Y&R Transcript Monday 9/5/16
Provided By Suzanne
Nikki: What do you mean Adam is dead?
Victor: He can't be.
Nick: Don't act like you don't know. That cabin that you arranged for Adam to hide out in? It blew up, and Adam was inside. How can you do it? How can you kill your own son?
Nikki: No, no, no, no, no, no, no. There has to be some kind of a mistake. Nothing has been on the news about this --
Nick: It's not a mistake, mom. I saw the explosion with my own eyes.
Victor: How is that possible?
Nick: Connor was sick. So Chelsea called me because she needed some help. I arranged for a doctor to go and see him.
Nikki: Is Connor gonna be okay?
Nick: He's fine, mom. But when we went to pick up Adam at the cabin, the place went up like a fireball. There's no way anyone could have survived.
Victor: We had a very thought-out plan, you know. I think he made it to the plane.
Nick: Dad, we went to the airstrip. We talked to the pilot. He hadn't seen Adam. Your plan didn't work. Adam never made it onto that flight.
Nikki: Nicholas, this is enough. It's not your father's fault.
Nick: Adam's dead. It is his fault.
Nikki: Nicholas, you listen to me. I helped your father every step of the way. So if you think he's guilty, then I guess I am, too.
Chelsea: Adam can't be gone. Chloe, he can't be gone.
[Knock on door]
Paul: Come on, Chelsea. Open up.
Chloe: You have to go. Upstairs. You have to go.
Kevin: You can't get caught here. Go, go, go.
Chelsea: See what they know about Adam. See if Victor did this.
Paul: Last chance!
Chloe: We'll find out. Go.
Kevin: Paul. Hey. What's up?
Paul: Hey, Kevin. Catch you at a bad time? We're looking for Chelsea.
Dylan: Is she here?
Chloe: No.
Paul: You sure?
Kevin: Yeah, we've been here all night.
Paul: And Chelsea never came home?
Chloe: Look, I haven't seen her since the last time she took off, when I reported it to the police. Remember? When I was voluntarily cooperating with you guys? So why would I lie now?
Dylan: Well, we need answers. That's what we need.
Chloe: Yeah, well, I need answers, too. Kevin told me that there was an explosion at a cabin. Was Adam in there? Did anyone make it out alive?
Lily: Hey, Dad. We're just wondering how things are going, so give me a call when get this, okay? Bye. He should be back from visiting his mother by now.
Cane: Well, the way he was talking about it, I'm surprised he even went.
Devon: Or maybe he's gone to see her and things didn't go so well.
Lily: And, what, he's at a bar somewhere drinking? I-I can't even think about that.
Devon: Well, lily, you're the one that encouraged him to go.
Lily: So you're blaming me?
Cane: All right, no one's blaming anybody. Don't start this.
Lily: I thought this would be good for him.
Devon: Listen, I'm kicking myself for allowing him to go see his mom alone after so many years without contact, okay?
Hilary: Okay, guys. You guys are acting like he's a child. He's a grown man.
Lily: Maybe we should go look for him.
Cane: Hang on. Wait, wait. You're suggesting the four of us go on a road trip? I don't think so.
Hilary: Yeah, what could go wrong with that?
Lily: Well, we have to do something.
[Cell phones chime]
Devon: "Visiting my mother."
Lily: "All good."
Neil: Hi. I just let my kids know where I am. Oh, boy. They're not gonna believe it, you know, because [Chuckles] I was so hell-bent on not coming here and seeing you.
Lucinda: Why?
Neil: Too many unresolved feelings and ideas. You know, too much unresolved altogether.
Lucinda: Do you regret coming here?
Neil: No. Today has been one of the most important days of my life. And I'm so glad that we got this time to share together. And I'm serious, you know. I really want to bring the entire family to come and see you. Lily, Devon, grandkids, everybody. Maybe next week. We really ought to get that on the books. It'd be a good thing for you and them. It's just a good thing all around.
Lucinda: Son... we both know... that's not gonna happen. Ahh. I can feel it. [Gulps] I'm getting weaker. My breath [Chuckles] Is slower. It's like I was holding on... waiting, you know, for -- for something.
Neil: Waiting...for me?
Lucinda: Waiting...for you. I'm not gonna meet your family, Neil. Tell me about them.
Neil: Okay. Well, my family... yeah. My family, they're everything to me. I got this cute little boy, Moses, you know. He's got this smile that lights up the entire galaxy. Always happy, that kid.
Lucinda: [Chuckles] I know the type.
Neil: Then there's my oldest, Devon. He's steady. Like a rock.
Lucinda: Uh-huh.
Neil: He's got a great head on his shoulders. He's had a lot of curve balls thrown at him recently. Some -- some by me, some by his wife, Hilary, who... she, strangely enough, used to be my wife.
Lucinda: I see. I told you. Life is complicated. [Chuckles]
Neil: Yeah. That, you did. Um... he -- he can handle anything that's thrown at him, you know? Like a champ. He's loyal, and he's honest. He's a good man. One of the best I know.
Lucinda: That's good to hear. And the girl?
Neil: Oh. [Chuckles] Yeah. Yeah, my girl. Lily. [Sighs] My baby girl has -- has grown into the most amazing woman. And, you know, sometimes, when I look at her... I get tears in my eyes. I am -- I'm in awe of her. She's beautiful. She's tough and strong. And -- and she's, uh -- she's a cancer survivor, you know. Good businesswoman. But one of the most important roles that she plays is she's a mom.
Lucinda: Huh.
Neil: She's a good mom.
Lucinda: Oh, that's good. Amen to that. So, they're good to you. Are you good to them?
Neil: [Inhales deeply] Yeah, I made, uh... I made a lot of mistakes. Lately. But... yeah, we're getting through it, you know? We're getting through it.
Lucinda: Hang onto them, Neil. Once you lose your family, it's just too hard to get them back.
Cane: That's good for Neil.
Hilary: It is. I wish I could talk to my mom again.
Cane: Mm-hmm.
Lily: Yeah, me too. You don't realize how much you need them until they're gone.
Hilary: I would have liked to meet your mom.
Lily: Yeah. Think I would have been interested to know what your mother was like.
Hilary: [Scoffs] Just to know what kind of woman could have raised a demon child like me, huh?
Lily: Hey, you read my mind.
[Lily and Hilary laugh]
Lily: No, no, no. But, I'll admit that none of this would be happening if you hadn't saved those letters from Lucinda and given them to me. You set something in motion that was long overdue.
Hilary: Wait. Lily Ashby, are you actually thanking me for something?
Lily: What have I done? What did I do?
Cane: Don't know.
Lily: I made a huge mistake.
Nikki: I helped your father set up Adam to break out of prison, okay? I helped arranged their rendezvous. I knew all about the private plane that was going to take them to freedom. So if you think that your father is capable of murder, you must think that of me, too.
Nick: Of course not, Mom. But Dad set this whole thing in motion. So whatever happened to Adam is on him.
Victor: You think I sabotaged my own son? That I blew up that cabin? You think I killed my son? If that's what you think, get out now.
Dylan: Well, we think the explosion was just a diversion so Adam could flee with Chelsea and Connor.
Chloe: Meaning no one was in the cabin when it blew up?
Paul: CSI is sifting through the ashes.
Dylan: After we checked out the fire, Paul and I drove to the nearest airstrip.
Paul: And guess what we found on the ground?
Dylan: Connor's stuffed animal -- a dinosaur.
Paul: And in the sky as we rolled up, a plane was taking off. My guess is all three of them were on board. And since there was no sign of Adam in the cabin, we're focusing all our attentions on the plane.
Chelsea: Adam's not on that plane. He might still be alive out there somewhere. And you have to find him.
Paul: I'm sorry, Chelsea. You're wrong. The first thing we're going to do is arrest you.
Paul: Let's have a little conversation.
Chloe: You can't arrest her.
Paul: You are complicit in all this. You sneaked by my officers to aid and abet an escaped felon. You are a proven flight risk. You two aren't off the hook, either.
Chelsea: What? Why? This has nothing to do with them. They didn't even know I was here. I snuck back in with Connor through the secret passageway I used to escape this place. Now, for the love of god, will you stop wasting time and go find my husband?
Dylan: Hey, Paul. Can we show a little mercy here?
Paul: Look, I know you're very close with Chelsea. But you need to step away from your personal bias and look at this from all angles. She could be lying about the plane to give Adam more time to escape.
Dylan: Look, I know Chelsea, okay? This is not a con. She's just scared.
Paul: You are forgetting something else. By bringing her in for questioning, we could draw out the mastermind behind this whole thing. Someone who might know some information about Adam's whereabouts.
Dylan: [Sighs] Victor. Chelsea, I'm sorry. We have to take you downtown.
Chloe: This is ridiculous.
Chelsea: You know what, actually, it's okay, Chloe. It's okay. I don't mind, because, if anything, I can make sure they put their focus on searching for Adam by the cabin and not the plane. Just watch Connor for me?
Chloe: Of course. I'll do anything you need.
Chelsea: Thank you.
Paul: All right. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have a right to an attorney.
Chloe: Who are you calling?
Kevin: The only person who can help Chelsea now. Michael. Dylan and Paul just arrested Chelsea. She's gonna need you.
Nick: Look, dad, I know... [Sighs] I can tell that you weren't responsible for that explosion. And I'm sorry I ever accused you of that.
Victor: Thank you, son.
Nick: But you put him in that spot. And your reaction to this... it all feels like you're responsible. I got to go back to Chelsea's.
Victor: Wait a minute. She's still here? Doesn't she realize what charges she's facing?
Nick: Yeah, I told her all that, but she refused to leave without knowing for sure if Adam was gone or not.
Nikki: My heart breaks for her. And poor Connor! What this is doing to him...
Victor: I will take care of Chelsea and my grandson.
Nick: Look, I don't want to fight with you on this. But Adam had very specific instructions on how he wanted his son raised.
Victor: Nicholas. Come here. You're my only son now.
Lily: First, I want to make my position perfectly clear here.
Devon: Oh, you didn't mean to compliment Hilary?
Hilary: See? I knew that it was too good to be true. All right. Come on. Start hurling accusations. You already think the worst of me, anyway.
Cane: Hang -- hang on a second. You've given us good reason to question your motives. You know that, right?
Devon: That's ancient history.
Cane: Really?
Hilary: One that never seems to be over.
Lily: Okay. Uh, excuse me. Can I talk, please? Thank you. No, I-I actually did want to thank you, Hilary, as hard as that may be for you to believe. Because there was no other reason for you to save those letters. I do think that you did it for my dad, and you did it out of the goodness of your teeny, tiny heart.
Hilary: Well, I am shocked that you are being so generous. Admitting that I-I have a heart.
Neil: You are so right. I need to hang onto my family. It's weird, but they're at each other's throats a lot of the time. Some of that's my fault. But at the end of the day, we really love each other. We care for each other. And there's a lot of love there. I need them.
Lucinda: You don't want to be alone.
Neil: [Mouthing] No. No. I don't want to be alone. I just -- I... I just need to hold -- hold it all together, hold them together.
Lucinda: I'm not alone.
Neil: You -- you're not alone. I'm right here. I'm right here. I'm... [Sobs] I'm here. Mom. [Sobs] M-Mommy? Mom... [Sobbing] Mommy...
Paul: Come on, Michael. We are not being heartless.
Michael: She just lost her husband. You drag her down here in the middle of the night. If that's not heartless, you tell me what heartless is. [Slams briefcase]
Paul: First of all, we are not certain that Adam is dead.
Dylan: Hey, we want the truth, Michael. That's what we've been looking for.
Michael: Where's my client?
Paul: In my office.
Michael: Has she been through booking?
Dylan: Yes, she just got through.
Michael: I'll need some time with her.
Paul: All yours.
Chelsea: Oh, Michael! Thank god! Please tell me the police found Adam.
Michael: I am afraid there's no news yet.
Chelsea: Well, when are they gonna know something? I'm -- I'm -- I'm going out of my mind in here.
Michael: All right. Paul and Dylan have assured me that the investigators are combing the area around the cabin, and they are also tracking the possible destinations of that plane that took off.
Chelsea: The plane? Why won't they take my word for it? The plane is a dead end.
Michael: Your word isn't worth very much to the police. Less than usual now, given how you tried to take off on the run with Adam. Listen to me. They're going to want to know what transpired from the minute you left that penthouse.
Chelsea: The moments we spent, the time we spent in the cabin, before Connor got sick, it was -- it was magical.
[Sighs] It had been so many weeks of torture, you know? Forced to be apart. And then suddenly we had our whole lives ahead of us again. We made such wonderful plans, Michael. We were starting new lives under new identities. Yeah, we were gonna be off the grid, for sure, but -- but we'd be together, right? We'd be safe. I finally had my family back. Until Victor ripped it away from us once again.
Victor: You heard what Nicholas said? That I wanted to teach Adam a lesson? I set all this in motion.
Nikki: Victor, you --
Victor: I don't have anyone else to blame but myself. I did this.
Nikki: You were willing to make such great sacrifices. You were willing to never even see your grandchild again if they could be happy. No father would do that.
Victor: Where's my grandson now? [Sighs] He's fatherless. You know... I just don't think this explosion happened by itself. I think someone set it. And when I find who that is... [Sighs]
Nikki: Don't think about revenge, darling.
Chloe: How much trouble do you think Chelsea's in? Are they using her as bait to get to Victor?
Kevin: Right now, my main concern is Chelsea, and what happens if Adam really is gone. They were so close to getting away, to starting over. What the hell happened?
Chloe: Bad luck.
Kevin: Or maybe no luck at all. Maybe this was intentional.
[Knock on door]
Chloe: [Sighs] Who is it?
Nick: It's nick. Open up!
Chloe: Hey. It's kind of late.
Nick: Yeah, I know. Sorry. Where's Chelsea?
Kevin: Why would you be looking for her here? It's all over the news that she slipped past the cops to go look for Adam.
Nick: She called and told me what was going on. Where's Chelsea?
Chloe: She came back, and Dylan and Paul were here, and they arrested her.
Nick: Wait, the police have already been here?
Kevin: Yeah. They dragged her down to the station. I called Michael, so she's covered there.
Nick: Where's Connor?
Chloe: He's upstairs. He's fine. We're taking care of him.
Nick: I cannot believe Paul and Dylan are putting Chelsea through this.
Chloe: Listen, it's the not knowing that's really making her suffer. She needs answers, nick. Starting with your father. Did he really bow up the cabin with Adam in it?
Nick: That's what I thought at first, so I confronted my dad about it. But seeing the look in his eyes, I mean, there is no way my dad had any part of this. Somebody else wanted Adam dead.
Neil: [Clears throat]
Chloe: How can we know that your father is an innocent man? I mean, this is Victor Newman we're talking about. Need I say more?
Nick: Look, I know my dad. When I told him about this... he was heartbroken.
Chloe: This is your father. I mean, come on. We know that he's capable of any kind of deception or manipulation.
Nick: Look, I'm not gonna argue about this with you, all right? I got to see Chelsea.
Kevin: Head down to the station. I'll walk you out.
Kevin: Hey. Where'd you go just now?
Chloe: Huh?
Kevin: You look like you're a million miles away.
Chloe: Just... I'm just really worried about Chelsea. I don't know how she's gonna survive if she loses Adam for good this time.
Kevin: It's gonna be difficult. But she has a lot of people she can lean on. Including her best friend in the entire world, who has always been there for her no matter what.
Chloe: You know what, I -- I think that I should go check on, uh, Connor and Bella.
Kevin: Yeah. I'll come with you.
Chloe: No, you know what, it's okay. Um... I think I need some alone time right now.
Kevin: I thought we decided that it'd be best --
Chloe: You should sleep in your own bed. I'll sleep in my own. I just don't think that right now is the time for us to spending --
Kevin: Okay. Say no more. Say no more.
Chloe: Okay.
Kevin: I'll talk to you tomorrow.
Chloe: Okay. Thanks.
[Door opens, closes]
Chloe: [Sighs] Monique. Hi. It's Chloe. I'm so sorry, um, it's so late, but it's an emergency. Do you think that you could come over and -- and watch Connor and Bella for me? Get here when you can. Okay, thanks.
Nikki: Who could have done this to Adam? I mean, who -- who could hate him that much?
Victor: Neither Billy nor Chloe would have been sophisticated enough to execute that plan. Billy probably would have blown himself up trying.
Nikki: Really? I don't know. I-I just don't understand who would do this. How is it possible?
Victor: And no one knew where Adam was. That's the point. No one knew where he was. Sweetheart... [Sighs] Thank you for -- thank you for being here for me, okay? I just need some time by myself now.
Nikki: I understand.
Victor: I need to let this all sink in. Okay?
Nikki: I know, baby. You rest. You'll wake up feeling better. All right? I love you.
Victor: Love you, too. [Sighs]
Lily: You know, I'll be honest, you guys. I would like to meet my grandmother.
Hilary: Yeah, we should all just jump in a car together and just show up.
Lily: Yeah, why not?
Lily: We're getting along. I'm sure we could tolerate a car ride together.
Cane: Eh, maybe.
Hilary: Uh...
Devon: It's kind of late. I think visiting hours are probably over.
Lily: I'll call ahead and make arrangements. I mean, I'm sure they'll make an exception. This is a special situation. I just think it would be nice to, like, show some support to dad. We've been talking about how special this is. Why don't we actually go and be a part of it?
Cane: Sure.
Devon: Yeah. Make the call. Let's do it.
Neil: Mm.
What'll you have?
Neil: Do you know what this is?
No, I don't.
Neil: This right here is a 25-year sobriety chip. 25 years. Think about it. That's a lifetime to a young man like you. Lot of dark nights... hard moments went into the creation of this chip.
What'll you have, sir?
Neil: Hm?
What's it gonna be?
Neil: Club soda. With lemon.
Lucinda: My dearest son...
Lucinda: I enjoy my life so much more now than when I was caught up in all that turmoil, thinking only about my next drink. But as content as I am now, my heart is heavy that I couldn't be a mother to you because of my addiction. I know I hurt you deeply when I left. And I regret that more than you'll ever know. But I hope you believe me when I say you've never been far from my heart. My time is short. I can't imagine I will see you before I pass. But you need to know I love you. Your mother loves you, son.
Chelsea: There must be some way you can get me out of here. I mean, I'll go search for Adam myself. I can cover every inch of those woods around the cabin. He could be hurt, Michael.
Michael: Listen to me. I'm afraid you're not going anywhere at the moment.
Chelsea: Michael, all I'm asking is if you could just --
Michael: Dylan and Paul are holding you as an accomplice. Although they're willing to negotiate.
Chelsea: Okay. I'll negotiate. Anything to get out of here and go find my husband. What do they want?
Michael: They're after your co-conspirator. The person who orchestrated the escape.
Chelsea: Ahh. I know who's head they're after. Victor's. Well, they can have it.
Nick: Chelsea just lost the love of her life, and you lock her up?
Dylan: Chelsea isn't even sure Adam's dead. How can you be?
Nick: Well, from the way Kevin and Chloe were talking, it doesn't sound like anybody was gonna survive that explosion.
Dylan: Okay. I don't blame Chelsea for holding out hope. That's what I'm gonna do. Until we get something more solid.
Paul: Nick, uh... I hate to have to break this news to you, but, uh, there was blood and tissue found at the cabin. They came back a match for your brother. Adam, uh...didn't make it. I am so sorry.
Nick: Yeah, me too.
Dylan: We got to tell Chelsea right away.
Paul: All right.
Nick: Dylan, I'll -- I'll do it.
Victor: Well, thanks for letting me know. Yep.
Nikki: Was that security?
Victor: Yeah. Police are leaving. Um... I'm no longer under house arrest.
Nikki: Good. What else did they say? They have given up the search for Adam. They think he's dead.
Nikki: Oh, my darling, I'm so, so sorry. I'm so sorry.
Victor: Sorry, baby, I'm gonna have to... I'm gonna get some fresh air, okay?
Nikki: Of course.
Victor: [Sighs] I just have to think about all this.
Nikki: I know. I love you so much. You do what you have to do.
[Door closes]
Chloe: Hello, Victor.
Victor: You vicious little --
Chloe: Save it. You're gonna want to hear this.
Lily: We found you.
Neil: Heh. Yeah. Yeah, you sure did, didn't you?
Devon: Did you, uh -- did you have a good visit with Lucinda?
Neil: Yeah. Yeah, I did. She passed tonight.
Hilary: We know, Neil.
Cane: That's why we're here.
Lily: We're so sorry, dad.
Neil: Thank you. [Sighs] She wrote me this letter. [Clears throat] I was just reading it. Um... do you mind?
Lily: No.
Cane: Please.
Neil: "I've watched you, from a distance, become the man that you are. I was filled with pride, and celebrated your success. But I regret I wasn't there to be a part of your family. Learn from me, son. Cherish your family. Hold onto them. Guide them. Let them lift you up when you need it, and you will never be alone, Neil. All my love, your mother." [Chokes] Um... you know, she was, uh... she was really afraid of -- of being alone, dying alone.
Lily: Dad, you are not alone. We're here, okay?
Michael: I figure I can get Paul to drop the charges if you agree to testify to Victor's involvement -- how he set up his son's jailbreak.
Chelsea: It would be my pleasure to send that man back to jail. I just hope he stays there this time, because that's what he deserves.
Michael: I'll make the overtures. Nick.
Nick: Hey. Uh... I need to talk to Chelsea.
Michael: Oh, now's not a good time. Really. Just --
Nick: Michael, I have to.
Chelsea: What? What is it? What's wrong?
Nick: Yeah, I wish I had the words to make this... easier, but there just... th-they found, at the cabin, uh... Adam's remains. He didn't make it.
Chelsea: No.
Nick: I'm sorry.
Chelsea: No!
Nick: I'm sorry.
Chelsea: No! [Sobbing] No! Oh, my god!
Nick: Chelsea, I'm so sorry.
Chelsea: No! No! No!
Victor: What the hell were you thinking, coming here? Someone could have seen you.
Chloe: Doesn't matter to me.
Victor: It matters to me.
Chloe: Listen. Chelsea's in custody, which means that she's probably down at the station right now telling Paul Williams that you murdered her husband.
Victor: Now, you know damn well I didn't do that.
Chloe: How do we know that?
Victor: Because you did.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Ashley: Okay, so, you and Phyllis are fine. What about Billy and Phyllis?
Billy: I want you. I need you. I want to be together again.
Nick: Connor's at home right now without either of his parents. What would you do if that was sully?
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