Y&R Transcript Thursday 9/1/16


Provided By Suzanne

Dylan: We believe Adam Newman, the prisoner, is being aided and abetted by his wife, Chelsea.

[Camera shutter clicks]

Dylan: We now have a lead on the car she and her son used to flee Genoa city. It's a gray sedan, Wisconsin plate TAH 7M2, last seen headed west on Market Street presumably headed out of the city limits. Now, if you have seen this car, if you have any information on its whereabouts, please contact the GCPD tip line -- the number's on the screen -- or our website. Though the passengers aren't considered dangerous, it is urgent that they are found safely.

Chelsea: No. You are not turning yourself in. Our new life, our new plans -- health, none of that matters, babe. He needs to see a doctor.

Chelsea: Okay, Adam, you just need to just take a second and think about this.

Adam: His fever's not going away. You said it yourself. We'll take him into town, we'll get him the medicine that he needs, I'll surrender. It's -- it's the only way.

Chelsea: Wait, wait, wait. I have a better idea.

Dylan: Please do not hesitate if you have any information. Contact the GC--

Victor: That press conference given by your son Dylan has just sealed my son's fate.

Nikki: Well, I don't know that Dylan had any other choice.

[Doorbell rings]

Victor: Are you protecting your son now, or what?

Nikki: Darling, I'm not protecting anyone. It's just fact. He's a cop. Finding Adam is his job. Jack.

Jack: Victor home?

Nikki: It's really not a good time.

Jack: There is never going to be a good time for this.

Nikki: Fine.

[Door closes]

Victor: What the hell do you want, Jack?

Jack: I'm giving you a chance to do right by your son, before it's too late.

Lily: Yes, 17th it is. I'll reserve the ballroom. Yeah, my pleasure. Okay, I'll be in touch. Thank you. Hey.

Devon: Hey.

Lily: Any word from dad?

Devon: No, not yet.

Lily: So, what did you say to change his mind about seeing his mother?

Devon: I'm not really sure he has.

Lily: He went to see Lucinda, though?

Devon: Yeah, but that doesn't mean things have changed between them.

Lily: Well, it's a start.

Devon: Yeah, but, lily, we don't know what Neil has been through.

Lily: Yeah, because he hasn't told us. I mean, do you think it's okay that he's kept us in the dark about his parents after all these years?

Devon: I think that we shouldn't expect much because sometimes the past needs to stay in the past.

Lucinda: Neil. Is that really you?

Neil: Yeah. It is me. I talked to your doctors about your condition. They said you're not doing very well.

Lucinda: Fools. What do they know? Come closer, son. Let's get a good look at you. You grew into a fine man, Neil. Stanford graduate, successful career, beautiful family. I've kept up with your life over the years. Do you know that?

Neil: It's very clear that you never wanted to be a part of my life. So why did you bother keeping up with it?

Nick: So, this is Dylan's idea of backing off? Telling the whole world that Chelsea's helping Adam?

Sharon: He had to.

Nick: No, he didn't. He could have kept quiet about the lead. And then Adam could have gotten away and then have some kind of justice or closure.

Sharon: Dylan wanted to help. That's why he didn't go to Paul right away with the car footage.

Nick: So, what? He waited a couple hours? That's not enough time to let Adam and Chelsea do anything, much less disappear.

Sharon: If Paul had found out that Dylan was suppressing evidence, Dylan could have been prosecuted and taken away from me and sully. Is that what you want?

Nick: No, of course not.

Sharon: He did what he had to do. He came forward with what he had.

Dylan: The phones should be lighting up. Somebody must have seen something.

Christine: Give it time.

Paul: I know how frustrating it must be, especially knowing since you were right about Adam being set up for a phony murder. But I'm sure you will agree that going on the run, he's not doing himself any favors.

Christine: And dragging Chelsea down with him. I mean, it's horrible. Where do things stand with the investigation?

Paul: Well, we're checking all airport parking lots and, uh, tollway cams within a 100-mile radius.

Dylan: And I ran a check on the car Chelsea's using.

Paul: And?

Dylan: Impound. No registration.

Paul: Wow. We're dealing with pros from start to finish.

Christine: And hired by Victor, no doubt. His fingerprints are all over it.

Paul: If only he would leave some fingerprints.

Dylan: Okay, look, I know we didn't get anything out of him last time.

Paul: Yeah, I don't think confronting him again you're gonna get anything.

Dylan: But I want to try, Paul. I got to trip him up, get to the damn truth.

Paul: You know, as satisfying as that may --

Christine: Just hold on a second. Maybe there's another way to go at this.

Chelsea: What do you think?

Adam: What do I think? I think it sounds crazy.

Chelsea: No, it makes perfect sense, Adam. You're not listening to me. I will take Connor, I will go into town, take him to urgent care. I'll use the new fake IDs we have, get his antibiotics, and hurry back here. I promise we'll be back in time to catch the plane. No problem.

Adam: Listen to me. I am an escaped convict on the run. I put a prison guard in the hospital. Right now, every single cop in the Midwest is looking for me, all right? They're probably staked out on every street corner for all we know.

Chelsea: So if they catch me, at least you'll be free.

Adam: How?

Chelsea: I'll lie. I'll say I never found you. I was looking for you, we had a meeting spot, and you left without me. That's what I'll say. Let them grill me all they want. Every minute I stall gives you more time to get the hell out of here. And then once the search, you know, dies down eventually, Connor and I can meet you wherever you are.

Adam: And if it doesn't die down?

Chelsea: It will. Listen to me. We deserve this, Adam. We do. We've come so far. I am never gonna stop fighting for you. For us.

Adam: Me neither. You're right. You're right.

Jack: There is a massive manhunt underway for Adam. Now Chelsea and your grandson are involved. You can put an end to this. Convince Adam to turn himself in.

Victor: You're talking as if this was somehow within my powers to change.

Jack: Are we really gonna play this game now?

Nikki: Victor's telling the truth. He's under house arrest.

Jack: Oh, that's child's play for Victor. Look, we all know you set your own son up to prove a point. Things went terribly awry and now you're desperate to fix things. But in doing so, you have put Adam and his family in grave danger.

Victor: You finished?

Jack: Adam is more than just a friend to me, Victor. He asked me to be Connor's guardian. It's my job to protect that boy.

Victor: Let me ask you something. How the hell dare you barge into my house and accuse me of putting my son's life in danger?

Jack: Your son. I have been more of a father to Adam than you will ever be, and you know it.

Lily: Okay, thank you. You know, I'm surprised that you have no interest in knowing dad's family history. Think how different your life would be if you didn't know about Katherine and tucker.

Devon: That's a good point.

Lily: Yeah, that's 2.4 billion good points.

Devon: I am very grateful to know that tucker's my biological dad, and I'm glad for the time I got to spend with Katherine, but I just don't think Neil's history is so happy.

Lily: But his mother sent him letters throughout his entire life. She never stopped trying to connect with him. So there was love there. There had to be.

Lucinda: I loved you very much. I always wanted us to have a relationship. That's why I kept reaching out, but you never answered my letters. I never heard from you, son.

Neil: You cheated on my father. You broke us up, the entire family. You walked away from me, from us. Or maybe my father threw you out. I-I was never quite clear on that part of the story.

Lucinda: I left. I didn't have a choice.

Neil: You did have a choice. In life, everyone has a choice.

Lucinda: Please, please. You don't understand.

Neil: Your marriage was over. But that didn't mean that you -- you had to stop being my mother. You could have arranged for visitation. But you didn't. You could have been part of my life. But you weren't. You thought that birthday cards and letters at Christmas were enough. But it wasn't. You could have been my mother. But I didn't even factor into your thinking.

Lucinda: Please, you don't understand. It's not that I didn't want to be a mother to you. It's that... ...I was in no condition.

Neil: Meaning what?

Victor: So, Jack, let me get this right. You cast yourself in the role of father figure, when the truth is you only befriended Adam to stick it to me.

Jack: I am not here to rehash old grievances. Adam and his family are in serious danger because of your machinations. You can do something about it, so damn it, do something.

Victor: What's going on in your head? You come into my house and you talk to me in this tone?

[Doorbell rings]

Victor: Who the hell is that?

Paul: I know it's late, but we really need to talk to you and Victor.

Victor: Are you serious?

Nikki: Okay.

Victor: More accusations, I presume?

[Door closes]

Victor: First Jack barges in here, now you two, after Dylan and Nicholas were here already? What do you want? By the way, you can leave.

Jack: No, that's all right. I'd just as soon hear this.

Christine: We're not here to make accusations. We know you broke Adam out. I'm here on behalf of the citizens of the city to offer you a deal.

Chelsea: Hey.

Adam: Hey. All right, bags are packed. Connor's strapped in, ready to go.

Chelsea: Okay, good. Hey. This is all gonna be okay.

Adam: Yeah. I-I know. Yeah, I know. I know that. Yeah. Come here.

Chelsea: It's all gonna be okay.

Adam: Hey. I love you. That's all. I love you.

Chelsea: I love you.

[Doorbell rings]

Daniel: Ooh. You look like hell.

Kevin: It's good to see you, too.

Daniel: [Laughs] Yeah, I figured you'd be living at work. Well, at least until they find Adam. Stopped by the station to say goodbye to you, and the sergeant told me I could find you here.

Kevin: I was helping out Chloe. We're having a hard time getting Bella to settle down.

Daniel: So... you and Chloe.

Kevin: No, no, no, no. All hell has broken loose, and she's right in the thick of it. Her best friend is on the run. I'm just getting her through it. She's asleep upstairs. I'm crashing on the couch.

Daniel: Really? Looks like a pretty comfortable couch.

Kevin: What is that supposed to mean?

Daniel: Oh, nothing. Just that I know you and your history with Chloe. Come on, man. I know you just don't want to be the good buddy holding her hand through a crisis. And you definitely don't want to be on that couch.

Chloe: Hello, Adam.

Adam: Ah!

Dylan: Hey. I guess you saw the press conference.

Sharon: Yeah, we did.

Nick: Did the police find Adam and Chelsea yet?

Dylan: No, they didn't, but they will.

Nick: Well, I'm sure they will, considering every cop in the state's gonna be looking for them.

Dylan: Whoa. Hey, nick. As much as I wanted to let Adam ride off into the sunset, I got a job to do.

Nick: It's not just Adam who stands to lose here, all right? He chose to run. That's on him. But he dragged Chelsea and Connor into this. If they're caught together and Chelsea's convicted of helping him, then Connor's gonna be without both his parents. Then who's gonna raise him? You? Me? Who do you think's gonna jump at that chance?

Dylan: Victor.

Sharon: Oh, my God. Are you saying this was all Victor's plan?

Christine: Tell us where Chelsea and Adam are, and I'll see to it that Chelsea isn't charged with anything. You can spin this any way you want.

Paul: And given that you're fresh out of prison after having committed several felonies, I'd say it's a damn good offer.

Christine: Yeah, Adam goes back, he serves his time for assaulting the guard. End of story.

Victor: Wait a minute. This is all predicate on the notion that I know where the hell they are.

Jack: Listen to them. They're offering you a way out!

Victor: You.

Paul: You've got to tell us now, Victor, because it's only a matter of time before we catch them. I don't know if you've heard, but we have a description of the car that Chelsea was driving.

Victor: You do? Well, hell. Follow that lead. Ain't gonna get anything out of me.

Chloe: You'll be totally out in about five minutes. Just relax. Take it all in.

Adam: Chloe, what are you doing? How did you find me?

Chloe: Well, I figured out Chelsea was coming to meet you. So I figured out where. I mean, I guess it doesn't really matter how. I assume it was Victor's plan. So does everybody else. Right? Start over, find a new life.

Adam: For Chelsea and Connor.

Chloe: I'm glad for them to have that dream. But for you... yeah, for you, not so much. Because you get to just [Scoffs] -- You get to just walk away again. Just like you did with Delia.

Adam: I... I was right, wasn't I? You were working with Victor. Visiting him in prison. You set me up, right?

Chloe: Yeah. It was elaborate. And difficult. And the worst part was having to say, "I forgive you." Because I will never forgive you, Adam.

Adam: This whole thing...

Chloe: It was genius. [Scoffs] I mean, it was almost genius, because then, you know, you had to go and mess everything up and turned around, you and Victor. And now here you are, almost a free man. Well, almost.

Chelsea: Mommy's gonna get you some medicine, okay, baby? I just need to find the nearest clinic. Oh, my God. They know the car. [Sighs] What are we supposed to do now?

Neil: You were in "no condition" to be part of my life. The condition was that you were my mother. That's the only condition that mattered.

Lucinda: Son --

Neil: Don't! Don't you call me "son." You haven't earned that privilege.

Lucinda: I'm trying to explain to you, Neil, that life is never that simple.

Neil: What does that mean, Lucinda? A mother/child relationship is as simple as it gets. You have a child. You take -- you take care of that child.

Lucinda: You don't understand.

Neil: No, I don't understand! Why don't you make me understand? I am right here, right now. Enlighten me.

Lucinda: If that's why you're here --

Neil: Of course that's why I'm here!

Lucinda: Good. Because I thought maybe you'd just come to yell at an old lady lying on her deathbed. Because if you want to understand, you've got to shut your mouth and listen. But if you just want to prove yourself... and be angry for the rest of your life, just keep yelling.

Neil: I'm listening.

Lucinda: Good. I walked away. I left you with your father because... it was safer for my little boy. The choices I was making.

Neil: What choices?

Lucinda: The bottle was the center of my life then. Where was the next drink coming from? That's all I cared about. Neil. I'm an alcoholic.

Neil: [Sniffles]

Nikki: All right. You've asked your questions. You've gotten your answers. Going to arrest us? Because if you are, I'm going to call our attorneys. And if you're not, you know where the door is.

Paul: We're not going to arrest you.

Christine: I'm afraid you're gonna regret this decision.

Victor: I think we are done here. Kindly show yourselves out.

Paul: Let's go. They're missing the point.

Jack: I don't believe this.

Nikki: Jack, please don't.

Jack: You have been through hell standing by this man, trying to be there for your family, to hold them together. You've sacrificed things no woman should ever have to. And somehow in all of that, you have maintained your integrity. Don't let him rob you of that.

Victor: Darling, are you gonna stand there and take that from him?

Dylan: I'm not saying it doesn't make any sense that Victor's endgame really is Connor, but I just -- I just don't think so.

Nick: Why? After all the damage my father's done, you don't think he's capable?

Dylan: I can see why you would go there.

Nick: Because it's the first place he would go. You know my dad has a sick need to control all our lives.

Dylan: And I know Victor feels guilty about what he did to Adam. That's why he busted him out, okay? I can't prove that yet, but I'm --

Sharon: Can we please stop obsessing about Victor?! It accomplishes nothing. I watch you get sucked in time and time again, and it's got to stop before it ruins all of our lives. Now, I know you did what you did to stay on the right side of the law. If Victor's now committed a new crime, we'll worry about that later after we make sure that Adam and Chelsea and Connor are okay.

[Cell phone rings]

Dylan: You're right. I'm sorry.

Nick: This is nick.

Chelsea: Oh, thank God you answered. I'm with Connor at a motel on highway B. We really need your help.

Kevin: This is all Chelsea had in the fridge.

Daniel: Oh, this is perfect. Thank you.

Kevin: Salut.

Daniel: Cheers.

[Bottles clink]

Daniel: [Sighs] [Chuckles] So... you and Chloe.

Kevin: Dude.

Daniel: Mmm. You know what? I hope that things work out for you this time. I really do, man. You know, that you guys can get back to whatever it is that you had. It's just I don't think that I would be much of a friend if I didn't tell you to be careful.

Kevin: Thanks. Look, I'm just taking things day by day. But so far, things are moving in a positive direction. I just know her so well. I know the way she thinks. I know that she trusts me.

Daniel: That all sounds great. It's just --

Kevin: Slow, easy. Got it.

[Bella cries]

Kevin: Oh. It's Bella. Let me get her before Chloe wakes up.

Daniel: [Sighs] [Scoffs] Yeah. Slow and easy, Kevin. [Chuckles]

Adam: Chloe, don't do this.

Chloe: You know, if you had gotten out of your car that night, this is what you would have seen. My little girl suffering on the side of the road.

Adam: What's your plan?

Chloe: I'm gonna watch you die, of course.

Neil: All -- all those years. I wonder why my dad never told me.

Lucinda: Probably easier for Ellis to make me out for some kind of demon woman. Easier to explain to a child. But when I cleaned up and wanted back in your life, he made it hard. You made it hard.

Neil: I didn't know.

Lucinda: All you knew, I was your mama and I walked out. All this time I've been trying to make amends.

Neil: Mom. I'm an alcoholic, too. I have been on the program, and I-I understand how important it is to make amends.

Lucinda: I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.

Neil: No. [Voice breaking] No, it's okay. I know. I forgive you. You've made your amends. I just... I wish I would have known something, you know, that someone would have told me something. [Sniffles] I-I thought that you didn't want me. All those years, all -- all the wasted time. [Sniffles]

Lucinda: I have regrets, too. The pain I caused you, the pain I felt being away from my boy.

Neil: So, let me ask you something. [Sniffles] If you had it to do all over again... would you -- would you have done it differently? Would you have stayed?

Lucinda: No.

Neil: All the pain, though. All -- all the lost time.

Lucinda: If I had stayed, the shape I was in, no telling what would have happened. I might have never been sobered up, and you growing up with a dangerous drunk for a mother, you could have been really hurt. Or worse.

Neil: But it also could have worked out. We could have been together. And now we'll -- we'll never know.

Lucinda: I know. I made the right decision. All I have to do is look at the man you've become. Neil. The way you turned out, I'm proud of you, son. I'm so proud of you.

Neil: [Sobbing] Mom.

Kevin: Somebody thought that there was a big, scary monster under her bed.

Daniel: Oh, no! Did you chase it away?

Kevin: No, it was a false alarm. But we're gonna let mommy sleep, right? Bella, this is my friend Daniel. He has a little girl, too.

Daniel: Yes, I do. Her name's Lucy. She's in kindergarten.

Kevin: Kindergarten? Geez, time flies, huh?

Daniel: Hmm. Tell me about it.

Kevin: Can you say hi to Dan? Yeah, I know. He has that effect on women. I don't think the mustache is helping.

Daniel: [Laughs] Story of my life, right? [Sighs] Look, man, I don't want to bail on you guys, but if I want to catch my flight, I got to go.

Kevin: [Sighs] It's always so great to see you.

Daniel: Oh, group hug. Great to see you, too. Really hope things work out for you and Chloe, man.

Kevin: Thanks. Me, too.

Daniel: Tell her I said goodbye, hello, goodbye, whatever. And she's a lucky woman.

Kevin: Safe flight. I'd say I'm the lucky one, huh? What do you think?

Nick: Doc, thanks so much for coming. We really appreciate it. I also appreciate your discretion.

Chelsea: I don't know what I would have done without you. I mean, when I saw that -- that amber alert, I completely just -- my heart sank.

Nick: I'm just so glad you called and gave me a chance to help and try and make this right. I really hope you and Adam have a safe and happy life.

Chelsea: Thank you. [Sighs]

Nick: Look, you cannot get back on the road, not in your car, anyway, so I'll take you. We'll go pick up Adam, and then we'll go to the airstrip.

Chelsea: No, that's -- that's really sweet, nick, but you can't be involved in this.

Nick: I'm already involved, Chelsea. Let's go. Look, we're not gonna argue about it. This is happening.

Chelsea: Okay, you know what? Let me just call Adam so he doesn't panic when he sees your car pulling up.

Nick: Okay.

Chelsea: Hi, baby. Oh, it went to voicemail. Hey, it's me. Connor's gonna be okay. We saw the doctor. Everything worked out just fine. So I have the medicine and we're on our way back, but, um, nick is gonna be with us. I'll explain when I see you. Just make sure your bags are ready, and come out to the car when you see us pull up, okay? We're gonna be able to make it to that plane in no time. I love you. [Sighs]

Paul: [Sighs] That was really good.

Christine: You were starving.

Paul: Yeah, I was. You know, I'm just so glad that we could have dinner together.

Christine: Me, too.

Paul: [Chuckles] You know, sometimes I just feel so damn lucky. That at the end of the day, we have each other. It makes it all worthwhile.

Christine: Even after a day dealing with Victor?

Paul: Well...

Christine: [Chuckles]

Paul: Not every day's perfect. Yeah. You ready to go?

Christine: More than ready. Okay.

Paul: All right, then. Hey, hi.

Lily: How was your dinner?

Paul: Fabulous.

Christine: Excellent as always.

Lily: Good.

Paul: In fact, all we need is the check. We're ready to go.

Lily: Actually, there won't be any.

Christine: What do you mean?

Lily: Uh, that woman over there, she took care of your dinner. Said that you two reminded her of her and her late husband.

Paul: Aww. [Laughs]

Neil: So, it's getting late, and I should probably get back to Genoa City. I'd love to come back and see you sometime, uh, maybe next week?

Lucinda: Next week?

Neil: I mean, yeah, if that's okay. I got to tell you that I'd love to bring my kids. You know, Devon and lily. And then I got this beautiful boy, Moses. And I-I have grandkids. They are your great-grandchildren, and they are responsible for putting all this together.

Lucinda: [Voice breaking] You don't owe me anything. But I want to ask you for one thing.

Neil: Sure. What's that?

Lucinda: Stay with me.

Neil: Yes. Yes, of course.

Dylan: [Sighs]

Sharon: I'm sorry I lost it earlier.

Dylan: It's okay. Come on. Let's have a seat, okay? Here you go.

Sharon: Thank you.

Dylan: I know that there's a lot going on.

Sharon: The thought of us being separated, the thought of you losing sully, the thought of you even taking a risk like that because of some dire need to go after Victor?

Dylan: It's not gonna happen. You have my word.

Sharon: Okay, well, you say that now, and I know you believe it, but I've seen what this has done to other people, including nick. And it's all bad.

Dylan: Okay. All right. I agree with you. Victor is the least of our worries until we figure out where Adam, Chelsea, and Connor are.

[Cell phone rings]

Dylan: Sorry. It's the station. Give me one second. McAvoy. Okay, thank you for the update. [Sighs] They spotted the car.

Nikki: Jack, I'm going to say this as someone who has been married to you and values our friendship very much. Don't stand in judgment of me or my marriage.

Jack: Nikki, all I'm saying --

Nikki: Nobody knows what happens, what goes on between two people. But I do know this. You would be better to examine your own relationship and stay the hell out of ours.

Jack: Okay. It's on both of you now.

[Door opens]

[Door closes]

Victor: My baby.

Nikki: [Sighs]

Victor: You never cease to amaze me, you know.

Nikki: Oh?

Victor: Everything will be all right now.

Nikki: If you say so.

Victor: Yeah, I say so. If Christine and Paul had something, they wouldn't have come here for a fishing expedition. Hang tight. Everything will be fine.

[Car horn honks]

Nick: All right, I'll go get him.

Chelsea: No, I'll go. You stay with Connor. I don't him to get spooked if he didn't get my voicemail.

Nick: All right. Just try and hurry.

Chelsea: Okay. I will. All right, you be a good boy for uncle nick, okay? I'm gonna go get your daddy.

Nick: Chelsea!!

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Chloe: [Breathing heavily]

Paul: There was an explosion in a cabin about five miles from here. A witness saw a man, a woman, and a child.

Nick: Here, hold on to that. I'll be right back.

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