Y&R Transcript Wednesday 9/7/16
Provided By Suzanne
Sharon: Hey, what you did for Chelsea -- that was -- it was really lovely. I know that she'll be grateful.
Nick: I made a promise to Adam to look out for his son. Chelsea's part of that package.
Nikki: Oh. What a beautiful way to honor Adam's memory. Hi. Mm. Sharon, I didn't know I would see you today.
Sharon: Well, I used to be married to Adam.
Nikki: Oh, yes.
Nick: Where's dad?
Nikki: Well, he just is checking on Chelsea.
Nick: Why would he do that?
Nikki: He's concerned about his grandson.
Nick: It's not a good idea. Not today of all days.
Chloe: Look at you. Don't you look spiffy.
[Doorbell rings]
Chloe: I'll get it! All right, you just stay here. Hold you kitty cat.
Connor: Stay here.
Chloe: Yeah, stay there. What are you doing here?
Victor: Hey, my boy. What have you got there? Look at that kitty cat. Oh, boy. Come here. Up! There we go. Oh, look at that. Look at those whiskers, huh? Isn't that sweet? I know this is a very hard day for you, but I just want you to know that your grandpa will always protect you, will always be here for you, okay?
Victoria: Come on.
Travis: Let me help.
Victoria: [Sighs] I'm just all thumbs.
Travis: That's 'cause you tossed and turned all night.
Victoria: [Sighs] How could he be gone? Adam and I, we butted heads, but he loved Chelsea and he loved Connor.
Travis: Heart as big as his ego? Sounds like someone else in your family.
Victoria: Yeah, that's true. My dad and Adam, they would shed blood for each other, literally. [Sighs] When they weren't trying to destroy each other. And now he's gone, and my dad blames himself.
Travis: Well, is he to blame?
Victoria: When my dad was in prison, he felt like we betrayed him and he wanted to punish us all. What he had planned for Adam went beyond anything that I think he imagined, and I just don't know. I don't know the details, but I know that my family will never be the same, and my dad will never be the same. What is this?
Travis: It's your ticket and itinerary for the Seattle trip. It came last night once you finally fell asleep.
Victoria: Well, cane and Billy can handle it. I'm not leaving my family.
Travis: Oh, Billy's not going. He thinks you and I should go together.
Billy: Look, I know you're avoiding my calls, Phyllis, but can you return this one, please? Good morning, sunshine.
Cane: So, it's my marketing plan, but Jill's gonna send you and Victoria to Seattle to launch it, huh?
Billy: I never said it wasn't your plan, and what happened to working as a team?
Cane: Oh, but we're not a team, 'cause Jill called me last night and made it very clear that I'm now on the bench, and it's the Billy and Victoria show.
Billy: Well, Jill said that you're going.
Cane: Well, Jill lied.
Billy: My mother lied? How unsettling. So, go. You're hot for Seattle, go ahead. I never intended on going in the first place.
Cane: So why are you packed?
Jack: You're a good mother, Ashley. Setting aside your feelings for Adam to make sure that Abby has the support system she needs around her today.
Ashley: Well, you and I don't share the same opinion about Adam, but we do agree that family comes first. I would do anything for my daughter.
Phyllis: Hey. You feeling any better since you left the house this morning?
Jack: I can't stop thinking about Chelsea and Connor waking up to the unspeakable. Adam's gone.
Phyllis: They are surrounded by love, and that is gonna help them. Good morning.
Ashley: Hi. Is that what you're wearing to the memorial?
Abby: Uncle jack.
Jack: Hey.
Abby: I'm so sorry. I know how close you and Adam were.
Jack: How you doing?
Abby: I'm dealing. But my father, on the other hand... I saw him last night. He's decimated. I know that he and Adam had their problems, but they loved each other. To see him this broken...
Phyllis: So you're feeling sorry for Victor. Are you kidding me?
Abby: My father is devastated.
Phyllis: I bet he is. His plan backfired. He hates it when he cannot control the outcome of every situation.
Abby: His son is dead. That's why he's mourning.
Phyllis: Why is Adam dead, Abby? Because of Victor.
Ashley: Okay, Phyllis, that's enough.
Phyllis: I'm sorry. Can I not have emotions? Can I not express how I feel? My heart goes out to Chelsea and to Connor. But to Victor? He set the fuse. Quite literally, he set Adam up to punish him because that's what Victor does. Adam is dead because of Victor. No one else. And he is going to walk around today as a picture of grief, and he is gonna milk it for every tear he can, and you all are gonna line up and you're gonna comfort him and you're gonna validate the hypocrisy, and tell me how that is not a mockery to Adam's death! I don't get it.
Abby: There must be a stone where your heart should be.
Ashley: Okay.
Abby: I can't believe you.
Ashley: Let's get some air. Come on.
Jack: That's what you wanted, right? That way, I go to the memorial service alone.
Travis: I would have told you Billy stopped by when you got back last night, but it didn't seem like the time.
Victoria: You know, it's unbelievable that Jill threw cane into the mix so she can prove that this trip is purely business. Meanwhile, it's the same old motive. She's just trying to push Billy and me together.
Travis: I think I convinced her that you're otherwise occupied.
Victoria: Was that before or after you buttoned your shirt? I saw the way that she was looking at you -- like a snack.
[Both laugh]
Travis: Look, we both agree. We just want everyone to be happy.
Victoria: Somehow, I think that Jill's version of "happy" is different from ours. That's why there's this bogus business trip. I mean, it's no wonder that Billy bailed.
Travis: I got to say, I don't think that's why he did. Yeah, I felt like he just -- I don't know -- wanted to be somewhere else.
Billy: What do you care where I'm going if it's not Seattle? So go, cane. Go with Victoria. Kick some ass. Take all the credit you want.
Cane: And what do I tell Jill? 'Cause she was explicitly clear. She wants you going and not me.
Billy: Jill wants me and Victoria on top of a wedding cake. That's all this is about.
Cane: Exactly, so what do you think she's gonna say when I go instead of you?
Billy: I don't know. She's gonna freak out, she's gonna shriek. She's probably gonna throw something. It's probably gonna be at you. So just don't tell her you're going.
Cane: Billy. I have to tell her. She's gonna find out. What are you talking about?
Billy: Don't tell her till you get back, okay? My mother and your father are too busy inspecting every room in this place to notice what's going on. So, what do you say? Do we have a deal? Come on.
Cane: You know what? No. No, no, no. You're up to something. Even if you're not admitting it. No. We don't have a deal.
Nick: A few hours ago, Chelsea was convinced dad blew up that cabin with Adam in it.
Sharon: The last thing she needs is a face-to-face with that man.
Nikki: Look, she spoke to Victor. She knows that he had nothing to do with it.
Nick: Yeah, but Adam was in the cabin in the first place because dad framed him. I don't think Chelsea's forgotten that.
Nikki: Well, that means that they do indeed have quite a bit to talk about, Nicholas. Your father's very remorseful. All he wants to do is the right thing.
Nick: Sharon, could you give us a second?
Sharon: Yeah, of course.
Nick: Thank you. You do know that dad stripped Adam of his life and convinced himself it was okay? So why defend him? Why keep any of his secrets, mom? Why do any of that?
Victor: You're gonna take care of your mom, aren't you? I know you are. I know you are.
Chelsea: Connor needs to finish getting ready.
Chloe: Okay, I will take him upstairs.
Victor: [Chuckles] Yes. I love you, my boy.
Connor: A kitty.
Victor: Yes, I know.
Chloe: Come on, buddy. Let's go upstairs.
Victor: There you go.
Chloe: Take kitty. Oh!
Victor: Oh!
Chloe: Oh! What?
Victor: How are you doing?
Chelsea: My husband is dead.
Victor: You don't think that I --
Chelsea: What, had anything to do with the explosion? No. But you started all this. You had to show Adam your power, show him the consequences of crossing you, and now my son is growing up without his father.
Victor: But I'm here for your son. I want to do what's best for him.
Chelsea: What is best for him is none of your business.
Victor: I'm his grandfather.
Michael: [Sighs] All he wanted was justice and a life with his family.
Sharon: Adam was a complicated soul.
Michael: He was that.
Sharon: Where's Lauren?
Michael: Uh, she's out of town -- work. She couldn't make it back in time.
Sharon: Well, I'm afraid you're here pretty early. Services won't get started for a while.
Michael: Yeah, well, part of me thought early would be good. Slip in, say my goodbyes, leave before everybody arrives.
Sharon: Why?
Michael: I might have an inappropriate amount of anger about how all this went down. And then there's the blame factor.
Sharon: Victor.
Michael: Top of the list. But I'm on it, too.
Sharon: You did everything you could to help Adam.
Michael: I should have worked harder, dug deeper. [Sighs] Just -- I can't help but think that there was something I could have done, something that would have stopped the insanity before it got to this.
Nikki: Nicholas, your father has changed. Remember when he was shot protecting me in the courthouse?
Nick: Yeah. When Ian took you hostage.
Nikki: And what did he do? Did he just say, "Oh, well, I'll let somebody else save Nikki?" No, he didn't. He got out of his hospital bed, he looked down the barrel of Ian's guy, and he saved Phyllis and me. Even though he was very upset that we testified against him, there was a lot of love there.
Nick: Look, I'll always be grateful, what he did for you and Phyllis, but while he was doing that, he was manipulating Adam's life. It's the same old dad.
Nikki: Well, he was so consumed with anger with Adam all those years, he didn't realize that he had gone so far, and when he did, he just wanted to give Adam the life he deserved.
Nick: It was too late, wasn't it?
Nikki: Yes, it was, and he is devastated. I have seen his agony. He is sobbing in my arms, Nicholas. He hasn't slept. I mean, this thing has brought him to his knees. He's not just grieving. He is searching.
Nick: For what?
Nikki: Redemption. [Sighs] Nothing brought Adam more joy than you and Connor. I mean, I just saw him light up whenever he talked about you. And I wanted very much for him to live in that light. Away from that terrible prison, away from me, away from our poisonous relationship. You know, I was not responsible for that explosion. But it was my fault. I made a promise to Adam -- a promise a father makes to his son. For you, and that is very hard for me. With Connor somewhere else, I will support that. I will not stand in your way. That's all I came to say. And one more thing -- I'm very sorry. I'm deeply sorry. So harsh with you. It seems like when it comes to Victor, she just can't control herself.
Abby: I probably overreacted.
Ashley: No, you didn't. Not at all.
Abby: It's just -- it's seeing dad that devastated. He just lost his son, and she couldn't show him any compassion? I mean, does she just block it out? [Sighs]
Ashley: Honey, are you talking about your miscarriage now?
Abby: It brought me there. All over again. The way that stitch couldn't deal with it. He just shut me out. He shut down.
Ashley: Well, I don't think anybody has ever accused Phyllis of shutting down.
Abby: But seeing her that angry, it made me think that could be me. I could have let all of the anger and the hurt consume me. And I know what happened to Phyllis because of dad is beyond horrible, but maybe if she could just let go of some of that pain, she'd start to heal. Gonna tell me that we should forget what Victor did to us, that we should go to the memorial and just forget that he blew our lives to hell?
Jack: Do I want you by my side when I say goodbye to Adam? Yes. Would I ever insist that you go? No. Not after what Victor put you through.
Phyllis: Put me -- how about put us through? I don't know how you do it, because you nearly died. Kelly did die. Our marriage was brutalized. We can't even talk about what happened, and yet, you seem to want to put this in a neat box and you want to label it "the past" and you think we should just move on.
Jack: I would never minimize the devastation that Victor brought to our lives.
Phyllis: No, but you want me to play nice. You want me to rise above and you want me to be the bigger person, but I don't want to be the bigger person. I want him to feel the pain we felt. I want him to get hurt the way we got hurt. But for some reason, I am the wrong one because you think that Victor deserves a pass, a free pass!
Jack: I never said those words.
Phyllis: Okay, you know what? You're gonna comfort him today. That's what you're gonna do.
Jack: No, I am going to pay my respects to Adam! Not Victor!
Phyllis: Victor is gonna make it all about Victor.
Jack: Chelsea woke up a widow! Connor woke up fatherless! Nicholas, Victoria, Abby all lost one of their own. And yes, a father lost his son. So, yes, I'm going to this memorial service, and I will go to Victor, father to father, and I will acknowledge his loss.
Phyllis: Then I guess that makes you a better person than me.
Billy: I'm on the level, cane.
Cane: Or the suitcase is empty, and you want me to go so you can pull a power play, and when I come back, I get my butt handed to me.
Billy: [Laughs] You know, that sound like music to my ears. I'm going away for some "me" time. Look and see. Satisfied? Now, if you want, stay home and worry about what I'm doing behind your back, or you can go to Seattle and make brash & sassy! The biggest thing that ever hit the pacific northwest. You can get rid of me at the same time.
Cane: If you're lying to me, Billy, I'll make you regret this, okay?
Billy: The only person I'm lying to is my mother, and now you're lying to her, too. And this is making me feel all weird and brotherly and stuff. Come on. What do you say? Come on. All right.
Cane: I say, "hello, Seattle." That's what I say.
Billy: Okay. Have fun.
Cane: Don't make me regret it.
Phyllis: I am sorry that Adam is gone. I feel like he was finding his way, you know? My heart goes out to Chelsea, to Connor, to everybody who has ever loved him and who has now lost him. And to you, the man who was more of a father to him than Victor ever could be. But why I am angry is because you want me to share that loss with that hypocrite.
Jack: Adam died. Adam died. Today is for Adam and Chelsea and Connor, and they deserve our prayers and our love and our support. All the help they can get! And if to do that, I have to stand in the same room as Victor and acknowledge his pain, that's what I'm gonna do.
Phyllis: Because you're fundamentally decent, and I am not.
Jack: No. You are a passionate woman who is deeply loyal, fiercely protective of her family. And I couldn't ask for a more decent woman to share my life with.
Phyllis: I love you for saying that. But that's not how I feel.
Cane: Hey, I'm leaving for the office right now. Well, of course I'd rather be in Seattle shepherding my project, okay, but you're the boss. You remember that, right? Yeah, well, I just hope that Billy and Victoria knock it out of the park and everybody wins. Okay. All right, bye.
Sharon: You're crazy if you feel guilty for what happened to Adam. You put your heart and soul into that case. You fought for his freedom when there was really no hope left, and you never stopped.
Michael: And now I'm at his memorial service.
Sharon: Well, not because of anything you did. Everyone knows you did your best for Adam.
Michael: Not everyone.
Nikki: Did you see Connor? How's Chelsea doing?
Victor: She's strong. She will get Connor through this.
Nick: We're gonna help each other. We're Newmans. If we stay together, we're gonna be just fine.
Chloe: Here. Drink this. It'll help. Actually, I don't even know why people say that. Um, well, Connor is upstairs and he's all ready to go. He thought that his coat and his tie needed a little pizzazz, so he picked out his cool sneakers that his daddy bought him. Then we took a selfie and we sent it to my mom and Bella.
Chelsea: Thank you for helping us.
Chloe: Connor's being so brave. So are you.
Chelsea: No, this isn't brave. This is putting one foot in front of the other. For Connor. 'Cause I'll tell you what, if it was just me, I would...
Chloe: I hope Victor didn't upset you too much. After everything that he's done to you and Adam, it's understandable why you wouldn't want him around.
Chelsea: No, actually, Victor was -- I was ready to throw him out, but he was different. When he started talking about Adam, it was almost as if -- if he could make this better for me, if he could give me some peace, some form of closure, he would.
Victoria: Okay, Katie and Johnny have been kissed. Hannah has her orders to spoil them rotten. [Sighs] It's gonna be a hard day for me, but at least they'll have some fun. [Sighs] I can do this.
Travis: I'm right here.
Victoria: Thank you. You know, it's really weird how, um... how Billy is pushing you to go on this trip with cane and me. It's like he wants us to be together, or something.
Travis: You sound disappointed.
Victoria: No, I'm not -- what, that Billy isn't jealous? No, not at all. I'm not disappointed. It's just -- I just want to know what his angle is, as Billy always has some angle. You know what? Old habit. That ends today. I do not care what Billy's angle is. He can have 1 million angles for all I care. I'm just gonna live my life and not take one minute of it for granted.
Travis: We both already made that mistake once.
Victoria: Yeah, we did. But we fixed it.
Travis: Ready?
Victoria: Yeah. Thank you.
Abby: It's summer. She's sad she couldn't be here, but she wanted me to give dad an extra hug.
Ashley: Oh, I'm sorry.
Abby: I love you, Dad.
Victor: I love you, too, my darling.
Abby: If there's anything I can do...
Victor: Your love is all I need. Excuse me for a moment.
Ashley: Where's Ben?
Abby: He texted me earlier. There was an emergency at the hospital.
Ashley: Oh, that's too bad. I thought he was gonna be here to support you, honey.
Nick: Hi. Hey, little man. I love the kicks. Good shoes.
Chelsea: Are we late?
Nick: No, no, no. You're right on time.
Chelsea: This looks lovely. Thank you for putting this together.
Nick: Yeah, sure. You guys want to go to your seats?
Chelsea: Where's Connor?
Billy: Come on, Phyllis.
[Cell phone rings]
Billy: [Sighs]
Jack: Hey, Connor. You miss your daddy, don't you? I do, too. A lot. That's why we're here today. To give him a proper goodbye. To talk about how much we loved him. I'm gonna let you in on a little secret. I'm very, very sad. I know you're gonna be, too, and I thought maybe the two of us could get through this together. What do you say? Hmm?
Nikki: Hey. You remember what I said to you the night I came over to your apartment? That your son's soul were to always be with Adam, no matter where Adam was. That he would be close by. Always remember that, okay?
Nick: Chelsea, if this is too difficult for you, we can -- we can postpone it, or if you'd rather wait for your mom, we can do that, too.
Chelsea: No, no. I want to do this. I have to do this now. [Sniffles] For Connor. [Sighs] Thank you for organizing all of this. You're a good brother, nick, and a good friend. [Sighs]
Nick: You ready?
Chelsea: Yeah.
Chloe: Little man. I'm gonna be right over there if you need anything, okay? And I mean anything 'cause my purse is like an emergency kit. I've got lipstick and tissues and chocolate.
Chelsea: I'm fine.
Chloe: I know you are 'cause you're a strong, powerful woman. But even strong and powerful women need --
Chelsea: Her best friend?
Chloe: Mm, I was gonna say chocolate, but you got both. I'll be right over there.
Jack: I'm sorry for your loss.
Victor: I appreciate you saying that. Thank you.
Nick: Thank you all for coming. Sometimes I feel like we get together for these things way too often. Maybe the best way to start is with a prayer. So we'll take a moment of silence.
[Door opens]
Nick: Amen.
All: Amen.
Nick: So, there's no real plan for this. You know, it's kind of informal. If anyone has a story or a memory, a special moment with Adam you'd like to come up and share, then just come on up. All right, well, if nobody minds, then I guess I'll go first. It's no real surprise that Adam and I were on the opposite sides of pretty much everything. I didn't understand a lot of the choices he made, and I thought the worst of him way too many times. You know, after he was accused of murder, he came to me asking for my help. And I refused. I'm very sorry for that. I feel like if I'd been there, you know, if I'd been a better brother, then maybe we wouldn't be standing here today. You know, the past few weeks, I've come to know Adam as a man who loves his family. More than anything, he was willing to do whatever it took, take any risk to have the life he wanted with you and Connor. And I'm honored to call this man my brother. Whatever mistakes Adam made... you know, he was a man who had heart. He was brave. And I really feel like was just starting to show us the man that he -- that he really was. And now we'll never get to see it. But... I'm sure we would have been amazed.
Billy: Drink?
Phyllis: You know where I was when you texted me?
Billy: Planning your escape. And now you're here.
Phyllis: I was listening to jack and Ashley and Abby feeling sorry for Victor. I had to hear all about his grief and his broken heart.
Billy: Yeah, Adam's memorial. Ashley told me.
Phyllis: Do you think I should be there to offer my condolences? Tell him how sorry I am for his loss?
Billy: Is that a trick question? Because if it is, that's --
Phyllis: Hypocritical.
Billy: Victor's the last person in the world that deserves your sympathy.
Phyllis: Thank you. You get it. You get me.
Billy: And my brother doesn't, or he never would have expected you to go.
Phyllis: I don't want to talk about jack. It just reminds me of the kind of person I really am.
Billy: What kind of person are you?
Nick: Dad.
Victor: This is not a place that any parent should have to be -- to say goodbye to their child. Not a place any father should have to be -- to say farewell to his son. Not a person in this room who doesn't question my relationship with my son, who doesn't think that I should have been a better father to Adam. I agree with you. I should have been. Adam was driven and very ambitious, and these are qualities that I admired, that I encouraged. He sometimes employed means I disagreed with. But his heart was always in the right place. Chelsea, I've got to tell you, my son changed after he fell in love with you. Your marriage to him is what made him a better man. And when you had that beautiful boy -- Connor, my grandson, of whom I'm so proud -- his life was almost complete. He began new hopes and dreams and aspirations for the future. And I think of the life you might have had with Adam. A wonderful life you might have shared. But it was all cut short far too soon. There are certain things none of you here know that I need to talk about, that need to be explained.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Victor: If you all wonder who's to blame...
Nikki: Victor. Don't do this.
Victor: No.
Jack: We can't control the people we love.
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