Y&R Transcript Friday 9/23/16
Provided By Suzanne
Phyllis: I do not want to move out. This is not what we need.
Jack: Fine. Then I will throw you out. Don't worry. You'll land on your feet. You always do. Billy's got a lot of room. You can stay with him. You know what? I'll pack a bag for you.
Phyllis: Jack, we have got to talk this out!
Jack: Let go of my arm.
Phyllis: No!
Jack: Let go of --
Phyllis: You cannot pack my things!
Jack: Let go!
Phyllis: [Screams]
Jack: [Breathing heavily] Phyllis?
[Door opens]
Billy: Phyllis? Phyllis, hey. What did you do to her?!
Jack: What did I -- she -- it was an accident! She fell! She hit her head!
Billy: Fell how, Jack?!
Jack: Phyllis?
Billy: Get the hell away from her! Hey. You there? Phyllis? Hey.
Ashley: Thank you. So, please, the next time that I feel the need to save somebody from self-destructing, would you just ship me off to Tahiti or Timbuktu? Tell me to stay out of it.
Abby: Is Timbuktu even a real place? Oh, that's right. It's just north of Kenosha. Here. Have a sip of afternoon wine, or five, and tell me what happened.
Ashley: What didn't happen? Jack outed Billy on TV, and then Phyllis alerted the media about her marital status.
Abby: Yes, it's been an interesting couple of days for the Abbott family.
Ashley: We're not a family anymore. We are a reality show.
Abby: It's not that bad.
Ashley: I think it is. Nikki comes to me and she thinks that Phyllis and Jack should reconcile, that he should just forgive and forget. After being cheated on like that, are you kidding me?
Abby: Well, if uncle Jack still loves Phyllis and she still loves him --
Ashley: Oh, no. Please. Stop. After the way both of my brothers have been hurt by that woman, they need to run as far away from her as they can and never look back.
Jack: You honestly think I would hurt her? She fell! It was an accident! She hit her head!
Billy: Do not move her, do you understand? Come here, stay here, and just keep talking to her.
Jack: Phyllis, Phyllis, can you hear me? Phyllis? Phyllis?
Billy: She breathing?
Jack: Yes, I think. Yes, she is. Definitely.
Billy: Hi, yes. We have an accident. A woman fell down the stairs and hit her head. She's unconscious.
Jack: Phyllis.
Billy: 603 Glenwood Drive.
Jack: Phyllis, can you hear me?
Chloe: Kids okay?
Chelsea: Yeah. Monique is calming them down. In an hour, they will be in their PJs and sleeping, and we will be free for the night. Okay, so I brought you down a couple dress options, both fabulous obviously, but I want you to try them on before Kevin gets here so I can make adjustments.
Chloe: A dress? Don't you think that's a little...
Chelsea: Appropriate?
Chloe: Uh, too much?
Chelsea: Chloe, you're going on a date, not to a business meeting.
Chloe: Whoa, whoa, whoa. We are not going on a date. It's just two friends sharing a meal. Kevin has been so great with Bella lately.
Chelsea: And you thought you'd reward him by allowing him to buy you dinner. Sure. Great. Call it whatever you want. I'm still dressing you, and that is fine. Here. I think this is the one. Give me this, give me this, give me this. What -- what are you reading?
GC buzz? Since when do you care about the latest Abbott drama?
Chloe: I don't. Just -- I feel bad for Billy. He gets blamed for everything in that family.
Chelsea: Billy isn't exactly destined for sainthood.
Chloe: No, I know, but he's not responsible for everything that goes wrong. Even a screw-up like Billy can get something right every once in a while.
Mariah: You realize you just ate your body weight in ice cream, right? I am impressed.
Faith: Thank you.
Mariah: Where does it go?
Faith: My...stomach?
Mariah: Yeah, that makes sense. All right, so what would you think about a sleepover tonight?
Faith: We always have sleepovers. We live together.
Mariah: I didn't mean with me, squirt. Chelsea wants to see if you want to come over and spend the night.
Faith: At Connor and Bella's?
Mariah: Yeah. She thought it'd be nice since your dad is busy at the underground.
Faith: Totally.
Mariah: Perfect. I will send her a text and tell her that it is a go.
Faith: I can't wait to hang out with the little kids. And with Chelsea, too.
Mariah: Ah, don't forget about Chloe.
Faith: Hmm, not tonight. I heard Chelsea tell daddy that Chloe had other plans.
Mariah: What plans?
Faith: A big date with Kevin.
Dylan: Hey, there you are. I've been looking all over for you.
Kevin: For some reason the Wi-Fi is best in this exact spot right here. Bit of a design flaw if you ask me.
Dylan: Okay, you have anything on surveillance footage on those break-ins by the lake?
Kevin: Yeah, I was just about to send you the link. Two suspects, one motorcycle. Should get a pretty good description from the video.
Dylan: Perfect.
Paul: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. What's going on here? You're interrogating Kevin? What did you do now?
Kevin: Really? Is that all the trust I've earned around here?
Paul: Well, you've got to admit it's not beyond the realm of possibilities.
Kevin: I have not committed a crime in weeks, I tell you! Weeks!
Paul: [Chuckles]
Dylan: He's helping me with the break-ins north of town.
Paul: Yeah, well, hand it off to Lindstrom. Get off the clock. Go home and visit your family.
Dylan: Yeah, well, just, uh, one quick thing I need to --
[Cell phones ring]
Paul: Uh-oh.
Dylan: Yeah, this is McAvoy.
Paul: Yeah, Williams. Where?
Dylan: Really?
Paul: Okay.
Dylan: All right, thanks.
Paul: All right, thanks for the call.
Dylan: I'll be there.
Kevin: Wow. What is it?
Paul: Woman hit her head. She's unconscious. Ambulance en route.
Kevin: Why would they call you?
Paul: It was at the Abbott estate.
Kevin: Phyllis? What happened?
Paul: We will find out. Go over and see Jack. I'll meet you at the hospital.
Ashley: Hmm. I like this wine so much. I should get a picture of the label or something.
Abby: Mom.
Ashley: What?
Abby: You have nothing to feel guilty about. What were you supposed to do when Billy said he was in love with Phyllis?
Ashley: Maybe keep my mouth shut?
Abby: Okay, say you hadn't said anything. I mean, what? You were just supposed to look your brother in the eye knowing that information about his wife?
Ashley: No, I couldn't have done that.
Abby: Exactly. Uncle Jack needed to know that information, and what he did with that, that's his choice.
Ashley: Well, I tell myself that, but maybe Billy was right.
Abby: [Chuckles] Billy is never right.
Ashley: Abby. My life is kind of empty. I mean, you know, it's pretty devoid of passion, don't you think?
Abby: Well, passion's overrated. Once you've lost that spark, once that feeling is gone...
Ashley: Uh-oh. Are we talking about you and Ben? There something I can do to help? [Gasps] What did I just say? I just said I wanted to help. So now you have to ship me off right now to Timbuktu. I hear that it's lovely this time of year.
Abby: No. You are not going anywhere. I need you. We all do.
Kevin: Hey!
Faith: Kevin!
Kevin: What are you two doing here?
Mariah: Oh, just crushing massive amounts of sugar. How about you?
Faith: Are you meeting Chloe here for your date?
Kevin: My what?
Faith: Or are you picking her up at Chelsea's? You should probably pick her up. It's the gentleman thing to do.
Mariah: Um, you know what? Can you do me a favor? Can you see if they have any cinnamon doughnuts left? I got major sugar envy watching you crush that sundae.
Faith: Okay.
Mariah: Okay. Hey, and no stealing bites.
Faith: Not even one?
Mariah: Okay, fine. Just one.
Kevin: [Chuckles] Ha.
Mariah: So...
Kevin: So...
Mariah: I heard about your big plans. What's your deal? Do you just enjoy rejection or...?
Kevin: It's not a date.
Mariah: Then what is it?
Kevin: It's a dinner. It's a casual dinner.
Mariah: Oh. Is that your "casual dinner" jacket and tie?
Kevin: This is what I wore to work.
Mariah: Oh, I see. It's very professional the way that you've left the tie untied all day long.
Kevin: Okay.
Mariah: Yeah.
Kevin: She said yes.
Mariah: What?
Kevin: To dinner. Chloe said yes, so you're way off with that whole rejection thing.
Mariah: Ah. I am talking about what happens after the dinner. Chloe's already said that she's moving on without you, starting fresh. I mean, do I have to spell it out for you? W-I-t -- you know what? That's -- that's too many letters. You get the point. Unless something has changed.
Kevin: I changed. I stopped fishing for information about Bella's dad, and I was honest with Chloe. I told her I just want to be a part of her daughter's life.
Mariah: And a part of Chloe's.
Kevin: Yes. As friends. As...whatever.
Mariah: And what if Bella's dad wants to be a part of her life, too?
Kevin: Well, that would be challenging given that he doesn't even know she exists. And apparently Chloe didn't want to complicate his already complicated life, whatever that means.
Mariah: Wait a second. I thought that this was a one-night stand. Now suddenly she knows all about the guy? What --
Kevin: Okay, can we not talk about this?
Mariah: Kevin, that's kind of sketchy.
Kevin: Okay, you know what? I have a dinner to get to, a
casual dinner. And from now on -- good lord -- I'm tying my own ties.
Mariah: Who's gonna comb your hair?!
Chloe: Maybe I shouldn't go.
Chelsea: What? What are you talking about?
Chloe: [Sighs] I don't want to leave you alone.
Chelsea: Oh, stop it, Chloe. It's a couple hours. I'll be fine.
Chloe: Yeah, but we've had dinner with each other every single night since...
Chelsea: Well, all the more reason you should have a night out on the town by yourself. I told you. I will survive. Now, will you please hold still?
Chloe: I am.
Chelsea: No, you're not. You're fidgeting like crazy. What? Are you nervous or something?
Chloe: No, I'm just -- I'm annoyed.
Chelsea: What? About Kevin?
Chloe: No, about Billy. Why does he always draw the short straw?
Chelsea: Uh, Billy is a big boy. He makes his own decisions.
Chloe: Yeah, but sometimes he actually makes good ones. When I came back in town, I was fully expecting him to be drowning in gambling debt and on some epic bender thanks to Victoria rejecting him yet again.
Chelsea: Sounds like Billy.
Chloe: Yeah, but he didn't do that this time. I mean, after losing the internet business and almost losing his own life, and then not to mention Victor piling a heap of crap on top of him, he survived. It just goes to show that he's a survivor. And he's an excellent father. Remember the way that Dee Dee used to look at him?
Chelsea: Yeah. I know you'll always share a bond with Billy because of Delia. And you're right. He has overcome a lot. But he's also very lucky. He has always managed to land on his feet. But having an affair with your brother's wife? I'm sorry. There's no excuse for that. I mean, he's not gonna land on his feet this time.
Chloe: No, that situation is messed up. I get it. I'm just saying we don't need to pin the whole thing on Billy. There's plenty of blame to go around.
Jack: Why isn't she responding? Shouldn't she be conscious by now?
We're gonna take your wife to the hospital.
Jack: Okay, I'm going with you.
Billy: Like hell you are. I'm going. I'm his brother.
Uh, sorry. Next of kin only.
Billy: Okay, you have no right to go after what you just did.
Dylan: Okay, hold on, hold on. Take Mr. Abbott to the ambulance, please.
Billy: This is wrong. You have no idea.
Dylan: So give me one. Tell me what happened.
Jack: Summer is on her way, Phyllis. She loves you very much, and she needs you. So do a lot of people. Hang in there. Hang in there, Phyllis.
[Elevator doors open]
Stitch: Okay. Take her into room 3. Let's go. Hey, I think it's best you wait here, Jack.
Jack: She's not even conscious.
Stitch: She's in good hands.
I have some questions for Mr. Abbott.
Stitch: And now is not the time, okay? I promise I'll keep you updated as soon as I know anything.
Jack: Okay, uh, just take care of her.
Stitch: I will.
Ashley: Thank you so much. I'm ready to go home. Are you?
Abby: Yes. And in the morning, you will realize you did uncle Jack a favor by getting everything out in the open.
Ashley: I hope so.
[Cell phone rings]
Ashley: Who is it?
Abby: Um, it's Ben. He's supposed to be on call at the hospital all night.
Ashley: Maybe he misses you. It's possible, Abby. Pick it up.
Abby: Ben, hey. How are you?
Stitch: There's been an accident. Phyllis was just brought in to the E.R.
Abby: What?
Stitch: She's unconscious.
Abby: Is uncle Jack there?
Stitch: Yeah, but he's a wreck. He could probably use some support from his family.
Abby: We're on our way.
Summer: Jack. Jack, hi. Where's mom? How is she?
Jack: She's with Dr. Rayburn right now. He's promised me he's gonna take the best care of her.
Summer: How did this happen? I mean, I know how -- how it happened, that she fell and she hit her head. But how?
Jack: We were fighting.
Summer: Fighting?
Jack: Yeah. Arguing.
Summer: Is that when she fell?
Jack: It was an accident, summer. No matter how angry I was, I would never hurt your mother. I could never hurt her.
Summer: No, no, no. I-I know that. I-I know that. [Sighs] I just cannot believe that this happened. I mean, what if this isn't like last time? What if mom doesn't wake up? This could be her coma all over again.
Billy: Can we just go to the hospital, please, and we can talk about this on the way?
Dylan: I would rather you finish explaining here. It helps me visually. I can see everything the way it was. So go ahead. You showed up.
Billy: Yes, I showed up. Okay, uh, I was standing right there. I could see through the glass doors. They were arguing.
Dylan: Jack and Phyllis?
Billy: Jack and Phyllis. They started up the stairs. They got about halfway, and then that's when -- [Sighs] Next thing I know, Phyllis came rolling down the stairs.
Dylan: And then what?
Billy: I don't know. She must have hit her head.
Dylan: So you're -- you're telling me that they were on the stairs?
Billy: They were on the stairs. She came rolling down. She must have hit here, 'cause when I walked in, she was -- she was laying right here.
Dylan: But you didn't actually see it happen.
Billy: I didn't actually see it happen. So all we have is Jack's version, that it was an accident.
Dylan: And you don't believe him?
Stitch: Okay, notify Radiology. Tell them I want a head CT as soon as possible.
Yes, Doctor.
Phyllis: [Weakly] Jack. Jack.
Stitch: [Loudly] Phyllis? This is Dr. Rayburn. You're in the hospital. Can you hear me?
Phyllis: Jack, no. No! D-don't! [Gasps]
Chelsea: Hey. Come on in.
Kevin: Hi. Thanks.
Chelsea: So... you ready for your big d...inner?
Kevin: Thank you for not calling it a date. People are way into making this something it's not.
Chelsea: As long as Chloe's happy.
Kevin: Yeah, that's the plan.
Chelsea: She's been through so much. Nobody knows that more than you do. But somehow she's mustered the strength to prop me up and smile for Connor when I couldn't. I mean, really she's been a godsend to me.
Kevin: So don't mess this up or I'm gonna have to answer to you?
Chelsea: You're always so good at reading between the lines.
Kevin: [Chuckling] Chelsea, come on. It's me. I would never do anything to hurt Chloe or her daughter. You know that.
Chelsea: I know.
Kevin: Really all I want is a chance to be there for them.
Chelsea: Well, looks like you're about to get that chance.
Chloe: Hi. Sorry to make you wait. My hair was staging a protest tonight. [Chuckles]
Kevin: Well, some things are worth the wait. You look just spectacular.
Chloe: Oh, thanks. Dress credit goes to Chelsea.
Chelsea: You're very welcome. Now, you two kids have fun. Bella is in good hands. Faith is coming over. We've got the whole bedtime thing taken care of.
Chloe: Oh, well, then maybe -- maybe we should stay and hang around. I bet you Bella would really like that. You wouldn't mind, right?
Kevin: Um --
Chelsea: No, stop. What are you talking about? Go. You have dinner plans. I've got this.
Chloe: You sure you're gonna be okay?
Chelsea: Chloe, I'm sure. Go.
Kevin: All right, that's our cue. Shall we?
Chloe: Okay. Let's do it.
Chelsea: Bye.
Jack: Even if that happens -- and I'm not saying it will -- your mother beat the coma the last time around. I don't see it shaking out any differently this time. She's too tough. She's too stubborn. Any minute she's gonna wake up and insist on being let out of this hospital.
Summer: Yeah, I hope you're right.
Jack: I am right. She's gonna be okay.
Summer: You still love her, don't you? In spite of everything.
Jack: If only love were enough.
Summer: I just hate that all this happened while you guys were fighting.
Jack: I do, too. I do, too.
[Footsteps approach]
Jack: Hey.
Ashley: What happened?
Summer: Hey, I'm so happy that you guys came. Hi.
Abby: Of course. Where else would we be? Um, how's Phyllis? Ben said there was an accident.
Jack: We were arguing. Phyllis slipped and fell and hit her head.
Ashley: At the house?
Jack: Yeah. Billy showed up, called an ambulance.
Ashley: What was Billy doing there?
Dylan: Hey. Tell him what you told me.
Billy: I've answered enough questions tonight, okay? All I care about is finding out if Phyllis is all right.
Dylan: I know, but we need to know what we're dealing with, if it was an accident or a domestic dispute.
Paul: Dylan filled me in. He said you arrived at the house, you heard arguing, you opened the door --
Billy: I heard arguing. Next thing I know, I saw Phyllis coming down the stairs. I run in and I saw her at the bottom of the stairs. Okay, I don't know exactly what happened.
Stitch: I might be able to shed some light on that.
Billy: She all right? Is Phyllis okay?
Stitch: We're running some scans right now. We'll know more once we have the results.
Billy: Did she wake up at all?
Stitch: Briefly. We ended up having to sedate her. She was agitated.
Paul: She was agitated? Did she happen to say anything about the accident?
Stitch: Not specifically.
Dylan: Well, she must have said something. What was it?
Stitch: Enough to make me wonder if it was an accident at all.
Mariah: Hey.
Faith: Thank you for inviting me.
Chelsea: Oh, are you kidding? Connor and Bella were bouncing off the walls when they heard you were coming. They are so excited.
Mariah: [Chuckles]
Faith: Where are they?
Chelsea: They're upstairs. You want to go see them?
Faith: Mm-hmm!
Mariah: [Clears throat] Are you forgetting something?
Faith: Thanks for the sundae.
Mariah: You are very welcome. Be good, and I'll pick you up in the morning, okay?
Faith: Okay!
Mariah: What?
Chelsea: Oh, nothing. No, I just -- I don't think I've ever seen you hug somebody before.
Mariah: Oh! [Chuckling] Um, yeah, I try not to make a habit of it, but she's a kid, so special rules apply.
Chelsea: Totally.
Mariah: Well, uh, thank you, and just give Sharon and I a call if you need anything.
Chelsea: You don't have to rush off, if you don't have plans.
Mariah: I could say that I do, but that would be...
Chelsea: Sad?
Mariah: Yeah. [Chuckles]
Chelsea: Yeah. So stay.
Mariah: Okay. I have my tablet if you want to work on --
Chelsea: Oh, no. Forget work. We should just hang. I mean, I guess we should get to know each other better, right?
Mariah: We should?
Chelsea: Well, yeah. Connor and I are spending more time with sully and faith.
Mariah: What's this about sully?
Chelsea: Oh, I'm -- I'm sorry. It was nick's idea. He thought it'd be nice if all the kids hung out together.
Mariah: Yeah, no, that -- that sounds awesome. Um, did he run this by Sharon?
Chelsea: Uh, I don't really know, but I assume she would want as many play dates for sully as possible, right? Nick -- he...he really adores that boy. They have a special bond, don't you think?
Chloe: Thank you, sir.
Kevin: I ordered for both of us. Hope that's okay.
Chloe: You ordered for both of us? Well, that makes sense, 'cause it's 1952.
Kevin: Hey, you're just gonna have to trust me. I know you and I know what you like, remember?
Chloe: Good. So then it is a burger with cheese and pickles. Joke. I'm just not used to the royal treatment. Lately it's just been takeout with Chelsea and the kids.
Kevin: Well, if anyone deserves the royal treatment, it's you, and I'm gonna make sure you get it from now on. To... new beginnings.
Chloe: Sounds good to me.
[Glasses clink]
Kevin: Mmm. Ah. I have to say, I'm so excited for this meal. The chef prepared something special just for us.
Chloe: No way.
Kevin: I'm serious. Pulled out all the stops, flew in fresh ingredients, and apparently the kitchen staff's been working on this all day.
Chloe: Pbbbbht. Well, now I feel weird. [Chuckles]
Kevin: Why?
Chloe: Well, you didn't have to do all this.
Kevin: Uh, you want me to send it back?
Chloe: No. No, no, no, no, no. So what is it? Is it duck l'orange?
Kevin: No.
Chloe: Is it sole almondine?
Kevin: No.
Chloe: Okay, then it must be something weird, like cockles.
Kevin: [Chuckles] What are cockles?
Chloe: I don't know, but I think they're from the ocean.
Kevin: Oh, no. This is all wrong. I should send this back and get us cockles.
Chloe: No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
Kevin: Well, then are you done guessing?
Chloe: Yes. The anticipation is killing me.
Kevin: Ta-da! Burger avec fromage.
Chloe: [Laughs] How did you know?
Kevin: Because I know you.
Jack: Hey. How's she doing?
Stitch: She woke up briefly. Her vital signs are strong and steady. And as you well know, Phyllis has been through worse and come through it. As with any head injury, we have to be extremely cautious.
Summer: Okay, but my mom's gonna be okay, right? She's gonna wake up?
Stitch: I wish I had an answer for you, summer. Unfortunately, all we can do is wait and trust your mom to pull herself out of this.
Summer: Just -- just gonna get some air.
Abby: I'll come with you.
Jack: You know what? I think I'll join you.
Paul: Hey, Jack. If you don't mind, we'd like a word.
[Footsteps approach]
Billy: Well, you were right. You said things were gonna get worse, and they did. You should quit your day job at jabot, become a fortune teller. You'd make a killing.
Ashley: I wish I'd been wrong. I'm sorry. I hate to see you hurting like this, Billy.
Billy: It's not your fault. You were just trying to get me to listen, trying to get me to smarten up, but I've never been very good at that, have I?
Ashley: Something like this, it's not anybody's fault. Just a horrible accident.
Billy: No, no. Jack caused this. And I'm gonna make sure he suffers for it.
Ashley: Billy, he already has.
Chelsea: On a scale of 1 to 10, how guilty should we feel that we're not sharing this with the kids?
Mariah: [Chuckles] I don't know. 2, maybe 3. As far as I see it, we have actually earned this ice cream.
Chelsea: Agreed.
Mariah: Yeah. So, is this what you and Chloe do at night?
Chelsea: Hmm. Sometimes ice cream. Sometimes wine. Sometimes both.
Mariah: That is a very solid routine.
Chelsea: We've been attached to the hip lately. It's almost weird being here without her.
Mariah: I wonder if she and Kevin are having fun.
Chelsea: Does it bother you, their date that they're not calling a date?
Mariah: [Chuckles] Yeah, what's up with that, anyway? Kevin and I are just friends.
Chelsea: Is that because it's what you want or because it's what he wants?
Mariah: Does it matter?
Chelsea: Kind of does, yeah.
Mariah: I care about Kevin. I don't know why. He is beyond irritating, immature. I don't know what is going on with his hair lately.
Chelsea: [Chuckles]
Mariah: But I care about him. He probably doesn't deserve it, but I know that he feels the same way about me. I just don't want him to get hurt again.
Chelsea: Right. I mean, I understand your concern, but Chloe's been really honest about where she's at, you know? Her main concern is Bella. Second to that, it's work.
Mariah: Yeah, I know that's what she said when she came back.
Chelsea: You don't believe her?
Mariah: I just think that things have changed a lot for everybody. I-I mean, would I be sitting here right now eating ice cream on your couch if Adam weren't gone? I don't -- I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you sad. I-I'm just saying --
Chelsea: I get it. I get it. I see your point. But... Chloe hasn't changed.
Mariah: No? Because now all of a sudden she needs Kevin, whereas before she was practically pushing him away. I don't know if it has anything to do with Adam, but yeah, I'd say that she's changed.
Chelsea: I think she's just trying to figure out what's important to her. That's what happens when your whole world gets turned upside down. Suddenly the things you thought you needed aren't important anymore and the things that you didn't think you needed... you can't live without.
Mariah: See? I did it. I made you sad.
[Both laugh]
Mariah: I told you that I would do that.
Chelsea: Trade?
Mariah: Yeah. Absolutely.
Chloe: Ooh! That was cheese nirvana. Thank you.
Kevin: You're welcome. Do you regret saying yes?
Chloe: To our non-date? Not one regret. You?
Kevin: Yeah, a pretty major one, actually.
Chloe: Really?
Kevin: I regret that we didn't do it sooner. See what I did there?
Chloe: Very tricky. Look at you, little misdirection. [Laughs] Well, I think it was the right move waiting. Had we done this any earlier, I think the night would have ended badly.
Kevin: Well, who says it has to end at all?
Chloe: Me.
Kevin: Well, boo.
Chloe: You can't boo me.
Kevin: Sure I can. I just did.
Chloe: [Chuckles] I just want to get home and give Bella a good-night kiss, even if she's asleep.
Kevin: Lucky girl.
Chloe: [Chuckles] Look at you with all the lines.
Kevin: What? Too cheesy?
Chloe: Clearly I like a little bit of cheese.
Kevin: [Laughs]
Chloe: [Laughs]
Kevin: Home?
Chloe: Home. Ooh!
Kevin: Whoa.
Chloe: [Chuckles] I think the bubbles went to my head.
Kevin: I don't know if it's the bubbles.
Paul: Here, Jack. Have a seat.
Jack: Thank you.
Paul: So, um, can you describe how you were feeling when you resigned from the foundation?
Jack: Exhausted. Emotionally and physically. I just wanted to get home, forget about all this talk of saving my fellow man, and just be alone.
Dylan: Did you pour yourself a drink?
Jack: No. I was tempted, but no.
Paul: So you -- you went home, and that's where you found Phyllis waiting for you.
Dylan: Why was she there?
Jack: She wanted to ask me -- well, to beg me...
Paul: What, Jack?
Jack: She wanted me to forgive her.
Dylan: But you couldn't.
Jack: Oh, I could. In fact, I did. At least I said the words. Even if I meant them, it wouldn't change anything. All the damage was done. My marriage is over.
Paul: Okay, so that's when you asked Phyllis to leave your house.
Jack: Yeah, and she refused.
Dylan: And how did you respond?
Jack: Not well. I was pretty ticked off that she wasn't respecting my wishes.
Paul: You know, Jack, when, um, I was listening to that interview that went viral, to me frustrated. And given the fact that Phyllis went public, airing your affairs --
Jack: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Where are you going with this?
Paul: Well, what do you think I'm getting at?
Jack: Was I angry? Yes! I was furious!
Dylan: So when Phyllis refused to leave --
Jack: I threatened to toss her out! In fact, I was on my way up to pack a bag for her! You don't actually think I would try to hurt her physically? I would never do that.
Paul: So you weren't angry enough to cause bodily harm?
Jack: Oh, hell yeah I was. But not against Phyllis. Against the man who started all this, who ruined all our lives and got away with it!
Dylan: Victor Newman.
Billy: Stitch, can I go in and see her?
Ashley: Billy.
Stitch: Yeah, I don't think that's a good --
Billy: She needs to know that I'm here, okay? She needs to know that she's not alone.
Ashley: She's not conscious.
Billy: She's gonna know that I'm there.
Stitch: Keep it brief.
Billy: Thank you.
[Door opens]
Ashley: Is this just a horrible idea?
Stitch: Maybe.
[Door closes]
Stitch: But medicine can't always cure everything. For all we know, this might be exactly what she needs.
Billy: Dr. Rayburn said it's okay. You can check with him.
[Door closes]
Billy: How you doing, beautiful? You okay? I'm here for you. I'm not going anywhere until you wake up. Even if it's to tell me to get the hell out of here. So wake up, okay? Come back.
Abby: Hey. Any news? How long could she be out?
Stitch: Could be awhile. But Phyllis may wake up sooner than, uh... hey, maybe, uh, maybe you should go home and get some sleep, too.
Abby: No, no, I can't leave her. She needs as much support as she can get. We all do.
Stitch: Yeah. It's a tough time. I have to get back, so...
Abby: Bye.
Dylan: Jack maintained what happened was an accident.
Paul: Right. But Billy seems convinced that Jack was at fault, even if he didn't say it out loud.
Dylan: I mean, that could be some residual resentment.
Paul: Could also be the truth.
Dylan: [Sighs] Okay, you've known Jack a long time. I mean, what do you think?
Paul: Well, I think anything's possible when emotions are flying around, but would I peg Jack for acting like that? No.
Dylan: I agree with you.
Paul: One thing bugs me, though. What stitch told us. About what Phyllis said when she came to.
Dylan: Yeah, but, I mean, she just hit her head. It could have meant anything.
Paul: You were ready to drop the whole thing, weren't you? Then Jack pointed his finger at Victor.
Dylan: I mean, he's got a point, Paul. You want to track it back to the root of the whole story? Everything leads to Victor. I mean, he brought that monster into their lives, and it tore Jack and Phyllis apart!
Paul: I'm not gonna get into this again, but this is not about Victor. Our job right now is to find out how and why Phyllis fell. And we're not going to be able to do that until she wakes up.
Billy: You know, you can't sleep forever. Even sleeping beauty's got to wake up eventually, get back to being a princess. Is that what you're waiting for, hmm? Some prince to come along, lay one on you, and break the spell? Well, it's a rough job, but somebody's got to do it, right? [Sighs] Hey. Hey. Welcome back, Sleeping Beauty. Welcome back.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Then you've heard the rumor?
Jack: What rumor?
That you beat up your wife.
Victoria: I want you to get it through your insanely thick skull that Billy and I are never getting back together.
Billy: If you look into your heart, you will find the truth, that you love me, too, and we can still be together.
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