Y&R Transcript Thursday 9/8/16
Provided By Suzanne
Victor: There are some things you don't know about Adam and what happened to him. Things that need to be said. Some people think that he and I were enemies. And in some ways, that is true. And I think it was mostly due to the fact that he was very much like me -- full of ambition, drive, sometimes ruthlessness. But he had a big heart when it came to his family. He'd do anything to fight for you and for Connor. In that, he was like me. Some people believe in destiny. I don't, really. Life has taught me to write my own story. A man writes his own story, really, based on his experiences. And someone like me and someone like Adam, we believe that we determined our future, the course of our life. I believed in that. Until this happened. Until his life was cut short. I had such plans for you, for your boy, for Adam. I wanted you to be happy. With all my resources, all my money, all my planning, all my scheming to give you and Adam and your boy a happy life. Fate stepped in, cut short his life. And I wasn't there when it counted most. If you all wonder who's to blame for Adam's death... you're looking at him.Victor: I wanted to control Adam's life. I wanted to make sure that all the pieces fit perfectly and that he would then become a part of the Newman family.
Kevin: Sorry.
Victor: And the Newman family business.
Kevin: I think Victor's about to confess.
Victor: That's the tragedy of this. My attempt to control, my attempt to make sure that he did things on my timetable, not his. That's the mistake I made. I should have been patient. Instead --
Nikki: Victor. Don't do this.
Victor: No. I was too late.
Jack: Victor. If Adam were here right now, do you know what he would say? "I understand and I forgive you." I believe that because I've had to accept the same hard-learned lesson as you. We can't control the people we love. In fact, the more we love them, the more we have to be willing to let them go.
Billy: You realize this is the first time we've been together since Jill caught onto us.
Phyllis: The hell with Jill. The hell with her. You're here, I'm here. That's all that matters.
Victor: I appreciate your words, but the stark truth is that Adam would be alive --
Jack: If you weren't you, if Adam weren't Adam, if somehow the stars were aligned differently that night? Victor, what happened at that cabin was an accident. A terrible, tragic accident. No one can bring your son back. No one can make up for those lost opportunities. But I want to comment on something you said earlier. A man does write his own story. Adam would be the first to tell you that it's not too late for you, or anyone else he loved, to write their own. Whatever happens tomorrow, whatever mistakes we make, and we are bound to make our share, today's about Adam. You lost a son, and I'm terribly sorry. I will miss him a great deal.
Victor: Thank you.
Chelsea: I think I want to say something.
Nick: Are you sure?
Chelsea: Yeah. Connor deserves to know how important his father was to the people in this room, all the people that loved him, flaws and all, and I was one of those people.
Nick: Okay. I mean, nobody expects you to if you're not okay --
Chelsea: Adam would. Adam would expect me to, and he'd be right. I owe that to him and to my son. [Sighs] I'm gonna tell you about the best man I've ever known. I'm gonna tell you about your dad. The first thing I need you to know, maybe the only thing I need you to know is that we're gonna be okay. It's gonna be you and me against the world, and there is no one else I would rather have on my team, okay? [Sighs] But I'm really gonna miss your dad. And you're gonna miss him, too. And I want you to know that it's okay if you're sad or angry or frustrated because I'm feeling those things right now, too. I really am. It's never easy to lose somebody that you love. Especially somebody as amazing as your dad. He wasn't perfect, and he made his fair share of mistakes, but he loved us with his whole heart. We were his heart. And he's ours. [Sniffles] And he's gonna be smiling down on you all the time. And he's gonna be telling you to keep going when you think you can't keep going. He's gonna be teaching you to be kind and to be respectful and to find the joys in life wherever you can because it's the only life we got, right? So Daddy wants us to live it to the fullest, and that's what we're gonna do. Daddy fought so hard to be with us, he did. He kept coming back for us. He kept coming back. [Sighs] And it would have been easier for him to just disappear, but no, he faced the consequences and he earned forgiveness and he picked up the pieces. It didn't happen overnight, and a lot of people didn't think that he could change. [Sighs] But he proved himself. There was one person in particular he always wanted to prove himself to, and that was your grandpa. Your grandpa's made mistakes, too, but I want you to remember something, Connor. When we needed him the most, your grandpa came through for us. I don't want you to ever forget that because I never will. The last time we were all together, your daddy said some really beautiful things to you. He said that he's always gonna be there for you, and he's always gonna teach you all of life's lessons. And I'm so sorry that he's not gonna be here to teach you those lessons. But I'm gonna be here for those moments, those special moments, and all of the people in this room are gonna be here because they love you so much. And I just want you to remember that last day with Daddy when he taught you how to fish. What did he say? He said the trick was to, um... [Sighs] Just to cast it out as high and as far as you can and to be brave, right? Isn't that what he said? So that's what we're gonna do, okay? We're gonna be brave. Just like daddy. I love you so much. Hey, sweet boy. Hi.
Billy: This feels good. It feels like Genoa City with all its people and all its problems are far, far away.
Phyllis: Yeah. Sooner or late, though, we're gonna have to go back. Jack's gonna wonder where I've been, and he's gonna want to tell me all about Adam's memorial.
Billy: I don't want to think about any of that right now. I just want to focus on you. And this. Especially these.
Phyllis: Billy. We have to think about this. We have to make a choice. And there's only one option that I see, now that Jill knows.
Billy: Don't say that this is the last time.
Phyllis: I'm not saying that.
Billy: What are you saying? We should come forward and tell jack?
Phyllis: I'm saying that we have to live two lives -- one in public, for the whole world to see, and one in secret, just for us.
Nick: You should be so proud of your mommy, bud. I know your daddy would be.
Sharon: That was so brave.
Chelsea: Thanks, Sharon.
Sharon: I don't know if I could have done that.
Nick: How you doing?
Chelsea: Not great. I'm tired. Actually, would you mind dropping us off?
Nick: Uh, yeah, sure.
Chelsea: Thank you.
Nick: Come on, bud.
Chelsea: [Sighs]
Jack: Nick. Thank you for stepping up today for Adam. Given your history, I know that wasn't easy.
Nick: Well, couldn't have been any easier, you reaching out to my dad. It means a lot, jack. More than you know.
Jack: Like I said, today's about Adam. You have my phone number. Any time you need anything. Anywhere. Call me.
Chelsea: Thank you, jack. Come on, baby.
Kevin: We should probably give Chelsea and Connor some time to get settled at home.
Michael: All right. You know what I'm thinking? Maybe coffee, something sweet at crimson lights?
Kevin: You read my mind.
Michael: Excellent.
Sharon: Sounds good.
Michael: All right, let's go.
Chloe: You know what? Why don't you go without me and save me a doughnut or something?
Kevin: Okay.
Michael: Yeah, come on.
Chloe: So, what stopped you? Well, you were obviously going to confess what you did to Adam, and then.... I mean, you didn't -- you're clearly punishing yourself. There was an added bonus. You could have taken me down with you.
Victor: I would have taken down Nikki, as well. And I can't do that. And as for you, everyone believes that you're innocent.
Chloe: That's because I am.
Victor: I really hope that's the truth.
Chloe: Well, it is.
Victor: Because if it isn't, I promise you, you'll wish you lived on another planet.
Jill: Oh, Victoria.
Victoria: [Sighs] Hi.
Jill: That was pretty rough, huh?
Victoria: Uh, yeah. I've had better days.
Jill: Yeah. Bet it's a relief that you're gonna hop on a plane and go to Seattle, though.
Victoria: Actually, we're really looking forward to it.
Jill: Excuse me? We?
Victoria: Oh, Billy didn't tell you. Well, he's the one that suggested that we go together.
Jill: Really? [Chuckles] Why?
Victoria: I don't know. I mean, he said something about some other priority. You know Billy. He's always very vague.
Jill: Mm. Yes. I know Billy.
Victoria: Cane and I are capable of representing the company without him, I think. And with Travis there, we'll really be able to enjoy the city. There's apparently this seafood restaurant that has the most amazing dungeness crab and wild salmon...
Travis: And the best pinot noir in the pacific northwest.
Jill: Crab and pinot noir. Great. Thank you. Fine.
Victoria: Yeah, it's the perfect way to celebrate brash & sassy's success, don't you think?
Jill: Yes. Yes, good luck.
Victoria: Thank you.
Jill: Good luck. Damn.
Adam: I told you everything 'cause I wanted you to know the truth, jack. And what else? Jack, I wanted you to be happy that I was back.
Jack: Okay. I'll help you.
Adam: That's a good choice.
Jack: Under one condition. You look me in the eye and you swear to me the old Adam is dead. All the old grudges, all the dissatisfaction, all the excuses, all the anger -- gone! If you really feel remorse about Delia's death --
Adam: Of course I do, jack.
Jack: Then be better. Do better. Be the man Adam Newman never had a chance to be.
Adam: I swear to you, jack. I swear.
Ashley: You're really gonna miss him, aren't you, jack?
Jack: You have no idea.
Ashley: Jackie, where's your wife? I thought she'd want to be here for you.
Jack: There is no way Phyllis is gonna be here today.
Ashley: Did you ask her to come? Not that you should have to.
Jack: By asking her, I would be telling her to set her feelings aside, to suppress the anger she feels for Victor because it's inconvenient for me. I have to learn my own lesson. Otherwise, all those things I said to Victor today -- just words.
Ashley: And what about you? What about your feelings and your needs? I would love it if Phyllis, just for a second, could get past her own pain and put you first.
Billy: You, who's afraid of nothing and no one, is proposing that we go on living a lie?
Phyllis: It's the only way we can stay together without hurting jack.
Billy: You think jack would prefer that? Phyllis, I love my brother. But I don't think we'd do him any favors by sneaking around. I think we got to come clean. Just deal with it like adults.
Phyllis: I got my kids, you know? I got summer. She shouldn't have to deal with any more heartache. Your mother finds out, she's gonna go for blood.
Billy: Okay, your daughter is a very strong person. She's gonna land on her feet like she always does. I mean, what's the worst my mother's gonna do -- she's gonna fire me from brash & sassy? That's fine. We'll start something bigger and better than anything else out there.
Phyllis: Victoria?
Billy: We're over.
Phyllis: She still gets to you, and that's all right. I can deal with that. But you get to her. She cares about you still, very much, Billy.
Billy: So?
Phyllis: So, if she finds out about us, she could go crazy. She could scream bloody murder, she could try to alter your custody with your children. I mean, are you ready to lose your kids over this?
Billy: Victoria wouldn't do that.
Phyllis: Love makes people do crazy things, Billy. Just look at the two of us.
Travis: You must be spent.
Victoria: Can't stop picturing my father's face [Sighs] When he talked about Adam and... poor Chelsea. Poor Connor. [Sighs] It feels like it's all falling apart.
Travis: How can I help?
Victoria: You could pack a bag while I talk to Hannah about staying with the kids for a couple of days. You could join me on the flight to Seattle.
Travis: Hey, Jill doesn't want me to go. She's your boss. I know how much brash & sassy means to you. I don't want to do anything that might jeopardize your position.
Victoria: Come on, look. Jill is the one who created a problem by playing matchmaker. She should have listen to jack and what he said about giving up control. You know we're proof that it works, right?
Travis: We are?
Victoria: Yeah. Look. I left you in Mexico. I let you sail off. And you decided to come back.
Travis: To you.
Victoria: To me.
Travis: Well, you're making it awfully hard to say no.
Victoria: Well, there's a solution to that. Just say yes.
Adam: Chelsea Lawson Newman. Will you please marry me again?
Chelsea: Yes.
Adam: Yes! Yes! Yes! See, that's so great! I mean, we have no, you know, bridesmaids, we have no guests, we have no maid of honor, we have no cake, we don't have a deejay -- we got nothin'.
Chelsea: You and me. That's all we need.
Nick: Connor insisted he didn't need a nap.
Chelsea: But then he was probably out before his head hit the pillow, right?
Nick: [Sighs] Yeah. That's how the little man works. I'm learning. You know, you could follow Connor's lead. Maybe go get some rest.
Chelsea: No. If I sleep, I'll just dream. About Adam and the life we were supposed to have, and then waking up will be like reliving this nightmare all over again.
Nick: Well, you're gonna have to sleep at some point.
Chelsea: Not yet.
Nick: You know, Chelsea, what you did today -- the way you kept it together, the way you -- the way you talked about Connor's dad...
Chelsea: How could he leave us? How could he leave us? How could he leave us?
Sharon: You, Mariah, and I are going to have to hold down the fort for Chelsea until she's ready to get back to work.
Kevin: I can't believe how strong she was today. Even Victor came close to losing it, and that never happens.
Sharon: Yeah, he was definitely off his game.
Kevin: Do you think he was about to confess to framing Adam?
Michael: It's the closest he's come.
Kevin: Why do you think he didn't?
Chloe: You're asking me, like I know?
Kevin: No, I -- well, I saw you walk up to him as we were leaving. I wondered if he said anything.
Chloe: Well, he didn't. I'm, uh -- I'm gonna get out of here. I should go check on Bella.
Kevin: Okay. I'll go with you.
Chloe: No, it's okay. I'm good, thanks. I'll talk to you tomorrow. Bye.
Victor: Sweetheart, if you don't mind, I need some time by myself, okay?
Nikki: I understand. This is where you feel closest to Adam.
Victor: This is where we had some of our most bitter encounters. You know, I was hoping that, in time, we would get past all the animosity, work side by side as father and son.
Nikki: Well, you still have a son. And two amazing daughters. And grandchildren who think that you personally hung the moon and the stars.
Victor: Mm.
Nikki: Not to mention a wife who adores you. So you hang on to that. See you later.
Victor: Thank you, baby. Thank you.
Jack: Sis, I know you mean well, but Phyllis is and has always been a complicated, passionate, and yes, at times, volatile woman. I wouldn't have it any other way.
Ashley: But don't you --
Jack: If she couldn't be here today or wouldn't be here today, I'm all right with that. As long as we're honest with each other.
Ashley: Okay.
Jack: Okay.
Jill: It is just me, or does honesty seem to be a one-way street when it comes to jack and Phyllis?
Ashley: It's not just you. It really annoys me. He's always defending Phyllis. Saying how this whole thing is so much harder on her and how she's entitled to her anger... I get it. She is. What Victor did to both of them was unconscionable, but doesn't she need to get over it just a little bit, if not just for herself, but for jack? Her husband took a big hit today.
Jill: I know. He really thought of Adam as his son.
Ashley: I know, and she should have been here for him. I understand that she hates Victor, but I would love it if she would just love my brother more. Sometimes I think that if it was Billy --
Jill: No, what about Billy?
Ashley: Nothing. Never mind.
Jill: No, no, no. I really want to know.
Ashley: Jill, when it comes to Billy, if he's ever going through some kind of trouble or pain, Phyllis has tons of sympathy for him. I would just like it if she shared that sympathy with my brother. That's all.
Jill: Yep.
Ashley: Excuse me.
Billy: This whole thing has been insane since we started.
Phyllis: You think?
Billy: And it's gonna get even crazier if we start to compartmentalize all our feelings.
Phyllis: We can do it.
Billy: I don't want to do that. I don't want to find little dark corners with you. I want to have you all the time. All of you.
Phyllis: We don't always get what we want.
Billy: But we can. We can have what we want. That's the point. You just have to say yes.
[Cell phone vibrates]
Billy: It's my mother.
Phyllis: Surprise.
Billy: "Where are you? Call me."
[Cell phone vibrates]
Billy: Don't tell me she texted you, too.
Phyllis: No, it's jack. "Sorry we fought. We need to talk."
[Cell phone rings]
Billy: [Sighs]
Jill: Hello, Billy. It's your mother. Good job avoiding me, son. I assume it's because of the fact you gave your seat away on the plane away to that cowboy bartender Travis. That is absolutely unacceptable, Billy. This is a business trip. It is not some sightseeing tour. So get over yourself and get to the airport now.
Jack: Hey, I left you a text. It seemed, I don't know, impersonal. What I need to say, I-I'd like to say in person. I'm still at top of the tower. Most everyone's left now, but maybe you could meet me here if you get this.
Ashley: Looks like we're gonna have to rally around jack and support him 'cause God knows Phyllis won't be doing it.
Phyllis: We need to get back to town.
Billy: And then what? We keep living a lie? Or do we tell the truth and deal with the consequences?
Phyllis: The last thing I want to do is hurt him, Billy.
Billy: The thing is, Phyllis, we already have.
Abby: Of course I would love to help cheer up uncle jack, but right now, dad needs me, too.
Ashley: Honey, you're always toeing that Newman-Abbott line just like a champ, aren't you?
Abby: I just -- I feel like I should be with him, especially since nick and Victoria have drifted away from the company. What?
Ashley: They didn't exactly drift away, honey. From what I understand, Victor pretty much shoved them out the door. Don't get me wrong, I understand he's going through a lot and I feel for him, but I also know that Victor's gonna be back to his old tricks probably pretty soon. So why don't you take some of my advice and let your father and your uncle look for support elsewhere. Why don't you go focus on your husband?
Abby: This is gonna sound awful, but... I'm almost relieved that he didn't come to the service. I just -- I feel like on a day like today, it's almost easier to go through this alone rather than having to pretend. I'm so tired of pretending.
Victoria: Well, while cane and I are on the 30th floor giving our presentation, you'll be free to go sailing on Puget sound, you can go hike the cascades. You can relax in one of those little microbreweries if you want. Does that sound like fun? I know -- I know it's not as romantic as sailing around the world... but we have to start our adventure somewhere, right?
Travis: Seattle's as good a place as any.
Victoria: So, are you in?
Travis: I'm in.
Victoria: [Laughs] Great. All right. So, come on. We have things to do. We have to make a list. I have to make a list for the nanny, I have to kiss the kids, again, um...
Travis: Mm-hmm.
Victoria: We have to order the car to the airport...
Travis: Slow down, slow down. Take a breath, okay? First things first.
Kevin: I should have driven Chloe back to Chelsea's. She may not realize it, but today's an emotional day for her, too.
Michael: She is lucky to have you. The depth of your understanding is a huge gift.
Kevin: That's what friends do.
Michael: Oh, more than friends. I see how her guard goes down around you. You two seem closer than ever.
Sharon: I thought that was what you wanted. I mean, not that Mariah and I sit around discussing you.
Kevin: But you do, actually, sit around discussing me.
Sharon: I just thought that was your goal, to get back together with Chloe.
Kevin: It is. In the biggest way. Just when I think I'm making progress, when she, Bella, and I feel like a real family, she puts her walls back up. I just wish I knew why.
Chloe: I'm sorry I kept you waiting. I told you I'd be back.
Jill: Have you heard from Phyllis?
Jack: No. Has Billy been in touch?
Jill: No, I haven't been able to reach him. Until now.
Jack: Where were you?
Phyllis: I was with Billy.
Chloe: I brought you something. I kept my promise, Dee-Dee. I told you Adam would pay. And now he has. So you can rest easy, baby. Justice has finally been done.
Victor: Connor deserves to grow up with his father and mother loving him and protecting him.
Adam: So you're doing this for me?
Victor: Doing this for your son. But when you make up your mind, you'll have to say goodbye to everything and everyone you know. There's no turning back.
Adam: Dad.
Victor: [Sighs] You know, son... you and I have hurt each other a lot. But I've hurt you more. This is for family.
Chelsea: Maybe you were right about that nap. I'm exhausted.
Nick: I think it's a good idea. You know, I can wait around down here just in case Connor wakes up.
Chelsea: No, thank you. You've done enough. I don't think we could have gotten through the day without you.
Nick: You're tougher than you think. You and Connor are gonna make it through this. You know, if things ever seem tougher than usual, I'm here for you, Chelsea. I'm just a phone call away.
Chelsea: Thank you.
Adam: Knowing that you trust me when I don't trust myself, you love me, always. Knowing that you are... the best partner anyone could ever ask for. In every sense of the word. I love you today. I will love you tomorrow. Now and forever.
Chelsea: I don't love you despite your soul, Adam. I love you because of it. There's a reason I've always supported you. There's a reason I've never been able to walk out that door, even though I've threatened to. You are a good person. You are... everything I've ever wanted and everything I-I didn't even know I wanted.
[Chuckles, sighs] I love you, Adam Newman... today... tomorrow... now and forever.
Adam: Look at us, huh?
Chelsea: [Chuckles]
Adam: Yeah? Almost like we never had them off. Beautiful, right?
Chelsea: And we never will again. [Sighs softly] [Sighs]
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Dylan: Stitch, I need your help. It needs to be off the record.
Luca: I loved you, summer, and I know you loved me.
Billy: What do you think I was doing today?
Jill: You were sneaking around with Phyllis.
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