Y&R Transcript Monday 8/15/16


Provided By Suzanne

Chloe: I am literally holding Adam's get-out-of-jail-free card.

Victor: All you have to do is hand over those journal pages to me. You'll be free... free from looking over your shoulder, fearing that some cop will come and take your child away from you.

Chloe: [Sighs] Don't play me, Victor.

Victor: You know that Dylan McAvoy is annoyingly persistent. If he pursues this case, finds out about you and my role in setting up Adam, you know what will happen, don't you? But I can make all this go away.

Chloe: And I'm just supposed to believe that you're gonna make that happen, to blindly trust --

Victor: If I tell them about your role in it, that's tantamount to me hanging myself.

Chloe: What about the person who's supposed to take the fall for us?

Victor: None of your business.

Chloe: It will be if they decide to change their mind.

Victor: Money makes mountains move. The right amount of cash in the right hands -- this will never face us again. Now, if you want a new life with your other beautiful daughter, then you hand over those damn pages to me.

Chloe: [Sighs] Adam doesn't deserve to set foot outside that prison.

Victor: For your information, my son has suffered immeasurably.

Chelsea: You look like hell. Skipping meals isn't smart.

Adam: I'm not hungry.

Chelsea: Not eating or sleeping makes you weak. Weak could get you dead.

Adam: I'll take my chances on that one. When I was fighting my way back to you and Connor, this is the moment I thought of, this exact moment right here. So, why don't we toast to, uh...

Chelsea: Perseverance?

Adam: I was gonna say to you, actually. You're what got me through.

Chelsea: Mm.

Adam: This is so nice. There are not words that could describe how I feel right now.

Chelsea: So let's stop talking.

Nikki: Well, look at you.

Victoria: Mom, hi. What are you doing here?

Nikki: Oh, I'm just admiring my daughter in her element.

Victoria: Aww. [Chuckles]

Nikki: Must seem like a dream being back at the company you started.

Victoria: Yeah, well, I'm not quite in charge yet.

Nikki: Ah, it'll come.

Victoria: Yeah, maybe.

Nikki: So, are you settling in?

Victoria: [Sighs] Yeah. Yeah, in some ways, I feel like I'm back home again.

Nikki: And in other ways, you're having second thoughts about leaving Newman?

Summer: [Sighs shakily] I love you so much.

Luca: I love you, too, summer. I can't get enough of you. And I can't wait to make you my wife.

Phyllis: What are you doing here?

Nick: Good to see you, too.

Phyllis: I just mean I didn't expect you back yet.

Nick: Well, I have some new information on the Newman oil sabotage, and I wanted to share it with everyone ASAP.

Phyllis: Good. Good. So you found something to prove that Luca's behind it?

Nick: Well, I found something. Wasn't what I was looking for.

Victoria: I don't regret leaving Newman. I mean, how could I? Look at where I am. I'm here. Brash & sassy was my concept, and I built this company into a huge success. So for me to be here now, it's...

Nikki: Methinks she doth protest too much.

Victoria: No, mom, I am just letting you know that I am very fulfilled here.

Nikki: Victoria, you're not being truthful about what is bothering you.

Victoria: Nothing is bothering me.

Nikki: Oh, isn't it?

Victoria: Mom, no. Look, you --

Nikki: You're not being truthful about how it feels working side by side with Billy.

Victoria: Billy and I are fine!

Nikki: Really?

Victoria: We are! Yes, we are! We work very well together!

Nikki: Oh, working well together. That's great. How about personally?

Victoria: All good. Yeah, all good. No -- no fights, no hurt feelings. In fact, it's the best it's been since the divorce. The kids are great. The company is great.

Nikki: Okay, well, that's very good, I guess.

Victoria: Mom, there's nothing wrong, okay? I think you're just gonna keep at it, aren't you?

Nikki: Well, it is my motherly duty.

Victoria: All right, look, if we're being honest... [Sighs] If we're being honest, to tell you the truth, I don't know what's bothering me.

Nikki: Victoria.

Victoria: It's not here. I love being here back at the company. I love it. I do. I mean, I have so many good memories of building this brand, and I was really proud of myself for accomplishing all of this. I was proud of myself when dad made me president.

Nikki: Not half as proud as he was. I know, baby.

Victoria: It's just crazy, though, isn't it? This is such a fantastic job, but the truth of the matter is, is that... I do miss Newman. I'm gonna miss it.

Nikki: But I thought that you wanted to leave. That's what your father said.

Victoria: I did. I did. I chose to leave.

Nikki: Well, then why are you mad at him?

Victoria: Because I... when I told dad about the job offer, I just wish that he would have tried to convince me to stay and work with him.

Nikki: Would you have stayed?

Victoria: No.

Nikki: Well, then why are you mad at him?

Victoria: Because, mom, it hurt, okay? He practically shoved me out the door! I wanted it to be harder for him to let me go.

[Cell bars clang]

Adam: Leave me alone.

Victor: I'll never leave you alone, son. Don't you know that by now?

Adam: What the hell is this? Even in here, you got to try and control me? Is that it? You know, just when I think I have you out of my life...

Victor: And there I was again, right?

Adam: You can't leave me alone. That's what it is, right? 'Cause I had everything that I wanted. But you -- you -- you couldn't stand it, right? You had to snatch it out from under me.

Victor: I don't care where you are. In Paris, this hellhole, on the moon. You can't escape your dad. I will always find a way to make you miserable. [Laughs]

Adam: [Gasps]

Chelsea: I'll walk away from the company I built and start a new life in Paris.

Victor: It's not possible, you know. There's a non-compete clause in the original contract you signed with jabot. That contract has reverted back to me in its entirety. In other words, I own Chelsea Lawson.

Adam: The man doesn't know when to stop.

Chelsea: What are you talking about?

Adam: It's victor. He's filing a petition for visitation. Until this matter's resolved, he's demanding that neither you or Connor leave town.

Chelsea: You come with us -- what if we get caught, we get arrested, and you get fingerprinted? Everyone will know who you are. Your life will be over.

Adam: My life will be over if I lose you and Connor. Besides, running, disappearing -- that's not the answer. You know, my father, he has a long reach, Chelsea.

Chelsea: We have money. I will find a place to hide from victor.

Adam: I'm not gonna have my son growing up under an assumed name on the run!

Chelsea: I don't want that, either, Adam, but what other choice do we have?!

Adam: We stay here, we give my father exactly what he wants.

Chelsea: [Gasps] [Exhales deeply]

Chloe: You get what you want, like always.

Victor: You can leave now. I'll put my plan in motion. And our association never happened.

Chloe: You love playing god, don't you? Handing down cruel punishments and then acting like a savior? And now you're just -- you're satisfied now that Adam has learned his lesson, and you decided that he is going to walk. But what about my daughter?! What about justice for Delia?!

Victor: Justice was served when my son Adam admitted in court that he was responsible for the hit-and-run that killed Delia. He has suffered enormously.

Chloe: For a few weeks he was incarcerated. That is not suffering! My daughter suffered as her life drained outside of her on the side of the road, and I have suffered every single minute of every day since my daughter was killed!

Victor: You accuse me of playing god? Think about it for a moment. What do you think all this has done to Adam, to Chelsea, to their beautiful little boy, huh?

You're playing god. They have suffered immeasurably ever since you rained all the pain down on them, all in the name of your innocent child. Think about that!

Chloe: I never should have agreed to do this with you. I thought that you wanted Adam to pay as much as I did, but you don't.

Victor: Chloe, you claim that nothing is more important to you than being a good mother to your daughter.

Chloe: There isn't. There's nothing.

Victor: Then what the hell are you doing arguing with me? Go home and be a good mother!

Chloe: [Scoffs] You don't get to tell me what to do, victor.

Victor: And what about your friend, Chelsea?

Chloe: What about her?

Victor: Not for one moment have you stopped to think what Adam's imprisonment means to her and to their child.

Chloe: [Scoffs] You know what? I don't need to stand here and listen to the man who sold his soul a long time ago!

Victor: Take it from someone who knows. You better make some serious changes if you want your remaining daughter to have a good and happy life.

Nikki: Honey, I certainly understand why it was hard for your father to let you go.

Victoria: He told you?

Nikki: Oh, victor being victor, no, he didn't.

Victoria: [Sighs] Mom, why does he have to make everything so difficult?

Nikki: I don't know, but he does. But... I think he admired you for standing up and being your own person and walking out of there and doing the kind of job you want to do.

Victoria: Mom, no, we're talking about dad here. I'm pretty sure that he saw my departure as a-a betrayal, forsaking the family company for the competition, chancellor.

Nikki: It wasn't a betrayal, Victoria. It was business.

Victoria: Wow! That sounded an awful lot like a victor Newman quote, I think.

Nikki: Well, okay. Maybe he's rubbing off on me. I'm sorry. I can't help it. But I do know this. He adores you, and I'm gonna say something that he would never say. He wants you to do something where you will flourish. You're so intelligent and so independent, and you will do such incredible things at a company that you love.

Victoria: That was good.

Nikki: Well, it's true. And I certainly understand how complicated your relationship is with your father.

Victoria: You know, sometimes it just feels like he's... constantly shoving me away and at the same time trying to keep me close.

Nikki: Well, that's just what he does. But believe me -- you don't need victor Newman to validate your decisions.

Summer: Now, if you think that was fun, just wait till our wedding night. We'll make it extra special.

Luca: Wow. Really? More special than that? I don't think my heart could take it.

Summer: Don't worry. I'm gonna take good care of your heart.

Luca: Likewise. Which brings us to...

Summer: Hmm. The wedding.

Luca: Yes, we haven't picked a date or a venue yet. What do you think?

Summer: No, we have not, which we should do that right now. So, what are you thinking? Church, park, hotel?

Luca: [Sighs] How about we have the reception and the ceremony at the top of the tower?

Summer: Ehh. Nah, it's been done before. Abby got married there.

Luca: Yeah, but it was a beautiful wedding. You can't ask for a better location or a more magnificent view of the city.

Summer: Yeah, but we can do something different and just as beautiful, like the Lausanne on the lake.

Luca: Well, I was hoping you'd love my idea, that you'd see it as continuing the Newman family tradition.

Summer: Hmm, not so much.

Luca: Not so much.

Summer: Mnh-mnh.

Luca: All right, well, think about it, all right? For me.

Summer: Okay, what's going on with you? Why are you pushing this?

Phyllis: So are you telling me there is nothing tying Luca to the oil spills?

Nick: No, but I found a lot of new evidence implicating Travis.

Phyllis: All that means is that he took your father's bait.

Nick: Yeah, Luca got to work pretty fast shifting the blame from him to Travis. Too fast.

Phyllis: All right, look, we need to use Luca's deceit against him just like your father intended. What? Why are you making that face?

Nick: It's just you working with my dad. I know how much you hate him.

Phyllis: Well, I hate the idea of our daughter marrying that sleazy Casanova even more.

Nick: Do you think summer suspects what we're up to?

Phyllis: You know what? We're gonna have to make sure she doesn't.

Nick: Make you feel guilty at all going behind our daughter's back?

Phyllis: Yeah, I do. Of course I do. But I don't have a choice. Even if certain people think I do.

Nick: Like who?

Phyllis: [Sighs] Jack. We got into it. He just -- he thinks I should not interfere with summer's decision, so I am letting him believe that I am backing off.

Nick: Well, maybe it's not such a great idea to keep him in the dark.

Phyllis: Well, I don't like it any more than you do, nick. But I cannot spend time arguing with my husband, trying to make him understand. I need to focus on my daughter and save her from making a horrible mistake. There is no time to lose here.

Nick: Yeah, you're right. I got to run by Newman and tell dad what I found.

Phyllis: Okay. Well, I guess I should go with you.

Nick: No, no, no. Why don't you go home, all right? We'll keep your dealings with my dad to a minimum. I can definitely keep you filled in.

Phyllis: Well, as much as I would love that, I don't think we can afford the luxury of making you the go-between, so we need to make our next move with Luca, okay, before he makes his, so let's go. Come on.

[Lock clicks]

Chelsea: [Sniffles] Hey. [Sniffles] Where's -- where's Bella?

Chloe: What?

Chelsea: Bella. You said you went to get her. [Sniffles]

Chloe: Is that what we're doing? Talking about my kid instead of your waterworks? Um, okay. My mom wanted to spend some more time with her, so that's what's going on with me. What about you?

Chelsea: I don't really want to talk about it.

Chloe: So we're not sharing anymore? Is it about Adam?

Chelsea: I know you don't like when I talk about him, so...

Chloe: I-I messed up before. You were upset, and --

Chelsea: No, I understand. It -- it upsets you when I talk about him.

Chloe: I'm gonna be more upset knowing that you're upstairs crying into your pillow because you need to talk. If I don't let you vent, then that's just me being a bad friend, and I'm not a bad friend, so...

Chelsea: Okay, fine. I fell asleep earlier, and I had a dream. It was actually more like a memory. [Sighs] I was back in Paris and I was with Adam, and we were laughing. And I was feeling his arms around me. [Sighs] It felt good to remember how happy we were. Until I remembered how much I hate victor for stealing our future from us.

Victor: So you think I'm the one who kept you from finding happiness? Not true.

Adam: Not true? Okay, yet here I am locked in a prison cell, and there you are reveling in your personal goal to suck all the fun out of my life, laughing in my face like that.

Victor: That was wrong. I admit to that. But, you know, I couldn't resist the temptation. It's so easy to get under your skin, son.

Adam: Okay. Why don't you just go get the hell out of here?

Victor: You know, the funniest of all is that you consider yourself the hapless victim in all this.

Adam: The victim? [Chuckles] Why would I think I was the victim? Oh, yeah, that's right. I'm locked in a prison cell, and I'm in here all because of you.

Victor: Son, start looking at yourself! You control your own fate!

Adam: And what about Paris?

Victor: What about Paris? You've been whining about having to come back to Genoa city. You accused me of blackmailing you into coming back!

Adam: That's exactly what happened.

Victor: You know why you came back? Because you wanted daddy's approval. You wanted daddy's respect, didn't you?

[Knock on door]

Victor: Welcome back, my boy.

Nick: Thanks.

Phyllis: Why don't you tell your father what you discovered, nick?

Nick: Luca has been very busy manufacturing evidence against Travis.

Victor: Yeah. He took the bait.

Nick: Oh, yeah. There have been two other incidents of attempted sabotage on Newman refineries.

Victor: I know about that. But no damage was done.

Nick: Eyewitnesses claim to have seen a man matching Travis' description -- same height, blond hair. Apparently he's traveling around on a sailboat.

Phyllis: Obviously Luca's using Travis' trip to his advantage.

Nick: Especially since no one has heard from Travis or seems to know where he is right now.

Victor: Uh-huh. Let me make some calls and find out what's going on.

Phyllis: Then what?

Victor: And then we will ask Travis to come back here and refute Luca Santori's accusations.

Nick: Do you think summer is gonna believe Travis over her fiancé?

Phyllis: Well, with us to back him up, maybe.

Victor: It's the only way. You know that. We need to make sure that summer understands what a duplicitous bastard, what a slimeball Luca Santori really is.

Luca: I didn't mean to upset you. Come here. Maybe this will make it better.

Summer: Luca, Luca, please stop, okay? Just -- I want to know why you're making such a big deal out of this.

Luca: Well, where we get married is a big deal.

Summer: Okay, but before you were saying that it didn't matter where we did it, just as long as we said "I do." You were pitching for city hall. I'm the one that wants the big wedding.

Luca: I know, and I'm trying to give you what you want. Look, summer, I hear you loud and clear about the -- the flowers and the dress and wanting your entire family there.

Summer: You really were listening.

Luca: Yeah, of course I was. Which is why I think the top of Newman tower is the perfect solution. And unlike those other places, we won't have to contend with a waiting list. All you got to do is call your grandfather, [Snaps fingers] Reservation guaranteed. What? Now what's wrong?

Summer: I don't know. It's just the way that you said that last part about my grandfather. Just -- why does it feel like this is some kind of test?

Luca: Come on. You know I love you, and I know you love me.

Summer: But you're keeping something from me.

Luca: All right, maybe this is a test.

Summer: Luca, why would you --

Luca: No, no, no, no, no. Not for you. Never for you. For your family.

Summer: What? Are you still worried that they're not gonna show up to our wedding?

Luca: Look, I know what they've told us, that they keep saying they support our marriage, but I can't help wondering if that's completely true.

Summer: I mean, of course my family's gonna have reservations about our relationship, but I didn't expect them to throw a parade when I announced our engagement. You know, at least they're not being overly hostile.

Luca: Yeah, well, I think I'd prefer that to being lied to.

Summer: They're not lying... exactly.

Luca: Okay, well, you got to admit their support seems a bit forced.

Summer: That's just because you don't know them. Okay, maybe my mom and grandpa are pasting on the smiles a little bit around you, but I do believe that those smiles will become genuine once they get used to the idea of us getting married.

Luca: They're not that way around you, are they?

Summer: No. No, every conversation I've had with them seems completely sincere. And they are really putting in the effort because they love me and they want me to be happy, which they can see you make me happy.

Luca: And I promise I'll do whatever it takes to make sure you always will be.

Summer: That's why you want to get married at the top of the tower, isn't it? To make sure my family will actually be there?

Luca: [Chuckles] I wasn't looking at it that way, but you may have a point.

Summer: Wait, then why the top of the tower?

Luca: 'Cause victor owns it. By giving us his blessing of that particular venue, it would be a true symbol that I'm being welcomed into the family.

Summer: Well, that's quite romantic.

Luca: Well, I'm European, so romance is in my blood.

Summer: [Chuckles] Okay, okay, okay. Slow down, Romeo. I got to go talk to my grandpa.

Luca: All right.

Summer: Oh, um, we haven't set a date yet.

Luca: Oh, yeah.

Summer: When do we want to say the "I dos"?

Luca: Uh, let's see. Uh, you said you wanted to get married as soon as we could pull the wedding together, yeah?

Summer: Yes. The sooner I can become Mrs. Santori, the better.

Luca: Well, future Mrs. Santori, can you be ready by next Friday?

Summer: Yes, definitely. [Chuckles]

Nick: [Sighs] You good?

Phyllis: No. But yes, I will be.

Nick: I know it's not easy to be around my dad right now.

Phyllis: Look, I want to do whatever it takes to keep our daughter from any more heartache. I mean, she's already been through so much. And I know I should let her live her own life, but that is just not my style.

Nick: I know it's not. And I'm very grateful.

Phyllis: Really?

Nick: Yeah. When it comes to our daughter, absolutely.

Victor: Well, Travis is in Manzanillo.

Phyllis: Well, Luca's got some skills. He has set up his latest sabotage right where Travis just dropped anchor.

Nick: He's connected all the dots to frame the guy.

Phyllis: Well, we can't just tell summer all of this.

Nick: Yeah, she'll never believe us.

Phyllis: Oh, as much as I detest saying this, you are right, victor. We need to get Travis back here to defend himself, to expose Luca, and summer needs to hear that truth directly from Travis in person.

Victor: I have his new number right here. Who shall do the honors?

Nick: There's only one person who can convince Travis to come back to Genoa city.

Victoria: You know, life would be so much easier if I could talk to dad the same way I talk to you. You never make any of us feel like your love is conditional.

Nikki: Well, your father would never admit that he has conditions. He would say he has standards.

Victoria: Mm-hmm. And heaven help us if we don't live up to them.

Nikki: Hmm. Well, he has taken a lot of things from us. He has given us ultimatums. He has been angry at us. He has punished us.

Victoria: And supposedly for our own good.

Nikki: You know the one thing he hasn't done, though? He's always continued to love us. No matter what, he always loves us.

Victoria: Yeah, I know. I wish I could count on that.

Nikki: Well, why don't you? And don't ever regret it.

Victoria: Okay, well, how should I do that?

Nikki: Behave as your father would.

Victoria: Do exactly as I want to do and damn the consequences?

Nikki: And never regret it.

Victoria: Do you have plans for dinner, mom?

Nikki: Oh, yes, I do. Your father's gonna meet me later.

Victoria: Oh, nice. Okay. Well, do you want to hang out here until then?

Nikki: Oh, honey, I'd love to, but I booked myself a massage. I thought I'd treat myself.

Victoria: Oh, nice. You deserve it. Thank you for talking to me and for being here just when I needed you.

Nikki: Oh, baby.

Victoria: I love you.

Nikki: I love you, too.

Nick: Hey, mom.

Nikki: Nicholas! Hi, sweetheart.

Nick: Hello. I just got back into town. I was gonna call you later.

Nikki: Well, you still can. We have a lot to talk about.

Nick: You mean summer's engagement?

Nikki: Yeah, I'm sure you were just as surprised as we were, probably even more.

Nick: Hasn't been easy coming to terms with that.

Nikki: No, but I'm sure you will stand by her and do what's best for her.

Nick: I always do what's best for my daughter.

Nikki: I know you do. Very proud of you. Proud of you, too.

Victoria: Oh, thanks, mom. Mwah. Bye.

Nikki: I'll see you later.

Victoria: Okay.

Nikki: Bye-bye.

Nick: Bye.

Victoria: So, you've come to terms with summer's engagement, huh?

Nick: You think she bought it?

Victoria: Well, trust me. If she didn't, she would still be here hounding you.

Nick: Good. I just don't want to stress her out.

Victoria: And dad?

Nick: Dad is not thrilled, either.

Victoria: You can't let summer know how you feel. She's so in love that if it comes to a choice between the family and Luca...

Nick: We can't let it get that far. That's why I'm here, sis. I need your help.

Victoria: Me? Oh, no. I should be the last person lecturing summer on marrying the wrong man.

Nick: No. I don't want you to talk to summer. I want you to call Travis.

Summer: All right. I am off to see my grandpa.

Luca: Oh, boy. Good luck.

Summer: I don't need it. I know he's gonna be okay with booking the restaurant for our wedding. So block off next Friday on your calendar, because it is a done deal.

Luca: I love your confidence.

Summer: Well, I love you. I'll be back soon.

[Door closes]

[Laptop rings]

Luca: Captain Travis, long time, no see.

Travis: Why the hell are you calling me?

Luca: I have some information you need to hear.

Travis: [Chuckling] Yeah, I don't think so. Goodbye.

Luca: Victor Newman hired me to track you down.

Travis: What does he want with me?

Luca: He suspects you are the one responsible for recent attempts to sabotage the oil division.

Travis: I wonder where he got that idea.

Luca: I'm not the enemy here, pal.

Travis: Like I believe a word out of your mouth.

Luca: It's true. Victor got there all on his own. And he's determined to pin the disaster on someone in order to save Newman.

Travis: And he's picked me? I don't get it.

Luca: What don't you get? You're an easy target. He knows how you feel about corporate America and he's not above using you as a scapegoat. Come on. You know how victor works by now, right? Someone always has to pay so that he can come out on top.

Victor: [Distorted] Did you hear what I said?

Adam: [Distorted] You're not making sense.

Victor: Well, my boy, then you're not listening. You had the key to your happiness all along. All you need to learn is how to use it. Use it.

Adam: Hey! Hey, get back here! Hey, you get back here! Dad!

Chelsea: I told you earlier I didn't understand why Adam was so upset with me for bringing Connor to visit. But maybe I just didn't want to face the truth. The truth is, Adam has every reason to be upset. It goes beyond [Sighs] -- It goes beyond just not wanting his son to see him like that in that place. I mean, he's afraid, Chloe. He's afraid that my life and Connor's life will stop while we wait for him, and the truth is, it has. Time stopped the second Adam was taken away from us. [Sighs] So now our whole lives just revolve around, you know, what, paying him visits and praying for the second he can come home to us and [Sighs] -- And just missing him? Always missing him. Just living with this constant pain every single day. And I know what it's doing to Connor. You know, I see it. I see it in how he has to wake up every morning without his daddy there. I-I see the pain that it brings him. But the truth is, I mean, I... [Sighs] I need to make sure that my son has a happy life, but I don't know how to do that because there's a hole in both -- in our hearts, and I don't think that that's going anywhere. I'm sorry. I'm not trying to make you sad. I mean, this is my baggage. It has nothing to do with you. It's just...

Chloe: No, it does. I haven't been honest with you, Chelsea.

Chloe: I've hated Adam so much. I would have been glad to see him rot in that cage. All I wanted was revenge.

Chelsea: That was before all of your therapy, before you had Bella. I mean, Chloe, you've worked really hard to move past all that and find a way to forgive Adam.

Chloe: I did. I... I... [Sniffles] I just haven't told you that there's still a little part of me that hasn't been able to let go of the anger. It's [Sighs] -- It's still controlling all the grief and the loss.

Chelsea: What are you saying?

Chloe: I didn't -- [Sighs] Just seeing you and Connor being affected like this, I didn't... I didn't realize...

Chelsea: You didn't realize what? Chloe, you didn't realize what?

Chloe: That I'm not the only one that's hurting. I am so sorry.

Adam: Dad! Dad!

[Cell bars clang]

Keep it down!

Travis: Victor Newman can accuse me all he wants. I don't care what he thinks. The only thing that matters to me is what Victoria believes. She knows I wasn't involved in any sabotage. She'll have my back.

Luca: Yeah, well, I wouldn't be too sure. I doubt Victoria cares much, if at all, what happens to you now that she's back with her ex, Billy.

Nick: Travis is the key to bringing Luca down.

Victoria: But he wouldn't want any part of this.

Nick: Well, you could ask him.

Victoria: I know what he'll say. The schemes, the lies, the power plays was all the things that he was trying to get away from when he said he wanted to lead a simpler life. It's why he asked me to leave town with him, 'cause he wanted to get me away from it, too. He hated what the situation at Newman was doing to me.

Nick: Nobody is asking him to move back to town forever. Just a quick trip in, he helps summer out. He might be the only person that will help summer see Luca for what he really is.

Victoria: He won't do it.

Nick: Well, you can convince him.

Victoria: Look, I know it's important to you.

Nick: Yes, it is. So will you call him?

Victoria: I can't, nick. I can't use whatever influence you think that I have over Travis to get him to come back here.

Phyllis: What's taking so long?

Victor: Don't you worry. Nicholas will be back soon.

Phyllis: Well, I hope Victoria has agreed to call Travis and he's on his way to hop a plane.

Victor: Why don't you have a seat and relax?

Phyllis: Because I don't relax. I would like to nail Luca and end this mess as soon as possible. I just -- I feel like I want to punch something as soon as I think of him trying to marry my daughter.

Victor: Yeah, I understand your feelings about that. I share your sentiment. We can't let that happen.

Summer: You can't let what happen? What are you two up to? You're not trying to put a stop to my wedding, are you?

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Nick: You don't want to drag Travis into this, but he's our only hope.

Jill: You're absolutely right about that. This is not your home.

Billy: You're throwing me out?

Summer: Why didn't you tell me that you had a meeting with my grandfather yesterday?

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