Y&R Transcript Tuesday 8/16/16
Provided By Suzanne
Phyllis: Summer, we love you.
Summer: No [Stammers] Just stop, okay? You said that you supported me and my marriage to Luca. Was -- [Scoffs] Was all of that a lie?
Victor: We had concerns, okay?
Summer: Because you hate Luca.
Victor: No. I did a background check on Luca, as I would do on any of my employees.
Summer: Luca is not just an employee. He is the man that I love. The man that I want to be a part of this family. How could you do this to me?
Phyllis: Of course you're angry, because we went behind your back. And we are sorry for that. But our goal is to look out for you, and to protect your happiness.
Summer: Yeah, well, you both failed.
Luca: I doubt Victoria cares much, if at all, what happens to you now that she's back with her ex, Billy.
Travis: It's fine with me if Victoria's back with her ex. We ended things before I left.
Luca: That's a brave face. But I think you do still care. So, just in case you think it's a good idea to sail your sweet little boat back into town, I know for a fact that what you and "Tori" had meant a hell of a lot more to you than it ever did to her.
Nick: I get that you don't want to drag Travis into this, but he's our only hope.
Victoria: What you're asking, nick, this is everything that he's tried to run away from.
Nick: But he didn't run away from you. Look, summer is charging ahead with this wedding. And I'm sure Luca is the one who convinced her that she needed to get married as fast as possible. If we don't do something, she is gonna be tied to this crook. And him wiping out her bank accounts will be the least of my concerns.
Victoria: Look, summer's a smart girl. She knows what Luca's done. She knows what he's capable of. I'm sure she'll come to her senses.
Nick: [Sighs] We're talking about summer, all right? She married the man who kidnapped Avery. When her heart gets involved, sometimes there's no reasoning with her. And I'm not just gonna sit back and watch Luca Santori rip her heart out. Vick, I need your help. Please, will you pick up the phone and just call him? Please?
Bethany: Hey, did you see who left this here?
Billy: [Sighs] [Scoffs]
[Door closes]
Jill: Oh. Isn't it wonderful? I mean, it needs a few tweaks here and there. Katherine would probably carp about it for hours. But on the whole, I think the old bird would be very pleased. Don't you?
Billy: It's very you and Katherine.
Jill: Mm.
Billy: Like I was never here.
Jill: Oh, honey, I didn't change everything.
Billy: Doesn't matter. It's not my home.
Jill: You're absolutely right about that. This is not your home.
Billy: You're throwing me out?
Summer: I was so happy that you supported me. I-I couldn't believe it at first. But now it all makes sense. You were just lying to me the whole time.
Victor: Sweetheart, I don't know how to explain this to you. [Sighs] I adore you. You have a tender heart. You have a trusting nature.
Summer: And that just adds up to me being naive, right?
Phyllis: You are my daughter. I have seen you hurt before -- when you married Austin. I wasn't here to help you see the signs. I am here now. And I don't want to see you get your heart broken again.
Summer: You know, when we went wedding-dress shopping, you got so emotional, and I felt so close to you. Closer than we've felt in a really long time.
Phyllis: And that was genuine.
Summer: Oh, please, mom. You played me. All of this is a lie.
Phyllis: I told you I wanted the best for you. That was the truth. And I told you there is nothing on this planet this family will not do for you. That is also true.
Summer: And then when you "oohed" and "ahhed" over a dress that you never even wanted to see me wear?
Phyllis: I want to see you in a wedding gown, and I want to see you walk down that aisle and marry an amazing man. A man who is worthy of you.
Summer: Luca is more than worthy.
Victor: There are things about Luca that you're not aware of.
Summer: You are no better than my mom. You said that you wanted me to be happy.
Victor: Of course I want you to be happy. I always want you to be happy.
Summer: As long as Luca's not involved. That's what you really meant.
Victor: Sweetheart, your safety, your happiness, your security, all that is my priority.
Summer: Well, honestly, I can't even believe one word that comes out of either of your mouths anymore.
Victor: You know what you're saying? You believe Luca. You don't believe what your own family is saying to you.
Travis: It's working, Luca. I want to put a fist in your face again, just like last time, when you walked into my bar trashing Victoria.
Luca: Yeah, well, that sounds like a lot of fun, there, captain, but, look, I'm just trying to help you.
Travis: You're out for yourself, Santori. So let me be very clear about this -- I am done with lying, soulless peacocks like you. So if you don't mind, I've got a beautiful view to enjoy.
Luca: Okay. Before you get back to that view, there, sailor, there's more you need to hear.
Luca: I'd rather go swim with the sharks than hear another word out of your mouth.
Luca: Will you please just be quiet for one second? I'm doing you a favor. Your life could be in danger.
Travis: Sounds more like a threat.
Luca: No, no, no. It's not a threat. Not from me. It's victor. He's ready to kill the person who sabotaged his oil division, and right now you are number one on his list.
Travis: Yeah, because you put a bull's-eye on my back.
Luca: Here's my advice -- forget you ever heard of Genoa city or dreamed of a reunion with Victoria and just keep on sailing. Because victor will track you down. And if he ever finds you, you'll either rot in prison or rot in hell.
Bethany: [Scoffs] "Take the money and leave town."
Bethany: What's this, a bonus?
Phyllis: It's for you to shut up and go away.
Bethany: Okay. Well, you know where to find me when you need me.
Billy: You know, first you swipe my company from me, then you yank the house out from under me that you told me to make my own.
Jill: I am not handing you your eviction papers. I just want you to know that if you don't feel at home here, you're free to move out.
Billy: Oh, see, that's some passive-aggressive crap that I'm just not in the mood for.
Jill: Billy, I don't do passive, okay? I just want you to know that you're free to live wherever you want.
Billy: Okay, fine. Why don't you just tell me the game that you're playing this time?
Jill: Can't a mother just want what's best for her son?
Billy: You really want to go there?
Jill: A home should be a refuge.
Billy: Oh, man.
Jill: It should. It should be a place of safety and protection. And this is it for me. Come on, baby, don't you remember all the memories we had here? All the holidays?
Billy: I remember the catfights.
Jill: And the celebrations.
Billy: And the food fights.
Jill: [Laughs] That was cake, and it was really, really delicious. Okay, so, we had some battles royale. We also had some tears of joy, some tears of sadness. And maybe that's why my heart beats here like no place else.
Billy: How would Colin feel about that, mom?
Jill: I can't wait till Colin gets here. We're gonna fill this house with more love and more memories.
Billy: I'm sure you'll fill it with a lot more battles, too.
Jill: And that's part of the fun. That's what I want for you, baby. I want a home for you where you -- you close the door and the world is on the outside.
Billy: No, see, I know that you want me to be a "slippers by the hearth" kind of guy, but that's just not me, okay? I'm -- I'm more of a wanderer.
Jill: I know. You've lived all over the place. Miami and new Orleans and Hong Kong and Myanmar. Although, I have to tell you, I don't think a prison cell is a home. But then there was that little trailer in the woods.
Billy: Oh, you know -- see, now I get it.
Jill: I hope you get it. I want you to get it.
Billy: Yeah, because you're singing the same song you always sing, and it's called Victoria.
Jill: Because Victoria is your one and only home.
Victoria: I know that summer marrying Luca would be a big mistake.
Nick: It would be a disaster, and we have to stop it.
Victoria: I'm just not sure that Travis is the solution.
Nick: Look, summer needs to hear the truth about Luca. And she can't hear it from us. Travis isn't family, so he's not emotionally invested in it. All he has to do is come back to town and tell summer that Luca set him up, and then she will see Luca for what he really is.
Victoria: The man is out there sailing around somewhere in the middle of the ocean. I doubt that this number is gonna do any good when he's in the middle of the pacific or the Atlantic. I'm sure he's totally unreachable right now, nick.
Nick: He's in manzanillo. Dad's people tracked him down.
Victoria: Oh, yeah. Of course they did.
Nick: And that number works. All you have to do is dial it.
Victoria: Well, there's no guarantee that he's even gonna take my call.
Nick: He loved you. That doesn't just go away.
Victoria: He asked me to sail around the world with him and I said no. I'm pretty sure that love is off the table right now.
Nick: What's the name of the boat he's on?
Victoria: "Blue eyed beauty."
Nick: Blue -- really?
Victoria: It doesn't mean anything.
Nick: It means he'll take your call.
Victoria: He wanted me to have a simpler life, you know? He wanted to get me away from Newman and the stress and the lies and the pressure. He thought it was gonna eat me alive. And it might break my heart. I guess maybe it did a little bit.
Nick: Vick, no one's heart is bigger than yours. Or stronger. I need you.
Victoria: Well, what about what Travis needs? Think it would really be fair of me to drag him back in this huge mess? It's just -- it's selfish.
Nick: This is summer's future at stake. Look, this man had enough integrity to want to save you. Maybe that same integrity will want to bring him to summer's rescue.
Summer: I believe Luca because he's been honest with me about his mistakes.
Phyllis: That you know of.
Summer: Okay, just stop. Look, I get that Luca's pulled some thing here at Newman. But when I confronted him, he had the courage to tell me the truth. He had the faith in our relationship to be honest with me. I mean, I wish I could say the same thing about my own family.
Victor: We adore you. We love you. We support you. All we want is all the facts.
Summer: Okay, and what horrible, dark secrets have you found? Nothing, right? But instead of backing off, you're just gonna dig deeper. But that's not gonna stop you, because you're just gonna figure out a plan "b," "c," "D." Whatever it takes, right? Because this is not the first wedding that you guys have tried to stop. You slammed the door on dad and Sharon's wedding. And you got Victoria arrested on her wedding day. And then you switched out jack on his wedding night to my mom. "Hate" does not even describe the way that she feels about you, but yet, suddenly, you guys are new BFF's. And I wanted my engagement to bring the family closer together. I really did. But --
Phyllis: You have every right to be angry.
Summer: That does not even begin to describe how I feel. You know, I forgot how good you were at lying, and how easily you do it. And as much as you say you hate grandpa, yke him. Is our love for you.
Summer: More like your hate for Luca. All right. So, now that I've busted youmeN. What was it? What was your big plan?
Victor: I'm still looking into the oil spill.
Victoria: [Sighs]
[Keys clacking]
[Laptop chiming]
Travis: [Sighs] Victoria. This is a surprise.
Victoria: Yeah. Yeah, it is. For me, too.
Travis: How are you?
Victoria: Uh, I need you.
Jill: Honey, have you ever lived anywhere where you have felt as at home as you did at that house where you and Victoria created your family?
Billy: Maybe I don't know what it feels like to have a real home because you didn't provide me one when I was growing up.
Jill: [Sighs] Okay. I've made mistakes. And I regret them. I've admitted them, and I've learned from them. Could we please stop beating this dead horse? Now, tell me where you have been your most happy.
Billy: Okay. Fine. All right? You win. When I was with my family. When I was with my kids. That's where I felt safest and loved and -- and happiest. That was my home.
Jill: Was that so hard?
Billy: Was my home. Do you hear me? Because that's what happens with divorce. It becomes a past tense.
Jill: It's not written in stone, Billy.
Billy: How many times do I have to tell you this? Honestly? Victoria doesn't want to be with me anymore, all right? We're done.
Jill: Victoria's hurt. It doesn't mean she doesn't love you.
Billy: Stop. Please. Yeah, I had a home, all right? I-I loved there, and I-I was happy there, and I mourned there. But it's not an option anymore. I've moved on, okay? So -- so I think it'
Jill: I'm gonna clue you in on r children live under that roof, a part of you will always be at home there.
[Doorbell rings]
Jill: Esther, would you get that, please? Do we think you're smart and generous and loving.
Summer: Yeah, well, I'm smart enough to prove that my fiancé is innocent.
Nick: Well, that went well.
Victor: No.
Nick: Now what?
Phyllis: Well, get ready to give your daughter away. If we're invited. Because she is determined more than ever to marry Luca.
Phyllis: Has Victoria contacted Travis?
Nick: He doesn't want to come back.
Victor: Well, he should. He should be willing to clear his name.
Nick: He doesn't care.
Phyllis: Well, he still cares for Victoria. Did she use that to her advantage?
Nick: What, dangle herself as bait? Do you have any idea how hard it was for her to make that call?
Phyllis: Well, you know, she didn't try hard enough. She needs to get back on the phone and make it happen.
Victor: I bet you you're wrong about that. I'm sure Victoria did her best.
Phyllis: It wasn't good enough.
Victor: Listen, Phyllis... do I need to remind you that you and I brought down Ian ward?
Phyllis: You nearly strangled me doing that. And I don't know what I was thinking here, that the two of us could work together. This has been nothing but a colossal failure.
Victor: So far.
Luca: Hey, gorgeous. How'd it go with your grandfather? Couldn't say no to his precious granddaughter, right? So, what's going on? Is it, uh -- we on? Wedding? Next Friday? Top of the tower?
Summer: I didn't even get around to asking about it.
Luca: Okay. Hey, what -- what happened?
Summer: Why didn't you tell me that you had a meeting with my grandfather yesterday?
Billy: Hey.
Victoria: Hey.
Billy: You okay?
Victoria: Yeah. Why?
Billy: All right. Let me guess. My mom blew in here with her button-pushing bag of tricks all in the name of trying to shove us back together. Right?
Victoria: I haven't seen your mother. But your buttons sure do seem pushed.
Billy: Well, she doesn't know when to quit, does she?
Victoria: [Sighs]
Billy: All right. It's not my mom. What's going on?
Victoria: [Groans] I am the newest recruit in the
Billy: Sounds like it's turning into a major offensive.
Victoria: Yeah, you have no idea. Together.
Billy: The black knight and Phyllis are working together? She must be desperate.
Victoria: Yeah. Well, she's convinced that Luca is the worst thing that could ever happen to summer, and she's stop it.
Billy: li
Summer: Okay, so then why didn't you tell me that you met with my grandpa yesterday?
Luca: [Scoffs] I didn't tell you ahead of time because you've been so hopeful that your family would embrace me, that they'd see how happy and in love we are. If I told you that victor served my head on a platter, it would've upset you.
Summer: Okay, so why didn't you say something afterwards?
Luca: Because victor told me not to. Then, of course, he turned around and told you everything. Look, I hate to say, it summer, but he set me up to be the bad guy.
Victoria: One critical difference between our battles to stay together and summer and Luca's is that you're a good guy and Luca isn't.
Billy: Well, I'm pretty sure your father would argue that point quite strongly.
Victoria: It's so weird, isn't it? To be on the other side of this? I mean, summer is so happy, and she's so in love, and we're trying to blow the whole thing up all for the sake of protecting her. How is this not being my father?
Billy: Because we both know what Santori's capable of. The guy's bad news. The sooner that summer can drop that guy, the better.
Victoria: [Sighs]
Billy: So, what's the plan? What can I do to help?
Victoria: The short version is Luca is trying to frame Travis for the oil spill. So if we can get him back here and expose Luca's lies, then summer will see the truth, and she'll call off the wedding.
Billy: Hold on a second. Isn't Travis on a slow boat to nowhere?
Victoria: Manzanillo at the moment. Nick convinced me to call him and explain the situation, but I don't think he has any interest in returning any time soon. [Sighs] Sometimes I wonder, if I had just...
Billy: Just what?
Victoria: Never mind.
Billy: [Scoffs] Oh, come on, Vick. We've been married. We've been divorced. We have kids. There's been a coma in between there. I'm sure that there's nothing off-limits.
Victoria: It doesn't matter, okay? Just -- it doesn't matter anymore. It's just that he asked me to go away with him, and to -- he asked me to sail around the world.
Billy: And you wish you took him up on his offer.
Luca: Look, I've... I've wanted your family's approval -- fought for it -- because I know how much it means to you. But, look, it's never gonna happen, summer. Maybe that's a deal breaker. If that's the case, and if you want to call off the engagement so you can find a man your family believes deserves you, then, look, I understand. I love you so much. So all I care about is your happiness. Whether that's with me or without me.
Summer: No, I love you. I want a life with you and only you, okay?
Luca: [Sighs] Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Are you -- are you sure? I've done this. I've gone against my family. Look, they were everything to me. But when I chose my integrity over doing their bidding, I was out. I didn't exist. Will you -- will you be all right if your family doesn't show up at the wedding to share in our joy?
Summer: I'm a Newman. Newmans get what they want. And I want my family at that wedding. So I'm gonna do everything I can to make sure that they're gonna be there.
Luca: You know they're gonna throw grenades at me instead of rice, right?
Summer: [Sighs] No, not unless we can prove that Travis is guilty and you're innocent. Then they will have no choice but to stop treating you like a criminal and just accept us. Okay? So... are you with me?
Luca: I don't know what I ever did to deserve such devotion. I'm a very lucky man.
Nick: So, what did Jill want?
Phyllis: Oh, she just wanted to remind me that she is the master of her universe. So, what brilliant ideas have you come up with for our next move?
Nick: I don't know. But we have to do something. Because of us, Luca now looks like the victim.
Phyllis: Which means our daughter is only gonna hang onto him even tighter.
Nick: You know, she may elope just to spite us.
Phyllis: The hell she will.
Nick: Then what's the plan?
Phyllis: Well, the plan is to stick with the plan. We need to get Travis Crawford back here on dry land in time to stop our daughter's wedding.
Victoria: It's not that simple.
Billy: Sailing around the world requires a little more skill than packing a bag with some SPF, there, darlin'.
Victoria: I was actually -- I was -- I was tempted. You know, it could've been a really nice adventure.
Billy: Why didn't you go?
Victoria: Because of you.
Bethany: Hello, Mr. Newman.
Victor: So, who are you?
Bethany: You don't have to pretend with me. What's in this bag [Grunts] Makes us pretty good friends.
Victor: Really? I don't know what the hell you're talking about.
Bethany: A million dollars is a lot of money, even for someone like you. So why is it so important to the great victor Newman that I disappear?
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Kevin: This is about more than clearing Adam. It could prove that Chloe is innocent, too.
Mariah: You don't just sleep on the couch because you and your wife had a disagreement.
Jack: Would you do me a favor?
Phyllis: What?
Jack: Stop lying to me.
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