Y&R Transcript Monday 8/22/16


Provided By Suzanne

Melody Thomas Scott (Nikki): The show started in 1973. I didn't come in till '79.

[Crowd cheering]

Eric Braeden (Victor): Victor was nothing but a bad guy, and I played bad guys for years and years.

Victor: Nothing like a little nap after a big meal. My, my. What a dumb animal I have in my cage.

Braeden: Two months later, I do a scene with melody Thomas Scott.

Thomas Scott: I actually never thought I would work with Eric because he was involved in some other story line, and that was so far away from my stripping story.

[Cheers and applause]

Thomas Scott: I don't think we realized we would be beginning decades-long relationship.

Nikki: Merry Christmas, Victor. This is the happiest one of my life.

Braeden: Once I'd done that scene, I walked off the stage, and I knew that would open up a Pandora's box for all kinds of emotional scenes.

Victor: You are my mother? I've been waiting for you for years!

Braeden: Dorothy McGuire played the mother.

Victor: And you never looked back!

Braeden: She began to tell a story about how she left me at the steps of the orphanage.

Victor: [Voice breaking] You never looked back.

Braeden: The scene worked out wonderfully. I have the fondest memory of that.

Thomas Scott: There are so many favorite moments. The weddings, of course, have to stand out in my mind.

["Here Cthe Bride" plays]

Nikki: By wearing this ring, I pledge to you all that I am now and forever.

Thomas Scott: And the continuing saga of Victor/Nikki. That's always going to be forefront in my mind.


Thomas Scott: Nikki and Victor love to fight. When we have fight scenes, when it's over, we hug each other and we say, "[Gasps] I love to fight with you." Sick. I know. Actors.

Braeden: Who I enjoyed working with a lot and who I miss... ...is Jeannie cooper.

Kay: [Laughs] How are you feeling?

Victor: Very happily engaged.

Nikki: [Chuckles]

Kay: Congratulations.

Braeden: Yeah.

Thomas Scott: I can't believe it's been 11,000 episodes.

Braeden: It doesn't feel like that. It really doesn't.

Thomas Scott: I'm quite certain we'll make it to 12,000 and past then, and that's because of you all, so...

Braeden: Fasten your seatbelt. You think 11,000 shows we showed you a lot? You just wait. Wait what's coming up.

Thomas Scott: And keep watching. Here comes another one.

[Knock on door]

Nick: Bad time?

Phyllis: Nick. Not at all. I was about to call you. What is the deal with Adam? He attacked a guard.

Nick: It's a mess. The arraignment's in an hour.

Phyllis: So Dylan found proof that he was really set up, and then he just went crazy and attacked a guy? I mean, he was about to be released from prison. I don't get it.

Nick: Yeah, it's a lot of moving parts in the situation. I'll learn a lot more once I get to the courthouse. I came by 'cause I wanted to know if you've heard from Victoria.

Phyllis: That's why I was gonna call you. I was hoping you found out something.

Nick: No. Nothing.

Phyllis: Damn it.

Nick: Look, Victoria loves summer. She doesn't want her to marry Santori any more than we do.

Phyllis: Well, if she can't talk Travis into coming back here to prove that Luca is shady, then I don't know --

Nick: Look, I'm sure Victoria is gonna do her absolute best to persuade him.

[Seagulls calling]

Travis: How long you been awake?

Victoria: I think for about five minutes. For the first four and a half, I was trying to figure out where I am and why the room is moving.

Travis: [Chuckles] Really?

Victoria: Yeah.

Travis: You remember last night?

Victoria: I remember parts of it.

Travis: What parts? Remember this part?

Victoria: [Laughs]

Travis: Or this part?

Victoria: I recall that. [Chuckles]

Travis: I'm so glad you're here.

Victoria: Me, too.

Michael: All right, just keep him there, please. I'm on my way. Yes, thank you.

Victor: What do you mean, you're on your way? Where are you going? My son is about to be arraigned.

Michael: I've just come from filing a brief, and now I'm headed to prison to prep Adam, so I don't really have a lot of time to chit chat.

Victor: How exactly do you intend to defend him?

Michael: You have no idea what really happened --

Victor: I know enough.

Michael: That guard had no intention of hurting anyone. Adam was delirious. He thought he was attacking you.

[Door opens]

Chelsea: Adam.

Adam: Yeah.

Chelsea: Oh, my god.

Adam: It's all right. I'm sorry. I screwed this whole thing up. I'll -- I'll figure this out, okay? I'll fix it. I will.

Billy: These are beautiful, Jack.

Jack: They were dad's.

Billy: Where'd you find them?

Jack: Ashley and I were going through some of his stuff yesterday.

Billy: The anniversary of his death.

Jack: Yeah. Hard to believe he's already been gone for 10 years.

Billy: I think I remember him wearing these. He'd wear them to church on Sundays, right?

Jack: Ashley and I agree they should be yours.

Billy: Wow. Thank you. You got time for a coffee? I --

Jack: Yeah, yeah, I'll get them.

Billy: Can't imagine I'll be wearing these for my wedding any time soon, so it looks like it'll be summer and Luca's.

Jack: Oh, boy, that is such a mess. But you know how Phyllis is.

Billy: Yeah, I do. She makes up her mind, it's impossible to change.

Jack: And she does not want this wedding to happen. Just kills me what she's doing to her relationship with summer. She's gonna alienate that girl if she continues to keep her from making her own choices. I guess if I'm forced to look at the bright side of things, at least Phyllis isn't lying to me anymore.

Phyllis: You know, maybe jack's right. I'm obsessing about this. I know that I cannot control our daughter's life.

Nick: What if summer had been really pregnant? I mean, we were this close to having Luca a part of our lives for good.

Phyllis: Don't remind me.

Nick: If you ask me, you can't be too involved in a situation like this. Travis is gonna come back to town. He's gonna tell summer the truth about Luca. And this will all be behind us. And I'm sure summer will thank us for getting her away from that creep.

Luca: So what do you think? Horse-drawn carriage? That's romantic. Uh, stretch limo? Fancy. Um... bicycle built for two?

Summer: What?

Luca: Look, babe, if we're gonna keep our time table, we need to focus.

Summer: I know. I'm -- I'm sorry. I just can't help thinking.

Luca: About your family. Wishing they weren't so against this marriage.

Summer: Yeah, I mean, of course I want them all to be a part of this, but the only way that'll happen is if we can prove to them that Travis is behind these oil spills and show them that he's still out there trying to make you look bad.

Luca: [Sighs]

Summer: Hey, what's wrong?

Luca: I didn't want to tell you this earlier because I didn't want to ruin the nice time we're having, but... the men I hired to track him down, so far they've come up empty.

[Doorbell rings]

Chloe: Kevin. Hey.

Kevin: Good time, bad time?

Chloe: It's a time. Come on in.

Kevin: [Sighs] Pretty mind-blowing, huh? Guy's about to be set free, but before his wife can tell him, he goes berserk and whales on a guard.

Chloe: Chelsea's a mess.

Kevin: I'm sure. How are you doing?

Chloe: It's pretty freaky, you know.

Kevin: I tried to find out how the guard is doing, but they're not releasing much information.

Chloe: So you haven't heard anything?

Kevin: I just know that if they're not saying much, it's not good. It was a pretty savage attack. Maybe this guard had it in for him or something.

Chloe: So you haven't heard?

Kevin: What?

Chloe: Well, Michael came by last night and told Chelsea that Adam went after this guard because he thought it was Victor.

Kevin: Wow. That's intense. But in a weird way, it makes more sense. In Adam's mind, he was going after the person who framed him.

Victor: Adam was thinking that he was attacking me? What do you mean by that?

Michael: Adam wasn't aware the police had found the missing diary pages or that he was about to be cleared. The pressure finally got to him. He wasn't well.

Victor: What do you mean, he wasn't well? What are you saying?

Michael: He hadn't eaten or slept for days. He was having hallucinations. He finally snapped. And when he overpowered that guard and tried to strangle him, he was lashing out at you for putting him there in the first place.

Victor: Let's cut to the chase. What is your strategy to get him out of this?

Michael: Oh, so you can undermine it? No, there's no way I'm telling you. I got to go.

Victor: No, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Level with me.

Michael: Victor, you want some advice? Well, here's a tip. Don't come within a mile of this arraignment. Now, I am running late, so if you'll excuse me...

Leslie: Mr. Newman. You wanted to see me?

Victor: Leslie.

Leslie: Hi.

Victor: Thank you for being so prompt.

Leslie: Your message was a bit cryptic. I assume this is about your son?

Victor: [Sighs] Yeah. My son Adam needs all the help I can give him.

Leslie: Okay, but I thought he already had a lawyer.

Victor: Well, he did. But I am not convinced of Michael Baldwin's abilities anymore, okay? Let me just say to you that my son is in dire straits.

Adam: I couldn't do it. Babe, I couldn't keep it together. You know, you've been trying so hard to get me out of here. I guess I just lost faith. I couldn't eat. I couldn't sleep. Every time I closed my eyes, I just saw Victor tormenting me over and over again. And now everything's gone straight to hell, and it's all my fault.

Chelsea: No. No, it has not gone --

Adam: I got to tell you something. I don't remember doing it.

Chelsea: Honey, listen to me. [Clears throat] Michael has been working day and night to build up your defense, okay? He told me what happened. You thought that you were attacking Victor. You thought you were going after him for setting you up. I can't imagine how tortured you were.

Adam: You hear anything about the guard, Matthews? His condition? Anything at all?

Chelsea: Um, I-I don't know.

Adam: You don't know or you don't want to tell me?

Chelsea: According to the news, he's still in critical condition. But listen to me. I don't want you to focus on that. What you need to focus on is the fact that you are going to come home to me and to Connor soon. Very soon. You have to believe that, okay?

Adam: [Sighs]

Jack: I mean, I'm not asking that much. I just want Phyllis to understand the damage she's doing before she completely destroys that relationship. Summer can only forgive so much. You know, when someone's working behind your back against you, it's bad enough, but when it's family, nothing hurts that much. Anyway, I got to get out of here. I'm gonna be late for my meeting. Listen, uh, I'm not always gonna dump all my issues with Phyllis in your lap.

Billy: No, listen, don't worry about it, all right? I like to be your sounding board whenever you need me. It's not like you're taking advantage of me or anything.

Jack: Actually, it's not that. No offense, but I'm guessing you'll probably take Phyllis' side anyway.

Billy: That's possible.

Jack: Well, I can't take the stress. Thanks for the coffee.

Billy: Jack? Thank you for the cufflinks.

Jack: My absolute pleasure.

[Door opens]

[Door closes]

Nick: I wish one of us had been able to give the other good news.

Phyllis: Well, hopefully we will hear something today. If Victoria calls you first...

Nick: Yeah, I will keep you posted.

Phyllis: Awesome. Okay. Vice versa.

Nick: Yeah. I got to get to the courthouse.

Phyllis: You need to support Adam, huh?

Nick: I feel like I owe it to him. I really went off when I thought it was possible he was a --

Phyllis: Murderer?

Nick: Yeah.

Phyllis: Yeah.

Nick: I should have trusted my gut. It's just there was so much evidence going against him. But I'm in his corner now.

Phyllis: Well, I wish him luck. It sounds like he's gonna need it.

Nick: Thanks. I'll, uh, I'll see you.

Phyllis: Okay. [Sighs]

Victoria: Hi. It's Victoria. Please leave a message.

Phyllis: Victoria, it's me again. We're running out of time. Summer's future is on the line. Please tell me you have found your cowboy and he is riding to the rescue.

Travis: I planned on sailing out of here yesterday. I was packing up my supplies, and a couple hours before you got in, I was ready to go, but then a rotor blew up my generator. I had to order a new one. If it wasn't for that...

Victoria: You would have been long gone.

Travis: Hmm.

Victoria: Maybe we've been given a gift, then.

Travis: Like to think it was another chance. And we both had a lot to say last night, about your reasons for coming down here, your reasons for wanting me to go back to Genoa city, my reasons for saying no. One thing we didn't talk about was what comes next. We just fell on the bed together before we could get to that.

Victoria: What does come next?

Travis: Well, it's like I said before. This trip is pretty empty without you in it. So I'm gonna ask you again. Victoria, come away with me. Bring the kids. We can make the most amazing memories together. We can watch the whales migrate off the coast of Baja, go surf in Hawaii, maybe make it all the way to Tahiti. I heard it's beautiful this time of year. We'll find time to sneak away and make love on the beach. You're not coming, are you?

Victoria: You know, as tempting as it sounds, I can't. I can't just uproot my kids from their life and take them away from their father. I have a life in Genoa city.

Travis: A life like this? A life that we could have together exploring the world? No, you have a safe, predictable, boring existence. Is that really all you want, Victoria? Are you really that scared?

Chelsea: What is it? What's wrong?

Adam: You should go.

Chelsea: You said Michael's on his way. I'm gonna wait with you until he gets here.

Adam: Chelsea, what's the point?

Chelsea: Adam --

Adam: Please just... I want to be alone, okay? Please.

Chelsea: Okay. I love you. Trust in what I told you.

Michael: Hey.

Chelsea: [Sighs] Hi.

Michael: How is he?

Chelsea: He's not good. He's not good at all, Michael. He's blaming himself for everything. He needs to eat something. He needs -- he needs to sleep.

Michael: All right, you know what? The arraignment is happening. We can't put it off.

Chelsea: [Sighs]

Michael: How do you think he'll react to the strategy we agreed on?

Chelsea: He'll listen to you, I think. Please, you have to help him.

Michael: Hmm.

[Knock on door]

Michael: Thank you. Sorry. I got held up at the courthouse.

Adam: Any word on the guard?

Michael: Uh, he's still in the hospital. That's all I know at the moment. But right now we need to focus on you. Soon we will be in court, and the judge will ask you for your plea. This is what you're gonna tell him. "Not guilty by reason of insanity."

Victor: I want you to take over Adam's case immediately.

Leslie: Victor...

Victor: Leslie, you do whatever you have to do, all right?

Leslie: Slight problem, okay? Adam hired his own counsel, and it wasn't me.

Victor: Michael Baldwin should no longer be practicing law. You know. You know what he did with my case, don't you? My son needs your help.

Leslie: Honestly, if I knew what this was about when you called, I would have --

Victor: I am asking you. I know how capable you are. You take over my son's case. His fate is hanging in the balance right now.

Adam: I'm not crazy, okay?

Michael: What? N-now? No, of course not. [Sighs] The question is whether you were responsible for your own actions in that moment during the altercation, and I am confident I can make the case that you weren't. Imprisoned, innocent, blaming your own father for framing you, separated from your family, unable to eat, sleep deprived, dehydrated, suffering from hallucinations, in the throes of a waking nightmare which ends with you confronting the man you believe consigned you to this living hell.

Adam: Wonderful argument, except, of course, for the fact that I did it. That man in a hospital room right now has a family and he's innocent, and I hurt him. It's my fault, Michael.

Michael: Yeah, well, you know, your obvious concern for that man proves our case.

Adam: What the hell are you talking about?

Michael: You would never knowingly hurt an innocent person this way. You cannot be held accountable if you are not responsible for your actions, so you're gonna go in that courtroom and you're gonna say this plea exactly as I have stated to you -- "not guilty by reason of insanity," and then you will get out of my way and let me do my job, okay, Adam? Can you do that for me? All right, look, I don't mean to pressure you, but we have to leave for the courtroom soon, and I need an answer. Will you work with me, work with me as a partner and enter that plea exactly as I've instructed?

Adam: Yeah, yeah, ok-- yeah. Okay, yeah.

Kevin: Bella doing okay with the sitter?

Chloe: [Chuckles] She just loves the beach. She doesn't miss me at all.

Kevin: I'm sure that's not true.

Chloe: And you know this how?

Kevin: Because you're a great mother and you shouldn't sell yourself short.

Chloe: [Chuckles] You know, I'm just trying to be the best mom I can.

Kevin: You know, given everything that's going on with Adam, it's only natural that you would be thinking about Delia. Um, I'm sure it makes you want to hold Bella that much tighter.

Chloe: You know me too well.

Kevin: You know, I don't have anywhere to be for a while. If you want to take a ride out to the lake...

Chloe: Oh, I appreciate the offer, but I think my place is at the arraignment.

Chelsea: What? Chloe, no. The courthouse is the last place you should be.

Phyllis: I thought we agreed you weren't supposed to come up here when I'm working.

Billy: Just wanted to check and see if you kidnapped Luca and stashed him away until after the wedding.

Phyllis: You think this is funny? My daughter is about to marry a man who is divorced, who is too old for her, who has no ethics, and, for all we know, has committed some serious crimes.

Billy: Okay, all right. Just trying to make a joke. You know I care about summer, right? I don't want to see her get hurt. Just trying to lighten the mood. You look stressed.

Phyllis: You would, too, if you were in my place.

Billy: So what's got you more on edge? The wedding or what it's doing to you and Jack?

Phyllis: Oh. Have you been talking to your brother again about our personal life?

Billy: Other way around. He came to me about something else, but it wasn't long before we looped around and talked about what's going on between the two of you. And -- wait for it -- I agree with Jack.

Phyllis: About what?

Billy: You know how you hate when he tries to rein you in and temper your choices when you believe strongly about something? Yet here you are. Your daughter's about to be married, and you're doing the exact same thing to her.

Phyllis: No, it's not the same thing.

Billy: Yeah, it is the same thing, Phyllis. She believes strongly about marrying Luca. She's gonna resent the hell out of you if you try to temper her choices, okay? You have to let her make her own mistakes.

Phyllis: You know what? If I hear that piece of so-called advice one more time, I think I'm going to scream.

Billy: So, how do you plan to stop the wedding in the first place? Summer's an adult, okay? She can make the choices that she wants to make.

Phyllis: Well, if Victoria would actually call me back, I could give you an answer to that question.

Billy: What does Victoria have to do with this?

Phyllis: She went to Mexico to bring Travis back. Were you not expecting to hear that?

Victoria: Scared? How can you even -- I'm sorry. I haven't been fair to you at all.

Travis: What do you mean?

Victoria: I knew that I wasn't gonna go sailing around the world with you, just like I knew you weren't gonna come back home with me. But I gave in to my emotions, and I-I came to see you anyway.

Travis: I shouldn't have lashed out at you like that. I'm sorry.

Victoria: It's okay.

Travis: No, it's not okay. You don't deserve that, especially after the way we ended things.

Victoria: Look... it would be wrong of me not to ask you one more time to please come home with me. If you won't do it for me, then do it for summer. Please. This wedding, it's just... [Sighs]

Travis: I understand why it's important to you. But I just can't. And as for last night... I'll treasure the memory. 'Cause for just a few hours, I got to have the fantasy of having you back.

Victoria: I'll cherish it, too.

Travis: I have no right to ask you this.

Victoria: Ask me.

Travis: Let's not ruin the fantasy. If you're gonna go your way and I'm gonna go mine, let's... let's just leave it all unsaid. No sad goodbyes. I've got to make a call on that generator, so... I'll give you a chance to just... slip away.

Summer: Okay, so now for the serious question.

Luca: All right. Hit me with it.

Summer: Buffet or sit-down?

Luca: Whatever your heart desires.

Jack: Good morning.

Summer: Hey, Jack! How's it going?

Jack: Oh, very well. You two seem busy.

Luca: Oh, yes. There's a lot involved in planning a reception. [Chuckles]

Jack: I see.

Summer: Um, you know what, Jack? If you just want to keep moving along, we won't hold it against you. We don't want it to get back to mom.

Jack: Phyllis and I don't always see eye to eye on everything.

Summer: Well, with everyone being so judgmental lately, it's nice to know that you're not.

[Cell phone rings]

Luca: Excuse me. I need to take this call. Excuse me, will you?

Summer: Yeah.

Jack: Listen, I know you're upset with your mother's attitude toward this wedding, but don't judge her too harshly. Phyllis loves you a great deal.

Summer: Yeah, well, if this is mom's idea of love, then I'll take a pass.

Billy: What are you thinking? Sending Victoria on a mission to her ex? You know what kind of position that puts Victoria in? Even if it is for summer.

Phyllis: You know, if I didn't know any better, I'd swear you're jealous. But that's impossible, right, 'cause you're over Victoria.

Billy: Stop that. She is the mother of my children. I do not want to see her get hurt.

Phyllis: Victoria's a big girl. She could have said no, but she didn't. And I find it funny that you come here to give me grief that I'm not giving my daughter enough room to make her own decisions, and yet you're not too keen on letting Victoria have that same option. Unless if Victoria can't have you, she can't be happy with anyone. Is that what you're thinking?

Billy: Now who sounds jealous?

[Cell phone rings]

Phyllis: It's Victoria. Victoria.

Victoria: Hey.

Phyllis: Hi. I'm happy that you called. Are you coming home?

Victoria: Yes, um... but I'll be alone. Travis refuses to come with me. Phyllis, are you there?

Phyllis: Yeah, yeah. I'll see you when you get home.

Billy: What did Victoria say? Phyllis, what about Crawford? What's going on?

Phyllis: What about him?

Chelsea: It's gonna be a zoo there, Chloe. Reporters packing the hallways, screaming questions.

Kevin: She has a point. It's not gonna be soothing, that's for sure.

Chelsea: I think you're asking too much of yourself, going to watch Adam enter his plea and try to get out of these new charges.

Chloe: Maybe, but I think that you can use all the support you can get from your friends, like me.

Kevin: And me.

Chloe: You leaned on me so many times, you know? It's my turn.

Chelsea: I appreciate that.

Chloe: Now, why don't we all drive together?

Kevin: Okay. I can drive.

Chloe: Yeah, sure.

Kevin: How about I meet you guys out front?

Chloe: Okay.

Chelsea: You know what? I forgot my sunglasses. I'm gonna grab them.

Chloe: [Sighs]

Victor: I need you to help my son get out of this mess.

Michael: Whoa, whoa, whoa. No. No. Whatever plan you're hatching to undermine this arraignment, not gonna work.

Victor: You stay out of this.

Michael: Like hell I will. Look, whatever he's pressuring you to do, not gonna happen. I am Adam Newman's attorney. Is that clear?

Leslie: Loud and clear. As I've been trying to tell Victor, I'm not jumping into a family dispute.

Michael: Really, Victor? Really? After everything that's going on, you want me to have you arrested?

Victor: For what?

Michael: Oh, fraud, obstruction, harassment, and whatever else I can think of. That'll sit well with your parole officer.

Victor: You should no longer represent my son. Do you understand that? Do you forget what you did to me?

Michael: No, no, no, no!

Victor: You tanked my case!

Michael: We are not doing this today!

Victor: You bet we are!

Michael: You need to go.

Nick: Hey, hey, hey, hey.

Michael: He doesn't want you here! Adam doesn't want --

Nick: We cannot do this here. Please. Enough. Please.

Victor: You should not represent my son.

Nick: Dad, please.

Nick: Dad, no. Please. Not here.

[Door closes]

Michael: You remember the drill? Judge comes in. He'll call the hearing to order.

[Cell phone chimes]

Michael: Hold that thought. [Inhales deeply]

Adam: What was that?

Michael: It'll keep.

Adam: Don't do that. Michael, if it's about my case, tell me. I want to know.

Michael: Matthews, the guard you fought -- he slipped into a coma.

[Seagulls calling]

[Cell phone rings]

Travis: Crawford.

Si. Numero cinco por favor. How long till the part's here? Yeah, all the slips are numbered. I want to be on my way.

Summer: [Chuckling] Okay, fine! No chicken livers on the menu, then.

Luca: Does that make a groomzilla?

Summer: No, it makes you a picky eater, but I still love you.

Jack: Uh, I'm gonna speak to Phyllis here. You guys carry on.

Summer: Okay.

Jack: Look, the kids are working on plans for their reception. Maybe this isn't the best time.

Phyllis: It's not just the best time. It may be the only time.

Jack: I'm not sure what that means.

Phyllis: I have tried to play an end run around Luca, and it's been an absolute flop. I am out of ammunition to try to stop this wedding.

Jack: And what does that say to you?

Phyllis: That maybe it is a sign that you were right all along.

Jack: Wait, what?

Phyllis: You keep telling me I can't control people's lives and that it's wrong to even try. And since I have made an absolute mess of things with summer, maybe it's time I listen.

Jack: Just when I think you can't surprise me anymore.

Summer: Looks like Jack couldn't convince you to leave, could he?

Phyllis: If that's what you want, then I will. But I was hoping the invite list to your wedding hasn't been locked down just yet and you could put me back on it.

Phyllis: Summer, this isn't a trick. I'm here to tell you that if you get married and your own mother is not there, it will be this thing between us that will feel really icky for many years, and I don't want that. That's why I'm here. I am hoping that we can get past the ugliness of the last few days and move forward... together.

Summer: So does this mean you'll accept Luca as part of the family?

Phyllis: It means that I accept the idea, that you should make your own decisions. It's all I've ever wanted for myself, and it wouldn't be fair of me to deny it to you.

Luca: Thank you, Phyllis.

Summer: [Voice breaking] It means so much to me, Mom. [Sighs]

Judge: Let's get started. Counsel, you're ready?

Michael: We are, your honor.

Judge: The defendant will stand. Adam Newman, you are charged with battery with special circumstances. How do you plead?

[Punches land]

Adam: I'm gonna kill you! You try to take my life away from me, huh? Now watch me take yours! [Groans] Stop. Please.

Judge: The accused will please answer.

Chelsea: According to the news, he's still in critical condition.

Adam: That man in a hospital room right now has a family.

Michael: He slipped into a coma.

Judge: How do you plead?

Adam: I plead... ...guilty, your honor.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Stitch: The guard, Matthews, he slipped into a coma last night.

Nick: He needed to show Adam who's boss. This is all on him.

Victor: I will do everything in my power to help my son. Don't you doubt that for a minute.

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