Yeah, well, you know, sometimes that smut smearing can be a useful tool. As I recall, you used the

GC buzz brilliantly, trashing Neil and his whole family when you first came to town. Anonymously, of course. Oh!

Devon: Hey, hey, hey. That's ancient history that the family and Neil has gotten past, okay?

Jill: All I'm saying is that

Hilary: Well, there is more than one bitch in this room.

Devon: Hey, hey!

Jill: Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh!

Devon: It's not worth it. It's -- come on.

Jill: [Chuckles]

Summer: Are you sure you're okay?

Phyllis: A bump on my head is the least of my problems. Thank you.

Summer: So, why was Billy here anyways? Did he upset you?

Phyllis: He's just concerned.

Summer: Yeah, well, he shouldn't be here anyways after what he did.

Phyllis: Hey. There was two of us.

Summer: I know, but you love Jack and you're trying to save your marriage. He should be respecting that.

Phyllis: Where is Jack? Was he out there in the waiting room?

Summer: Um, I looked for him when I came in, but I didn't see him. Maybe he just left.

Phyllis: Okay.

Summer: I tried calling him, but, uh, I can try calling him again if you want.

Phyllis: No, no, no. There's no point. Did you get a chance to talk to him earlier?

Summer: Yeah, he, uh... seemed pretty angry.

Phyllis: I'm sure he shut you down. He wants the divorce.

Summer: He's the one that rode with you in the ambulance. He's the one that called me to let me know. He seemed pretty torn up about it all.

Phyllis: Yeah. He still left.

Summer: Yeah, well, just maybe it was so intense for him, he just couldn't stay and wait.

Phyllis: Yeah, you're probably right.

Summer: Jack may not be ready for the whole forgiveness thing, but he still loves you. I know that. There's still hope, okay? You just have to believe.

John: Jack, he's your brother. You can't just sever ties.

Jack: I think Billy did that when he slept with my wife.

John: Yes. He made a grievous mistake, one that's shaken you to your core. But you are brothers, flesh and blood. You have to find a way to forgive him.

Jack: Why? Why? I have been helping him his whole life, cleaning up his messes, sitting vigil over the wreck that is his life, giving him chance after chance after chance, making excuses for his every failure. There is no excuse for what he's done! None! I don't forgive him! I will not forgive him! And I have had it to here for this endless cycle of Billy and his pain.

John: Hmm. Jackie, perhaps you recall you lost jabot to Victor. My life's work. And I forgave you. You slept with my wife. And I forgave you. Now, if I can move beyond what I suffered at your hands, you can find forgiveness for Billy.

Jack: You're a bigger man than I am, dad. You always were.

John: Oh, please. I don't want to hear that again like it's out of your hands.

You decide what kind of person you're going to be. And you decide whether you're gonna follow the example that I set for you and pull this family together!

[Doorbell rings]

Jack, be the man that I know you can be.

Jack: What do you want?

Billy: I just wanted to tell you that Phyllis woke up. She's doing -- she's doing good. Looks like it's just a concussion.

Jack: You don't have a phone? You came here in person to deliver this news? You looking for another fight?

Billy: I want to make amends, Jack. And you need to, as well.

Victoria: Daddy, please don't interfere in this relationship. I don't want you judging Travis or proclaiming that he doesn't live up to your incredibly high standards.

Victor: This is what I have to say to you. I don't mind this one.

Victoria: You don't?

Victor: No, I don't. I think he really, really likes you and really appreciates you, straight shooter, honest, from what I can tell, certainly preferable to this useless SOB. That you used to be with.

Victoria: Okay, all right. I know that you would rather if Billy vanishes from my life, but, you know, he is the father of my children. You do realize that, don't you?

Victor: And you do realize, of course, that he has made another catastrophe of his life. I don't want that to affect you or my grandchildren.

Victoria: I know. I really hope that he can pull his life together. I really do. But I'm with Travis now. Billy will never be in my life the way that he was, dad.

Victor: I like to hear that. I hope you mean it.

Stitch: Hi. Paul would like to ask you some questions if you're up to it.

Phyllis: Sure.

Stitch: Don't tax my patient.

Paul: So, could you, um, give your mother and me a moment?

Summer: [Sighs] Well, my mother's story will be the same whether I'm in the room or not because there's only one version of what happened, and that's the one you got from Jack.

Phyllis: It's all right, sweetie. Paul's just doing his job.

Summer: All right, well, I'll be outside if you need me, okay?

[Door opens]

[Door closes]

Paul: Very protective.

Phyllis: Well, I'm just glad she's still talking to me.

Paul: You know, I'm sorry to bother you, but, uh... I just need some more information. Do you remember what happened, how you hit your head?

Phyllis: It was an accident. I was arguing with Jack at the top of the stairs. I didn't want him to walk away from me, so I grabbed his arm and he pulled away.

Paul: So he didn't force you or -- or push you in any way?

Phyllis: I fell. Jack would never hurt me.

Paul: You know, uh, Phyllis, when you were falling in and out of consciousness, uh, you said some things that gave us some concern. You said, uh, "Jack, no, please." And you were very agitated.

Phyllis: I was agitated. Jack wanted to pack my things, and I didn't want him to. That's it. Jack would never hurt me. You know him. You know that. Are we through?

Paul: No. Not yet.

Jack: You want me to make amends? To you?

Billy: I'm not asking you to forgive me. I know that you won't be able to do that now. Maybe not ever. I want to apologize for the lies and for the affair. When I saw Phyllis lying there, I accused you of hurting her. And I know that you would never do that.

Jack: Yet she got hurt anyway.

Billy: Which is exactly why things need to change.

Jack: What's -- what's this sudden turnaround about? What is this really? Why are you doing this?

Billy: For her. Like I said, forgive me or not, I'll deal with that. But I want you to forgive her.

Jack: So you're here to plead for her. Did she send you here?

Billy: She doesn't know that I'm here, Jack. But I had to do this. For you and for her. I'm taking myself out of the equation, all right? I can no longer fool myself. I was hoping that she would open her eyes and she would see me and she would realize that she wanted to be with me, but that's not what happened. She woke up, she opened her eyes, and the only person she wanted to see was you. She loves you. She wants to spend the rest of her life with you. And I know you love her. So I'm gonna give you a piece of advice whether you take it or not. Don't waste another second being mad or angry when you got a chance to be happy... if you'll let yourself.

Victor: Hello.

Jill: So, are you here to celebrate the incineration of Jack and Phyllis' marriage?

Victor: No cause for celebration, now, is it? I guess your boy outdid himself this time, didn't he?

Jill: Look, my boy is a bonehead, but Phyllis is the one who broke her marriage vows. The trouble is, I don't think we've seen the end of this mess yet.

Victor: You know, righteous Jack Abbott cuckolded by his brother. I love it.

Jill: I knew you'd be enjoying this.

Victor: Mm-hmm.

Jill: The trouble is, it isn't the end of it. Jack and Phyllis went home, they had a fight, she fell down the stairs and hit her head.

Victor: Hmm.

Jill: [Sighs]

Victor: She'll recover.

Jill: Yeah, and she'll go back to throwing herself on jack's mercy, which she should.

Victor: You hope that Phyllis is out of the way now so that leaves the door wide open for your ne'er-do-well son to ingratiate himself with my daughter again, right? Last thing she needs, you know.

Victoria: Oh, my goodness. It's late.

Billy: I know. I know it is. I just -- I had to come by. Um, don't worry. There's no reporters following me.

Travis: Hey, Billy. Johnny was thirsty.

Victoria: Oh.

Billy: Look, I just wanted to come and apologize for the other day. I was out of line.

Travis: It's all right. You're under some pressure right now. It's understandable.

Victoria: Uh, look, while you're here, there's something that you should know. I asked Travis to move in with me, and he agreed.

Billy: Well, I guess that's not really surprising. [Sighs] Look, as long as you're good to Victoria and the kids, I won't have a problem with it. But if you're not, you're gonna have to answer to me.

Travis: Understood. We won't have a problem.

Victoria: Thank you so much for making this easy. I wasn't sure --

Billy: I don't want to fight with you anymore, especially not about family, all right? We got to do what's right for the kids.

Victoria: Yeah, I know. I want the same thing.

Billy: I've really blown it all to hell this time, haven't I? [Chuckles]

Victoria: Are you gonna be okay?

Billy: Yeah. It's been a hell of a night, but, uh, right now I just want to focus on my future, my -- my work and my kids. And most importantly, I would just really like to go up there and kiss Johnny and Katie good night, tuck them in, if that's okay by you.

Victoria: Yeah. They would love that.

Billy: Thanks.

Paul: This is one of the aspects of my job that it is, uh, incredibly difficult for me personally, prying into people's private lives.

Phyllis: Go to GC buzz. You'll get every detail of my private life, okay?

Paul: [Chuckles] You know, it's only natural to protect the people you love, but not at the cost of your own welfare.

Phyllis: With Jack? Of course not. Look, I told you the story. I gave you the facts. I'm not making this up, Paul.

Paul: It's my job to double-check them. And, you know, be honest with me. It's no secret that the conflict between you and Jack has been escalating.

Phyllis: Was he angry? Yes. Did he strike at me? No. You can go, Paul.

Paul: Okay. This is the contact information for our domestic abuse help line and support group. You know, if you need it.

Phyllis: This is ridiculous. I'm not a victim. I fell down a flight of stairs. And my husband doesn't need to be put through anymore. He does not need to be put under police scrutiny for a crime that never happened. He did nothing wrong. Close the book. Let me try to put the pieces of my life back together.

Summer: Please pick up, Jack. Please, please, please pick up. Please pick up. Jack, hi! Finally! Hi!

Jack: Summer, I'm sorry I took off without saying goodbye.

Summer: That's okay. Um, mom is awake and she's gonna be okay, and she really, really wants to see you, so please come back to the hospital. Please.

Billy: So then the knight left the castle in search of a place where he would be happier. He searched far and wide over mountains and across seas, further and wider. Do you know what happened? He found out that the house where his family was, where his little boy was, his sweet little girl lived, was the best place in the world. So he decided that he was gonna make everybody that loved him prouder than they've ever been of him. And then he ate the dragon. And he had a lizard for dessert. Do you like lizard? No? Have you ever tried it? No? [Chuckles] Are you done? Okay. Spit that out and let's get a little rinse. Good job. Want some of that? [Clicking tongue] Pssshooo!

[Water spills]

Billy: Boom. Done. You good? Did you like the story? Yeah? Okay, little man, let's get you to bed. Ready? One, two! [Imitates rocket]

Travis: Hey. What's with the frown? He seemed sincere to me.

Victoria: Yeah, well, this is what Billy does. He crashes and then he dusts himself off and he gets back on his feet, full of promises and resolutions.

Travis: It doesn't stick.

Victoria: Not usually, but this time I hope it does, for our kids' sake at least.

Travis: Mm-hmm.

Victoria: Thank you.

Travis: For what?

Victoria: For being you. I mean, it's been quite a night, hasn't it? First my dad shows up, and then Billy. You're still here.

Travis: Here's the only place I want to be.

Victoria: [Sighs]

Billy: Katie's passed out and Johnny's all tucked in.

Victoria: Okay. Thanks. I'll go up soon.

Billy: Okay. I guess I'll just say good night.

Both: Good night.

Jill: Look, I am the first to admit that my son has made a royal hash of things.

Victor: And yet you're willing to saddle my daughter with him?

Jill: Because they love each other, Victor!

Victor: No. Victoria was the best thing that ever happened to your useless son Billy boy, all right? He didn't appreciate her. Now he has been replaced.

Jill: By Travis.

Victor: Hmm. Nice enough boy. I think she might have a future with him.

Jill: Yes, I know. They've decided to move in together. Right. But that is just Victoria trying to convince herself that she's in love with him. Pretty soon he'll pack up and move out. [Sighs]

Victor: But not to Hong Kong. Jill, that was such an amateurish offer. He saw right through it. You're losing your touch.

Jill: Oh, my God. You've been playing that poor sap, too, haven't you? You're gonna offer him a job so you can keep an eye on him.

Victor: Hey. That's a hell of an idea. I might do that.

Hilary: No matter how nice I am or how hard I try, all Jill does is attack me. I am so sick of that woman and her attitude!

Devon: Honey, how many times have I told you that Jill likes to get under people's skin? Don't give her the satisfaction.

Hilary: You make it sound so easy. You do.

Devon: Well, you're a smart, powerful woman that can do anything that you put your mind to, so I'm very confident you can figure out how to neutralize Jill.

Hilary: By ignoring her?

Devon: Yeah.

Hilary: I feel like throwing my drink in her face. But you are right. I will take the high road.

Devon: That's good to hear. 'Cause we have better things to talk about than Jill.

Hilary: Yeah?

Devon: Yeah.

Hilary: Things like... like this?

Devon: You read my mind.

Hilary: [Chuckles]

[Cell phone chimes]

Hilary: It might be important.

Devon: Okay.

Hilary: Turn on GC buzz. Now.

[Computer keys clacking]

Maybe you pushed her?

Jack: No, I didn't push her! She grabbed my arm! I pulled it away!

And now she's in the hospital, which sucks. The police must have questioned you, huh?

Jack: Okay, no more questions, or I will take that camera from you.

Come on, Mr. Abbott. I'm just trying to find out the truth.

Summer: I got in touch with Jack.

Phyllis: He's not coming, is he?

Jack: Damn it.

It was really intense seeing Jack Abbott's temper up close. He's always seemed so cool, you know? But tonight, he was definitely capable of going way over the edge. Obviously not something he wants people to see. Maybe that's why his good buddy threw down some money to make this go away. That's right. Billionaire Devon Hamilton, you know, the guy who slept with his daddy's wife, so he obviously knows a little something about keeping cheating in the family.

Devon: Jack is my friend, and it would mean a great deal to me if you killed this piece. He recorded us.

Hilary: That bastard!

Devon: I'm offering you an incentive to find a new story.

I don't take bribes. I gave that money straight to charity. And I can promise all you

GC buzz viewers that nothing will stop us from bringing you the stories that you want to see.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Devon: I understand that you own the production company that produces GC buzz.

Howard: You trying to bribe my reporter?

Travis: So what's the offer?

Victor: You think this will keep my daughter happy?

Billy: Well, well, well. Look at these two.

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