Y&R Transcript Friday 8/26/16


Provided By Suzanne

Camryn Grimes (Cassie/Mariah): I don't know if "favorite" best describes Cassie's death, but when I look back at the impact it had on me, and on the audience, it was a significant moment in "Y&R's" history.

[Flat line]

Grimes: I feel grateful to have been part of such an iconic moment.

Hunter King (Summer): I feel like I've grown up with the character of Summer.  She's grown up a lot over the years.

Summer: I know that you think that everything I do is a disaster waiting to happen!

Nick: No, Summer, not everything.

King: My favorite moment on this show has to be...

Summer: I lied. Hope you're all happy.

Mariah: I knew you could be a human being!

Grimes: Was that one of her favorites that she chose?

King: Yeah, just another smooch at the coffeehouse. You know, one for the books. [Chuckles]

Grimes: My favorite Mariah moment was after she and Kevin had an unfortunate time in the bedroom.

Kevin: Did you say it wasn't? Like, you had as bad a time as I had?

Mariah: Oh, my God. It was awful.

Kevin: Awkward, boring.

Mariah: A complete snoozefest.

Kevin: [Sighs]

Mariah: Oh, my God.

Greg Rikaart (Kevin): What I love about Kevin is that he's really recovered from his checkered past. Yet he's never too far away from it.

Kevin: Your little bitch will ask for this!

Rikaart: My first favorite moment I would pick as the one from which all the other favorite moments came from -- big Friday reveal. We're watching Michael Baldwin at his desk. Someone walks into his office, and then you just hear...

Kevin: Hey, big brother. Long time, no see.

Rikaart: One other favorite moment -- new year's eve from a few years ago. Kevin and Chloe kissing at midnight. After so long, they finally got it right.

Kevin: You know they say what you do at midnight you're gonna be doing all year long, you know.

Chloe: Well, yeah. That's why I'm here. Duh.

Kevin: Good. Come here.

Elizabeth Hendrickson (Chloe): It was the perfect rom-com moment, and it was just such a beautiful, tender moment. I loved when Chloe gave birth in the cabin.

Chloe: Do you think that we could talk about this later? I'm about to drop a bowling ball here. Tell me what to do! [Sobs]

Hendrickson: When Chloe and Chelsea had their catfight. Oh, my God. We had such a blast.

Kevin: We are not doing this!

Chelsea: You are insane! You know that?!

Chloe: No!

King: 11,000 episodes. That's insane.

Rikaart: Such an accomplishment.

Hendrickson: It's an honor.

Grimes: Thank you so much for tuning in. We do it all for you.

King: Continue watching.

Hendrickson: It means so much to us.

Rikaart: Let's keep it up. And now...

Grimes: ...Here's another one.

King: Enjoy the show.

Luca: Thank you all for coming today. It means the world to me and summer to have you here, so thank you all for taking the time. Tomorrow I become part of your family. I don't take that lightly. Summer and I understand that there have been concerns about my goals, but they're simple -- to be the husband that summer Ann Newman deserves, to make her smile, to support her, to love her, to live a long and happy life together with her as my wife.


Luca: What the hell are you doing here?

Victoria: Travis.

Travis: I think you have a pretty good idea why I'm here, Luca. Sorry to bring everybody down, but I'm not here to toast the happy couple. Here to set the record straight. I wasn't the one behind the sabotage at Newman's oil facilities. That was our humble groom.

Chelsea: Whoa. Whoa, whoa, whoa! What is this about?

Chloe: Excuse me.

Kevin: Uh, Adam never showed up to the federal prison.

Dylan: Yeah, he escaped.

Chelsea: You lost my husband? Where is he?

Dylan: Well, that's what we're here to find out.

Chloe: Okay, well, you guessed wrong, 'cause he's not here.

Chelsea: How could he escape? He was in police custody.

Dylan: Well, the van never made it to the prison. There were no reports, alarm, or contact. The guards and Adam are just gone like they dropped off the face of the earth.

Adam: Hello?

[Footsteps approach]

Adam: Who's there? Who is that? What the hell do you want? You.

Victor: Just relax.

Adam: Relax? You want me to relax?

Victor: I'm here to help you.

Adam: You're here to help me? Oh, well... [Scoffs] I feel like you've done enough. Call the police. Get them over here. I want to go back to prison. I don't want to be here. What is this?

Victor: No one can hear you --

Adam: No one can hear me? Okay, well, then I'll just yell! 'Cause a lifetime in solitary's better than anything you have in store for me, I can guarantee you that.

Victor: You're safe.

Adam: Safe? I'll tell you what. Nothing about this feels safe. You sure you want to do that? What the hell is this, anyway, huh? What? Is this a trap? Some kind of trick? Everybody make it look like, uh, like I was trying to escape, right, so you tack on a few extra years of my sentence? Is that what the hell this is?

Victor: I want to right a wrong, son.

Adam: What the hell does that mean? You admitting what you did? That you doctored those journal pages? You messed with that body? You used it as a noose around my neck?! To -- to what? To punish me?

Victor: You know the way I grew up? When someone punched me, I punched them back twice as hard. I went too far. I tore apart your family. I tore apart your life. And I don't feel good about it.

Chelsea: What happened? How is this even possible? A defenseless, handcuffed man against armed guards?

Dylan: I think Adam had help from the outside. What was the last thing he said to you at the courthouse?

Chelsea: He didn't say anything to me. He hardly looked at me.

Dylan: Well, the bailiff said that you embraced Adam before he was taken to transport, so you were the last person to have physical contact with him.

Chelsea: Oh, come on, Dylan. What? You think I slipped him a key to his shackles and handed him a weapon? Made his van just disappear into thin air?

Dylan: Come on, Chelsea. Is it really that farfetched that you would pull one last, great con to save the man that you love?

Luca: This is a celebration. This is not the time or place to be throwing around false accusations.

Summer: I know why you're here, and it's not gonna work. The only one being set up is my fiancé.

Travis: I'm really sorry to tell you this, but this man you're about to marry is a bottom-feeding, back-stabbing cockroach.

Summer: I want you to leave now.

Victoria: Summer, at least hear what he has to say.

Nick: Get all the facts and then you can make up your mind.

Summer: I have already made up my mind. I am marrying Luca tomorrow.

Phyllis: There are two sides to every story, honey. You know Luca's already. At least hear Travis'.

Travis: You know Luca called me three days ago? He tracked me down in Manzanillo, told me never to come back to Genoa city.

Summer: Because you tried to wreck my family's company. That's why.

Travis: No. It's because he doesn't want me here to contradict his story.

Luca: That's a lie.

Travis: Pull the phone records. Check my computer.

Luca: The lie isn't that I called you. I did -- to demand that you come back here and take responsibility.

Travis: For crimes you committed and then fabricated.

Luca: Look, I have witnesses who spotted you near the two most recent sabotage attempts.

Travis: And I have witnesses who can vouch for my whereabouts the exact same time.

Luca: Yeah, well, a few set of aces will buy you a whole bar full of people who will say whatever the hell you want.

Travis: Come on, Luca. You're the brains behind the sabotage. I'm just the guy you tried to pin it on. Now, why don't you be a man? Admit it.

Luca: Look, I'm sorry you have to hear this, summer. The guy's a coward whose loyalty has obviously been bought.

Nick: Sweetheart, I know this is very difficult for you. But just hear Travis out before you make the biggest step of your life.

Chelsea: I pulled a horrible, horrible con on you when I lied and told you you were Connor's father. I know that. But I'm not that woman anymore, Dylan. I'm a wife afraid, very concerned for her husband's life. So you have to believe me. If I knew anything, I would tell you.

Chloe: So, is this how you look for Adam? Huh? You bully his wife? Does this look like an act to you?

[Cell phone chimes]

Chelsea: Any news? Is it about Adam?

Dylan: Yeah, the guards who were supposed to transport Adam to the federal prison, they were found about a mile away from the drugged, and no sign of the van.

[Connor cries]

Chelsea: I have to go to him. Please find him and make sure he's safe.

Kevin: You have to know Chelsea had nothing to do with this.

Dylan: The question had to be asked. Adam obviously had help, okay? We find his partner, we're gonna find Adam.

Kevin: An elaborately conceived, carefully orchestrated, perfectly executed plan.

Both: Victor.

Adam: That is a big confession coming from you. An "I'm sorry," even. Lot of regret. What's this all about? You want me to see the light at the end of this hellhole so you can grind me down even deeper?

Victor: I've set this in motion from beginning to end.

Adam: Oh, you're saying all the right things, but here we are. It's just the two of us, right? So what's your plan? Destroy the only witness?

Victor: I can't undo the damage I've done, but I can try to set things right.

Adam: Let me ask you a question. Do you realize what the hell you're admitting to? What's to stop me from going to the police right now? I go to the police, I turn myself in, and I bring you right along with me. What's to stop me from doing that?

Victor: It wouldn't do a damn thing, would it? Wouldn't undo the sentence that was passed down. It wouldn't bring back that prison guard that you nearly killed. And it certainly wouldn't give you what you claim you've always wanted -- to be free of your father.

Adam: That what you're offering me right now? Be free of you?

Victor: You can go anywhere you want, son. Start a new life, free of the Newman name, free of the Newman mantle, to start new. I will never see you again.

Adam: I'm not leaving my wife. I'm not leaving my wife, and I'm not leaving my son. No.

Victor: You don't have to leave your wife and your son. They'll go with you.

Adam: [Chuckles] Yeah, right. What -- what is this? 'Cause now I know you're lying. You're -- you're agreeing to never see your grandson again?

Victor: I grew up alone, without parents. So... I want you to be a father to that boy. And I'm willing to sacrifice for you... and for my grandson.

Summer: I don't need to consider anything except the people that were all about my happiness will do anything to trash the man that I love.

Nick: I said that I would always be here for you.

Summer: Yeah, except you were in on this, weren't you? Getting Travis here to spread his lies?

Victoria: Travis wouldn't lie.

Summer: Oh, no. He -- he wouldn't lie. Just like he didn't lie about his real life before he owned that dive bar? This room is filled with liars! The people that claim to love me so much.

Noah: I'll give you some love wrapped up in the truth, little sister. This guy is a dirtbag.

Sharon: Noah!

Noah: The worst.

Sharon: That's enough.

Summer: Jack. I mean, you -- you understand, right? Daniel? I mean, it looks like you're the only one who really gets it. True love, right?

Daniel: I'm all for true love. But if there's even a chance that this guy isn't the man you think he is, I'll help throw him out of town.

Summer: Okay. No. Fine. Fine. [Scoffs] You guys enjoy the party. We're leaving.

Nick: Summer, don't leave like this.

Phyllis: Summer, honey, wait!

Nick: Summer! Hey, it looks like Luca was behind the Newman oil disasters, and Travis is here. He could prove that he was lying.

Dylan: Okay, well, that's gonna have to wait.

Phyllis: It can't.

Nick: No, she's gonna marry him tomorrow if we can't change her --

Dylan: Right now my priority is Adam. He escaped.

Jack: Wait. How did that happen?

Dylan: We believe he had help. Where's Victor?

Sharon: Nikki said that he was here somewhere, but I haven't seen him.

Dylan: Okay, where's Nikki?

Victoria: Mom? She was just here.

Dylan: When did Victor and Nikki leave exactly?

Victoria: Hold on. You can't be suggesting that my parents had anything to do with Adam's escape.

Dylan: I hope, for Nikki's sake, that's not true.

Nick: Where you going?

Dylan: The ranch.

Nick: I'm going with you.

Phyllis: "My priority is Adam"? Are you kidding me? Are you telling me that they cannot spare another detective to investigate Luca? I'm gonna take care of this myself.

Jack: No, no, no, don't -- don't --

Phyllis: I have a daughter to protect!

Jack: There is nothing more that you can do.

Luca: [Sighs] I wanted this night to be so amazing for you. You know, I should have known your family would try something like this. But this, you know, dragging Crawford back here -- God, it's unbelievable.

Summer: Yeah. It is unbelievable.

Luca: Look -- [Sighs] I know how much you wanted them to be at our wedding, summer, and I've -- I've tried. You know, I've really, really tried, but I've kept my patience. You know, I've -- I've taken their barrage of insults, but, you know, I'm done. I'm done. That they would do this to hurt you? Look, we don't need them to be happy.

Summer: Yeah. Every single one of them was against us.

Luca: Look, the most important thing right now is that you and I still love each other, right? So let's just do it. Let's -- let's catch the next flight to some exotic location and get married, huh? How about -- how about Italy? Yeah? Or the Seychelles? What do you think about that, huh? Hey, and why -- why even come back, you know? Why not just live our lives for ourselves, you know, be done with the judgment and the hate? Come on. Hey, slowpoke. We really should get packing.

Summer: You know, we can still get married here tomorrow. The minister's still lined up.

Luca: Come on. Let's be romantic. Let's be adventurous. Live the life the rest of them are too afraid to live.

Summer: Why rush to take off? Why not stay and clear your name?

Luca: Come on. You saw how they're lined up against me. And with Dylan working for the police department, the chief and your grandmother so close -- come on. Do you really think I'd get a fair shot?

Summer: Okay, well, if you leave now, my family's gonna think that you're guilty.

Luca: I don't care what they think.

Summer: Okay, well, what about me, Luca? Do you care what I think?

Chelsea: Where's Dylan?

Kevin: He went to check on a lead.

Chelsea: Huh. But I see he left us a guest.

Chloe: Do you really have to stand there? Can't you just guard outside the door?

Kevin: It's not like she's gonna shimmy down the side of the building with a toddler in her arms. I got this.

[All sigh]

Kevin: I'm sorry that Dylan grilled you.

Chloe: But he believes her, right? That Chelsea had nothing to do with Adam's escape?

Kevin: He does. And we have a theory. Not like we had to look too far. That lead I was telling you about? Victor.

Chelsea: Of course. This has Victor written all over it. Smoke and mirrors. Now you see him, now you don't.

Kevin: At least now we know who we're dealing with.

Chelsea: Which scares me even more. What the hell is Victor planning next?

Victor: Connor deserves to grow up with his father and mother loving and protecting him.

Adam: So you're doing this... for me?

Victor: Doing this for your son. But when you make up your mind, you'll have to say goodbye to everything and everyone you know. There's no turning back. When this phone rings, I want you to answer it... and make the most important pitch of your life.

Adam: Dad. I don't know what to say.

Victor: [Sighs] You know, son... you and I have hurt each other a lot. But I've hurt you more. [Sighs] This is for family.

[Door closes]

[Doorbell rings]

Nikki: Oh, my goodness. Dylan, Nicholas. Is everything okay?

Nick: Not even close. Where's dad?

Nikki: He's upstairs sleeping.

Nick: Why'd he leave the party so early?

Nikki: He wasn't feeling well, so he came home. It -- it -- what's going on? Is --

Dylan: Adam escaped. And we think Victor's behind it.

Nikki: [Sighs]

Jack: I thought you were reconciled to summer finding her own way.

Phyllis: Luca could convince her to run. She could disappear.

Jack: I realize you're trying to protect your daughter, but, honey, if you get in her face, if you confront her again, it will only make things worse.

Phyllis: Yeah, well...

Daniel: Jack's right. You should listen to him. Take it from someone who's been on the other end of your cannons. It's gonna blow up in your face.

Phyllis: [Sighs]

Victoria: Thank you so much for coming.

Travis: Yeah. Not that it did much good. Sorry I couldn't get through to your niece.

Victoria: Yeah, I know. So am I. [Sighs]

Travis: Something else is going on.

Victoria: Yeah, there's something else going on. My parents have disappeared. Um, my brother Adam has just escaped from an armed escort to federal prison. And my other brother is trying to apprehend him. So, yeah, you're right. [Sighs]

Travis: I thought life in the high seas was risky.

Victoria: Can we just get out of here?

Travis: I thought you'd never ask.

Sharon: I'm cutting you off.

Noah: I'd like to cut off Santori's --

Sharon: No. Summer is your sister. We have to support her.

Mariah: Hey, you two. What's going on? The vibe in here is way off. Seems more like a funeral than an engagement party.

Noah: That's because we are mourning summer's good sense. Time of death -- now o'clock.

Mariah: [Chuckles] Somebody's feeling no pain.

Sharon: That's why I'm taking him home.

Mariah: Oh. Where's snowflake and soon-to-be Mr. Snowflake?

Sharon: They left early. There was some drama. I'll fill you in later.

Mariah: Oh. Well, I missed dinner. The buffet looks great, so I'm gonna stick around. I'll bring you a doggy bag?

Noah: You are the smart one. You would never choose the wrong man.

Mariah: Okay. That's great.

Sharon: Let's go.

Mariah: Thank you for that. [Chuckles]

Noah: I love you.

Mariah: I love you, too. Yeah, that's me -- the smart one.

Nikki: First you accuse Victor of being responsible of putting Adam in prison, and now you say he's responsible for having him escape?

Nick: Look, Mom, I think Dad was trying to teach Adam a lesson, then things spun out of control, so him helping Adam escape is his way of fixing things.

Nikki: It is absolutely ridiculous!

Dylan: When did you guys leave the party?

Nikki: Victor wasn't feeling well. I sent him home and I stayed a little while just to represent the family until there was that big confrontation between Travis and Luca.

Dylan: [Sighs] Look, I, uh, I hate to even ask this, but is -- is Victor really upstairs?

Nikki: You're questioning me?! What? Do you think I drove the getaway car?

Nick: I understand, mom, why you think you need to cover for dad. And I love you. But if you're not gonna be honest with me, I'm gonna look for myself.

Nikki: Nicholas Newman, don't you dare go --

Victor: Please stop harassing your mother. If you have a problem, you deal with me.

Nikki: [Sighs] Darling, you shouldn't even be up.

Victor: This won't take long, sweetheart.

Nikki: And then back to bed for you.

Victor: Yes. Don't you have an errand to run?

Nikki: I do, but it won't take very long.

Victor: Okay.

Nikki: And then I'm gonna check on you when I come back.

Victor: You do that, okay?

Nikki: All right.

Victor: So, what is this story about Adam missing? What are the police doing about it?

Nick: Where do you think he is?

Victor: Where do I think he is? How the hell do I know? I hope you guys are doing everything you can to bring him back safely.

Nick: Look, dad, I know you set all this in motion. If Adam's life is in danger --

Victor: Son, I am as concerned about Adam's life as you are, all right? That's why I hope you guys are doing everything you can to find him. Now go find my son.

Dylan: I'm not going anywhere.

Victor: Oh, you think he's here somewhere?

Dylan: Is he?

Travis: Nice place.

Victoria: Thank you. It's quiet, too. The kids are with their dad tonight.

Travis: Then I have you to myself.

Victoria: [Sighs] Yeah, you do. Is it wrong of me to want Katie to stay little forever so I can protect her and [Chuckles] Smother her with kisses every night?

Travis: I really am sorry I couldn't help summer see the truth about Santori.

Victoria: No. No, we've all tried. Luca has double-crossed and blackmailed and lied to just about everyone in my family and half of Genoa city. And it doesn't matter how much evidence we had or what we said to her. I just don't understand how summer could be so blind and walk out of that party still committed to Luca after hearing what she heard.

Travis: Love makes people do crazy things.

Summer: I need you to be honest with me. Did you have anything to do with the oil disasters?

Luca: Oh, my God. They've gotten to you again. Look, I thought we were a team, summer.

Summer: We are a team, Luca, and that's why I need you to tell me the truth. I won't judge you. I just need you to be honest.

Luca: Well, it sounds like you've already made up your mind, right?

Summer: I haven't! There's just so many people insisting that it was you, and it's not just my family. It's people that have nothing to gain by blaming you.

Luca: Yeah, except as a payoff probably.

Summer: Luca, you said that you couldn't find Travis, but yet you called him. Okay, what else aren't you telling me?

Luca: I did it. I sabotaged the oil rigs. All I wanted to do was to prove myself at Newman. And I was willing to do anything to make that happen. Anything. I just went too far. Look, but when I fell in love with you, my -- my priorities changed. To hell with Newman. All I want now is a life with you.

Summer: [Voice breaking] Thank you for being honest.

Luca: Thank you for understanding me. Thank you for standing by me. I've never had that. Now, let's hurry up and pack, all right? Start our new life together.

Summer: Luca. I'll go with you, but not to the airport. To the police station, because you have to do the right thing.

Luca: No, I can't turn myself in.

Summer: You have to. Or I will.

Daniel: I know that you mean well, but you can't tell summer how to live her life. Hey, you remember how well that worked out with me? You were against every single woman that I ever got involved with.

Phyllis: Well, I had good reason. Lily, the underage fugitives on the run. We had amber. I could say so, so much about her. And we had Abby with the sex tape.

Daniel: Okay. Okay, mostly with good reason. But I had to figure it out for myself. Same with summer. And she's a smart girl. She will get there on her own.

Phyllis: You can be so sure how?

Daniel: I did, didn't I?

Phyllis: Hmm.

Daniel: And we both have the same great mom.

Phyllis: You put it like that... I am just so happy you're here. I really am. I was hoping that heather and Lucy could join you.

Daniel: Me, too.

Phyllis: Honey, if this wedding happens, you are gonna be the reason I get through it.

Daniel: I got a feeling that no matter what happens tomorrow, you're gonna be the last woman standing. Oh, excuse me.

Kevin: Victor going rogue is a scary thought.

Chloe: [Scoffs] Springing Adam was just step one. There has to be an end game, but what is it?

Chelsea: And that's exactly what I'm afraid of.

Nikki: Oh! There's my beautiful boy.

Chelsea: What are you doing here?

Nikki: How are you, sweetheart? Oh! I just wanted to see my sweet Connor. That's all. My precious. There.

Chelsea: Oh. Uh, Nikki, are you all right?

Nikki: Well, no. How could anybody be all right? Adam has escaped. Dylan and Nicholas are making all kinds of accusations. I just had to come over here and make sure that Connor is all right.

Chelsea: Connor's fine. Um, are you sure you're okay?

Nikki: I'm fine. Now that I've seen my beautiful boy, much better. You know... I'm so sorry for barging over here without calling, and I won't do that again. I'll call.

Chelsea: Thank you.

Nikki: [Whispering] Listen, the cell phone that Connor has is not a toy. It's real. When you're alone, there is a number programmed in it. Use it. [Normal voice] All right, honey. I'll be thinking about you.

Victoria: So, I guess you'll be heading back.

Travis: Lot of water to sail.

Victoria: Did you, um, ever get that part for your generator?

Travis: I did.

Victoria: Look, thank you for, uh, for coming to help summer. I know the last thing you wanted was to get caught up in this mess.

Travis: Helping summer wasn't the only reason I came back. I'm here because I made a mistake, and I never should have let you walk off my boat. I want more than the fantasy, Victoria. I... I want you.

Luca: Look, you can't call the police.

Summer: You need to take responsibility, Luca.

Luca: What about us, huh? I love you. I want a life with you. We -- we can still make that happen.

Summer: You attacked my family's company, Luca.

Luca: They have done nothing but attack me, okay? Look, I'm sorry it went this far, all right? But it's over. It's in the past. There's nothing we can do about it anymore. Please don't make this more complicated than it has to be.

Summer: You made things complicated by lying to me, Luca. You made me turn against my own family.

Luca: Really? Okay, fine. Fine. Just give me a chance to leave, then, okay? Can you do that for me at least?

Summer: You cannot let Travis take the fall for something that he didn't do.

Luca: Summer, don't do that. Summer, give me the phone! Come on! Give me the damn phone!

Summer: Stop! Luca, stop!

Jack: Hey! What is going on here?

Mariah: [Chuckles] I haven't gotten that "I've seen a ghost" face in a long time. Are you new here?

Phyllis: Have you two met?

Daniel: Just got back into town. Brother of the bride.

Mariah: Daniel Romalotti, right? You're the reason my sister is dead.

Chelsea: Thank you. Um, thank you so much for stopping by, Nikki. You have no idea how much this means to me.

Chloe: You know Chelsea kicked her out of Connor's birthday. What's up with all the love?

Nikki: Well, you know how much my grandson means to me.

Chelsea: Yeah. Um, well, speaking of your grandson, he's probably beat, huh, mister man?

Nikki: Aww! Nap time!

Chelsea: Let me just, uh, let me just take him to bed and -- and get him some rest, right? You've had a long day, haven't you?

Nikki: Bye-bye, big boy!

Chelsea: All right, say good night to everybody.

Nikki: Good night.

Kevin: Night, bud.

Nikki: Love you.

Chelsea: He's very lucky to have a grandma that loves him so much.

Nikki: Oh, well, I'm very lucky to have him.

Chelsea: All right, time for beddies!


Nikki: My goodness. What a very strange day.

Chloe: Yeah, there is a lot of strangeness going on.

Nikki: Just a few hours ago, Chelsea knew where her husband would be for the next 10 years. Now...

Kevin: Nobody knows where Adam is.

Chloe: Or where he's going.

Victor: You think Adam is hiding in this house somewhere? Why don't you go find him? First you need a search warrant, don't you?

Nick: Well, if you have nothing to hide, what does he need a warrant for?

Victor: That's the law, son.

Nick: It looks suspicious.

Victor: I don't give a damn what it looks like. It's the law.

Dylan: It's also the law that I don't need a warrant when I'm looking for an escaped convict.

Victor: Ohh. You've learned a thing or two since you've been in the police force for a few weeks, haven't you?

Dylan: Yeah, yeah, that's right. That's right. Now I'm gonna take a look around.

Victor: No, you won't. Stop right there. I want you to get off my property immediately.

Nick: Dad, he's doing his job.

Victor: Both of you get out!

Nick: If Adam's here, you're putting him at risk, as well as you and mom!

Victor: I want you to get out.

Dylan: I'm not going anywhere. And neither are you. You're under house arrest until the officers get here and we can search the premises.

Victor: [Chuckles] All right.

[Cell phone ringing]

Chelsea: [Gasps] Adam. Oh, my God! Oh, my God! Are you okay?

Adam: Yeah, yeah. Uh, yeah. I'm, uh, yeah, I'm okay.

Chelsea: [Sighs] I have been going out of my mind. I-I didn't know what happened to you. I didn't know if I'd ever see you again. This is real, right? Tell me this is real.

Adam: Yeah, yeah, this is -- this is real. This is real. We're gonna be together.

Chelsea: [Sighs]

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Adam: Our only chance at a future together is my father keeping his word, so right now we have to trust him.

Victoria: Billy has a key.

Travis: What?

[Door opens]

Luca: Put down the phone. I don't want to hurt her.

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