Y&R Transcript Thursday 9/15/16
Provided By Suzanne
[Doorbell rings]
Paul: Hey, Nik.
Nikki: Paul. What a surprise.
Paul: Yeah.
Nikki: I thought our police surveillance was long over.
Paul: This is about our son. I'm here to pull Dylan back from the ledge.
Victor: I know you're busy doodling on that blackboard. But playtime is over with. Let's skip all the formalities. Let's get to the point. This is what you want, right? To see me in cuffs? Do it.
Dylan: There's nothing I'd like more than to throw you in that cell.
Victor: You don't have the guts? Is that it?
Dylan: No, I don't have the evidence. And I'm not gonna blow this case by jumping the gun. I know you framed Adam. I know you planned his escape.
Victor: Has it occurred to you that these two crimes are in opposition to each other? I throw my son in jail, then I break him out? Doesn't make any sense, now does it?
Dylan: It makes sense if the escape was to make him feel safe. Then the cabin blows up.
Victor: Be careful, boy. You're accusing me of killing my son.
Billy: Mmm. Yeah. Here. You're gonna get a good -- good flowery smell out of that. Go ahead.
Model: [Sniffs]
Billy: [Sighs] Lush mouthfeel.
Model: I'm pretty sure that's not a word.
Billy: Oh, it's definitely a word. Go ahead. Try it. Feel it. See? What did I tell you? [Sighs] [Sighs] [Chuckles]
Model: You are so not in the happy-hour vibe I was hoping for.
Billy: Happy's overrated. But this? This definitely perks things up.
Model: Oh, really? 'Cause this is like last call at a really sad bar.
Billy: Oh.
Model: You want to talk about it?
Billy: No. That's the last thing I want to do is talk about it. [Sighs] [Sighs] Have you always been a redhead?
Phyllis: I have no idea how to tell Jack one word of this.
Dr. Bradley: Is the affair over?
Phyllis: It is. This time.
Dr. Bradley: You've attempted to end it before?
Phyllis: This time I mean it. I thought I needed him. When...Billy and I were together, there were moments of such joy and exhilaration. I was free of Marco and Jack and what I was supposed to be and what I wasn't. I could be who I am with him. Then when I would look in jack's eyes or in the mirror, I just... I saw guilt. And disgust. And I wasn't free. I was kidding myself. I was on self-destruct, and I knew that I could bring my marriage down with me.
Dr. Bradley: How do you feel right now?
Phyllis: I feel light. I feel good, you know. I feel like I've... I'm finally saying the words. I'm admitting it. This is what I have to do. I have to tell Jack. I have to tell him today.
Dr. Bradley: This need to, uh, tell your husband about the affair, where is it coming from?
Phyllis: [Chuckles] I need to get it out. I need to stop lying to him is where it's coming from. Why would I keep lying to my husband?
Dr. Bradley: Now, I want you to understand the consequences of unburdening yourself. Are you prepared to lose your husband forever?
Ashley: Billy said he's in love with your wife!
Jack: What are you talking about?
Ashley: I shouldn't have said anything. I'm so sorry.
Jack: You don't drop a bomb like that and just walk away. What -- he said those actual words, or you heard a rumor? Ashley, I want to know the truth!
Ashley: [Sighs] I wish it was a rumor, Jack. I heard it from the source. Billy told me that he's in love with Phyllis.
Paul: Dylan is hell-bent on proving that Victor framed Adam and helped him escape. I have threatened to suspend him again, but he just won't stop.
Nikki: I thought the investigation was closed.
Paul: It is. But Dylan feels an innocent man was sent to prison and he died, and he didn't do enough to prevent that from happening. He wants to right the wrong.
Nikki: What? By harassing Victor? I mean, he's devastated over his son's death. He doesn't need to be punished.
Paul: You know, Nik, there's much more to it than that. He feels he has to protect you.
Nikki: Me? From what?
Victor? Oh, my God. That's ridiculous.
Paul: He is convinced you lied on Victor's behalf. You covered for him. That you knew a lot more about Adam's escape than you told us.
Nikki: Here is what I know. Adam died in a horrific accident, and my husband had nothing to do with it. And for the record, I know exactly what my husband is capable of doing and what he's not.
Paul: Mm-hmm. And we both know, Nik, that Victor has left a trail of victims over the years.
Nikki: I certainly don't need to be protected by my own husband.
Paul: Okay. Then you need to convince Dylan of that... before he pushes this thing too far.
Dylan: I don't think you intentionally sent Adam to his death. But you are responsible for the events that led up to it.
Victor: You've searched my property, kept me under house arrest, maligned my character to anyone who wanted to listen. You found nothing. Not one shred of evidence.
Dylan: That evidence hasn't been found. That doesn't mean that evidence doesn't exist. I'm gonna keep looking. I'm gonna keep asking until I get answers.
Victor: You know what this is? This is harassment.
Dylan: No, this is called due diligence.
Victor: You harass me any further, you harass my family, and there will be consequences, all right?
Dylan: You want me to back off? There's a simple way to make that happen. Just confess.
Victor: You want a confession? You got a tape recorder around? You don't want to miss a word I say. Now get it out!
Jack: Billy said those exact words?
Ashley: Jack --
Jack: He loves Phyllis? He's in love with my wife?
Ashley: He'd been drinking.
Jack: What did he say, ash?
Ashley: Look, it wasn't some grand announcement, Jack. He said they had a connection. It's a deep connection. Y-you know how close they've become --
Jack: No, I don't know. How close have they become? How close?!
Ashley: Jackie! Billy's been struggling ever since he and Victoria broke up! You know that! I-I'm assuming that Phyllis and he bonded over their hatred for Victor, that that's when the whole thing started, you know? And -- and he said that they can talk about anything and everything.
Jack: What else did he say? What else did our brother confess to?
Ashley: Not that, okay? He swore to me that did not happen, and he wouldn't lie to me about that.
Jack: But he's in love with my wife.
Ashley: And they realized it was inappropriate! It's over!
Jack: They -- is Phyllis in love with Billy?
Ashley: No. Jack. No, she's focused on you and your marriage. And honestly, Billy's glad that the two of you are getting counseling.
Jack: He knows about that? [Inhales deeply]
Ashley: Yeah. Hey, Jack, he wants you two to be happy. He wants you to be happy, Jack. I mean, he's miserable. He's -- he's acting out like an idiot.
Jack: With my wife.
Ashley: No, not with your wife! Jack, there was an attachment, okay? It went too far, apparently --
Jack: You and I both know this is more than a friendly attachment, don't we? Don't we?!
Ashley: I don't -- I don't know, Jackie. Where are you going?
Jack: To get some answers for myself.
Billy: You're so beautiful.
It comes from a bottle.
Billy: [Chuckles]
It's not brash & sassy.
Billy: No, it's not, 'cause we don't do hair color. Not yet, anyways, but we might start, because you are truly inspiring.
So you like redheads?
Billy: Yes, I do. Very much. So, uh...
So, what's her name?
Billy: I'm not big on names.
But you miss her.
Billy: Miss her? Now, why would I miss her when I have you here?
Let's pretend. Role-play. I had this boyfriend once that was really into Julia Roberts.
[Both chuckle]
Billy: Julia Roberts?
Yeah. You've got a great laugh.
Billy: Hmm.
You should use it more.
Billy: You ain't seen nothing yet. Let me get one more drink.
[Sighs] Ooh.
Phyllis: I don't want to lose Jack. Keeping this truth from him... he's been nothing but honest with me. Don't I owe him the same amount of honesty?
Dr. Bradley: Sometimes it's not the truth that keeps couples together, but the belief that they know the truth about each other.
Phyllis: Doc, I want to know the truth about myself, that I am a liar, I am a cheat, I am a woman who slept with my husband's brother.
Dr. Bradley: Are you telling your husband to save your marriage or to punish yourself?
Phyllis: If I don't tell him, and he finds out about the affair from somebody else -- in fact, there is a lowlife that has already offered him the truth for a price, and he cannot find out that way. He needs to hear it from me. He needs to hear it from my lips. And I know that he is gonna hate me. But if I do not tell him, I don't know how I live with the guilt. I don't know how I look my husband in the eye. We build this marriage with this secret between us, that I slept with his brother, that I cheated on him again.
Dr. Bradley: "Again"?
Phyllis: [Sighs] There was an affair years ago. We dealt with it. Yeah, and now there's Marco.
Dr. Bradley: We discussed Marco in your last session. That was no affair, Phyllis. You were a victim. A crime was committed against you.
Phyllis: And the whole world came down on me when that truth came out. "That's Phyllis. She's the idiot who couldn't tell the difference between her husband and a complete stranger." And you know something? [Sighs] [Scoffs] Never mind.
Dr. Bradley: There's no judgment here.
Phyllis: [Sniffling] [Voice breaking] On a...deep, dark, horrible level... I didn't question it. I didn't fight it. The way he touched me, the way he grabbed me... I did nothing to stop it.
Dylan: It's Thursday, September 15, 2016. This is Detective McAvoy with Victor Newman, recording a statement from Mr. Newman about the recent death of his son.
Victor: [Chuckles] I, Victor Newman, confess to loving my son Adam and to wanting the best for him that the world has to offer him, to wanting to be the best father I could possibly be. Now, even the intrepid detective McAvoy could be accused of the same crimes. But they're not really prosecutable, are they? There are no punishable offenses involved here.
Dylan: This is not a game.
Victor: Hmm.
Dylan: You can throw up all the smoke screen you want about being a loving father, but your actions resulted in the death of your son.
Victor: I told you before to be careful with that.
Dylan: The truth is gonna come out.
Victor: Let me ask you something. You have a little boy. What if one day he disappears and you are accused of his murder? What would you do?
Dylan: You don't -- you don't drag my son into this.
Paul: Somebody want to explain to me what's going on here?
Victor: Hey, Paul. Your boy here is trying to coerce a confession out of me.
Dylan: Just letting Victor tell his side of the story.
Victor: You just heard it. Unless you want to arrest me, I'm leaving.
Paul: I apologize for the inconvenience. You're free to go.
Victor: Playing a dangerous game, my friend.
[Folder thuds]
Dylan: You kidding me? You apologized to him?
Paul: This ends right now!
Dr. Bradley: You had no reason to believe the man in your bed wasn't your husband.
Phyllis: The differences were there. Enough that I should have asked questions. There were signs. I ignored them. If I had only done something, if I would have asked the questions, maybe I could have found Jack on that island, but I... I did nothing. Who does that? Who -- who does that to the man they love?
Dr. Bradley: Those events were out of your control. But the guilt you've carried since then, misplaced as it may be, seems to have worked its way to the surface.
Phyllis: Are you telling me that's why I did this? My affair with Billy? I've just been acting out? My guilt for Marco pushed me into it? I mean, this is an affair that I chose, that I have to take responsibility for, that I have to be punished for. I'm gonna pay for my sins with my husband's brother?
Dr. Bradley: This isn't about punishment.
Phyllis: I am not innocent. I lied! I'm not a victim. So stop managing my guilt and stop making excuses for my choices. I just need you to tell me what to do, damn it! Just tell me what to do!
Dr. Bradley: Uh... um...
Billy: Hey, brother. Kind of interrupting something, but... well, now that you're here, I'd like to introduce you to, um...
You don't remember my name?
Billy: Uh, just not big on names. But I'm pretty sure it starts with --
Jack: Miss, would you mind leaving us alone, please?
Billy: Actually, Jack, this is a business meeting, so if you don't mind...
Uh, no. It's okay. I just, um, came to get my phone, so I should -- I should go.
Billy: No.
Thanks for the tequila.
Billy: Thanks a lot, Jack. You know, they used to leave me their number. I guess I must be losing my touch. What's so important, Jack, that you rain on my parade like that?
Jack: You're drunk. You obviously don't give a damn about this job, either.
Billy: Hmm. No, I-I love this job. I mean... look at the perks.
Jack: Another nameless, half-dressed bimbo?
Billy: Be careful. That half-dressed bimbo could be the love of my life.
Jack: Funny. I heard Phyllis was.
Paul: You want to tell me what the hell you were thinking, hauling Victor Newman in here without probable cause?! You've exposed this department to a lawsuit!
Dylan: I didn't haul Victor in here! He came in to stir things up to get me to drop this investigation!
Paul: An investigation that is closed!
Dylan: Come on, Paul! Please! You know the truth!
Paul: Look, I suspended you once before. I will not hesitate doing it again!
Dylan: And Adam's dead! Maybe if you didn't suspend me and let me pursue the evidence when I was supposed to, we could have gotten to Adam in time!
Paul: Okay, you feel guilty and responsible. And you have done everything you possibly could in this case. You are full of emotion. And that, Dylan, is a sign you need to take a step back.
Dylan: Victor came here for one reason. That's to check up on us. If there's nothing to investigate, why would he show up? Come on, Paul. Don't you see? Victor showing up here means there's still evidence to be found, and there's no way in hell that I'm stopping now!
Nikki: Hey.
Victor: Hi, sweetheart. Hi, sweetheart.
Nikki: How are you?
Victor: All right.
Nikki: You look tired.
Victor: I'm okay.
Nikki: Where have you been?
Victor: I paid a visit to your son at the police station.
Nikki: Wish you hadn't have done that. No need to antagonize him.
Victor: What? What about your son not antagonizing me?
Nikki: He just won't let it go. I don't understand it. Paul was here earlier.
Victor: Oh, really? I bet you he and your son are working together. Did he harass you, or what?
Nikki: No, no, no. It was about Dylan. He's concerned that he doesn't want to give up the case, either.
Victor: I tell you, I'm convinced that your son wants to see me behind bars in the worst way.
Nikki: One reason that Paul believes Dylan is so motivated about this is to protect me.
Victor: From what?
Nikki: [Sighs] You.
Victor: This is getting ridiculous, you know.
Nikki: My words exactly. And if he continues with this, I'm gonna be forced into making a decision between my husband and my son, and I don't want that.
Victor: I will never allow that. You know that. But your boy is putting you in a rather untenable situation.
Phyllis: Come on, Doc. I came here for advice. I came here for a solution, some guidance.
Dr. Bradley: The decision is yours to make.
Phyllis: [Chuckles] Because I made such good ones before, huh? I just... just help me, please.
Dr. Bradley: You made real progress today in understanding your motivation, what you want. You have the tools to make the decision that's right for you and your marriage.
Phyllis: What decision is that, huh? I tell my husband the truth? Probably lose him forever? Or I keep living this lie with Billy?
Billy: [Sighs]
Jack: Wow. There actually is some truth to this theory.
Billy: I mean, stupid me, right? I -- [Chuckles] Remind me to never tell Ashley anything ever again. Come on, Jack. I mean, it's Ashley. We know what we're dealing with, right? She makes a big deal out of everything. She blows everything out of proportion. I mean, what -- what did she tell you?
Jack: This isn't about Ashley. This isn't about what you said to her or what she said to me. This is you and me!
Billy: [Sighs]
Jack: Man to man, eye to eye, I want an answer, and you damn well better tell me the truth.
Billy: Okay. Do you want me to tell you the truth, Jack? You think you want to hear it?
Jack: Are you in love with my wife?
Billy: Yes. I am.
Jack: Get up! Get up!!
Billy: Yeah? Okay.
Jack: Fight back. Fight back.
Billy: Come on. [Groans] Whoo!
Jack: My God!
Billy: You want to fight, Jack? Huh? Or you want to ask me a question? You want to ask me another question? You want to know why I fell in love with your wife, Jack? [Sighs] Or maybe you want to know if she loves me. You want to know if she loves me, Jack? She doesn't. She doesn't love me. She loves you. So you can continue to blame me. You can do whatever you want. But this was never a race, Jack. No, listen me. Do you understand me? This was never a race. I was never in the race, so you can man up, you can continue to blame me, or you can do the right thing! Find you wife! Grab onto her, protect her like you should, Jack! Man up! Be the man that she needs you to be! Or you can keep punching me, Jack! You can keep blaming it on me! Your call! What do you want to do?! [Breathing heavily]
Paul: Let me make myself clear. From this moment on, there will be no more antagonizing Victor. There will be no more questioning, no more posturing! If you feel it necessary to say anything to the man, it will be an apology for overstepping! Am I clear?!
Dylan: No. No way. I can't do that.
Paul: This is not a request.
Dylan: You take away my badge, because I will not grovel at Victor Newman's feet. That guy is guilty as hell, and he's gonna go down.
Victor: I'm so sorry for ever involving you in Adam's escape.
Nikki: No, no. You don't get to take the blame for this. I knew about the risks when I made that decision. I would do it again.
Victor: You know... I must say I wish Adam were here now, so that he and I can develop a better father/son relationship, one without hatred and acrimony.
Nikki: My darling. Well, I'm here for you. That hasn't changed. And it never will. I'm gonna find a way to make things better.
Victor: You will?
Nikki: Yeah. I will.
Billy: [Breathing heavily]
[Glass shatters]
Billy: [Pounds hand] [Breathing heavily] Where's Phyllis?
Ashley: You're looking for Phyllis? Do you really think that's appropriate?
Billy: Oh, we're a little past appropriate right now, aren't we, Ashley?
Ashley: What happened?
Billy: What happened is I bared my soul to you in confidence, and five minutes later you went running to Jack!
Ashley: Okay, you saw Jack?
Billy: Yeah, I saw Jack. He came looking for the truth, man to man. And guess what? He got it. So congratulations, Ashley. You just ripped this family apart.
Phyllis: Why don't we flip a coin? I think the choices are only bad and worse, so...
Dr. Bradley: My job is to help you find your answers, Phyllis, not make choices for you.
Phyllis: I came to you for some advice, an objective voice to cut through the crazy in my head. All you've done is make it worse. Thanks.
Dylan: [Sighs]
Nikki: Hey, Dylan? You have a minute?
Dylan: Victor sent you? Make himself look like the victim?
Nikki: Look, I'm the first to admit he's no saint, but he's grieving over the loss of his son.
Dylan: Yeah, the son who's dead because of what Victor did? I'm gonna prove that he's responsible.
Nikki: What? Of loving his son? Yes, of course.
Dylan: Come on. He's using you to lie. You're doing his dirty work. I'm not gonna let you be another victim.
Nikki: Honey, I really appreciate your love and support, but you're gonna have to trust me on this, okay? I'm not being used. I'm not being manipulated. I'm not drinking. My judgment is in no way impaired.
Dylan: Well, that doesn't mean that he's not using you. And I need to put a stop to it, and to him.
Nikki: Honey, I love you so much. And you are so dedicated to your job. You want to see justice done. But if you keep pursuing this, you're not gonna be protecting me. You're gonna be doing the exact opposite. Because if you arrest Victor, you're gonna have to arrest me, too.
Victor: I need a problem taken care of. Regarding my wife's son.
Ashley: Billy, where's Jack? What happened?
Billy: What did you think was gonna happen when you toss a grenade to him like that? He came downstairs looking for blood, and I don't blame him.
Ashley: I'm sorry. But I'm telling you, Jack must have sensed something going on between you and Phyllis 'cause he practically connected the dots himself!
Billy: "Practically"? No, you gave him a pretty good push, didn't you? I mean, God, Ashley, is your life that miserable that you need to make everybody else around you unhappy?
Ashley: That's not fair, and you know it!
Billy: This was our problem to fix! Phyllis and mine! This was our crime that we committed. You didn't have to intervene with everything!
Ashley: Wait a minute! Stop! What the hell do you mean, "your crime"? You lied to me, didn't you? You said that you and Phyllis had an emotional connection in here, but you lied, didn't you?! Didn't you?! You had sex with your brother's wife!
[Keys jingle]
Phyllis: [Sighs] What are you doing here? I thought you had that big meeting at the foundation.
Jack: No, that's later.
Phyllis: Oh. I'll be sure to watch. I know you'll be great.
Jack: I stopped by the office looking for you.
Phyllis: Yeah, I, uh, I grabbed a manicure. Look at that. They're nicked up already.
Jack: Or maybe you stopped by our couples therapist instead of the salon.
Phyllis: What are you doing? Following me now?
Jack: Why would you go to the therapist by yourself?
Phyllis: Because I needed to work on some problems privately, Jack. I thought it would help both of us.
Jack: These problems, did he come up with any solutions?
Phyllis: Well, he doesn't come up with solutions. He helps me -- us -- find our own answers. Apparently it's a process.
Jack: So he's helping you find your answer to Billy?
Dylan: There was only one guilty party from beginning to end. That is Victor. And this is on him.
Nikki: [Sighs] Look, the truth of the matter is, whatever Victor may have done, he didn't do it alone. If I had had a part in it or, say, Chelsea had a part in it, I don't know, are you really ready to arrest us, too?
Dylan: Uh, no, I-I would never put my own mother or Chelsea in jail.
Nikki: That's good to know. But your double standard is showing. I mean, how can you justify punishing Victor and yet forgive my crimes or Chelsea's crimes? Of course, this is all hypothetical.
Dylan: But Victor set Adam up from day one. You had nothing to do with it.
Nikki: That doesn't make me or Chelsea any less guilty of what we might have done.
Dylan: But what happened to Adam was wrong. The system let him down.
I let him down. And exposing the man who destroyed his life, that's how I make things right.
Nikki: You have so much integrity. I'm very proud of that. But you're gonna have to make a decision. You're gonna have to either protect your mother or preserve your integrity. You can't do both.
Paul: Victor, excuse me. I'm glad I caught you. I just wanted to assure you that what happened with Dylan earlier is not going to happen again.
Victor: Well, I'm damn certain it won't.
Paul: [Scoffs] You're filing a restraining order against Dylan McAvoy?
Victor: You bet. And it's your responsibility to enforce it.
Ashley: Don't you dare put this on me. You blew up your brother's marriage when you chose -- when you chose -- to sleep with his wife.
Billy: I didn't want to hurt Jack.
Ashley: What was your plan? Did you have a plan? Were you and Phyllis just gonna sneak around behind jack's back forever?
Billy: I told you it's over.
Ashley: Yeah, you also told me you didn't sleep with Phyllis, so excuse me if I have a hard time believing you, Billy.
Billy: Well, it's over now, okay? For real. It's over.
Ashley: So the truth is out. Or at least part of it. And what do you do? You run in here looking for Phyllis. Doesn't sound very "over" to me, Billy. God. How could you be so selfish? After everything jack's done for you, Billy, how could you be this kind of brother to him?!
Phyllis: Billy? What are you talking about? I don't understand.
Jack: Oh, just stop. Stop. My dear brother confessed the truth. I would think you would offer your husband the same courtesy.
Phyllis: What did Billy tell you?
Jack: That he's in love with you.
Phyllis: [Sighs] Billy thinks he's in love with me. I put a stop to it. I ended it. Billy tell you that? Because it is over. It is absolutely over.
Jack: Wow. Just like that, you put an end to his feelings for you, wrapped it up in a nice, neat bow, everything's back to normal?
Phyllis: Jack, I have done everything I could. I told him so many times.
Jack: Apparently not enough.
Phyllis: I don't want Billy. I want you. I choose you, the man I married, the man I love!
Jack: Isn't that funny? Billy claimed there was never a competition, that there was never a choice!
Phyllis: Listen, this is all my fault. This is -- this is all my fault 'cause of Victor.
Jack: Do not hide behind that.
Phyllis: Nothing has been the same. I haven't been the same, and he was there. Billy was there, and I turned to him, and it was a mistake!
[Voice breaking] I swear to you! You got to believe it was a mistake!
Jack: I want to know everything!
Now. The whole truth. How much did you turn to Billy? Did you go to bed with him?!
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Travis: You said you wanted to show me the office. This is not what I expected.
Victoria: You and me both.
Ashley: The moment that you and Phyllis gave in to each other, jack's marriage was doomed, whether or not he ever found out about it.
Jack: Yes or no, Phyllis. Yes or no?!
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