Y&R Transcript Wednesday 9/21/16

Y&R Transcript Wednesday 9/21/16


Provided By Suzanne

Jack: Morning. I want all of Phyllis' belongings boxed and off the premises as soon as possible. And get me the latest financial research on Newman enterprises -- now.

Billy: I hate it.

Victoria: It's the hero shot, Billy. Open on the product. It's better than opening on the model.

Billy: Is it really only two options, Vicki?

Victoria: Well, clearly, the objective here is to focus on brand loyalty.

Billy: Oh, loyalty? You say that with emphasis, like I don't understand what that means. That's very subtle and classy.

Cane: Wow. You know, this is almost as much fun as it was shooting the damn thing with the two of you.

Billy: Why don't we focus on this and not judge me because of it?

Victoria: We're trying to speak to the market directly in a language that they're familiar with. We're trying to create a comfort level.

Billy: By pandering to the boring same old, same old? Why don't we do something fun and different and new and maybe even exciting? How 'bout that?

Victoria: Oh, yeah, because new and exciting is always better. Maybe to you, Billy, but you're not the demo that we're trying to reach at all.

Cane: You know, I don't want to interrupt this love affair that you two guys have, but, you know, we are trying to cut this commercial, and since the two of you can't make a decision, I'm gonna do it for you.

Billy: Oh, no. That's not gonna happen.

Victoria: No, not at all. That's one thing Billy and I can agree on.

Jill: Oh, oh, oh.

Travis: Oh, sorry.

Jill: Oh. Oh, Travis! Fancy meeting you here. Whew! I guess we share the same jogging path, huh?

Travis: Yeah, looks like it.

Jill: Yeah.

Travis: Well, enjoy your run.

Billy: Um, you know what? I was just about to rehydrate. Boy, and I admire your stamina. I'm sure that Victoria does, too.

Travis: Is there something you want to say to me, Jill?

Jill: Yeah, there is. And I have been waiting for just the perfect moment. I think that this is it.

Neil: Hey.

Lily: Dad, hey. You managed to make it in here without being attacked by reporters. That's progress.

Neil: Yeah, yeah. I thought things were gonna calm down, but all I've been doing is fielding calls -- you know, handing out a lot of, "we don't comment on the personal lives of our board members."

Devon: Even when the board members make their private lives public.

Lily: Well, if you don't give the press traction, they have no choice but to back off.

Neil: That's what I'm hoping. But the foundation is still so new. You know, I was worried that we're not established enough to take this hit. I think as long as no one else is talking to the press, we're gonna be okay.

Tell us your side, Phyllis!

Phyllis: No comment.

Which brother was better in bed?

Phyllis: I said, "no comment."

We just want your story.

Phyllis: Is that the reason why you were stalking out this side door and not in the main -- because you knew I was gonna be here? Denise! Denise! All right. You know what? Since you are doing the lord's work, I will give you all the gory details -- all of them.

Ashley: Jackie.

Jack: Someone's idea of a sick joke.

Ashley: That was Billy.

Jack: To mock me.

Ashley: No. It was all self-loathing and self-pity and shame. He said it was what really mattered -- that Phyllis loves you.

Jack: Well, Billy's wrong. He's made an entire career of being wrong.

Ashley: He swore it was the truth.

Jack: Phyllis has no business here -- not in name, not in person, not in my home, not in this company, not in our family. Don't you dare try to convince me otherwise.

Ashley: Jack, stop. I'm gonna call maintenance. It'll be gone before lunch. Come on.

Jack: You always look out for me.

Ashley: Jackie, that's what family does.

Jack: Tell our little brother that.

Ashley: How are we gonna move on from this?

Jack: Oh, I'm moving on. I got plans -- big plans -- for me, for the company. And playing nice is no part of them. People are gonna realize they can't walk all over me with this company anymore.

Ashley: That makes me kind of nervous, Jack.

Jack: The people who need to be nervous are not in this room.

Ashley: So, you're talking about Billy and Phyllis, right?

Jack: Oh, I'm not stopping with them. Victor and Jill are on my list, too, and anybody who had a role in this insult. They're gonna pay a heavy price.

Travis: Well, now that we're hydrated...

Jill: Ahh.

Travis: ...Tell me about this proposition.

Jill: Oh, you're eager.

Travis: Curious.

Jill: You have many positive personality points. I noticed that when I met you at Victoria's, and I had to know more, so I did my research. You were on the wall street fast track, and then you gave it all up to buy a bar, and, if I might say so, not a very nice bar.

Travis: Well, I think that being able to live with myself is worth more than a fat bank account.

Jill: Yep. Yep. Happiness does equal self-respect.

Travis: Yeah. For me, it does.

Jill: It does for me, too. But, of course, we have to remember that every once in a while, happiness can go hand in hand with a fat bank account, huh?

Travis: From my experience, it just doesn't work out that way.

Jill: Really? Well, you might find this interesting, then. My company is looking for somebody like you -- somebody... ethical, energetic, exciting, and when I look at you, I see all those things.

Travis: I think brash & sassy! Is fully staffed.

Jill: Oh, I'm talking bigger than that -- much bigger. I'm talking chancellor -- overseeing several divisions.

Travis: Really? Just from a quick look at my résumé?

Jill: I'm a keen judge of talent.

Travis: [Exhales sharply] Sounds like a big job.

Jill: Yeah, it's a huge job. I mean, can you imagine the responsibilities? Whoa. But the compensation package is spectacular.

Travis: Hmm. And there'd be a lot of travel, I assume?

Jill: First class all the way.

Travis: Yeah. And chancellor industries -- they have offices everywhere. Let me guess -- I'd be based in Hong Kong, as far away from Victoria as possible.

Jill: [Laughs]

Billy: I'm pretty sure your job title is not "decider."

Victoria: No, it isn't.

Cane: Okay, but it is when the only thing you two can decide about is the fact that you don't want to be in the same room together. Okay, this is not how you run a company. If you guys want to snipe each other, please, please just do it on your own time. We are trying to cut this commercial.

Billy: [Chuckles] Is it the kids? What's wrong?

Victoria: No, it's nothing.

Billy: No, it's something. I just saw your eyes do that thing.

Victoria: What thing?

Billy: What is it, Vicki?

Victoria: Phyllis is about to give a statement on GC buzz.

Lily: Dad.

Neil: What?

Lily: You have to see this.

Neil: What's wrong?

Lily: When we said no more press about the affair, I guess

GC buzz didn't get the memo.

Neil: Jack needs to back away from the press.

Lily: No. It's not Jack.

Phyllis: This is not how I wanted to do this. But there seems to be some rumors circulating about my personal life. Apparently, people want to get in to my business. Therefore, I am here to set the record straight.

Ashley: Jackie, revenge is useless. You know that. It just causes more pain and more misery. Revenge is what sent Phyllis down the sewer, and I don't want it to happen to you.

Jack: Oh, you give Phyllis much too much credit. Revenge wasn't what put her in Billy's bed. She wasn't fighting some noble cause. This is who she is. This is what she is. Same thing with Billy. It's a match made in hell. That's where the two of them belong.

Ashley: Listen to me, Jack. You can call it whatever you want. I know you're upset. But you can call it revenge or anger. It's all still pain. And I don't give a damn what happens to Phyllis, okay? I really don't. But I do care about you. I want you to look after yourself. Jackie. Come on. Take a break from all this. Go visit Kyle. I can handle jabot.

Jack: Yeah, 'cause this is a great time for me to lay in a hammock and read a book, right?

Ashley: Okay, point taken. How 'bout if you just take a break from the office? Concentrate on your foundation -- all the great work you're doing. You are changing lives, Jack. That's something to be proud of. Look, that...is not your mess. You shouldn't have to clean it up. Let me find out where the hell maintenance is, okay? Jack...Jackie... you're a good man. Focus on good things. Please.

Phyllis: I betrayed my vows, and I take full responsibility for my actions. I made a terrible, horrible mistake -- a mistake that I live with every second of every day. And I am not looking for absolution or pity. I have been tabloid fodder for some time now, and the media has picked over the bones of the worst year of my life. So I am going to ask for one thing and one thing only. Please...leave Jack Abbott out of this. He is a good...loving, decent... honest man. Do not question him. Do not harass him. That man has done nothing but love me. And I am committed to my husband and to the healing of our marriage. From now on, I will be making no further comments. I will be speaking to one person and one person only, and that is my husband. Thank you.

Lily: Well, I guess Phyllis drew the press away from Jack and the foundation, so... maybe we'll survive after all.

Victoria: Did you hear what she called you? A mistake?

Jack: You were right.

Ashley: Oh, yeah? About what?

Jack: What I do next.

Jill: Yeah. We have offices in Hong Kong... and headquarters here, and we have offices in Chicago. My husband and I keep a place there, and we kind of shuttle back and forth. You know, it keeps the spark alive. Remember what they say? "How can I miss you if you won't go away?"

Travis: So, you want me to go away so Victoria can miss me?

Jill: No. I'm just saying that there are certain perks to this.

Travis: Hmm. And you want to help our relationship...or beat it with a blunt object and throw it down a well?

Jill: You have a very vivid imagination.

Travis: And you are as intense as they come.

Jill: You know something? There is a spark in you that I recognize -- that drive. That's why you gave up that bar. You wanted adventure. You wanted the open seas, didn't you? You like a challenge. It gets your blood going. Well, Travis, what I'm offering you is such a challenge. It's one worthy of you.

Travis: That's flattering. Thank you.

Jill: Oh, honey, I'm not trying to flatter you. I'm trying to inspire you. Of course, you could just keep on jogging all day and live off Victoria's money, too.

Travis: Is that what I've been doing?

Jill: Don't get me wrong -- it's working.

Travis: Yeah. Thanks.

Jill: Mm.

Travis: But I'm gonna have to pass.

Jill: Wow. Without even really thinking about it?

Travis: You have instincts. So do I.

Jill: Yeah, but mine are right. So, when you change your mind, I'm not gonna hold this against you.

Travis: I appreciate that.

Jill: Mm.

Travis: Have a good day, Jill.

Jill: Yeah. And, Travis... maybe I'll see you around here again.

Travis: Yeah, maybe out jogging again. Hopefully by then you'll take the price tag off your shoes.

Phyllis: Sweetheart.

Summer: Mom.

Phyllis: How are you?

Summer: Um...how did you get past the press?

Phyllis: Well, I just got in through the loading dock. There are still a couple out there staking it out.

Summer: They're waiting for you?

Phyllis: Well, they're waiting for Jack. I tried to throw them off.

Summer: Did you talk to them?

Phyllis: [Sighs] They were so in my face. They wanted every detail about my personal life, and I gave them the truth instead. People were hurt from what I did, including you. So, if I have to draw the fire to myself and away from Jack, then that is my penance, if only just to get him to hear how sorry I am, how full of remorse and regret I am, and that I do want him back, and whatever he has to say to me, I deserve it. And that goes for you, too. If you need to talk, then I have to listen.

Summer: Mom, I'm not gonna go off on you again, okay? It's your life. It's your mistake and nobody else's, and it's not gonna go away.

Phyllis: It just made me furious. They're waiting for Jack at his work. It's not fair. I shot my mouth off -- yes, I did -- probably more than I intended.

Summer: Well, why are you here at jabot anyways?

Phyllis: Jack fired me... so I am gathering my things, and I don't blame him. My job is not the concern right now. His feelings about our marriage -- that's what's important.

Summer: Okay. Well, are you gonna talk to him at all?

Phyllis: Well, I'd like to.

Summer: Look, mom --

Phyllis: Well, I just -- I have to, okay? The more he sits on this... the higher this wall's gonna get. Now is not the time for me to run and hide.

Summer: So instead you're just gonna get in his face about what you want and what you need instead of respecting him and his wishes, right?

Phyllis: So, what do you think -- I need to walk away, just give up?

Summer: No. I don't know. I'm not saying that. But maybe you should let me talk to him for you.

Phyllis: Sweetheart... you would do that for me?

Summer: Yeah. Just... don't get your hopes up, mom. Jack may never forgive you, and you have to be prepared for that.

Jack: That's right. I'm calling an emergency meeting of the foundation board. We're meeting at lily Ashby's office at the athletic club. Good. Thank you.

Ashley: That's it, Jack. Shore up the foundation. Concentrate on meaningful things.

Jack: You'll be there?

Ashley: Absolutely. Are you kidding? Whatever you need from me, you've always got my support. Jack, I know everything seems wrong and twisted right now, but I promise you it's all gonna be in the past soon enough.

Jack: You seem sure of that. Summer.

Lily: Phyllis said the right thing. She took the heat off Jack and the foundation.

Devon: Yeah, and as bad as it is to have your personal life in the tabloids, as long as it doesn't touch the foundation, all we can really do is just sit back and watch things play out.

Neil: Guys, it can all still explode. We've all seen this up close. Things like this can have a negative impact for years to come.

[Cell phones chime]

Neil: Ah. Jack just called a meeting.

Lily: Maybe to coordinate damage control.

Devon: Well, hey, he's making time for the foundation, which is a good sign that we're all on the same page.

Neil: Listen to me. If anyone goes off the script again, I'm gonna do some damage control of my own.

Cane: All right, listen. We have a commercial that's on deadline, and that's not gonna change 'cause Phyllis gave a press conference, okay?

Billy: That wasn't a press conference. That was an ambush.

Victoria: Well, if anybody deserved to be ambushed...

Cane: I can't do this anymore. I-I just can't do it, okay? I'm gonna go and watch this, and I'll give notes, and you guys just...do whatever it is you do, okay? But let me say one thing. This -- this is not working.

Billy: Moral superiority from the guy that lied about being my brother.

Cane: Yeah, that's right. That's right, Billy.

Victoria: We're talking, Billy.

Billy: Yeah, you're talking about me. A mistake, right? Except I'm not and it wasn't.

Victoria: Did you see Phyllis' face? Did you hear her voice? She wasn't concerned about your feelings. She was scrambling to save her marriage.

Billy: No, that's not true.

Victoria: You don't exist to her, Billy.

Billy: That was guilt, Vicki.

Victoria: Let me ask you this -- when has Phyllis ever been loyal to anyone? Not to Jack, not to nick.

Billy: This wasn't a casual affair. This wasn't a fling. We loved each other. We said it. We planned to be together for a lifetime. Yes, Phyllis and I were going to be together, until my mother found out and blew it all to hell. She blackmailed Phyllis into dumping me.

Victoria: I don't understand.

Billy: My mom found out, and she forced Phyllis to walk away. She said if she didn't, she was gonna tell the world. And why do you think she did that? Because she is so sure that you and I are supposed to be together, even though you think I am a mistake.

Victoria: I never said that, Billy.

Billy: You don't have to say it. I can see it in your eyes... especially when you try to keep the kids away from me.

Victoria: I did that because of the press, not because of you.

Billy: No, you did it because of me, Vicki. And right now my mother is probably grinning ear to ear, thinking we are one step closer to being forever love.

Travis: Hey. Bad time?

Billy: No. It's a good time. Enjoy.

Travis: Hey. What just happened here?

Victoria: I don't know if I can tell you.

Travis: You can't or you won't?

Jack: I am always happy to see you, summer, but are you sure you want to be here right now?

Summer: Yeah. I had to come check on you -- you know, make sure you're okay.

Jack: I appreciate that, but I don't want to come between you and your mother.

Summer: No, she got between us, not you. Mom hurt you. She hurt our entire family. She also hurt herself.

Jack: And you're here to plead her case, right?

Summer: No, I am not. I was gonna come check on you regardless. I also saw mom... and she knows what she did was horrible. Because -- hear this, Jack -- she loves you. She really does love you. And I know it probably doesn't feel like it right now, because all you could possibly be feeling is the aching. Trust me -- I feel it, too. I mean, I think about all the ways that you've been there for my mom or you've been there for me, and I --

Jack: I will always be there for you, summer. I was there the day you were born. One of the greatest moments of my life. The divorce will not change any of that. Those feelings will always be there for you.

Summer: The divorce?

Ashley: Jack should be here any minute. He just wanted to take a few moments with summer.

Neil: Well, that's good. Family, you know -- he needs support, even if it is Phyllis' own daughter.

Ashley: Yeah. He was very decisive about this meeting.

Devon: Well, it's something to focus on other than his personal life.

Neil: Mm-hmm.

Lily: Hey, guys. You can come in now. My conference call's over.

Ashley: Oh, my God. Oh, you stop. You sto-- what are you doing here? You've got some nerve.

Phyllis: Mindy sent me an e-mail. I am on the circulation list.

Ashley: Well, not for long. And, trust me, you weren't invited.

Phyllis: This is jack's meeting. It's his call.

Ashley: Oh, I see. So, what do you think's gonna happen? You're gonna walk in and jack's gonna be fine? I think you need to spare yourself the humiliation, Phyllis. I'd ask you what your self-respect is, but I think we all know you don't have any.

Neil: Ladies, we're here for the foundation, not this. Come on.

Ashley: You're right. I'm sorry. Please. This won't take long.

Devon: We'll be waiting for you, Ashley, inside.

Ashley: Thank you.

Devon: Uh-huh.

Phyllis: Whatever you have to say to me... cannot make me feel any worse than I do.

Ashley: I don't give a damn how you feel, Phyllis. I knew. I knew it three years ago that it was a mistake for Jack to let you back in to his life, because you've always been poison to him. What I didn't know is that you were gonna share that poison with the rest of my family. You inflicted yourself on my little brother. How disgusting can one person be?

Phyllis: I did not want to hurt either one of them.

Ashley: Then why did you? I'll tell you why. The only thing that matters to you ever is you and your endless wheel of emotion. You know the problem with people like you, Phyllis? You think you're so interesting, you're so special and alive. You feel more things. You're passionate. The truth is everybody has feelings. They just don't give in to them. They don't indulge in them. They don't wallow in them. They don't destroy people's lives and marriages. You're not interesting. You're not special. You're not even deep.

Billy: Just walk away, Ashley.

Ashley: You're shallow and selfish and weak!

Billy: Ashley! You're done.

Ashley: Don't! Don't defend her.

Billy: She's not your fight.

Ashley: Don't. Listen. You know what? The two of you are something else. It's like you're in a contest -- who can sink the lowest.

[Door slams]

Phyllis: Thank you.

Billy: Wow. Did you just -- I think you did. You just thanked the mistake.

Victoria: Jill knew that Billy was having an affair with his brother's wife, so she exploited the information and blackmailed Phyllis into breaking things off.

Travis: So Billy would be free to go back to you? That makes sense. I don't know her that well, but it sounds like Jill.

Victoria: That's so Jill.

Travis: Then why are you so surprised?

Victoria: I'm not.

Travis: Victoria... look at you. Why are you so aggravated?

Victoria: [Sighs]

Travis: Is this really about Jill, or is it about some other part of the affair?

Phyllis: It was a mistake.

Billy: No.

Phyllis: It was wrong. It was selfish, and it was so cruel.

Billy: Yeah, but that's not the same. We always knew it was wrong. From the first kiss to the rainy night in front of the fireplace, we always knew it was wrong, but it was not a mistake.

Phyllis: It's the same thing.

Billy: No, it's not the same thing, Phyllis. You know that. What are you doing? That interview today -- what are you doing? You trying to hurt me? You trying to twist the knife in my back?

Phyllis: I had to say something. I couldn't --

Jack: Spit it out, Phyllis. All the gory details? Your husband and your lover can't wait to hear it.

Victoria: Why does it sound like you're accusing me of something?

Travis: I'm not accusing you. I'm just trying to figure you out.

Victoria: Well, there's nothing to figure out.

Travis: You sure that's the truth?

Victoria: Yeah, it's the truth. What, do you think I'm lying to you right now?

Travis: I don't know. Maybe to yourself.

Victoria: Okay, look -- am I upset about this drama? Yes, I am upset about this drama. It's horrible. But I'm no saint. I've done things before. And I'm not trying to -- to judge Billy. But I am worried. I'm worried about my family, and I'm worried about my kids. And for Billy to think that this thing with Phyllis is some grand romance, then --

Travis: You don't think it was?

Victoria: No! It was an affair. I mean, he's done it before. He's jumped into bed with a woman just because he could. But now Billy's gonna think that this is some gothic tragedy, and it's gonna suck all of the life out of him, and [Sighs] It's gonna take all of his energy. Really, he should just be licking his wounds and let Phyllis crawl her way back to Jack.

Travis: Like Jill wants her to?

Victoria: And like Phyllis wants. She said so herself.

Travis: Right.

Victoria: She doesn't want Billy.

Travis: Hmm. 'Cause it wasn't love?

Victoria: No, it wasn't.

Travis: Yeah. What if it was? Would it be that horrible if Billy and Phyllis got together?

Victoria: That won't happen.

Travis: Why?

Victoria: It would never work.

Travis: 'Cause, deep down, Billy still loves you and that's the way you want it?

Phyllis: Jack, please. This is already so hard.

Jack: Oh. Should I be making it easier? What do you think? Should I be making it easier? I thought I had already done that when I cut Phyllis loose. You two are free to be together. Hell, get a room right now. Don't worry about me -- not that you ever did.

Billy: You called this meeting, Jack, so let's move on, all right?

Phyllis: Can we go somewhere and talk? There's still so much we need to say. Can this meeting wait?

Jack: No, it can't.

Phyllis: [Sighs] Did you see my statement to the

GC buzz? I meant every word.

Jack: You took our marriage to a website that trades in smut and innuendo and gossip. Did I forget to say thank you?

Phyllis: They were already there, waiting for you. The reporters were at jabot. I was deflecting them. I was defending you.

Jack: What exactly did I do that needed defending? This I want to hear.

Phyllis: My choice was to talk to the reporters or leave you another 20 messages. If you don't pick up your phone, how are we gonna talk about this?

Jack: We're not going to talk about this. That's what lawyers are for. You have no business being here. Consider yourself fired from the board as well as jabot. This foundation was set up to build people's lives. All you do is destroy them.

Phyllis: We have conquered the worst together. We can do it again.

Jack: The worst? No. This is the worst. And we're not conquering anything together. And we're done. Done!

Jack: Thank you all for being here on such short notice. We have a lot of ground to cover, so why don't we get started?

Neil: Devon, is Hilary on her way? We all have things we need to take care of today.

Devon: Yeah. She should be here any minute.

Neil: Okay, fine. Why don't we go over the agenda?

Jack: I'd prefer to get started right now. You can fill Hilary in later.

Billy: I don't suppose Phyllis is gonna walk in?

Jack: Phyllis is no longer a part of this board.

Ashley: That works for me.

Neil: Yeah, but we can still go over the points, Jack.

Jack: You don't have to worry about me, Neil. I'm not going off the rails. As a matter of fact, the first order of business... is an apology. I'm sorry.

Cane: So, I would like to commend you on your excellent leadership skills. Ever since you put Billy, Victoria, and myself together, it's been nothing but a dumpster fire.

Jill: You shut up, and, tell me, are they still using you as a go-between?

Cane: No. They talk to each other, which means all they do is fight.

Jill: Ugh.

Cane: Oh, actually, no, there is one thing they talked to me about, which is I'm not allowed to have an opinion or a decision on anything.

Jill: Well, I take my Victories where I can get 'em.

Cane: Ha.

Jill: [Chuckles]

Cane: Thank you. So...what happened to this being a business venture and not a matchmaking expedition?

Jill: Oh, like you ever believed that in the first place. Down to brass tacks -- never mind how they talk to each other. How do they look at each other?

Cane: I can't tell if they hate each other or if they have so much pent-up lust, all they need to do is find a bedroom.

Jill: Yes! And is Phyllis still sniffing around Billy?

Cane: Ohh. You have not seen the interview, have you?

Jill: What interview?

Cane: Let me put it this way -- there's going to be casualties.


[Whirring continues]

Victoria: Since when are you threatened by Billy?

Travis: I'm not talking about Billy. I'm talking about you.

Victoria: You're talking about how I feel, and since you're not me, it's really not your business.

Travis: I see how connected you are to your ex, Victoria. He just lets himself into your house, and he gets under your skin. I got his mom trying to give me a job just to get me out of town.

Victoria: What?! Jill did that? When?

Travis: This morning. I see where Billy gets his entitlement from. And what Jill wants, Jill gets.

Victoria: Yeah, well, she doesn't get a vote in my personal life. That's for sure.

Travis: No, Jill doesn't bother me. You are the only part of any of this that I care about. I'm here for you, Victoria. I'm all-in.

Victoria: I'm all-in, too, so what are we even talking about?

Travis: You and me are one thing, but you and Billy are another. Okay? It doesn't matter how understanding I am if, on some level, you're still -- you're still tied to him in some way you're scared to admit.

Jack: This foundation means a great deal to many people. I blindsided all of you with my explosion. It wasn't fair to you, and I apologize.

Ashley: Jack, we all understand.

Devon: And we've all had private issues become public.

Lily: Yeah. We can handle this like we've handled everything.

Jack: I appreciate your loyalty, but this goes beyond press issues. I've had a lot of time to think, and my perspective has changed. Neil and I started this foundation to help people.

Neil: Yeah, that we did, Jack. We honored our own journeys, and we showed respect for the people who walked the path before us and the people who will come after us.

Jack: That's what we said. That's what we thought. But life has a way of opening your eyes. And I've finally seen the truth. This foundation is nothing more than a fraud.

Cane: So, it looks like Phyllis is falling on a sword.

Jill: Talk about a public implosion.

Cane: Anyway, this is none of our business. Let's not worry about it.

Jill: Hmm.

Cane: Don't go, "hmm." That scares me. Please don't tell me you're thinking that brash & sassy! Should take on jabot while they're distracted. Please don't tell me that.

Jill: It's good business.

Cane: No, it's not good business, because we are all in the same building. No.

Jill: Ah. The scarlet woman.

Cane: Please don't do this.

Jill: Hmm.

Cane: Jill, don't do this.

Jill: I can't help myself, cane.

Jill: Well... if it isn't the media sensation.

Phyllis: Oh, go ahead. You get that one last gloat in, Jill. You know what? You have no control over me anymore.

Jill: I think you give me far too much credit. I doubt anyone could control the dynamo that is Phyllis Abbott, or is it "summers" now? I can't remember which. Whatever. That was a bold move you made with GC buzz this morning, coming clean like that. Made it much more straightforward for everybody else.

Phyllis: It's amazing. Lives are coming apart, and yet you are still shoving Billy and Victoria together. Why don't you leave him alone? He's been through enough.

Jill: Oh, wow. You're protecting my son now? How adorable you are?

Phyllis: I am trying to do the right thing, and I'm gonna have to fight to get back to Jack, and I am not about to give up.

Neil: Jack, this foundation is not a fraud.

Ashley: You're upset. Everybody understands.

Devon: Hey, guys, I think this meeting should just wait, huh?

Lily: Yeah. Let us field questions from the press and put out releases about existing programs.

Neil: Yeah, they're right. You should be --

Jack: Neil, hear me out. This matters. This matters to all of us. We've heard it a million times. Relapse is part of recovery. You can try to help people, try to change them, try to save them. In the end, 9 times out of 10, people will revert to type. Isn't that right, Billy?

Billy: Oh, yeah. That's right, Jackie. I always end up in the gutter, and you're the only one that gets out, right? The anointed one -- the only one capable of real reform. God, it's got to be nice to be you.

Jack: Oh, it is so nice. My life is just a bowl of cherries right now. No. Actually, I am the poster child for failure. My mistake -- my mistake... was trying to get clean, and I'm not talking about the pills. I'm talking about if I'd clean up my act -- the cheating, the scheming, the good, old-fashioned revenge for which I became somewhat famous. See, I thought I could change. I convinced myself I'd seen the light. I was gonna step away from the darkness, turn my back on all of the ugliness and hate, turn the other cheek. I was gonna live a life of decency and kindness. And what did it get me? What did all that piety and self-righteousness get me? A lying, cheating wife and a backstabbing brother. Well, the good news is... old Jack is back! Lot more fun, a lot less hypocrisy. I'm not gonna pretend anymore that redemption is real, because I have seen up close and personal that lying, cheating, filth will always find a way to lie and cheat one more time. Scratch Abbott from the foundation letterhead. No more memos, no more meetings, no more believing people heal. I am done with this foundation and everything it stands for. In short... I quit.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Then you've heard the rumor?

Jack: What rumor?

That you beat up your wife.

Victoria: I want you to get it through your insanely thick skull that Billy and I are never getting back together.

Billy: If you look into your heart, you will find the truth that you love me, too, and we can still be together.

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