Y&R Transcript Friday 8/19/16
Provided By Suzanne
Nick: Is it true what they're saying? There's new evidence in Adam's case that proves he didn't kill Constance Bingham?
Paul: Yes, it's true. We found the original pages of sage's journal.
Chloe: No, no. This is all moving way too fast.
Victor: Yeah, it means the Genoa city police department did their job. They found the missing pages.
Chloe: Which means Adam goes free.
Victor: Well, it also means that you have to start thinking about the next phase, you know?
Chloe: Next phase?
Victor: Meaning get out of town, as far away from here as possible.
Chloe: [Scoffs] Excuse me?
Victor: What about that didn't you understand?
Chloe: Well, you told me that I was gonna be protected.
Victor: Of course you will. But not here. I mean, Adam is gonna live here once he gets out of prison. I don't want you to live under the same roof.
[Alarm blaring]
Chelsea: I can't imagine those just go off for fun. What's going on? Where is my husband?
Adam: You tried to take my life away from me, huh? Now watch me take yours. [Groans] Stop! Please! [Groaning]
Mariah: Hey, did you get those sketches for Chelsea? I know she wanted them back as soon as possible.
Sharon: Uh, yes. They are right here in my bag.
Mariah: Great. Why are you looking at me like that?
Sharon: Like what?
Mariah: [Laughing] Like you have something to say but you don't know how to say it.
Sharon: No. No, I was just wondering if you'd talk to Kevin recently.
Mariah: I don't think he's ever gonna talk to me again after I hijacked his flowers. Well, Chloe's flowers.
Sharon: Mm, I don't think that's true. Especially now that he understands why you did it.
Mariah: What -- what do you mean? "He understands?" How could he possibly understand? Sharon. Did you say something to Kevin?
Sharon: I --
Mariah: No, no, no, no, no. The only appropriate answer to that question is "no."
[Seagulls cawing]
Travis: Ow! Damn it! Of all the boats in Manzanillo. [Sighs] What brings you to sunny Mexico?
Victoria: You.
Adam: [Groaning] You don't get to win this one! I'm not gonna let you live to torment my son. This ends now! [Groans] Agh!
Nick: So, Adam was telling the truth. He was framed.
Paul: The original pages were bagged for evidence, but we made copies, so, uh, you can see for yourself what sage wrote.
Nick: Thanks.
Dylan: It's the least we c do after everything you've been through.
Nick: I mean, there's nothing in here about Adam or murder. It's just sage dealing with her grief over losing Constance. Did my dad do this? Did he forge these pages? Did d he set Adam up?
Dylan: Uh, we don't have any concrete proof on victor.
Nick: Of course, you don't.
Dylan: But we do know the woman whose room we found the pages in, Bethany Bryant, is connected to victor.
Nick: How connected?
Paul: Go ahead.
Dylan: He was meeting with her while he was in prison. He claims it was to keep Billy and Victoria apart.
Nick: But you don't believe him.
Dylan: Do you?
Chloe: I move out five seconds after he gets released? Well, that's not gonna look suspicious at all! I mean, it's gonna look like I can't handle it, like I'm running away.
Victor: No, Chloe, it'll simply seem like what it is. You're giving your good friend another chance to reconnect with her husband, that's all.
Chloe: No. No, Chelsea and I, we're in a really good place. I mean, after a long, long road. I mean, we are leaning on each other. We work together. Our kids, they're bonding.
Victor: I understand.
Chloe: No, you know, actually, you don't understand because Chelsea is my best friend. I mean, she has seen me at my worst and she still loves me anyway. We are connected, and not just as friends, but through our kids. You know that Connor can see. That little boy can see because of my daughter.
Victor: I hate to break it to you. He still thinks that you're responsible for those journal pages.
Chloe: Well, I'll change his mind.
Victor: I want you to stay as far away from him as you can. Because this ain't over. As long as he thinks that you are perhaps responsible for those changes in that journal, he'll be suspicious.
Chloe: Okay, why do I get the feeling that this is not just a suggestion but an order?
Victor: Let's put it this way. It's a strong suggestion. You just get the hell out of here. Go somewhere else. Take your beautiful daughter, Bella, the one that is still living. You know what she needs? She needs her mother. That's the most important thing in life, is to raise your child.
Chelsea: I just need to talk to somebody. If you would just --
[Alarm stops]
Chelsea: That's a good sign, right? So, could I please talk to my husband now?
Mitch: Mrs. Newman, you need to leave.
Chelsea: What?
Mitch: There's been an incident.
Chelsea: What are you talking about? What kind of incident?
Mitch: Now, please.
Chelsea: I'm not moving until I see my husband.
Mitch: That's not a choice.
Chelsea: Okay, you don't understand. There is new evidence that my husband was set up.
Michael: Chelsea.
Chelsea: Thank you. Thank god you're here, Michael. Will you please tell this man that my husband is innocent and that we need to speak to Adam --
Mitch: And I've been trying to tell her that that can't happen right now.
Chelsea: But he won't tell me why.
Michael: All right, all right. As Mr. Newman's attorney, I'm not leaving this building until I have answers.
Chelsea: Thank you.
Michael: But I think you should go.
Chelsea: Are you joking?
Michael: Come here, come here. Excuse us. Let me get to the bottom of this.
Chelsea: He's my husband, Michael.
Michael: He's also my client. Everything I'm doing is in Adam's best interest. And right now, I believe your being here could complicate matters.
Chelsea: That's not how this was supposed to go. I was supposed to tell Adam. I was supposed to see the smile on his face.
Michael: And you will. Soon. Now, in the meantime, just let me handle the red tape. I will call you as soon as I know anything.
Chelsea: Do you promise?
Michael: Cross my heart. Look. Hang in there. [Clears throat] All right, Mitch. Should I be worried?
Mitch: The prisoner's been on a hunger strike. He's been refusing every meal delivered to him.
Michael: When did this start?
Mitch: It's been a couple of days now. One of the guards was trying to get him to eat when Mr. Newman attacked him without warning. He had to be restrained and Tased.
Michael: So, it was a scuffle. Some time in solitary, all is forgiven.
Mitch: Not this time. The guard was unconscious. He had to be taken to the emergency room.
Victoria: [Sighs] How do you deal with this heat? It's like a sauna down here.
Travis: Here. This'll cool you off.
Victoria: [Sighs] Thank you.
Travis: So, I thought I was clear when we talked before. I'm not interested in whatever's going on at Newman oil.
Victoria: This isn't about Newman oil.
Travis: About your niece.
Victoria: Yes, and the small fact that you're being set up. Luca's trying to pin the last two oil spills on you and everything that has happened since then. [Exhales sharply]
Travis: What?
Victoria: Rum?
Travis: Yeah. Why, you don't like rum?
Victoria: It's a long story.
Travis: Usually is with you. Let's go and have a seat. Let's hear what you have to say.
Victoria: Look. Luca has been watching you. He's been tracking you, making sure that all of the latest sabotage attempts have been in close proximity to your boat. And he's not gonna stop until he makes these accusations stick. Why? Because he wants to look like the hero and he wants to marry my unsuspecting niece. Meanwhile, he's been behind it the whole time.
Travis: Real prize, this Santori.
Victoria: Exactly. So, imagine if he was trying to snake his way into your family. Everybody wants him gone except for summer.
Travis: So they sent you.
Victoria: Yeah, they sent me.
Travis: If the plan was to come down here and seduce me into submission, I'm sorry, but you wasted a trip.
Chelsea: Chloe, I'm freaking out. I was at the -- what are you doing here?
Victor: Hi, Chelsea. I, um... I'm here to see my grandson.
Chloe: And I told him that they were napping, but -- what's wrong?
Chelsea: Something happened at the prison.
Chloe: What?
Chelsea: Well, I don't know. The alarms went off and they told me I had to leave.
Chloe: Did it have something to do with Adam?
Chelsea: I think so, but nobody would tell me anything.
Victor: Why don't I make some calls?
Chelsea: You've done enough. We don't need your help. Michael's handling it.
Victor: Michael Baldwin is helping? That's no comfort, I assure you.
Chelsea: Well, it is to me.
Victor: Uh, kindly let Connor know that I was here, okay?
Chloe: It's gonna be okay.
Chelsea: I don't think so. I'm starting to think it's not all gonna be okay.
Chloe: No, listen to me. Everything is going to work out the way it's supposed to. I promise.
Mariah: Oh, my god. Oh, my god. Oh, my god. Oh, my god. Oh, my god. Oh, my god. Oh, my god. Oh, my god. Oh, my god.
Sharon: Mariah, will you stop?
Mariah: I don't know if I can.
Sharon: My talking to Kevin, it helped things, I swear. He needed to know how you feel, and god knows you weren't gonna tell him yourself.
Mariah: Okay, first off, how did it possibly help things? I need detailed examples. And second, what did you even say? You know, reverse those, please.
Sharon: [Sighs]
Mariah: Oh, never mind. Here he comes. Kill me now, please. Please.
Kevin: Hi, guys.
Mariah: Hi.
Sharon: Hi, Kevin.
Kevin: Can I talk to you for a minute?
Mariah: Um, you know, we were just about to leave for work, our jobs.
Sharon: But we have time because I'm gonna go and get another coffee. You want me to get you something?
Mariah: Yeah, but you can't buy it here.
Sharon: We're in no rush. Really.
Mariah: I don't know what clock she's looking at.
Kevin: Well, this isn't gonna take long. I just wanted to say that I was sorry.
Mariah: No, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. For the whole flower thing. But also... I can't believe that Sharon cornered you and said -- whatever it is she said. I don't know. She still hasn't told me, but she clearly doesn't know what she's talking about.
Kevin: So, you don't have feelings for me?
Victoria: Seduction was not on the agenda.
Travis: Then what was?
Victoria: Look, my family just wanted me to get through to you. And... at first, I said no. I knew that you'd shut down the idea of wanting to get involved, and I was prepared to be okay with that.
Travis: But?
Victoria: Then Phyllis came to me, and I could see how worried she was about summer, and I wanted to do something to help. And I thought that if maybe I saw you and we talked face to face...
Travis: I wouldn't be able to resist.
Victoria: No. Look. I know you're not that kind of -- you're a good person, Travis. You really are. [Sighs] And summer aside, you don't deserve what Luca's doing to you.
Travis: He hasn't gotten away with anything yet.
Victoria: No, not yet, but what if he does?
Travis: You don't think this is a little victor of you, trying to control your niece's life like this?
Victoria: I believe that people should be allowed to make their own mistakes, and hopefully they'll learn from them, but Phyllis made a good point. Summer has been through hell and back, and it wasn't that long ago she fell for a guy... and he was nothing but lies. And it crushed her. The thought of that happening to her again when we can do something to prevent it -- look, all you have to do is come back to Genoa city and expose Luca for who he really is. Just do that, and then you can leave, come back to your boat, and go back to your life. Whatever you want to do.
Travis: Oh, that's it?
Victoria: Yeah, that's it. It's a lot better than sitting around here waiting for the police to come and get you, and they will.
Travis: Nah, I'm not worried. I'm just gonna keep sailing and loving every minute of it. And this feeling of freedom is indescribable, Victoria. You know, I am so far away from that world.
Victoria: My world?
Travis: I've been trying to escape my whole life, and I finally did. I think that's maybe the reason why you really agreed to come down here.
Victor: No, I don't care! Just find out what the hell's going on in that prison, okay? Hi, son. [Sighs] Did you find out whether Victoria was lucky to find that Travis Crawford guy in Mexico?
Nick: I'm not here to talk about Victoria.
Victor: What are you here to talk about?
Nick: Adam. Clearly he's on your mind, too, judging from that phone call. What's going on, dad? Are things not going according to plan?
Michael: Hey. You're awake. How are you feeling?
Adam: [Sighs] What the hell happened? Why am I here?
Michael: Apparently, there was an altercation in your cell. You remember anything?
Adam: I remember he was trying to kill me.
Michael: Who? Who was trying to kill you? The guard?
Adam: Victor.
Chelsea: I don't understand why Michael's not calling me. I need to know what's going on.
Chloe: Whatever it is, Michael will be able to handle it. He's a genius when it comes to this stuff.
Chelsea: [Sighs] Chloe, I can't just sit here. I can't. You know what? I'm gonna see if --
Chloe: Wait, wait, wait. No, no, no, no, no. Okay, listen. I know that you are freaking out and I would, too, but you have to look at the bigger picture here, okay? There is proof that Adam is innocent. I'm sorry, when I think about how much you've been suffering -- you have to have faith, okay? He's going to come home. He's gonna be home where he belongs.
Chelsea: And then our lives will go back to normal.
Chloe: You and Adam never did normal.
Chelsea: It's true. Thank you. I don't know what I would do if you weren't here to talk me off the ledge. You're such a good friend.
Chloe: I'm going to remind you of that a lot. Hey, you know what? Why don't I take the kids out, and you hang out here and wait for the news?
Chelsea: Are you sure?
Chloe: Yeah, I mean, I'll just take them to the park or something.
Chelsea: Yeah, that would be good, actually. That way, I don't have to worry about the way I act in front of Connor. I feel like he can feel the tension lately.
Chloe: Yeah, I'm sure they're just waking up from their naps. I'll just go check on them. Hey, Chelsea. Everything's gonna be okay. I promise.
Chelsea: Dylan, hi. It's Chelsea. Something happened at Walworth. I need you to make sure Adam's okay.
Michael: Adam, listen to me. Victor isn't here.
Adam: I know he's not here. Of course he's not here right now.
Michael: No, not at all. Listen. Victor hasn't been in this prison for days.
Adam: No, that's not true. I saw him, Michael. He was in my prison cell. He was taunting me, threatening me, telling me my life was over. I saw him with my own eyes.
Michael: You have been under an enormous amount of strain lately. You haven't been eating, probably haven't been sleeping.
Adam: Oh, so you think I'm crazy, right? You think I'm crazy?
Michael: I think that that amount of stress can play a number on your body and on your mind. It's possible you got confused, you saw things that weren't there.
Adam: Hallucinations.
Michael: Hey. It happens.
Adam: Um, how long was I out?
Michael: Um, maybe 10 minutes.
Adam: How'd you get here so quickly? How'd you find out what happened?
Michael: I didn't. I came here for another reason. To tell you that they found the missing pages to sage's journal.
Adam: What?
Michael: [Chuckles] The police found the proof that will exonerate you.
Adam: [Sighs]
Nick: You know, Adam insisted this whole time that he was being framed, that he didn't kill Constance Bingham and that you were the one who set him up. Well, it looks like for the first time in Adam's life, he was telling the truth because the police found sage's real diary pages, dad. I saw them with my own eyes.
Victor: I'm aware. I know. The police came to me, made the same ludicrous accusations.
Nick: Well, I'm sure you lied to them the way you're lying to me right now.
Victor: I didn't forge those damn pages, all right?
Nick: Yeah? Well, what was that call about? You seem awfully worried about what's going on at Walworth.
Victor: Of course I'm worried about what's going on in that prison.
Nick: So you're gonna say this is all just a coincidence? That you're not losing your mind that Adam's about to be released?
Victor: You know what the call was about? I'm wondering why, because of the new evidence, Adam hasn't been released yet. I want him out.
Nick: Yeah?
Victor: Yeah. Maybe you don't.
Travis: Look, I knew it was gonna be an adventure, but this trip has exceeded my wildest expectations. This planet is huge, Victoria.
Victoria: Yes, it is.
Travis: It's mostly water, and I've barely scratched the surface. I've already swam with sea lions, I've seen marine life I didn't even know existed. I spoke with locals I never would have met otherwise.
Victoria: You know, that sounds incredible.
Travis: Yeah, being in the world rather than apart from it, you know, or trying to make a buck off it -- it feels good.
Victoria: You are living the life, aren't you?
Travis: I am. And I think that's why you're here.
Victoria: Oh, right, because I want to see what I'm missing out on, right?
Travis: To see for yourself how happy I am. 'Cause I got to tell you, Victoria, I've never felt this free.
Victoria: Really?
Travis: You don't believe me?
Victoria: Well, you know, I could have swore that I heard you cursing at your sink when I came below deck.
Travis: So, I still hate repair work. Sue me. But, hey, you know, it's all part of the experience. Back home, I would have just hired someone to do it for me. Here, I don't have that option. I love it.
Victoria: Sailing the open seas.
Travis: Yeah.
Victoria: Yeah. Is that why you haven't left this port in two weeks?
Travis: You're checking up on me?
Victoria: How else were we supposed to track you down?
Travis: Hey, I got to stock up for the next leg of my trip, you know? I need supplies. I got to make sure the boat's in working order.
Victoria: Sure. Yeah. I mean, you keep talking about how great everything is. But I have to wonder if maybe "blue eyed beauty" is just a substitute for your dive bar. Another place for you to hide.
Travis: Oh, it just kills you that my life isn't miserable without you in it, doesn't it?
Victoria: Oh, no, that's --
Travis: You can't keep me dangling like your ex. You know, you called, I didn't come running, and it bruised your ego. So I'm sorry, princess.
Travis: Interesting.
Victoria: What?
Travis: How concerned you are about my happiness. How are things going for you back home, Victoria?
Victoria: Good. Great, actually.
Travis: Really? With victor out of prison, wreaking havoc.
Victoria: Well, with my father, that's par for the course.
Travis: Is it also par for the course, you working with your ex?
Victoria: How did you know that?
Travis: Luca.
Victoria: Luca?
Travis: He called me.
Victoria: [Scoffs] What kind of lies is Luca spewing this time?
Travis: He said your dad's after me. Rattled off all the reasons why I shouldn't come back to Genoa city. Said I'm the fall guy for everything going wrong at Newman oil.
Victoria: Anything else?
Travis: Yeah. He said you're back with Billy.
Victoria: I'm not back with Billy, okay? I am working together with him at my old company. I'm not having this conversation. You see what Luca's doing. You see it. He's trying to keep you off the grid so that he can continue to pin things on you, and if that's okay with you, if you want to sail off into the sunset, that's fine, you can disregard it, but don't tell me how to handle my life. At least I don't hide.
Travis: Wait.
Mariah: Sharon had no right to talk to you about personal business, especially when it's not her personal business.
Kevin: Well, it's out there now. We may as well talk about it.
Mariah: Do we have to?
Kevin: She said I was being blind. Oh, and stupid for not seeing what was right in front of me. Which confused me because I thought we decided we were just friends.
Mariah: We are.
Kevin: Because we tried being more.
Mariah: And it was awkward and mediocre, and I really don't need a reminder, thanks.
Kevin: [Sighs] So, why would Sharon imply that you do want more?
Mariah: I have no idea.
Kevin: Mariah.
Mariah: What?
Kevin: Talk to me. I want to know how you're feeling.
Mariah: At this moment or in general?
Kevin: Both.
Mariah: At this moment, I'm mortified.
Kevin: And in general? Do you have feelings for me?
Mariah: Do I? That's -- oh, come on. This is nine kinds of awkward. Do we really have to be talking about this?
Kevin: We have to.
Mariah: We do?
Kevin: We do, because if we don't, every conversation after this is going to be just as awkward.
Mariah: Oh, god. I -- [Sighs] Yes. Of course. I feel a lot of things when I look at you. Like concern. I mean, I'm so worried for you, that you're gonna get hurt with this Chloe situation. And you know that. But I am sorry for stealing the flowers, okay? You know me, I don't even like flowers.
Kevin: Connor. Bella! What are you doing?
Chloe: Oh, we're just coming to get some sugar before we go to the park.
Kevin: Well, that is a smart move. Uh, I heard that Dylan found the mystery woman and the pages to sage's journal. How you feeling about it?
Chloe: [Sighs]
Mariah: Um, you know what? While you guys talk, I'm gonna take the little ones to get that dose of sugar. Come here. What do you guys want? Do you guys want cake or cookies or maybe some muffins or frosting? Okay, we'll do all of it.
Kevin: [Sighs] I mean, it can't be easy, right? Knowing that Adam's gonna be released?
Chloe: Yeah, I -- I went to Delia's memorial.
Kevin: Oh, I wish you'd told me. I'd have gone with you.
Chloe: No, I had to go alone. You know, I've just been so angry for so long, and experiencing the world like that, it's -- it's not living. It's dark, and... I mean, Bella, she -- she's made it a lot better, but it's not like she could fix it, and I'm the one who had to do the work.
Kevin: Sounds like you're ready.
Chloe: I just don't want to be that person anymore, you know? It was just exhausting. And Bella, she deserves better. I'm free. I'm just -- I'm done. I'm done with all of it. I'm gonna make Bella proud.
Kevin: Yeah, I have no doubt.
Nick: What is it I gain from Adam staying in prison?
Victor: With your sister out of the picture and Adam in prison, that leaves only you as a possible successor. Now you have a clear path. A clear path to the top. Only problem is, if Adam comes back, then, of course, it makes things more difficult. He will want part of this, you know.
Nick: Don't do that. Don't try and create some non-existent war between me and Adam. Neither one of us wants this job. We don't want to fight with each other. You're the one who insists on battling with everyone in this family.
Victor: Because you betrayed me. You put me in prison! That's why!
Nick: You framed your own son and then watched him go to prison. You took him away from his family. Who does that?
Victor: I never saw those damn pages, all right? I was locked up for months.
Nick: You know, you may not actually be the one who put those forged pages in sage's diary, but I know you know who did.
Adam: Chloe turned over the pages?
Michael: No. Not Chloe. Turns out, some other woman was paid to plant the false evidence.
Adam: But it proves what I've been saying is true, that I'm innocent, right? It's enough to get me out of here.
Michael: Well, it's not gonna happen overnight.
Adam: No, no, but it's enough to get me out of here, right?
Michael: Yes, yes. I mean, once we go before a judge, we present the new evidence, this place will be a distant memory.
Mitch: It's not gonna be nearly that simple. The prisoner's facing new charges for assault.
Chelsea: Hi.
Dylan: Hey.
Chelsea: Is everything okay?
Dylan: Well, I talked to the warden. Adam's in the infirmary.
Chelsea: Why? Is he hurt?
Dylan: Well, all I know is that he attacked a guard and they had to use force to restrain him.
Adam: Just tell me this isn't happening.
Mitch: The guard is unconscious. There's no way to avoid charges. This was assault.
Adam: I -- I wasn't in my right mind. Remember? I was just telling you --
Mitch: That's no excuse.
Adam: You got to fix this, okay?
Michael: I will take care of it. I will take care of it. Just stay calm.
Adam: Hold on. Hold on a second, now. Hold on. They found the evidence, the proof that we've been looking for. It proves that I'm innocent. You understand? I never should have been in this hellhole in the first place. You can't do this to me.
Mitch: You did this to yourself.
Adam: I am no criminal, all right?
Mitch: Tell that to my guard.
Michael: You need to calm down or you're gonna make matters worse. Look, I -- sorry. I will help you. But you need to take a breath and reign it in.
Adam: You're probably on the payroll, all right? Is that's what's going on here? You're on my father's payroll? This whole thing is rigged, isn't it?
Michael: Stop it. Enough!
Mitch: Take the prisoner back to his cell.
Victor: It was that woman, Bethany. The cops will tell you. She's the one responsible for framing Adam.
Nick: The one that you were meeting with during your stay at Walworth?
Victor: That was a totally unrelated matter.
Nick: So, Bethany -- no real connection to Adam, no motive to speak of. But you -- now, you had motive for days, didn't you, dad?
Victor: Son --
Nick: Maybe you felt like it was time for a little payback.
Victor: You couldn't be more wrong. I did not want Adam to go to prison.
Nick: You were exacting revenge on the nearest and dearest who turned on you in court. For sending you to prison for something you did, dad. You were guilty. That is why you went to Walworth. And what did you do while you were there? Did you reflect? Maybe repent? I don't know, apologize? No. You just sat around thinking of ways to hurt us. What to take from us. Vick, she got off easy with the brash & sassy! Stunt, but Adam -- you took his life away! You took his wife and son from him, and you used my dead wife to do it. What is wrong with you?
Travis: You're right, I have been running away. Floating around the globe, soaking up the sun. But at night -- man, you should see it out here at night. The sky's so big. It's so full of stars. You could lose yourself in it. And I do. For a while, anyway. Then reality comes creeping back in, and my head just gets filled with...
Victoria: Filled with what?
Travis: You. Your eyes. Your lips. The way your hair brushes across my skin. [Laughs] You know I dream about you? All the time. I can't win. Awake or asleep, you're always in my thoughts, Victoria. You are my thoughts. This whole trip was meant to be a way to escape, to forget about you, but I can't. And every amazing site I see, every new flavor I taste, I just -- I want to share it with you. This trip just feels empty without you. I just miss you so much. You have no idea.
Victoria: Maybe I do.
Victoria: I wasn't gonna come here. I said I wouldn't.
Travis: But you did.
Victoria: I guess I needed you as much as you needed me.
Chloe: Catch the ball!
Kevin: Good job. Here. Ahh!
Chloe: Get it! [Laughs]
Sharon: What were you thinking?
Mariah: Yeah, I know, I'm regretting not getting decaf.
Sharon: No, I'm not talking about your coffee. I'm talking about that. Why'd you leave them alone together?
Mariah: Kevin's a big boy. He can do what he wants.
Sharon: Well, so can you. You're gonna have to fight for him if you want him.
Mariah: I don't know what I want anymore. But Kevin, on the other hand, he's got a big neon blinking sign on his forehead that says "Chloe."
Chloe: Ready?
Kevin: Ready? 1, 2 -- whoa!
Chloe: Oh, wait! That was a far throw! Thank you!
Mariah: You are so welcome.
Chloe: Aww, there you go, buddy. Aww, thanks. [Laughter] And thanks for buying them cookies, too. That was sweet of you.
Mariah: Oh, yeah. You owe me 6 bucks.
Chloe: Oh.
Mariah: I'm kidding. I'm kidding, kidding, kidding. You're gonna be cursing me later when they're running around like Tasmanian devils.
Kevin: Yeah?
Bella: Mommy.
Kevin: I know. We're almost done.
Chloe: Oh, gosh. He's gonna tire them out. I don't know.
Kevin: Whoa!
Mariah: Yeah, he's really great with them.
Kevin: Ready? 1, 2, 3. Whoa!
Mariah: [Laughs]
Chloe: Yeah, he is.
Sharon: It must be hard watching him with your daughter, just as a reminder of what happened. So I could understand why you would want to keep your distance.
Chloe: Yeah, it is hard, but there were good memories, too. You know, Delia, Kevin, and I -- we were a family. And a happy one. And Bella deserves that, too.
Connor: [Laughs] You got it.
Kevin: I got it.
Chloe: Oh, he's a freak. I mean, any girl is lucky to have him.
Kevin: [Grunts]
Chloe: [Laughs]
Victor: You finished?
Nick: Are you?
Victor: Not even close, son. I never wanted Adam to spend any extent of time in prison. And he knows it.
Nick: Now, why would he know that? Did you arrange for him to get out?
Victor: Look, make up your mind, son. You're accusing me of first framing Adam. Now you're telling me that I'm trying to get him out of prison. So what is it? Am I a savior or am I a monster?
Chelsea: Adam has a temper, but he wouldn't just attack a guard unprovoked. Something must have happened. You have to find out.
Dylan: Look, I'll be happy to make another call, but I'm not sure I'm gonna get an answer.
[Frantic knocks on door]
Dylan: No, I'll get it.
Chelsea: Michael. Please. Tell me Adam's okay, and tell me you showed the judge the evidence and that he's getting out of Walworth. Michael, tell me Adam is getting out of Walworth.
Michael: I can't do that.
Adam: I got to get back to my family.
Mitch: The guard you just tried to choke to death -- he has a wife and two daughters. He'd like to get back to his family, too. But he's in the hospital.
Adam: I didn't mean to hurt anybody.
Mitch: You're looking at 6 to 10 more years, Newman.
Adam: [Sighs]
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Michael: This is what you're gonna tell him -- not guilty by reason of insanity.
Billy: What does Victoria have to do with this?
Phyllis: She went to Mexico to bring Travis back.
Travis: I'm gonna ask you again. Victoria, come away with me.
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