Y&R Transcript Monday 8/29/16
Provided By Suzanne
[Door opens]
Nick: Dad.
Victor: My goodness. Welcome home, son.
Joshua Morrow (Nick): Getting this job was life-changing. It's really been a dream come true.
Victoria: What on earth are you doing here?
Jack: Well, invite me in and I'll tell you.
Amelia Heinle (Victoria): I knew that the Newman family was like the biggest family in the soap world.
Victoria: What are you doing here?
Nick: Do you really think I was gonna let you go through this alone? You look beautiful.
Morrow: The thing I love most about playing nick Newman is that he's a character that I would be friends with.
Nick: Just make sure this company is run exactly the way it should be and you continue to be the amazing mother you always have been.
Victoria: I think that is the nicest possible way of rejecting my offer.
Nick: [Chuckles]
Heinle: I like the relationship that she has with her family. I love the show's family dynamics.
Victoria: One, two, three. Yay!
Morrow: I obviously love being a part of the Newman clan. You get to work with Eric and Mel and Amelia. Any chance I get to use my athleticism, I just love doing. My arch rival, matt Clark, and I would have this huge fight in the coffee house.
Nick: Punk.
Matt: Nobody calls me that.
Morrow: I just couldn't wait to do it, and we just went at it. Who says, "you get to destroy this set. Go ahead"? We're like, "all right. Let's go." We held nothing back.
Matt: You want some more, Newman? Come here! Is that enough? Come here, boy!
Nick: Yeah!
Heinle: My favorite moment on "y&r" -- [Chuckles] So long ago. I was the art historian. They had me pull down these huge glasses, and my eyes looked, like, this big in it, and somehow, I knew how to put this reliquary -- make an exact replica of it. We have a lot of fun on set, probably way too much fun. Do you want to do an Irish jig?
Victor: How could you fall for a lose like that?!
Heinle: [Laughs]
Braeden: [Laughs]
Both: [Vocalizing]
Morrow: Oh, you went high. You went really high.
Bergman: They said, "cut."
Morrow: Oh, oh. I was still in character.
Both: [Vocalizing]
Heinle: 11,000 episodes. Wow. It's amazing. It's great! I love it!
Morrow: Thank you so much for bringing us into your house every single day.
Heinle: And being a part of the legacy that it is.
Morrow: Just, honestly, the greatest thing that ever happened to me.
Heinle: Thank you for watching.
Morrow: Now here comes another one.
Heinle: Enjoy the show! Mwah!
Chelsea: Until Nikki showed up with this phone, I wasn't sure if... [Sighs] I was so scared. I'm still scared.
Adam: Well, I will always be okay. And I will always come back for you. Baby, you got to know that by now, right?
Chelsea: I should know that by now, shouldn't I?
Adam: How's Connor doing?
Chelsea: See for yourself.
Adam: Wow, he's perfect. And soon we'll all be together, okay?
Chelsea: I just don't understand. I mean, h-how did all of this happen?
Adam: Plenty of time to explain later. But for now, we just have to follow Victor's instructions.
Chelsea: Victor?
Adam: I know it seems risky.
Chelsea: Oh, Adam, I don't trust him.
Adam: Yeah, I know. We really don't have a choice, though. Our only chance at a future together is my father keeping his word, so right now we have to trust him.
Dylan: Sweep the house and the grounds. Don't forget the barns, the maintenance sheds, and any building. Look for any trace of the escape, okay? Thank you. Go.
Victor: What the hell do you think you're doing? This is harassment. This is an invasion of privacy. What do you think your mother thinks of about all -- this is her home, as well. You have no worries about her feelings?
Dylan: 10 seconds ago, you were too sick to talk to me, and now you won't stop. So which is it, Victor?
Victor: Listen to me. I want to ask you which it is. You accused me of putting my son into prison. Then you accuse me of helping him break out. Which is it?
Chloe: You know, what -- what if Adam shows up here? It could be dangerous. I-I need to get Bella out of here. It's not safe for us.
Kevin: Dylan said nobody in or out.
Chloe: Okay, and Adam really cares what Dylan says.
Kevin: Nothing is gonna happen. Bella is safe, and so are you.
Chloe: [Sighs]
Nikki: Kevin is right. Adam is long gone. He's not gonna be coming here. You and your baby are safe.
Kevin: But...how can you be so sure about that?
[Knock on door]
Travis: Ignore it.
Victoria: Ignore what? Oh. Billy has a key.
Travis: What?
Victoria: [Sighs]
Phyllis: Take it easy. You don't know anything about Daniel. You don't know anything about the accident that killed Cassie, because that's exactly what it was -- a horrible and tragic accident.
Daniel: Mom, it's okay. Mariah's right. It's my fault your sister's dead.
Jack: What did I just walk in on?
Luca: Oh, nothing. Just a little pre-wedding nerves. That's it. Summer and I just need a chance to talk alone.
Jack: I want to hear from summer. You okay? I just heard shouting.
Luca: Oh, come on. Give her a break, Jack. She doesn't need you badgering her, not after that disaster of a party. Look, she has enough of her family already turned against us, all right?
Summer: They didn't turn against us, Luca. They turned against you.
Luca: Look, summer, they've gotten into your head again, all right? We've worked through everything else, okay? We can work through this. Please. Let's just go talk alone, all right?
Summer: Call the police now, Jack.
Luca: Put down the phone. I don't want to hurt her.
Adam: Okay, hon, just stay quiet. Move quickly. Everything will be all right.
Chelsea: [Sighs] There are a million things that could go wrong.
Adam: They won't.
Chelsea: Adam, there are cameras all over the street.
Adam: I know. They'll be turned off.
Chelsea: Because Victor said so and you actually believe him? That's enough for you?
Adam: It'll have to be. Chelsea, he apologized to me. He admitted everything that he did. Like I said, I don't know what the hell's going on right now, but right now we don't have a choice but to trust him.
Chelsea: Yeah, I mean, I-I guess Nikki wouldn't be helping Victor if she thought he was gonna pull the rug out from under us, right? I mean, she's here right now. She's downstairs. She's the person who gave me the phone. Plus I suppose this whole thing puts Victor at risk, too, so...
Adam: It's really happening. We're gonna be together, okay? If you're having any second thoughts at all...
Chelsea: No, no. Of course. I'm sure.
Adam: Okay. Do you need me to go over the directions again for you?
Chelsea: No, I got it. I actually should go. I've been up here too long. Adam. I love you.
Adam: I love you, too. I'll see you soon. Goodbye.
Chelsea: No. No goodbyes. No more goodbyes. I will see you soon. And then no more goodbyes ever, ever again.
Nikki: Well, I know because Adam is a very clever person, and he thinks ahead. And if he truly does want to be free, I know he has already made arrangements to leave the country. Chelsea? How's everything?
Chelsea: You know, I'm fine. Well, I'm not fine. I'm terrified. But, um, I'm feeling better.
Chloe: Yeah, you do seem calmer.
Chelsea: Oh, well, you know, I was just upstairs. Connor was sleeping, and I was just watching him sleep, and it was really sweet. So it's just, uh, looking at him reminds me that Adam will always be with us, you know? In our hearts, I mean, no matter what.
Nikki: Of course. All right, um, I'm gonna take off. I will be praying for you and Adam and Connor. You will get through this.
Chelsea: Thank you.
Chloe: Uh, Nikki? Um... your phone. Do you need it? You know, the one that Connor was playing with?
Victoria: What are you doing here, Billy? Is it the kids?
Billy: Kids are fine. They're with grandma Jill.
Travis: So what's the big emergency then? Why you letting yourself in a house you don't live in?
Billy: I didn't have a choice. I had to come.
Travis: For what?
Billy: Well, if you must know, Travis, Johnny forgot his book. It's a new edition of "bumpy the camel." It's a real page-turner. You'd probably love it.
Victoria: That's why you let yourself in? For a book?
Billy: Yeah. Whatever Johnny wants, Johnny gets. So, Travis, did you sail all the way from Mexico to Wisconsin? That's got to be tricky.
Victoria: Oh, my goodness.
Billy: How long are you here for?
Victoria: That's none of your business, Billy.
Billy: No, it is my business if it involves my children. If he's here to convince you to take Johnny and Katie, go out on the open ocean without me knowing about it, that's most definitely my business. Is that why you're here, skipper?
Travis: Actually, no. I'm back here for good.
Summer: [Gasps] Don't do this, Luca. Please. Just let me go.
Luca: Toss me the cell phone, Jack.
Jack: Let go of summer first. This is between you and me now.
Luca: No, no, no. Toss me the phone and get away from the door. Summer and I are leaving.
Jack: You want me to just drop it on the ground? You want me to toss it to you?
Luca: Come on. Stop stalling.
Jack: I just want to give you what you want.
Luca: Just give me the damn phone! [Breathing heavily]
[Cell phone thuds]
Jack: Why, Luca? Why? Because you sabotaged the oil tanks?
Summer: Yes, he admitted it, Jack. He did it. Luca, please, okay, you come from a powerful family. You do not need me. You do not need the Newmans. Just go home, Luca, please.
Luca: Really? That's it? We're done, huh?! All those promises and all those words of love, and now it's just, "go home, Luca"?! [Breathing heavily] God, you're supposed to be loyal to me, damn it. Not them, not your family. [Breathing heavily] Why'd you let them come between us?
Victor: So, a bunch of incompetent cops lost my son. That's my fault?
Nick: Dad, be honest with me. Did you take the law into your own hands and help Adam escape?
Victor: Son, you know damn well that he has eluded the cops before. He has eluded us before.
Nick: Yeah, well, a plan like this requires a lot of money, lot of connections, some imagination.
Victor: Think this through. If Adam were to abscond with my grandson, do you think I would allow that?
Dylan: Hey. What's the update?
Victor: He has found nothing. There's nothing to find.
Dylan: You know what? Form a perimeter with the others and put everybody on high alert. Thank you.
Victor: You found nothing, right? But you know something? Make sure he takes a look under every mound of horse manure. Maybe Adam is hiding there.
Dylan: You're a pro, Victor. You arranged the phony guards, the prison van, every detail of Adam's escape, just like you took care of all the details to have him framed, and I'm gonna get it all.
Victor: I'm going up, okay?
Dylan: I can't let you do that. Can't let you slip away and put
Victor: What'd you say?
Dylan: Well, you have two choices. You can stay down here or I can take you down to the station. What's it gonna be?
Victor: Any good coffee down there?
Nikki: Oh, no. No, my phone is right here. All right. You give me a call in the morning, let me know if you need anything. I know you're terrified. Stay strong.
Chelsea: I will. Thank you. Connor and I appreciate everything.
Nikki: All right. I'll check in on you. Hmm. Everything will be okay.
Chelsea: Thank you. [Sighs]
Chloe: You need some tea or food?
Kevin: I could do a crimson lights run.
Chelsea: Oh, no, you guys are the best. Um, no, I'm good. I'm pretty beat, so I think I'm just gonna go upstairs and snuggle with Connor and try to get some sleep.
Chloe: Yeah, works for Bella and me.
Chelsea: Yeah, I knew you'd understand. I'm really glad you're here. I don't think I realized how much I missed you until you showed up at my door.
Chloe: Well, I missed you, too. I'm not going anywhere. Let me know if you need anything.
Chelsea: I will.
Luca: I said move!
Jack: Luca, tomorrow was supposed to be your wedding day. Now you're using your bride as a bargaining chip?
Summer: Luca, I know that you love me, okay? [Voice breaking] Because I did. I loved you. Is this because of your family? The expectations of you? Do you think that because you do something wrong, you can't undo it? That is not true. Luca, I know that deep down inside of you, you are a good, caring person. And that person is real.
Jack: Summer's right. Look, even if you get out of this building, even if the police don't catch you, Victor is involved. He is no friend of mine, but trust me, you hurt his granddaughter, there is no turning back.
Summer: Luca, Luca, I know you don't want to hurt me, right? Please. Please.
Luca: I'm sorry.
Victoria: You're staying in Genoa city for good?
Billy: Wow. You didn't know? You two need to work on your communication.
Victoria: You know what? I'll go get Johnny's book. And you can just wait outside. I'll bring it to you out there if you like.
Billy: I'm fine here.
Victoria: Okay, good. I'll be right back.
Billy: So why the big decision to stay landlocked, Travis? You get seasick? Did you run out of money? Let me guess. You came here for a job or -- or just a sugar mama?
Travis: [Chuckles] Makes you crazy to see me here, doesn't it, knowing I'm not gonna make the same mistakes you made?
Billy: Which ones specifically? Because I have them in alphabetical order.
Travis: Come on, Billy. Why don't you just admit it? You didn't come back here for a book. You came back here for Victoria.
Phyllis: No. Just because she looks like Cassie does not mean that you are gonna go down this guilt hole again. The accident was not your fault, and I know you know that.
Daniel: Cassie was just a kid. I-I look at you and...
Mariah: I'm not Cassie.
Phyllis: That is obvious. And Cassie would not blame you for her death, so I'm not gonna let her beat you up for something that she does not understand.
Daniel: She's right. You don't understand. So I'll tell you myself.
Phyllis: That's not what I meant.
Mariah: Go on.
Daniel: Cassie was a good kid. She was smart, she was sweet, but she wanted to be older and cooler, you know?
Mariah: She had a crush on you, didn't she?
Daniel: You know, the night that, um, the night that it happened, I was drunk. That was definitely my fault, and Cassie -- Cassie was just being Cassie. She wanted to help me. So she decided to drive me home, only something happened.
Phyllis: That's why they call it an accident. It was her decision to get behind the wheel.
Daniel: Yeah, for my sake. And everything that happened after that was my fault.
Phyllis: No! No, it's not. Do you want to hear the rest? Do you want to hear how guilty this made Daniel feel? How he thought this whole thing was his fault and how it almost destroyed our entire family?
Daniel: Okay, Mom? Mariah and I, we're -- we're gonna talk privately now.
Phyllis: You keep your claws in.
Daniel: [Sighs]
Mariah: Are you sure that you want to do this? Because your mom is right. I'm not Cassie. If ever there was an evil twin, you're looking at her.
Billy: Really? You think that's why I came back? To declare myself to Victoria while my mom watches our children?
Travis: Mm-hmm.
Billy: I think maybe you've been swimming with sharks too long. You feel a threat where there isn't one.
Travis: Oh, I never said you were a threat, Billy.
Billy: Wow, you're quick, Travis.
Travis: Thing is, you won't get Victoria back.
Billy: Because of you?
Travis: Because of you.
Victoria: Okay, good. No blood. That's reassuring. I couldn't find the "bumpy the camel" book, so just tell Johnny I'm sorry.
Billy: Not a big deal. Probably time to move on to something new anyways. As you were.
[Door opens]
[Door closes]
Victoria: I'm really sorry about Billy barging in like that. Old habits, you know. But he's gone. And I'm here and you're here. And I missed you.
Travis: Victoria. Do you honestly want to give us a shot, or is your ex always gonna find a way back in?
Victor: You know, Dylan, you and I really aren't that different. You're a father to a boy. One day he'll grow up. He'll make mistakes. And the question is how far will you go to protect your own son out of love, right?
Dylan: So you admit you helped Adam escape?
Victor: Do you remember the day that you absconded with Connor, huh? You broke many a law, didn't you, out of love?
Dylan: So you want to confess without confessing, that's fine. Just tell me where Adam is.
Victor: You're not listening to me.
Dylan: No, you and I are not the same for a bunch of reasons. The main one -- I would never put my son in the position you put yours.
Victor: You think you're that different? Time will tell.
Chelsea: Oh, where's your arm? [Gasps] There it is! That's my good boy! [Sighs] I'm going to hold you, and I am never gonna let you go. We're gonna go start our new life with daddy, okay? And it's gonna work out this time. It has to. Come here, baby.
Kevin: Hey, I checked with the guys outside. The perimeter is secure.
Chloe: Okay, they have cops everywhere?
Kevin: Nobody can get in. I promise you.
Chloe: No one can get in.
Kevin: What?
Chloe: Never mind. [Sighs] This is the worst. I mean, Chelsea -- she seemed weird to you, right?
Kevin: Her husband is about to skip the country, and if he's caught, well, it's not the most reassuring scenario.
Chloe: There's no way that she can sleep through this. I'm gonna go check on her.
Chloe: Hi, I'm just making sure you guys -- you guys okay? Are you already asleep? Chelsea. Chel--
Kevin: We keep telling Chloe that Adam's not gonna show up here, but he's not exactly predictable. I --
Chloe: They're gone! Chelsea and Connor, they're gone! [Sighing]
Daniel: I'm sorry that you never got a chance to meet your sister. Truth is, if I hadn't put her in a position to drive me that night...
Mariah: Thank you.
Daniel: ...The two of you might be together now.
Mariah: Oh, no. That's definitely not on you. From the second that Cassie and I were born, stuff had happened that you had nothing to do with.
Daniel: Yeah, I've heard.
Mariah: It's a messy story, right?
Daniel: It's kind of par for the course for this place.
Mariah: [Laughs] That's very true. Very true. But now I live with my mother, my little brother and sister. People tell me that's what's called a family. It's a crazy concept. I'm getting used to it. And every day I learn more about Cassie, how different we are. I'm glad that she had the happiness that she did. I just wish it would have lasted longer.
Daniel: Yeah, but you have a family and you have friends. In fact, um, you stole my best friend, one Mr. Kevin fisher.
Mariah: [Chuckles]
Daniel: He talks about you a lot.
Mariah: Yeah. Let me guess. Uh, awkward sex and jealous flower theft.
Daniel: [Laughs] No. [Laughing] No! Wow. Um, no, I did not see that coming. I am definitely gonna have to ask him about that.
Mariah: Ohhh, my God. That wasn't embarrassing at all. Not at all. Did he also tell you that I say stuff without thinking?
Daniel: Now, that -- that he did mention. And the truth is, I don't think the guy could function without you on his side.
Mariah: Oh, he'd survive. Haven't you heard? Chloe is back in town. That's the only person that Kevin needs.
Nick: What happened? What'd he do?
Jack: Nick, nick, calm down and listen.
Summer: Dad, it's not --
Nick: What'd you do to her, huh?
Luca: Go ahead. Punch me in the face with a cop standing beside me.
Summer: Dad, okay, just ignore him. Just let the officers take him out of here.
Luca: I did love you, summer. That was real.
Nick: Someone tell me. What did he do? Sweetheart, talk to me. What's going on?
Summer: [Sobbing] Luca was what you said he was. He finally admitted everything.
Jack: He admitted he was behind the oil spills. Summer tried to talk him into turning himself in. Once he was backed into a corner, he snapped.
Nick: Did he hurt you?
Summer: No, he didn't have a chance to. When Jack came in, Luca backed down.
Jack: She was so strong, so brave. You would have been so proud.
Nick: She shouldn't have to be brave!
Summer: No, so many of you guys tried to warn me. I didn't want to listen. I did this to myself.
Nick: No, no, no. Hey. This is not your fault. He did this.
Jack: Summer. I have to call your mom. Phyllis needs to know about this.
Summer: No, Jack, she's gonna freak out. Please.
Jack: Oh, believe me. She's gonna want his head on a platter.
[Pushing button repeatedly]
Phyllis: Next time I will take the stairs.
Billy: You do that. Why you working so late?
Phyllis: I had to clear my work schedule. I have a wedding to attend. Despite the fact that Victoria's sailor boy announced that Luca is indeed a slime, my daughter has decided to stand by her man.
Billy: Yeah, Travis couldn't save the day. He still got his reward from Victoria. That was a fun moment to walk in on.
Phyllis: Wow. You got veins popping out of your head. Very jealous. You were so territorial. So I guess when you and I were together, I wasn't the only one cheating.
[Elevator doors open]
Daniel: I know all about Kevin and Chloe, but they've been over for a long time. Chloe made that very clear. Can't change the past.
Mariah: Yeah, but Kevin doesn't have the best instincts when it comes to Chloe.
Daniel: [Sighs] He'll figure it out. She's not exactly subtle.
Mariah: I don't know. It's not that I don't want them together.
Daniel: It's just that you don't want them together?
Mariah: [Chuckles] Chloe hurt Kevin multiple times, and that makes me mad. Like, "boot her out of Genoa city" mad. But I don't know. Now that I'm saying that out loud, it sounds jealous and petty.
Daniel: Or it sounds like someone that really cares. You know, you could say that you're nothing like Cassie, but I can see the resemblance. And it's not just your face.
Mariah: Please don't say it's my heart.
Daniel: Okay, I won't. But only because you just did.
Billy: What was that?
Phyllis: Go away.
Billy: Are you somehow implying that I cheated on Victoria with you, Phyllis? Vicki and I are divorced.
Phyllis: You know what? A piece of paper is a piece of paper. A divorce means nothing. I risked everything for you. And why did I do that? Why? Because you told me you love me. And I fell for it, like some lovesick teenager, because I needed to rationalize why I did something so crazy and so stupid. "Because he loved me."
Billy: I meant what I said to you.
Phyllis: Oh, come on! I was your consolation prize! I was your glorified Bethany. I was nothing more than a distraction from the truth -- that you are still in love with Victoria.
Victoria: Billy and I have tried, Travis. We have -- over and over again. And we failed. And that's the reality of it, you know? And we have kids and history, and we'll always be connected. But not by love. Not anymore.
Travis: Would Billy agree with you on that?
Victoria: Well, I can't really worry about what Billy wants. I'm sure he's just in between women and he just had some extra time on his hands.
Travis: Yeah, enough time to come in here and look at you like you two belong together, like no one's ever gonna get between that.
Victoria: Yeah, well, something always came between us. And I'm done. I really am. So, I think it's time for me to say goodbye to something that I know is never really gonna... be a reality. It's never gonna work. And maybe take a chance on something new. I know you're not making me any guarantees, and I'm not giving you any, either, but... I'd really like to try for something real with you. Would you like that, too?
Travis: I'm not taking any chances.
[Door bolt locks]
Victoria: Oh, yes. That's an excellent idea. Uh... oh. Uh-huh. Yeah. Even better.
Travis: Want to hear my best idea yet?
Victoria: Yeah. I can't wait. [Laughs]
Dylan: Martin, thank you. You can report back to your post.
Victor: Listen to me. This is your mother's home. You treat her like a criminal?
Nikki: Yes, and it's not really very pleasant.
Dylan: That's it? That's your only reaction?
Nikki: I'm sure Victor reacted enough for both of us.
Victor: Your son is interested in bandying about with accusations, not in finding facts.
[Cell phone rings]
Dylan: Yeah. McAvoy. Go ahead.
[Sighs] Okay. Uh, put out an APB and -- and an Amber Alert.
Nikki: What? Something's happened to a child?
Dylan: Yeah, Chelsea took Connor and ran.
Nikki: [Gasps]
Victor: She took my grandson?
Dylan: Yeah, is this part of the plan? To reunite the family? Because my guy just said that you were at Chelsea's, and now this. Nikki, please tell me that you had nothing to do with this.
Nikki: My God! I was over there to check on Chelsea!
Dylan: Did you help Chelsea sneak off?
Nikki: And how would I do that? There were officers all over her apartment. What'd I do? Spike their coffee?
Dylan: I wouldn't put anything past either one of you.
Victor: Watch it, son.
Nikki: I cannot believe that you are speaking to me this way. Is this really how you feel about me? I want to know.
Dylan: [Scoffs] Unbelievable. You guys -- you guys are stalling. You kept me here all night so I couldn't look for Adam and Chelsea.
Victor: Didn't I tell you?
Dylan: Victor, I'm trying to help your family! I'm trying to get Adam and -- and Chelsea home safely! Why can't you see that?
Victor: Good night, detective. Good luck finding Adam.
[Door opens]
[Door unlocks]
[Door opens]
Chelsea: Adam.
Adam: Hey.
Chelsea: Hi.
Adam: How are you guys?
Chelsea: Oh, my God. Hi.
Adam: Come here, buddy. Come here. How are you? Look at you. I want to hold you guys.
Chelsea: Oh, my God.
Adam: You made it, huh? You made it. And now we're never gonna be apart again, you understand? All right?
Chelsea: Oh, my God.
Jack: I still can't get ahold of Phyllis.
Summer: A good thing. Once she hears what Luca did... I mean, honestly, if I had just listened to her or really any of you guys...
Nick: Look, all we cared about was keeping you safe, not who's right and who's wrong.
Summer: Yeah, but I was wrong. I mean, I put the company and I put the family at risk. I gave Luca access to all of it, and I chose him over the family so many times just by being with him.
Nick: Listen to me. Listen to me. You got to stop beating yourself up. Your mom and I, we will always support you. We will always have your back. And one thing I will never judge you for is being too trusting. Summer, that's who you are. It's your heart and your soul, and it's beautiful. And I pray that nothing ever happens to make you change that.
Jack: Red, where are you? Summer needs you. Now. Call me.
Billy: You think you get to call the shots? You decide when we're over. You decide how I feel. You decide what we talk about, when we talk about it.
Phyllis: Why are you here, Billy? You know, I'm gonna tell you why you're here. Because Victoria's lover is in town, and you want to prove to her and yourself that you're over her. But here's the thing. The fact that you got something to prove means you're not over her!
Billy: Why are we talking about Victoria, okay? You are the one that left me. You ran back to Jack and said that we were a mistake. You said that you didn't love me anymore. Those are your words. You were the one that says that you're never gonna commit to me.
Phyllis: Yeah, well, she made me say all that.
Billy: What are you talking about? What is that supposed to mean? Who made you said what?
Phyllis: You know, why did you follow me in here? Why don't you just leave me alone?
Billy: Did someone make you walk away from me?
Phyllis: Just get out!
Billy: Phyllis, did Victoria make you walk away from me?
Phyllis: You know what? Your mother did, Billy. She knows about us. Jill is the reason I had to go back to Jack.
Dylan: How'd Chelsea get out of here with Connor?
Chloe: Uh, how about you ask your officers instead of sounding like I'm the one responsible?
Dylan: I already spoke with them. I'm talking to you now.
Kevin: We don't know. There's only one exit. It's not like she jumped out of a window from up here.
Dylan: Okay, then how'd they get out?!
Chelsea: [Sighs] See? It's so much better than facetiming him, isn't it?
Adam: No idea.
Chelsea: So what happens now?
Adam: What happens now? We, um... we wait for a small plane to land at a nearby airfield. It's gonna take us to a private jet, and that private jet will take us to a foreign country that'll be the beginning of our new life. And Victor, uh, already arranged for passports and everything.
Chelsea: That was fast.
Adam: Yeah.
Chelsea: Oh.
Adam: What's the matter?
Chelsea: No, I, just, um, our new last name.
Adam: Rasmus.
Chelsea: But it's short for Erasmus. It means "beloved." When I was tending bar overseas, there was this hipster expat. His name was Erasmus, and he made sure to let me know that it was short for "beloved."
Adam: Hmm.
Chelsea: I guess he thought I'd be impressed. It's interesting that that's the name Victor chose for us. I mean, it must mean that he wants us to know why he did this for us.
Adam: You sure no one saw you leave the penthouse?
Chelsea: Yeah, I'm positive. It's not possible. That hidden passageway you built from your old apartment to ours, I mean, I didn't even know it was there. But once I discovered it... oh, my God. Okay, keep walking. We're gonna go see daddy, okay? Isn't that exciting? We're gonna go see daddy. It's all gonna be -- it's all gonna be okay.
Adam: I know it's weird, but back then, you got to remember I was Gabriel Bingham. I didn't have a wife. I didn't have a son. And I figured that passageway was -- was the only way I'd ever see him, so...
Chelsea: It turns out you didn't need it anyway. Before no time, we were back together as a family, and that's how we will always be -- together as a family.
Adam: We have one more night at least, right?
Chelsea: No, Adam. No. Don't do that. This is gonna work. It has to. Not one more night. We are going to have a lifetime of nights.
Adam: Well, right now, all I need is this night.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Kevin: If Chelsea's on the run with Adam...
Chloe: Then I'm never gonna see my friend again.
Dylan: You're both under arrest.
Adam: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold on a second.
Man: Don't move!
Adam: What are you doing?
Adam: Let her go! Dylan!
Chelsea: Adam!
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