Y&R Transcript Tuesday 9/13/16

Y&R Transcript Tuesday 9/13/16


Provided By Suzanne

Chloe: Well, it's nice that you came by. I assume that you're looking for Chelsea.

Nick: Yeah. I thought I'd try and take her and Connor to the park, you know, maybe get them outside for a little bit.

Chloe: Oh, that's sweet, but Connor's spending the day with Bella and me, so...

Nick: Oh. Okay. Where's Chelsea?

Chloe: Oh, well, she couldn't handle looking at all of the lilies and accepting all the condolence phone calls, so she went to the studio.

Nick: She went back to work already? Seriously, Chloe?

Chloe: I'm sorry. Was I supposed to stop her?

Nick: Well, did you try? Chelsea needs to be focusing on herself right now, not rushing back to the office.

Chloe: No offense, nick, but I think I know my best friend a little better than you do, and what she needs right now is to let go of the past, remind herself that there is a life without Adam.

Chelsea: [Sighs]

Sharon: Chelsea? Chelsea, what are you doing here?

Chelsea: I'm working. What does it look like I'm doing?

Jill: [Sighs]

Colin: [Exhales slowly]

Jill: [Chuckles] That's no fair.

Colin: Oh, what do you mean, no fair? I want to celebrate my gorgeous wife's almost-clean Bill of good health.

Jill: Darling, as much as I would love to canoodle with you, especially after the scare at the hospital, one of us has to work today, okay?

Colin: Sweetheart, I'm always working.

Jill: Yeah, an angle. That's what I'm afraid of.

Colin: Oh, come on. That's not nice.

Jill: Now, you listen to me. And hear me this time. I told you about Billy and Phyllis in confidence. All right? But it's over now. So, there's nothing left for you to exploit.

Colin: And I said that I would not exploit or leverage Billy. And I uphold that, so how's about a reward for my good behavior?

Billy: Hey, hey, hey, hey. What's going on? Aren't you supposed to be resting? Not doing whatever it is you're about to do? Unless you're trying to bring on another medical emergency.

Colin: You didn't tell him, did you?

Billy: Tell me what?

Jill: Why don't you take your power walk now, sweetie?

Colin: Yeah, why don't I do that. See you later.

Jill: Come. Sit.

Billy: What's going on?

Jill: [Clears throat] That business about the heart attack? I lied.

Jack: I wanted us to talk, to get things out in the open with a licensed therapist and... we need help. For too long, there's been this growing distance between us, and... you know, maybe this was a mistake. I-I --

Phyllis: Jack, Jack. Honey, we're here. Let's not hold back.

Dr. Bradley: In this room, you're free to say whatever you want.

Phyllis: Jack had nothing to do with what's wrong in this marriage. It's all on me and what I've done.

Nick: Speaking as someone who lost someone they love very suddenly, this isn't the kind of thing that you can just get over. I mean, you want to, but it's not that easy.

Chloe: I get it. I felt -- felt the same way. You know, I really thought that Chelsea would need a breather, like a good year, just go to a tropical island or something. But if she's finding comfort in her work right now, then who are we to take that away from her?

Nick: We are the people who care about her the most. We also understand what this kind of loss can do to her.

Chloe: And she doesn't? I mean, nick, look around. Look at this place. Every square inch is a reminder of Adam and the life that they used to share. And it's not just the smell of the flowers or the sympathy cards. You know, it's when she looks at that sofa, she pictures her husband sitting there with Connor in his lap. She looks at that window, and she sees Adam looking out, you know, swirling a drink around in his hand.

Nick: Yeah. I got it.

Chloe: I mean, do you? You know, who are we to blame her for just, you know, getting back into work and losing herself in it?

Nick: You don't have to talk to me about being in shock or -- or grieving. I mean, there's not a day that goes by I don't think about sage or the little boy that we lost.

Chloe: I wasn't trying to be insensitive. Don't forget that I know what it's like to lose someone, too. After I lost Delia, my grief -- it was bad. And maybe Chelsea is just fighting to keep her sanity.

Nick: But she can't fight it by pretending there was no tragedy. I mean, look at you. You might still be in that facility if you hadn't had the time to work through all your issues, right? Look, Chloe, we're Chelsea's friends. We need to encourage her to take all the time she needs to get through this. Time heals all wounds.

Chloe: You really believe that?

Nick: Just tell her I stopped by, all right?

Chloe: Hey, nick. Look. I know that you told Adam that you would look after the family, but I really think that you need to respect Chelsea's wishes and let her grieve in her own way.

Nick: Not if it winds up hurting her more. I can't do it.

Chelsea: I couldn't get the peplum right on the jacket, so I'll have to try something else.

Sharon: Why don't you take a break?

Chelsea: I don't need a break. I need to finish this design. In the meantime, can you call the buyers and find out why they haven't confirmed delivery of the new line?

Sharon: I know why. The delivery dates have been pushed back.

Chelsea: Excuse me? Who authorized that?

Sharon: I did. I explained that there's been a death in the family and that the new line would be delayed. All the stores were very understanding.

Chelsea: You had no right to do that, Sharon. You had no right.

Jill: I really thought I was having a heart attack when you blamed me for every rotten, self-destructive choice you ever made in your life, especially sleeping with your own sister in law.

Billy: Is this your idea of an apology here?

Jill: Okay, okay. When I was clutching my heart, I thought you had broken it. I did. But then stitch told me that I just [Clears throat] Had a really, really bad case of acid reflux.

Billy: Your heart attack was a heartburn, mom?

Jill: [Sighs] All right. I know it was wrong of me to keep it from you --

Billy: But you thought you could control me by laying on the guilt trip.

Jill: It was working! You were finally realizing that you were ruining your life because of somebody who wasn't worth it.

Billy: You know what?

Jill: No, Billy! Come on. Of all the mistakes I've made as a mother, at least admit I did one thing right. Would you talk to me, please? Talk to me. Yell at me. Do anything, Billy.

Billy: It's not gonna change anything.

Jill: What does that mean?

Billy: Phyllis and I are done, but it wasn't mutual. It was her choice, not mine.

Phyllis: I pushed Jack away because I was deceived. I...had a man in my bed who pretended to be my husband, and he had jack's face. But not his soul. He had no soul at all.

Jack: I know this all sounds like a nightmare. It's real. We lived it -- Phyllis here, me somewhere in the Caribbean. You read all about all this in the newspaper, I'm sure. The good news is this monster who impersonated me is -- is out of the picture. He's -- he's no longer a threat.

Phyllis: Well, that's not exactly true, because he still lives in my thoughts. He's still alive in my memories.

Jack: He's there every time my wife looks in my face, there when we make love.

Phyllis: Hey. It's not your fault. You're a victim in this, too. If I could crack open my head and drag out the memory of that man, I would.

Jack: We've tried everything. We've tried talking. We've tried living apart. We've tried everything else except -- except this -- professional counseling.

Phyllis: Jack said yesterday that there's a wall between us. And it feels like it's ten feet high with barbed wire on top. And we can't knock it down.

Dr. Bradley: So instead, you hide behind it.

Phyllis: I think I searched for someone to, I don't know, understand me, to listen to me without judging me or...tell me how I should feel, someone who wasn't Jack.

Jack: She went to my brother.

Phyllis: I needed someone to turn to. It could have been anybody.

Jack: It wasn't just anybody.

Phyllis: Billy and I shared the same hatred for the man who put this monster into our lives, so talking to one another helped, at first. But it didn't solve anything. It only made things more complicated.

Jack: The closer they got, the more time they spent together, the -- the more uncomfortable it became for everyone.

Dr. Bradley: Life's complicated, and it can be uncomfortable. But if you're willing to knock down that wall, brick by brick, I believe you can work through this.

Phyllis: I'm really glad that you suggested we talk to someone. I mean, it was painful, but --

Jack: I have some business I have to take care of.

Phyllis: Oh, all right. Well, I-I'm meeting summer, but I -- hey, I do want to continue this conversation. I think Dr. Bradley's right. We can really work through all of this as long as we keep talking.

Jack: Yeah, we'll set up another appointment, but, uh, right now, I got to go.

Billy: Go ahead. Laugh, mom. The joke's on me. [Sighs] You know I actually wanted to go public with our relationship? I wanted everybody to know how I felt about her. I mean... [Sighs] Everybody's lousy opinion of me -- that would have been just cemented, right? Press would have had a field day. Vicki would have been at court the next day, yanking the kids away from me. Jack would have punched my lights out. Or worse, he would have forgiven me. But Phyllis saved me from all that by informing me that our relationship had nothing to do with me, that -- that I was just a drug of choice, that I was just a medication to ease the pain. And now she's gonna focus on her marriage. She's gonna put all the pieces back together, like nothing happened. So, congratulations, mom. You got what you wanted. I got dumped. Hope you're happy.

Jill: Billy. My God. You love her.

Chelsea: You completely overstepped, Sharon. Do you understand that? I mean, you made decisions that were not yours to make.

Sharon: I understand, and I apologize.

Chelsea: That's all you can say is "I'm sorry"?

Sharon: You're grieving, Chelsea. I assumed that you would be taking some time off work. That's what people do. I was only trying to help.

Chelsea: I don't need your help. And the last thing I need is to take time off. I mean, I've cried tears for Adam before. Remember, I have mourned him before. But don't forget, I survived. I continued to raise my son and churn out my designs. I actually created some of the best designs of my career, and I will continue to do so.

Sharon: I'm sure you will. I have every faith in you. But...we just buried Adam. You don't have to jump back into this so quickly. Maybe in a week or two, when it's not so fresh.

Chelsea: Maybe you need to take a break. Maybe you should take the rest of the day off and re-evaluate your job description while I clean up this mess that you've made.

Chloe: Hey. What -- did I just miss something?

Sharon: Ask the woman in charge.

[Elevator door closes]

Chloe: Uh, what's going on?

Chelsea: Oh, I'll tell you what's going on. Sharon took it upon herself to push back delivery dates. So, we're gonna completely miss our deadlines. Can you believe she did that?

Chloe: Yeah, I can. Because I'm the one who gave her the go-ahead. So, if you want to blame someone for everything going wrong in your world, well...you can start with me.

Chelsea: I'm not blaming anyone, Chloe.

Chloe: Except Sharon and me for caring about you.

Chelsea: Okay, look, I know your hearts were in the right place, but try to see this from my perspective. Every garment, every accessory that is created here has my name on it. So, if you wanted to push back delivery, you should have just cleared it with me first. It's not like you don't know where to find me, Chloe. We live together.

Okay, and maybe I was thinking that you have a lot on your mind right now, like taking care of your son.

Chelsea: [Sighs] Am I that fragile? What, you think I'm like a porcelain doll that's gonna crack if you breathe on me?

Chloe: I think that you are a lot of things, Chelsea, but fragile is not one of them. In fact, I was just talking to nick, and I was saying that --

Chelsea: Whoa, whoa. What does nick have to do with this?

Nick: Thanks. The "want" ads?

Sharon: [Sighs] Do you think I'd make a good kindergarten substitute teacher?

Nick: I think you'd be great at anything. Don't you already have a job that you love?

Sharon: Maybe not for long.

Nick: Uh-oh. What happened?

Sharon: I put some orders on hold. I thought taking the pressure off of Chelsea and giving her some time to grieve would be the best thing for her.

Nick: But she felt differently.

Sharon: She went ballistic. She told me that I didn't have the authority and I overstepped boundaries, and then she kicked me out of there for the day. And I hope it was just for the day, but I don't really know the way that she was talking. She was so mad.

Nick: Sharon, that is not your fault.

Sharon: I know that, but hearing her talk...

Nick: Look, she's just not thinking straight right now. And who can blame her after what she's going through? I mean, she's trying to bury herself in her work instead thinking about the rest of the stuff in her life. I mean, if something goes wrong, she's just gonna blame whoever's closest to her at that time. This time, it was you.

Sharon: So, in other words, don't take it personal.

Nick: Attagirl.

Sharon: Well, I guess all the local kindergartners will just have to learn the alphabet from someone else.

Nick: Well, I guess my work here is done.

Sharon: [Chuckles] Okay. Where are you heading off to, now?

Nick: Uh, Chelsea's studio, actually. I'm gonna try and have a little intervention.

Sharon: Coffee and doughnuts?

Nick: Tools of the trade. I'm really hoping I can convince Chelsea to take a little time off so she doesn't make things harder for herself and for Connor.

Sharon: Well, they really need you, nick, especially that little boy. I'm glad they have you in their corner.

Phyllis: Hey, sweetie. I'm sorry to keep you waiting. Our session ran late.

Summer: Your session?

Phyllis: [Sighs] What you got here? You planning to go back to school?

Summer: Yeah, well, since I skipped summer school, I wanted to keep going with my business courses this fall.

Phyllis: [Sighs]

Summer: If I'm the future of Newman enterprises, I got to learn to do this thing right.

Phyllis: [Chuckles] Oh, that's gonna be a refreshing change for the Newman corporate culture. Did you discuss this with your grandfather?

Summer: Actually, he kind of inspired me to do this.

Phyllis: Really? Victor.

Summer: Yeah. Something he said about the Newman/Abbott truce and how it's never gonna last. I kind of want to be the one to end the "us against them" mentality.

Phyllis: Nice. Well, you are a better woman than I am.

Summer: Stop that. Uh...hey, this session that you mentioned -- does it have anything to do with what you said yesterday about you can't seem to stay out of your own way?

Phyllis: Ah. Well, you know, the harder I try, the more I stumble. Jack and I met a marriage counselor today.

Summer: Was that his idea or yours?

Phyllis: It was his, although I'm game. But just as I started opening up, he shut down. I've been keeping my problems from Jack, and now he's keeping his from me.

Jill: You just missed Billy.

Jack: Actually, I'm looking for Colin. He and I have some business to discuss.

Jill: Oh, you missed him, too. I think he's taking a power walk. Is there something I can help you with?

Jack: No, thanks. Hey, you know what? On second thought, maybe yes.

Jill: What's up?

Jack: Your husband came to me asking for $1 million.

Jill: Excuse me?

Jack: Oh, he wasn't looking for a handout. He had something to trade -- information he claimed to know about Phyllis, information he thought I would want to have. You know what this is, don't you?

Jill: Why would I know what it is?

Jack: Lying is not your strong suit, Jill. Whatever Colin knows about my wife, you know what it is and whether it's worth the money.

Jill: All right, Jack. Maybe I do know what this is about.

Chloe: [Muttering]

Chelsea: So, nick was worried about me, too. Just what I need -- more people hovering.

Chloe: It is what you need -- people who care about you, who are gonna be there for you during the rough times.

Chelsea: People that think they know what's best for me, better than I do?

Chloe: I'm not gonna apologize for being concerned about you, Chelsea. I mean, you just lost your husband. It's important for you to grieve, but we all think that you're getting back to work too early. Although if you feel this is where you need to be, I'm not gonna fight it. You're the best judge of what you need right now, not me or Sharon or nick.

Chelsea: That's exactly right. And I know nick made Adam a promise that he watch over Connor, but it doesn't mean he gets to tell Connor's mom how to live her life.

Chloe: I agree. And, a matter of fact, I said the same exact thing to nick. But he believes that the best way to grieve a loss like this is to just clutch onto it, and you and I both know what you need is to let go. Just not nanoseconds after the memorial service and not all at once, either.

Chelsea: Yeah. [Sighs] I'm sorry that I, you know, snapped at you and Sharon. And as far as nick's concerned, I mean, he just has to realize I can't -- [Sighs] I can't look back.

Chloe: Or you're going to crumble into a million pieces.

Chelsea: Yep. That's why I need to focus on work. I need to focus on...moving forward.

Chloe: I totally get that.

Chelsea: I figured you would.

Chloe: Which means I am going to call the warehouse and tell them to get those orders back on the trucks, and then I'm gonna get in touch with the stores and tell them to start making room for your fabulous designs.

Chelsea: Well, hang on there, ms. Efficient. Either I can handle it or I can't. Which one is it?

Nick: Well, I'm gonna go see Chelsea. You know, I could put in a good word for you with her. I can't guarantee you it'll do anything, but I can try.

Sharon: Well, that would mean a lot to me, but I've spent most of my adult life having you fight my fights for me.

Nick: It's not a fight. It's just, uh, a good word.

Sharon: Still, I can handle this on my own.

Nick: I know you can.

Sharon: But you're still gonna say something, aren't you?

Nick: Oh, without a doubt.

Sharon: [Chuckles] Okay.

Nick: Yes.

Sharon: Thank you. Um, meanwhile, I'm gonna see if I can handle this whole mess, fix it.

Nick: All right. I'll see you later.

Sharon: All right. Stop fighting my fights for me.

Nick: You could also stop getting in fights.

[Cell phone rings]

Sharon: This is Sharon McAvoy. Hello? Hello? [Sighs] Hi. Yes, I just received a call, and I would like to know where it came from. I do have caller ID, but the call came in as "unknown," and I just need to know who made that call. Yeah, I understand that, but that keeps happening to me. First, it was happening on my home phone. Someone would call and hang up. And now this is happening on my cell. So, this is deliberate, and it is harassment. No, I don't need the police. I just need to know who made that call. [Sighs]

Jill: That sweet con-artist husband of mine. Old habits die hard, okay? The man's addicted to money.

Jack: What is it Colin knows or thinks he knows about my wife?

Jill: About Phyllis? What could he possibly have on Phyllis?

Jack: It has to be something. He wants $1 million. I'm not gonna pay $1 million for nothing.

Jill: This is the oldest scam in the grifters' handbook. He comes up with some stupid story full of wink-winks and innuendos, and then, when you pay up, you're $1 million lighter with nothing to show for it.

Jack: You think that's all this is -- just another get-rich-quick scheme.

Jill: Yes, that's what it is. Oh, my God. I love that man. I really do. I love him to pieces, but sometimes he can be absolutely shameless. Come on, Jack. You're too smart to fall for this. Don't you dare give that man of mine one dime. You hear me?

Jack: Thanks for the warning.

[Door closes]

Colin: Well, here's the little lady. Well, I power walked for three miles, feel totally invigorated, figured that, uh, maybe you and I could shower together, eh?

Jill: Did you? I have a better idea. Why don't you stop cashing in on my family's misery? Jack was just here.

Colin: Oh.

Jill: Yes, "oh," Colin. You promised not to use that secret to scam money out of my family.

Colin: I, um -- I promised not to blackmail Billy. Now, as it turns out, I'm in possession of some information which I've asked Jack for a sum of money for. That's not blackmail and it's not Billy, so I'm right in both directions.

Jill: I'll tell you what direction you're heading. Down -- six-feet-under down.

Colin: Look, I really don't understand what's going on here.

Jill: I'm sure you don't, but you'll have plenty of time to think about it while you're power walking to Australia. Jack and his bank accounts are off-limits to you.

Summer: There is no doubt in my mind that Jack loves you and that you love him. So, I don't know. Maybe the problem is a third person. And as much as I love him, I know you've never gotten over what grandpa did to you and Jack. Maybe, in time...

Phyllis: You know what? I think Victor might be right. I mean, I don't know if our families will ever get along, but, you know, as far as Jack and me, we're good. You know, I mean, he's fantastic. He was wonderful, but that's why it was so jarring when he suddenly clammed up and walked away from me after our session just now.

Summer: Yeah, well, you guys are both going through rough times. I mean, there's gonna be ups and downs. I wouldn't let one moment throw you off, you know?

Phyllis: Yeah. When did you get to be so wise? I think having my eyes opened by Austin had a lot to do with it. Just thinking of all the things that I should have asked him and then, I don't know, all the secrets that got in the way of what could have been between me and Luca. You know?

Phyllis: Yeah.

Summer: [Sighs] Lesson learned.

Phyllis: [Chuckles]

Summer: Next guy I find attractive, I'm gonna make him fill out a 300-page questionnaire.

Phyllis: [Laughs] That's my girl. I love your optimism.

Summer: Where do you think I got it from?

Phyllis: Well... [Chuckles]

Summer: You know what? Don't give up on Jack, okay? He's a keeper, and so are you.

Phyllis: If only everyone could be as open and honest as you are.

Jill: I confided in you what was going on with Phyllis and Billy, and then you just turn right around and try to cash in.

Colin: Look, if you didn't want me to use it, why did you confide in my after I figured it out?

Jill: Well, I don't know. Maybe it was because I thought, when my family was concerned, you might turn into a decent human being.

Colin: Sweetheart --

Jill: Don't you "sweetheart" me. For god's sake, for once in your larcenous life, could you just stop seeing dollar signs and walk away? Now, Phyllis has ended things for good. She's gone home to Jack. Billy's alone. He's licking his wounds. Somehow, I'm gonna get Victoria and Travis broken up, and as soon as that happens, she and Billy can get back together. And then the universe will be right side again.

Colin: You know that $1 million isn't what it used to be. However, it does come in handy.

Jill: Would you please get over it? I have Jack believing that you have nothing on Phyllis. Now, it's up to you to sell that to him before he discovers that his wife has been cheating on him with his brother.

Colin: My darling, do not worry. You know what? Together, you and I can move mountains.

Jill: Well, you better move this particular mountain. Then we can talk about whatever else you want to.

Colin: [Sighs]

Phyllis: Why don't you go register for your classes, all right, before they fill up?

Summer: Okay. We just have to do this more often.

Phyllis: What? Listen to me whine and complain out loud?

Summer: [Chuckles] No, just talk, you know? Share things. I'm here for you.

Phyllis: I know you are, baby.

Summer: I love you.

Phyllis: Love you more.

Summer: Bye.

Phyllis: Bye, baby. If you came here looking for me --

Billy: And why would I do that? There's nothing left to say, is there?

Sharon: No, listen to me. I am the one who cancelled those deliveries, and now I need to cancel the cancellation, and I need everything delivered as planned. Do you understand me?

Chloe: It's okay, Sharon. Chelsea's already arranged for the trucks to start rolling.

Sharon: [Sighs] Do I still have a job?

Chloe: Yes, she was just upset that we didn't loop her in. And then I explained that it was my fault. It's all smoothed over. Everything's okay.

Sharon: Well, thanks for having my back, Chloe, but everything is not okay. The way that Chelsea overreacted today at work? That was not about business. Nick was just here, and he thinks --

Chloe: I am well-aware of what nick thinks. But it's not up to nick to decide how Chelsea should be handling this. I mean, if she wants to move on quickly, then who are we to stop her?

Sharon: I'm really surprised to hear you say that.

Chloe: Why?

Sharon: Because you've been through enough in your life to know that you don't just snap your fingers and get over the loss of a loved one. Some people never do.

Nick: So, I got you some coffee just the way you like it and a selection of your favorite doughnuts.

Chelsea: How would you even know --

Nick: Okay. I took a shot on the coffee. But these are my favorite doughnuts, and it's the thought that counts, right?

Chelsea: Right. So, you want to tell me the real reason you're here?

Nick: Well, I ran into Sharon earlier.

Chelsea: [Sighs] My God, Sharon. [Scoffs] I wish she would stop trying to help me. What, did she send you over here to plead her case?

Nick: No, Sharon doesn't need me to do that for her. But, Chelsea, someone does need to talk some sense into you.

Chelsea: If you expect me to go into mourning and cover all the mirrors and crawl into a hole --

Nick: No, no. No one is asking you to do that, but I do think you need to take some time to grieve for Adam. You also need to help your son adjust to the fact that he's lost his dad.

Chelsea: Okay. So, now I'm a bad mother, too?

Nick: No, no, Chelsea. You're an excellent mother. You were a great wife, and if Adam were here, I know he would tell you that it's okay for you to cry. It's okay to miss him. But it is not okay for you to pretend like you're not in pain.

Colin: Could you please send me up a bottle of single-malt scotch to my suite? I could do with a transfusion.

Jack: What's wrong, Colin?

Colin: [Sighs] Thank you for throwing me under the bus. My wife kicked me out. That's what's wrong.

Jack: We need to talk.

Colin: I think you've talked too much for one day.

Chelsea: What would you prefer I do, nick? Do you want me to rip up my work while I sob in the corner? You want me to wait for dark and howl at the moon? I-I'm not really sure that that would do any good, so...

Nick: It will help you heal.

Chelsea: Some things don't heal. Some things, you just have to live with. Adam's never coming back, so I don't need you or Sharon or Chloe or anyone to help me understand that.

Nick: Chelsea, pl--

Chelsea: No, no. Okay? No more, nick. Listen, I officially release you from your promise to Adam, okay? Connor and I are not your problem. So, why don't you take your doughnuts and your good intentions and get the hell out?

Nick: [Sighs]

Chelsea: [Crying]

Chloe: I have worked harder than I ever have in my entire life to get past my depression after I lost Delia and to stop hating Adam for being responsible.

Sharon: I don't doubt it. And still, I wake up every morning missing Cassie. Isn't it the same way for you? The first thing that happens when you wake up in the morning -- you realize it all over again. Your child is not with you.

Chloe: Yeah, just like you said. It's the first thing I think of in the morning. I mean, that emptiness, it --

Sharon: It never goes away.

Chloe: But we do everything that we can to try and fill it. And we do it by loving our other children. I have Bella. You have Noah. You have faith. You have Mariah.

Sharon: And sully.

Chloe: We can't forget him. I mean, do you really think that you would be blessed with that precious little boy had you not done everything in your power to move on with your life?

Phyllis: You're right. There is nothing left to talk about. In fact, the more people talk, the less they seem to say.

Billy: So, what happened after you broke it off with me?

Phyllis: Jack and I decided to see a marriage counselor. Today was our first session. It was very helpful. For me.

Billy: And for Jack?

Phyllis: He was guarded with his feelings, but I don't know if I should be talking to you about any of this.

Billy: What, because it's none of my business?

Phyllis: No, it's not. How's your mother? Is she recuperating?

Billy: [Chuckles] Uh, well, my mother's heart attack was indigestion.

Phyllis: [Chuckles] That's not funny.

Billy: Eh, go ahead and laugh. It's kind of funny. Or it would have been if she didn't use it to guilt me into breaking up with you. And of course, I had to explain to her that it's too late because you already broke it off with me.

Phyllis: She must be thrilled. At least somebody's happy.

Billy: You're not happy, Phyllis?

Phyllis: You know, I think that happiness is overrated. Don't you?

Billy: I just want to kiss you right now.

Phyllis: Billy, just shut up. Just shut up, and don't say anything.

[Knock on door]

Colin: [Sighs] Somehow, I just knew that wasn't room service with my scotch. So, what happened? Phyllis throw you out, too? You know, you ought to look at a show called "the odd couple." You'd be a great Oscar Madison.

Jack: Tell me the truth. This so-called information you have about my wife -- is there anything to it? Nothing? Just a con?

Colin: Guilty as charged. I-I'm sorry that I made you question your wife, doubt her. There's nothing I can do about that. But, you see, well, when a man's appetite exceeds his income, you tend to run into a bit --

Jack: So, Jill was right. You have nothing to bargain with.

Colin: I had a bogus story I was gonna sell you, and by the time you realized you'd been had, I would have been safely in the wind, you see?

Jack: Jill would have liked that answer very much. What do you say we do business? Why don't you tell me everything you know?

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Billy: Cheers to you. [Sighs]

Chelsea: Haven't you stolen enough from me?

Victor: I'm not here to take. I'm here to give.

Jack: Answer me, Colin.

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