Y&R Transcript Wednesday 8/17/16
Provided By Suzanne
Paul: What the hell is this?Kevin: Spring grove bus station. Same locker Dylan got an anonymous tip about. Except this footage is less than an hour old.
Paul: Kevin!
Kevin: Paul, come on. This could be a huge break.
Paul: There are no breaks. The case is closed. I told you that. Adam pled guilty.
Kevin: This is about more than clearing Adam. It could prove that Chloe is innocent, too.
Chloe: [Sighs] I'm so sorry. That's why I came here. Just to tell you that. I know they're just words. It's actions that count. [Sighs] But I came up short. [Crying] I'm so sorry I've failed you. [Sobs]
Bethany: Really? I don't get an answer?
Victor: I have no idea who you are or what you're talking about.
Bethany: Please. We both know better than that. Okay? You stuffed a cool million into this bag, you sent me to a bus-station locker to pick it up, along with a note saying to take the money and leave town. And I just want to know why. I think I deserve that much.
Victor: Look, I'm not in the habit of handing out that kind of cash to perfect strangers, which you are to me. So I suggest you show yourself out.
Bethany: I know it was you. If I tell you how I know it was you, can we stop playing games? There was a signed receipt along with the key in a check folder. And it took me a while to put a face with the name, but once I did, I realized he is a regular at the GCAC. And almost every time I see him, he is sitting with the very famous victor Newman. Two plus two equals four. You wanted me to find that money.
Victor: If someone gave you that kind of money, you don't look the gift horse in the mouth.
Bethany: Well, we could do this all day.
Victor: Yes.
Bethany: But you need me gone, and that's not happening until I get some answers.
Victor: Kindly close the door.
Victor: By you disappearing, my son will get out of prison.
Billy: I don't understand. Okay, you had an opportunity to sail around the world with somebody that you loved, and you didn't take it because of me?
Victoria: I don't understand why that's so surprising. We have kids that we're both devoted to.
Billy: Okay, so that makes sense. You didn't want to leave them behind.
Victoria: Actually, Travis wanted me to bring them along. Yeah. He said it would be the trip of a lifetime. He wanted me to work out something with you so that you would be okay with it. But I realized that you couldn't be separated from them any more than I could.
Billy: Yeah, I didn't know about this. About any of it.
Victoria: I realized that it was wrong to even ask, so I didn't. We're bonded by our children, Billy. So it looks like you're stuck with me.
Jack: Hey, hey. Where are you off to? I thought we had a dinner date?
Phyllis: Yes. We do. I-I'm sorry, but, uh... [Sighs] I am so swamped. I need to get back to work. You'll forgive me?
Jack: You're really that busy?
Phyllis: Yes, I am crazy busy. I have the east coast president bank coming to see me to talk about pass key, and then we have the new ad agency who needs --
Jack: Will you do me a favor?
Phyllis: Sure. What?
Jack: Stop lying to me. Please.
Phyllis: Lying to you?
Jack: I called summer and got an earful about how her mother and victor of all people were working to derail her wedding. This after you promised me you would not give over to your worst instincts. This after you looked me in the eye and told me you agreed summer deserved to make her own choices.
Phyllis: Okay, fine. I am working with victor. To try and stop this wedding. And I'm not gonna apologize for it. Because difficult as it has been to be in the same room as that bastard, it beats the alternative -- watching my daughter rush into another disastrous marriage. Do you know Luca is even more dangerous than Austin ever dreamed of being? That is saying something.
Jack: Okay, look --
Phyllis: No, you look. I am her mother. And you can get angry, you can disapprove, you can give me your biggest lecture, but at the end of the day, this is my call. You have no say here. None.
Jack: You have no right to talk to me that way about summer. Unless you're trying to re-write history here.
Billy: You're right about the bonding thing. Kids do that. And if I ever forget, I have my mother to remind us.
Victoria: Yeah, well, somehow I don't think that Jill needs to explain to either one of us what's really important in life.
Billy: Hear, hear. So, why aren't the kids learning the difference between port and starboard and all those other boaty words?
Victoria: [Sighs] Oh, yeah, well... I don't know. I saw you with them at crimson lights. You and Johnny and Katherine. And you looked really happy. I haven't seen you look happy in a long time. I didn't really want to wreck that by... taking them away on a trip indefinitely.
Billy: So you decided it wasn't gonna work on your own.
Victoria: Well, why would I do that if I knew it would hurt you? I saw your face, and I had my answer.
Billy: So, let me guess how this went -- you go back to the guy that you love and tell him that you're not gonna go on the trip, and he gets on his boat and sails away.
Victoria: Yeah, pretty much.
Billy: So, the obvious question is, how much do you blame me for missing out?
Dylan: [Sighs]
Mariah: Hey. What are you doing?
Dylan: Uh, well, I'm gonna sleep down here tonight.
Mariah: Sharon snoring too loud or what?
Sharon: Dylan and I had a fight.
Mariah: Well, that's stupid. Fix it.
Dylan: Yeah, it's not that simple, Mariah.
Mariah: Yes, it is. You don't just sleep on the couch because you and your wife had a disagreement. Unless you're a loser.
Paul: I've got Dylan's badge and gun locked in my desk because he defied a direct order. I would be more than happy to suspend you, too. The rules around here apply to everyone.
Kevin: Paul, if you would just hear me out. Please. Dylan thinks Adam was framed. That's why he wouldn't stop investigating. I-I was fine with giving up until Chloe was implicated, and that's when I knew that I had to see this through. And I'm telling you right now, she was not involved, if for no other reason because of how much she despises victor. But beyond that, Paul, she's changed.
Paul: Adam took a plea. It's done. It's over.
Kevin: Okay, I know why you made the decision you made. At the time, there was no other evidence. But this video is a game changer. Please. Please just watch it. Please? After the last time, I had the cameras repositioned to catch this angle. A woman, who is definitely not Chloe, comes in, looks around, makes sure she's not being watched, goes to the exact same locker Dylan checked out last week. He had to use a master key to get in. She has her own key. Okay? She opens the locker and looky there. A bag. What's inside? Cash. Big-time payoff cash. And she's not wearing gloves, meaning her fingerprints are all over that locker. Whew!
Paul: And you just happened to stumble upon this?
Kevin: No, I've been keeping a lookout trying to prove that Chloe is innocent.
Paul: Right. Using department equipment and department time?
Kevin: No, using my laptop on my time. Paul, closing a case when there is no evidence is absolutely justifiable, but keeping it closed when something like this pops up, well, that's wrong. And if you ignore this, it's negligent.
Paul: All right. I will send a man to spring grove and gather evidence.
Kevin: A man, huh? Uh, I bet Dylan's available, if you want to give him a call.
Paul: You know, Kevin, last time I checked, I'm still in charge here. I will make those decisions.
Kevin: Copy.
Bethany: When you say your son, do you mean Adam? Because I read about his case. He was convicted of murder.
Victor: He took a deal. The evidence was stacked against him. But he's innocent.
Bethany: You need someone to take the fall for the murder so your son can go free, and that person is me.
Victor: But don't you worry about a thing, okay? You won't be arrested. You won't go to prison. As long as you do what you're told.
Bethany: You expect me to just walk around the rest of my life with that lie hanging over my head?
Victor: None of that matters. Just get the hell out of town and everything will be fine. Everyone wins.
Mariah: So, let me get this straight. You wouldn't stop trying to prove that victor framed Adam even after Paul suspended you. And you got all wifey and over-protective because you were afraid that victor was gonna retaliate.
Dylan: Yeah, that's, uh -- that's about it.
Sharon: You know, after hearing Mariah's unique take on it, I realize that I owe you an apology. I was wrong. I see that now. Dylan, I'm always gonna worry. I can't help that. But your job is your job, and it's not my place to stand in your way. If you quit now out of fear, you wouldn't be the man I love.
Dylan: Thank you. I'm -- I'm sorry. I shouldn't have gotten so bent out of shape.
Sharon: Forgive me?
Mariah: [Clapping] See? That's what I'm talking about. Now, tell me about this case. Is there any news? I mean, if you're still pursuing it, you must have ID'd this mystery woman.
[Knock on door]
Sharon: Who could that be at this hour?
Dylan: I'll get it.
Kevin: Oh, good. You're still up. You're all up.
Dylan: Kevin, what's -- what's going on?
Kevin: Well, I am positive that the woman victor was meeting with to frame Adam could not have been Chloe.
Mariah: You suspected Chloe? Oh, my god. That makes so much sense.
Bethany: Do you know how crazy that sounds? What makes you think I would go along with that?
Victor: I can think of some reasons.
Bethany: Such as?
Victor: Well, as far as I know, you live a rather humdrum life. You pour drinks at a bar. No really rosy future ahead of you. No prospects. You take that money, you have a fresh start. As long as you get out of town.
Bethany: I thought Billy was arrogant. You don't know a thing about me.
Victor: Listen, let's cut the bull. You can't afford to pass up a million bucks, can you?
Bethany: Sure I can. What I can't afford to turn down is $3 million.
Victor: Mm. You play the game well.
Bethany: Is that a yes?
Victor: 3 million bucks it is. That concludes our business deal. You got that?
Chloe: [Scoffs] What I did, I... [Sighs] I did it for you. My sweet little girl. But I also did it for myself, too. Knowing Adam would pay for taking your life away. I would some-- somehow finally find some peace. But then things didn't work out the way I'd hoped, and the walls started closing in, and... [Sighs] [Sniffles] Victor made me see that I had to give up on punishing Adam, or I would be the one to go jail, and then Bella would be left without a mother. And that can never, ever happen. [Cries] I promised you justice. I promised you, and now I have to break that promise. [Sobs] And somehow, some way, I... I have to find a way to live with that. [Sighs]
Jack: In case you've forgotten, I was a parent to summer, too. When you were in a coma. When I thought I was her father. I had to step up, and gladly did. I love her, too, Phyllis. I also respect her enough to allow her to make her own choices.
Phyllis: Okay, so where do you draw the line? If she wants to drive off the side of a cliff...
Jack: Oh, come on. Don't be ridiculous.
Phyllis: ...Are you gonna try to help her? No, I'm being dead serious, because I'm seeing a lot of similarities here. I mean, if she marries Luca, it will be catastrophic.
Jack: So you've told me. Many times.
Phyllis: Do you know what I find ironic? You want to give summer all of this freedom to make a horrible mistake, and yet you want me to toe the line. You want to pull the reins on me when all I want to do is protect my daughter. You may not like being lied to, but I don't like having to endure your constant lectures on how to act.
Jack: This is where we're to now? You're having "endure" me?
Phyllis: I love you with all of my heart. But, jack, we are not connecting. And you know that as well as I do. I-it's like whenever I get passionate, you are making it your mission to try to stop me. And I-I just... I don't know. It's like you think you know best. And that's reminding me of somebody else I know who tries to protect his family where they all want to scream.
Jack: O-okay, Phyllis --
Phyllis: No. Do you know what, I-I -- I hate lying to you. But you know what I hate more? Being treated like a wayward child instead of your wife.
Jack: [Sighs]
Victoria: You know, after I turned down his offer, I came by your house that day. We painted walls with the kids.
Billy: That's right. I-I do remember that. I felt like there was something going on with you, but I couldn't quite put my finger on it.
Victoria: Yeah, well... you know, if I really felt like you were keeping me from something that I really wanted, [Sighs] I would have never come by your place. But I'm really glad that I did, because we got to spend some time with the kids together, and make some beautiful memories.
Billy: Yeah.
Victoria: You can't plan memories like that. And that's worth a lot to me. So, you can get this crazy idea out of your noggin that you were, um, holding me back from any happiness.
Billy: My noggin, eh?
Victoria: Yeah, your noggin.
Phyllis: Sorry to interrupt. [Knocks]
Billy: [Sighs] Uh, what are you doing here?
Phyllis: I need to speak with Victoria privately if that's all right with you.
Victoria: Yeah, sure. That's fine. We can talk.
Billy: Okay. I'll see you in a bit.
Victoria: I'll see you. I think I can save us both some time. I know that you're working with my dad and nick to stop summer's wedding.
Phyllis: Yes. I should have been more up front before.
Victoria: Well, I assume that you're here to talk to me about the phone call with Travis?
Phyllis: Nick filled me in. He told me that Travis is refusing to come back and expose Luca?
Victoria: Yeah. I'm sorry, Phyllis. I tried.
Phyllis: Try harder.
Victoria: What?
Phyllis: Go to Travis in person.
Kevin: You must not have heard me. I just said Chloe was not the woman in the video.
Mariah: Well, I know you don't want her to be, but come on. Who else has a stronger motive?
Sharon: Well, let's -- let's hear what Kevin has to say.
Kevin: Thank you, Sharon. I had a feeling that that locker was gonna see some more action, right, so I arranged to have the security camera repositioned to a different angle.
Dylan: You've been watching the place the whole time?
Kevin: Yes. And get this -- woman comes in acting very nervous. She has a key to the locker, right, the one that you went to check out before. Opens it up, pulls out a big bag full of cash.
Mariah: Seriously?
Kevin: Seriously. And I went through the video frame by frame, and there's a couple of seconds where you could see her face. It's profile, but still. There's no way it's Chloe. Then she grabs the money and hightails it out.
Dylan: I mean, so far, everything pointed to Chloe, but... I mean, I can't ignore this new lead. I'm gonna have to tell Paul, and he's gonna rip my head off. I know it.
Kevin: Paul knows. I just showed him the footage.
Mariah: And your head's still on? Good job.
Kevin: Thanks. He wasn't happy, but he watched and finally agreed to send somebody out to spring grove to check it out.
Dylan: What do you mean he sent somebody there? This is my case. I'm the one who should follow up on this.
Kevin: That's why I came to tell you. I thought, suspension or not, you needed to know.
Sharon: You should go, Dylan. You have spent so much time trying to find the truth. You need to see this through to the end. What are you waiting for? Go.
Dylan: You're the best.
Kevin: Uh, Paul's not gonna like this.
Dylan: Can't think about that right now.
Victor: You hold onto that. It's all you'll get.
Bethany: Understood. I will be gone as soon as I'm packed.
Victor: No, you buy a one-way ticket. Go right to the airport.
Bethany: Any advice on where I should relocate?
Victor: Yes. You got to some damn country that doesn't have an extradition treaty with the U.S. And stay there. She's on her way. You know what to do.
Chloe: I just passed a woman on the elevator. She the new patsy?
Victor: That's none of your business.
Chloe: Figured you'd say that.
Victor: Come in. Close the door. Let me tell you this again. The less contact you have with me, the better. So stay the hell away from me. You're not here to renege on our deal, are you?
Chloe: I just came from Delia's memorial. I had to apologize for failing her.
Victor: How'd you do that?
Chloe: I promised her justice, and I didn't deliver. I had it in the palm of my hand.
Victor: You had reasons to drop the vendetta.
Chloe: Yeah, I know. The fight needs to be over. And I need to give Bella a full life. One that Delia never got to have. You know... Delia would have loved to have been a big sister. [Exhales sharply] She would have loved Bella.
Victor: You know, if I may suggest something... you can honor Delia's memory by being a good mother to her little sister, Bella.
Chloe: Yeah, I realized that on the side of the road.
Victor: Okay.
Chloe: But then I realized something else, too.
Victor: And what was that?
Paul: Looks like we got several in-tact print on the handle of this locker. They shouldn't be too hard to lift. Give me the fingerprint kit. I have to admit, there might be something to this. You got it ready? Br--
Mariah: I don't know why you're so convinced it wasn't Chloe. Two seconds of blurry security footage hardly erases all that motive.
Kevin: Did I say the video was blurry?
Mariah: It always is. Right, Sharon?
Sharon: Oooh. Don't look at me. I'm staying out of this.
Kevin: Chloe was 2,000 miles away while victor was meeting with this mystery woman.
Mariah: Do you know that for a fact?
Kevin: There are records, Mariah, that place her in California at the time.
Mariah: Oh, come on. Like someone couldn't have hacked the facility's computer and changed the dates. Which, by the way, would be something that you would point out if Chloe wasn't a suspect. I think it goes without saying that you're hardly an objective person when it comes to your ex.
Kevin: I have watched that video again and again trying to figure out if it could be Chloe. If it were her, don't you think I would want to know? Yes, I miss her. Yes, I want her back in my life. And I'm confident that if I'm patient that's gonna happen. Hey, I did not fabricate this footage to make Chloe look innocent. It's the real deal.
Mariah: So are your feelings for Chloe, which makes you biased.
Kevin: Enough. I don't need a rehash on why you think I ought to give up on Chloe. Those flowers... those are Chloe's favorites. And this arrangement is exactly the one I had sent to her office. So what's it doing here?
Victoria: So you want me to drop everything and fly down to Mexico?
Phyllis: Physically drag Travis back here if that's what it takes, yes.
Victoria: My gosh. You are out of your mind.
Phyllis: Yes, I am out of my mind. I am out of my mind with worry. You know what kind of person Luca is. You know what kind of mistake summer is about to make.
Victoria: I'm sorry, Phyllis. There's nothing I can do about it, all right?
Phyllis: That is not true. This could be our last shot at opening her eyes, at showing her who Luca really is.
Victoria: You don't have to convince me that he's a bad guy, all right? I wouldn't have agreed to call him. As if that did any good.
Phyllis: Victoria, I know that this is gonna be difficult, but we have to put summer first.
Victoria: Okay, look. I already told Billy that I was okay with letting Travis go. That I made the decision to stay here while he left town, and that I was happy with that choice.
Phyllis: Well, that is great. If you are over him, it's gonna make things easier.
Victoria: Yeah, it might, if I was being totally honest with Billy. But the thing is, I really -- I wasn't, okay?
Jack: Just get it in writing. Bye.
Billy: Oh, hey. Hey. Sorry.
Jack: Are you?
Billy: Not sure how to take that.
Jack: [Sighs] Never mind. You know, nothing.
Billy: You okay, jack?
Jack: Oh, I wish I could say yes.
Billy: Well, why can't you?
Jack: Oh, Phyllis and I just got into it. Yet again. It's turning into a bad habit.
Billy: I'd ask you what the problem is, but I'm thinking it's better I shouldn't intrude.
Jack: You already intruded. In a way, that's what this fight was about.
Billy: How, exactly, did I intrude between you and Phyllis?
Jack: The last conversation we had, where you said I shouldn't clip Phyllis' wings. It was sound advice.
Billy: I thought so.
Jack: Can we sit down? Anyway, I took your advice -- since, unlike me, you and she seem to be on the same wavelength. But right out of the gate, all the wrong buttons were pushed, and before I knew it, I was back to my old patterns.
Billy: Criticize her choices?
Jack: Worse than that. Phyllis said I was treating her like a child. And you know what? She was right. I was in her face trying to get her to see things the way I did. And she walked, and now we're farther apart than ever. Could I have a club soda, please, and a single-malt scotch, neat.
Billy: Thank you. You know what, I'm gonna take back what I said earlier. Why don't you tell me what the fight is about?
Jack: Phyllis is bound and determined to come between summer and Luca. So much so that she's willing to team up with victor, if you can believe that.
Billy: I heard rumblings.
Jack: This deal is one where, whatever choice I make, it's the wrong one.
Billy: All right, why don't you start with giving me a "for instance"?
Jack: Okay. For instance, I told Phyllis it was a mistake to go after Luca. It could only end badly. She looked me in the eye, she agreed, she said she understood, and then she went ahead and did whatever she wanted to do. Now tonight she makes up all kinds of stories of why I-I can't be with her, and... when did my wife become so comfortable lying to me all the time?
Phyllis: You told me before that you could envision the day where you might reconcile with Billy. Are you saying now that you still have a thing for Travis?
Victoria: All those feelings were a lot easier to put aside when I figured that that ship had literally sailed. The next thing I know, nick has the two of us video-chatting. And you show up, you want me to go find him. You want me to bring him home. You can see what a dilemma that might be for me. Look, Phyllis, I'm just trying to put my life back together. I'm just trying to focus on work and raise my kids with Billy. That's all. I'm the one that said goodbye to Travis. And now, all of a sudden, he's back in my life. At least the idea of him is. And it's really messing with my head right now. Look, I'm sure you know how it feels, saying goodbye to somebody that you care about, that you love, only to find that sticking to it isn't so easy.
Phyllis: Yeah. I think I have an idea what that feels like.
Kevin: That's why Chloe never thanked me for the flowers. She never saw them, did she?
Mariah: Actually, she did see them. She thought they were nice.
Kevin: So, what, she -- she just gave them to you?
Mariah: No. I took them.
Kevin: Now I'm confused.
Mariah: If it makes you feel any better, she didn't see the card. That's why she didn't thank you. She didn't know that they were for her. Bet you feel a whole lot better about that, right?
Kevin: What the hell, Mariah?
Mariah: I was protecting you.
Kevin: From what?
Mariah: From your own worst instincts, Kevin! I tried to tell you a million times that Chloe wasn't interested. She does not want to get back together with you. But you didn't listen. You ignored me. I could see that you were headed for a nasty fall. Someone had to step in.
Kevin: Oh, and that someone had to be you? Who put you in charge of my love life?
Mariah: Isn't that what a best friend is supposed to do? That's what you keep calling me, right?
Kevin: Well, yeah, you are my -- Mariah, wait! What has gotten into her?
Sharon: Really, Kevin? You can't see it? Wake up. Open your eyes.
Dylan: I don't recognize her. And I hate to admit Kevin's right, but this is definitely not Chloe.
Paul: Okay, I got a hit. Bethany Bryant, age 32. She's got a couple of priors here -- underage drinking.
Dylan: That explains why she's in our database. But what's her motive to frame Adam?
Paul: Well, we'll ask her when we track her down.
Dylan: You got an address?
Paul: Yeah, right there. I'm gonna call judge Rockwell and get a warrant.
Dylan: Let's go get her.
Paul: Not without these.
Dylan: Thank you.
Dylan: You can't do your job without them.
Paul: Let's go. Miller.
Chloe: Listen, as of today, our alliance is going to be a thing of the past.
Victor: Mm.
Chloe: I'm going to focus on Bella. Meanwhile, Adam will be getting out, and there will be no justice for Delia. But I'm going to figure out a way to deal with that, because that's what I promised Dee Dee, and that's the way that it's going to be. But only if you agree that this is really, truly over. I mean, no more complications, victor. You need to let me figure out a way to move on from this. Because if you don't agree, then -- well, then I can't -- I can't promise that this is really over.
Victor: Okay. Now it's my turn.
Phyllis: You're right. You are lucky. You were able to walk away from Travis. And after that, he wasn't around to remind you what you sacrificed.
Victoria: Now you want me to change all that. Make things a thousand times harder.
Phyllis: Victoria, no offense, but this is not about you. This is about summer. There is too much at stake to not intervene. We cannot let her marry this degenerate. And I tell you, if I had somewhere else to turn, I would. But I don't. And I am begging you -- I am begging you, please step up for your family.
Victoria: All right. Okay. I'll go see Travis.
Phyllis: Thank you. Thank you. I want you to remember, if it gets hard, you always have someone to talk to. Someone who gets it.
Billy: I'm sorry what you're going through with Phyllis, but I don't think I'm the one to give you marriage advice.
Jack: No, no, no, no, no. Listen, I value your opinion. I really do. And if I'd just shown a little restraint, if I'd been able to curb my own impulses, well, maybe I'd be patching things up with my wife and not going home to what promises to be an empty house.
Billy: You know what's funny about that? I just came from Victoria and, in a roundabout way, we were discussing the exact same issue.
Jack: How do you mean?
Billy: She told me that she didn't go on a boat trip with her boyfriend around the world because of me.
Jack: I didn't realize that was an option.
Billy: Yeah, well, it was. He even wanted to bring the kids, which is amazing, because he's never even met them, but... anyway... Victoria and I, we're -- we're not even together anymore, and she still had to make a choice between living her life and -- and being spontaneous or standing by her commitment to raise our kids together.
Jack: It sounds like she made the right call regardless of how she might feel about this other guy.
Billy: Okay, fair enough. But the point is, she made the decision on her own without me. I mean, if I knew what was going on, how do you think I would have reacted? We could be in court right now in a custody battle. Or I could have gave her my blessing, and they could be on a trip of a lifetime. I guess what I'm asking is, a-at what point do you hold the person that you love back from doing something that -- that you know is gonna make them happy?
Jack: When kids are involved. Look, giving in to the moment, surrendering to your passions, I mean, that'll get the blood going, all right, but... but marriage, family, stability. These are things that last. That's what I want with Phyllis. It's not easy, but... Billy, I'm in this for the long haul.
Victor: First of all, your concerns are unfounded.
Chloe: That's easy for you to say.
Victor: Well, I told you that once I had those journal pages in my possession, that I would wrap things up. I put a plan in motion, and that's what's happening right now.
Chloe: "Trust you." Those will be your next two words, right?
Victor: Once the police have the evidence they need, they will clear Adam. He'll come out of prison. And their suspicion regarding you... is gonna evaporate and be gone.
[Pounding on door]
Paul: Police! Open up!
Dylan: We got a search warrant.
Paul: Wow.
Dylan: [Sighs]
Paul: Well, somebody left in a hurry, huh?
Dylan: Yeah. She left these.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Jack: I'll keep it real short. Stay the hell away from my wife.
Ashley: You are playing a very dangerous game. And you have so much to lose.
Paul: You got to be kidding me.
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