Y&R Transcript Friday 9/16/16
Provided By Suzanne
Jack: I will keep asking until I get an answer. Did you sleep with Billy? Yes or no, Phyllis? Yes or no?!
Phyllis: Yes. Yes, I did.
Billy: You're right, Ashley. I'm weak. I'm selfish. I'm stupid. And I should have never pursued Phyllis. But we have a connection.
Ashley: Oh, God. Can I tell you how much I hate that word? "Connection." What does it even mean?
Billy: I loved Phyllis, okay? I wanted her with everything in me. I needed her with everything in me, and it just -- it happened.
Ashley: And now it's over.
Billy: Yeah. You know, we were gonna make things right.
Ashley: What were you gonna do? Just keep Jack in the dark forever, and then you and Phyllis were just gonna go on with your merry little lives?
Billy: You really took care of it, didn't you? I mean, do you have any idea what you just unleashed?
Ashley: What I've unleashed?
Billy: Yeah. If you would have just minded your own business, everything would have worked itself out!
Ashley: [Sighs] You stand here in front of me and you're still lying to yourself. The moment that you and Phyllis gave in to each other, jack's marriage was doomed, whether or not he ever found out about it. And that, little brother, is something that you're gonna have to live with the rest of your life.
[Footsteps depart]
[Footsteps approach]
Neil: Hey, baby girl.
Lily: Hey, dad.
Neil: Hi.
Lily: So good to see you.
Neil: Back at you.
Lily: Ready for your interview?
Neil: Hmm.
Lily: Rooftop is prepped. Looks amazing. And don't forget the camera adds 10 pounds.
Neil: Yeah, uh, I'll keep that in mind.
Lily: You excited? International exposure like this is huge for the foundation, right?
Neil: Yes, which is why I'm here. I'm supposed to meet Jack to go over the talking points. Have you seen him?
Lily: I have not, no.
Neil: Yeah? Well, I'm sure he'll be here soon.
Lily: Okay.
Neil: All right, good talking to you.
Lily: Hey, wait. Um... I don't want to overstep, but... are you okay? I haven't talked to you since your mom passed, and I don't even know what happened that night.
Neil: I'm telling you, lily, when I walked through that door to see my mother, I thought I knew exactly how it would all go down. What do they say? Life is full of surprises? What happened was the biggest surprise of all.
Cane: I can't believe how well our meetings went.
Travis: It sounds like you guys really knocked it out of the park.
Victoria: Well, I don't like to brag, but it's impossible not to. We totally crushed it!
Travis: Well, I love Seattle. We definitely have to go back.
Victoria: Oh, yeah, it's a must. There's so many restaurants we still need to try.
Cane: Wow. Wow, wow, wow, wow, wow.
Travis: You said you wanted to show me the office. This is not what I expected.
Victoria: [Sighs] Yeah. You and me both.
Phyllis: You've got to understand. It is over. It did not last long.
Jack: How long?
Phyllis: I was in a bad place. I was unable to talk to you. I was so confused.
Jack: Do not chalk this up to confusion! What? You didn't know what to do so you fell in bed with Billy?!
Phyllis: It's complicated! It was more complicated than that!
Jack: Then I suggest you make it very simple for me! When did this happen?!
Phyllis: It doesn't matter!
Jack: It does matter. When? Where? How many times?
Phyllis: Jack --
Jack: I want answers! Tell me!
Lily: I can't believe it. All this time I had a grandmother who wanted to know us, and now she's gone. And I'm -- I'm not saying that to make you feel guilty. I'm not.
Neil: No, no, no. I know you're not. I'm still in shock myself.
Lily: I mean, she was your mom. I'm sure you're still hurting.
Neil: I'm just glad I got there when I did.
Lily: What happened? Did you guys get a chance to connect?
Neil: Yeah. We, uh, we had a good talk.
[Clears throat] It was a hard one, but a good one. I -- [Sighs] All those years, you know, lost. I-I never read any of her letters. That was a big mistake.
Lily: Why?
Neil: Because... the story I was told, it wasn't true. My mother never walked out on us. My mother...was an alcoholic.
Lily: Oh, my God.
Neil: Yeah. She was in no condition to take care of me. She couldn't even take care of herself.
Lily: So by leaving, she was trying to protect you.
Neil: Yeah, in her own way. She struggled with her addiction for years, and she finally got sober. She stayed that way. Which is a lot more than I can say for myself.
Lily: Hey, dad. It's one day at a time. You're doing great.
Neil: Then when she got better, uh, she tried to reach out to me to make me understand, to explain, and I-I wouldn't listen. I never gave her the chance.
Lily: Yeah, but you were just a kid. You couldn't have known.
Neil: Yeah, but this kid grew up. Hindsight's 20/20, right?
Lily: Listen, at least you learned the truth now and from her. That has to count for something.
Neil: Oh, yeah. It counts for far more than you know.
Cane: It looks like Billy had a little office party, huh?
Victoria: Yeah, he sure did. He forgot to clean up?
Cane: Well, we'll have to wait to, uh, review the Seattle trip, so that's my cue to go and see my wife.
Victoria: Yeah, tell lily I said hi.
Cane: We did good. Travis, pleasure, man. Let's do dinner, all right? The four of us.
Travis: Yeah, we'd like that a lot.
Victoria: That's good. [Sighs]
Travis: This is bumming you out, isn't it?
Victoria: This is seriously why Billy didn't want to go on the trip? So that he could go on some kind of a bender? I mean, was that why he backed out? Because he -- he wanted to down a bottle of tequila?
Travis: He made it sound like he had something important going on.
Victoria: [Sighs] I am not okay with this. At all.
Travis: Maybe he just needed to blow off some steam.
Victoria: Then go for a run like a normal person! Don't -- don't down a bottle of tequila and, uh, and do God knows what else.
Travis: Well, I think we know what Billy was doing.
Ashley: So, how did this all start, anyway? I mean, you just looked at Phyllis with different eyes and you said, "oh, I just have to have my sister-in-law"?
Billy: God, you just told me that I'm gonna have to live with this for the rest of my life. Can you just let me do that?
Ashley: Well, Billy --
Billy: You just keep punishing me. It's not surprising, because you're always on jack's team, so that's --
Ashley: I'm not on anybody's team, Billy.
Billy: Give me a break, Ashley. You're always on his side!
Ashley: I would love to be on your side! But you make it really damn hard! What happened, it didn't just happen to you or even Jack! It happened to our whole family!
Billy: [Sighs]
Ashley: Billy, how are we gonna recover from this?! You have nothing to say? Come on! What do you have to say?!
Billy: What do you want me to say?
Ashley: I don't know! Help me understand!
Billy: You're not gonna understand!
Ashley: Why not?!
Billy: Because you don't get it! You don't get me! [Sighs] You know what? I'm gonna help you right now, okay?
Ashley: What are you doing? Billy.
Billy: I'm gonna help you understand.
Ashley: Stop it.
Billy: Because you don't want answers. There you go. That's everything you need to know right there. Keep the change.
Ashley: What -- [Sighs]
Phyllis: We were friends. Nothing more. And it stayed that way for a long time.
Jack: Partners in crime. Bonding over your hatred for Victor, right?
Phyllis: And then one night, it shifted. We just...ended up in a kiss.
Jack: What? One night? When? What night?
Phyllis: The foundation benefit.
Jack: The night of the storm when... when I was so worried about you. I guess you weren't too worried about me, were you?
Phyllis: We were horrified. Billy and I were horrified.
Jack: So horrified you never did it again, right?!
Phyllis: We said that would be the last and only time. I did not want to feel what I was feeling, and I fought it, and it worked!
Jack: Until you were helpless with desire? Until you couldn't help yourself but sleep with Billy when you were sleeping with me?! [Breathing heavily] God. It is so clear! It is so clear now! The time -- the time you spent with him! When you'd slip away, I had no idea where you were! When you refused to pick up your phone! And you were so distant, that vacant look in your eyes! Like you were somewhere else! You were somewhere else! You were with Billy. Or you wanted to be w--
Phyllis: What?
Jack: We went to the family cabin for my birthday. You got drunk and you passed out. Was that about Billy? You couldn't bring yourself to make love to me. Was that about him? You didn't come back to town with me. You said you couldn't stomach Adam's trial. Billy said the same thing. Were you two together? Answer me, damn it!
Phyllis: Yes.
Jack: At the cabin. Our place. Where you helped me get sober. [Voice breaking] Where we fell in love all over again. All those incredible memories. I-I want to scrub them off me with bleach!
Phyllis: Don't say that!
Jack: They were all lies!
Phyllis: [Sobbing] No! They were not lies, and they mean as much to me as they do to you!
Jack: If that were true, we wouldn't be here right now.
Phyllis: I lost my way! I was messed up, and what Victor did to me, and I needed someone to talk to!
Jack: You needed someone else. Because I was no longer enough.
Phyllis: [Sighs tearfully]
Lily: You've been keeping this with you?
Neil: 25 years. Wow.
Lily: You'll get there.
Neil: Yeah, well, if she can do it, I'm pretty confident that I can, too.
Lily: Yeah, of course. There's no doubt in my mind.
Neil: This is gonna serve as a constant reminder to keep going, you know, stay strong.
Lily: God, that must have been huge for you. I mean, to know that it's not just you. Your disease was inherited.
Neil: Yeah, it gives me new perspective, to say the least. I-I think I'm gonna talk about it today in the interview.
Lily: Yeah, you should.
Neil: Right, right. How many people are born with a predisposition for alcoholism, but we still have to take control and responsibility for our actions. You know, help to understand why we are the way we are.
Lily: You sound so good and centered. I'm glad you got that time with your mom. Seems like it really gave you some closure.
Neil: Closure.
Cane: I hope I'm not interrupting anything.
Neil: Hey.
Lily: Hey! Welcome home. [Laughs]
Cane: I missed you.
Victoria: All right, thank you. Let me just get my bag.
Billy: What are you doing here? I mean...I didn't expect you back so soon.
Victoria: We grabbed an earlier flight.
Billy: Yeah?
Victoria: Yeah. I thought you would have, um, I thought you would have left for the night.
Billy: I, uh, had to go upstairs, a little family thing, and then I wanted to come down and grab something.
Victoria: Really? Did you forget your bottle of tequila?
Billy: I'll clean up, all right? Don't worry about it.
Victoria: It's too late. What happened here, Billy?
Billy: A little mixing of business and pleasure. Uh, working on a new marketing campaign. It didn't go so well. How was Seattle, huh? Take the city by storm, or what?
Victoria: It went well.
Billy: That's good.
Travis: She's being modest. They crushed the meetings.
Billy: Wow.
Victoria: You know, you might want to step up your game if you want to impress Jill.
Billy: Oh, I don't give a damn what Jill thinks, and I'm not out to impress her or anyone else.
Jack: You know, what happened to us affected me, too.
Phyllis: I know.
Jack: My world was upended, too.
Phyllis: I know.
Jack: And yet I gave you everything. I gave it my all. I hung on by my fingernails because I thought we were worth it.
Phyllis: We are.
Jack: You were hanging on
him, giving yourself to him, making a fool out of me in the process. I guess I shouldn't be surprised. You've done it before. I didn't think it could get any worse than you cheating on me with nick. My own brother! Did you talk about me?
Phyllis: What?
Jack: You and Billy. You must have had a few good laughs at my expense.
Phyllis: It was-- it wasn't like that. Of course not.
Jack: Oh, come on. You didn't lie in bed and marvel at how easy it was to pull all this off?
Phyllis: There was nothing easy about this.
Jack: You are damn right about that.
Phyllis: We wanted to tell you.
Jack: "We"?
Phyllis: I'm just -- I'm just saying that we had moments that we wanted to come clean. I came close so many times.
Jack: Oh, good for you. Good for you. Came close, huh? Your halfhearted attempts at honesty are truly admirable. Bravo. If you wanted me to know, you would have told me. You didn't tell me because you're a coward.
Phyllis: Yeah. [Sobbing] You're absolutely right. I was overwhelmed with the grief. It was all-consuming. I didn't want to break your heart.
Jack: You broke my heart the minute you slept with Billy. No, the minute you wanted to.
Phyllis: It's like you and the pills. You know they're bad, and you take them anyway.
Jack: So now Billy is an addiction?
Phyllis: Was. And in a way, yes. [Enunciating] But I broke things off.
Jack: Why? Did you suddenly grow a conscience?
Phyllis: There's more to it.
Jack: Oh, God. I can't wait to hear this. Don't hold back now, red! Come on!
Phyllis: Jill found out.
Jack: About you and Billy?
Phyllis: She used it against me. She threatened to tell you everything.
Jack: Because she wanted you out of the picture. One less thing interfering with Billy and Victoria. Oh, God, this only gets better. You broke things off with Billy because you had to, not because you wanted to!
Phyllis: [Sighs]
Neil: Hey, hey, hey, Jack. I'm at the GCAC. Where are you? You know, remember, we have an interview today. I hope you're on your way, because, uh, our interviewer's on the way right now. See you soon. Lois Thompson.
Lois: Neil winters.
Neil: Yes, yes. Look at you. I have read every single one of your articles on the chronicle. And now here you are on TV.
Lois: Yeah, I've reached the big time.
Neil: That you have. No one deserves it more. What? No. I'm serious. It would be a crime to keep that pretty face away from the world.
Lois: Hmm. You sure you're not just buttering me up?
Neil: Like a slice of toast.
Lois: [Laughs]
Neil: No, I'm kidding, I'm kidding. I meant every word.
Lois: Keep talking.
Neil: I plan to. Jack and I really appreciate this opportunity.
Lois: Oh, the Abbott-winters foundation is doing a good job. We're happy to spread the word. Speaking of Jack, where is that partner of yours, anyway?
Neil: He's gonna be here soon. Why don't we go upstairs and get set up? What do you say?
Lois: Okay, lead the way.
Neil: All right. Come on.
Lily: I love it.
Cane: Yeah?
Lily: Thank you.
Cane: I got it from this little, uh, boutique store on Ballard avenue.
Lily: I can't believe you had time to go shopping.
Cane: I always have time to buy you beautiful things.
Lily: Aww. Well, thank you so much. Although I feel like we should be celebrating you considering your meetings went so well.
Cane: The campaign launch went better than expected.
Lily: I am so proud of you for standing your ground. If it were up to Jill, she would have left you behind while Billy and Victoria took all the credit.
Cane: Yeah, and fell in love and remarried in the process.
Lily: I swear, out of all of her schemes, this one takes the cake.
Cane: But I don't know if it's going to work because I think that Travis and Victoria are the real deal.
Lily: Really?
Cane: Yeah. Whole time all she wanted to do was see him.
Lily: Well, good for her.
Cane: Yeah.
Lily: Victoria deserves better than Billy.
Victoria: What are you saying here? Are you saying that you don't want to be a part of this company anymore? You don't want to be a part of what we're trying to accomplish here?
Billy: I care about the company. I'm just sick and tired of my mother micromanaging me, and I would like for once to be trusted to do something on my own.
[Cell phone rings]
Victoria: I-I have to take this.
Billy: Go ahead.
Victoria: This is Victoria. Hi, Jonathan. Um... [Chuckles] No, no, thank you for having us. No, we -- we all think that it went extremely well.
Billy: So how was Seattle, Travis? Did you, uh, get some good sightseeing in?
Travis: I thought you were staying behind for something important.
Billy: That doesn't look important to you?
Travis: Not to a grown-up, no.
Billy: Okay, listen, whatever my motives, they're none of your business.
Travis: You're right, they're not. But Victoria is. She wasn't very happy when she saw this place.
Billy: Travis. [Chuckles] We're never gonna be friends, okay? You're just a guy sleeping with my ex.
Travis: Why don't you watch your mouth?
Billy: Or what?
Travis: I don't get you, man.
Billy: Well, join the club.
Travis: You know, one minute you're playing nice, you're telling me to go away with Victoria. The next you're acting like a jackass. That's fine. I can take it. But not when it comes to Victoria.
Billy: Well, I never want to hurt Victoria.
Travis: Then don't.
Neil: Okay, so you're gonna go easy on us, right? There's not gonna be any questions or, you know, curveballs out of left field?
Lois: Oh, I make no promises.
Neil: Ooh. A woman who likes to keep it interesting. I like that.
Lois: I am full of surprises.
Neil: I'll bet you are.
Lois: [Chuckles] Oh, George, finally. Would you excuse me just one minute?
Neil: Yeah, yeah. Sure. Go on. Do your thing. [Sighs] Hey, there.
Ashley: Hi.
Neil: You know, Jack and I, we have this meeting scheduled, and I've been trying to contact him, but no luck. I've been stalling for him like a car out of gas. Have you happened to see him?
Ashley: I hope you're prepared to do this interview on your own, Neil, 'cause Jack is not coming.
Phyllis: I understand that Jill forced the issue. But she was right. The affair needed to stop.
Jack: What? For my sake?
Phyllis: For mine. I was coming apart at the seams, Jack. I... it was driving me crazy what I was doing to you. And I realized ultimately I can't walk away from this marriage because it means too much to me. You mean too much to me, and I cannot lose you.
Jack: Knowing Billy, he put up quite a fight. I'm sure he tried to hang in there, I mean, given how much he loves you.
Phyllis: It was difficult for him to accept, yes.
Jack: What about you? Was it difficult for you to stay away from Billy? Did you... did you love him?
Phyllis: Jack.
Jack: You did. Just admit it. Say the words out loud. You were in love with Billy.
Phyllis: Yes, I loved you both. But I chose you in the end.
Jack: In the end?
Phyllis: I chose us.
Jack: In the end?!
This is the end! Anything we ever were, anything we ever had, anything we ever could have been, you just destroyed! I hope it was worth it.
Phyllis: Jack, come on. You can't leave like this. Jack. Come on. Jack!
Jack! [Sighs] [Sobbing]
Cane: You know, if Billy ends up imploding, that's only gonna benefit my role in the company, then so be it, huh? Hey.
Lily: Hey.
Cane: Hey, where'd you go?
Lily: Sorry, I just, uh, I had a really intense conversation with my dad earlier.
Cane: What were you guys talking about?
Lily: He just opened up about the visit with his mom. Apparently she was an alcoholic, and that's why she left, not because she didn't care.
Cane: Wow.
Lily: Yeah.
Cane: Yeah.
Lily: It's had a huge impact on him, and I know that he's still processing it all.
Cane: I can imagine.
Lily: I mean, he spent so many years hating her for something that wasn't even true.
Cane: Well, that's a lot of what ifs.
Lily: And then there's his addiction and the fact that it's not just him. I mean, it was inherited. I don't know. I'm just... I'm really happy that I have this relationship with my dad. You know, we've had our ups and downs, but we've always managed to forgive.
Cane: You have managed to forgive, okay?
Lily: I just wish he could have that same thing with his mom. I mean, all the years that they could have spent together.
Cane: Well, at least he had that last conversation, huh? He can hold on to that.
Lily: I think he will.
Cane: And he can hold on to your love, Devon's love, Mattie and Charlie and Moses' love, right? All that love from his family, that can't be taken away.
Neil: I'm so sorry about this.
Lois: Where is Jack?
Neil: I don't know. I have no idea. But it looks like we're gonna have to resched-- here he is.
Lois: You like to make an entrance, I see.
Jack: How are you, Lois?
Lois: Itching to get started.
Jack: Well, a little something came up unexpectedly, and, uh, I handled it.
Lois: Okay, well, let's get this show on the road, then.
Neil: Uh-huh. I'm glad you're here.
Ashley: Excuse me. I don't mean to interrupt. Pardon me. A second? Come here.
Neil: Yeah, no.
Ashley: You okay?
Jack: Don't I look okay?
Ashley: I know you saw Billy, Jack. I figure the next step would be you're gonna see Phyllis.
Jack: Yeah, it was. And I don't really want to talk about that. I'd like to stay focused here.
Ashley: You know, I think Neil could cover this. Why don't you and I go have a talk together?
Jack: I don't want to talk. This foundation means the world to me, and they are not going to take this from me, as well.
Neil: Excuse me. It looks important, but I need to borrow this guy. You want to go over the talking points?
Jack: Yeah, let's do it.
Neil: Sorry about that. Come on.
Victoria: [Sighs] Where's Travis?
Billy: He needed some air, so he's waiting for you downstairs. I don't think he likes me very much, Vick.
Victoria: Well, you know, you don't always make it easy on people. It's okay. I needed a minute alone with you anyhow.
Billy: You know what? You should go because it's not cool to leave him waiting.
Victoria: This isn't gonna take very long. What's going on with you, Billy? I mean, what did you do? Did you drive him out of here?
Billy: I'm in a bad mood, all right? I might have taken it out on Travis. If I apologize, can we just end this conversation?
Victoria: This isn't just about Travis.
Billy: Oh, come on.
Victoria: It's just about your vibe in general.
Billy: Really?
Victoria: With work, with your mother, and now this disaster. You can't tell me that there's nothing going on with you, Billy.
Billy: You just said it. I don't make things easy on anything.
Victoria: What does that even mean?
Billy: I'm fine, okay?
Victoria: I really don't think that you are. And to be honest, I'm not trying to argue with you here. I want to help. Things have been going so well between us lately, with the kids, co-parenting, and now we're becoming friends and --
Billy: Vick, not tonight, please. Not tonight.
Victoria: Okay. You know where to find me.
Billy: Yeah.
Phyllis: Billy. I told Jack everything. He knows about us.
Victoria: "Us"? [Scoffs] What "us"?
[Billy and Phyllis sigh]
Victoria: You're having an affair with Phyllis?
Billy: Was. It's over.
Victoria: It's over? Really? It's over? It never should have started to begin with. My God. What is wrong with you? With both of you? Did you seriously not think about what a huge disaster this would be?!
Phyllis: Victoria, I was just eviscerated by Jack. You do not need to pile it on. And I don't need to explain myself to you.
Victoria: You don't need to explain yourself at all. You already cheated on Jack, then you cheat on nick, now you're cheating on Jack again. And you. Jack is your brother. He's like a father to you.
Billy: Go ahead. I mean, I'm not gonna defend myself.
Victoria: I thought you were trying to change your life. I thought you were trying to get your life together, Billy. If not for you, then for your kids' sake, but I guess I'm just a complete and total idiot. Is that what it is? I'm just an idiot. You are what you've always been. A complete and utter disappointment to everyone who loves you.
Lois: First of all, I want to thank you for taking the time to talk.
Neil: Sure, yeah. Thank you for having us.
Lois: Yeah. So, why don't you tell us a little bit, Jack, about the, uh, Abbott-winters foundation?
Neil: Well, uh, let me start. Uh, it's a community, you know, a support system for people around the world who need it. Initially we're focused on addiction recovery, and our goal is to expand these centers nationally and then take them global. Uh, this particular location right here in Genoa city is our mothership, if you will. You know, it's very near and dear to our hearts, and it's right -- right here is where it all began. Right, Jack?
Jack: Yes, that's absolutely correct.
Lois: Uh, could you elaborate on that, on the personal meaning of working with people suffering with addiction?
Jack: Neil and I both know from personal experience the great value of unconditional support and a safe haven. That's true for everyone. But particularly true of people who are fighting addiction, whether their drug of choice is alcohol or cocaine or heroin or even gambling could... sometimes, though, that's not enough for some people.
Lois: Uh, I assume we're talking relapse now?
Jack: Addicts are their own worst enemy. They can convince themselves and everyone around them that they have their priorities straight when they don't. No matter how much support you give them, no matter h-- no matter how much you believe in them, they can still fall down a hole, hit rock bottom, and drag you down with them.
Phyllis: I'm sorry. I had no idea, uh, she was here.
Billy: It's fine. Victoria would have found out at some point.
Phyllis: It was a dumb move. This is her office.
Billy: Phyllis, it's fine, all right? Obviously you're not.
Phyllis: [Sighs] I knew it was gonna be bad, but oh, my God. It just... I don't know if I've ever seen him that furious.
Billy: Oh, I could imagine.
Phyllis: No. Mnh-mnh. You can't. God, the devastation and the disgust in his eyes, I mean, it just -- it morphed him into a different person. He's done with me. He's...done with us. Why would you tell Ashley that you love me? What did you think that was going to accomplish?
Billy: I'm sick and tired of lying.
Phyllis: You're tired now? When I'm trying to work things out with Jack, when we're on the verge of -- I mean, if you'd left it alone --
Billy: Give me a break, Phyllis. He would have found out from Jill, from Ashley, from Colin. Everything was crumbling around us.
Phyllis: It is crashing down. Right now it is. Yep.
Billy: Okay, you know what? The truth is, we should have told him a long time ago.
Phyllis: And I refused to do it. Is that the elephant in the room? Well, I am sorry for not wanting to hurt my husband.
Billy: Well, how's that going for you right now?
Victoria: [Sighs]
Travis: Feel any better?
Victoria: You know, it's really bad when a foot rub can't calm me down. Ugh, I just want to scream! [Sighs]
Travis: I'd tell you to go for it, but...
Victoria: Yeah, I know, I know. The kids are sleeping. You know Billy's gonna claim that -- he's gonna claim that he didn't mean for this to happen. And of course he's gonna say you can't help who you fall for. But he got involved with the single worst person that he could possibly get involved with. Because probably just for kicks because it's so him. It's so him! [Sighs]
Travis: I don't want to state the obvious or anything, but your ex is kind of a train wreck.
Victoria: [Sighs] Really? You think so?
Travis: Well, luckily he's not your problem anymore.
Victoria: Billy will always be my problem. [Sighs]
Cane: Okay, what is that?
Lily: It's a bottle of champagne, and a nice one, I might add.
Cane: Oh, really? 'Cause I thought that we were gonna go upstairs and watch your dad's interview.
Lily: I'll see it later. Plus it's your first night back.
Cane: Yeah. Yes, it is.
Lily: And you have been so amazing listening to me talk about my family that I think we should focus on you...
Cane: Yeah?
Lily: ...And celebrate...
Cane: Yeah?
Lily: ...Your success.
Cane: Yeah? You know, I think this might be my shot. If Jill gets rid of Billy and Victoria, if I can convince her that I can run the company, then I can run Brash & Sassy, just me. Just me.
Travis: Well, hey, I have breaking news for you. You ready?
Victoria: [Sighs] All right, I'm ready.
Travis: Billy is only as big a problem as you let him be.
Victoria: I know that. And I can handle him. Believe me, I can. But Katherine and Johnny, they're the ones that stand to get hurt because this is only the beginning.
Travis: The beginning of what?
Victoria: Billy blowing his life apart.
Lois: Uh, care to expand on that, Jack?
Jack: Some people do nothing but leave a trail of destruction in their wake. They hurt everyone around them, and what are we to do? Give them a second and third chance they don't deserve? If give them free passes out of the goodness of our heart, what good does that do to them? Or for us, for that matter?
Neil: Whoa, Jack, Jack, whoa, whoa, come on. What's -- what's this all about? What's going on?
Jack: This is about Billy! My brother. The screw-up who slept with my wife.
Lois: Uh...
Billy: I don't want to fight with you.
Phyllis: I don't, either. I'm sorry. I don't -- I don't mean to be putting all this on you. We got to this place together. We're here. I keep thinking about the advice my therapist gave me. He said that, you know, not to tell Jack if I wasn't prepared to face the consequences. And here I am swimming in the consequences anyway.
Billy: I'm really sorry that this is so difficult on you, Phyllis. I really am. But I am... I'm not sorry that it came out. It's a relief. And now at least we can live above board, out in the open. I mean, we could -- we could run away together.
Phyllis: Did you just suggest that?
Billy: Why not?
Phyllis: Because I just told you! I still have to -- I want to save my marriage!
Billy: Well, you just said it was over.
Phyllis: According to Jack, in this moment, yes, but I have to believe in my heart that he is going to find a way to forgive me eventually. He has to.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Billy: You really want to play who's the better parent here?!
Travis: That's enough. You need to turn around and walk out the door now.
Jill: I never meant for this to happen.
Jack: Then why didn't you tell me?
Reporter: Come on, Phyllis. Why did you sleep with your husband's brother?
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