Y&R Transcript Friday 8/12/16
Provided By Suzanne
[Knock on door]
Nikki: Is Dylan home?
Sharon: Nikki! Uh, unfortunately, no, so you'll just have to come back another time. Dylan's at work.
Nikki: No, Sharon, he definitely is not at work. [Sighs] You really need to keep better track of your husband.
Victor: Do you realize what's at stake? You may lose your little girl for good.
Chloe: As if I don't think about that every minute of every day.
Victor: Well, then act accordingly, all right?
Chloe: And by that, you mean bend to your will, right?
Victor: You got that right.
Chloe: [Scoffs]
Victor: Okay? Well, if it isn't Dylan McAvoy.
Dylan: Everything okay over here?
Victor: You bet. Everything's fine. Not that it's any of your business.
Dylan: Really?
Victor: No.
Dylan: It didn't look that way.
Chloe: Oh.
Victor: Really?
Chloe: How did it look?
Dylan: Well, it looks like you guys are going at it.
Victor: We had an argument, all right? Why don't you tell him what we were arguing about?
Adam: I'll tell you what, buddy. I know it's your birthday. I feel like I just got my wish fulfilled.
Chelsea: [Chuckles] Yeah, I think it's all of our wish, right, Connor?
Adam: Yeah. You guys both make the same wish when you blew out the candles?
Chelsea: We sure did. We blew them out together, didn't we?
Adam: Three candles, too, huh?
Chelsea: Connor spent an hour, like, opening all of his presents, and he loved the ones from us the most, so...
Adam: Of course, he did.
Chelsea: Of course, you know.
Adam: Well, I got one more gift for you, actually. It's a letter that I was sort of writing for you. Mommy can read it to you. Telling you how much I love you, how much I miss you, wishing you a happy birthday. But the real gift is a promise that I'm gonna make to you right now. I promise you that next year, on your fourth birthday, I'll be home, all right? I'll come home so we can celebrate as a family.
Phyllis: I think the table settings sound fun and modern and elegant all at the same time. Very you. Right, and Luca, too. Honey, uh, we're gonna talk tomorrow? Good. Okay. Love you.
Jack: Summer?
Phyllis: Yeah.
Jack: I'm proud of you, pretending to be on board with all of this when I know you'd rather be walking the plank.
Phyllis: Or making Luca walk the plank. Kidding.
Jack: No, you're not. Come on, I can tell there's something else going on inside that head of yours. What are you really feeling?
Billy: Check this out.
Victoria: Oh, for the lip line?
Billy: Yeah, I thought it'd be cool to lay out all the colors.
Victoria: I like it. It's very whimsical. Very child-like.
Billy: Really? Child-like? That's...
Victoria: Well, no --
Billy: I'm not sure how to take that.
Victoria: It's a good thing. It's a really good thing. How did you come up with it?
Billy: Well, I have to give credit to, uh, marketing consultant Johnny. Yes, he's very impressive. He knows all his colors just as well as he knows his shapes, his numbers, and most of his ABCs. Most of them.
Victoria: Mm-hmm.
Billy: I was thinking maybe we could add him to staff. What do you think?
Victoria: Um, well, you know, he's almost 5 years old, so I guess it is high time he got a job.
Billy: That's what I'm saying. You think cane would mind giving up his office?
Victoria: No, I think he'd love it. That's one thing about you. More than anyone else, you can make me laugh. [Chuckles]
Lunch with Billy. It would be a complete
Full. Absolutely not.
Phyllis: Am I excited about Luca marrying my daughter? Absolutely not. But I am not going to let this consume me. I am going to let her live her life. That's it.
Jack: Who are you, and what have you done with my wife?
Phyllis: I am here. Got lost for a little bit, but I am back.
Jack: Hmm. Oh, between you and Billy, my heart is just so full. I love that he is stepping up at brash & sassy. And it turns out, Victoria has been a positive influence after all.
Phyllis: Victoria?
Jack: Oh, well, you -- you don't know? She's working with Billy and cane now.
Phyllis: Wow. Right downstairs.
Jack: Yeah, I was convinced it would be a complete disaster -- and it still may be -- but so far, so good.
Phyllis: That's wonderful.
Jack: And you know what? I'm on my way right now to have lunch with Billy. Why don't you come with me? He can tell you all about this.
Phyllis: [Sighs] I've got so much to do. So much. Next time, okay?
Jack: Okay. It's a date.
Phyllis: Promise.
Jack: Don't work too hard.
Phyllis: I won't.
Billy: Before I forget, is it okay if I take Johnny and Katie this weekend instead of next? If it's a problem...
Victoria: No, it's not a problem. It's fine.
Billy: Really?
Victoria: Yeah.
Billy: It's fine?
Victoria: Well, you know, I'm flexible, so if you -- if you ever want to switch, that's fine with me. Just let me know.
Billy: All right.
Jack: Am I interrupting a meeting of the minds?
Billy: Something like that, yeah.
Jack: I understand congratulations are in order. Nice to see you back at brash & sassy.
Victoria: Aww. And away from my father.
Jack: Yeah, and that, too. Boy, he doesn't change, does he? Still needs to be master of the universe.
Victoria: What has he done now?
Jack: Oh, he's launching a full-scale assault on summer's wedding plans. Doesn't matter what she wants.
Victoria: Well, I'd like to say I'm surprised, but there's not much I would put past my father.
Dylan: What were you and Victor fighting about?
Chloe: I just don't think it's any of your business.
Victor: There was an ugly scene at Chelsea's earlier. Nikki, your mother, and I had gone there to wish our grandson happy birthday. Neither Chloe nor Chelsea were very hospitable.
Chloe: Well, actually, I was just defending my friend.
Victor: Well, actually, you were disrespectful.
Chloe: Victor, she was having a really rough day, and she didn't need you coming in and making it worse. And on that note, I think that I should go check in on my friend. It's always a pleasure. Bye, Dylan.
Victor: Same to you.
Dylan: Yeah, see you soon, Chloe.
Victor: Any other questions?
Dylan: No, no more questions. What she said makes sense. Of course there'd be tension between you and Chelsea. She believes you framed her husband for murder.
Nikki: Dylan has been suspended from the force.
Sharon: What?! Paul would never do something like that!
Nikki: Well, I was very surprised when I first heard about it, too, but apparently Paul felt that he didn't have any other choice. Dylan wasn't following orders, and he kept investigating even when he was told explicitly that the case was closed.
Sharon: Adam's case.
Nikki: Now I understand that Dylan feels justified.
Sharon: Well, that's because he's doing the right thing. He's trying to clear an innocent man.
Nikki: Oh, my god. I should have known.
Sharon: What?
Nikki: It's not Dylan who wanted to push through on this. It's you! Anything to take a shot at Victor and me, huh?
Sharon: Nikki, you might want to brace yourself for this one, but this has nothing to do with you at all. This is about your vicious husband committing yet another crime and your honorable son wanting some justice. But you go ahead. Defend Victor. That's great.
Nikki: I am defending him because he hasn't done anything wrong.
Sharon: [Scoffs]
Nikki: Neither has Dylan. But the two of them are sniping at each other anyway, all because of you, Sharon! Don't you see how twisted that is? Have you been taking your medication?
Sharon: What -- what did you just say to me?
Nikki: It's a fair question, Sharon.
Sharon: I think you're the one who needs psychiatric help if you believe that Victor didn't frame his son!
Chelsea: Daddy's right, you know. Next year, all of our problems will be behind us.
Adam: Yeah, the biggest issue we're gonna have is what kind of cake to pick out for your birthday.
Chelsea: Right, which the answer to that will be chocolate, obviously.
Adam: Well, yeah. Duh. What was I thinking? Of course.
Adam: You all right?
Chelsea: And what else will we have at our party? We'll have pizza and we'll have hot dogs on the terrace, right?
Adam: Have to figure out what the birthday menu is on the way home.
Chelsea: Adam, I don't --
Adam: Probably got a boatload of presents to open, right, you haven't touched yet. You can't keep a boy away from his birthday presents, can you?
Chelsea: No. I can't.
Adam: Made my entire year. You know what? Seeing you. I love you, all right? It doesn't matter where I'm at. I'm always gonna be in here, all right? Come here. Let me look at you. Let me look at you. I want to say something to you. Happy birthday. Go to your mama.
Chelsea: I'm gonna drop him off with Monique, and then, uh, I'll come back to say goodbye.
Adam: Chelsea, do me a favor. Don't ever put my son in that position again.
Victor: Let's just say that Chelsea is desperate to have Adam home, so she latches on to his rather baseless accusations.
Dylan: Are they baseless? It's no secret you wanted your kids to pay after they testified against you.
Victor: For your information, I've forgiven my children, as Chloe has forgiven Adam for the loss of her child.
Dylan: Ending your kid's life, that's a lot to forgive.
Victor: Forgiveness is a wonderful thing. Really is. Makes you feel great. Lift a huge burden off your shoulders, rid of all the anger and resentment. One day, I hope that Chelsea will feel the same kind of peace that I feel now.
Chelsea: Where is this coming from? We were having a perfect visit.
Adam: Yeah, a visit that never should have happened in the first place.
Chelsea: But you seemed so happy to see Connor.
Adam: Yeah, I was. I was happy to see him. It's exactly what I needed.
Chelsea: Okay, so --
Adam: "So" nothing. We need to start thinking about what he needs, not what I need. What he needs is not to be exposed to a place like this. Do you have any idea what that's gonna do to him?
Chelsea: Well, it can't impact him any more than not seeing his father every morning.
Adam: I don't want him here, Chelsea!
Chelsea: I'm sorry. I thought -- I thought I was doing the right thing.
Adam: You were wrong. Do me a favor. Will you please get our son out of this prison, okay? I don't think he should be here on his birthday.
Chelsea: Don't do this.
Adam: Please. [Pounds on door]
Chelsea: Don't do this.
Phyllis: Hey!
Victoria: Hi. Uh, sorry. Is it okay that I came up?
Phyllis: Sure. Sure. What can I help you with?
Victoria: I just saw Jack. I hear that summer and Luca are getting married.
Phyllis: Ah, yes. My baby is all grown up. How's it going downstairs? Jack just filled me in on your new job position. That's an interesting career move.
Victoria: Yes, I know. It is.
Phyllis: Don't know a lot of exes who could work together and not kill each other.
Victoria: It's true. I never thought that Billy and I would be in that group, but you know what? So far it's working out really well. It's kind of a relief, you know. No more post-divorce tension. No more fighting about the kids. No more fighting about anything, really.
Phyllis: That's great. I'm glad to hear that. Are you considering getting back together with him?
Jack: So it sounds like things are really on track at brash & sassy.
Billy: Yeah. Yeah, I have Victoria to thank for that. She's motivating. She's actually got me showing up at work early.
Jack: Your muse, huh?
Billy: Yeah, I guess you could say that in a way.
Jack: Yeah, I remember feeling that way about Phyllis.
Billy: So, uh... how is everything with you two?
Jack: I don't really know how to answer that. Um, on the surface, everything's okay, but I sense certain undercurrents.
Billy: In what way?
Jack: Well, I was able to cut her off at the pass in her latest Victor plot.
Billy: Wait a second. That was your idea? She didn't turn him down on her own?
Jack: She'd have come up with it on her own if she'd thought about it. Partnering with your worst enemy to undermine your daughter's wedding plans? Thank god I was able to stop her. I don't know. Something's not right.
Billy: Yeah, of course something's not right, Jack. I mean, you're not letting Phyllis be Phyllis. You're doing what you always do. You're sucking the life out of her.
Sharon: Your husband's latest sins were so despicable that even you had the momentary common sense of wanting a divorce. And then you let the monster suck you back in again.
Nikki: Says the human vacuum.
Sharon: Excuse me?
Nikki: Sharon, that is all you do. You suck in every man that you meet. And if you would ever open your little doe eyes for once, you might see that Victor has changed.
Sharon: Yeah, from bad to worse, I'd say. Remember, I used to defend him, too, but no more.
Nikki: I was ready to give you the benefit of the doubt because Dylan is so happy with sully and faith and you. I mean, this is the kind of family he has always wanted.
Sharon: I can't wait for this "but"!
Nikki: But --
Sharon: Oh, there it is!
Nikki: You just couldn't control your selfish instincts. I mean, it's like you physically cannot be happy!
Sharon: With you standing in my living room, definitely not.
[Door closes]
Dylan: What's going on?
Nikki: Oh, Dylan, you're home.
Sharon: Um, we were just talking about your suspension.
Dylan: Uh, how?
Nikki: Paul told me, and -- and I broke the news to Sharon. I'm sorry. I just assumed that she knew.
Sharon: How are you? Are you okay?
Dylan: Uh, yeah, yeah, I'm fine. I'm fine. Paul made the right decision.
Nikki: What does that mean? Are -- are you gonna continue with your own personal investigation?
Dylan: You know, all I've come up with is dead end after dead end, so, uh, I'm just sick of wasting my time.
Nikki: Well, good. I knew that you would come to a conclusion without any undue influence.
Sharon: I'm the influence, in case you didn't catch that.
Dylan: I-I caught that.
Nikki: Okay, well, I'm going to let the two of you talk, and I will see you later, sweetheart.
Dylan: Okay.
Nikki: All right.
Sharon: [Sweetly] Bye, Nikki! You just completely played your mother, didn't you? You have no intention of dropping that case.
Dylan: I think I found a way to clear Adam.
[Computer keys clacking]
Nikki: Well, that just never gets old, seeing you behind that desk where you belong.
Victor: [Chuckles] Yeah, well, I'm not sure your son would agree with that.
Nikki: Ah. Dylan?
Victor: Yes. Dylan. Dylan McAvoy. I ran into him earlier. Got the distinct impression that he wants to think the worst of me.
Nikki: Well, not anymore.
Victor: Why do you say that?
Nikki: Well, Dylan was suspended from the force. Paul just couldn't condone his behavior anymore. Dylan kept pushing to clear Adam even after the case was closed, so Paul made the difficult decision of taking my son's badge. But it's only temporary.
Victor: And this happened today or what?
Nikki: Yeah. And Dylan realizes he went too far. He's ready to put the whole thing to rest.
Victor: Uh-huh.
Nikki: Victor! This is what people call good news. The investigation has been shut down.
Victor: Well, I guess that's good news.
Chloe: Uh-oh. That's an "I need another piece of birthday cake" face, if I've ever seen one.
Chelsea: The visit was terrible.
Chloe: I'm so sorry you had a horrible experience.
Chelsea: It was wonderful at first. [Sighs] Adam was thrilled to see Connor. Connor was thrilled to see Adam. It was the best birthday present my son could ask for. [Sighs] You know, and watching Adam hold him, the way he should be able to do, it -- it was... it was everything. [Sighs] But then it was time to leave, and I brought Connor outside to Monique and went back in to say goodbye to Adam, and he completely flipped out on me. He was furious that I brought Connor against his wishes. I mean, what am I supposed to do, Chloe? I don't understand any of this! I mean, it made them both happy to see each other. [Sniffles] It was clear what they both needed. What if Adam never stops fighting me on this? What is that gonna do to our son? Chloe?
Chloe: I think I made a huge mistake.
Connor: Hey, dad.
Adam: Connor. Hey, son. Been a long time. Come here. Let me get a look at you. You look good.
Connor: You ready to go home?
Adam: Oh, yeah. I-I've been ready for 20 years. They keep calling this a... early release. They keep saying that in here. Uh, I don't understand that. It seems like a lifetime. Where's mom?
Connor: She's not doing so well.
Adam: Not doing -- what does -- what does that mean, not doing so well? Connor, what does that mean? Son? [Sighs] Chelsea? Chelsea, baby. Hey, hey. Hey.
Chelsea: Hmm.
Adam: Hi.
Chelsea: [Weakly] You're really here.
Adam: I'm here. Everything's gonna be okay now.
Connor: Mom? Mom, where's your nurse?
Chelsea: I-I-I sent her away. I want it to be just the three of us. Welcome -- [Clears throat] Welcome home, sweetheart.
Adam: Thank you. Why -- uh, why does she have nurses? Is she sick? [Voice breaking] You know, if you're sick, baby, you got to go to the hospital if you're sick. Why isn't she at the hospital, Connor?
Connor: Mom wanted to die at home.
Chelsea: What are you talking about? What kind of mistake?
Chloe: Coming back to Genoa City. I think I should just pack up my stuff and -- and grab Bella and get out of here.
Chelsea: What? Because I'm upset that Adam didn't want to visit with his son? It has nothing to do with you. It's actually just the opposite. Honestly, since you came back, you've been a lot of help to me with work and Connor and... [Sighs] Mostly just being a shoulder to lean on. I've missed that.
Chloe: Yeah, I've -- I've missed that, too.
Chelsea: Besides, I mean, where else would you even go?
Chloe: Yeah, I-I have no clue. I... I just don't think this is the right place for us.
Chelsea: Just don't make any big decisions, okay, just not -- not yet. Promise me.
Chloe: Right now I-I just need to be focused on my daughter, and I need to get her from my mom. I'll -- I'll talk to you later.
Victoria: For me to even consider getting back together with Billy, I would have to see a lot more personal growth from him. A lot. Why are we even talking about this, anyway?
Phyllis: He's my brother-in-law. I'll always be concerned.
Victoria: What do you think?
Phyllis: Me?
Victoria: Yeah, I mean, do you think I should even entertain the idea? Billy and I have been through so much. I mean, you think we actually have a shot of making it work?
Phyllis: I'm hardly an expert in the love department. But I think you and Billy have the potential for something great.
Victoria: Really?
Phyllis: I just would make sure that you are starting from a clean slate. No more secrets, no more lies.
Victoria: Are you saying that you think Billy's keeping something from me?
Phyllis: Of course not, but this is Billy we're talking about. You never know with him, right?
Billy: Sorry. That didn't come out right.
Jack: No, no, no. Speak your mind. I mean it. I want to hear what you have to say.
Billy: Phyllis is unpredictable, okay? She's passionate. She's fiercely loyal. She needs to feel free, not... managed.
Jack: You think that's what I'm doing?
Billy: You clip her wings now, she may never fly again, Jack, and that's where she... she should be soaring, man.
Jack: A free spirit that can't be tamed. I guess you've been defending her for a reason. You know something about this. The two of you are cut from the same cloth.
Billy: Just calling it like I see it, Jack.
Jack: Well, you do see it, though. You clearly see her. And I appreciate the outside perspective. Really, you give me a lot to think about.
Chelsea: I've been waiting for you. It's -- [Wheezing] It's all I've -- [ Sighs] That's all I've ever wanted. [Gasping]
Adam: [Sniffles] [Sobbing] Come on, honey. Honey. [Sniffles] Baby, hey. Can you hear me? [Sniffles] No, come on. Come on. Wake up, baby. Baby, come on. Can you hear me?
Connor: [Sobbing] No, she can't hear you, because you killed her! You did this!
Adam: Connor, come on. What?
Connor: All the years we wasted worrying about you! While our lives went nowhere! Mom spent every day trying to clear your name.
Adam: Because I was innocent, son.
Connor: Of that crime, maybe! But you saw what she was doing to herself, and you let it happen! You're the reason my mother is dead.
Adam: Don't say that. You don't mean that.
Connor: I've never meant anything more. And I never want to see you again.
Adam: Come on, Connor.
Connor: Go ruin some other family's life.
Adam: Hold on a second. I had nothing to do with this. Your grandfather, he orchestrated this whole thing, son.
Connor: I don't care. Not anymore.
Adam: Don't say you don't care. That's not what your mother taught you, is it?
Connor: I'm done.
Adam: Son. Connor?
[Door opens]
[Door closes]
Nikki: Thought you could leave work early and spend the rest of the day with me. We could go for a walk in the park or go to the club, anything you want.
Victor: I'd love nothing more. But I have some pressing business to deal with.
Nikki: Oh, Victor, you always do.
Victor: I know.
Nikki: How about a romantic dinner, then? Top of the tower?
Victor: That sounds good. Reserve a seat.
Nikki: Best in the house. See you there.
Victor: Bye.
[Door closes]
Chloe: Did you miss me?
Victor: Are you out of your mind? Why are you taking these stupid risks?
Chloe: Oh, unclench, Victor. Don't worry. I was careful. I assume that you were, too, with Dylan.
Victor: Got news for you. Dylan McAvoy is not gonna give up the investigation no matter what he claims.
Chloe: But he's smart. And if he keeps on looking around...
Victor: You don't realize how dangerous this is, do you? The walls are closing in. I'm not about to go back to prison.
Chloe: Really? 'Cause I was really looking forward to that.
Victor: You joke all you want. There's a good chance that you will kiss your sweet baby goodbye. You know that.
Chloe: No, that's never gonna happen.
Victor: It can, and it will.
Chloe: There must be some way to stop this.
Victor: There was, until you were stupid enough to burn those pages that could have meant my son's freedom.
Phyllis: Hey, how was lunch?
Jack: Can I ask you something?
Phyllis: Sure.
Jack: I want you to tell me the truth, not what you think I want to hear.
Phyllis: Okay. Shoot.
Jack: Do you ever feel as though I hold you back, that I push you in a direction you're not comfortable going? 'Cause it's honestly the last thing that I ever intended to do.
Phyllis: Where is this coming from?
Jack: Well, things have been a little rough between us lately, and I was talking to Billy about it and --
Phyllis: Billy? You were talking to Billy about us?
Jack: Yeah, I'm glad I did. He gave me a whole new perspective. He suggested maybe I'm pulling the reins in a little too tight, that I'm tamping down your spontaneity, keeping you from being you.
Phyllis: Billy said that?
Jack: Was he right?
Phyllis: No, I-I love where I am.
Jack: Promise.
Phyllis: Where we are.
Jack: Promise.
Phyllis: Promise. If you're feeling any tension between us, it's not from my end.
Jack: Okay, maybe I'm being overly sensitive, you know. We've been through quite a storm recently, and I guess I'm a little desperate for the waters to calm.
Phyllis: I know, honey. It's gonna be smooth sailing from here on out. I promise. And apparently it's not just us, you know. Billy and Victoria, they're in a real good place, too. Everybody is happy all around.
Dylan: You're right. I didn't want to risk saying anything in front of Nikki in case it got back to Victor. But I am positive Chloe has been helping frame Adam.
Sharon: How do you know? Do you have proof?
Dylan: No, I don't have proof. But I did see Victor and Chloe in the park in the middle of a heated argument.
Sharon: Okay, well, everyone argues with Victor. He's insufferable.
Dylan: I know, Sharon, but this one was different. It was just a lot of tension.
Sharon: Did you ask them about it?
Dylan: Yeah, they claim that it was about Connor's birthday, but I'm telling you right now, something was way off.
Sharon: Mostly with Chloe.
Dylan: Yeah, Victor didn't miss a beat. Chloe? She seemed really anxious. Look, I got to go with my gut on this, okay? If I can get Chloe to crack, then I could prove Victor's behind everything.
Sharon: I don't like it, Dylan. And it's not because I think you're wrong. It's because I'm scared that you might be right. If Victor would put his own son in prison, how far might he go to stop you?
Chloe: It's confession time. I didn't burn the original journal pages.
Victor: I didn't think so.
Chloe: Well, I'm not an idiot. I needed them as insurance in case you turned on me.
Victor: That's very shrewd. So why don't you hand over the pages to me now, and I'll make the investigation go away.
Chloe: How? We'll still be implicated.
Victor: No, not if the pages end up in someone else's possession.
Chloe: So you're just gonna pin this on some random person?
Victor: You got a problem with that?
Chloe: Not if it keeps me with my daughter.
Victor: All right. Hand over the pages now.
Chloe: You see, I still have a problem with that, because that means that Adam goes free. And the whole point of this was to make sure that he paid for what he did to my daughter, and that worked. I can't just -- I can't just let him walk now.
Victor: Have you ever tried to look at the big picture? What would you rather do? Watch my son Adam suffer in prison... or do you want to watch your daughter grow up?
Phyllis: Got to be kidding me.
Billy: I'm not stalking you, if that's what you're thinking.
Phyllis: Well... you are talking about me. Giving Jack advice about his wife. What was that about?
Billy: Just telling him the truth. He's cramming you into a box.
Phyllis: [Scoffs]
Billy: He's stifling your fire, your -- your life, your unpredictability, all the things that I fell in love with.
Phyllis: What about Victoria? What made you fall in love with her?
Billy: I'm not sure why Victoria's a part of this conversation.
Phyllis: Because you guys are getting closer. You're working together again. You're falling back into patterns.
Billy: Right, well, you told me to move on with my life, right?
Phyllis: Yeah, and I meant it. Billy, seriously, I-I... just go. Just -- just go and be happy. That's what I want. I want you to be happy. I want Jack to be happy. Even Victoria. Just everybody. Just...be happy.
Billy: What about you? I didn't hear your name in there.
Phyllis: [Scoffs] I got to go.
Chelsea: It'll get easier, baby. We have each other. And daddy has us, and... we are gonna keep visiting him, no matter what he says, right? Because we need to remind him how much we love him and that we're never giving up on him and that we will be here waiting. No matter how long it takes, right? [Sighs] Well, I know we already did this once today, but I figure we can use as many wishes as we can get right now, so... you ready? One, two...
[Both blow air]
Adam: You son of a bitch. Well, hello. I guess what they say is true, right? I mean, what goes around, comes around. Here I am in the same position with my son that you were in with me. Out of his life. Of course, the major difference being you chose to abandon me, didn't you? I really wish that I would have gotten out of prison in time to attend your funeral, because I would have laughed as they lowered you into the ground. I hope you died alone, and I hope you died broken, because of all your talk of being there for your family, of caring for your family, you were the worst thing that ever happened to every single one of us. And I can only pray that you are rotting in hell.
Chloe: Well, as much as I want Adam to rot in that cell, being with my child is more important.
Victor: Wise choice.
Chloe: But I want details. Who is this mystery person that's gonna take the fall?
Victor: None of your business. You just hand me the pages. I'll handle the rest.
Chloe: But how do I know that you're not gonna double-cross me?
Victor: You don't. If we take a fall, we take it together.
Chloe: [Chuckles] Ohh. What a thought. Okay. Okay. I guess we're doing this.
Victor: Where are you going? I guess I haven't given you enough credit, have I?
Chloe: Well, people rarely do.
Victor: Now, by planting those pages behind that picture, you could have had me take the fall.
Chloe: It's what I like to call a win-win.
Victor: Uh-huh.
Chloe: Watching you and Adam wearing matching prison denim. [Chuckles]
Victor: Mm-hmm.
Chloe: This is so surreal. Because all I need to do is pass these pages to you and then your murdering son goes free.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Victoria: I just wish that he would have tried to convince me to stay and work with him.
Nikki: Would you have stayed?
Phyllis: You found something that proves that Luca's behind it?
Nick: I found something. Wasn't what I was looking for.
Luca: You know I love you,
Summer: But you're keeping something from me.
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