Y&R Transcript Friday 9/9/16
Provided By Suzanne
Paul: [Sighs] Okay, I figured you might use that.Summer: Thanks, um, actually, I just finished up. Do you want to take a look and see if it looks okay?
Paul: Okay. Well, just a signature and date. Listen, I appreciate you coming in to do this today.
Summer: Yeah, it's, um, no problem.
Paul: Well, actually, it probably was. You're dealing with Adam's death and his memorial.
Summer: Yeah, I didn't go to the memorial. I just thought I had to deal with this, so...
Paul: Right.
Summer: Now it's done.
Paul: Well, you know, summer, I was thinking about this. The statement lays out Luca's criminal acts against your family's business, but a few days ago, you were gonna marry the guy.
Summer: Yeah, and now he's been shipped off to Spain, so...
Paul: Luca's still in holding. And I just got the feeling that maybe there was some unfinished business between the two of you.
Summer: If you think that I want to have some final goodbye with him, well, I don't, okay? I'm -- I'm done. Everything that I needed to say, I-I put in that statement.
Jack: Where were you?
Phyllis: I was with Billy. I didn't want to deal with Victor's big show of grief. Especially since he is the reason Adam's dead.
Billy: I don't understand, Jack. I mean, you and Adam were friends. How do you stand here listening to this?
Jill: Well, phony sentiments are always hard to stomach. Somehow we manage, don't we?
Jack: I realized, belatedly, how difficult it would have been for you to be at the memorial. I'm glad you did the right thing and took care of yourself, stayed away.
Jill: That is so generous of you. Don't you agree?
Stitch: Hey.
Abby: Hey.
Stitch: I am so sorry about the memorial service. Here you go.
Abby: It turned out to be pretty small -- just family and a few friends.
Stitch: Hey. I am your family. I should have been there for you.
Abby: I was fine. My dad, on the other hand, though... I've never seen him so upset. My uncle Jack took it pretty hard, too.
Stitch: I'm sure they both appreciated you being there.
Abby: I guess, yeah. Well, you seem pretty busy, so, um...
Stitch: Yeah, it's -- it feels like I'm always unavailable for you. It's just not right.
Abby: You can't help it. I mean, with work and visiting max at the clinic...
Stitch: Abby, we need to talk. Come here.
Abby: We do?
Stitch: How about an early dinner? We can order in.
Abby: Okay, if that's what you want.
Stitch: Or we go out someplace. Doesn't matter to me. I -- there's just something I really need to discuss with you.
Dylan: Hey, uh, sorry to interrupt. Stitch, I need your help. It needs to be off the record.
Sharon: Dylan won't let this go.
Mariah: Yay, Dylan. Somebody has to bring down the tyrant.
Sharon: Victor is not someone you go after like that. He will retaliate with a vengeance. Dylan doesn't know what he's bringing down on himself. Or us.
Mariah: You're talking about sully.
Sharon: What if Victor finds out?
Mariah: He would have to be a psychic. There's literally no way for him to figure out that sully is nick and sage's kid.
Sharon: Well, if anyone can...
Mariah: It's impossible. You and me. That's it. We're the only two people in the world that know the truth. Wait. Do you think that I'm the weak link, that I'm gonna blab to Victor?
Sharon: Of course I don't think you would betray my secret. Not wittingly. I'm not saying any of this to make you feel bad. I'm just reminding us both of how ruthless Victor can be. How long until he finds out sully is a Newman?
Mariah: Why would he even consider that?
Sharon: Nick's baby died within days of me supposedly giving birth to a healthy child, and that's enough of a hook for Victor. Don't doubt it. He'll unearth the truth.
Mariah: Okay, Sharon, you're going off the rails.
Sharon: Dylan will be shattered. He will hate me for keeping this secret for this long. Our marriage will be over. Our beautiful life --
Mariah: Stop. Look at me. In the here and now, Dylan loves you. Sully is upstairs taking a nap. Faith is doing a school project. Nick likes you just fine. And Victor is clueless.
Sharon: But if he --
Mariah: There will be nothing for him to find! A-and warped, twisted Victor Newman wouldn't even leave a shadow of a hint of a clue for Dylan to trace back to him.
Sharon: I'm not so sure about that.
Mariah: Oh, come on. What is it? Is Victor all-seeing, all-knowing, never get caught, or...?
Sharon: He had to have help. Someone helped him set up Adam, and that's the loose end.
Mariah: And you think your nice-guy husband is gonna out-Victor Victor and catch him in the act?
Sharon: Dylan's not gonna give up. If Victor's helper overlooked anything, Dylan will find it.
Sharon: So what are you gonna do to prevent that?
Sharon: I have to find a way to stop Dylan from looking.
Dylan: All I can say is it's police business.
Abby: Dylan, I have to ask. Is this about my brother?
Dylan: I'm sorry. I can't -- I can't say.
Abby: If this is about Adam, then I --
Stitch: Hey. I'll see you later, okay? So we can have that talk.
Abby: Okay.
Stitch: All right.
Dylan: Bye. Okay, this is about Adam's death.
Stitch: That investigation's closed.
Dylan: Formally, yeah.
Stitch: Oh, come on. What are you doing, Mac?
Dylan: I'm asking you as a friend, okay? I need you to follow up on the forensics work done at the cabin. There's some about the DNA analysis that doesn't sit right with me. It was rushed. It was too quick.
Stitch: You're wondering if Adam really died in that explosion.
Dylan: I'm wondering about a lot of things.
Stitch: [Sighs] Okay.
Dylan: Great.
Stitch: I'll look into it.
Dylan: How fast can you get it back?
Stitch: As fast as I can. That's all I'll promise, all right?
Dylan: All right.
Paul: All right, Luca. There's been a mix-up with the transport van. It's gonna be a few minutes before I get it all sorted out.
Luca: No rush. You're just gonna leave? You obviously came to see me.
Summer: I came because of you. I had to give a statement about --
Luca: My crimes.
Summer: That is the only reason I am here and not with my family.
Luca: I loved you, summer. And I know you loved me.
Summer: I thought I loved you, Luca. I thought we were gonna start a life, a family together. I just keep playing it back in my head all the times that you made me laugh. All the times that you cared for me and encouraged me. The times that we --
Luca: That was all real.
Summer: You were working me, Luca. You didn't mean any of it.
Luca: No. It wasn't all an act.
Summer: Not all of it, but most of it. It was all an act to take down my family.
Luca: Look, summer, I'm sorry.
Summer: No, I am so sick of hearing you say that word. I am done with you and your lame apologies. I am an idiot. I wound up comforting you when you broke down, telling me about all the lies that you told me and the despicable things you did to my family.
Luca: If you'd just give me a chance, just one --
Summer: No, no. Luca, Luca. I am done giving you things. Done. And I don't want anything from you. Nothing.
Luca: Just wait.
Summer: Don't touch me.
Luca: Summer. Please.
Jill: You know how close Jack was to Adam. Couldn't you have put your animosity toward Victor aside for a lousy couple of hours?
Phyllis: I tried.
Jill: Not hard enough. And you -- why didn't you tell Phyllis that her place was beside her husband?
Billy: Mom, do you really --
Jack: I'm glad Phyllis made the choice she did. I'm glad my brother was there for her. The last thing any of us wanted was a big ugly confrontation with Victor at this memorial.
Jill: Still doesn't justify it.
Jack: Excuse me. I'd like a minute alone with my brother, if I could, please. Billy?
Jill: So. Exactly what part of "leave my son alone" do you not understand?
Phyllis: That's what I've been doing.
Jill: Oh, please. It's so obvious that you and Billy just had sex, you should have it tattooed on both your foreheads.
Phyllis: Just because you caught us once doesn't mean you're gonna catch us again.
Jill: Oh, it isn't just me. No. Ashley's beginning to suspect you, too, because of the way you're turning to Billy all the time.
Phyllis: What did you say to her?
Jill: I didn't tell her a damn thing. But the time is coming, and very, very soon, when Jack will not be able to look past your behavior. He will be forced to face the inevitable.
Jack: I just want to make it absolutely clear I do not share Jill's sentiment. I'm glad Phyllis was with you.
Billy: You are?
Jack: Yes. That's just what she needs right now -- someone who cares about her, someone with whom she can be totally honest. It is so much better than her spinning out and doing something she'll regret.
Billy: Yeah.
Jack: Unless she already has.
Luca: I had a plan. Seduce the granddaughter, gain her trust, unearth the Newman secrets and use them and her to win. Loving you -- that was the trap I never saw coming. I didn't plan that. I didn't expect it. I sure as hell didn't need it. I loved you, summer. I do love you.
Summer: No, Luca, just don't. Don't, okay? I cannot let myself believe you.
Luca: I wish I could make this better.
Summer: There is something that you can give to me.
Luca: Anything.
Summer: Just tell me what you regret.
Luca: A house with a yard. A little girl with your eyes. Family gatherings. Our 50th wedding anniversary. How it could have been. And what we would have been. [Sighs] Ruining that is my biggest regret. I know I don't deserve your forgiveness, but... I'd like to know that someday... maybe you won't hate me.
Paul: It's time. [Coughs]
Summer: Luca. I could never hate you.
Dylan: [Sighs]
Paul: You're still working on the case.
Dylan: [Sighs] Paul --
Paul: Don't deny it. Your white board gave you away.
Dylan: Uh, I wasn't gonna deny anything.
Paul: Okay, then do you want to explain to me why you're still working on that case, trying to get proof that Victor set up Adam when the case is closed?
Dylan: Because we sent an innocent man to prison based on evidence that was planted by Victor. Victor's the one who set off the chain of events that led to Adam's death. How are we okay with this?
Paul: You said it yourself. Adam is dead.
Dylan: [Sighs]
Paul: Right? You are letting your personal animosity against Victor Newman cloud your judgment.
Dylan: That's not what's happening.
Paul: Oh, really? It's not? Did I miss something? Did you find some concrete evidence against Newman?
Dylan: Not yet.
Paul: Maybe because it doesn't exist! I'm advising you, as your chief, to let this go.
Dylan: Even when you know I'm right?
Sharon: We all have so much to lose. If Dylan continues to go after Victor...
Mariah: Will you please stop letting this eat at you and believe me when I tell you that Dylan isn't going to find anything incriminating against Victor. He's gonna keep digging and digging and end up with nothing, and eventually, he's gonna give up.
Sharon: I can't take that chance.
Mariah: Well, then you really will lose everything!
Sharon: How?
Mariah: You are gonna push Dylan so hard that you'll be the one that ends up steering him in the direction that you don't want him to go. The truth about sully! And all of these fears that you're having -- it's going to be a self-fulfilling prophecy, Sharon! [Sighs]
[Door opens]
Mariah: Dylan's not home.
Stitch: Okay. When will he be home?
Sharon: Um, Dylan should be home soon. Why don't you come on in, stitch?
Mariah: Yeah, I'm not sticking around for this. Bye.
Stitch: Something I said?
Sharon: No. It was something I said. Would you like some coffee?
Stitch: Uh, I-I can't stay. I want to leave this for Dylan. It's the information he requested.
Sharon: Information?
Stitch: Yeah, it's about some case.
Sharon: Let me guess. Adam's death.
Jack: That look on your face. If Phyllis is planning something...
Billy: She's not. She's not, okay? She hates Victor. You know that. But she's not planning on acting on these feelings, all right? I'm sorry to spook you.
Jack: Okay, thanks for the reassurance. You know if she was headed in that direction, she'd tell you about it.
Billy: Yeah, I don't know about that, Jack.
Jack: Oh, I do. And I'm fine with that. I'm glad my brother is comfortable with my wife.
Billy: I got to get to work. I'll see you later.
Phyllis: You look worried. I -- I didn't mean to -- look, Jack, the reason I didn't show --
Jack: You don't have to say anything, okay? I know what's been going on.
Phyllis: What are you talking about?
Jack: Not here. Come on.
Dylan: [Sighs] Paul. Once I'm onto something, I stay on it, I see it through. That's why you hired me. And now all of a sudden, it's a liability.
Paul: Okay, at this point, no good will come out of pursuing a case against Victor Newman.
Dylan: After everything he's done?
Paul: Oh, come on, Dylan. Look at the damage he's inflicted against Jack and Phyllis.
Dylan: Right.
Paul: Stitch's sister. Not to mention his own family.
Dylan: Right, that's why something needs to be done!
Paul: How do you think your mom's gonna feel about what you're doing?
Dylan: Oh, the same way I feel about her getting sucked back in to Victor's orbit.
Paul: So that's what this is about?
Dylan: Partly. Come on, I hate the fact that he's made my mother an accessory to his crimes. I'm gonna do everything I can to protect her from becoming yet another casualty of Victor Newman, just like you have, Paul.
Paul: How many times have I told you you can't make this thing personal? You are a cop!
Dylan: Okay.
Paul: Okay?
Dylan: Okay, I'm not out to get Victor. Is that what you want to hear?
Paul: Well, what do you call all this?
Dylan: It's called doing my job! I'm sorry, I -- I have a son, too. And listening to Victor claim that he didn't want his son to die in an explosion that he set forward -- that's just not enough for me, Paul.
Paul: I love my son, too. And I don't want to see you end up like Adam.
Dylan: I understand. But just because some people have gotten burned attempting to make charges stick against Victor, it's not a good enough reason for me to stop trying.
Paul: [Sighs]
[Door slams]
Jill: Billy. You can't just dismiss me this way. Not only am I your mother, I'm your employer. I own brash & sassy.
Billy: Yeah, don't remind me.
Jill: Hey. You work for me. You will get on that plane to Seattle.
Billy: Like hell I will.
Jill: You can't keep shirking you responsibilities this way!
Billy: Mom, this has nothing to do with my responsibilities to the company. This is another ham-fisted attempt to push Victoria and me back together.
Jill: Why do you keep fighting me on this? I don't have a hidden agenda here.
Billy: Really? No hidden agenda?
Jill: You know I want you back together. The fact is, you work well together, and you've even admitted it.
Billy: Well, okay, I'm gonna say this -- I'm not going to Seattle.
Jill: Why not?
Billy: Because you know why. And you've been dangling it over Phyllis' head for weeks.
Phyllis: What is it, Jack?
Jack: I was talking to Billy at the restaurant about his relationship with you, and I had this sudden realization. I have been so blind. I've been asking you to pretend something you don't feel at all. I want you to stop pretending.
Abby: Hey, um...
Summer: Hey.
Abby: You weren't at the memorial.
Summer: Yeah, no, I, um... I just had to go to the police station.
Abby: You went to go see him?
Summer: Yeah, I may have seen Luca while I was there. You know, I almost married the guy, so excuse me if I couldn't just walk away, you know? Abby?
Abby: I don't have a tissue. [Sniffles]
Summer: Um... okay. Here. Here.
Abby: Thank you.
Summer: Look, I know why I'm miserable. Why are you miserable? Is this about stitch's son or something?
Abby: No, no. Max -- he's, uh, holding his own and... Ben is fine, and, um, I'm fine, so, yeah, we're -- we're fine.
Summer: I get that. Whenever I'm fine, I just -- I cry all the time. Good luck with that.
Abby: Summer, wait, um... I'm sorry. I just -- I feel like I can't complain about my marriage to you after...
Summer: After you slept with my late husband? Well, I'm gonna give you a free pass today. So sit. Come on. Tell me what's going on.
Abby: Okay, well, um... Ben and I have been dealing with our troubles, but... that's just it. We've just been dealing.
Summer: Okay, what do you mean?
Abby: I just realized that that's what our marriage has become. I-it's not about love or commitment or about the future. It's just about us dealing.
Summer: It's just a phase. You guys have been through so much this year, you know? It's just temporary.
Abby: Ben said that we needed to talk.
Summer: Oh.
Abby: Yeah. I mean, "we need to talk" is never good. I mean, he's probably gonna tell me that he doesn't want to go on this way anymore.
Summer: No, I just think you're overthinking and you're just assuming the worst.
Abby: That's just it. I know he feels.
Summer: Why? What do you mean?
Abby: I don't know if I want to go on this way, either.
Sharon: That wasn't a wild guess. Dylan's been working on Adam's case nonstop.
Stitch: I'm just not comfortable...
Sharon: No, you're helping out a friend. I understand. But if you really want to be a good friend to my husband, don't help him with the case.
Stitch: Why are you saying that, Sharon?
Sharon: Because going after Victor Newman is like poking a mad dog with a stick. Just talk to Dylan. Tell him -- tell him --
Dylan: Tell me what? Maybe you should tell me. If we got a problem, you should be talking to me. No. Not my best friend.
Sharon: I have tried talking to you, but you don't listen to me. I just thought that stitch might have better luck!
Stitch: Okay. Um, I just came by to tell you that I took the forensic results to a pathologist. Top in his field.
Dylan: You trust this guy?
Stitch: Immensely. He made detailed notes on the analysis. They're all in there.
Dylan: All right. Break it down for me.
Stitch: The amount of DNA, the patterns where it was found... it's all consistent with the original conclusions.
Sharon: Really? Does that mean, um...
Stitch: Adam died in that explosion. Okay? The doctor found nothing out of the ordinary. There's nothing else, Mac. Maybe it's time to let this go.
Dylan: Wait. Did you even take this to the doctor?
Stitch: What are you talking about? What, you think I'm lying to you?
Dylan: No. No, I'm sorry, man. I just got an earful from Paul about all this. Thank you. Thank you. It's nice to know I can count on my friend.
Stitch: Me telling you to back off -- that's me being your friend.
[Door closes]
Dylan: It'd be nice to know I can count on my wife, too.
Summer: Abby, you want to end your marriage?
Abby: End what? It feels like it's already over. And I know that you're probably thinking that this is all my fault and I'm not trying hard enough.
Summer: Not at all. Who am I to judge, okay? I mean, this would have been the second time that I married a criminal. I barely even knew Luca.
Abby: Even when you do, even when you know them really well, when you go into it with all of this love, then things happen. Things like the miscarriage. And it just broke something.
Summer: What, for stitch?
Abby: For me. It changed me. It changed the way that I felt about Ben.
Summer: Okay, but Abby, that's not his fault that the baby --
Abby: I know that, and I keep telling myself that. I keep telling myself that this feeling of emptiness, that it'll go away. But it hasn't. And I can't get back that warm and fuzzy happy newlywed feeling. I mean, I was relieved that he didn't come to the memorial service with me today.
Summer: Why, you didn't want him there?
Abby: It just takes so much effort to pretend like everything's normal. He's got to be feeling that, too.
Summer: Hence the talk.
Abby: I'm dreading it. How do I say all of those things to the man that I once loved with all of my heart?
Jack: You have been honest with me from the very beginning about how difficult this has all been for you. So honest. You said you needed a break from our marriage. Even then, I couldn't allow myself to see how much you were struggling. And when you came back, I just pretended like everything would return to normal.
Phyllis: I want us to be normal, like it's always been.
Jack: I love you so much. I cannot believe I did this to you.
Phyllis: You didn't.
Jack: I have ready empathy for seemingly everyone in the world, even Victor.
Phyllis: That is because you are a kind man --
Jack: Don't let me off the hook. I handled this badly. I didn't give you the love and support and compassion that you needed. I didn't give you the space to tell me what's really in your heart. My one consolation, for which I am abundantly grateful, is that you found that with my brother.
Jill: So Phyllis told you that I found out about your affair and that I was working behind the scenes to keep the two of you apart?
Billy: Behind the scenes? No, I think "blackmailing" is the word you're looking for, and Phyllis didn't tell me anything. You just did.
Jill: I did not.
Billy: Yeah, you did. You just confirmed it. I mean, come on, mom. Even Colin's lurking around here waiting to cash in on what you know.
Jill: No, I haven't said one word to Colin.
Billy: Well, subtlety isn't exactly your strong suit, and you just love messing around in other people's lives --
Jill: Mess? You're the one that made this mess!
Billy: Okay --
Jack: I'm trying to fix it!
Billy: I am a grown man. I can do whatever the hell I want.
Jill: Start acting like a grown man.
Billy: Stop messing in my personal life. Stay the hell out of it.
Jill: That I will not do.
Jill: This is not my fault. You are the one having the affair with your brother's wife, which by the way, how the hell could you do this?
Billy: Oh, you really want to ask me that? You want me to start in on your shady past?
Jill: Oh! Oh, don't you try deflecting away from yourself, deflecting away from what you've been doing, what you did today.
Billy: What do you think I was doing today?
Jill: You were sneaking around with Phyllis when she should have been by her husband's side.
Billy: Everything Phyllis and I told Jack was true, okay? She couldn't stand the hypocrisy that would have been on display at that memorial.
Jill: Oh, the poor baby.
Billy: That's right. She wanted to be with somebody that understood her, that she trusted, a friend.
Jill: A naked friend.
Billy: Oh, mom, you don't know what you're talking about, okay? What Phyllis and I had is over.
Jill: I'll just try that line on Jack when I tell him.
Billy: No, you're not. You're not gonna tell him. You would have already. You're not gonna tell him for the same reason that I wouldn't have told him. Because... because Jack would have been devastated.
Jill: Yes, he would. And it would kill his love for you. So why aren't you more worried about losing him? After you've already lost Delia.
Billy: Do not talk about my daughter.
Jill: I'm sorry. Okay, okay. But you're gonna hurt him so badly! And Victoria! What is it with you? Is this the gambling thing? Are you just addicted to the rush? Is life just one big poker table with you, and Phyllis is a card in play?
Billy: You don't know what we have.
Jill: Oh, lord, don't tell me it's love. You haven't convinced yourself that this is love.
Billy: God, I am so sick of explaining myself to you.
Jill: Oh, God, you don't love Phyllis!
Billy: Walk away! You're so good at it. Just walk away like you always have!
Phyllis: I want to go home.
Jack: I know you don't believe this. I mean it. I am so grateful that you can be open and honest with Billy. Do I wish it was me? Absolutely.
Phyllis: It should be you. You're my husband.
Jack: Unfortunately, I'm also a regular reminder of what Victor put you through.
Phyllis: That was difficult at first, but I'm over that now.
Jack: You've been honest with me to this point. Don't stop now.
Phyllis: I'm trying.
Jack: I know you're not over this. And I knew how hard you've tried. And I'm ashamed and embarrassed of how many times I have forced you to act like everything was normal when it was anything but normal. When you -- when every time you look at me, a part of sees Marco.
Phyllis: [Crying] No.
Jack: This man who forced himself into our lives, into your home, into your bed. Is it any wonder you wanted to push me away?
Phyllis: I didn't want to push you away.
Jack: I know that now. I know that now. I know that every time you needed a break from me, it was because you were trying to fight for your sanity. I know how hard it was to come back to me. But you did. You came back. Because you're committed to our marriage. To me. We're fighting for us. Please don't stop fighting for us.
Abby: [Sighs] Hey.
Stitch: Hi.
Abby: Um, well, I'm -- I'm, uh --
Stitch: Yeah, I guess, uh --
Abby: I'm glad that you wanted to meet. We haven't seen much of each other recently, and, well, when we have, it's been pretty difficult.
Stitch: Yeah, I felt that, too, so...
Abby: Yeah.
Stitch: Surprised I noticed? We're partners, Abby, through everything. That's why we need to talk about what comes next.
Dylan: What else did you say to stitch?
Sharon: [Sighs] Are we gonna argue about this all day?
Dylan: Or you could just answer my question.
Sharon: Okay, fine. I told stitch that I think it's a mistake for you to continue this vendetta against Victor.
Dylan: Now you sound like Paul.
Sharon: Really? If your own father is worried, then doesn't that prove --
Dylan: This investigation, I helped put an innocent man behind bars, Sharon. Me. Victor got me to do that.
Sharon: Okay, and you want to right a wrong.
Dylan: Yeah.
Sharon: But Adam --
Dylan: But what? He's dead? So why bother? Come on. You were married to the guy.
Sharon: I'm more worried about you, and you can't help Adam.
Dylan: What about Chelsea? I mean, she just lost her husband. What about her kid? He just lost his father. Are you okay with Connor not knowing why his dad died?
Sharon: Of course I feel for Chelsea and that little boy, but you have your own family to think about, Dylan!
Dylan: I do think about you. If I let Victor walk away from this...
Sharon: Just this one time. Do it for Paul. Do it for me. You know, even nick's let this go.
Dylan: What do you mean?
Sharon: He was convinced, too, that Victor set up Adam, but he's decided not to go against him.
Dylan: Yeah, well, that's -- that's nick's choice.
Sharon: But this is your choice now, too.
Dylan: It will go against every principle that I know.
Sharon: Please think about what you have to lose! Please!
Dylan: You're terrified. What do you think Victor can do to us?
Sharon: You never know with him.
Dylan: Okay, you're not alone anymore. You got me. He's not gonna hurt us.
Sharon: You're wrong.
Summer: [Sighs] Delete. Delete. Delete.
Mariah: If only it were that easy to delete them from your life.
Summer: He's everywhere. His toothbrush is in my bathroom, his clothes are in my closet.
Mariah: Back in my old cult days, the woo-woo pack would have said that Luca was a growth experience. That you were working out something from your past life.
Summer: Hmm. Is that how you see Kevin?
Mariah: What? No. Why?
Summer: You guys were tight.
Mariah: I -- not in that way.
Summer: Heading that way, and then... Chloe walks back into his life.
Mariah: Yeah. I really don't care.
Summer: Looks like we both got a lot of garbage to work out from our past lives, huh?
Mariah: Because of Kevin and Luca?
Summer: 'Cause you got dumped into my life, and I got dumped into yours.
Mariah: You just threw shade at me. Good job, snowflake.
[Both laugh]
Summer: Yes.
Abby: Okay, um, who can eat? Uh, just -- just say it.
Stitch: [Clears throat] I don't like the distance that's come between us, and it's been coming on for a long time now. I realized it started...
Abby: When I lost the baby.
Stitch: I thought I needed to give you space, so I did.
Abby: Too much space.
Stitch: That's it. Exactly. God, I -- I never thought this would happen to us. But I don't want to go on like this anymore. Baby, I love you. And I want to get back to all those dreams we had.
Abby: Wait. You what?
Stitch: I'm ready for another baby.
Jill: [Sig] How could you say that to me?
Billy: I mean, I'm just keeping it real, right? You were in and out of my life like a timeshare.
Jill: Never! Never did I stop looking out for you.
Billy: I was nothing but an afterthought to you.
Jill: This is not about me! Baby, you are on the edge and you don't even know it. No. Jack is making allowances for Phyllis because of what she's been through. He is only accepting your lies because he can't conceive that you would do something that horrible to him.
Billy: It is way too late for you to play the moral authority anywhere here.
Jill: Oh, my God. You're blaming me. You're holding me responsible for this? For your bad behavior? You're just looking for love in all the wrong places because of your rotten childhood? That is so stupid! Can you not see that I'm doing everything in my power to keep you from making the biggest mistake of your life? Billy, if you keep going this way, he's gonna find out. It's gonna break his heart. It's gonna tear your family apart. I won't let you blame me for that. I won't -- I won't -- [Gasping] [Groans]
Billy: Hey, hey, hey, hey.
Jill: [Panting]
Jack: It's okay, red. We're gonna be okay.
Phyllis: I feel so guilty.
Jack: Don't. You've done nothing to feel guilty about. Victor did this to us. You've done nothing wrong.
Phyllis: I've been lying to you.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Abby: I don't think that you see the same relationship. In fact, I know you don't.
Dylan: If you're afraid of something, just tell me. We can handle this. You got to talk to me.
Jill: [Groans, gasps]
Billy: Nice try. Maybe next time.
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