Y&R Transcript Wednesday 8/24/16


Provided By Suzanne

Jess Walton (Jill): I started the show in 1987, so I have a lot of memories to share. And most of them, the really funny ones, are with Jeanne cooper.

Kay: Facts are facts, Jill, as much as you would like to rewrite history.

Jill: Oh, this is ludicrous.

[Glass shatters]

Jill: Not now!

Kay: Aah! Give me Chloe!

Jill: Ah!

Walton: She and I had the most wonderful relationship. The one that I particularly remember that I loved was when it was discovered that Phillip had left the house to Jill.

Esther: That toast is for Mrs. Chancellor.

Jill: Do you want it back?

Kay: Choke on it, Jill.

Walton: And I, of course, resented her little Chihuahua of a maid, Esther, so Jill rented this very large Doberman.

Kay: What is that?

Jill: His name is Ralph.

Kay: Um, Esther, have Robert bring the car around to, uh, the back entrance, please.

Kate Linder (Esther): After 34 years, I have a lot of favorite moments, of course.

Esther: Could I give you a hug? Champagne for the groom and sparkling cider for the...

[Tray clatters] Kate?!

Linder: One in particular that comes to mind...

Esther: You forgot the milk and lemon.

Rex: Oh. I'm terribly sorry.

Kay: Uh, I will get it, Ms. Valentine.

Linder: Mrs. Chancellor and Mr. Sterling dressed up as the maid and the butler, and I was able to dress up as the lady of the house. I loved every minute of that.

Jason Thompson (Billy) My favorite moment was my first day, meeting everybody for the first time. The people that I was working with make daytime go around.

Billy: Victoria, so what's going on here? Is this some sort of hell? Am I supposed to just watch you guys grieve for me?

Victor: If it helps you, we will use some of the profits and give it to a charity in Billy's name.

Billy: That's my deal.

Thompson: Billy has no boundaries on him. I feel like I can do anything with him and go from one scene to another scene with a different arc every single time, and I feel like I've been through a lot of ups and downs with this guy already.

Jill: Mwah. You do know that I love you, don't you?

Billy: In your frustrating, crazy kind of way, yes, I do.

Jill: [Chuckles] Well, I keep things interesting, though.

Billy: That you do.

Walton: For 30 years now, I've been thanking God that I get to do this.

Linder: 11,000 episodes. How amazing.

Thompson: To the fans of "young & the restless," we would not be doing what we do if it wasn't for you.

Linder: Keep tuning in.

Thompson: Thank you for watching.

Walton: And thank you for celebrating 11,000 episodes with us.

Linder: Now join us for this episode...

Thompson: ...Of "the young & the restless."

Walton: Enjoy the show.

Hilary: Prepare to be amazed.

Jack: In a good way, right?

Hilary: In a great way. It's for the foundation. Now, I have been cultivating a potential donor with very deep pockets, and my cultivation has paid off.

Jack: Hilary, I hope --

Hilary: Before you ask, I played it straight out of the not-for-profit playbook. But here is the result.

Jack: A million dollars?

Hilary: Yeah, aren't you glad you kept me around?

Jack: It's starting to look like the smartest move Neil and I ever made. This is fantastic!

Hilary: [Chuckles]

Neil: Why do you think those two are so happy?

Devon: Well, 'cause a million dollars buys a lot of joy. Hilary found a new major donor who, uh... hey!

Neil: Hey!

Devon: Guys, how you doing? I forgot that, uh, this is family tree day at school. How'd the presentation go?

Charlie: We won two gold stars.

Devon: You did?

Neil: What?!

Devon: High five. Congratulations. [Chuckles]

Mattie: Mommy promised us ice cream.

Lily: I did, but first, something you want to tell grandpa?

Both: Thank you, Grandpa.

Neil: Oh, I love you two. You're very welcome, but I really didn't do anything.

Lily: Yes, you did. You helped fill in the blanks on our family history.

Devon: Especially the details about your parents. You get a gold star, too, man.

Lily: And don't forget the ice cream.

Devon: [Chuckles]

Neil: The ice cream! That's right! Let me hear it one more time! Whoo!

Lily: And I figured since we were talking about them so much lately, maybe it's time for you to reach out to them.

Neil: Uh, lily, what have I told you? I'm good, you know? I'm -- I've made peace with not having my parents in my...life.

Hilary: Is that what you told them?

Victoria: God, my phone is blowing up.

Phyllis: Alerts about Adam?

Victoria: I landed, I checked in with my kids, I headed straight here, and now this? Adam pled guilty to some other crime? What the hell's going on?

Phyllis: Well, when you hear what's been going on around here, you will wish you stayed in Mexico.

Billy: The good thing is, we won't be shelling out a bunch of money for a film diva.

Cane: Uh-huh. So we go with an internet celebrity.

Billy: Or a few of them realistically with large followings.

Cane: It's still gonna be a lot cheaper.

Billy: But we hit the demographic on the head.

Cane: You know, it's kind of crazy how we turned a perfume promotion into a whole new product line.

Billy: We just got to get mom to sign off on those.

Cane: She'll sign off on it. Just have to get Victoria to sign off, if I knew where she was.

Billy: She's in Mexico.

Cane: What's she doing in Mexico?

Billy: She's there for business. I'm not sure when she's gonna be back.

Jill: [Laughs] Mmm.


Billy: What the hell?

Cane: Dad, what are you doing?

Colin: Kid, good to see you.

[Both laugh]

Jill: Look at them! The look on their faces!

Devon: Is there a reason that you shouldn't have told the twins about your parents?

Hilary: No, not at all. I'm just surprised that Neil was so open about his feelings, because I thought it was complicated.

Neil: Which is what I tried to convey to these kids.

Lily: And they heard you. Pretty much quoted you verbatim. Tell your grandpa.

Mattie: "Not everyone stays close to their parents."

Charlie: "When they become grown-ups."

Mattie: We'll always stay close to you, mommy.

Lily: Awww. We'll always stay close to each other.

Devon: Hey, how about I take the twins upstairs to the pool and get some ice cream before it gets too late?

Lily: That's a good idea. And actually, I'll just follow you guys up there.

Devon: Okay.

Neil: It's about time.

Devon: Thank you.

Jack: So, does everyone know the good news?

Hilary: I haven't had the chance to tell them yet.

Neil: Well, that's 'cause, uh, Devon actually beat you to it and...congratulations. Um, this one right here, she secured a major donation for our foundation.

Lily: Well, you were always good at getting money from people.

Jack: Well, this is for a very good cause. As a matter of fact, you and I should sit down and talk about how we're gonna allocate these very generous funds.

Neil: Yeah. Generous.

Hilary: Well, I will let you get upstairs to your children. What?

Lily: I saw the look between you and my dad when you mentioned his parents. You know something.

Hilary: I know everything that you know.

Lily: You know, after all the tricks that you pulled on my family, the least you owe me is some honesty.

Hilary: And after all of the drinks that you poured on me and the times that you pushed into the pool, I owe you?

Lily: Fine, then do it for my dad and Devon, then.

Hilary: Why can't you just drop this? Okay, fine. Neil -- his parents didn't just drift away. He pushed them out of his life.

Lily: Are you calling my father a liar?

Hilary: [Sighs] Well, do you want proof, or don't you?

Jack: I know you had your doubts about keeping Hilary on the board, but I see this, I'm very grateful that you voted in her favor.

Neil: Thanks. Yeah. Uh, lily's accusing me of casting my vote out of guilt.

Jack: Is she right?

Neil: Maybe. I just hope that for Devon's sake Hilary's learned from her mistakes, man. I also hope that your vote didn't come at too great a personal cost.

Jack: You mean Phyllis?

Neil: We know that she doesn't care for Hilary much.

Jack: And that's putting it tactfully.

Neil: Uh-huh. Jack... a million-dollar donation. That's hell of a lot of money. But let's face it. A good marriage -- priceless.

Victoria: This doesn't make any sense. The guard must have said something or done something.

Phyllis: Adam thought the guard was Victor.

Victoria: He thought he was attacking our father? I can only imagine how that must have made my dad feel. How's the guard?

Phyllis: In a coma.

Victoria: [Sighs] Well, there must be something that we can say to make the judge understand.

Phyllis: Michael -- I-I-I don't know. I spoke to him, and he tried everything he could to get Adam out of that prison, but he's insisting on pleading guilty.

Victoria: That doesn't sound like my brother. He's usually all about self-preservation no matter who it hurts.

Phyllis: Not anymore. He fired Michael.

Victoria: What?

Phyllis: Yeah. And the way it's looking for your brother, it does not seem like he's gonna want any representation for tomorrow's sentencing.

Victoria: Oh, man. Poor Chelsea. Just when she had reason to hope.

Phyllis: Well, welcome home! Hope's in short supply these days.

Victoria: I'm sorry I don't have better news for you, Phyllis.

Phyllis: Well, it is not your fault. When you called me and told me that Travis would not help us bring Luca down, you know, I... I had to resign myself to the unpleasant reality that my daughter is going to marry a rat. I did not totally resign myself, but, I mean, for Summer's sake, I'm not gonna fight it. Unless you think there is a chance.

Victoria: Uh, no. Travis is perfectly happy on his boat. He wants nothing to do with that cutthroat world that he left behind.

Phyllis: Even if it means leaving you behind, too?

Victoria: There was a moment when I thought that... [Chuckles] You know what? Travis' life is out there somewhere, and mine is here with my children and my work and my family. I don't need anything else.

Billy: Really wish I could unsee that.

Cane: All right, dad, listen, we're gonna go. And please don't do it on the conference table 'cause we have to work on there.

Jill: Oh, my God. Who did you two get to be such ridiculous prudes?

Cane: Oh, please.

Jill: I am merely showing my husband that I'm very glad he's back in town.

Colin: Listen to me. Even in the dog days of summer, Chicago's a pretty cold place without cookie here.

Jill: Mm-hmm.

Billy: Oh, my...

Colin: Look, I'm just trying to show my wife that I missed her. Is that a crime?

Billy: Uh, well, you should know. Have you committed any felonies lately, stepdad?

Jill: Don't you dare judge him! This is a committed family man. This is a quality you should aspire to.

Billy: Oh, no, no, no. Don't even try and go there. I love my children. I have spent as much time as possible with them with Victoria being away!

Jill: She wouldn't be away if you gave her a reason to stick around!

Colin: Is -- is this what it's been like since you started work here?

Cane: Pretty much.

Jill: Can I help it if I know better than our sons what is good for them?

Billy: That's right. Right, mother? You know best. You don't need me, just like I don't need you. So I quit.

Cane: You know what? I wanted to win this by actually putting in the hard work, but if you want to quit, go. Go. Forfeit. 'Cause you know what? People are just gonna say, "Billy Abbott's the loser that quits when everything gets too hard." So I'll see you later. Bye.

Billy: It's a good speech.

Cane: That was a good speech, wasn't it?

Billy: Okay, fine. I'll stay. Under one condition. Colin, you can help with this. Tell your wife to stop micromanaging my love life.

Colin: The micromanagement has really worked. I mean, it shows that you and cane and Victoria can really be a team and work well together. And on that transformation, I'm now ready to look at the house room by room, detail by detail.

Jill: Oh, and just to check out the code, we need to poke and prod every nook and cranny.

Billy: You know what that means?

Cane: Yeah, and I'm getting sick just thinking about it. Okay, please don't do it.

Billy: Stop. Enough. You can have the house tonight. You can poke and prod anywhere you want. Just stay out of my bedroom, all right?

Jill: Where you gonna be?

Billy: I don't care. It doesn't matter. Anywhere but there. I'll see you tomorrow.

Colin: [Sighs] Well...

Cane: Really?

Colin: You seemed to have lit a fire under him. Anyway, you also seemed to have convinced my son to follow his true path and partner in this exciting adventure.

Cane: Uh, there's no partner in this exciting adventure. You know why? Because all she's done is made Vicki, Billy, and I compete.

Jill: Oh, please! Didn't you just say that that competition inspired you?

Cane: Right, 'cause I've invested all my time into making sure that this is one of the best cosmetic companies in the world, and all you've done is made sure that we fight with each other and compete.

Jill: Not true, not true at all!

Cane: Really?

Jill: You know what I am dedicating myself to? Three things -- your success, all of us making a lot of money, and yes, Billy's happiness by any means necessary.

Phyllis: Go home to your kids. Believe me -- they grow up way too fast.

Victoria: You know, I really do hope things work out for Summer. I remember when, uh, I was a blushing bride, and I thought till death do us part meant it was gonna last forever. I'll see you later.

Phyllis: Okay. Take care.

Billy: Ready for our first dance? So, how does it feel, Mrs. Billy Abbott?

Phyllis: Like I'm floating. No more pretending, no more hiding. There was confusion and heartbreak for Jack and Summer and Victoria. And some people like Jill will never understand, but here we are. We're happy. We're married. Our real life can begin.

Jack: May I cut in? Yeah, my marriage has seen some tough times.

Neil: Yeah, Phyllis is back home now. I'm assuming that everything is moving forward, Jack?

Jack: Let's just say I'm determined to be hopeful.

Neil: Yeah? What about Phyllis?

Jack: Phyllis has made a real effort. Not only has she let go of her need for revenge against Victor. She's actually come to accept Summer's upcoming marriage to Luca.

Neil: Whoa, whoa. Now, hold on. That's a giant step. Maybe there is hope for Hilary after all.

Jack: She will come to see Hilary as an asset rather than a threat eventually.

Neil: [Laughs] You're just hoping for hope, right? Man, look, I'm just glad that you and Phyllis are back together again, especially after today's news.

Jack: Oh, Adam, you mean. Boy, that hit me hard. After all these years of trying to build a life worth living and through no fault of his own, God, it breaks my heart.

Neil: Just remember, Jack, you've got someone you love by your side. It's worth living your life for, man.

Jack: You know what? You could have the same thing if you stopped being such a loner.

Neil: Well, I'm not -- I'm not -- I'm not alone.

Jack: Oh? Is there a new woman in your life?

Neil: [Sighs] I'm talking about my family, Jack. They're beautiful people, and I-I almost lost them.

Jack: But they forgave you.

Neil: Thankfully. And the best part is that we actually trust each other again. Trust -- it's the glue that binds us together, Jack.

Lily: You stole my father's mail?

Hilary: I didn't steal it, okay? It came shortly after our wedding.

Lily: Well, why do you still have it? You're not married anymore.

Hilary: Just read it. Do you want to know the truth about your grandparents or not?

Lily: "Dearest Neil, I keep hoping you'll answer my letters. Just a word would mean so much, one word to say you forgive me. Until that day, you're in my prayers. Your loving mother."

Hilary: Neil tossed it and he never mentioned it. He also got... these, as well.

Lily: Some of these are addressed to me.

Hilary: And Devon and Moses and the twins. Somehow your grandmother, she's keeping tabs on all of you. But Neil, he threw everything out unread.

Lily: Why did you keep these?

Hilary: Because I thought that maybe Neil might have a change of heart one day.

Lily: Or because you wanted to use them to your advantage.

Hilary: [Sighs] Yes, of course you would come to that conclusion. You know, lily, you always seem to overlook the fact that there was a time where I truly did deeply care for your father. Those letters -- [Sighs] They belong to your family, so keep them. Okay? You can do whatever you want with them. You can throw them back in the trash for all I care. But if you want to know how Neil truly feels about his mother and his father, you're more likely to find it in those letters than on that perfect family tree.

Victoria: Hey. What are you doing here?

Billy: Just put the kids down.

Victoria: And?

Billy: And what?

Victoria: Uh, well, Johnny usually wants a bedtime story, but he doesn't usually need a shaving lesson. What's going on, Billy?

Billy: My mother and Colin took over chateau Billy, so I thought I'd stay here tonight.

Victoria: Hannah didn't tell you I was gonna be back?

Billy: She probably assumed that I knew. It's all good. I can get a place at the club. No problem.

Victoria: Billy. Stay.

Neil: So why did your highness want to see me? Oh, wait. Let me guess. There's a problem with the million-dollar donation. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I should have seen this coming from a mile away.

Hilary: No, the donation is on the level. Even if you're not.

Neil: What are you talking about?

Hilary: I gave lily the letter.

Neil: What letter?

Hilary: The one that you tossed in the trash when we were married, the one from your mother. You remember your mother, don't you? She was the woman that went her way while you went yours. Even the twins -- they know the story. Well, it is too bad that grandpa is a big, fat liar.

Neil: You had no right! -- None -- to give her that letter.

Hilary: No right? In your daughter's eyes, I am a lying, two-faced bitch. And your son, as much as he loves me, he questions my motives. But you -- you are the one that is keeping secrets and telling lies! So why, Neil? Why, after all of this time, after everyone has forgiven you for the things that you've done to me and the things that you've done to Devon? Tell me! Why can't you forgive your own mother?

Cane: Hey!

Charlie: Daddy, come swim with us!

Mattie: We can teach you the game uncle Devon taught us.

Cane: I will next time, on one condition, all right? You let daddy win.

Devon: Hey, about we go and get some ice cream now?

Cane: You want some ice cream?

Devon: Yeah?

Mattie: Yeah.

Devon: Let's go, let's go.

Cane: Come on.

Devon: Let's do it.

Twins: Hi, mom!

Cane: Hey. Hey. What's the matter?

Lily: Well, I thought I could trust my dad again. But he's been lying to me. He's been lying to all of us.

Jill: You haven't said one word about the renovations!

Colin: The renovations. Um... well, the renovation seems like, uh, same ol', same ol'.

Jill: This was hard work putting this all back together!

Colin: Huh?

Jill: But I think Katherine would be pleased, don't you?

Colin: I think, um, I think Kattykins would probably give you the thumbs up.

[Both laugh]

Colin: However...

Jill: Hmm?

Colin: She might be less approving of your scheming.

Jill: Ohhh. That's why you're in this mood. I will have you know that all I am trying to do is encourage your son...

Colin: Mm-hmm.

Jill: ...And find happiness for mine.

Colin: Ah. [Chuckles] Sweetheart, that malarkey might work with the boys. Ain't gonna cut it with me. There's more to this story. Much more.

Billy: Get the kids back down?

Victoria: Yeah. After about 20 questions from Johnny about my trip.

Billy: He's a smart boy. He takes after his mother. Here. Assume you could use it.

Victoria: Why?

Billy: Mexico. Sailboat. Travis.

Victoria: [Sighs] How did you know?

Billy: Phyllis told me.

Victoria: Hmm. Okay, so then I guess you know that my trip was a big, fat bust.

Billy: You tried.

Victoria: Gee, thanks.

Billy: When I heard you were going south of the border, it occurred to me that you might sail away with this guy and never come back.

Victoria: Yeah, well, he wanted me to.

Billy: What stopped you?

Victoria: [Sighs]

Victoria: I am not gonna lie to you. I was tempted to stay on that boat with Travis and sail off into parts unknown. But, um... I mean, come on. That's just a romantic daydream, right?

Billy: Well, didn't have to be. I would have watched the kids until you sailed back home.

Victoria: Hmm. Mm-hmm. Sure, well, I mean, there's work, right?

Billy: No, see, that's not gonna fly, either, 'cause cane and I both could have kept brash & sassy humming until you did make your way back home. So what's the real reason why you didn't stay with him?

Victoria: Wow. You are so smart. Why don't you tell me?

Billy: Okay. It's not the thought of what you were leaving behind. It's the fear of the new horizon. A new relationship, new feelings, new dangers.

Victoria: Dangers? Wow.

Billy: Falling in love is the most dangerous thing you could ever do.

Victoria: You sound like someone who knows.

Billy: Look at that. I broke the rules, didn't I? We promised not to meddle in each other's personal lives.

Victoria: Ah! Look! That's it. That's it, isn't it? You have someone, not just someone who fits into your "hit 'em and quit 'em" routine, right? You found someone special. Like Travis is to me. I'm right, aren't I?

Billy: What does it matter? Nothing lasts forever. Look at us.

Victoria: Yeah, you're right. You know, I was thinking that on the plane ride back home, but... Billy, you can't check your feelings like you check your bags.

Jack: Hey, what a nice surprise. I thought you had to work late tonight.

Phyllis: Changed my mind.

Jack: Okay. Obviously you're upset about something. What is it? Did you tell Victor you're not gonna fight Summer's wedding anymore?

Phyllis: Oh, no. Victor has other things to worry about.

Jack: Adam's new situation.

Phyllis: Besides, Victoria came back without Travis.

Jack: At least you were forewarned.

Phyllis: Yeah, and that sealed the deal. And since this wedding train is taking off, I'm gonna jump aboard, you know. I am going to keep my word and support my daughter even if I dread the moment when they say, "Who gives this woman in marriage?" And Nick has to say, "Her mother and I do." So...

Jack: I'm sorry.

Phyllis: [Sighs deeply]

Jack: Hey, I got something that might cheer you up a little.

Phyllis: Yes. Please.

Jack: Check it out.

Phyllis: Wow. Cool million.

Jack: Thanks to Hilary.

Phyllis: She brought this in?

Jack: Without an assist from me or Neil.

Phyllis: Well... play it safe. Deposit it before it bounces.

Cane: I don't understand. Hey.

Devon: I think I made a bad call with the, uh, the post-pool ice cream.

Cane: All right, all right. All right, I'm gonna get you guys dressed and warm, all right? We'll talk about this later, okay? Come on. Let's go.

Devon: Hey. I thought the kids' handiwork made you happy. What's wrong? Something they put in the family tree?

Lily: Something that was left out -- on purpose.

Neil: You have no right to question me or my motives. You lost that privilege a long time ago, the minute that we got divorced. I'm leaving.

Hilary: Okay, you don't owe me an explanation, but you need to talk to someone, Neil.

Neil: I don't need to do anything. Get out of my --

Hilary: The truth about your mother, it is eating you up! I can tell! I've been there! Or have you forgot that I have many mommy issues of my own?

Neil: [Sighs] It's not that simple.

Hilary: Well, try me. Neil, you have to talk to someone. Better me than Devon or lily, because you hate me. You don't care what I think about you. So what do you have to lose? And no, I am not recording this to use for blackmail, if that's what you're thinking, okay?

Neil: I really don't care what you do. [Sighs] The truth is, all I know is what my father told me, you know. My -- my mother was -- I mean, what's a nice way of saying -- unhappy. Unfaithful. She was there in the house, and then she was gone. I didn't know if she walked out or my father threw her out. All I remember is the silence that filled that house. It was deafening. Broke my father's heart.

Hilary: And yours.

Neil: She used to send me letters every year. And I-I didn't read any of them.

Hilary: You weren't even curious?

Neil: No, I'm -- I wasn't then and I'm not now. And then after my dad pulled himself together, he fell in love. Beautiful woman. [Sighs] Happened to be Malcolm's mother, you know. She was a good lady. She gave my father a chance at love again. I sent back all my mother's letters. Now I just throw them in the trash, even the cards that she sends to lily and the kids.

Hilary: You couldn't forgive her, just like you couldn't forgive me for turning to Devon.

Neil: You were unhappy, my dear. You were unfaithful.

Hilary: In your eyes, I was her. I was unforgivable because I was just like your mother.

Jill: So, what do you say we begin our inspection?

Colin: Jill, uh --

Jill: No. We can start with the kitchen. We can do the dining room. And, oh, Esther --


Jill: She's gonna toss her tofu when she sees her room.

Colin: Jill, look, I --

Jill: Hmm. You want to go straight to the bedroom, don't you? It's more comfortable anyway.

Colin: Uh... you're avoiding my question.

Jill: It doesn't matter, baby. Come on. We can talk about it tomorrow morning.

Colin: No, no, no, no. We're not gonna put this off. And please let's not discuss putting Billy's life back on track, hmm?

Jill: When did you get so suspicious?

Colin: When you started acting suspicious. Now, you came down here for a temporary visit. And the next minute, you've undone everything that Billy did to the house.

Jill: He took a once gracious home and turned it into a man cave, Colin!

Colin: Then you bought brash & sassy.

Jill: It was such a bargain!

Colin: You uprooted yourself from a lifestyle that we had and came down here without any explanation.

Jill: Genoa city's my home, Colin.

Colin: I -- Chicago was your home. We were happy there. Well, I thought so. What changed?

Victoria: Oops. Okay. I'm sorry. I violated our agreement by asking you some personal questions and going on and on about my feelings for Travis. I'm not gonna say another word. No, I'm not. You want some more wine?

Billy: You sleep with him?

Victoria: Excuse me? Where do you get off asking me that question? I am trying to respect your privacy. I think you should respect mine.

Billy: So is that a "yes"?

Victoria: It's a "none of your business."

Billy: Wow, that's definitely a "yes." Pour me another. Please. Was it good?

Victoria: Okay, yes. I slept with him, all right?

Billy: Oh, really?

Victoria: [Sighs]

Billy: But?

Victoria: But I-I wish I hadn't. I...

Billy: So it wasn't that good?

Victoria: Because it... it was good. It was -- it was actually really good.

Billy: Now you're just saying that.

Victoria: Which made it even worse because it wasn't fair because I was hoping it would bring him back to town, honestly.

Billy: No, see, I think that's totally fair because he was hoping that he would do the exact same thing and keep you on the boat.

Victoria: I suppose, yeah. [Sighs] Well, it's getting late. I'm gonna go upstairs. And I'm gonna get your pillow and blanket so you can sleep on the couch.

Billy: Right.

Jack: I don't want to talk about the foundation or Summer's wedding or Adam's sentencing.

Phyllis: Well, that pretty much takes all and every conversation that we have on the table, so let's go home.

Jack: Actually, I was hoping that I could show you, not tell you, how much you mean to me, how much I adore that smile.

Phyllis: Well, I adore yours, too.

Jack: You know, we have the space practically to ourselves.

Phyllis: Are -- I can't even believe what you're suggesting.

Jack: Well, nothing that scandalous, but I like the way you think.

Phyllis: [Chuckles] What are you suggesting?

Jack: I'm just talking about a little dance. Come on.

Phyllis: Well, Jack, there's no music that I can hear.

Jack: You know what they say. We can make our own music.

Phyllis: But there are customers and waiters watching us.

Jack: Ohh, let them watch. Let's pretend this is our first dance, Mrs. Abbott. Hey. What is it? What's wrong?

Cane: Hey. The kids are playing with some kids from school. So, what's up with the letters?

Lily: They're from my dad's mom. He threw them away.

Cane: Where'd you find them?

Lily: Hilary had them. If she hadn't saved these letters, we never would have known there was more to the story.

Cane: Which is?

Lily: I don't know. She's asking to be forgiven in them, but I don't know why. I mean, what could she have done that was so horrible? Why would my dad have the need to lie about it?

Cane: Well, there's a return address, so maybe it's time you got in touch with your grandmother and you found out the whole story.

Neil: You know what? From now on, why don't you stick to foundation business and worrying about your own life? Focus on making my son happy and stop digging in the past.

Hilary: You will never be free from the past until you can forgive me, okay? Forgive me, Neil, for cheating on you the way that your mother cheated on your father.

Neil: Would you just stop? Just drop this.

Devon: Hey. She's just trying to help the family.

Neil: Yeah, okay. Devon, I -- you -- you don't know what's going on here.

Devon: Well, lily showed me all the cards and the letters, so you want to tell me what they mean?

Neil: They mean despite what your wife says, some things are better left in the past. 'Cause all they can do... is cause more pain.

Jill: Nothing has changed. I love you. Mwah. I want to be with you. Mwah. I just need to be here in Genoa City right now. Look me in the eyes. Trust me.

Colin: This has nothing to do with trust. This has to do with me knowing you inside out and knowing that you're holding something back.

Jill: God, you're the most infuriating man!

Colin: Listen, when you came down here for your initial visit, something changed.

Jill: Yeah, I told you what it was!

Colin: Oh, no, I don't want to hear about Billy's crappy paint job. Now, you found something, something big. And now I believe you're exploiting it to your own purposes.

Jill: Oh, there's the word! "Exploiting"!! Exploitation -- that's you! That's your department.

Colin: Yes, exactly! And that's why you got to let me in on this, otherwise, well, I'm gonna find out about it in my own way. [Laughs]

Phyllis: No, no, no, no. Nothing's wrong. I just -- I'm -- I'm self-conscious with the waiters and the customers watching. That's all.

Jack: Come here. Come here. It's not like you to be embarrassed. Besides, as far as the onlookers go, they're just looking at me, seeing a lucky guy who's got a beautiful woman in his arms.

Phyllis: I'm the lucky one. You know, despite my worries for Summer, you know, I do wish I could be a bride again.

Jack: Do you really?

Phyllis: Yeah. So we could start over and undo all the wrong turns and missteps and missed opportunities.

Jack: Hey, hey, hey. You are still my bride.

Victoria: Okay! I hope you won't be too uncomfortable. But then again, it's not the first time you slept on the couch. [Sighs] Billy?

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Noah: Put the dress down, okay? Summer's not marrying that jerk.

Summer: Oh, my God. Daniel, you came.

Daniel: I wouldn't miss it for the world.

Chelsea: Please show him some mercy, because nobody else has.

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