Y&R Transcript Tuesday 8/23/16
Provided By Suzanne
Melissa Ordway (Abby): I grew up watching soap operas, so I knew all of these, like, iconic characters. I grew up with Victor Newman and Ashley Abbott, so I felt like I was part of their family.
Ashley: I don't really think I need to see-- ...a doctor.
Stitch: What do we have here?
Sean Carrigan (Stitch): It's probably the only universe where I actually get to say, "I'm a doctor."
Ordway: If I have to pick just one favorite moment, that would be my very first day working here.
Abby: Ah, Hey, Nick. We're over here.
Ordway: It was a big Newman family scene, and then Eric walks in, and I was so starstruck. I was just so excited. to be there.
Carrigan: I love the Halloween fire, Stitch and Ashley outrunning the fireball. It was a blast.
Stitch: Come on!
Justin Hartley (Adam): For me, sort of the pinnacle was the Adam reveal, Chelsea finding out that that was Adam.Adam: Let's toast to me, to Adam Newman.
[Glass shatters]
Chelsea: Why -- why did you just say that?
Adam: Um... uh, say -- say what?
Chelsea: That you were him. Adam.
Egan: Obviously I loved the Adam and Chelsea reveal, but I also love an Adam and Chelsea fight. They're great lovers, but they're great fighters.
Adam: You said it would be better for Connor if he just thought that I was dead?
Chelsea: No! I can't do this anymore! I'm so tired! I can't keep setting myself up to be disappointed by you!
Egan: Chelsea has gone through a lot, but I am confident that one day she will find her happy ending.
You've been drifting in and out of me caught between the two realities
Ordway: It is so exciting to celebrate 11,000 episodes.
Egan: It's such an honor to be on this show when it hits this huge mark.
Hartley: I am just happy to be a small blip of this fantastic show.
Carrigan: I'm very honored to be a part of it.
Ordway: Thank you for watching, and now...
Egan: ...Join us for another episode...
Carrigan: Of "the young & the restless."
Hartley: Enjoy the show.
Kevin: Well, that was unexpected.
Chelsea: What? No!
Nick: Did he say guilty?
Michael: Your honor... I'd like to request a recess. I need time to confer with my client.
Adam: I don't need a recess. Plead is guilty. I'm guilty. Your honor, thank you.
Chelsea: Adam, no!
Abby: Ben.
Stitch: Hey.
Abby: Hey.
Stitch: Hey. Shouldn't you be at the arraignment?
Abby: I was headed there, and then I just -- I turned into the hospital. It was like my car was driving itself.
Stitch: Oh, baby, come here. How you doing?
Abby: I'm more concerned with how that guard is doing. How's the man that Adam attacked?
Dylan: Hey, can I get in on that answer? I'm hoping to question him as soon as possible, get a clear picture of what happened.
Stitch: I don't think that's gonna be possible, Mac.
Abby: Why? What happened?
Stitch: The guard, Matthews, he slipped into a coma last night. He's on life support. His condition is deteriorating.
Mr. Newman, you're positive you'd like to enter a plea of guilty?
Chelsea: No, no, he's not. You have to stop this. You have to stop this right now. Blaming yourself accomplishes nothing. You're not guilty. This was a terrible tragedy, but this wasn't your fault.
Who are you, exactly?
Adam: Sorry. This is my wife, your honor. Chelsea, please don't do this.
Chelsea: Please, Adam, don't give up and don't give up hope. You have to fight for us. You have to fight for me and you and our son. Your son needs you.
Judge: Mrs. Newman, I need you to sit down.
Michael: Listen to your wife, Adam.
Judge: Mr. Newman, there seems to be concern from all corners regarding your plea. If you want to change it before it's entered into the record, now is your last chance. How do you plead?
Adam: Your honor, a man is in a coma, and I'm responsible.
Chelsea: No, you are not.
Adam: So I'm not changing my plea.
Chelsea: What are you doing?
Adam: Thank you.
Chelsea: You don't know what you're saying! You're not thinking straight!
Judge: [Bangs gavel] Order, please.
Chelsea: Your honor, my husband is blaming himself for what happened, but it's not his fault.
Judge: That's not your place to say.
Chelsea: Well, put yourself in his position! He's been cut off from his family, locked in a jail cell for something he didn't do! He hasn't eaten or slept in days! Anyone would crack under those circumstances.
Judge: Mrs. Newman, if you interrupt these proceedings again, I will have you removed from the courtroom.
Chelsea: But you don't understand --
Judge: I'm not immune to your pain. I'm truly not. But this is a court of law, not an open forum, and we will do our best to get to the truth. Now sit down.
Chelsea: [Whispers] What are you doing?
Judge: Sentencing is scheduled for 9:00 a.m. tomorrow. In the meantime, the prisoner will be escorted back to Walworth. [Bangs gavel] Court is adjourned.
Abby: I can't believe this is happening. Adam shouldn't have been in prison in the first place.
Dylan: No, he shouldn't have been. And he was about to get out because we finally got our hands on proof that he was framed, and that would have overturned his conviction. And now this.
Abby: He could be facing 10 years. It's not right.
Stitch: It could be. Not definitely. Not if Michael Baldwin has anything to say about it.
Abby: [Sighs]
Stitch: Apparently Adam, he hadn't been eating before the attack. He was hallucinating all kinds of stuff. And now that everyone knows that he was telling the truth about his original trial, it'll go a long way in his defense. Michael can argue he wasn't in his right mind.
Dylan: Well, he wasn't. I mean, none of us would have been.
[Cell phone chimes]
Abby: Oh, my god.
Dylan: What?
Stitch: What?
Abby: Adam pled guilty.
Dylan: Are you serious?
Stitch: [Sighs]
Abby: Can you imagine what Chelsea is going through right now?
Dylan: Just when they thought this nightmare was over.
Michael: Look, I know this has been traumatic, but you have to clear the cobwebs, Adam. You'll have to think. Look at her. Look at what you stand to lose. Your wife, your son, all for something that you weren't in control of. Now, look, I will fight for you. You know that. But I can't do it alone. You have to fight for yourself, because the good thing is, we're not out of options. Appeals can be made. Pleas can be changed. All you have to do -- all you have to do is cooperate.
Nikki: Why is Adam doing this?
Victor: I wish I knew.
Kevin: Adam had the chance to walk. I'll never understand why he didn't take it.
Chloe: I understand completely. I think Adam didn't fight for his freedom because he doesn't believe that he deserves it, not after what he's done. To the guard, I mean.
Kevin: Yeah, but if he didn't even know what I was doing? I don't know. I still don't understand.
Nick: You happy?
Nikki: Nicholas.
Victor: That's the last thing I wanted.
Nick: There's an innocent man going back to prison. There's gonna be a little boy without his daddy and a woman with a broken heart and a guard fighting for his life, and that's all because of you.
Victor: I'm sick and tired of your righteous attitude.
Nick: You put all this in motion. I hope you're proud of yourself.
Victor: Get out of my eyesight!
Nikki: I'll talk to him. Nicholas.
Nick: Mom, I don't want to talk about it.
Nikki: I don't care. We're gonna talk about it. What happened to Adam is not your father's fault.
Nick: Look, I get it. He's your husband. You just got back together. You need to defend him.
Nikki: Oh, god. You think that I'm turning a blind eye?
Nick: Believe him all you want. I won't do it, not after what he's done.
Nikki: And what is it you think he's done?
Nick: You were there. You saw how hell-bent he was on making all of us pay, all of us who testified against him. He tricked you into screwing over Victoria.
Nikki: That was a very unfortunate incident.
Nick: Unfortunate? Mom, he used you to get control of the board, and then he sold brash & sassy out from under his daughter.
Nikki: All right, it is one thing to sell a division of a company. It's a whole different thing to set up your son to go to prison, and your father would not do that!
Nick: He needed to show Adam who's boss. Maybe it didn't turn out the way he wanted it, but this is all on him.
Nikki: You're wrong!
Stitch: We're doing everything we can to help Matthews, believe me.
Abby: If he doesn't make it...
Dylan: Then it turns into a murder charge and there's no chance of Adam getting out.
Stitch: All right. I'll keep you updated, let you know if there's any changes either way.
Dylan: Thanks.
Abby: At least we know he's in good hands.
Dylan: Yeah, he is. The best.
Stitch: I should get back in there.
Abby: Yeah, go. Do your thing.
Dylan: How you holding up?
Abby: Okay. I guess. I-I don't know. I mean, I've been all over the map with Adam. I mean, I-I didn't want to believe that he killed Constance Bingham, but the evidence, it was so much, and knowing how badly he wanted to protect his identity... I feel terrible now, knowing that he's innocent. Thank god you found those diary pages.
Dylan: It doesn't matter. It wasn't in time. And if I would have found the pages earlier... Adam would be home right now with his wife and kid.
Adam: Tell me when my visitor has arrived!
Michael: It's not over.
Chelsea: "Last chance." That's what the judge said. "Last chance."
Michael: No such things as last chances. That's why appeals were invented. Look, Adam is still in rough shape physically and emotionally. We need to talk to him. We need to reason with him. We need to convince him to change his plea.
Chelsea: When he said guilty, everything just went dark. I've never seen him give up like that. Ever.
Michael: It was a surprise. It's a bit of a challenge, but it's nothing we can't overcome.
Chelsea: Do you really believe that?
Michael: First up, I talk to the judge, ask to get the sentencing delayed. The more time we get to work on Adam, the better.
Victor: So this was your grand plan, huh, Michael Baldwin? My son spending his time in a prison cell instead of playing with his family. I should never have allowed you to represent him.
Chelsea: Is this a joke?
Victor: No, it's not a joke.
Chelsea: You're blaming him?! We're here because of you!
Michael: It's all right, Chelsea.
Chelsea: No, it's not all right. You're the one that needed to play god! You're the reason we're here.
Michael: We should be focusing on helping Adam.
Victor: Yes. Starting with hiring another lawyer.
Chelsea: Please don't pretend like you care.
Victor: What do you mean, I don't care? He's my son.
Chelsea: He is your son. You're right. Ironically, the son that's most like you, the son that has spent his entire adult life trying to win you over and get your approval and impress you! It was never enough. And so finally he turned on you. And what do you do? You give him the ultimate lesson. You really show him who's boss. Well, congratulations, victor. Congratulations, because I don't even recognize my own husband anymore! He's completely defeated!
Victor: Who the hell are you to give me a lecture? You remember when you almost lost him before and you and I worked together to work things out? In fact, I sent you to Paris to get back your son Connor because Chloe had kidnapped him. You remember that? Will everyone stop blaming me for what's happening?! This hurts me more than... do you know how much this hurts me? I will do everything in my power to help my son. Don't you doubt that for a minute.
Dylan: Adam was forced to take a plea bargain for a crime he didn't even commit. Let's think about that for a second. Ripped away from your family for decades, haunted by the thought of your son growing up without you? There's nothing that Adam could do. Of course he lost it. It had to be torture in there.
Abby: I agree.
Dylan: The guard is in a coma because of what was done to Adam.
Abby: You're talking about my father. It's okay. Everyone knows you're investigating for Adam, trying to prove that my dad set him up.
Dylan: Just trying to find the truth, Abby. That's all. Look, I-I got to get going. Um...
Abby: Dylan --
Dylan: I know that -- that stitch said he would, but just make sure he keeps me in the loop, okay?
Abby: Sure. [Sighs]
Stitch: You're still here.
Abby: Yeah, I was talking to Dylan.
Stitch: And it didn't go well?
Abby: He's just so upset about what's going on with Adam. And, I mean, I get it. I'm upset, too, but... he thinks that my dad set Adam up.
Stitch: Mac said that?
Abby: Not in so many words, but I think it was out of respect for me. He definitely implied it. What do you think?
Stitch: I think Mac has some of the best instincts of anyone I know, instincts that saved my life.
Abby: Instincts that make him a great cop.
Stitch: Look, I'm not saying he's never been wrong, but if his gut's telling him something, I would listen.
Abby: So you think that my dad framed Adam?
Stitch: Look, I know it's not what you want to hear.
Abby: What I want to hear is honesty. Thank you. Um, yeah, okay, I'm gonna go, but I will see you at home.
Stitch: Yeah.
Victor: Leslie, I ask you again. Anything you can do, all right? Well, my son needs all the help he can get. All right? Thank you. I appreciate it.
Nikki: You're really worried.
Victor: [Exhales deeply] Yeah. My son just pled guilty to battery. I'm very worried.
Nikki: I wish Nicholas knew that. I wish he could have heard what you just said to Chelsea in there. I mean, you might be guilty of some things, but nobody could ever say that you're guilty of not loving your children.
Victor: I think it was a difficult day for everyone.
Nikki: Still, you didn't need that lashing out from Nicholas. If he could just open his eyes, he would see that you would never, ever treat Adam that way, put him away like that. You couldn't do it.
Victor: You know, I got to be very honest with you. I-I-I'm beginning not to care what Nicholas thinks. He has talked nothing but bad things about his father for a long time now.
Nick: Well, I don't --
Victor: I'm sick and tired of it. But I promise you that I will do everything in my power to reverse the damage that was done in that courtroom by that incompetent lawyer.
Nikki: I know you will.
Nick: [Sighs] I don't even know what to say about what happened in that courtroom today.
Adam: Quite a show, huh?
Nick: I'm sorry, Adam. I never should have doubted you. I never should have doubted that our father would take things this far. He is victor Newman, right? I mean, framing you for murder and using my dead wife to do it, it's just child's play for him.
Adam: I'm not looking for your pity.
Nick: It's not pity. You don't deserve this.
Adam: Don't deserve this? I, uh [Clears throat]... I attacked a guard. I choked him until he blacked out. He's in a coma.
Nick: And I feel terrible for him, and I pray he makes it. But he is not the only victim here. You have a case. Michael can fight this. You just have to expose dad.
Adam: It's too late.
Nick: It's not too late.
Adam: Listen, no one's gonna believe that victor framed me, okay?
Nick: You don't know that.
Adam: Even if they do believe it, even if Michael can prove it, I'm guilty. That man is in the hospital. That's because of me. He could die.
Nick: That was dad's fault, all right? He pushed you to the brink. You didn't know what was real and what wasn't. You didn't know what you were doing.
Adam: Here's what's gonna happen, nick. I'm gonna be held accountable, okay? And I should be held accountable.
Nick: What can I do to help?
Adam: Are you asking me? You want to know?
Nick: Name it.
Adam: Be a father to my son.
Victor: Come in!
Abby: Hi.
Victor: Abby!
Nikki: Hi, Abby.
Abby: Dad, I'm sorry I didn't make it to the courthouse, but I saw what happened. How's Adam?
Victor: [Sighs deeply]
Nikki: Nobody really knows how Adam is right now.
Abby: I feel so terrible for him.
Victor: Yeah, so do we all.
Abby: And that poor guard. Stitch is treating him now.
Nikki: Is there any change in his condition?
Abby: Unfortunately, he's getting worse.
Nikki: Oh, my god.
Abby: And the timing of it all.
Nikki: Just absolutely unreal.
Abby: Just when Adam was on the verge of being cleared, this happens to drag him down.
Victor: Well, you know, given the circumstances, he still has a chance to clear his name.
Abby: So why doesn't he fight?
Victor: He has given up.
Nikki: I have never seen him so defeated.
Victor: The sentencing is tomorrow. Unless, of course, he comes to his senses before.
Abby: Do you think that's a possibility?
Victor: Mnh-mnh. Not given his present state of mind. No.
Nikki: Chelsea begged him to change his mind. He wouldn't.
Abby: That sounds awful. What can we do? There must be something.
Victor: I'm doing everything I can to stop this downward spiral, make sure that he gets his life back.
Abby: Okay, well, um, I'm gonna go back to the hospital. I'll monitor things there. Let me know if there's anything I can do.
Victor: Okay, sweetheart.
Nikki: I'll walk you out.
Abby: Bye, dad.
Victor: And, Abby? Thank you for coming by, okay? It's in times like these that we need to stick together as a family.
Nikki: It was so good of you to come. Today was so difficult for victor. I know it was good for him to see your face.
Abby: Nikki, do you believe him when he says that he didn't frame Adam?
Chelsea: This whole thing is like a nightmare, a nightmare I can't wake up from. It doesn't make sense. Adam had an out. He had a good out. I mean, he wasn't even lying. He did not intentionally hurt that man. That's -- that's the truth. [Sighs]
Chloe: Deep breaths.
Chelsea: How can I breathe right now, Chloe? [Sighs] Are there any updates on the guard? Any changes?
Chloe: No, just the same that... he's in a coma and he's in critical condition.
Chelsea: I'm telling you, whoever set Adam up, whether it was victor or not, whoever set him up, they are just as responsible for what happened to that guard as Adam is. Why is he doing this? Why is he putting it all on himself? You know, it's almost like --
Chloe: It's like he wants to be punished.
Chelsea: You mean for Delia?
Nick: Connor has a dad.
Adam: You know what I mean.
Nick: No, I don't know what you mean. Look, you can still be a father to that boy while you're fighting to get out of here, and you will fight, Adam, because you have too much to fight for.
Adam: How am I supposed to give him what he needs?
Nick: It's not gonna be easy. But you'll find a way to make it work.
Adam: From in here?
Nick: From anywhere. Kids need love. They need advice and guidance. They need you to pick them up when they're down and straighten them out when they're wrong. You can do all that from in here.
Adam: Not the way I want to.
Nick: Switch it up. Change the plan. Make it work.
Adam: I don't want to make it work. He's my son. He deserves better than this. Weekly visits with his dad in a prison? Some guard hovering over our head listening to everything we say to each other? That's not parenting, nick. My son deserves someone in his life. Stability is important, right? He's gonna have questions. He's gonna need someone to answer those questions. He needs a man to solve the problems that he's gonna have that come up. He needs you.
Nick: You think you need to be around your son 24/7 to be a good dad to him? There are lots of dads who see their kids every day and they're terrible at it. It's quality, not quantity.
Adam: No, I couldn't agree with you more. Let's talk about quality for a second. Look at me. Look where I'm -- I'm wearing a shirt that says "inmate" on it!
Nick: You can do this, Adam. He's in good hands with you and Chelsea.
Adam: No! My son needs a man in his life while I'm in here. He needs you.
Nick: [Voice breaking] Why me? Why not jack, you know? Jack is his godfather. You picked him to be the legal guardian if anything ever came up.
Adam: Jack is amazing. I love him. But he's not a Newman. I need a Newman. Someone who can handle victor. And that, brother, is you. You've managed to remain a part of this family, this crazy-ass family, and you still managed to maintain your independence. It's admirable. I've always admired that about you. I've never said it out loud, but I've always admired it. And if you want me to beg, I'll beg you. I need you to pass that down to my son. Teach him how to be a Newman.
Your way. Don't let him make the same mistakes I made and get sucked into the family. I want him to be better than me, you know? It's the same thing we both would have wanted for Christian.
Nick: Why did you bring up Christian?
Adam: I'm just talking to you father to father now. That's common ground we share, right? Love that we have for our kids. That's why it hit me so hard when Christian died. You know, I could see how much you were suffering. [Sighs] I could see how much you would have just given anything to have your little boy back if not for a minute. That's the same concern that I have for Connor...and the way he's raised and the life that he's gonna have.
Nick: You want the best for him.
Adam: Yeah.
Nick: You can still give him that, Adam. You don't have to cut yourself out.
Adam: The thing about that, nick, is that I do, actually. I know what good parenting looks like. My mom. Hope, she -- she was... my mom's amazing. [Chuckles] I mean, she was, um, you know, stern when she needed to be. But she was, uh... gentle and encouraging and kind and loving and warm. You remind me of her, you know.
Nick: Of hope?
Adam: When I see you with your kids. I've seen you be stern with them, but... you're steady, man. You're like a rock. That's important. You're encouraging. And -- and -- and, I mean, all that paid off, right? Look at your kids. Look at Noah, summer. They're good eggs, right?
Nick: Yeah, most of the time.
Adam: Most of the time is all you can hope for.
Nick: Yeah.
Adam: And faith? I mean, she's -- what can you say? I figure eventually all of us will end up working for her one day, right?
Nick: [Laughs] Yeah, you're probably right.
Adam: I'm asking you, man. I'm begging you. Show my son that kind of love, that kind of encouragement. Make him feel safe, you know? Just, um... let him know he can talk to you, he can trust you. And don't forget the little things. I always figured that I would, uh... teach him how to throw a baseball, you know? I think that's important for a young man, to know how to -- to throw a baseball. [Voice breaking] And there's also one more thing, just while I'm thinking of it. You know those job interviews, they're so tricky. I was just hoping, you know, to be able to prep him for it, but you -- you can do that. You're good at that kind of stuff.
Nick: That's a long, long way away. He's not gonna need me for that.
Adam: If he does need you for that, if I'm not there, I need you to tell him that you're gonna be there for him, okay? Nick, please. Just... show up for him, all right? Especially the teenage years. You know, those -- those teenage years, right, they're tricky for a young man. He's gonna need to learn how to talk to girls. I mean, that's...
Nick: Well, you know, considering my track record, I should probably keep my mouth shut on that.
Adam: [Chuckles] Maybe, right? [Sniffles] It's a long, winding road, huh? I'll give you that. [Sniffles] Led you to sage, though, didn't it?
Nick: And you to Chelsea.
Adam: We're lucky. Nick... will you do that for me? Will you be there for my son?
Nick: It'd be an honor, brother. I'll look after Connor as if he was my own.
Adam: Thank you.
Chelsea: [Sighs]
[Connor babbling]
Chelsea: I feel like he knows something's not right. He was so upset upstairs.
Chloe: It's because he's 3. You're doing a great job at keeping everything normal.
Chelsea: Because of you. If you weren't here, I...
Chloe: I am, though.
Chelsea: You were right earlier. I think Adam... he didn't plead guilty because of the guard. I mean, he did, but I-I think it was also about Delia. That night will haunt him forever. I mean, he avoided taking responsibility for so long, and...
Chloe: He did, though. He had his day in court.
Chelsea: I guess maybe he feels like it wasn't enough. Maybe he feels like...he needs to be punished some more.
Chloe: I'm really sorry. I-I really thought that when I went to go see Adam and I told him that I'd forgiven him that he would finally be able to forgive himself.
Chelsea: This can't be how it ends. I have to do something. I don't know what. But I have to stop this. Nobody tears my family apart and gets away with it.
Dylan: Hey, Kevin.
Kevin: Yo.
Dylan: Finding Bethany Bryant just became our top priority.
Kevin: The woman who helped set Adam up? The waitress?
Dylan: The waitress. Nobody disappears without a trace. And we're dealing with an amateur who's never had that much cash before, and she's gonna screw up a dozen different ways. All we got to do is find one.
Kevin: And then what?
Dylan: "And then wh--" we arrest her.
Kevin: Which accomplishes exactly nothing since Adam just pled guilty to a different crime.
Dylan: Yeah, well, we can't just let the first crime go. Adam was framed. We got to catch the person who started all this. Look, Adam attacked the guard in prison thinking that --
Kevin: That it was victor.
Dylan: Right, and all roads lead back to victor. So if we nail him, we have a chance. It might be the only chance to get Adam through this.
Nikki: Of course I believe my husband. Can't you see how much he's suffering? He hates what is happening to Adam. He would do anything he possibly could to get him out, so no, he didn't put him there. What we need to do now is stay together as only we can. It's what the Newmans do best.
Abby: Right. Yeah, um... okay, well, I will talk to you soon.
Nikki: All right, my darling.
Abby: Bye.
Nikki: Bye.
Victor: That was nice of you to see Abby out.
Nikki: Yeah, she had some questions.
Victor: Oh, yeah?
Nikki: Actually, just one question. She wanted to know if I thought you had framed Adam.
Victor: What'd you say?
Nikki: I defended you.
Victor: Mm-hmm.
Nikki: Just as I did with Nicholas.
Victor: Mm-hmm.
Nikki: I said that you would never do something like that.
Victor: You're right. You're right.
Nikki: I also said it would never, ever enter your mind to frame any of your children to go to jail. But now... right now, it's just us.
Victor: [Sighs]
Nikki: So tell me. Did you do it?
Victor: We all make mistakes, don't we?
Nikki: So you did. You framed your own son for murder.
Chelsea: Nick, hi.
Nick: Hey. Is it okay if I come in?
Chelsea: Yeah, of course.
Nick: Hey, Chloe.
Chloe: Hey, nick.
Nick: I, uh, just came from the prison.
Chelsea: You went to see Adam?
Nick: Yeah. I wanted to apologize to him, you know, for ever doubting him, for ever thinking that he could ever kill Constance.
Chelsea: Thank you.
Chloe: How'd he seem?
Chelsea: It's okay, nick. You can tell me. I'm not gonna break.
Nick: Resigned. Like he was in court, like he, uh, just accepts his punishment, feels like he deserves it.
Chelsea: But he doesn't deserve it.
Nick: I tried telling him that.
Chelsea: But he wouldn't listen to you, either, would he? [Voice breaking] I don't understand. How can he do this to us? [Sighs] How can he do this to us?
Chloe: You don't want to get upset in front of Connor. Why don't we go upstairs? Can you watch him?
Nick: Yeah, I got it. [Sighs]
Kevin: You are putting me in the unfamiliar position of being the voice of reason.
Dylan: Okay, let's hear it.
Kevin: I get everything you're saying about Adam and getting him justice. Agreed. But you're leaving out one very important and inescapable element. You'd be going after your own stepfather. And if you're right and you can bring down victor, it will destroy your mom.
Victor: I'm amazed we're even discussing this.
Nikki: It's all right. I didn't expect you to admit anything. I'm not asking you to. I know who and what you are, victor. And I know that no matter what, you have always had your son's best interests at heart. You still do. Granted, there were some unexpected circumstances. But I'm sure you will take care of that.
Victor: Come here. I'll fix this. No matter what, I'll fix this. One way or the other.
Michael: Thank you. Okay. I just filed a motion to put off your sentencing. Only for a few days, but enough time to get some food in you, get you some rest, improve your state of mind.
Adam: I don't need more time.
Michael: Now, Adam, this is gonna be --
Adam: Michael, I'm firing you.
Connor: Some more. It spilled!
Adam: I need you to pass that down to my son. Teach him how to be a Newman. Your way. Don't let him make the same mistakes I made and get sucked into the family. I want him to be better than me, you know? It's the same thing we both would have wanted for Christian. Show my son that kind of love, that kind of encouragement. Make him feel safe, you know? Let him know he can talk to you, he can trust you.
Nick: Hey, bud. It's your Uncle Nick. I just want you to know I'm always gonna be here for you, okay? Everything's gonna be okay. I promise you.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Hilary: You are the one that is keeping secrets and telling lies, so why, Neil?
Victoria: What the hell's going on?
Phyllis: When you hear what's been going on around here, you will wish you stayed in Mexico.
Billy: Mother, you know best. You don't need me. Just like I don't need you. So I quit.
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