Y&R Transcript Monday 9/12/16

Y&R Transcript Monday 9/12/16


Provided By Suzanne

Phyllis: I've been lying to you.

Jack: How? About what?

Phyllis: I let you believe I was committed to making our marriage work. I wasn't. [Voice breaking] And I'm so sorry. All this time, all I've done... is betray you.

Jill: Jack is gonna find out. You're gonna...break your brother's heart. You're gonna do irreparable damage to your family. And you're gonna blame me for that? I won't let you. [Breathlessly] No, I -- oh!

Billy: Hey.

Jill: Don't, don't, don't. You're gonna trash your life, son! You're gonna trash your family, and for what? For Phyllis? She's not worth it. You're not the first, you know. You're not so special. She cheated on Jack before with nick. And now you? Oh, Billy, your dad is gone. Jack is the...only father figure you have. How in god's name can you do this...to... aah!

Billy: What?

Jill: Oh! Oh!

Billy: What, mom? Are you dying inside 'cause I'm a jerk?

Jill: [Gasping]

Billy: Hmm? Nice try. Maybe next time.

Jill: [Gasps]

Stitch: You okay? [Chuckles] I know it's a lot.

Abby: Um, yeah. [Chuckles] It is. I guess I'm, um, just processing. Uh... wow, so you're -- you're -- ready to try again for a baby... now.

Stitch: You surprised?

Abby: I guess things have just been really complicated. I-I thought that it would be awhile before you'd be ready to try again.

Stitch: For a while, I thought so, too. But I've been thinking about it. [Chuckles] A lot. And the reality is that the timing may never be perfect. I mean, we didn't expect to get pregnant on our honeymoon. If you had asked us, we would have said it wasn't the right time, but it happened, and we were thrilled. Never know what's gonna come next, you know? Life will always throw some new curveball. So why should we wait for something we both want?

Summer: I hope you got my messages about Adam's memorial. I'm sorry I couldn't be there for you.

Victor: Yeah. I appreciate that.

Summer: How are you holding up?

Victor: [Sighs] It ain't easy.

Summer: Well, um, I have something to talk to you about if you have a minute. It's really important that you hear this.

Sharon: Sully's, uh, restless. I think I'll take him out for a while.

Dylan: That makes sense, sully get some fresh air... you don't have to tell me what's going on in your head.

Sharon: Or maybe I just want to take our beautiful son out because it's a beautiful day.

Dylan: Sharon, just tell me. Why do you think Victor can hurt us?

Sharon: Because he can, Dylan. Even if you don't want to see it.

Dylan: What does that even mean? Come on, if you're afraid of something, just tell me. We can handle this. You got to talk to me.

Billy: Wow, you're really going for it, aren't you?

Jill: [Grunts] Billy, help me!

Colin: Jill?

Jill: Colin.

Colin: Jill?

Jill: Colin.

Colin: J-Jill. Why are you standing there? Why have you done to her?

Billy: Well, I was born. Kind of went downhill from there. Then I decided not to go to Seattle. But I got to say, mom, your acting skills are quite impressive right now.

Colin: Jill, is this a con, or are you in trouble?

Jill: Please. 911. Call 911. [Wheezing]

Colin: All right. It's okay. It's okay. Yeah, listen, I need an ambulance at 12 foothill road.

Billy: Mom?

Colin: Yeah, hurry!

Billy: Hey.

Colin: You okay?

Jill: [Breathlessly] I can't breathe.

Colin: Okay.

Abby: It feels like we haven't had a chance to just be married and to figure out what that means for us, for -- for both of us. Our lives have just been filled with so much sadness and trauma. I mean, Billy got run over by a car at our wedding. And then we got back from our honeymoon and boom, max was here. And then we lost our little baby girl. Now you want to have a baby.

Stitch: The thing is, is max, work, you, me, our loss -- it's all -- it's all part of the same thing. It's just -- it's just... it's life.

Abby: Yeah.

Stitch: It's hard, wonderful, scary all at once. But we get through it together. We can have the future we've always wanted.

[Cell phone chimes]

Stitch: [Sighs] That's called timing. It's the hospital. Hey. Talk about this at home?

Abby: Yeah, of course. Of course.

Stitch: Maybe we can get started. Who knows? [Chuckles]

Summer: What I did to this family by staying with Luca, what I put Newman enterprises through, I am so sorry.

Victor: I'm the one who brought Luca into our circle. I did that. You didn't. Luca caused damage. No one else.

Summer: Yeah, but you would have gotten rid of him ages ago. I am the one that made sure he had a place to stay. I'm the one that made sure he had access to the company. I defended him like an idiot. I should have known better about who to trust. But instead I made the same mistake all over again.

Victor: And you won't make any mistakes like that again. But you know what you showed? You showed a lot of courage. You stood up to me. You stood up to the entire family. That takes guts. You're a chip off the old block.

Summer: Yeah, but I stood up for the wrong person.

Victor: We all make mistakes, my baby, okay? I have made plenty in my lifetime. But you know something? When the time came, you had the courage to go to the police and tell them what Luca did.

Summer: Yeah, but the only reason I was able to do that was because Jack showed up for me at the right time. I mean, Jack is like you. No matter what I do, he's always looking out for me.

Jack: You betrayed me? What do you mean?

Phyllis: You're my husband. And, uh... I've been hiding from you. I threw myself into work. I made excuses not to come home. Because you...are right. I, uh... I don't know, I think being alone with you... you were right. You were... [Sobbing] Every time I'm with you... every time I'm with you, I see Marco.

Jack: That has to be so difficult. I can't even imagine. Even when we make love? Oh, God.

Phyllis: Victor did this to us, and I hate him. And I hate myself.

Jack: No, don't say that. Don't say that.

Phyllis: I do. I hate myself for all of the ways I have messed up. [Sniffles] I have messed up. And now I am making you pay for my mistakes.

Jack: You have been as strong as you could possibly be expected to be in this situation.

Phyllis: No. No, I wasn't, and I'm not. I-I'm -- I'm broken inside. I am so broken, and all I'm doing is pretending to be strong, and all it's done is push you away.

Jack: Okay, we didn't get here just because of you. I had a hand in this. I was so hell-bent on moving on and proving to Victor that he couldn't break us, that... I didn't allow for the possibility we were broken, that we weren't invincible. I think we have to start over. And maybe this is how the real healing begins. We -- we find strength together. We find our way back to our marriage together. Are you ready to do that with me?

Sharon: I'm not afraid of Victor for myself. How are you not hearing me about this? Look at the way that he's treated everyone in his life, whether he loved them or he hated them. Jack, Phyllis, Billy. He made it rain down like hell on his own children. And let's not forget the way that Mariah came back into my life. Now you want to take him on? You want to make an enemy out of the world's most dangerous man that you'll ever meet?

Dylan: I'm not -- I'm not afraid of Victor. And you don't have to be afraid for me.

Sharon: But I am.

Dylan: I know, but that's why I think I -- I don't know, I just feel like there's something more.

Sharon: What more do you need? Adam is dead, Dylan. You said that's because of things that Victor set in motion. And now you want to go after him against Paul's orders. You want to walk into Victor's nightmare world, a world that he controls, and brush off my concerns like I am irrational. I-I'm sorry. I can't do this. I need some air.

Dylan: Sharon.

Sharon: I need to go for a walk, a long walk.

Mariah: Fine. Bye. Does Sharon just want to walk off lunch, or did you two get in a fight? What's going on?

Dylan: It's okay, Mariah. You don't have to cover for Sharon anymore.

Mariah: What is it exactly that I'm covering for Sharon?

Dylan: More games? Come on, Mariah. She relies on you. She's wound up, completely certain that Victor's gonna blow this family sky high. That's what she said. That's what she blurted out.

Mariah: She blurted what?

[Sully cries]

Dylan: [Sighs] He sounds about as angry as his dad is.

Mariah: Yeah, two cranky peas in a pod. Do you want me to get him?

Dylan: No, I'll take care of him. But then we're gonna talk. So don't go anywhere.

Mariah: Talk. Great.

Billy: How's your breathing? Do you need anything else? Can I get you anything at all?

Jill: Billy, just get out, darling. Get out.

Billy: Mom.

Colin: Hey, look, you heard her. I don't want you adding to her stress.

Billy: I'm not adding to her stress. I just want to make sure that you're okay.

Jill: Billy, I said get out! You've done enough!

Stitch: Whoa, calm down. You two, out. The patient needs some quiet time.

Colin: Hey, I'll be outside thinking of you, baby.

[Door opens]

Stitch: So, I have your preliminary test results.

Jill: Is it a heart attack? Damn it. Do I have a blockage?

Stitch: What you have, Jill, is acid reflux.

Summer: Okay, maybe I shouldn't have worded it that way. I know how you feel about Jack. But look, he's always been there for me, and so have you --

Victor: Sweetheart, let's not talk about Jack Abbott, okay? Let me just say that you have a big, beautiful heart. That Jack Abbott was very cordial and nice at Adam's memorial service. But life goes on.

Summer: Okay, the way that you say that sounds like life means hating each other. Grandpa, all it takes is deciding that now things can be different. You know, a-a truce.

Victor: I can tell you that truces never last. Something always comes up. And one thing you can't forget, I did everything in my power to fight the invasion of the paragon virus. It almost destroyed our company, everything that I have built up. Jack Abbott knows about these things. That's why you always got to be on the look-out for trouble to come.

Summer: Okay, please do not tell me --

Victor: No, no, no, no, no. Nothing is in the works. Don't you worry. Everything is fine.

Phyllis: I want to start over. But maybe that isn't possible after everything that's happened. Maybe we should have just given up a few months ago, you know?

Jack: No, no, no, no. We never give up. This time, though, we do it differently. Complete honesty. All our truths out on the table. No matter how painful, no matter how uncomfortable. And we stop expecting other people to get us through this. Ashley for me, Billy for you. The only way we're gonna get through this is together. And, red, I think we need help. Professional help. We should have done this all along. We sit in a room with a counselor. We get good advice. No judgment.

Phyllis: I judge myself every second of the day. But you know what I know? I know that [Sniffles] I don't deserve you.

Jack: No, do not talk like that. [Voice breaking] It breaks my heart to think you've forgotten how amazing you are, how much you mean to me. I need you. I need this marriage. So what do you say? You in this with me?

Phyllis: Yeah. Yes. Yes.

Jack: Then we can do this. Together.

Phyllis: Thank you for loving me. Thank you for not giving up on me.

Jack: Never. Never.

Summer: Hey.

Abby: Hi.

Summer: I don't suppose none of these is for me.

Abby: [Sighs] I was about to plow through both of these all by myself, but, um, sit. Come help me. We can always order two more.

Summer: So, did you, um, talk to stitch? Was it about a separation like you thought?

Abby: He wants to have a baby.

Summer: Oh.

Abby: Yeah, yeah, that look on your face but times a thousand for me. Yeah.

Summer: What did you say?

Abby: Nothing. We're supposed to talk some more about it later, but... I was the one who was pushing for this. I was the one who wanted to have another baby. So now that Ben is ready, how can I say no?

Jill: Heartburn.

Stitch: That's what the tests say.

Jill: But it was agony! How can it just be acid reflux?

Stitch: That's how acid reflux can present. It -- it's not comfortable.

Jill: "Not comfortable"? I thought I was dying.

Stitch: Well, from your file and your work-up, you got a lot of years to go. For now... antacids. And release papers. Sign these, you're free to go.

Jill: Uh, you know what? I'm feeling very, very tired. I'd like the room for a little while longer.

Stitch: We need the room, Jill. If you like, I can make sure Colin gets you home and into bed.

Jill: No! No, no. Let me tell my husband and my son, okay? I want to give them the good news. How do I look?

Stitch: I'm sorry?

Jill: Never mind. Never mind. Thank you, Dr. Rayburn. Stitch. And remember, please, not a word to my family, okay?

Colin: What the hell did you do to her?

Billy: I told you, okay? We were arguing.

Colin: Arguing about what? Business? Matchmaking? Booze? Women? Gambling?

Billy: What? Are you gonna read my résumé now, Colin?

Colin: This is a bad time for jokes.

Billy: You're right. I'm sorry.

Colin: That's my wife in there. I mean, I love her dearly. This is serious, and we got to treat it that way.

Stitch: You two can go in now.

Colin: Hey, did you get back the results? I mean, what's -- what's wrong with her?

Stitch: The patient has all the information.

Billy: Can you just tell us if she's gonna be okay?

Stitch: You can go in. She's waiting for you.

Billy: Mom?

Colin: Hey. What can you tell us? I mean, the doctor didn't say too much.

[Door closes]

Jill: It's not good. The doctor said the episode was brought on by extreme stress.

Billy: The episode? Which was?

Jill: It was so scary. It felt like there was a boulder on my chest.

Billy: I'm sorry, okay? I should have listened to you. And things got out of hand, and that's my fault.

Jill: No, no, no. It's all right. You were just saying what you felt. But oh, my God, your anger was so white hot. Your resentment. Baby, you got to know I have always, always loved you, so if I don't make it out of here --

Billy: Don't say that.

Jill: No, deep down you got to know that. Even if you don't feel the same way about me.

Billy: Mom, I love you, all right? You just push my buttons. I wish I could take back what I said.

Jill: What part? The part about me abandoning you as a child or using you as a time share?

Billy: All of it. I'm sorry.

Jill: This is good that we're talking like this, because no matter what happens --

Billy: Nothing is gonna happen.

Jill: Yeah, but I'm glad that we're on better footing now, okay? 'Cause if this is -- is the end... I'm so sorry. I'm so tired.

Billy: It's okay. Okay, get some rest, and I'll, uh, I'll come back and talk to you later.

Jill: Okay, sweetheart.

Billy: Take care of her?

Colin: Yeah. Always, mate.

Colin: You know, uh... you gave us quite a scare. No more of that. I need you in my life, kicking and screaming.

Jill: I just don't know if I have it in me anymore, Colin.

Colin: So, what exactly did the doctor say? Did he give you any idea of, you know, what was wrong? I mean...

Jill: No. So many words, so many medications.

Colin: [Laughs] Forget it. It's done. You're not fooling anybody. [Laughs]

Jill: Shh. Shh.

Mariah: Finally.

Sharon: Where's Dylan?

Mariah: Upstairs with sully. Sharon, stop. Stop. You need to quit whatever you are doing. You are freaking Dylan out badly. He just tried to fake me out, saying stuff like, "you don't have to cover for Sharon. I know."

Sharon: What? Oh, my God. What does he know?

Mariah: Nothing! He was fishing, and I didn't bite. But I came close.

Sharon: Okay, he senses something.

Mariah: We can't keep doing this, me telling you over and over again to pull yourself together and you being weird around Dylan all the time. You need to find a cover story to stick to, or you need to tell Dylan the truth, because he is getting too close, and he is not going to --

[Footsteps approach]

Sharon: Oh, how -- how's the baby?

Dylan: Baby's fine. How was the walk?

Sharon: Good. It gave me some time to think.

Dylan: Great. What'd you come up with?

Sharon: I know that you're trying to get information about me out of Mariah because you think that I'm keeping secrets from you. And you're right. I am.

Abby: Ben thinks we can start over, get back what we lost.

Summer: Do you think you can?

Abby: I don't know.

Summer: Okay, well, here's the question. Do you want to? Abby, just talk to him, okay? Don't just tell stitch what he wants to hear. Actually tell him how you feel. Just be brave enough to be honest with him and yourself.

Abby: You're making it sound a lot less complicated than it actually is.

Summer: No, I'm not, okay? Luca was never honest with me about how he actually felt. He just told me everything I wanted to hear, and I was never brave enough to see past the lies. Look, just be brave. Be honest. That's the only way to overcome any more heartache.

Jack: I'd like the doctor's first available appointment. No, it's a joint therapy session for my wife and me. Tomorrow? Yes, absolutely. We will be there. Thank you.

Victor: Well done, Jack. You and Phyllis are finally getting some help.

Billy: Thank you for coming. I wasn't sure you got my text. Just so you know, we don't have to sneak around. My mom and Colin aren't here.

Phyllis: Yeah, um, I don't have a whole lot of time. You said it was important. What's up?

Billy: Well, it's actually the reason why my mom's not here. We got into it, and it got pretty bad. She ended up in the hospital with a possible heart attack.

Phyllis: Possible? How do they not know?

Billy: Because my mom is my mom and faking a heart attack isn't exactly a stretch. But it was scary for both of us.

Phyllis: I'm sorry.

Billy: That's all right. She'll tough it out. No doubt it was stress-induced. I had to mea culpa my ass off by her hospital bed, so I can't make her nuts like that again, so we're gonna have to be a little bit more careful, all right? As far as she knows, we're done.

Phyllis: We are.

Billy: Exactly. That was good. But we'll be okay. Hey. I know this isn't gonna be easy, all right? But we'll manage.

Phyllis: Billy, it really is over. This is goodbye.

Stitch: So, is this about the baby idea? Huh? Hmm? What do you think?

Abby: Okay, um... I'm not gonna say what you want to hear. We need more time. I need more time.

Stitch: [Sighs]

Abby: A baby deserves all of the security in the world, and I just -- I think that our marriage needs to be in a better place before we think about a baby.

Stitch: Well, sure. We still have things to work on, but the love is there. And working together on something we both want will only bring us closer, baby.

Abby: I just -- I-I don't think you see the same relationship that I do. In fact, I know you don't.

Stitch: Why do you say that?

Abby: When you said that we need to talk, I thought you were gonna say that...we should separate.

Jack: My marriage is none of your business.

Victor: Oh, I meant no offense, Jack. My support was sincere, as was yours during Adam's memorial service. Now, I don't remember Phyllis being there. She wasn't there, was she?

Jack: Gee, I wonder why.

Victor: Ah.

Jack: After you nearly destroyed her life, she will never forget what you did to her. Neither will I, for that matter.

Victor: Mm-hmm.

Jack: I have decided that life is too precious to waste obsessing about the likes of you. My job now is to bring Phyllis to that point. Please don't give me a reason to change my mind.

Victor: Oh, I wouldn't dream of that.

Colin: Tell me about this fight with Billy.

Jill: There's nothing to tell.

Colin: Hmm. He said the same thing, which means you're both lying.

Jill: That is so ridiculous.

Colin: You've got something on someone, a delicious secret, someone close to Billy.

Jill: God, would you please stop being so nosy?

Colin: Someone in Billy's life. Victoria. Yeah. Oh, Victoria's bar boy, is it? No. That's not it. Someone Billy spends time with.

Jill: They need this bed so someone else can have a heart attack.

Colin: Give it up. It's acid reflux, all right? Look, I will take this to Billy. I'll take it to Victoria. I'll take it to Billy's brother.

Jill: No!

Colin: I'll take it -- bingo. It's Jack. Jack's done something. How bad is it?

Jill: It's not Jack. It's Phyllis. Billy had an affair with Phyllis.

Colin: Oh. My God, Sherlock, this is a sticky one. [Laughs] So... how do you, uh, how do you want to play this?

Jill: I'm not gonna play this. And you're not gonna play this! You keep this to yourself. You're not gonna do to Billy what you did to Devon and Hilary. You will not blackmail my son, Colin! You understand me?

Colin: Your son is my son, and that puts him off limits.

Jill: Good. You better believe that, or I will strangle you with my own two hands.

Colin: And what beautiful hands they are.

Billy: Don't let my mother get inside your head, okay? What she wants is irrelevant here.

Phyllis: It's not about Jill. It's about me. And Jack. We talked. And it was different this time. I have a horrible secret inside of me. I know that. But we finally got to some real honesty, and it was a reminder of what our marriage is all about.

Billy: Well, your marriage is based on guilt right now. Nothing else.

Phyllis: It is not. You don't know. You see what you want to see. And the truth is, I am married, and I belong to Jack.

Billy: No, today you said you didn't want to live without me, that you were gonna fight for us, okay? That doesn't go away in a couple hours.

Phyllis: No, it doesn't.

Billy: Exactly.

Phyllis: But I didn't mean that. I thought I did. I was wrong.

Billy: Don't pull this right now, Phyllis.

Phyllis: What this is between us, this thing... [Voice breaking] It's me running from myself. And I told myself you were the only person in the world who can see the real me... that Jack could not understand how much pain I went through, how much deep hurt I went through after Marco. But I was wrong. He understood. That's how much he knows me. That's how much he loves me. And once we talked, all of the reasons why we had to do this just disappeared.

Billy: So what? He hates Victor as much as he should right now? [Sniffles] He's gonna fight for you? He's gonna what? Punish Victor for Marco?

Phyllis: I am the only one who's been punishing Jack for something that is not his fault for looking like a man who made my life a living hell.

Billy: Well, you know he's always gonna look like that, right? You realize that?

Phyllis: How I look at him can change. Before Marco, there was Jack. Before you, there was Jack. And I have to find that man again. That beautiful, loving, decent man who's been waiting for me.

Billy: I've been waiting for you.

Phyllis: [Chuckles]

Billy: I'm right here.

Phyllis: You're not my husband. You are not the one I need. And the truth is... our affair had nothing to do with you. It had everything to do with me, what I cannot cope with. I needed a place to run, and you were that place. And now I have hurt you. I have hurt Jack. I have hurt myself. It is over. I cannot cause any more pain. I won't. I won't. [Sniffles]

Sharon: You need to understand that all of this was done with the best of intentions, not to hurt anyone or keep any secrets. But really it was for your sake, for your protection.

Dylan: Okay. Go ahead.

Sharon: Mariah made a decision all on her own, and it ended up being a gigantic mistake. And I didn't want to tell you about it because I didn't want you to get upset.

Dylan: Is this about Victor?

Mariah: Yes. Yes, it is.

Dylan: Yeah, so I was still investigating. What? You take matters into your own hands?

Mariah: I had to. I couldn't just sit by and do nothing. Victor has toyed with my life and Sharon's. And now Adam is gone because Victor's ego knows no bounds. He can't just skate after once again ruining another life. So I-I went to see him. I've worked for him before, and I've been one of his minions, so I thought that he might get cocky and let something slip.

Dylan: Why would you do that? He's not gonna spill anything. Come on, Mariah. The guy's dangerous. I don't want you anywhere near him.

Sharon: That's what I told her. But, Dylan, do you see now? You see how worried that you got about Mariah just now? That's how worried I get about you.

Mariah: Victor told me to stay out of it, gave me the death glare, so that's it. I'm done. And I suggest that you leave him alone, too.

Dylan: Well, I won't mention anything about you to Victor.

Mariah: Thank you. I appreciate that.

Dylan: But I'm not backing off.

Sharon: Dylan, please.

Dylan: Not a chance. No way. Not until I get the truth.

Stitch: Abby, if I have done anything to make you think I want out of this marriage, I'm so sorry. I... I should have talked more. I wish I had talked more.

Abby: Ben, it's -- it's not just you. I'M...I'm a part of this, too. And the distance between us after we lost the baby, it just grew. And then everything that happened after that, it chipped away at us, or the way I saw us.

Stitch: We can fix this. I-I can fix this. I-I screwed up. But if there is one thing I know, it's that my love for you has never changed. I swear to you, you will never have to wonder whether I'm in this marriage or out, because I will always be in. You have my word. I love you. Hey. I love you, okay? Okay?

Abby: Yeah.

Billy: They released you? Do they normally do that after an episode like that?

Jill: Well, they needed the bed, so they sent me home to die. Okay, that wasn't very funny. And I suppose I owe you the truth.

Billy: What? That you were right and I was wrong?

Jill: Excuse me?

Billy: Look... I was a jackass. I was selfish. I was being destructive. You had every right to call me out on it. I had no right to fight you on it. And so you know, Phyllis and I are done.

Jill: Yeah, you told me that before.

Billy: Yeah, well, I lied before. 'Cause that's what I do, right? I lied to you. I lied to everyone. I lied to myself. This time it's the truth. It's over.

Jill: Oh, Billy. Oh, my son.

Colin: Just the person I was looking for. Scotch neat, thank you.

Jack: Whatever it is will have to wait. I have a date at home with my wife, Colin.

Colin: Oh, yes, yes, the divine Phyllis. Just the person I wanted to chat about.

Jack: What is that supposed to mean?

Colin: I have some... information of a rather personal nature about the divine Phyllis, information that I think you should know. I'm prepared to part with this for a million dollars.

Jack: That usually work for you? A little innuendo and people just start handing over a small fortune?

Colin: Well, when you have information of this caliber, yes.

Jack: Go home, Colin. Better yet... go to hell.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Chelsea: Take the rest of the day off and reevaluate your job description while I clean up this mess that you've made.

Chloe: You told Adam that you would look after the family, but I really think that you need to respect Chelsea's wishes.

Jack: Whatever Colin knows about my wife, you know what it is.

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