Y&R Transcript Wednesday 9/14/16

Y&R Transcript Wednesday 9/14/16


Provided By Suzanne

[Dance music plays]

Billy: Beautiful. Oh, my gosh. Look at you. Okay. Give 'em a little kitty cat. That's right. Perfect. Nice, nice. Ahh. Like that. Look at you. Perfect, perfect, perfect. Okay, why don't you come around here a little bit and you dance your way here a little. Let me just pull that in there. Beautiful. Okay. You. You look at me. Oh, my gosh. Mwah! Why don't you change the music and have a little shot with me? Cheers to you. Ahh! Whoo!

Oh, you are way too overdressed to book this gig!

Billy: One more, one more.

[Music stops] Hey!

Ashley: Hey.

Billy: Hey!

Ashley: Hey! Guess what, little brother? Play time's over.

Billy: Aww.

Ashley: Time to put away the toys.

Jill: The next one's on me.

Phyllis: I'd rather drink strychnine.

Jill: [Chuckles] Have you seen Colin?

Phyllis: Oh, did Colin slip his leash?

Jill: No, he just told me that he was taking a suite here.

Phyllis: Well, if you were waiting for me to ask you why, don't because I'm not interested.

Jill: Phyllis. I heard tell that you broke it off with my son.

Phyllis: What did Billy say?

Jill: Enough to lead me to believe that you really mean it this time, that's it permanent.

Colin: Oh. This is like waving raw steak in front of a hungry tiger.

Jack: Yeah, that's kind of the point. Tell me. Everything you know.

Colin: Everything?

Jack: Then there is something.

Colin: Well... [Sighs] Well, there could be. But there isn't.

Jack: Well, which is it? Either you know something about my wife, something Phyllis isn't telling me, or you don't.

Colin: Holy Benjamins.

Jack: Answer me, Colin.

Sharon: It's a thank-you gift for helping me with Chelsea. She's lucky to have a friend like you.

Chloe: Thanks. I tell her that all the time.

Sharon: Which is amazing, considering how you felt about her husband.

Chloe: That's the in past. Way in the past. I mean, when I think about all the time and energy I spent hating Adam... ugh. What a waste. Especially when Victor is really the bad guy.

Sharon: Is Victor really the villain here?

Chloe: [Laughs] Yes.

Sharon: Well, I'm sure you've heard the same rumors I have, that Victor broke Adam out of jail, tried to reunite him with his wife and child. In the end, doesn't that make Victor the good guy?

Dylan: I'd love to hear your answer to that.

Chelsea: [Scoffs] Oh, God.

Victor: Chelsea?

Chelsea: I should have known you couldn't keep a promise.

Victor: Are you all right?

Chelsea: You promised me that you would stay away. What do you want now, Victor? What, you want my company? You want my son? Haven't you stolen enough from me?

Victor: I'm not here to take. Okay? I'm here to give.

Sharon: Chloe and I were just agreeing that though there may be rumors about Victor and Adam, no one will ever know the truth. I don't, do you?

Chloe: No one will ever really know for sure.

Sharon: Because Adam's dead and Victor's not talking, so there's no way for you to find out what really happened between those two.

Dylan: Not necessarily. I don't intend to give up.

Chloe: What are you trying to accomplish, Dylan?

Dylan: I'm just looking for the truth. 'Cause I believe Adam would still be alive if weren't for Victor. While my wife here believes that Victor is innocent, what do you think? Who do you think's right? Me or Sharon?

Chloe: Why are you asking me?

Dylan: I mean, you live with Chelsea. You may have heard or seen something. What does your gut tell you?

Chloe: I-if I could help you, I would.

Sharon: You know, I just wish you would drop this. And not just for the all the reasons we already argued about.

Dylan: Well, we're disagreeing.

Sharon: All right, fine. But only because you continue to dismiss the fact that you're relentless pursuit for evidence against Victor is making things worse.

Dylan: Yeah, for Victor.

Sharon: And for Chelsea. You know, she's mourning the death of Adam still. She's pushing herself too hard to take her mind off of things.

Chloe: Yeah, she's already gone back to work.

Sharon: She got so mad at me today for making a mistake, she sent me home for the rest of the day.

Chloe: I just wish I could help somehow.

Sharon: I don't know what to do for her except just give her some space.

Chloe: Yeah.

Dylan: Yeah, or go back to the studio and clear the air, for everybody's sake.

Sharon: I'll think about it.

Dylan: Come on. I'll go with you.

Sharon: Why?

Dylan: Well, I missed Adam's memorial service. I can offer my condolences in person. Chloe.

Chloe: See ya.

Chelsea: This is still my workplace, not yours.

Victor: Chelsea, this is always been your workplace, okay? And your place, period.

Chelsea: Correct. Except for your 35%. So how much more do you want, Victor?

Victor: I've told you that I'm not here to take anything. I'm here to give. I am giving you back my 35% stake in this company so you can enjoy the profits of your labors.

Chelsea: Right, but you still get a say in everything.

Victor: No say. No control. No voice. No interference.

Chelsea: And what's in this for you?

Victor: Peace of mind. You're a single mother now. You're raising that boy all by yourself. And I want you to enjoy the fruits of all your efforts, you know?

Chelsea: You'd really be willing to walk away from all that money?

Victor: I have enough money for at least five lifetimes.

Chelsea: This feels like a trick. Why don't you tell me what you're really up to?

Victor: Would you take a look at this?

Chelsea: A contract?

Victor: It gives you back 35% that I own right now. But I'm giving them back to you.

Chelsea: And if I sign this...

Victor: If you sign this, then there's nothing that will bind us together any longer. Not even my grandson.

Chelsea: This won't do it, you know?

Victor: What do you mean, "this won't do it?"

Chelsea: This. It won't bring Adam back. These pieces of paper? They're not gonna help me figure out how to get up in the morning or how to face every day, every endless day without Adam. This isn't gonna help me get through this.

Victor: I know. And I'm sorry. Anyway, is there anything else I can do for you?

Chelsea: Nothing. There's nothing. Victor.

Victor: Yeah?

Chelsea: [Sighs] This is a start. So thank you.

Colin: [Sighs] All right. I'm gonna tell you the truth.

Jack: About Phyllis?

Colin: Not about Phyllis. About me.

Jack: What the hell are you doing?

Colin: I got to cover all this up. I can't stand it with all these things looking at me! I mean -- [Sighs] The aroma. I mean, just -- [Sniffs] [Sighs] Where were we?

Jack: The deep, dark secret about my wife.

Colin: Oh, yeah, well, there's a deep, dark secret, but it's not about your wife. It's about me.

Jack: You're wasting my time, Colin.

Colin: You wanted the truth, well, you're getting it! My way. [Sighs] I love money, but... [Sighs] I love my marriage more.

Jack: What does that have to do with anything?

Colin: Because I'm... so tempted to make up a bogus story about your wife and then skip town with all this lovely green stuff here. But then, I would lose my marriage. It'd be the end of it. There's nothing going on with your wife.

Jack: Then you made it all up?

Colin: Yes. And made you question. I wish I could take all those questions back, but I can't, Jack. All I can -- all I can ask you to do is look into your heart. Look into that love that you have for Phyllis and ask yourself -- how much of this stupid lie made any sense at all? You know... [Laughs] I'm shocked that I got this bloody far with this. Although, you and I are about as different as chalk and cheese. There's one thing that we've got in common, and that is -- we can't live without the women in our lives.

Phyllis: Jill, your games have no impact on me. Breaking up with Billy was my choice. Your threats had nothing to do with it.

Jill: If you say so.

Phyllis: However, after all of your demands, I have one of my own. You keep this to yourself. Jack never has to know about any of this, ever.

Jill: First of all, I only made one demand of you, and second of all, I have no desire to hurt Jack, especially now that I've gotten what I wanted.

Phyllis: Aw, you only got about half of what you wanted.

Jill: Please tell me that doesn't mean you intend to keep things going with Billy.

Phyllis: I am talking about your real goal -- to get Billy and Victoria back together again -- and that's obviously not happening.

Jill: Oh, pbht! That will happen. What, did you think because he'd been with you, you'd ruin him for all other women?

Phyllis: That is not what I was thinking.

Jill: See, he may have lusted after you, but Victoria is and always will be his one true love, and that kind of love, it will not be denied.

Phyllis: I care about Billy. All I want is for him to be happy.

Ashley: Thank you so much for coming, ladies.

Billy: No, no, no, no, no, no, no.

Ashley: Oh, stop it.

Billy: Come on!

Ashley: We'll have our people call your people. Bye-bye!

Billy: You know what? You shouldn't lie to those lovely ladies. "Our people?" I am our people. You don't work here.

Ashley: And this isn't exactly work, is it?

Billy: Yes, it is. I'm working on a new modeling campaign, and I needed the perfect muse to sell my idea.

Ashley: Right, and when you sell lipstick, you have to have half-naked women and shots of tequila.

Billy: Well, this is just part of the creative process.

Ashley: How's your mother gonna feel about this, Billy?

Billy: [Scoffs] You actually think I care about my mother's opinion, Ashley?

Ashley: This isn't marketing, Billy.

Billy: Yeah, it is. I mean, give me a break. Look at cane's idea. He had half-naked women draped on athletes. Nobody yelled at him.

Ashley: I think this tequila is frying your brain because you and a lot of other people gave cane endless grief about that idea.

Billy: Look at it.

Ashley: So what is going on with you?

Billy: Nothing.

Ashley: Who is she?

Billy: I don't know what you're talking about.

Ashley: I know you so well, Billy. This is how you act when somebody stomps on your heart.

Billy: Yeah, well, not this time.

Ashley: Let me rephrase the question. What's going on between you and Phyllis?

Kevin: Wow. Who you writing to?

Chloe: Hi.

Kevin: Are your fingers okay? 'Cause that -- that was intense.

Chloe: Oh. My mom.

Kevin: You mad at Esther?

Chloe: No. [Chuckles] I'm mad at myself because I forgot to tell her to give Bella her medicine.

Kevin: Bella's sick?

Chloe: No, she just has a little rash or something.

Kevin: Oh. Maybe I can, uh, come by. Bring her something to take her mind off of things.

Chloe: You really don't need to do that.

Kevin: I want to. Are you available now? We could go together.

Chloe: Um, I can't right now. I have to handle something for Chelsea, but how about later?

Kevin: Yes. Great. Wait, wait, wait. Chloe, hold on. Um... I don't want you to think that I'm being pushy. It's just, uh... she's really special. It's fun hanging with her.

Chloe: You're not pushy. It's sweet how much you love my daughter.

Chelsea: I'll have my lawyers look over the contract and I'll get back to you.

Victor: Well, um... nothing else you need?

Chelsea: Well, I won't be calling you. Isn't that the point of all of this? I mean, you'll be out of my life. And Connor's.

Victor: Okay.

Dylan: Surprised to see you here, Victor.

Victor: I wish you well, Chelsea.

[Door closes]

Chelsea: I'm kind of surprised to see you back here today after the way I overreacted earlier.

Sharon: You know, that was my fault. I shouldn't have changed those dates without running it by you first.

Chelsea: No, Sharon, Chloe told me that she gave you the approval. You were just doing your job and doing it well, and I'm sorry.

Dylan: Well, we're just here to make sure you're okay.

Chelsea: Yeah, sure. I-I guess I'm okay.

Dylan: Well, I'm glad because the last thing I expected to see was you and Victor having a friendly conversation.

Billy: [Sighs] I don't know what you're talking about, okay?

Ashley: Billy, it's obvious. There's something going on with you and Phyllis.

Billy: You know what, ash, your imagination is -- it's impressive.

Ashley: That dinner the other night -- I could see the way the two of you were looking at each other. There was like a pull happening.

Billy: I don't know what dinner you were at, because the one I was at had a lot more push than pull.

Ashley: I'm just saying, there's a connection. You gonna deny it?

Billy: What do you want me to tell you? I mean, it's -- it's Phyllis. We work together. W-we're friends, all right? So if you'll excuse me...

Ashley: Well, it's not the first time that I sensed like, an energy between the two of you. I even, uh -- I mentioned it to Jack the other day.

Billy: You what?

Ashley: Right. So, you gonna call me crazy?

Billy: Yeah, I'm gonna call you crazy -- you're crazy.

Ashley: If you do then, Billy, that just cinches it for me. Honestly. The more you deny this, the more I'm sure about it.

Jill: Oh, Jack.

Jack: I didn't see you there. Sorry.

Jill: You all right?

Jack: That husband of yours is a piece of work, you know that?

Jill: Yeah. I wish I could disagree. I assume you just came from his room?

Jack: Yeah.

Jill: Did he finally tell you the truth? That it was one of his schemes and he has nothing on Phyllis?

Jack: Yeah, that's what he said.

Jill: Good. Good. Well, then we can put all this behind us and move on, can't we?

Jack: Excuse me, please.

Phyllis: Jack, what are you doing here?

Jack: I owe you an apology.

Phyllis: What did you do?

Jack: I made you do all the heavy lifting in our joint therapy session.

Phyllis: [Sighs] Honey, you'll do better next time. It's a process for both of us.

Jack: The truth is, I was distracted. I was trying to figure something out.

Phyllis: You look like something's really worrying you. What's -- what's going on?

Jack: Colin came to me and asked for $1 million.

Phyllis: What? What for?

Jack: Payment. In exchange for information he had about you.

Phyllis: Jack.

Jack: I just came from Colin's room where the man told me he had nothing on you. It was just a scam to get cash out of me. Look, I feel horrible about this, that I even for a moment believed in his accusations. I left his room feeling like I betrayed you. I did. I betrayed you.

Phyllis: Stop it. What?

Jack: No, no. I need you to hear me. What I did was wrong, and I'm sorry and I hope you can forgive me.

Phyllis: Stop it. You never have to ask for my forgiveness for anything. Ever.

Billy: I should tell you to buzz off.

Ashley: But you're not going to. So you and Phyllis -- am I right?

Billy: Yeah.

Ashley: Oh, my God.

Billy: Look, Ashley... okay, it just happened, all right? You don't plan something like that when two people come together like that, and that kind of connection, it just happens.

Ashley: No, wait, Billy. Billy. Billy, what have you done?

Billy: What I always do. I mean, it's not surprising. It's why my life has been is disarray for the last decade.

Ashley: When did this start?

Billy: I honestly can't tell you. I was struggling, all right? So was Phyllis. At a certain point, we just started talking. We realized that we could talk to each other, really talk to each other and listen to each other and not feel judged and not have to explain ourselves.

Ashley: [Gasps] Billy. Did you --

Billy: No.

Ashley: [Sighs]

Billy: It was only emotional. It happened here, not in bed.

Ashley: Okay. Whew. All right. So... you have this connection. It's deep and it's emotional. Billy... it's with your brother's wife.

Victor: What's this about?

Chloe: So I ran into Dylan earlier.

Victor: So?

Chloe: He's not dropping the investigation into what happened to Adam.

Victor: Is that it?

Chloe: You knew, didn't you? [Scoffs] Of course, you do. You always know.

Victor: You're concerned, aren't you?

Chloe: Well, if he's out to nail you, then yeah, it's a concern.

Victor: He's concerned about them trying to find out what happened to Adam, how he escaped. In the process, they were trying to find out how Adam was killed.

Chloe: The police proved that the explosion was an accident. I'm not afraid of anything, okay? I just want to know what you intend to do with Dylan.

Victor: None of your business. Leave it to me.

Chloe: [Sighs]

Sharon: We came here today to give Chelsea our condolences, not to toss our questions about who she's taking meetings with.

Dylan: Yeah, well, I was just making an observation.

Chelsea: Hey. Sorry to keep you waiting.

Sharon: It's okay, Chelsea. You know, if you don't want to talk...

Chelsea: No, no, no. By all means. Let's talk. Victor's been very good to me since Adam died, you know. He was very considerate at the memorial.

Dylan: What about today?

Sharon: Dylan.

Chelsea: Today was about business. Victor's signing over his percentage of the company back to me.

Dylan: That's, uh, very generous.

Chelsea: Well, yeah, now that I'm on my own, he wants to make sure that I can take care of my son. What, you don't believe him?

Dylan: Victor's not known for his pure generosity. But he is a man who does pay his debts.

Chelsea: Debt? Victor doesn't owe me anything.

Sharon: Dylan, well, now is not the time...

Dylan: [Sighs] Sharon's right. I'm sorry, Chelsea. I-I know you're still dealing with a lot.

Chelsea: Well, I will be "dealing" with Adam's death for the rest of my life, so why don't we just get it all out in the open? What -- what do you think? You think Victor's paying me off, or something? What?

Dylan: Well, you know, back at the police station, before we confirmed what happened to Adam, you wanted to really help me go after Victor. You were about to answer some important questions about how he got framed then escaped right up to finally what happened to Adam.

Chelsea: What happened to Adam is that he died in an explosion, Dylan. It was an accident.

Dylan: See, that's the question -- was it?

Chelsea: Don't you dare do this to me. Not now.

Sharon: Okay, why don't we just take a step back --

Chelsea: How dare you come in here and insinuate that --

Dylan: Come on, Chelsea. That's not fair. I've always been concerned. I'm just trying to help.

Chelsea: My husband is gone! How is you looking for answers to things that don't matter anymore -- how is that supposed to help me?

Dylan: Those answers matter. The truth matters.

Chelsea: But the questions aren't going to bring Adam back, Dylan. So all you're doing is taking the pain that I'm trying to manage and throwing it in my face. That's what you're doing right now.

Sharon: We're so sorry for upsetting you, Chelsea.

Dylan: I know everything is still raw, okay?

Sharon: Well, drop it, then.

Dylan: And everything that Victor's done to Adam is out in the open. All I need is corroboration. Don't you want Victor to pay? To get justice for Adam?

Chelsea: I've gotten everything I want from Victor. He has agreed to allow me to raise my son away from the shadow of that family.

Dylan: And that's enough? Even with Victor's actions.

Chelsea: Yeah. It's enough. You know why? If Adam were here, he would say that that contract is a miracle. Victor Newman is agreeing to stay away from my son.

Dylan: So you're saying...

Chelsea: I am saying Adam died in an accident. And you can see yourself out.

Dylan: [Sighs]

Sharon: You can see how much she's hurting. Why'd you have to push her like that?

Dylan: Because I want the truth. It's my job.

[Door opens]

Billy: What are you thinking, Ashley?

Ashley: I can't be here. I can't do this, Billy.

Billy: Listen. Listen to me for a second, okay? I understand who Phyllis is married to, okay? I get it. And so does she. And I'm sure you feel you have a right to ask a handful of questions, and that's fine. But just so you know, it doesn't matter anymore because it's over. As of yesterday, it's done.

Ashley: As of yesterday?

Billy: We realized that our relationship was... it wasn't right, and so we put an end to it before it got to the next level. She knows who she's got to be with, who's she got to be able to talk to about everything, and that's her husband. They're in counseling right now trying to learn how to do that.

Ashley: And you're here with a drink in your hand in the middle of the day and a bunch of half-clad ladies.

Billy: I love my brother. I know that's probably hard to understand right now, but I want them both to be happy, okay? Anything else would be selfish.

Ashley: Oh, Billy. Billy. Billy. [Sighs] God love you, Billy. I believe you. And I'm really sorry 'cause I know that you are probably lonelier than ever. But... I have to ask you just one more question.

Billy: [Sighs] Shoot.

Ashley: Okay, so this realization that you and Phyllis had -- I mean, something must have happened. What changed?

Billy: Phyllis did. She felt like she had to end it. I agreed.

Jack: Well, all of this has made one thing very clear.

Phyllis: What's that?

Jack: This therapy that we've agreed to is a good idea, and it's long overdue.

Phyllis: Why, because you believed Colin for about a half a second?

Jack: Because I was even in the frame of mind to believe him, and I compounded that by bottling up all of my worries instead of bringing them to this first session with the therapist. I want us to make each other one promise.

Phyllis: Didn't we already do that?

Jack: Well, this one will help us keep the other one. Let's promise to make this therapy count. To find the honest truth. The whole truth, the dirty truth, whatever it is... even if it hurts getting there. Can you do that?

Phyllis: Sure.

Jack: You still have the therapist's card?

Phyllis: Yeah, I -- I probably do.

Jack: I think we should get in there as soon as we can. Even if it means him squeezing us in today.

Phyllis: Today?

Jack: If the goal is putting our marriage back on track, I don't want to waste another second.

Phyllis: You're right. Not one more minute.

Colin: Hey.

Jill: I just ran into Jack. I could not tell what he was thinking.

Colin: Well, he bought it, 100%.

Jill: Are you certain?

Colin: Oh, yeah. He threw me a curve. He turned up with a suitcase full of cash.

Jill: Oh, no. That is your weakness.

Colin: Yeah. And I was sorely tempted. But then I got to thinking. I thought to myself, you know, maybe -- maybe Jack deserves the truth. I mean, who am I to say he doesn't? And then I can go skipping off into the sunset with this bag full of cash.

Jill: Were you able to restrain yourself and convince him?

Colin: Oh, yeah. I simply told him that my marriage meant more to me than a fistful of dollars.

Jill: Ha!

Colin: He believed it 'cause it's true!

Jill: It's somewhat true.

Colin: It's completely true! I mean, I could have sold snow to the Eskimos. I was so motivated. You know why? Because I kept my eye on the final prize, and you, my dear, are that prize.

Jill: Not so fast, Romeo. You nearly created a disaster.

Colin: "Nearly created" doesn't count. You're welcome.

Jill: Well, if you hadn't stirred the pot in the first place...

Colin: Oh, please. You are completely missing the point here. I rejected jack's offer... because I wanted you. And that's because I love you desperately. And I'm scared to hell that I've blown this.

Jill: Baby. I forgave you five seconds after I walked in here. I just really like for you to have to work for it every once in a while. [Chuckles]

Kevin: Hey. Am I too early?

Chloe: Right on time.

Kevin: Uh, I brought this for Bella.

Chloe: Aww, that's sweet. You didn't have to do that.

Kevin: Chloe, you still don't understand. When it comes to Bella, I want to help. I want to be here for her, whatever she needs.

Chloe: Settle down. You didn't donate a kidney. You bought her an $8 toy.

Kevin: It was all the money I had in my pocket!

Chloe: Some things never change.

Kevin: [Laughs]

Chloe: [Giggles]

Kevin: You know, if I was her dad...

Chloe: But you're not.

Kevin: Who is? Where is this guy? Why isn't he here for her?

Chloe: [Sighs]

Kevin: Oh, he doesn't know about her, does he? Chloe, how could you keep something like that from someone?

Chloe: Bella is my daughter.

Kevin: Chloe, that is not --

Chloe: Listen. We had a moment and then we went our separate ways.

Kevin: But why wouldn't you want her --

Chloe: You know what? I'll make you deal. Just stop asking questions about him, and I will take you upstairs and you can give her this toy.

Kevin: [Sighs] Fine. No more questions. For now.

Chloe: Come upstairs. She'll be happy to see you.

Kevin: You know, if I ever did need to give someone a kidney...

Chloe: I know, I know, Kevin.

Sharon: Now I'm the one who owes you an apology on behalf of Dylan. He was so insensitive. You know, it's this case. It's become like an obsession for him, and it's really got me worried, Chelsea. You know, Dylan has an innate sense of justice, and I admire that in him. I love that about him. But this --

Chelsea: Well, so, then why won't he just let it go?

Sharon: Well, he wants to do right by Adam and Nikki, too. He believes that Victor used her.

Chelsea: [Sighs] So because his mom is involved...

Sharon: It's personal. But look at what it's doing to you, and you should be allowed to move on.

Chelsea: I have to, Sharon. For my son's sake.

Sharon: Well, I'm glad you made that clear to him, and I'm gonna stay on him about that, too. You can count on me for that.

Dylan: [Sighs]

Victor: Well, I'll be damned. You spelled my name correctly. Look at that.

Victor: So, what's this all about?

Dylan: You tell me.

Victor: What do you mean? "I tell you." I thought the case was closed.

Dylan: Officially, yes. The department has moved on from looking into how you set Adam up for murder and broke him out of prison when everything got out of control.

Victor: And unofficially?

Dylan: Unofficially, I am a sworn officer to the law, and it's my job to make sure that justice is served, especially when innocent people like my mother and Chelsea get caught up in somebody else's agenda.

Victor: Let's get this cops and robbers game over with, all right? You ask any questions you want. No lawyers present. Fire away.

Billy: [Chuckles] Hey.

Hi. I think I left my cell phone here.

Billy: Yeah, have at it.

So, if I get cast, you'll call my agent?

Billy: Yeah, sure.

Do you maybe want to go out and get a drink?

Billy: I didn't notice your hair before. It's beautiful and red. You know, why go for a drink when we have a perfectly good bottle of tequila right here?

Phyllis: Last time we were here, Jack and I were talking about his brother. Billy. About our connection, about how we...understand each other. How we lean on each other. And that is all true. But stopping it where I did... made it a lie. And I have been living that lie for months. Because Billy and I, we are... well, we don't just lean on each other for emotional support. It was more that that. It was... [Inhale sharply] [Voice breaking] It was an affair. And it was wrong. It was very wrong. I know that now. I know that now, and it is over. It's really over. But it does not change the fact that what I did, that I betrayed him... that I betrayed my husband -- my wonderful, beautiful husband... I have no idea how I'm gonna say one word of this to Jack.

Jack: Where's Phyllis?

Ashley: I haven't seen her.

Jack: That's funny. I was just with her at the athletic club. I thought she was coming back here.

Ashley: Here?

Jack: She's around somewhere. I'll hang out with you while I wait.

Ashley: Oh, well, I have to leave. I have to -- excuse me -- head over to marketing.

Jack: Was it something I said?

Ashley: No, of course not.

Jack: Then why are you tearing out of here like you're trying to get away from me?

Ashley: I'm not. Like I said, I --

Jack: I know, you have to get to marketing.

Ashley: Yes.

Jack: You said that much. You're the boss now. You can marketing to come to you.

Ashley: [Laughs] You're right, but it's just easier this way.

Jack: Why are you trying to get away from me?

Ashley: I'm not, Jack! You're my brother, I love you.

Jack: Yeah, all the more reason for you to be honest with me. What's going on with you?

Ashley: Nothing's going on. I'm fine.

Jack: No, you're not. You've been acting strangely since I asked about Phyllis.

Ashley: Jack.

Jack: Where is Phyllis now?

Ashley: I haven't seen her.

Jack: Then what is all of this about? What are you not telling me? Ash! What are you not telling me?

Ashley: I saw Billy.

Jack: What does Billy have to do with this?

Ashley: We talked about Phyllis.

Jack: And what did he say? What did he say, ash? Never mind. I'll find out for myself.

Ashley: Jack! Jack! Billy said he's in love with Phyllis.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Paul: This is about our son. I'm here to pull Dylan back from the ledge.

Victor: Be careful, boy. You're accusing me of killing my son.

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