Y&R Transcript Tuesday 9/20/16
Provided By Suzanne
Jill: Neither one of you is quitting. Would you please sit down?
Billy: I came here to work, not be judged.
Victoria: Well, then maybe you shouldn't have slept with your brother's wife.
Billy: Really, Vick? Is that the way it's gonna be?
Victoria: You're all over the tabloids. That's how it's gonna be everywhere you go.
Jill: Stop it! We have a very important commercial to prep for. Let's get to work. Now, cane, I would like you to go over the scripts with Billy.
Cane: Sure.
Jill: And, Victoria, I would like a word with you in private.
Victoria: [Sighs]
Cane: Okay.
Victoria: If this is gonna be how you expect me to cut Billy some slack, you can forget it. What he did was despicable.
Jill: You expect an argument out of me? I couldn't agree with you more about my miserable excuse for a son.
Nikki: Well, look at you. Careful. That's almost a smile.
Victor: [Chuckles] It's a good day, isn't it?
Nikki: Yeah. And I think I can make it even better.
Victor: Oh, yeah? What do you have in mind?
Nikki: I talked to Dylan, and I think I have convinced him to stop investigating you.
Victor: Well, sweetheart, that's very kind of you, but I've already taken care of that.
Nikki: What is this? "Family affair"? [Gasps] My god! Phyllis and Billy were having an affair?! [Gasps] Jack must be devastated.
Victor: My heart is bleeding. Isn't that shocking?
Nikki: Yeah.
Victor: [Chuckles]
Nikki: Now I know why you're in such a good mood.
Victor: Mm-hmm.
Phyllis: [Sobbing] You are upset, and I understand that. You have every right to be upset.
Jack: Well, thank you for letting me own my feelings.
Phyllis: You want me out of the company, I'll leave the company, but... a divorce? We can fix this. We can fix this. Don't give up on us!
Jack: Why not? You sure as hell did.
Phyllis: [Sighs]
Nick: Oh, hey. You're looking employed. You must have worked things out with Chelsea.
Sharon: Thank you for the pep talk. I'm actually on my way to see a distributor.
Nick: Ah, good for you.
Sharon: Oh, I'm glad I ran into you. Faith wants to do something kind of special for Connor next time you see him.
Nick: That's our girl. Sweet as can be. Although I don't think that's gonna be in the cards.
Sharon: I thought you were helping Chelsea and Connor through all this.
Nick: Yeah. Chelsea told me to stay the hell out of her life.
Michael: Hello, brother. I got your message. Everything okay?
Kevin: I need a sounding board.
Michael: What can I help you with?
Kevin: Well, I had a conversation with Chloe that's not sitting well with me.
Michael: Oh, relationship advice. You know, maybe this time you should try Lauren. She's not only beautiful and sexy, but she's pretty brilliant at this kind of stuff.
Kevin: No, no, no, that's not what this is about. I think Chloe's hiding something. Something huge.
Chloe: So, she was just hugging Connor so tight, I swear she was nibbling on his ear. It was the cutest thing you've ever seen. Wait. You know what? Let's -- let's just go. No, you -- you don't need any more questions about Adam's escape, and this guy just doesn't know when to quit.
Dylan: [Sighs]
Chloe: Come on, we can still leave.
Chelsea: No.
Chloe: Let's go.
Chelsea: I'm not running.
Dylan: Good morning.
Chelsea: No more questions, Dylan. Please. Not today. Not ever.
Dylan: You'll be glad to know that I'm officially off the case. Restraining order. Victor Newman.
Chelsea: Victor filed a restraining order against you?
Dylan: He did. And my orders are to follow it.
Chelsea: Your orders. Okay. Since when has that ever stopped you?
Victor: The destruction of jack Abbott's marriage to Phyllis Abbott moves me so deeply.
Nikki: Yes.
Victor: Right.
Nikki: Except for the fact that you probably had a part in setting it in motion.
Victor: In what way?
Nikki: Phyllis never got over what happened with Marco. I mean, you can't deny that it broke her, and now her marriage.
Victor: Sweetheart, give me a break. Phyllis Abbott is not known exactly for fidelity, now, is she, huh? Remember when she jumped in the sack with our son Nicholas? And now with Billy boy Abbott? Don't look at me. Don't blame me for that. There's only one person to blame.
Cane: The script looks good. Are there any changes you want to make?
Billy: You care about my opinions, cane?
Cane: Billy, I want to work, okay? So if you're here, let's work.
Billy: Yeah, that makes two of us. Unfortunately, Victoria doesn't want to be in the same room as me.
Cane: All right, listen. Do you want to talk about what's going on here?
Billy: With you? No, I don't.
Cane: Okay. Well, you know what? I know what your options are, okay, so maybe I'm the only sympathetic ear you'll get.
Billy: Oh, come on. You have a sympathetic ear?
Cane: Yeah.
Billy: Give me a break. I mean, you got to be loving this. I go down in flames because of the scandalous affair, and you rise from the ashes. You take over brash & sassy, of course, along with Victoria.
Cane: You do realize that I actually want to win this company with my business acumen, okay? I don't want to win it because you're just acting like a complete and total idiot.
Billy: Appreciate that.
Cane: Okay, you're welcome. All right, all right, okay, listen. If you want to talk, let's talk, all right?
Billy: Right now I'm more worried about jack and Phyllis.
Cane: Oh. What? So now you're worried about jack and Phyllis?
Billy: And you wonder why I don't open up to you?
Cane: All right, I'm sorry. That was uncool. I apologize to you. Look, I've seen where you are, okay? I've seen it before. When Hilary and Devon fell in love, Neil was married to her, all right, and it caused nothing but anger and pain, so if you want me to tell you what you're gonna face is easy, it's not, all right? You're gonna be raked over the coals by the public and your family for this.
Billy: Like I just said, jack and Phyllis are my priorities. They need to figure this out, okay? They just... they got to get back together. They have to.
Cane: Is that what you want? You do realize there's a very good chance it's gonna happen.
Victoria: What was he thinking? No common sense. No sense of decency. His brother's wife? I mean, come on. Who does that?
Jill: My idiot son. That's who does that.
Victoria: And then he shows up at the house to pick up the kids as if it's any other day and there aren't a dozen reporters trailing his every step. Does he really think that that's a safe environment for the children?
Jill: Obviously not.
Victoria: I am so over waiting for Billy to grow up. And if you expect me to feel sorry for him, don't. He deserves to stew in this mess.
Jill: Let me tell you something. I always think you do the right thing, Victoria. But in this particular case, at this particular moment, letting Billy stew in it would be a huge mistake, and it's one you can't afford to make.
Phyllis: I love you. I love you!
Jack: Do not say those words to me.
Phyllis: Those words are the reason I ended it with Billy! I chose you! I chose our marriage.
Jack: That makes it all better? Because you chose our marriage? This wasn't a momentary lapse in judgment. This lasted for months! You took whatever meaning our marriage had and put a blowtorch to it.
Phyllis: But you said that we should go to therapy. You said we should be prepared to be painfully honest with each other, and you said that the truth was gonna hurt!
Jack: That's when I thought our marriage was worth saving! This marriage died the moment you crawled into bed with Billy.
Phyllis: I ended that! I ended that weeks ago!
Jack: You know what? Let's talk about that noble decision you made all those weeks ago. Where were you? What were you and Billy doing when I was at Adam's memorial days ago?
Phyllis: [Stifled sob]
Jack: Save your breath. I got my answer.
Kevin: I was talking to Chloe about Belle's dad.
Michael: Ooh. Couldn't you have stuck to the weather or something? The packers, anything?
Kevin: Michael, I need to know everything. I can't help it.
Michael: Yeah, 'cause you love her.
Kevin: The guy doesn't know he has a daughter.
Michael: This is Chloe we're talking about. That's her choice.
Kevin: She claims his life is complicated and that's why she never told him about Bella.
Michael: I'm sure Chloe has made her choices for any number of Chloe reasons. Maybe you should respect that and her privacy.
Kevin: Yeah, I get that. But when she first came back to town, the story was that the dad was a one-night stand. Now he's somebody with a complicated life, which means she knows him, right?
Michael: Or not, right?
Kevin: As far as sounding boards go, you're not being very helpful.
Michael: All right, here's my advice -- back off.
Kevin: Worst sounding board in the history of sounding boards.
Michael: If you keep bulldogging Chloe for answers, you risk alienating her completely. And where is the picket fence down that road? That is what you want, isn't it?
Kevin: So I stop asking.
Michael: Or don't. You keep on asking or investigating on your own. The dad hears about it. He blows into town, wants to be a part of Belle's life or Chloe's life. And where does that leave you? On the outside looking in.
Kevin: Doesn't this guy deserve to know he has a daughter?
Michael: Depends. Is he some great guy who wants to be the rock in Belle's life, or is he someone like your father? Look, Kevin, you need to think long and hard about the repercussions of you sticking your nose into this. This man being in their lives could be bad for Bella, bad for Chloe, maybe even bad for you, too.
Dylan: If I push the investigation, I could go to jail for contempt.
Chelsea: Doesn't mean you're gonna stop.
Dylan: Victor's smart. He's hanging the possibility of me going to jail over my head, being taken away from my son, and that's not a chance that I'm gonna take.
Chelsea: So the investigation is really over.
Dylan: [Sighs] Come on, Chelsea. We both know the truth. It's right there in front of us.
Chloe: There's a restraining order here, so this conversation needs to be done.
Dylan: And you decided that because Victor tried to give you and Adam a new life even after all the devastation that he caused. And somehow that erases everything he's done, all his crimes, the nightmare that he put you and Adam through?
Chloe: Okay, you need to back off. Maybe you need to file a restraining order.
Chelsea: No, I got this. Look, Dylan, I get that you want the truth. I get that you're worried about your mom and her potential involvement in all of this. So this is personal for you. Well, this is personal for me, too. My husband is dead, and I have a son to raise. It's personal for Sharon, too. You know, she's worried about you. She wants you safe. So, maybe this restraining order is a good thing. For all of us.
Nick: Chelsea basically told me to take my doughnuts and shove it.
Sharon: Hmm. Well, I'm sorry. I know you just wanted to help.
Nick: I just wanted her to know it's okay to grieve, you know? But she is not having it. She is locked and loaded, ready to move forward. There's no time for tears. She even told me I didn't need to keep my promise to Adam.
Sharon: About being there for Connor?
Nick: Yeah. I mean, I overstepped, and I stepped right in it.
Sharon: Well, I think you helped more than you realize. Dylan and I saw Chelsea at the studio, and she had been crying. Of course, maybe that's because Victor was there.
Nick: What did he want?
Sharon: He was just being Victor.
Nick: Dad is one of the reasons Adam asked me to step in to try and protect Connor.
Sharon: That little boy is really lucky to have you in his corner.
Nick: I made a promise to Adam. I have no intention of walking out of that little boy's life. I just need Chelsea to understand I'm only here to help.
Sharon: Just use your nick Newman charm. Step by step. You'll get there. Maybe lose the doughnut angle.
Nick: [Chuckles]
Phyllis: That day, Adam's memorial, I was so furious about Victor.
Jack: Yeah, and me for offering my condolences.
Phyllis: No. No, it was all about Victor and what he did and what he left me to deal with, and I just -- I felt like no one understood me.
Jack: Except for Billy. [Chuckles] I was happy you had my brother by your side for that horrible day. Turns out you also had him between the sheets. Please tell me it wasn't our bed.
Phyllis: Jack. No. Never.
Jack: Billy's? The club?
Phyllis: Does it matter?
Jack: It matters! Where?!
Phyllis: The cabin.
Jack: [Breathing heavily] Again. My god!
Phyllis: I walked out of there more committed to you than I ever have been to us!
Jack: You have an explanation for everything, don't you? Why you lied, why you cheated, why you lied about cheating, why you lied about lying about cheating!
Phyllis: I was wrecked! And you didn't want to see it! You didn't see it! And Victor wrecked me, and I was put into a pit! And I had rage and I had anger, and I could not find my way out of that! And you didn't want to see it!
Jack: So you turned to Billy, because our love wasn't enough.
Phyllis: No, I was obsessed! I admit that! I was obsessed getting Victor to feel the kind of pain that I felt!
Jack: And Billy was right there to hold your hand.
Phyllis: I thought if I could be vindicated, I'd find my way back to some sanity, to being me and to being whole! I just felt empty. And I want to be whole again. I just want to be whole again with you. Please, jack. Please. Please.
Jack: For over a year, I heard about your pain. I felt your pain. I wanted to help you. You didn't want my help. You wanted revenge. And not just on Victor. On me, because I didn't hate him enough, because I didn't live and breathe retribution. Well, you sure found a way to make me pay, didn't you? You slept with Billy because I failed you.
Phyllis: No. No, you didn't.
Jack: You keep going on about Victor, how he lies, his cruelty, the pain he's capable of inflicting on other people. He's got nothing on you.
Chloe: So ready for a sugar rush. Is it wrong to say that before noon?
Chelsea: We need to make decisions on the fabric for the casual line.
Chloe: I know we do. Muffin first?
Chelsea: No, this first. We have a deadline, remember? Unless deadlines don't count anymore because everyone's so busy telling me what's best for me. Sorry.
Chloe: [Sighs] Do we need to have the talk again?
Chelsea: What? About how my friends are just trying to help?
Chloe: Yeah. That one. Is it about Dylan? Are you stressed about running into him again?
Chelsea: I just hope this restraining order works. I hope he stops investigating Victor, because this -- this needs to be over.
Chloe: My guess is, no more questions. Ever. From Dylan or anyone, including me. We have to focus on today and tomorrow and every day after that for us and for our kids. And I'm here. Whatever you need.
Chelsea: I feel like now what I need is a hug.
Chloe: Oh. Come here.
Jack: My good-for-nothing brother. The screw-up who slept with my wife.
Nikki: My god. To see jack like that.
Victor: [Chuckles]
Nikki: He must really be hurting.
Victor: Oh, it just breaks my heart. Jack Abbott brought to his knees by the weakest person in the world.
Nikki: After all the times jack has come to Billy's side, helping him, getting him back together, and then he repays him like that?
Victor: I hope you understand now why I've kept that punk Billy boy Abbott away from Victoria as much as I could.
Billy: What makes you think jack and Phyllis are gonna work this out?
Cane: Personal experience.
Billy: You and lily?
Cane: Yeah. Yeah, 'cause we let lies and blame and secrets get in the way of how much we truly love each other. You know, from what I see of jack and Phyllis, you know, they can have a connection, they can be just as strong.
Jill: Okay, the thing is, that you and I have both seen Billy at his very worst. We've both seen how quickly he can spiral down out of control. Victoria, right now he's on a precipice, and the only way to go is down. He needs us.
Victoria: He needs to grow up.
Jill: Well, agreed he does, but right now we need to keep him from going over the edge.
Victoria: Well, it's a really good thing you're back in town. You're gonna have your hands full, because I'm done.
Jill: Okay, so what you're saying is that because Travis is in your life right now, you're gonna turn your back on the father of your children?
Victoria: Until he grows up, yeah, pretty much.
Jill: Hey. What are you gonna tell Katie and Johnny when daddy hits bottom? Or worse?
Phyllis: Please don't leave like this. Please don't leave like this.
Jack: What? You want me to stick around so we can have a competition over who suffered the most?
Phyllis: No. No.
Jack: All those months I fought to get back here... [Voice breaking] You were my reason for survival. I thought if I could just get back here to this home, to you, to our love, I could fix things. I could make us right. I could make us whole again.
Phyllis: That's what I want to do.
Jack: I was patient. I was understanding. When you needed time, I gave you time. When you needed space, it was yours. And the more I loved you, the more you resented me.
Phyllis: That's not true.
Jack: You wanted to punish me. And not just by having an affair. No, you'd done that before. That didn't hurt enough. Knowing how much family meant to me, you slept with my brother. And don't you dare claim this was some blind attempt to cover your pain. You knew exactly what you were doing. Well, now you're gonna get exactly what you wanted.
Phyllis: [Sobbing] No. No. No, no, no, no.
Michael: Wow. It's worse than I thought.
Phyllis: Not possible.
Michael: Come here. It is okay. Everything's gonna be okay.
Phyllis: I ruined everything.
Michael: Yeah, well, you certainly made a big, hot mess for yourself, but look, I know you, and I know jack, and yours is the kind of love that just doesn't go away, so I have hope.
Phyllis: [Sighs] I had hope, too.
Michael: "Had"?
Phyllis: He wants a divorce.
Michael: He said that? He used that word? Then you talk him out of it.
Phyllis: Or I give him exactly what he wants... as soon as possible.
Nikki: Oh, jack, I'm so sorry. You have always been at my side in difficult times. If you ever need to talk, you know that I'm here. But something tells me you're not here to talk to me right now.
Victor: I think jack came to see me.
Jack: Privately.
Nikki: Um, I don't know if that's a good idea.
Victor: Oh, we'll be all right, sweetheart, okay? Care to join me for a drink?
Jack: I think you know the answer to that one.
Victor: Well, sometimes even the strongest fall off the wagon.
Jack: Oh, no, I'm very much on course. How about you? You man enough yet to admit you started all this?
Victor: You don't mind if I have a drink, do you?
Jack: Help yourself.
Victor: You know, normally I wouldn't allow people to come to my house and throw insults at me, but in this case, I'll make an exception. That TV interview -- whoa. You must be reeling from that.
Jack: Answer the question.
Victor: The question is do I have anything to do with your wife's behavior? The answer is a flat no.
Billy: [Sighs] I'm gonna work from home.
Cane: Wait, wait, wait. What about the shoot?
Billy: I'm sure you and Victoria can handle it.
Cane: Billy, Jill's not gonna like this, man.
Billy: I don't give a damn.
Victoria: Oh, yeah, that's right. Just run out the door.
Billy: Well, I'm not gonna take your abuse.
Victoria: You know, whatever crap you've pulled in your personal life, you do have one thing going for you. You're reasonably good at your job, so you can stick around here and you can do it or you can bail just like you always do when things get hard.
Billy: You're so transparent. You take a dig at my professionalism to try and get me to stay?
Victoria: Oh, I'm really okay with you being gone. I mean, this shoot will go a whole lot faster without you and your horrible ideas on what women want.
Billy: I know what you're doing. And I know you're behind it. And I'm not staying because of the games. I'm staying because this company's important to me. Just like this campaign is. See you at the studio.
Cane: [Sighs]
Jill: Good job.
Victoria: I said I would get him to stay. I did not say I would like it.
Nick: Hey.
Chloe: Hi.
Nick: Is, uh, Chelsea around?
Chloe: You know, it's really not a good time. Deadline kind of thing.
Nick: Yeah, I know. It won't take long. I just need to clear the air a little bit.
Chloe: I told him it wasn't a good time.
Chelsea: It's all right.
Chloe: Okay. I guess I'll go check the inventory.
Nick: [Sighs]
[Door opens]
Nick: All right, so here's the deal. I made a promise to Adam that I would be in Connor's life. Now you want me out. But if I was to do that, then I'd be breaking a promise. And, you know, then the word will get out, and then I'll be the guy that doesn't keep his promises, and I can't have that. You know what I'm saying? So, kind of hoping you see the bind I'm in here and cut me some slack.
Chelsea: Do you really think I'm in the mood to joke about any of this?
Nikki: Well, what a nice surprise.
Dylan: Yeah, the day is just full of them.
Nikki: What's wrong?
Dylan: Well, you know, it's good news for you. Got your wish.
Nikki: My wish? What's my wish?
Sharon: Hi, sweetie.
Dylan: Hey.
Sharon: Nikki. What's going on?
Dylan: It's your lucky day, both of you. And I hope you're happy. Because somebody should be.
Chelsea: I don't have time for this, nick. I know you mean well, but I've made my decision. I need to work through this my way, not yours.
Nick: Yeah, and one thing I seem to be really, really good at is upsetting you. Chelsea, that's not my intention. I'm just at a loss on how to help you.
Chelsea: Well, maybe giving me some space would help.
Nick: Yeah. Here I am again in your space. So I'll go. But before I do, Chelsea, I just want you to know that I'm available, you know. You can throw things at me. You can yell. You can cry. Whatever. Because I did all those things when I lost...Christian and then sage. So the only thing I have to offer you is my experience. A miserable experience, because I know that this can be hell to get through. So if you ever need someone who's had too much damn experience losing the people they love... well, I'm your guy. So, uh, yeah. Thanks for hearing me out.
Chelsea: Nick, wait.
Victoria: Oh, my gosh. This looks great. Okay, just, um, stay on your mark and say your lines right into the camera.
Victoria: [Sighs] Okay. What do you think?
Jill: I think it looks good.
Billy: If you're going for obvious.
Victoria: Take one.
My brash. My sass--
Billy: Cut.
Cane: Why? Why are you cutting?
Billy: Can you tell Victoria that the wardrobe is wrong?
Victoria: Will somebody please tell Billy that this is not a light beer commercial and we're not doing bikinis?
Billy: Would you tell Victoria that --
Cane: All right, I'm not telling Victoria anything. I'm not translating. We're not in high school, okay?
Victoria: [Sighs]
Billy: Okay. Hold that right there. Perfect. Chin up a little bit. Let's go again. Take two.
My brash. My sass--
Victoria: Cut!
Cane: Why? Why? Why?
Victoria: Please tell Billy that the bottle needs to be more prominently displayed so that the viewers aren't focused on her --
Billy: Look, could you tell Victoria --
Jill: Enough of this! We are professionals. Could we please behave like professionals?
Cane: Thank you, Jill. Thank you very much. Can we please roll on take three? Action.
My brash. My sassy.
Billy: Cut. Okay, stop. Can you please tell Victoria that the color of the background is completely wrong?
Victoria: Can somebody please ask Billy what makes him an expert on color scheme given the questionable color scheme of his house?
Jill: Well, now she does have a point there.
Billy: You loved the color of my house before you started busting my chops.
Jill: Stop it! The model is fine. The background is fine. And time is money. Now let's get this done.
Both: Take four.
My brash. My sassy.
Michael: So, just like that, you're gonna give jack a divorce? What happened to my girl who fights for what she wants?
Phyllis: Michael, I have ruined everything. There's no coming back from this.
Michael: That might seem how it is right now. But the man did, um... uh, he did melt down on television. He's overwhelmed. I mean, the wounds are fresh. He only sees one way out.
Phyllis: He's done nothing but love me. I'm a monster.
Michael: You made a mistake, so you fix it.
Phyllis: [Scoffs]
Michael: Oh, no, no. Don't you shake your head at me. I lived this. I've been on both sides, so I know what I'm talking about. Lauren and carmine. You remember that? We healed. It took a hell of a lot of work, but we healed. And not so long ago, I broke Lauren's heart. I was cruel and I pushed her away for reasons that made sense at the time but were so horribly wrong. Luckily I came to my senses. I fought for forgiveness. And now we're stronger than ever.
Phyllis: You were on the same page. I am in this fight all alone.
Michael: Then you need to remind jack of what brought you together, what makes you so great. And you don't just own what you did. You look at it. You really look at it. You look at the how and the why of it, and then you promise jack, and you mean it from the bottom of your soul, that your future is with him and no one else.
Phyllis: He hears every word out of my mouth as a lie or an excuse. He is not going to listen to my promises.
Michael: Then you make that promise over and over again until he does listen. Look, jack is wrapped up in seeing what went wrong. You have to remind him of what was so right.
Jack: You honestly believe your actions played no part in what happened to me?
Victor: [Sighs] I assume you're referring to Marco. But you must remember that I was then defending my family and my company from the paragon virus.
Jack: With which I had nothing to do.
Victor: And I knew nothing about that at the time. I apologized for it to you. Wish it had never happened. Now, what does any of that have to do with your wife's transgression with another man?
Jack: You put a stranger in her bed. She's never been the same since. Her life has been out of control. Her sense is out of control. What? You see no link at all?
Victor: Whatever happened with Marco is one thing. I had nothing to do with Billy boy Abbott being in your wife's bed, did I? You know what you're upset about? The fact that he took advantage of a damaged woman.
Jack: A woman damaged by you.
Victor: Do I have anything to do with Phyllis being in your brother's bed? She didn't just want sex with him. She wanted to find someone who hated me as much as she did.
Jack: Right now no one fits that description better than I do.
Nick: A restraining order?
Dylan: You really had no idea?
Nikki: No. Victor didn't mention that.
Dylan: [Sighs] Well, I know you're happy. It's not often you two have something in common.
Sharon: Nikki, would you give us a moment alone?
Nikki: Of course. It really is for the best, sweetheart.
Dylan: This is what you wanted, right? To see me off the case.
Sharon: Look, I know how much this meant to you to get justice for Adam, but it's also very dangerous to go after Victor. I just... I don't want you to be upset.
Dylan: Even when you're getting what you want?
Sharon: I'm not gonna lie. I'm happy. But it's so obvious that you're not. And I don't want this to come between us.
Dylan: No, come on, Sharon. We're good.
Sharon: Yeah? Jack thought that he was good with Phyllis, too.
Dylan: Ah. That's where this is coming from. Let me tell you, husbands and wives, they disagree about all kinds of things. It's just part of the package. Now, what kills a relationship... lies. But that's not us. So we got nothing to worry about.
Chloe: Hi.
Kevin: Hi.
Chloe: I got your text. Sounded important.
Kevin: It is. How's Belle's rash?
Chloe: It's rashy. [Chuckles] It's fine, Kevin. So, is that what this big meet's about?
Kevin: No. Uh, yeah. I mean...kinda. Maybe. Okay, wait. So, um, it's definitely about Bella. You. Us.
Chloe: Us?
Kevin: We got a pretty good lock on this friends thing.
Chloe: Yeah, we sure -- we sure do.
Kevin: And I don't want anything to get in the way of that.
Chloe: Same here. So, maybe we should stop this conversation right now.
Kevin: The questions I asked you about Belle's dad, I want to apologize.
Chloe: You do?
Kevin: It's your business, not mine. And Bella, she's the best. She's amazing, perfect. And you did that. You're the only parent she needs. So, from now on, no more questions.
Chloe: Thank you.
Kevin: We good?
Chloe: [Chuckles] More than.
Kevin: Okay.
Chloe: You know, I got to say, I know it sounds a little harsh, but I never even think about the guy anymore.
Kevin: Yeah, why should you?
Billy: We might have got lucky and got a decent commercial out of that.
Victoria: So we're talking now?
Billy: The company comes first. So we need to work together. But on the other side of the door, Victoria, if you try to take my kids away from me, you're gonna have a fight on your hands.
Chelsea: I haven't been fair. I'm sorry.
Nick: Chelsea, you don't have anything to apologize for.
Chelsea: I've just been all over the place emotionally, but I do appreciate your offer.
Nick: All right. Maybe we just leave it at that.
Chelsea: Maybe so.
Phyllis: Oh, Michael, I don't know what to do. You didn't see jack.
Michael: Oh, I have a pretty good picture of how angry he was. But he's a reasonable man, a fair man, and he loves you. Give him some time. Let him find terra firma again.
Phyllis: He's a fair man, but, you know, some things are just too big to forgive.
Michael: Okay, just answer me one question. What do you want?
Phyllis: I want my marriage. I want my husband back.
Michael: Well, there. You have a plan. You have a plan. So lead with that big, gorgeous heart of yours, fight with everything you have, and let that man know that the love of his life will not take no for an answer. Frankly, I don't know how he could resist you.
Phyllis: You're right. I don't know how I'm gonna do it. But I'm gonna win him back.
Victor: Sorry, jack. I think your hatred is misdirected. If you want a target, I suggest you look at your brother.
Jack: I reached out to you with the olive branch. Not just at Adam's memorial, but ever since I came back from that hell you created for me. I wanted nothing to do with these toxic wars you wage. I wanted to make peace, and I thought maybe in making peace, I would find it, that maybe Phyllis would, too. What a joke. All I did was set my wife up because she knew better than I did. There's no forgiving you. There's no repairing the damage you do. Making peace with you is a waste of time.
Victor: It sounds like a declaration of war.
Jack: It's a return to sanity. This war never ended. I'll tell you what. It just escalated.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Phyllis: There seems to be some rumors circulating about my personal life. Therefore, I am here to set the record straight.
Jack: You were right.
Ashley: Oh, yeah? About what?
Jack: What I do next.
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