Y&R Transcript Thursday 8/11/16
Provided By Suzanne
Adam: [Thinking] Dear Connor, I'm sorry I can't be there for your birthday party. I can't wait to see all the photos mommy took. I don't want you to worry, though, because I'm gonna do everything I can to make sure I'm home next year. So we can celebrate your birthday the way we should -- together. You, me, and mommy. Happy birthday, little man. Love, Daddy.[Knock on door]
Adam: Hey. When they, uh... told me you were here, I couldn't help but hoping that, uh -- I mean, it's just, man, I-I could use some good news right now.
Dylan: Yeah, I don't doubt that.
Adam: Chelsea tells me that you're still working on the case even though Paul told you to back off. Is that true?
Dylan: Yeah, uh, please don't tell anybody that, or I could get into a lot of trouble. But, yes, that's true.
Adam: I won't say anything. Tell you that I appreciate it, though. You know, I mean... you believe me.
Dylan: So, uh, listen. I stopped by your place yesterday looking for Chelsea, and instead I --
Adam: You found Chloe, right? Shocker. Can't imagine what you must have been thinking. Did she, uh... she tell you about her kid? About Bella? About how she's back in Genoa City for a fresh start? Start her life over. She's got her halo all polished and ready for forgiveness.
Dylan: Well, she was very persuasive.
Adam: Mm-hmm.
Dylan: And your wife seems to believe her.
Adam: Well, my wife is blinded by her friendship. I can tell you, Chloe wants nothing more than for me to rot in here.
Dylan: Yeah, it is hard to believe that her showing up now is just a coincidence. I don't buy it for a second that she's forgiven you.
Adam: Really? Well, hallelujah! Finally, someone who's seeing the light. You can tell just by being around her, something's off with that woman, right?
Dylan: Yeah, most definitely.
Adam: Good. Okay. So, I need you to help prove that she was working with Victor to help frame me for murder so I can get the hell out of here and go home to my wife and my son where I belong.
Chelsea: Make a wish, Connor!
Chloe: Don't say it out loud or it won't come true.
Chelsea: That's true. Okay, ready? Can we blow out the candles together? You're a big boy. One, two, three! Yay! That's a good boy! Mwah! Good job.
Chloe: Aw, good job, Connor! Oh, look at those eyes. They're so big and beautiful.
[Doorbell rings]
Chelsea: Oh.
Chloe: Were you expecting someone?
Chelsea: I'm not, actually.
Chloe: Okay. Well, um, you know, you cut the cake -- will you help her? -- And, um, I'll just go let whoever it is in.
Chelsea: All right. That's a deal. Connor, you want to come to the kitchen with mama? We'll give you the biggest piece 'cause you're the birthday boy. You want the most icing, right? [Laughs]
Chloe: [Laughs]
Chelsea: Come on, boo boo.
Connor: Go to the kitchen.
Chelsea: Yeah. I know!
Chloe: Oh! Well, look who it is. Grandma and grandpa.
Nikki: Chloe?
Chloe: Are you here for Connor's big day?
Victor: Yes.
Nikki: What are you doing here?
Chloe: Oh, uh...god. I -- I'll tell you all about it. Just come on in. The more the merrier.
Michael: Paul. Paul! You have got to keep investigating.
Paul: No, I don't, Michael. Your client pled guilty, remember?
Michael: All right, that's on me. I pushed for the plea deal because I couldn't prove Adam was framed. But your own son -- your own son believes he's innocent.
Paul: Dylan is no longer on the case.
Michael: Then put someone else on the case.
Paul: There is this little thing called budget cuts. Maybe you've heard of them?
Michael: There's this other little thing called justice.
Paul: Look, Michael, if you want to keep digging, hire a P.I. Adam can afford it. But you can't expect me to devote my resources, resources that I don't have, to a closed case.
Michael: You're wrong, Paul. You have the perfect resource to find evidence that will clear Adam.
Paul: And what might that be?
Michael: My brilliant brother.
Sharon: [Gasps] Ohh! Did the florist just deliver those?
Mariah: Oh, actually --
Sharon: I bet they're from Dylan, right? We had this little squabble yesterday, and I'm sure this is his way of saying that he's sorry.
Mariah: Uh --
Sharon: Let's see. "I'm an idiot. Let's start over. Thinking of you. Love..." Kevin?
Mariah: I tried to tell you.
Sharon: Well... regardless, I'm happy for you. Wow. Kevin is sending you flowers. That's a big deal. He said that you two were just friends, but clearly he has feelings.
Mariah: Yeah, Kevin has feelings. For Chloe. That's who they're meant for.
Sharon: Then what are you doing with them?
Mariah: I stole them.
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Sharon: You stole Chloe's flowers?
Mariah: For a good cause.
Sharon: How do you figure?
Mariah: Kevin is going to get his heart broken again if he doesn't ease up on Chloe. She's told him that she is not interested. But ever since she showed up back in town with that cute little kid, he wants them to be a family.
Sharon: I thought the paternity test proved that the baby isn't his.
Mariah: She's not. Chloe just wants to start a new life with Bella. That doesn't include Kevin. If somebody doesn't save him from himself, his heart's gonna get mangled all over again.
Sharon: Well, that's very noble of you, Mariah. But I have to wonder, are you really thinking about Kevin, or are you thinking about yourself?
Kevin: Leave me out of this. It's like I just told Dylan --
Michael: Hold on. Hold on. Dylan spoke to you about the case?
Paul: For the last time, there is no case. Dylan had no business talking to you about it, anyway.
Michael: Well, obviously your son believes Kevin can help prove Adam was innocent.
Kevin: More like he's throwing darts against the wall hoping to hit something. In this case, my ex-wife.
Michael: What? Of course. Of course! Who had a better motive?
Kevin: There's no way that Chloe did it. If she were conspiring with Victor, I would have seen it on the surveillance video.
Michael: Well, maybe you didn't want to see her.
Paul: I've had enough of this. We are wasting valuable time that needs to be devoted elsewhere. You get back to work. You -- we're not discussing this anymore.
Michael: All right, but --
Paul: We are playing this by the book.
Michael: What am I supposed to do?
Paul: I don't care!
Michael: What am I supposed to tell my client? That rules and regulations are more important than finding the truth? Look, Adam Newman is far from a saint. But he's not a murderer. Prison is slowly killing him. With no hope, without the knowledge that there's still someone out here searching for the truth, I am telling you right now, he is not gonna survive this.
Adam: Sitting here waiting for you, I, um... wrote this little note to my son. It's his... today's his birthday, so I wanted him to know that I was thinking about him. I can't give it to him. Do you mind maybe passing this on to Chelsea so... just so he knows I'm thinking about him on his birthday, you know? Just...glimmer of hope. Dylan, I realize you and I have never been close, but I want you to know I really appreciate what you're doing, all right?
Dylan: Don't thank me yet. Chloe may have had plenty of motive to want to set you up, but she needed opportunity.
Adam: What are you getting at? Meaning what?
Dylan: I checked out her story. And according to the mental-health facility's records, she was still a patient there while Victor was in here serving his time, meeting with his accomplice. You can't be in two places at the exact same time.
Adam: No, I know that. But whoever you were talking to, they could have been lying, right? Or -- or -- or things can be doctored. With enough money and influence, you can --
Dylan: Yeah, I already thought of that. The problem is proving it.
Adam: Which is hard to do because Victor covers his tracks so well, right? There's no trace of foul play, is there?
Dylan: I'm not giving up. And in the meantime, I'll deliver that note to Chelsea for you.
Adam: What the hell's the point anyway, right? What are you gonna do that for? Just so we can get his hopes up? Chelsea's. Or mine.
Nikki: I, uh, didn't realize you were back in town. Did you know that, darling?
Victor: No. I'm surprised, as well.
Chloe: Oh, well, after I was released from the hospital, I came back to see my mom, and I decided to stick around. And then Chelsea offered my daughter and me a place to stay until we found a place of our own.
Nikki: Your daughter?
Chloe: Oh, yeah. Oh! Come here! Come here, Bella. I want you to meet someone. Come here. Oh, gosh. Oh! This is Bella. Bella, can you say hi to Mr. And Mrs. Newman?
Victor: Hello, Bella.
Nikki: Well, hello, Bella.
Victor: Hello, hello, hello.
Nikki: Aren't you the sweetest little princess?
Chloe: I know. Isn't she? She's just perfect.
Nikki: So, um, tell me, does she look more like you or her father?
Chloe: I think she looks a lot like Delia.
Nikki: [Gasps] You know, now that you say that, I see that. Yes, she does.
Chloe: Right? Yeah.
Chelsea: Oh. Hello.
Victor: Hello, darling.
Nikki: Chelsea, I'm so sorry that we didn't call.
Chelsea: No, that's quite all right. Welcome to the party.
Victor: My goodness. Happy birthday to you!
Chloe: Um, you know what, why don't I take the kids upstairs, and we'll go play with Monique?
Chloe: That's a great idea, Chloe. You read my mind. Thank you.
Chloe: Connor...Connor, sweetie, you want to follow me?
Chelsea: Go with aunt Chloe.
Chloe: Come on. Let's go upstairs. Come on, buddy. Come on. Come on upstairs.
Chloe: How dare you come into my home?
Victor: How dare I? You serious, to ask me that question? That's my grandson. I have every right to see him.
Nikki: You open your home to the woman who tried to kill your husband, and yet we're not welcome? How does that make sense?
Victor: You know that boy needs all the love and support we can give him. Especially now that his father's in prison.
Chelsea: Yeah. And who's fault is that? Because you put him there!
Nikki: All right. Can we all remain calm, please, and be civil? Believe me, I know what you're going through. When Victor was at Walworth, I was in your same situation not that long ago.
Chelsea: Okay, this is a completely different situation, actually, Nikki. Because Victor belonged in the penitentiary. Adam does not. And what I'm hoping to happen is you will go back to jail for framing an innocent man. Connor's gonna have to grow up without his father, so I don't think buying him a train set is really gonna make up for that. Do you?
Nikki: If Adam was framed, Victor had no part in it. I know that's hard for you to accept, but Adam has no one to blame but himself.
Chelsea: I do not know what is worse -- the fact that you believe his lies, or the fact that you pretend to care about your son.
Victor: I want you to remember one thing -- I am Adam's only hope.
Michael: Adam. Adam, did you hear what I said?
Adam: Oh. Yeah. No. No, I didn't. Uh... what did you say?
Michael: I'm not gonna stop fighting until your conviction is overturned. And I'm not the only one. Dylan is still investigating on his own in spite of Paul's closing the case.
Adam: I don't know where you got your information from, but I'm afraid it's a little bit dated.
Michael: What are you talking about?
Adam: I'm talking about the fact that Dylan was just here. He said in spite of his best efforts -- he's working behind Paul's back -- he hasn't found any proof that links Chloe to any of this. In fact, she was still out in that mental facility out west when Victor was in here meeting with this mystery woman, so... at least that's what the record book said.
Michael: Yeah, well, records can be --
Adam: Yes, they can be doctored. Everybody knows this. Of course they were doctored! That's exactly what Victor did! But how are we gonna prove it? We can't prove it! Which means I'm gonna be stuck in here for the rest of my --
Michael: Adam -- Adam! I'm sorry. We're sorry. My client has a reason to be upset. It's his son's birthday. But he will now sit down and calm down. Thank you. Thank you.
Adam: How'd you know about Connor's birthday?
Michael: It's my business to know as much as possible about my clients. Just as I know from personal experience how easy it is to lose hope behind these walls. But you got to remember, you're not alone. Even though it may feel that way. There are some fierce people out there fighting for you. And they're not gonna give up.
Dylan: Anything jumping out at you?
Kevin: [Sighs] If you're asking again if I think this is Chloe --
Dylan: Could. Could it be Chloe?
Kevin: I'm not seeing anything new. And if you don't back off, you're gonna get both of us in trouble with the chief.
Dylan: Well, I'll take my chances. If you're watching this video over and over, at least you're open to the idea.
Kevin: Uh, you're reading a lot into me watching a video.
Dylan: [Sighs] Okay. Answer me this. You were able to hack into the prison mainframe, right? How hard would it be for somebody to get into the mental-health-facility server and alter the patient logs? Make it seem like somebody was still there when they're not?
Kevin: You still trying to pin this on Chloe? I told you, she did not help Victor. She hates the guy almost as much as she hates Adam. She's not working with him. On anything.
Dylan: In other words, there is a way to remotely get in and change the logs. Thank you, Kevin.
Paul: Is this how you follow a direct order?
Kevin: I wasn't doing any--
Paul: I'm not talking to you.
Kevin: Oh.
Paul: I'm talking to Dylan.
Kevin: Then I'm gonna go get some food.
Paul: What part of "case closed" don't you understand, detective?
Dylan: Paul, I don't want to defy you, but I'm looking for justice, and I'm following it wherever it leads. Isn't that why you put me on the force?
Paul: I put you on the force because I needed someone I could trust. By your actions, you have made it crystal clear I can't.
Dylan: Look, you're not gonna have to justify it to Christine or anybody downtown. I'm on my own time. It's my own expense.
Paul: I don't care, Dylan. I don't care about that at all. It doesn't matter how you did it. The fact that you defied an order is my problem. I can't allow that to happen.
Dylan: Okay, so what are you -- what are you saying?
Paul: I'm suspending you.
Dylan: What do you mean, suspended?
Paul: Oh, what? You don't think you deserve it?
Dylan: What happened to the Paul Williams who put people before following arbitrary rules? Where an innocent man's behind bars because he was framed for a murder he didn't commit, a murder we don't even know happened, isn't it our obligation to pursue that? Or is it because it's Adam Newman? Maybe Christine's looking for payback because she couldn't put him away in Delia's case?
Paul: Oh, come on, Dylan. If you think Chris is being vindictive, she wouldn't offer him a plea.
Dylan: Okay, then what is it? Why are you doing it? Are you doing it for Nikki? You're letting your friendship blind you to what her husband is capable of doing to his son?
Paul: Nobody has to tell me what Victor Newmans is capable of.
Dylan: Then why can't you see that Adam was set up, and help me prove it?
Paul: Because we are not like Victor Newman. We play by the rules. We don't bend and twist them to serve our needs. A path I see you going down. So until you can learn to work within the system, you do not deserve to wear that badge. Hand it over. Now, Dylan! Along with your firearm.
Sharon: And you took the flowers to protect Kevin.
Mariah: Exactly.
Sharon: Mariah...
Mariah: What? Y-you think that I took the flowers because I want Kevin for myself? Yeah, right.
Sharon: Are you 100% sure that what Chloe and Kevin had is really over?
Mariah: I don't know. Kevin thinks that there's a chance. Chloe says no way. I mean, she even told me to go for it myself. She thinks that Kevin and I are meant to be more than friends. Like I could snap my fingers and make that happen.
Sharon: If you could do that, would you?
Mariah: All I want is for Kevin to be happy.
Sharon: What if he's right? What if he can be a father to Bella and a husband to Chloe again?
Mariah: Well, it's not just up to him.
Sharon: No. But Chloe came back into town for a reason. What if, in her heart of hearts, she wants a family? Are you afraid that they might find their way back together, and then you would be --
Mariah: Out in the cold. Sometimes I feel like that's where I belong. That's where I'll always be.
Adam: You know, in here, every morning at 6:00 A.M., That buzzer that goes off? You know the one? 6:00 A.M. Every morning. Lets us animals know it's time for us to get out of our cages. Except for me. I'm already awake, 'cause I don't sleep in here. I just lay awake, and I stare at the ceiling. And I think. And then 6:00 in the morning, that buzzer goes off. And I sit up in that uncomfortable bed. And before I put my shoes on, I... I try to find some gratitude. You know, something to hold onto. I got this list in my head that I -- that I go through. It's the same list every day. I want you to know you're on that list. You're on that list. Dylan's on that list. Chelsea's on that list. Connor. You guys are like my little ragtag group that just keeps believing in me. I appreciate that. But this place, man, you know it is designed to suck the life right out of you, you know? And all of the gratitude and all of the hope... your humanity.
Michael: I know it sounds cliché, but... the answer is to keep believing.
Adam: [Scoffs]
Michael: Listen to me. When people reach out to you, try to meet them halfway. Whether it's a fellow inmate or a counselor or your lawyer or your wife... or even that little boy whose birthday it is today. As long as you let us in, you win. You keep your humanity. You get your shot at redemption.
Adam: [Sniffles] I like that. It's just I -- you know, I feel like I'm hanging on by a very, very thin thread that's about ready to snap. And when it snaps, I'm telling you, man, I'm gonna snap. I'm gonna snap. I'm gonna do something stupid, and they're gonna put me in a hole, and I'm never gonna get out of here. That's why I need you to believe Chloe is my key to getting out of here. She's the one. Listen to me, now. She's the one, okay? That's why I need you to find some kind of proof. Some kind of shred of evidence that she's connected to this, that she was working with Victor. That they set me up. You do that and I get to go home to my family. I don't care you how you do it. [Stammers] Enlist your brother. Get your brother Kevin to help.
Michael: Listen to me. Listen to me. Kevin is still in love with Chloe. And he only sees what he wants to see.
Adam: So get him to see who she really is. Not just for my sake, but for his.
Chelsea: If Adam's freedom depends on the two of you, then my son grows up without his father. Is that what you want? 'Cause if so, you can take your gifts, and you can take your pretense of caring, and you can get the hell out of my house.
Chloe: Yeah, Chelsea's right. You shouldn't be here. Not after what you did to Adam and his family.
Victor: I don't remember asking you for your opinion.
Nikki: Victor has spent years defending Adam. But you got behind the wheel of a car and ran him down. Or have you forgotten that? Have you forgotten that?
Chelsea: No, I have not forgotten that. But Chloe's worked very hard to get past her rage and her grief. Victor walked out of that prison the same terrible person he was when he walked in.
Nikki: Oh, my god. I'm not gonna let you talk about my husband like that.
Victor: Sweetheart... there's no sense in trying to reason with them, okay?
Nikki: [Scoffs]
Victor: I don't think you realize who your real friends are. Maybe you find out the hard way. There you are.
Chloe: Allow me.
Chelsea: [Crying] I can't believe he had the nerve to show up here. I don't know what I would have done without you.
Chelsea: [Sighs] I'm sorry. Crying is not gonna help anything.
Chloe: You're entitled.
Chelsea: [Sighs] This whole thing is so unfair. Victor is out there walking around free while Adam is -- is stuck in that hellhole. Away from his son on special days like today, like his birthday... I just feel like he needs to see him, you know? He needs to see his son, and that will give him hope. It will give him something to fight for. Adam, he... he hasn't had joy in so long.
Chloe: Well, then, there's your answer. You know? To... get past this wall between you.
Chelsea: What, Connor?
Chloe: You need to get those two together.
Chelsea: I know. I know. But Adam is dead set against it. [Sniffles] [Sighs]
Chloe: You know, when I was upstairs... Connor kept on asking for his daddy.
Chelsea: [Sighs]
Chloe: I mean, he needs to see him, Chelsea. And no matter what Adam says, he needs his son just as much.
Chelsea: [Sniffles] You're right. This has gone on for too long. And you know what, if Adam gets mad at me again, so be it. Okay. [Sighs] Thanks. Monique, can you get Connor ready for me, please? He's in for a big surprise!
Chloe: So is daddy.
Nikki: I know it wasn't the visit that you had envisioned, but you can't let it get to you this way, Victor. Once Chelsea realizes that you're on her side, she'll come around. I'm sure of it.
Victor: Chelsea isn't the problem. If Chloe had done what I'd asked her to do...
Nikki: What? What does that mean?
Victor: To see a therapist. Get the hell out of town. As far away from Genoa City as possible. Instead, she insinuated herself in our grandson's home and turned Chelsea against me.
Nikki: Mm. Well, she's upset. She wants to blame somebody. Unfortunately, you're a convenient target. What did you mean earlier, when you said that you're Adam's only hope?
[Cell phone chimes]
Victor: One second.
Nikki: It's business, I'm sure?
Victor: Yes.
Nikki: Can it wait?
Victor: Something I need to take care of. Okay? Sorry. Sorry, baby.
Nikki: All right.
Victor: I'll see you later.
Kevin: I tried to warn you.
Dylan: And now I've got no badge. I got no way to prove that Victor set Adam up.
Kevin: For a few days. Paul will cool off. Reinstate you. But in the meantime...
Dylan: In the meantime what?
Kevin: Get over this idea that Chloe is henchman to Victor's evil genius.
Dylan: I don't know what to believe anymore. I do know I'm sick of arguing about it.
Kevin: Where are you going?
Dylan: I'm going out. Get some fresh air.
Mariah: We agreed to be friends. Just friends. But then Natalie hit it rich and cut him in, did her whole "geek girl turned glamour kitten" thing... Kevin still came to me when he needed to talk about the relationship. And even after he dumped her when Chloe came back into town, guess who he asked to be his go-between? He didn't want me to be his friend, he wanted me to be his love guru.
Sharon: Do you think he's using you, Mariah?
Mariah: Maybe a little. But not in a bad way. I mean, if it feels good to have someone you care about need you...
Sharon: You just wish it were a little less one-sided.
Mariah: Sometimes I think I'm being stupid, and I should just move on. Stop hoping for something that wasn't meant to be.
[Cell phone rings]
Sharon: Answer it. Or don't. It's up to you. I'm gonna go check on sully.
Mariah: Hey, there.
Kevin: I'm glad you picked up, Mariah. I need you. Obscene pictures of you online
Mariah: What happened? Did Natalie post a bunch of obscene pictures of you online to get revenge for dumping her?
Kevin: Natalie wiped me off her wall like I never existed. Which is fine by me.
Mariah: So if it's not Swiss Miss...
Kevin: It's Chloe. I'm worried about her.
Mariah: Because?
Kevin: Well, I sent her a bunch of flowers with what I thought was a really nice note, and I haven't heard a word back. No text, no dm, nothing. And that's not like her.
Mariah: Maybe they weren't delivered?
Kevin: I checked with the florist.
Mariah: Maybe she thinks they're ugly.
Kevin: They were her favorite flowers.
Mariah: Well, I-I -- I don't know. Maybe she doesn't know how to respond, like I tried to tell you.
Kevin: I know what you said. Chloe's moved on and so should I. But I meant what I said about not giving up. How do you walk away from someone when you know in your heart you're supposed to be together? Mariah? You still there?
Mariah: Yeah. I think you need to let Chloe come to you. When something's right, it's just gonna happen. If you force it, then you'll mess it up. I, uh -- I have to go. I'll talk to you later. Bye.
Sharon: That's good advice. Maybe you should take it.
Michael: Is Dylan still around?
Kevin: Uh, no. And he's not gonna be for a while. Paul suspended him.
Michael: Great. That's just great.
Kevin: Well, at least now he'll stop obsessing about Chloe.
Michael: Which leaves more time for you to obsess about Chloe.
Kevin: Michael, come on.
Michael: No, you come on, Kevin. If there's anyone here with a blind spot, it's you. Adam and Dylan are convinced she worked for Victor. I need your help to prove that.
Kevin: I don't care what Adam and Dylan think.
Michael: You have been in the same situation as Adam -- locked up for something you didn't do. Do you remember what that felt like? Being in that tiny cell with the four walls closing in on you, your pleas of innocence ignored, the helplessness, the feeling that you'd been abandoned by the very people who were supposed to believe in you?
Kevin: Michael...
Michael: What?
Kevin: ...Stop trying to play with my emotions, all right? I know Chloe, and I believe her. So for the last time, back off.
Chloe: Thanks, Mom. Thanks for watching Bella. I actually feel safe here, knowing that Katherine's looking down on me. Okay. I'll talk to you later. Bye. Well, hopefully you won't agitate her spirit by doing something that you'll regret.
Victor: Let me tell you something. The only thing I regret is making a deal with you. All right?
Chloe: Really? I mean, I thought that we worked so well together. I give us a gold star. But, you know, Adam and Dylan, they believe that I was your co-conspirator, and Chelsea is convinced that I'm not, and I think that we want to keep it that way, right?
Victor: For your information, no one would have been suspicious if you'd left town when I asked you to.
Chloe: But I've really been enjoying these covert meetings.
Victor: You're getting on my nerves. This is not funny, all right? Be careful now.
Adam: Thought you had no say in the matter, huh? I don't want any more visitors, man. I just want to go back to my cell and pretend this whole damn day never happened.
Chelsea: Can't you make time for one more? Hi.
Adam: You didn't have to come here, you know. I don't want to fight with you anymore. You should be with Connor, you know. It's his birthday.
Chelsea: I was hoping you'd say that. Because I-I am with Connor, and I wanted to give him the only present that he wanted today.
Mariah: So, basically, you think I'm trying to force something with Kevin that wasn't meant to be.
Sharon: I'm focusing more on the "let him come to you" part. See, the thing about men, they like to do the pursuing. So if you're going to get involved with anyone, it always works out best if it was their idea.
Mariah: I guess I should be paying attention. You've had a few loves in your life, unlike me. I tend to fall in lust, and then I do everything I can to make the man run away screaming in the other direction.
Sharon: [Chuckles]
Mariah: Although this time, I tried a new approach. I found a guy that I had zero chemistry with and tried to turn it into the love story of the century.
Sharon: [Sighs] Well, it is true. I have been blessed with more than I deserve.
Mariah: You guys have a really amazing relationship.
Sharon: I want that for you, too, Mariah.
Mariah: [Laughs] You know, it's been really nice spending this time with you. Without the anxiety of secrets.
Sharon: Or trying to avoid poison ivy.
Mariah: Oh, my god.
[Both laugh]
Mariah: You were so miserable. I felt so bad for you.
Sharon: I really like spending this time with you, too.
Mariah: [Sighs] I guess that I could give the flowers to Chloe. Whatever happens happens.
Sharon: You could do that. But they look really nice right where they are. And what Chloe doesn't know won't hurt her. Or Kevin.
Mariah: [Laughs]
Michael: What makes you so sure Chloe has changed? Because a doctor signed a release form? So what? Does that prove that she still doesn't want Adam to suffer just as much as she's suffered? How do you know Victor didn't pay off that doctor?
Kevin: It's not about a doctor's say-so, Michael. It's about what I've seen with my own eyes. Chloe loves Bella. That little girl cannot replace Delia, but she has filled a void in Chloe's heart. You think she would risk losing a second child by conspiring with Victor?
Michael: Even if it meant sending Adam to prison and keeping him there for 30 years?
Kevin: Chloe is past all that.
Michael: Again, how do you know?
Kevin: Because I know. I feel it in my gut. Chloe has what she wants -- her child and a new beginning.
Michael: You never stopped loving her, did you?
Kevin: What difference does that make? She doesn't love me. I sent her flowers trying to get some kind of response, but nothing. Mariah thinks I'm pushing too hard.
Michael: Does that mean you're giving up?
Kevin: What do you think?
Michael: Fine. Fair warning. Dylan and I aren't giving up, either.
Paul: Oh, what now?
Nikki: Oh, Paul! Hi.
Paul: Oh, Nikki. Hi. I'm sorry. I didn't see you.
Nikki: Oh, don't apologize. I can tell you have a lot on your mind. Kind of work you and Dylan do every day, I'm sure it's hard to leave everything at the office.
Paul: Uh...yeah. I guess it's best you hear it from me.
Nikki: Hear what from you?
Paul: Well, Dylan's not going to be bringing work home any time soon. I had to suspend him.
Nikki: I'm guessing it had to do with proving that Adam was framed?
Paul: Well, your guess is correct.
Nikki: [Sighs] I tried telling Dylan to leave it alone. I've tried to reason with Chelsea. I know that Victor is far from perfect, but he's not gonna maneuver his son into prison and keep him from his wife and child.
Adam: Come -- hey, baby. How are you, baby? How are you? Happy birthday.
Dylan: [Sighs]
Victor: I want those journal pages, you got it? They'll prove that my son Adam is innocent. And then I want you the hell out of town. Is that clear?
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Billy: You're not letting Phyllis be Phyllis. You're doing what you always do. You're sucking the life out of her.
Sharon: You have no intention of dropping that case.
Dylan: I think I found a way to clear Adam.
Adam: Chelsea, do me a favor. Don't ever put my son in that position again.
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