Y&R Transcript Thursday 8/18/16


Provided By Suzanne

Chelsea: You want to read it again, Connor? Okay. [Smooches] You got it. Whatever you want. [Sighs] "Dear Connor, I'm going to do everything I can to make sure I'm home next year to celebrate your birthday the way we should--together. You, me and Mommy. Happy birthday, little man. Love, Daddy."

Chloe: Adam doesn't deserve to set foot outside that prison.

Victor: For your information, my son has suffered immeasurably.

Chloe: Good letter, huh?

Chelsea: Mm-hmm. Yeah. He got all of these toys and games for his birthday, yet the note is his favorite gift. Isn't it?

Chloe: That's so awesome. Hey, I bet you're gonna get an even better one soon.

Chelsea: Why -- why would you say that? What could be better than a note from his dad?

Adam: Can't sleep. Can't sleep. Got to stay awake. Got to stay sharp. Not tired. It's just me. Just stay awake. Everyone's counting on you. Just stay awake. Just keep the nightmares away. No more sleep. Just me.

No breakfast this morning. No food yesterday and before. Trying to pull a hunger strike, Newman? 'Cause the warden won't put up with that. Hey. Earth to Newman. [Distorted] You in there or what?

Adam: Go away. Just go away.

Dylan: [Sighs] There's got to be something else in here. This can't be it.

Paul: Come on, Dylan. Forensics has been through the room twice already. [Scoffs] We got three wigs that the suspect used to visit victor at Walworth.

Dylan: Yeah, we got a vial of liquid that matches the toxin found in Constance's body. The same liquid that was found in Adam's storage unit. This suspect most likely planted that liquid in the storage unit.

Paul: I understand. It's not enough. We need more.

Dylan: I know we need more. We need the actual pages to her diary to prove that Adam's innocent.

Paul: The pages might not even exist. The -- the diary could have been destroyed months ago.

Dylan: Paul, listen -- Paul --

Paul: I really think we're up against a dead end. We don't have a choice. I'm calling it.

Dylan: [Stammers] [Sighs]

Paul: Let's wrap it up. You got to be kidding me.

Cane: Whoa. Don't tell me you pulled an all-nighter that didn't involve booze or seven card stud? Or a shower.

Billy: Can't all look and smell as pretty as you, cane. I had to pull an all-nighter. I didn't do it alone.

Cane: What, you spent the night with Victoria?

Jill: And this is where we all break into the "hallelujah chorus."

Phyllis: Victoria has landed in Mexico. She's on her way to find Travis Crawford.

Victor: I appreciate you keeping me in the loop.

Phyllis: Well, talking to you makes me want to gargle glass.

Victor: Listen to me. Unless we deal with each other in a civil manner, I will call this operation off. Is that clear?

Phyllis: If it stops summer from marrying Luca, then I will act civil as I can, victor. But only until the wedding is called off.

Ashley: You are playing a very dangerous game. And you have so much to lose.

[Knock on door]

Victor: Come in. Well, now. Whatever it is, make it quick. I got work to do.

Jack: Oh, I'll keep it real short. Stay the hell away from my wife.

Victor: Jack, your wife and I want the same thing, okay? We want the safety and happiness of summer. I don't want her to get married to this Luca Santori guy. I don't want him to have access to her trust fund. Are you smart enough to understand that?

Jack: Do I want them together? No. But summer's an adult. This is her decision to make, mistake or no.

Victor: Since when have you become this sort of neutral guy, a man above the fray?

Jack: What, because I don't throw tantrums when people don't do what I want?

Victor: If you don't want to protect summer, we will. All right? We'll take care of it.

Jack: So -- so what is the plan? You gonna have Luca kidnapped and hidden in a hut? Hire some deranged woman to do your dirty work for you? To stab him? To maybe starve him to death?

Victor: Don't you worry about a damn thing. Phyllis and I will take care of things. All right? Wait a minute. Maybe that's your problem. Isn't it? Your wife came to me, asked me for help. She didn't turn to you. That must burn you.

Phyllis: This is not a game, Ashley. This is my daughter. It's her future. And I know exactly what's at stake.

Ashley: You are partnering with victor Newman.

Phyllis: I am using him the way he's using me.

Ashley: And what if it backfires on you? What if it just pushes summer closer to Luca, and drives a wedge between you and jack?

Phyllis: I can protect my daughter and my marriage at the same time. It's called multitasking. I happen to be very good at it.

Ashley: So, then, you're aware that today is the anniversary of our father's death?

Phyllis: No, I did not know that. My husband did not mention that to me.

Ashley: Well, when would he? You're so busy scheming with victor. Or maybe he did mention it, and you just didn't bother to listen to him.

Phyllis: I'm sorry, when did my marriage become your business?

Ashley: Jack is my business, and he fought like hell to get back to you. Have you forgotten that?

Phyllis: Well, I went through my own hell, if you recall.

Ashley: So, is this where it ends, Phyllis? Is this it? I mean, do you just ignore your husband now and act like victor in a dress?

Phyllis: Excuse me, I know how important my family is. How important my marriage is. But I am not gonna let my daughter walk down the aisle and marry someone that does not value her. Does not deserve her.

Ashley: [Sighs] Look, I get it, Phyllis, okay? I'm a mom, too. I've had to endure watching my daughter prance around the internet naked. I'm watching her now recovering from a miscarriage, and she's struggling being a stepmom. But you know what? Abby has learned from her mistakes and her experiences. And sometimes that's the best we can do, isn't it, as parents? We just cheer them on, and then we're there to pick up the pieces.

Phyllis: That is very true. And sometimes we have to nail the bastard to the wall in order to stop a wedding. So, thank you for your pep talk. I appreciate it. But this is my daughter. And my fight.

Chloe: [Laughs] Okay, they are having the best time up there. They're having a tea party. Bella is totally cracking him up. They are so cute together.

Chelsea: You know, you didn't answer me before. You told my son that he'd be getting something better than a letter from his father. I mean, what was that about? I don't know if you're insulting the letter or if you're trying to get Connor's hopes up, but either way, Chloe, that's really not fair to him. That letter is all Connor has left of his father. I mean, it's like... this whole thing is crazy. Adam wants us to move on without him, which to me just seems... selfish and -- and cruel. [Sighs] So, I-I have to teach my son how to be strong, and -- and -- and how to deal with the pain, but I also have to teach him about faith, and I-I -- honestly, Chloe, right now, I just don't know what to do.

Chloe: But you're already doing it, Chelsea. You're the most loyal and generous person. You are a better person than I will ever dream of being. I mean, you're the one who showed me how to see...

Chelsea: See -- see what?

Chloe: That anything can happen. I mean, look at me. I was a walking ball of misery and hate. I wanted nothing more than for Adam to burn in hell or rot in that cell. And thanks to therapy and Bella and you... you helped me change that. You welcomed me into your home. And look at us now. We're this weird, blended little family. Now I don't have that rage anymore. I mean, you helped me get out of my way. So when I said that about Connor, about getting an even greater gift, it's because he's going to have Adam back in his life. Because you will make sure that it happens. Some way, somehow, you will do it, because... that's just who you are.

Dylan: All right. This is it, Paul. Sage's diary. The real pages. Okay. Uh... Constance...and her death... old age. Natural causes. Missing her. Missing anybody who knew the real Gabriel Bingham. Paul, there's nothing in here about Adam. There's nothing in here about the murder.

Paul: Yeah, okay. So, um, I want to put a five-year limit on "I told you so's" right now.

Dylan: Okay, maybe I'll knock it down to one. I'm gonna get to Chelsea, tell her what happened. And Adam can walk out of his cell, and victor can walk right back in.

Paul: Oh, no. Not so fast. Nothing points to victor. He had motive and opportunity, yes, but we need to authenticate these pages, we need to play it by the book and prove that victor paid Bethany Bryant to frame his son.

Dylan: Okay, victor going back to prison right now is just a bonus. What we need to do right now is get the news to Chelsea and Adam. He's innocent. He deserves to be free. He deserves to be home with his son.

Hey. Gotta eat. Warden says if you don't, we'll have to move you to the infirmary, stick an I.V. Line in your arm. And the new doc jabs for like 10 minutes. It's not as fun as it sounds. I'm not gonna let you starve yourself to death, you hear me?

Victor: I brought you something special for your last meal, boy.

Jill: Mm-hmm. We'll want to bleed some of the color out of this.

Billy: You know what's interesting?

Jill: What's interesting?

Billy: How you don't even hide the fact that you basically bought brash & sassy to try and pimp me out to Victoria.

Jill: Oh, my god. Don't be crass, darling.

Billy: Oh, would you like prettier terms? You're basically trying to give CPR to a marital corpse.

Jill: Now that is revolting. Besides which, I'm not a matchmaker. I'm a hit maker. We need the tag line on the bottom third of this. You and Victoria and cane are very talented on your own, but together you are unstoppable. And your father would be very proud of you.

Billy: No, see, you don't have to do that. I was just thinking about him, and I made sure he had fresh flowers on his grave.

Jill: That is so thoughtful of you, honey. God, john Abbott was a good man. He would be so happy you got your life on the right track again.

Billy: Really? And by "right track," you mean working in this office with Victoria, who is my ex, and a colleague who actually deserves credit for this ad campaign. So can we talk about that?

Jill: Oh, you see? How adorable it is that you're so protective of her?

Cane: Oh, my god, this is painful. Can we please start talking about work, all right? Now, here is my revision on the football campaign. Which, I did my own market research, and revealed that women actually like to see men without their shirts on.

Jill: Oh, amen to that. Cane, this is, oooh...

Cane: I know. It's horrible 'cause it doesn't involve Billy and Victoria.

Jill: I wasn't gonna say that.

Cane: Oh, really?

Jill: I was gonna say it's very sexy, it's fresh, it's fun. It's very now.

Billy: It doesn't completely suck.

Cane: Geez, Billy, you always know the right thing to say, don't you?

Billy: Let me guess, cane. Lily helped you with this? Because you finally got it right.

Jill: Do you see this? A little healthy competition. Puts color in your cheeks and genius in your brain. So keep up the good work, guys. See you later.

Jack: My wife didn't turn to you. She's holding her nose and gritting her teeth. But as much as she detests you, she loves her daughter that much more.

Victor: She's tougher than you are. She's braver than you are. She's more decisive than you are. Why don't you see that?

Jack: Phyllis has been protecting her daughter since the day summer was born. She can't stop herself, though. I admire her passion. I admire her devotion. But that passion sometimes comes at too great a cost.

Victor: That's not your decision.

Jack: None of us has the right to tell summer who to love or how to love them.

Victor: What is this, the gospel according to saint jack? You were more interesting before you became so saintly. No wonder your wife is turning to others for support.

Jack: Wow. Congratulations. You now sound exactly like Billy. I'm sure you're both proud of that.

Victor: Well, that should give you a sign, shouldn't it? When your useless brother, Billy boy Abbott, and I agree, perhaps we are right.

Jack: Not about my wife.

Victor: That remains to be seen.

Don't make me do the choo-choo thing, Newman. But I will if I have to. You got to eat, man. Just a couple bites. I'll keep you company. Tell some excellent jokes. A horse walks into a bar. The bartender says --

Adam: Why the long face?

Victor: I've got some excellent news for you. Chelsea's finally making the move to Paris. With your son. She just realized that you were nothing but a liar. All those claims of having been set up? Mnh-mnh. No proof. Just denial.

Adam: Why the long face?

Eat up.

Victor: You know what I call that? Ham sandwich a la Constance. Special ingredient. Yeah. Why don't you put yourself out of everyone's misery? Huh?

Adam: Poison?

Well, it's not poison, but it's all I got.

Victor: I'll be back for the tray. Just like room service.

Chelsea: Hey, Dylan. Come on in.

Dylan: Yeah. We need to talk.

Chelsea: Uh-oh. What's -- what's going on? More bad news?

Dylan: We found the pages to sage's diary. There's nothing about Adam. There's nothing about murder. He didn't do it. Adam was set up, and now we have the proof. This is gonna set him free.

Chelsea: Say that again.

Dylan: Adam will be free soon.

Chelsea: He'll be free. Oh, my god! [Squeals] Dylan, thank you! Thank you! Oh, thank you! You saved him.

Ashley: What's the worst that would happen, you tell me, if you just back off and let summer make her own decisions? She'll realize that Luca is a terrible person, and she'll divorce him. That's it.

Phyllis: Oh, okay. So, let my child suffer, let her go through some pain?

Ashley: That's not what I'm saying.

Phyllis: Let her be taken advantage of, made to be a fool?

Ashley: Look, you are making a conscious decision to be like victor Newman. You are setting traps and pulling strings. Doesn't that bother you?

Phyllis: If I am anything, I am consistent. And victor did not corrupt me. And I am not going to apologize for protecting my daughter.

Ashley: Even if it hurts your relationship with your daughter? And with your husband?

Phyllis: Jack and I are fine.

Ashley: Oh, really? Come on, now. I was at that last board meeting for the foundation. You are anything but fine.

Phyllis: Adults argue, okay? That happens.

Ashley: I think you need to worry less about your daughter's marriage and maybe a little bit more about your own.

Phyllis: You know what, maybe you shouldn't be so concerned about my life. Maybe you should go ahead and get your own life, okay?

Ashley: Clearly you are either too selfish or too stubborn to hold onto your husband, so obviously I'm wasting my breath. Oh, hello, Jill.

Jill: What was that? You have one job. One job only. To hold onto jack. What? That was our deal. Go rub his shoulders. Go read him poetry. Go tell him all the sweet nothings that he needs to hear. But do it, Phyllis. Or I swear, I'm gonna tell him the ugly truth about you and my son.

Phyllis: Then you do it. Jill, you tell jack everything. Because at this point, my marriage couldn't get any worse.

Cane: So, you gonna mark it up to show me where I went wrong?

Billy: Well, see, I don't like this little, uh -- oh, look at that. It's only dust.

Cane: Oh, my god. You're hilarious, aren't you?

Billy: It's a gift.

Cane: So you like it?

Billy: I got to say, cane, Jill's right. It's, uh... it's great. And you didn't go down a downward spiral when she gave you suggestions. You just fixed what wasn't working, and you moved on. I should try that sometime.

Cane: Well, be careful, Billy. If we don't kill each other, that's what Jill wants.

Billy: Yeah, right. She wants us at each other's throat almost as much as she wants me back with Victoria.

Cane: You know, I get that she thinks that, uh, if we work harder and we compete, we'll ultimately get a better product. But, you know, why is she trying to push you and Victoria back together? What is this, some throwback to the childhood years where she wanted a happy family or something?

Billy: I have no idea. I was in a boarding school before I could tie my shoes.

Cane: Oh, that's right. The infamous boarding-school years. I heard about those.

Billy: You know, what I don't understand is that she was never rah-rah about Victoria -- ever -- and now she is? I mean, I-I was a jackass for a good percentage of my relationship with Victoria. Not all of it, but a good percentage of it. Now she thinks that being with Victoria is actually gonna cure me from my jackass tendencies.

Cane: Okay, but if, without Victoria, you're now a fully-functioning human being that doesn't drink, gamble, or chase women, why does she want to save you?

Billy: That is the question, cane. It's times like this I realize you're not a complete idiot.

Cane: You know, it's times like this I realize why I like to punch you in the mouth so much.

Billy: It's cute when we get along, isn't it? You want to do your stepbrother a favor?

Cane: Well, that depends on the favor, doesn't it?

Billy: Cozy up to mumsy. Find out what she's up to.

Dylan: We found the pages in a motel room of a waitress who actually used to work at the club -- a friend of Billy's.

Chloe: A friend of bill-- well, you don't think that Billy was involved in all this, do you? Because he -- he said that he forgave Adam. He even went on the stand and said so.

Dylan: No, we think the Billy connection is a pure coincidence. Uh, Kevin saw the woman in surveillance footage from the bus station.

Chelsea: Bus station. Well, you -- you had a tip about the bus station, but then nothing showed up --

Dylan: Right. But Kevin "kept an eye" on the locker, and this was new footage. So we ran the fingerprints, and we got a hit on Bethany Bryant. We searched her motel room, and we found the pages.

Chelsea: And did she admit that victor hired her, or...?

Dylan: Well, we didn't get a chance to question her. We think that she skipped town with a lot of cash.

Chelsea: Okay, well, you have to find her, and you have to force her to admit that victor's been behind this whole thing.

Dylan: We're trying to connect victor to this, but right now victor's not our priority, okay? Our priority, that Adam is cleared and released.

Chelsea: Thank you. You did this. You never gave up on him. Even when Paul asked you to back off, you didn't give up. Thank you, Dylan. I will forever be grateful to you. [Laughs] [Sighs]

Dylan: All right. I got to head out. I'll let you know if I hear anything, okay?

Chelsea: Okay. [Laughs]

Dylan: Hey, Chelsea, Adam's almost free. Hang in there.

Chelsea: Oh, my god. Oh, my god, oh, my god. This is -- thank god! This is amazing. You said it. You said -- you said Connor would be getting a better gift, and this is it. This is the gift. Wait. How did you know that?

[Door closes]

Victor: Let's do this some other time, Paul, okay?

Paul: Let's do it now. Talk to me about the visitors you had at Walworth. You had several.

Victor: You mean my children, who accused me of ruining their lives. Or my wife, who served me divorce papers and then changed her mind. Is that what you're talking about?

Paul: What about Bethany Bryant?

Victor: What about her?

Paul: She signed in by the name of Dorothy Gale.

Victor: [Chuckles] That from "The Wizard of Oz"? That's funny.

Paul: Does that jog your memory?

Victor: Should it? What's this about?

Paul: We suspect this woman framed your son for murder.

Victor: So this goes along with your conspiracy theory that I hired her. Is that it?

Paul: Did you?

Victor: Yeah.

Paul: So you admit you conspired with ms. Bryant to frame Adam Newman? Well, before you say anything else, victor, I need to advise you of your rights.

Victor: Kindly save your breath, Paul, okay? You want to know if I hired ms. Bryant. You bet I did. I hired beautiful, charming women before. You know why?

Paul: No.

Victor: So that they could use their charms on that useless son-of-a-bitch Billy boy Abbott. So that my daughter Victoria would finally realize that he's a low-life skirt chaser. And it worked.

Paul: So that's your cover story? That you hired a woman to keep apart an already-divorced couple? That's pretty weak, victor.

Victor: Really? Why don't you talk to her? She'll tell you that she had a hell of a time with Billy boy.

Paul: Right. You know damn well she left town with all the money you gave her.

Victor: That's her prerogative, isn't it?

Paul: Your son was framed. He was wrongfully convicted. And you've been playing games with me and my department. I will find proof that you did it, victor.

Victor: I did not want my son to rot behind bars. You have nothing to prove otherwise. You have a good day.

Chloe: You're right. I... I knew that Connor would get something better than the note. I knew Adam would be cleared.

Chelsea: How could you know that?

Chloe: Because you deserve to be happy, Chelsea. You love Adam. And you have faith in him. And if you want him home, well, then, this is where he needs to be. Adam's karma, I don't know what it is. I don't -- I don't know what's gonna happen to him. But your karma -- you let me into your house, you let me back into your life as your friend... and you deserve to have a happy life. And if he makes you happy, well, then he had to come home.

Chelsea: You're happy for me?

Chloe: [Scoffs] Of course. Of course I'm happy for you, dope.

Chelsea: [Chuckles]

Chloe: And now that Adam's free, well, I can be free of Adam. You know, I can let go of all of this and just move on. Because I have felt so guilty watching you suffer.

Chelsea: Guilty? No. This wasn't your fault.

Chloe: I've wished a lot of hate on Adam. [Scoffs] A lot. And then I had to un-wish them.

Chelsea: Because of Bella. Thank you, Chloe, for everything. [Sighs]

Chloe: Well, go. Why don't you go and give Adam the good news? He should hear it from you first.

Chelsea: I will. [Laughs] Dylan's right. This is really happening.

Pull it together, inmate. You don't want her to see you like this. I said you don't want her to see you like this.

Adam: Her. Who's her?

Your wife. She's at security. Came to give you the heads up so you don't look like garbage when you go into visiting.

Victor: She came to give you the good news. She found another man. His name is jean-Pierre. He has a house on the left bank. Ooh, fancy, fancy. You did good. It's what you wanted, isn't it? You finally did the right thing, boy.

Adam: You did this. You stole my entire life away from me.

Victor: [Chuckles] I didn't take your life away from you.

The judge didn't believe you, boy. There's still no proof.

Adam: The journal pages. That's the proof.

Victor: Oh, wait a minute. You know what I forgot to tell you? I had a little bonfire at my house. And those three pages went up in flames. Pouf! They were gone. And, by the way, I had wanted to invite Chelsea and my grandson, but they were packing. Because they're on their way to France. To their new house. To live with jean-Pierre.

Au revoir.

Jill: You think things can't get any worse? [Chuckles] They can get a lot worse.

Phyllis: Really, Jill? What can you do to me? You wanted me to stay far away from Billy. Here I am.

Jill: Yeah, working in the same building, huh.

Phyllis: Yeah, well, that wasn't my fault.

Jill: I know, I know.

Phyllis: That wasn't my fault.

Jill: I know.

Phyllis: I told him it was over. I slapped him in the elevator. I told him I love jack. But you know what the reality is? Jack and I, we argue about everything. My daughter, everything. I cannot miraculously fix that with your ax hanging over my neck. So you know what? You go ahead. You go ahead. You tell him that I fell in love with his brother. Please. You shove my marriage right off the cliff. Do it!

Jill: Here's the thing.

Phyllis: What?!

Jill: Sometimes you just have to suck it up --

Phyllis: [Exclaims]

Jill: No. What you and jack have is real, Phyllis. All right, he's changed. He's changed. He's no longer obsessed with destroying victor. But a lot of women would see that as a plus. You've both changed. But that doesn't mean you have to throw the whole thing away. You were happy once.

Phyllis: You don't give a damn about my happiness. All you care about is that I stay away from Billy.

Jill: Look at yourself. Look what this affair has done to you. You're angry and you're miserable. Don't you see? Billy can't make you happy. You can't make him happy. Please make the choice. I know this sounds cold, but think with your head and not your heart.

Jack: It seems like just yesterday. When did you stop coming around, dad? I need your wisdom now more than ever.

Ashley: You need him, too, don't you?

Cane: [Sighs]

Jill: Oh, perfect timing. Do you want to have lunch with me? We can discuss your new campaign.

Cane: Oh, really? I thought you'd rather discuss your plan to put Billy and Victoria back together.

Jill: Well, of course I want Billy and Victoria back together. But it's not like my plan has a million moving parts.

Cane: No, but it's got, what, a couple of dozen. And it started with you using me as a front to get brash & sassy back.

Jill: [Laughs]

Cane: And then you lured Victoria from Newman. And then you put Billy and Victoria back together. Would you like me to continue? Do you realize they've tried before, and they can try again someday, maybe, with or without your help?

Jill: I'm turning the maybe into a definite and someday into now, that's all. They just need a little nudge. You know, to help them to focus on the end game.

Cane: Uh-huh. Which is what?

Jill: Billy's family will be back together, the same way yours and lily's is. Okay?

Cane: You do realize my marriage was hanging by a string for months, and I just managed to save it?

Jill: I know. But you did save it, didn't you? And don't you want the same thing for Billy?

Cane: Yeah, I suppose. You know...

Jill: Okay. So. You gonna help me to make this happen, then?

Cane: Are you gonna make me regret this?

Jill: Why would you regret this? You're doing a good thing. Please. Can I trust you to work with me on this?

Cane: Fine. You trust me. Just like I trust you.

Billy: Tell me she cracked and told you everything.

Paul: Why do I think we're not talking about the same "she"?

Billy: Sorry, gentlemen. I, uh -- I was expecting cane. And by "she," I was talking about my mother.

Dylan: Yeah, well, we came for another reason. Bethany Bryant.

Billy: Uh, what about her?

Dylan: You know her?

Billy: [Sighs] Well, I wouldn't say that. But we did have a thing, yeah.

Dylan: What kind of thing?

Billy: The kind of thing that I didn't know her last name was Bryant.

Paul: When was the last time you saw her?

Billy: Tuesday. She came by my house, which was a surprise. My mother can back me up on that. She probably called her Britney.

Paul: What did she want?

Billy: Uh, I have no idea. She walked in, she walked out. That was it. You know, she did mention gambling to me at one point, which I was not a part of, so if this about gambling, then I have no idea what you're talking about.

Paul: Well, victor claims that he hired ms. Bryant to seduce you and get between you and Victoria.

Chloe: What is it?

Chelsea: Where's Chelsea? I have some news for her.

Chloe: Well, Dylan beat you to the punch. He gave her the good news, and she's on her way to Walworth to give Adam the good news.

Victor: Ah. Well, Paul Williams held me up. He accused me of framing Adam.

Chloe: Wow, you actually escaped the clutches of law enforcement. Again.

Victor: Well, look who's there. Hi, my boy! Hi, my boy. What are you doing? What are you doing there, huh?

Connor: Playing with truck.

Victor: Oh, let me see that one. Wow! Ooh, that's a bad red truck. I love that.


Newman? Your wife is here. Let's go.

Adam: Chelsea's here? Just tell her to go away.

Don't be an idiot. Most guys get dumped the second they walk in this place. You're lucky you still have a wife.

Adam: A wife. Just tell her to get out of here. Tell her to go to jean-Pierre or whatever the hell his name is. Just tell her to leave me alone. Go!

[Door opens]

Inmate isn't coming.

Chelsea: No, he has to come. I-I have to talk to him.

He says you should go away, ma'am.

Chelsea: N-- no, he -- he doesn't mean that. We -- we've been through this before. He's just feeling hopeless. But if he listens --

He's in a bad way. No food. No sleep. Give him some time. He'll come around.

Chelsea: Wait, no! No! Excuse me. No, I -- you don't understand. I have to talk to him because there's hope. There's hope. There's new evidence. So I-I need to talk to him. I need to tell my husband he's coming home.

Jack: I still sometimes wish dad would just tell me what to do. In easy-to-follow instructions even I can't screw up.

Ashley: Gets to be too much sometimes, doesn't it? Work and family and love.

Jack: I know what he'd say to you. He's proud of his beauty. All you've done to help jabot, and Abby, and certainly Traci and me.

Ashley: Yeah. And then he'd wonder why I don't have a man in my life.

Jack: A man who's worthy of you. That's what he'd say. I can hear it right now. And then he'd ask me why I still haven't gotten it together where women are concerned.

Ashley: Are you kidding me, Jackie? You have grown so much. You haven't cheated on Phyllis. You haven't lied to Phyllis.

Jack: Yeah, I have come a long way, haven't I?

Ashley: Yeah. Yeah.

Jack: I'm in this for the long haul, ash. I just can't figure out how to keep my wife happy.

Ashley: But, jack, it's not up to just you. Phyllis has to figure out a way to make herself happy. She better be grateful that she's got a husband like you.

Jack: Thanks. [Sighs]

Phyllis: No. No, no, no, no. You cannot just barge in here, into my office, whenever you want.

Billy: You need to stop talking, okay? We have a problem. Bethany's working with victor.

Phyllis: What?

Billy: He hired her like he did Chelsea -- to keep me away from Victoria.

Phyllis: No, no, no. I hired her. I hired her to pretend she was on the back of your bike. She works for me. She worked for us.

Billy: And how do you know she's not taking a paycheck from the both of you, or that victor didn't get to her first? What if she's just relaying everything that she knows about us?

Phyllis: No. No.

Billy: What do you mean no? Okay, Phyllis, victor might know everything about us. He would have surveillance photos the size of billboards by now, okay?

Billy: What if he's waiting for something bigger?

Phyllis: What's bigger than a billboard?

Billy: I don't know. But I have a feeling we're about to find out.

Victor: I bet you that's a tow truck. Isn't that tow truck? Huh?

Connor: Yeah.

Victor: Yeah?

Connor: That's tow truck.

Victor: I bet you don't know that daddy will soon come home. Right?

Connor: [Babbles]

Victor: You know, Grandpa will always take care of you. Will always protect you. Oh, my goodness. Look at that big trucky. I love that. There.

Newman, your wife has news. It's big. You don't want it from me. You want it from her. Get your ass out there.

Victor: You don't want to see her? Best anyway, you know. You know, Chelsea and Connor are busy, anyway. They are taking that flight to Paris. They're gonna move into Jean-Pierre's house. You know what Connor calls Jean-Pierre? Calls him Papa. That nice? [Chuckles] But that's as it should be, you know. Eat something, for heaven's sake. You look like a --

...Zombie. This is what you get for refusing to eat or sleep.

Victor: Why don't you sleep now? Sleep, sleep, sleep forever. Now, you and I both know that's the best for you. Just say bye-bye. You'll never see them again. And it's gonna be all over for you.

Adam: I'm gonna kill you!


[Alarms blare]

Chelsea: Adam? Adam?! Adam! Adam!

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Travis: What brings you to sunny Mexico?

Victoria: You.

Dylan: The woman whose room we found the pages in, Bethany Bryant, is connected to victor.

[Adam struggling]

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