Y&R Transcript Tuesday 9/6/16
Provided By Suzanne
Nick: I wish I had the words to make this easier. There just aren't any. At the cabin, the -- the police found... Adam's remains. He didn't make it. I'm so sorry.
Chelsea: No. No! [Crying] No! No, no, no! No! No, no! I don't believe you. I don't believe you. No. Adam is alive. No. This isn't real. This isn't -- this isn't real. Because he said that -- he said that he would come back for me. He promised us. That's what he said. That's what he said. This isn't real.
Michael: I want you to know you have my deepest sympathies, and...
Chelsea: No. No, this isn't real. This isn't real.
Michael: Look, I'll -- I'll give you two some time.
Nick: I'm so sorry.
Chelsea: No.
Michael: Nick says that forensics has determined that Adam died in the explosion?
Paul: The evidence is conclusive, I'm afraid.
Michael: This explosion, was it planned?
Paul: That, we don't know yet.
Dylan: We have a team working on that. And if we find out somebody blew up that cabin, we'll know. And we're gonna find them.
Victor: You killed my son. The thought of Adam going free drove you nuts. Drove you to the edge, didn't it? You tried shooting him. Didn't work. You tried running him over with your car. It didn't work. And now you know he's free. You found out where he was, so you took revenge. You will pay for that.
Chloe: I'm not gonna pay for anything. I'm not scared of you, and I'm not scared of the cops.
Victor: [Sighs] That's a huge mistake you're making.
Chloe: I'm not scared because I'm not guilty. I didn't kill Adam. And I can prove it.
Travis: Well, this is not what I expected from tonight.
Victoria: No. No, I didn't expect it, either. But I'm glad to have you back here. And I mean Genoa city, not just back in bed.
Travis: [Scoffs] Well, thanks for clearing that up.
Victoria: Do you feel the same way?
Travis: About being back in your bed? Yeah, very glad.
Victoria: What about Genoa city?
Travis: Why wouldn't I be glad to be back here?
Victoria: Oh, I don't know. Because I introduced you to the crazy chaos that is my family. My niece's disastrous engagement, my brother and his wife are on the run from the law. And I just -- I mean, it's a little more complicated than life on a boat, right?
Travis: You're not gonna scare me away.
Victoria: I'm not trying to.
Travis: Just tell me what you need me to do to help you right now. This is where I want to be. Maybe you want me to take off so you can be with your family. I can --
Victoria: No, no. Hold on. I don't want that. All we can do right now is wait for news. And until we hear something, there's just one thing I want, and that's to be right here with you right now.
Ashley: How'd I know I'd find you here?
Jack: Been trying to get some work done while I was waiting for news on Adam and Chelsea. What'd you want to see me about?
Ashley: I need your signature on this, Jackie.
Jack: You could sign this.
Ashley: Oh, you're right. I could've, huh? I guess I didn't need to bother you, after all.
Jack: Okay. What is this really about?
Ashley: That dinner that we had earlier with Phyllis and Billy. Didn't you think it was kind of odd?
Jack: Odd?
Ashley: Yeah, odd. And then the look on your face when you came back from making the call... is everything okay? I mean, you know you can talk to me.
Jack: About my relationship? Yeah, I know. I have talked to you. It's fine.
Ashley: So you keep saying.
Jack: Because you keep asking.
Ashley: Okay. So you and Phyllis are fine. What about, um... what about Billy and Phyllis?
Phyllis: [Sighs]
Billy: [Sighs] My god, you are gorgeous. Not that I ever forget. But sometimes you walk into a room, and I remember all over again.
Phyllis: What was that ridiculous family dinner? Do you enjoy watching me squirm?
Billy: [Sighs]
Phyllis: Oh, come on. Holding my hand underneath the table? I mean, what if jack and Ashley saw that?
Billy: You know exactly why I did it, Phyllis.
Phyllis: Because you're a maniac.
Billy: I don't think so. I feel like you know me pretty well. I want you. I need you. I want to be together again. Tell me it'll happen.
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Billy: How many times were we in my bed? Not enough. It'll never be enough. Yet every morning, I wake up, and my first thought is, "she's not here." I miss you, Phyllis. And I know that you can't say that you don't miss me, too.
Phyllis: You're right. I can't say that because I miss you every second of the day.
Billy: And the only reason why you pushed me away is because my mother blackmailed you. Now that I know that, there's no reason for us not to be together.
Phyllis: There is a reason. It's the same reason. People are gonna get hurt. It's too much of a risk.
Billy: The risk is in saying no. The risk is in staying apart. That can't happen. This, right here... being together, this is the answer. I can't go through my day thinking that I might never be with you again. My head can't handle that. So if I know that, at some point, some time, some place, we'll be together again, that'll give me hope. Hope that one day I'll get what I want most in this world. That's you. So be with me. We can make this work.
Jill: Billy?
Phyllis: [Gasps]
Billy: Hi.
Jill: Hi. Who were you just talking to?
Ashley: Billy and Phyllis have a very complicated dynamic. You know that. Are you maybe a little worried they're spending too much time together?
Jack: Why would I be worried about that?
Ashley: Because of the affect that Billy has on her. He's the one that egged her on about Victor, getting revenge against him.
Jack: No doubt about it, they fed off each other's anger for a while, there.
Ashley: And you said it took a toll on your marriage.
Jack: And they pulled themselves back from the ledge. No more secrets. No more furtive meetings.
Ashley: Well, that you know of.
Jack: I know. I'm sure. Look, when Billy and Phyllis had their heads together those months ago, it was because Phyllis wasn't getting something she needed from me. Validation. A sounding board. Support. She has every right to hate Victor. And I have no right to take it away from her. And Billy certainly has good reasons to resent Victor.
Ashley: You have lots of good reasons to resent Victor, too, jack. You spent most of your adult life hating that man. I have to say that, apparently, now you don't have that obsession, do you?
Jack: I'm just not interested. The mustache is no longer that big a part of my life. And hopefully, in time, he won't be that big a part of Phyllis', either.
Ashley: Well, what if he still is?
Jack: Then I will try to help her get there. But I can't force it. This is her pain. Her recovery. All I can do is be a loving husband, be there for her, let her know I love her, that I won't ever not be there for her.
Ashley: Okay, Jackie. All right. So, everything's good for you guys, huh? No problems?
Jack: No problems.
Victor: Let me hear this proof of your innocence.
Chloe: When Adam was at the cabin, I was at Chelsea's. With Kevin and Bella. I even had a guard right there in my face. Then, later on, I was at the precinct, and I was being grilled because Dylan, he was sure that I had sneaked Chelsea out of the building underneath my coat or something, which I -- which I didn't.
Victor: You know that I have ways to find out whether you're telling the truth. And if you're lying...
Chloe: Yes. I am very familiar with your methods, Victor.
Victor: And I'm very familiar with your resentment of my son Adam. You claim that he killed Delia. He didn't. You know that he didn't. But you hate him for it. You want him to suffer, don't you?
Chloe: Yeah, I want him to suffer. That's why I went along with your plan to throw him into jail.
Victor: Okay. And now you're upset that he'll go free. Spend no time in prison. Spend a full, happy life with his wife and his son, Connor. That just drives you crazy, doesn't it? And you wanted to stop him, didn't you? Didn't you?
Chelsea: Wait. Wait. Wait a second. Wait a second. This evidence -- maybe it's wrong. May-maybe it just wasn't handled properly.
Nick: They found Adam's DNA.
Chelsea: Well, of course they found the DNA in the cabin. He was in the cabin. He was in the cabin from the time of the escape until the -- [Sighs] So it really doesn't mean anything. I mean, if they look, my DNA will be in the cabin, too. And, look, I'm here. I'm alive. I'm fine.
Nick: Chelsea, they, um... they found his blood and tissue.
Chelsea: Oh, my god. [Crying] Oh, my god. Adam... oh, god.
Billy: You're late. Can I get you a coffee? It's old and repulsive. But you're married to Colin.
Jill: [Scoffs] Who were you just talking to in there?
Billy: The computer, mother. It was acting up, so I was sweet-talking to it a little bit. You know when you -- when you lose a file or something really important to you, like a document, and you feel like it just vanishes away, but then all of a sudden it comes back --
Jill: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Whatever. Billy. Billy. Billy! I need you to go home and get some rest, because tomorrow you are on a plane to handle some business out of town.
Billy: And let me guess -- Victoria's going?
Jill: Well, of course she's going.
Billy: Do you need help? Like an intervention or a 12-step program for matchmakers anonymous or something?
Jill: [Laughs] This is business. It's not romance.
Billy: [Stammers]
Jill: If your mind drifts in that direction, it's not my problem. Anyway, cane's going, too. This is a full-court press in Seattle to launch the new pacific northwest campaign.
Billy: And you need all three of the heavy hitters there at the same time? Everybody away from the office?
Jill: It's the rollout of the first campaign since I acquired brash & sassy. It's your job, Billy.
Billy: And it's a little short notice. With Victoria and me both gone, the kids are with the nanny.
Jill: Which is exactly why you have a nanny. Okay, darling, I'm gonna have my assistant handle all the arrangements.
Billy: Okay. Yeah, that's fine.
Jill: Okay, good. And you do me proud, okay?
Billy: Yeah.
Jill: All right.
Phyllis: You should go pack.
Billy: I don't want to go on the trip. I want to be here with you. Besides my kids, you're the only thing I want right now.
Phyllis: You get on that plane, Billy. There's nothing to keep you here.
Dylan: If I just would have gotten the proof earlier to clear Adam of murder before he lost it and went off on that guard...
Michael: Dylan, this was not your fault. There were a million moments that led up to this horror, most of them arranged by Victor. Chelsea holds him responsible for Adam's death. He let Adam and Chelsea imagine they would have their happy ending, and he took it away in the most vicious way possible. Not you.
Paul: Okay, Michael. Will Chelsea give a statement to that effect?
Michael: She was about to make a deal when Nicholas walked in. You drop the charges against her and she'll explain how Victor arranged the escape.
Dylan: And if she was willing to turn Victor in before, now, with what happened to Adam...
Michael: Chelsea will want Victor to pay for Adam's death. You can be sure of it.
Chelsea: Victor just couldn't let Adam go. How do you kill your own son?
Nick: Chelsea, listen to me. My dad did not blow up that cabin.
Chelsea: What are you talking about? We discussed this, nick. We both know Victor did it.
Nick: I was wrong. I talked to him. He didn't do it. I talked to him right after the explosion.
Chelsea: Well, then he lied and twisted his words around like he always does.
Nick: It wasn't just the words. It was -- it was the look, it was the expression. I recognized it. It was -- it was the same as right after I found out I lost Christian. It's the shock. You're just hoping there's another explanation. But my dad didn't want this.
Chelsea: He has tried to hurt my husband so many times.
Nick: Yeah, but he loved Adam. And that love was bigger than anything. And I promise you, I wouldn't protect my dad at the expense of Adam. He didn't do it. And if you really think about it, you'll realize it, too.
Chelsea: They want to arrest me, you know. For aiding and abetting. They said they would drop the charges if I -- if I gave them Victor for helping to arrange Adam's escape. Maybe he didn't kill Adam, but we both know he's not innocent.
Nick: Okay, please, please don't do that. Don't help them send him back to Walworth. Not after he tried to give you and Adam and Connor a chance to be a family again. Because my family can't handle losing anyone else.
Chloe: I don't forgive Adam for taking Delia from me. But somewhere along the line, being happy with Bella and with Chelsea and with Connor, that mattered more than Adam. And I know that we don't like each other, okay, but we both do care about Connor and Chelsea. And when I heard that they were at the cabin... when I heard, I was so worried that maybe that explosion had taken them, too. And I love Connor. I love that little boy. When I look at him, I see my daughter looking back at me. I would never -- I would never want to hurt him. I would never want to take him away from his father.
Victor: And I would?
Chloe: You think that I did it, and I think that you did it. But I know that you didn't get him out of that jail... I know that you didn't kill him.
Victor: Then who blew up the cabin?
Chloe: Maybe... [Sighs] Maybe the person who created the fire was Adam.
Chloe: It's not like Adam's never played dead before.
Victor: Now, wait a minute. He came back for Chelsea and Connor. He wouldn't leave them again.
Chloe: Yeah, but maybe he thought that he was getting cornered, and he was just trying to push Chelsea further away. Or maybe he was trying to spare her a life on the run. I mean, look, I'm not trying to pretend like I know how the guy's mind works or anything --
Victor: No. Listen. He almost had the kind of life that he has dreamt of with Chelsea and Connor, okay, and then...
Chloe: So, according to you, Adam didn't get out. Well, if you want to think he's dead, well, then that's your choice.
Victor: I don't want to think that.
Chloe: But that's how you're talking. I think that he's alive, because I know that I didn't kill him. And if you're saying that you didn't kill him, well... [Sighs] I got to get out of here before someone sees us. But this is it, Victor. No more talks.
Victor: Listen to me very carefully. This is my son we are talking about. If I find out that you killed him, god protect you.
[Car door slams]
Nick: [Sighs]
Dylan: I'd ask how Chelsea's doing, but I think we all know.
Nick: Yeah, it's bad. You know, I think it's pretty damn ridiculous that she's still in there and not at home with her son. Let her go home.
Paul: It's not that simple, nick.
Nick: How is it not that simple? Woman just found out she lost her husband. You want to keep hammering her with questions?
Paul: I understand you're upset.
Nick: Look, I just held a woman as she broke into a thousand pieces. I know you brought Chelsea in here because you thought she was gonna lead you to Adam. Well, Adam is gone. So she can't lead you anywhere.
Dylan: Nobody's here to torture Chelsea. I mean, least of all me. But if we're gonna prove that Victor set up the escape, we need her cooperation.
Nick: She's not gonna give that to you.
Michael: I spoke with her about this issue. She holds your father responsible for Adam's death. And, frankly, I think she's right, nick.
Nick: She doesn't think my dad did it. And neither do I. So no matter what you think my father's capable of, he did not murder his own son.
Paul: Nick, Victor set this whole thing in motion. We all know that. Adam would be alive today if it weren't for Victor.
Nick: Look, you want to build a case against a man who just lost his son, well, that's on you. But right now there's a woman in there who's trying to come to grips with the fact that she has a little boy at home without a father.
Paul: We need a statement, nick. We just are asking for the truth.
Nick: Since when do you care more about a case than a woman who's in pain? Let her go home. Dylan, Connor's at home right now without either of his parents. What would you do if that was sully?
Paul: She's free to go.
Chelsea: Thank you. Please take me home now.
Dylan: Chelsea... I'm sorry.
Michael: If there's anything else I can do for you...
Paul: The press is going to want a confirmation, so I'll hold off on making any statements until, uh, the rest of Adam's relatives are notified.
Dylan: I could reach out to people, take that off your plate, nick.
Nick: Yeah, I appreciate that. Come on. Let's go.
Victoria: Jill. What are you doing here?
Jill: Oh, my. Who's your friend?
Victoria: Uh, Travis, this is my former mother-in-law and current boss, Jill Atkinson. This is Travis Crawford.
Travis: Hi.
Jill: Hi. And what is he, exactly?
Victoria: He's my boyfriend.
Jill: Really?
Victoria: Kind of late, isn't it, Jill?
Jill: Yeah, it is. You know what? You forgot one of your buttons.
Travis: Mm.
Victoria: This couldn't wait until tomorrow?
Jill: No, because tomorrow you'll be on a plane wit Billy and cane, honey. Going to Seattle for the pacific northwest rollout of cane's marketing campaign.
Victoria: Ah. I see. All three of us, huh?
Jill: Mm. Charm and strength and capability. You don't have a problem with that, do you?
Victoria: [Sighs] No, it should be fine. But I have to check with the nanny first.
Jill: Excellent. Okay. Now that we have the business out of the way, tell me, why haven't I seen you around town, Travis?
[Cell phone chimes]
Victoria: Uh, excuse me. Oh...Dylan is texting me. He must want to see me about Adam.
Jill: It's very late.
Victoria: Yeah. Imagine that. I should go. This shouldn't take long. Shall we?
Jill: Oh, no, no, no, no. I wouldn't think of leaving your guest alone.
Victoria: Oh, no, no. Of course not. I'll be right back.
Jill: [Sighs] Well, look at us. Free to get to know each other.
Travis: Yeah, Victoria's told me a little bit about you.
Jill: [Scoffs] I'm almost afraid to ask. Just kidding. I'm not really afraid of anything. Listen, why don't you come over here and sit down and tell me all about yourself, Travis.
Phyllis: Hey. Is he on a business call? I'd like to shut down the day and go home.
Ashley: Why? Is something wrong?
Phyllis: No. No, I'm just tired. That's all.
Ashley: Oh. I'm sure jack's looking forward to spending the evening with you, just the two of you.
Jack: What?! N-no. No, no, that -- that ca-- oh, god. N-no. I know you've got to go. Thanks, Paul. Thank-- th-thanks for calling me.
Phyllis: Jack?
Jack: It's Adam.
[Knock on door]
Michael: There was no one at reception.
Victor: It's quite late. What are you doing here?
Michael: I have some news about Adam. I thought you might prefer to hear in person rather than over the phone.
Victor: I know about the explosion. I didn't do it.
Michael: They found DNA evidence at the explosion site. The test results are in. The DNA is confirmed to be Adam's.
Victor: [Sighs shakily] So my son is dead?
Jill: So, a bar and a boat. You're very multifaceted. Now you're back.
Travis: For Victoria, yeah.
Jill: So, when Victoria rushed out of town that time...
Travis: She came to Mexico to see me.
Jill: Ahh, yes. Of course. In spite of work and family obligations.
Travis: It was a family obligation. She was there regarding a Newman family issue.
Jill: You don't say.
Travis: Yeah.
Jill: But I'll be that's not all you talked about.
Travis: No, it wasn't. Look, I know that you want Victoria and Billy to be back together.
Jill: What I want is for my son and my grandchildren to be happy.
Travis: Well, I can assure you that Victoria's happiness is my priority. Her and her kids.
Jill: Okay. Well, time's a-wasting. I have somewhere I need to be.
Travis: Okay.
Jill: But it was really, really lovely meeting you.
Travis: You too, Mrs. Atkinson. Let me get that door for you.
Jill: Well, thank you very much. You're a nice boy.
Travis: Nice meeting you.
Jill: Thank you.
Travis: Just letting yourself in again, huh?
Billy: Still have keys. My kids live here.
Travis: Came in through the back door. Did -- did you see your mom's car and then hide out in the kitchen to hear our conversation?
Billy: I'm surprised she didn't hit on you.
Travis: Yeah, I'm spoken for. Victoria had to head out. I guess there was an update on Adam.
Billy: Well, the guy's not on my Christmas list, but I hope for Chelsea that he's okay.
Travis: So, you here about the big Seattle trip your mom planned for you and Victoria?
Billy: Yeah. Good old mom. She has a way of getting what she wants.
Dylan: Chelsea and Connor are safe. Nick just took her home.
Victoria: Well, what about Adam? I'm assuming that he's back in prison.
Dylan: Uh... this isn't easy to say or -- or to hear.
Victoria: Well, just say it, then.
Dylan: Adam was hiding in a cabin and, uh, there was an explosion. And he didn't make it.
Victoria: Adam is dead?
Dylan: I'm sorry.
Victoria: Was it an accident? I mean, did somebody mean to do it, or -- I don't un-- I don't understand.
Dylan: That's, uh -- that's what we're trying to find out right now.
Victoria: [Sighs] Things were different this time. Adam was different. How are Chelsea and Connor and... does my dad know?
Dylan: Uh, Michael went to tell him personally.
Victoria: I-I have to be there when it happens.
Dylan: Victoria --
Michael: Chelsea was at the station when the confirmation of Adam's death came in. She should be home with Connor by now.
Victor: What was Chelsea doing at the station?
Michael: Well, there was the little matter of aiding and abetting Adam's escape. And your involvement, of course. Nick talked her out of providing a statement against you, and Paul and Dylan were kind enough to release her from custody. The look on her face... it must have been hard enough for her to lose Adam once. But to lose him again... and to know this time it's forever...
Victor: Thank you for coming by, Michael.
Nick: Chelsea, can I get you anything?
Chelsea: Connor... he's gonna wake up, and I'm gonna -- I'm gonna have to tell him. I'm gonna have -- I'm gonna have to tell him.
Chloe: You're out. My god. This is the best news ever.
Nick: When we got home, the nanny was here. Chloe, where'd you go? This family really needs you right now.
Chloe: I, um... I had to get some air. So, Dylan and Paul, they dropped the aiding and abetting charges?
Nick: It's not an issue anymore.
Chloe: Why do you say it like that?
Chelsea: Because they found proof in the cabin. [Inhales deeply] They found DNA in the cabin. Adam's dead.
Chloe: Oh, I'm so sorry.
[Chelsea sobs]
Chloe: I am so -- I'm so sorry.
Travis: You know, Victoria's career is important to her.
Billy: Really? I didn't know that.
Travis: Look, it's not a "who knows her better?" Contest, Billy, okay? You win. Hands down. I don't have a problem with you going on a business trip with her.
Billy: Because she's never gonna be with me again because I'm me. Yes, we had this conversation. Can we move on, Travis? I'm here to tell Victoria that I'm not interested in going out of town right now.
Travis: Hm. Your mom's gonna be disappointed.
Billy: Which makes staying behind that much more fun. And speaking of fun... I think you should go.
Travis: What's that mean?
Billy: I think you should go to Seattle with Victoria. Mix business with pleasure. Show her a good time.
Jill: Cane, it's Jill. Stop packing. I need you to stay in town. Victoria and Billy can handle this trip on their own.
Jack: No, Adam is gone. There's proof.
Ashley: I'm sorry. I know how much you cared about him.
Jack: Victor did this. This is all part of his vicious plan to set his own son up for murder, to teach him a lesson.
Phyllis: [Sighs] Victor is evil. If we didn't know that already --
Jack: I told Victor tonight -- tonight I told him this escape was a bad idea. Too many things could go wrong. Too many lives were at risk. Oh, god, Chelsea. And Connor. That little boy is gonna know what he lost this time.
Ashley: And you're gonna be there for both Chelsea and Connor, jack, just like always.
Jack: I have to be. Chelsea and Connor deserve all the love and support they can get. [Sighs]
Chloe: I really don't know what to say. [Sighs] All I can come up with right now is that I love you, and, I guess, you know, I-I will do whatever I can to help you get through this.
Chloe: [Sighs] Chloe, how am I -- how am I supposed to get through this?
Chloe: I don't know. I don't know. We're gonna figure it out together. Okay? And Paul and Dylan, they get it now? Are they gonna leave Chelsea alone?
Nick: Yeah, they will.
Chloe: What about Victor? Are they gonna keep on asking about him? What's going on with the investigation? Is it done?
Nick: Well, without a statement from Chelsea, they don't have any proof that my dad did anything wrong. So for now it's over.
Chelsea: I need to see my son.
Victor: [Thinking] I did this. Prison and the punishment and then the escape. My boy, it was my gift to you. I wanted you and your family to get far away from here and be together as a family, safe and sound. And now this. How could this happen?
Victoria: Dad.
Victor: What, sweetheart? [Sighs]
Victoria: I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.
Travis: So now I have your approval? Just gonna send me off with Victoria?
Billy: I don't want the ticket to go to waste.
Travis: I think there's something else going on. Do you have something better to do with your time than go on a business trip?
Billy: Yes. Yes, I do.
Ashley: I have to find Abby and tell her about Adam. I know how much he meant to you, jack. He knew it, too.
Jack: If I just could have gotten through to Victor, I...
Phyllis: There's nothing more you could have done. Adam would not want you punishing yourself. Ashley was right. He knew how much you loved him. And you in his corner, someone he could count on, that meant the world to him.
Dylan: Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey! What -- what are you doing?
Paul: I just got word from forensics. The explosion was accidental, not arson. The propane tank blew. There were leaks under the floorboard. This was not a homicide.
Dylan: [Slams desk] We do know Victor arranged the escape and set this whole thing into motion, right? We know that.
Paul: Right, but we don't have any proof. And Chelsea's not gonna roll over on Victor. So you know what? Given the amount of grief this family has already gone through, I'm not going to put them through any more.
Dylan: You're just gonna close the case?
Paul: You know, Dylan, sometimes it's better just to let things go.
Dylan: Yeah, what if I can't?
Victor: Thank you for being here. You know... his death is my fault.
Victoria: No, it's not. Don't say that, dad. It's not your fault.
Victor: Yes, sweetheart. Adam's death is my fault.
Victoria: No, it's not.
Victor: [Sighs] Don't you leave me.
Victoria: I'm not leaving you. I love you. I know, dad. It's okay. It's gonna be okay.
Chloe: Thanks.
Chelsea: Oh, my sweet, sweet boy. [Sighs] I am so lucky to have you. And w-we were so lucky to have such a wonderful time with daddy, weren't we? Fishing and playing. You made your daddy the happiest person in the whole wide world. I need you to remember that, and -- and all of the other memories that we have of daddy, okay? [Sobs] We ca-- we can't ever let those memories go, all right, my sweet boy? Because... oh, Connor. [Crying] Daddy's not coming home. [Sobbing]
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Nikki: What a beautiful way to honor Adam's memory.
Jack: I'm going to this memorial service, and I will go to Victor, and I will acknowledge his loss.
Victor: If you want to start a new life with Connor somewhere else, I will not stand in your way.
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