Y&R Transcript Monday 9/19/16

Y&R Transcript Monday 9/19/16


Provided By Suzanne

Nick: Hey. I've been trying to get ahold of you. Were you upstairs visiting someone?

Summer: Yeah, I've gotten your messages, dad.

Nick: Why didn't you call me back?

Summer: I don't know. I've been busy.

Nick: [Sighs] Did you hear about your mom?

Summer: Yeah, it'd be kind of hard not to. I mean, social media blew up last night and has not slowed down this morning. So, anyway, I'm on my way home.

Nick: Summer, your mom's gonna need us right now.

Summer: We need to be worried about Jack right now.

Come on, come on, Phyllis. Why did you sleep with your husband's brother?

Victoria: [Sighs] Billy.

Billy: Why do you look so surprised to see me for?

Victoria: I'm kind of wondering what you're doing here right now.

Billy: Well, I'm here because it's my day with the kids.

Victoria: Are you serious?

Billy: Yes. Are you gonna push me on this today?

Travis: It's not a fight you want to have.

Neil: Would you let me talk for a minute? This story was supposed to be about the mission of the foundation, not about jack's personal life. Yeah, but I'm just asking you -- okay, I realize that it's not up to you, but -- never mind.

Devon: Hey, we all saw the interview.

Neil: Yeah, I was just on the phone with Lois. She was gonna kill the story, but I --

Cane: Yeah, but the boss couldn't resist the cheap sensationalism, huh?

Neil: Yeah, that about sums it up.

Devon: But we need to do something, because the foundation can't afford to have this kind of bad press.

Lily: Dad, we have to get in front of this.

Neil: Any shot I had at that was blown the minute that Jack went off on live TV.

Cane: Did Jack say he was having a problem with Phyllis?

Neil: He seemed fine. I mean, the interview was going great, and then --

Lily: Well, he's not fine anymore. The whole world thinks he lost it. He put in jeopardy everything that you two have worked so hard for.

Devon: The man just found out that his wife was cheating on him, so it makes sense that he's being out of control.

Neil: Yeah. Like I was. Whoa, whoa, Jack, what's going on here? What's this all about?

Jack: It's about Billy. My good-for-nothing brother. The screw-up who slept with my wife.

[Doorbell rings]

Jack: You got a minute?

Jill: Yeah, of course. Jack, I'm so sorry. I never meant for this to happen.

Jack: Then why didn't you tell me?

Devon: Look, Neil, I wasn't trying to make comparisons.

Neil: Well, I am.

Cane: All right, listen, we don't have to revisit this, guys, all right?

Neil: I need to if I'm gonna help Jack. The comparisons are absolutely unavoidable. You know, Jack was cheated on like I was. It's a hard hit to find out that the woman you love, the woman you share your vows with is cheating on you with a family member. I was completely irrational. I didn't care about the consequences. I boarded that plane to Chicago with all of you, and I was drinking.

Lily: Okay, dad, what is the point of this?

Devon: Just let him go through it. Neil, you confronted me and Hilary and you forced us to be honest with you. Did that help?

Neil: I wish it had. I was so out of my mind with anger and jealousy. You have no idea.

Lily: Well, we've gotten past it, all of us.

Neil: Have we?

Devon: Of course we have. We're all in completely different places in life right now.

Lily: Yeah, dad, we love you.

Neil: We're all still going through what I did, aren't we? How do I keep Jack from going there?

Devon: Well, I tell you, you be there for him, and you make sure that he knows that he can always come to you if he needs to.

Neil: He can't get caught up in all that pain with wanting revenge, I mean, otherwise he's gonna end up hurting himself and -- and everyone that he cares about.

Jack: Where the hell are you going?

Jill: I just thought if we're gonna talk about this, I would make you some tea.

Jack: You're a coward.

Jill: What?

Jack: You know what you did was wrong. You'd rather go to the kitchen than face me.

Jill: Why are you blaming me? Phyllis is the one you should be --

Jack: My wife was cheating on me! You never said a word to me!

Jill: I know I didn't! I didn't want to hurt you!

Jack: So you blackmail Phyllis? How is that helping me?

Jill: Phyllis told you I blackmailed her?

Jack: I want to know why you did it.

Jill: All right. For starters, I was trying to protect the family.

Jack: What? By covering for Billy the way you always do, the way we've always done?

Jill: I know that. I know that. Look, Billy didn't mean to hurt you.

Jack: He was sleeping with my wife!

Jill: I know. It's indefensible.

Jack: So is what you did!

Jill: Jack, I was looking out for my son.

Jack: Yeah, and to hell with me.

Jill: No. Why hurt you when I'd already forced the two of them to stay apart?

Jack: You still don't see that what you did was wrong. Why don't you see that? How can you not?!

Jill: Because I didn't know what to do! I knew I had to do something! I thought if I threatened them, it would wake them up! This is what I was trying to avoid, this exact thing, you having your heart broken.

Jack: Oh, wow. Nice spin.

Jill: It's the truth!

Jack: You are no better than they are! And this -- this betrayal you will pay for.

Billy: Where is Johnny and Katie's stuff? You usually have it out for me.

Victoria: Not today, Billy.

Billy: Okay, you, just -- you get out of here.

Victoria: Don't talk to him like that.

Billy: No, this is between me and you about our children. And just because you're sleeping here, it doesn't mean you get to butt into our conversation. So just skedaddle, bartender.

Victoria: It's okay, Travis. I can handle this.

Travis: Call me if you need me.

Billy: Will do. Look, this is not a good day to test me.

Victoria: Well, I'm sorry. I can't really pick and choose what days your affairs become tabloid fodder. I can't believe you would show up here after what happened.

Billy: What happened? Well, as far as our kids are concerned, nothing has happened.

Victoria: Look at you, Billy! You're a mess!

Billy: Yes, Vick. I'm all messed up.

Victoria: "Messed up" doesn't even begin to describe!

Billy: Okay, look, I slept with my brother's wife. That makes me a terrible, terrible human being to everybody else in the world. But to our children, I am still their father, and you do not get to keep my kids from me.

How long has the affair been going on?

Nick: Leave her alone.

Did you have any idea that your husband knew what was happening?

Nick: Don't answer that, Phyllis.

I'd just really love to hear what you have to say.

Nick: She has no comment.

Phyllis! What's going on in your head?

Phyllis: You want to know what's going on in my head?

Nick: No, no, no, no. She's not answering that. You go get a drink. You want a comment, I'll give it to you up there. Let's go. Come on. You, too.

Phyllis: Baby. Baby, are they bothering you about all this stuff? [Sighs]

Summer: Really?

Now you're concerned?

Phyllis: I am concerned. Your father and I have always been concerned. We've tried to protect you from this kind of stuff.

Summer: What's "this stuff"?

Phyllis: This! This media circus!

Summer: You created this media circus.

Phyllis: No, I did not. No, I did not. Jack opened up on a televised interview.

Summer: And if he hadn't, it would have only postponed the inevitable, mom! You brought this media circus here! You brought them to town!

Phyllis: You don't understand.

Summer: Mom, please do not talk to me like I am 12. I understand. What are you even doing here anyway?

Phyllis: Jack spent the night here. I came to see him. I need to speak with him.

Summer: Jack is not here. I already checked his room.

Phyllis: That's good. That's good that you are looking out for him.

Summer: Yeah, you know, I'm worried about Jack because he's always looked out for me and he's always looked out for you.

Phyllis: I know. I've been trying to call you. I have been leaving you messages. I have been texting you. Why haven't you returned them?

Summer: You don't get it, do you?

Phyllis: Get what?!

Summer: I don't want to talk to you.

Phyllis: Don't say that.

Summer: Jack has done nothing but love you and support you and put up with you.

Phyllis: Put up with me?

Summer: You left him! You moved in here! You made him think that he did something wrong, that he was ruining your marriage, destroying your marriage, when all this time, I mean... how could you do this to him?

Nick: We are talking about people's lives here, deeply personal and private matters that are none of your business. And you need to get out of my face with that. Stop trying to turn this traumatic event into a sound byte. You're sensationalizing the pain that my friends are going through without any regard to the entire Abbott family.

Mr. Newman.

Nick: I'm not gonna tell you this again. Stop harassing my friends.

Phyllis: Summer, this is complicated. I did not want to hurt Jack.

Summer: Yeah. Well, then maybe you shouldn't have slept with his brother, mom.

Phyllis: [Sighs] Can't you understand? I feel horrible about what I have done!

Summer: Right? Well, you should, mom. Because now the rest of us feel terrible. And going on and on, warning me about Luca, going on about trust and getting all righteous with me about how he would never treat me the way that I deserved? You were cheating on Jack the entire time. You are world-class hypocrite, mom.

Jill: I know that you're hurting. I know you didn't mean that as a threat.

Jack: Did you really think I was just gonna roll over, that I wouldn't hold you accountable?

Jill: Oh, accountable for what? For trying not to hurt you? And I will not apologize for wanting Billy back with the mother of his children. No, Victoria's the only woman that's ever mattered to him.

Jack: Implying what? That -- that Phyllis meant nothing to him? Knowing that she meant everything to me, my brother was having casual sex with my wife?

Jill: I don't know what lies they told each other or themselves. All I know is that I was trying to get Phyllis to come to her senses.

Jack: Oh, yes. I know. By blackmailing her.

Jill: It was not blackmail, Jack. It was a ploy. I knew that she needed distance, she needed time away from him so she could --

Jack: Did it ever occur to you -- did it ever cross your mind that what she needed was me?! You see someone dying on a road, you...

Jill: Oh, Jack.

Jack: My marriage was dying! You knew that! You didn't so much as pick up a phone! Instead you threatened my wife, scaring her more, hurting her more!

Jill: I was trying to drive her back into your arms, and it was working, wasn't it?! My instincts were right! She was committed to your relationship!

Jack: Only it didn't work. She went back to Billy, didn't she? You knew that.

Jill: I...

Jack: At Adam's memorial service, Billy and Phyllis showed up late. And you were furious at them 'cause you knew when you saw them that they'd just been together, didn't you?!

Jill: I wanted to tell you then!

Jack: You listened to me defend them. You stood by while I said how glad I was they could be open and honest with each other! You didn't say a word to me! You let me go on living a lie!

Jill: Jack, Jack! I am not the one who broke your heart.

Jack: You were wrong about something earlier.

Jill: What's that?

Jack: When I threatened you, I meant every word of it.

Jill: [Sobs]

Billy: You're trying to change the rules, Victoria.

Victoria: No, I am just trying to tell you that today is not a good day.

Billy: The language that you had Michael put into our custody agreement clearly stated that we do not get involved in each other's personal lives.

Victoria: I'm not telling you who you can and can't sleep with. I could care less, actually!

Billy: But you are using the kids as punishment.

Victoria: To protect them! Your selfish actions have affected everyone, not to mention your complete disregard for your brother and lack of judgment!

Billy: I am their father. You do not get to change the rules on this. Now, I'm going to get the kids.

Victoria: If you take them out of this house and thrust them into that media circus out there, the press is hounding you! I do not want my children subjected to that! I doubt that's what you want either!

Billy: Do you really want to play who's the better parent here?

Victoria: Oh, stop twisting this around!

Billy: Come on, you didn't even know who Katie's father was, and now I'm sure the kids are confused with the revolving door of men you got coming in and out of here.

Victoria: Oh, that's real nice.

Travis: That's enough. You need to turn around and walk out the door. Now.

Victoria: Billy, no. Stop.

Billy: You don't get to talk about my kids, Travis.

Travis: This is what you want your kids to find down here? You fighting with their mother? You're in the middle of a mess you created. Don't make it worse.

Billy: Okay, who are you to even open your mouth right now?

Travis: I'm stating the obvious, Billy. Things are going off the rails here. I suggest you leave, you cool off, and you deal with whatever it is you have to deal with. The kids are safe here with their mother.

Billy: This isn't over.

[Door opens]

Victoria: [Sighs]

Travis: You all right?

Victoria: You know, you didn't have to do that. I can take care of myself.

So, wasn't your daughter the result of an extramarital affair with Phyllis Abbott?

Nick: Do not bring my daughter into this.

But you see the pattern, right?

Nick: Who the hell are you? I mean, why do you get to decide what's appropriate or not? You hide out in bushes. You shoot your camera into people's bedrooms. And you, you come at us like you're predators with cameras. You're bullies. You claim your viewers have the right to know what's going on while you stomp all over our rights and our privacy.

Cane: Shut this down, please. Thank you. Come on.

Devon: Hey, no, no, no, no. Don't even think about it.

Lily: You're on private property. You need to leave. If you don't go right now, I'm gonna call the police.

Cane: Calm down, man. Just let it go. Don't let them get to you.

Nick: I know. I'm fine. I'm fine. I know they're not coming after me, but this is just starting for Jack and Phyllis and Billy. We all have kids.

Phyllis: I know that you and Jack are close and you hate the thought of him being --

Summer: Humiliated? Betrayed?

Phyllis: That is not what I wanted to have happen.

Summer: Then why did you do it, mom? You're so sorry about what happened to Jack. You act like you didn't see it coming, but you -- you got into bed with his brother. You knew who you were choosing.

Phyllis: It just happened.

Summer: Oh, it "just happened."

Phyllis: It just happened. It did. And I was struggling with the whole Marco thing. I was upset and I was angry.

Summer: Then you should have gotten help and worked through it with your husband.

Phyllis: I tried.

Summer: For how long?

Phyllis: What are you talking about? I don't -- I don't understand.

Summer: For how long did you try? Until the first time that you were alone with Billy? Till the first time that you kissed Billy? Until the first time that you and Billy --

Phyllis: That is enough. You are my daughter. You don't get to talk to me that way.

Summer: And you don't get to talk to me like I'm an idiot. You didn't try. You just did what you wanted.

Phyllis: Please. Please don't leave like this. Come on. I'm sorry. I am so sorry.

Summer: You know, mom, I thought that you had changed. I didn't think that you were this person anymore. But here you are all these years later still doing the same thing to Jack. He's too good for you. You don't deserve him.

Nick: Phyllis.

Phyllis: No. [Voice breaking] The hell of it is, Nick... she's right.

Lily: Okay, you're trespassing, so the police are on their way.

There is really no need to bring the police in.

Lily: Actually, there is, 'cause I asked you to leave and you are still here.

This is a huge story. If I didn't cover it, I'd be bad at my job, and I'm -- I'm not bad at my job.

Lily: Yeah, I'm good at my job, too, which is why you have to leave 'cause I have to protect my guests.

That's a lot to protect.

Lily: What is that supposed to mean?

You wouldn't want a story about you and your family out there for the masses, would you?

Lily: Are you -- are you threatening me? Are you telling me that if I don't let you stay here and harass my guests and my friends, you're gonna air my dirty laundry on your disgusting TV show? Is that what you're saying?

It's not a threat. I just love a good story. See you next time, though.

Cane: [Sighs]

Jack: I owe you an apology, Neil.

Neil: Jack, if you think that's why I asked you here --

Jack: I aired my wife's infidelity during our press conference on live television. Without question, I did permanent damage to this foundation.

Neil: Jack, let me say s--

Jack: Listen, I have no excuses. There are no excuses. But I want to set things right. I will take any recommendation you have on how to handle this up to and including my stepping down.

Neil: Okay. I appreciate that. Now can I talk? Come on. Take a seat for a minute right here. Now, as far as damage control goes, I like that. That's a good sign.

Jack: About what?

Neil: That you're in a better place than I was when I went through this. Yeah, you remember? My spouse cheated on me with a family member.

Jack: You know, Neil, I'd rather not get into this. I'm here about the foundation.

Neil: Yeah, and I'm here to help a friend. Jack, you're angry. I get that. But that pain, that upset, that physical upset that you're feeling in the pit of your stomach, am I right? And all the other feelings that I've experienced, as well. Fury. Anger. Jealousy. And the most important one of them all. Revenge. The need for revenge. So I'm gonna need you to slow down for a minute and ask yourself this question. Will it be worth it?

Phyllis: Go ahead, Nick. Take your shot. I've had my head handed to me by my daughter, by my husband. I'd say it's your turn.

Nick: No. Who am I to judge? I mean, uh, as a member of the press just reminded me.

Phyllis: Nick, I've dragged you into this, too. They're gonna bring up our affair.

Nick: Too late. [Chuckles]

Phyllis: I'm sorry.

Nick: Oh, hey, don't apologize. I'm sorry that you're going through this.

Phyllis: I'm the adulteress. Nobody's crying for me. At least you had an excuse when we cheated.

Nick: Yeah, Cassie had just died and I was spinning out of control.

Phyllis: Where I was an evil, covetous, selfish woman when we hooked up.

Nick: May have been some of that, but I think mostly you were just exactly what I needed you to be.

Phyllis: I'm not comparing what I'm going through to you losing Cassie. I'm not doing that.

Nick: Phyllis, Phyllis, it's not a competition. Hurt is hurt.

Phyllis: You know, after I realized the man I was living with...sleeping with that looked just like my husband, I... I thought I should just move on, you know. I thought, hey, I can -- I can -- I can do that. But I felt like I was getting sort of untethered from everything.

Nick: And Billy was there.

Phyllis: He was the only solid thing I could hang on to. And he helped. He helped me realize I wasn't crazy and what's most important that I needed to reclaim my life and myself. And I know it sounds absolutely crazy, but I think he gave me the strength to want to work things out with Jack. I know what people are saying. They're saying that I jump from man to man. I'd say the same thing. But it wasn't like that. I love Jack, and he doesn't deserve any of this.

Nick: Then tell him that. Phyllis, do not give up on your marriage.

Travis: I was just trying to keep things from escalating between you two, okay?

Victoria: You acted like he was threatening me, and he wasn't.

Travis: I believe that.

Victoria: You do? Then why did you interfere? Why didn't you just let me handle it? [Sighs]

Travis: Because your voice was starting to carry up the stairs, and I didn't want to wake up the kids, okay? I agree with you. I think it would be traumatic for him to take the kids with this whole media circus going on right now.

Victoria: [Sighs] All right. I misunderstood.

Travis: Look, I probably came across more harsh than I intended. It's just...that guy rubs me the wrong way, you know? Why's he got to be so smug all the time? Call me bartender? Didn't he tend bar for a while?

Victoria: Yeah, he did. Good memory.

Travis: So how is that an insult? Look, I have no doubt you could have handled yourself. I was just... I was trying to support you. Clumsily.

Victoria: Okay, look, you get an e for effort. I just -- I just want to handle this in the most calm way possible, you know?

Travis: Yeah, I get it. He's still their father.

Victoria: Yeah. I believe that keeping Billy away from the kids right now is the best thing, but I just -- I don't know. I worry about him. I worry about how he's gonna handle things and how this is all gonna end.

[Cell phone rings]

Victoria: [Sighs] Jill, how are you doing?

Jill: I'm irritated, and it's giving me indigestion, wondering where my employees are.

Victoria: Are you in the office?

Jill: Where else would I be, Victoria? Now you get over here. There is work to be done.

Victoria: [Sighs]

Lily: I just laid into security about letting those reporters through. If it happens again, I'm gonna fire first and ask questions later.

Cane: Whoa. Have you met my sweet, charming wife before?

Devon: [Chuckles]

[Cell phone rings]

Cane: One sec. Hey, Jill.

Jill: Ah! You remember me. Good. Then you must also recall that you have a job. Now get over here now or you will not have one.

Cane: Her majesty beckons.

Lily: Will you be home in time for dinner?

Cane: Judging from the way she sounds, I don't think so, so I love you.

Lily: Love you.

Cane: See you.

Lily: You know, as much as I hate those reporters circling like vultures, Jack was the one who broadcasted his personal life. So if there's anyone to blame...

Devon: It's not Jack.

Phyllis: Jack hates me.

Nick: Look, he's hurt and he's angry.

Phyllis: He doesn't want anything to do with me, Nick.

Nick: He's just reeling right now. He doesn't know what he's doing.

Phyllis: Well, he refuses to see me.

Nick: Well, you got to try. All right? Just go to Jack and explain things to him exactly the way you explained them to me.

Phyllis: He's not gonna listen to me.

Nick: Look, he may yell at you. You may have to go through this 2, 3, I don't know, 40 times maybe. But if you still truly love Jack, then it'll be worth it.

Phyllis: Yeah. I do. Thank you.

Nick: Sure.

Neil: Jack, I was right there where you are right now. Totally consumed with all these dark thoughts.

Jack: It's hard to stay sober when all you want to do is --

Neil: Hurt them?

Jack: Yeah.

Neil: Yeah. That's all that was going through my mind when I followed Hilary and Devon on their honeymoon.

Jack: Oh, you didn't mean to hurt Hilary.

Neil: Yeah, but it's everything that I set into motion.

Jack: Yet I can't help how I'm feeling.

Neil: You know, this is funny, because that's exactly what I said to Nikki when I started drinking again. You know what she said to me? "Go to a meeting, Neil." So I got in her car, I yanked that steering wheel, and I had a meeting, all right -- with Christine. We hit her with the car, and she lost that baby.

Jack: I'm not drinking, Neil. I'm not using.

Neil: Not yet. And I hope not ever. I am telling you this as your partner in this foundation that we created, as your sponsor, but most importantly, as your friend. Jack, look at me. If you walk out that sobered door, you know what's gonna happen. You're gonna feel temporary satisfaction, and then what are you gonna feel? You're gonna feel remorse and shame. Try to remember how much you love those two people, despite the awful thing that they did to you.

Jack: Thanks. I got to go.

Neil: Jack.

Victoria: Thank you so much for understanding this morning, for not running away from me and my messy life.

Travis: It's gonna take a lot more than that to scare me off.

Victoria: You're so sweet.

Travis: Just get back to work.

Victoria: Okay. Bye.

Travis: See you later. Hey, man.

Cane: Hey. So, Billy's really made a mess this time, huh? You seem to be doing okay with it.

Victoria: Don't pretend like you're not thrilled. He makes you look good just by being himself.

Jill: Get your cell phones out. We're gonna coordinate our schedules. And just so you know, this commercial is crucial to the success of the company. We have to be sure that all the elements are in place for the shoot.

Billy: Great. Ready. Raring to go.

Summer: What was so bad that you had to move out instead of staying and sorting things out with Jack?

Phyllis: It's complicated.

Summer: Okay, you realize I'm not a kid anymore, right?

Phyllis: [Scoffs] No, you are definitely not a kid anymore. Look, things have been strained between Jack and me for a while, okay?

Summer: Okay, is it because of pass key? Because I know Jack was against you and Billy trying to buy it out from under grandpa.

Phyllis: It was more than that. It had a lot to do with Victor.

Summer: Okay, and Jack wanted you to drop it.

Phyllis: Yeah. Honey, look, I know that you love your grandfather and you are gonna support him at that hearing. But I cannot forget what happened. That is too much to expect from me.

Summer: Okay, so then tell Jack that.

Phyllis: I did. And he seems to understand, which makes this all very difficult because if he was being insensitive or intolerant, that would be one thing. But he is not. He is being good, true, and wonderful Jack.

Summer: Okay, so what's wrong with that?

Phyllis: Nothing. But, you know, even when two people love each other, sometimes it isn't enough. Not if they want different things.

Nick: I've always liked it out here. It's a great place to think. You know, I know it's hard. The day comes when you realize your parents, the ones who raised you, who taught you pretty much everything you know, who you turn to for guidance, when you realize they're people, too. You know, they get angry and confused just like you. They make...they make mistakes, too.

Summer: Okay, I'm not faith. I-I learned that a long time ago.

Nick: Yeah? See, I guess I thought you forgot since you were so hard on your mom back there.

Summer: You thought I was hard on her? I thought I took it easy. I thought that she deserved a lot more than I gave her.

Nick: Look, you don't have to agree with what your mom did.

Summer: No, I don't agree with what she did. Nobody does. How could they?

Nick: Okay, just listen to me and let me finish, okay? It's not gonna do you any good for you to snap at me.

Summer: Okay, I'm sorry. I just... I have a lot running through my mind right now, and sometimes it just comes spilling out, okay?

Nick: I get that. This situation, everyone who's involved, there's a lot of emotion going around. People are gonna say things that they're gonna regret. It's just gonna make things worse. And that's why I wanted to come out here and try and help you, talk to you like an adult.

Summer: Okay. Talk.

Nick: No one agrees with what your mom did. Not even your mom. But she needs you, summer. She doesn't have anyone on her side right now.

Summer: Okay, well, then maybe she should have thought about that before she jumped into bed with Billy.

Nick: Situations like this, they're not always black and white. And if you were the adult you claim to be, you would understand that. See, children, they see life like it's a comic book. There's always got to be a good guy and a bad guy. Life isn't like that at all.

Summer: Okay, so you're saying that there was no good guy or bad guy in this situation, that there's nobody to blame?

Nick: Blame, I -- [Sighs] Look, I don't know, summer. I just know that your mom needs your support right now.

Summer: Jack needs my support.

Nick: I know how close you are with Jack. He's a great guy, and you have every reason to be worried about him, but your mom was hurt, too.

Summer: Mom set all of this in motion. She didn't just hurt Jack. She destroyed him. I don't even know why I'm trying to explain any of this to you. You cheated with mom, too.

Lily: Then get security personnel in here! I want those reporters out! Please tell me why I shouldn't be more furious with Jack.

Devon: Well, 'cause put yourself in his shoes for a second. After finding out something like this, he's probably reliving every conversation he's had with Billy and Phyllis over the last few months trying to find any clues that he can. And every moment, even if it had nothing to do with the affair, is just a reminder to him of being betrayed by the people who he loves and trusts more than anybody in the world.

Lily: You're just thinking about how dad must have felt after you and Hilary.

Devon: No, I'm just trying to get you to have some sympathy for Jack.

Lily: I do, but I'm thinking about dad, too. He worked really hard to turn his life around to establish a foundation that does so much good. And in one interview, Jack jeopardized all of that.

Devon: Not intentionally, though.

Lily: It proves that he's out of control.

Devon: Lily.

Lily: No, you said it yourself. He should take a leave of absence.

Neil: I'm hoping that that's not gonna be necessary.

Phyllis: I was hoping we could talk. You didn't storm out, so that's a good sign. I love you. And I hurt you. And I know what people are saying, and I don't care. What I care about is what you think. It... this did not happen because of sex or boredom or because you're not enough. I need you to understand why it happened, Jack. Whether you forgive me or not, I need my husband to understand why.

Billy: What? Oh, I'm sorry. Phones out. Right. We're here to discuss the commercial. Let's do it.

Cane: What are you doing here?

Jill: He works here, cane. Focus on the job.

Billy: That's right, cane. Why don't you save some of that brainpower? Let's start discussing.

Jill: Now, as I was saying, about the campaign, Billy, I want you and Victoria to get together and --

Billy: That's good. I have some good ideas.

Victoria: Oh, yeah, we know all about your ideas. Scantily clad women, preferably plied with tequila?

Billy: Yeah, that one wasn't strong, but most great ideas start as a bad one, so, uh, let's brainstorm.

Cane: Well, at least there's nowhere to go but up.

Jill: Could we please remember that we're working as a team here? So let's stick to business, okay? As I was saying --

Victoria: No, you know what? I can't do this. I cannot work with Billy.

Jill: Well, my dear, you don't get to decide that.

Billy: You know, mother, that's fine. I don't want to work with her, either.

Summer: Did I just say one of those things I'm gonna regret?

Nick: You know what? It is what it is. Yes, your mother and I had an affair. But it's an example of what I'm trying to tell you. There wasn't a good guy. There wasn't a bad guy. It was just two people stuck in a -- in a confusing situation.

Summer: So is that what adults do when they're confused? They just have sex with each other?

Nick: [Chuckles] Um... I guess sometimes yes.

Summer: That does not sound very mature at all.

Nick: It's not, summer. But here's the thing. Nobody ever wakes up and says, "You know what? Today's the day. Today I'm gonna go out there and I'm gonna do something truly awful. I want to hurt and disappoint everyone who loves me."

Summer: I get that, but --

Nick: No, I don't think you do. Look, I pray that you never get caught up in something like your mom's going through right now, but it could happen. And if it does, I absolutely guarantee you you're gonna have people on your side.

Summer: I'm never gonna be in the situation that mom's in, okay? I'm not gonna let that happen to myself.

Nick: You don't know that. And you have every right to be angry at everyone -- your mom, me. I mean, lord knows I've made my fair share of mistakes. But the one mistake that I've made that I refuse to regret is my affair with your mother.

Summer: Why? You guys hurt so many people.

Nick: Because we had you. Our smart, talented, amazing, sometimes gigantic pain in our butt, but beautiful, rock star, special Supergirl. How could I ever regret one of the greatest things that's ever happened to me?

Summer: The greatest thing.

Nick: Like top 12.

Devon: So you're encouraged after talking to Jack?

Neil: Yeah, somewhat.

Lily: Well, did he take responsibility for the damage that he did to the foundation?

Neil: He knows, lily. He knows. He even offered to step down.

Devon: But you didn't take him up on that offer, did you?

Neil: No. You know what? Jack was mad. He has every right to be. Maybe he heard me. Maybe I managed to slow him down enough before he does something irreparable.

Phyllis: I was struggling with what Victor did to us, and I knew that you didn't want me going to him. I wasn't ready to forgive.

Jack: So let me get this straight. You doing this, you having an affair with my brother is my fault?

Phyllis: No. [Sighs] I am trying to explain this to you.

Jack: I was glad that you had Billy. You were finally happy. Relaxed. Smiling. If I had any idea it was because you were sleeping with my brother...

Phyllis: You make me happy, Jack.

Jack: You know what bugs me the worst? I told as many people as I could how happy I was that you had each other. Boy, blind and stupid is a tough combination, isn't it?

Phyllis: No.

Jack: All the while you're laughing at me behind my back.

Phyllis: We weren't laughing at you!

Jack: Gullible Jack, believing the best in everyone!

Phyllis: You weren't gullible! You are a good man! You have stood by me! You're the best man I know!

[Papers thud]

Jack: And what did I get for that?

Phyllis: Come on, baby. We'll go to therapy together. We'll talk it out. Let's go on a retreat.

Jack: You know what? There is one thing you can do for me.

Phyllis: Tell me. What is it? What you want me to do?

Jack: I want you out of my life. Get out of my company and give me a divorce.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Kevin: I think Chloe's hiding something. Something huge.

Jill: Letting Billy stew in it would be a huge mistake, and it's one you can't afford to make.

Billy: Right now I'm more worried about Jack and Phyllis.

Phyllis: Don't give up on us!

Jack: Why not? You sure as hell did.

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