Y&R Transcript Wednesday 8/10/16
Provided By Suzanne
Summer: Okay. Okay. Stop. Time out. No more kissing. Mm.
Luca: Ohh.
Summer: No! No, no, no. Stop looking at me, too.
Luca: Okay. All right. Okay, okay, okay. My eyes are closed. Eyes are closed, and I am not kissing you.
Summer: [Laughs] No, no, no. I am going to be late for my dress fitting. Unless you don't want me to have an original Chelsea gown for our wedding.
Luca: Okay, what's the other option? No dress? Nothing at all? Let me picture that.
Summer: No. No, no, no. Stop. Okay. No. You cannot kiss me, you cannot look at me, and no more picturing me naked. I have an appointment and mom is meeting me there.
Luca: I know, but they can't start without you, right?
Summer: Look, it was your idea to move up the wedding date.
Luca: Oh, yeah, you're right. This is all my fault. I am the cause of my own suffering.
Summer: Well, there's always later. Rain check.
Luca: Mmm. Okay. All right. I will bravely watch you go.
Summer: Okay.
Luca: Mm. Very nice.
Summer: You are so bad.
Victor: Are you there, son?
Nick: Yeah, I'm here. And there you two are. Together.
Victor: Yes, that's for the good of everyone.
Phyllis: Meaning summer.
Nick: All right, well, the wedding to Luca has been pushed up. What is going on there?
Phyllis: Well, what's going on is that I'm supposed to be wedding-gown shopping in about 10 minutes.
Nick: I was supposed to be back by now so I could talk summer out of this insanity.
Phyllis: Well, I don't know if that's gonna work since you're the one who talked her into it.
Nick: What? That is ridiculous.
Phyllis: Luca took your "man up" speech as a sign that the two of them belong together.
Nick: No. No, I didn't say it for him to marry her. I said it so he would do right by her. It's not the same damn thing at all.
Victor: Listen, what's done is done. Now we need to make sure that summer understands who that Luca Santori really is. Now, did you find a connection between Santori and the oil spill?
Nick: I haven't found anything yet. He's covered his tracks pretty well.
Victor: Oh, he's an amateur. I'm gonna take him down. I'll have fun doing it.
Mariah: I don't have any new information about Chloe, so don't even ask.
Kevin: Could you let me get to an apology first?
Mariah: For what?
Kevin: For asking you to play matchmaker between Chloe and me. It was a stupid request. The whole maybe-baby-daddy thing got me all worked up, and dragging you into it was a mistake.
Mariah: So now you don't want me to play cupid?
Kevin: Nope. Changed my mind. You are permanently off the case.
Mariah: What happened?
Kevin: I realized what I really want, and how to get it. It's been staring me in the face this whole time.
Chelsea: Where's Chloe?
Sharon: She went back to your place to relieve the sitter for a bit.
Chelsea: Oh. Well, I hope she's back soon. Phyllis and summer are coming to try on bridal dresses. That's always a fun experience. We could use a little fun around here.
Sharon: Yeah, that engagement happened fast. But I guess that's what happens when you're young and in love.
Chelsea: Yeah. And they want to enjoy every moment of happiness while they can. I totally get it.
Sharon: Do you want me to call Chloe?
Chelsea: Oh, no. No, it's fine. Chloe's very conscientious about work. I'm sure she'll be back soon.
Dylan: Chloe. What are you doing here?
Chelsea: I did my time, detective. Actually, I did my therapy. That's more accurate. And I'm back now, and I'm just trying to blend back into scenery.
Dylan: [Sighs] In Chelsea's home. Where is she? Where's Chelsea?
Chloe: Oh, she's at the studio. [Laughs] Did you think that I broke in here? Oh, come on. Is that why you have your badge and your gun handy?
Dylan: Well, I'm not really sure what you're doing here, so, um, I'm gonna need some answers.
Chloe: I live here now. Yeah, Chelsea and I are roommates. We're like a wacky sitcom. You know, we're actually looking for a good title if you have any good ideas.
Dylan: So you're telling me Chelsea invited you to live here in the same home that she shares with Adam?
Chloe: Well, he's relocated now. I'm sure you've heard. Look, I have my release papers, so if you want to see them, they are -- they're legal and tidy.
Dylan: Do your doctors know you moved into Adam's penthouse?
Chloe: I know this looks kind of weird. But Chelsea and I were best friends. And she knows that I'm better. She even hired me back at the company.
Dylan: What, you're working at her studio, too?
Chloe: You know, it's not just a one-sided lovefest. She asked for me to go talk to Adam, and I went there, and I told him that I've forgiven him. I-I don't like him. I don't think I'll ever like him. But I'm just... I'm just finally ready to let go of all that anger and hurt. Why are you still looking at me like I broke into this place?
Dylan: I mean, can you blame me? Adam is convinced a mystery woman helped Victor set him up.
Chloe: Yeah, well, it's -- it's not me. I mean, if Chelsea thought so, would I actually be living here?
Dylan: Well, that would be pretty devious of you.
Chloe: It would. And that's not me. I... I came back here for family. And for something that's really, really positive. I have proof.
Mariah: Help me out here. What is it that you want that's been right in front of your face?
Kevin: I was gonna convince Chloe that we can do this. Be a family again. No matter what, get back to what we had together with Delia.
Mariah: But now?
Kevin: I realize that was not logical thinking, or practical, or what I need.
Mariah: So you're giving up on Chloe.
Kevin: [Scoffs] What? No! How did you get there? No, no. What I realized is that I need to move forward with Chloe, not go back. And asking you to step in was ridiculous. I need to be the one to show Chloe that things can be different. You're a great friend. You're my best friend. But the only person who can convince Chloe that we belong together is me.
Mariah: Kevin, you're an idiot.
Summer: Oh, thank you so much, you guys! I am so excited. Clothes and weddings, and weddings and clothes. My two favorite things. I just got a text from my mom. She said that she's on her way. Am I talking too fast? I'm just really excited. I'm so sorry. I'm just happy.
Chelsea: It's okay. We're excited for you.
Sharon: And dress shopping is up there with wedding's greatest moments.
Chelsea: Yep.
Summer: You guys are really happy for me?
Chelsea: Of course we are.
Sharon: Did you think that we wouldn't be?
Summer: I don't know. It's just such short notice, and I know that people must be thinking it's too much too soon. But people are being really sweet and really supportive.
Sharon: Even Victor?
Summer: You mean because he will never support any person that any Newman will ever try to marry?
Sharon: Or "hates." And I don't think that "hate" is a strong word here.
Chelsea: Raise your hand if Victor ever tried to break up your marriage.
Sharon: Me.
Sharon: Sounds like a party game. Too bad Victoria isn't here. I think she'd win.
Chelsea: Yeah.
Summer: Yeah, I know. I know. Grandpa is grandpa. But he's being really sweet. And I've tried to force the issue, and tried to get him to admit that he does not approve, but he's just said that he wants me to be happy.
Phyllis: The two of you are not giving Luca enough credit. He is working summer. He managed to confess without actually confessing about these oil spills.
Victor: And as a Santori, they learn from early on how to pretend to be legitimate businessmen. He's slippery.
Phyllis: Whatever evidence we find, it has to be so in summer's face that she cannot deny that he is still a little dirty liar.
Victor: But the point is, summer is very generous. Has an open heart. Very vulnerable. We need to do everything we can to protect her.
Nick: Yeah, I know. And it's all my fault it's even gotten this far. Let's not go back to that, all right? Look, the reporter that Luca was feeding information to turned out to be a dead end. I would give my left arm to be able to prove Luca was behind the sabotage. I know he did it. And he did it to make Victoria look bad, and make himself look like a hero.
Phyllis: Agreed. I-it can't be anyone else. I mean, the evidence is out there somewhere.
Nick: For a minute there, I thought it was Victoria's new boyfriend. Which Luca jumped all over.
Victor: You mean the bartender?
Nick: Yeah, Travis Crawford.
Victor: What'd you find out about him?
Nick: Not much. He doesn't seem to have any part of this.
Victor: Yet Luca is focusing attention on him. What's that all about?
Luca: For immediate release. Santori scion to marry Newman heiress. Power couple of the decade.
[Cell phone rings]
Luca: Hello.
Victor: Luca, this is Victor Newman. I would like you to come by my office, and you and I will have a drink. I want to toast my future grandson-in-law.
Luca: I'd like that, sir. Thank you. I'll be over shortly.
Victor: Good.
Nick: Your plan is tequila?
Victor: I got him where I want him.
Phyllis: Right out of our daughter's life.
Chloe: Bella, this is my friend Dylan. Dylan, this is Bella.
Dylan: This is your daughter?
Chloe: Ohh, yeah. Isn't she just... she's perfect. She's my sun. She's my moon. She's tired. She's scrumptious.
Dylan: She's beautiful.
Chloe: She's the reason why I don't want to fight anymore, Dylan. This is why I came back. I-I knew that it was -- it was gonna be risky, and people thought that I was gonna go ballistic on Adam, but... I don't want to. Bella needs me. You know, she needs a cool, calm, collected mom. I worked really hard to get better, make sure that I was a person who was never going to try to crush Adam. I mean, you and I, we both did some crazy things out of grief. You tried to run off with Connor. Because you couldn't handle not being a parent. And you got better. That was me. I mean, look at us now. We're both parents. I mean, we are so lucky. I came back here not because I want to hurt anyone. And I don't want to punish anyone. I came back here with my daughter, and that's all.
Kevin: Why am I an idiot?
Mariah: Because you can't take a hint. You asked me to talk you up to Chloe. Which doesn't make any sense. She was married to you. She knows you. Why would she care if a semi-stranger has nice things to say about you?
Kevin: I just said I shouldn't have sent you. I'm agreeing with you.
Mariah: But the thing is, I did go talk to her. Chloe doesn't want to be with you, Kevin. She made that painfully clear. And I was trying to save you from some of that pain.
Kevin: What did she say specifically?
Mariah: Why do you need specifics? Can't you just trust me?
Kevin: Because I need to know.
Mariah: It hurts her. She looks at you, and she's reminded of losing Delia, and she can't go through that anymore.
Kevin: It wasn't all bad times. There were cupcakes and birthdays and old --
Mariah: Old what?
Kevin: Old movies. Chloe and I used to watch a lot of old movies together. And we were... we were at the movies the night Delia died. And she blames me for the fact that she didn't get to the hospital in time.
Mariah: That's exactly what I'm talking about. You remember it one way, and Chloe remembers it another. It's just that her way is miserable. So now that you know, you can either keep pushing like a jerk or you can let her live her life without you.
Kevin: No. No. You see, I'm the one who cheered her up and cheered her on. I'm the one who used to make things better for Chloe.
Mariah: Not anymore. She wants you to move on. She was practically matchmaking you into another relationship.
Kevin: That's ridiculous. With who?
Mariah: You are such an idiot. Do you want me to hit on that person for you as well? You know what, why don't you pick somebody who actually wants to love you back? I have to go to work. You're on your own.
Kevin: "Love me back"? Hi. Can I get a delivery for today, please?
Phyllis: Sorry I'm late.
Summer: Hi. Trouble at work? What, were you plotting a takeover or a takedown this time?
Phyllis: Work can wait. My baby's getting married.
Sharon: It's wonderful.
Chelsea: Yeah. And we are honored to be a part of it. So, ladies, to set the mood.
Phyllis: Oh, this is good. This is very good. Thank you.
Chelsea: Mm-hmm.
Summer: Oh, do you remember when we used to just, like, lay in bed and watch shows about wedding dresses?
Phyllis: Yep. Those were the best episodes, that started with a glass of champagne.
Summer: Yes.
Phyllis: And something always went down.
Chelsea: Well, the only thing going down today is some fabulous wedding style. Tell you that much.
Sharon: We have some great dresses ready for you. We'll go get them.
Chelsea: Yeah, yeah. Let's grab them.
Summer: Well, you seem happy.
Phyllis: Yes. Why wouldn't I be? Although your -- your switch date on your wedding, that -- that -- that kind of threw me a little bit.
Summer: Yeah, well, Luca and I really did put a lot of thought into it. You know, we live together, we're in love, and we know and understand one another. But you did tell us to take it slow and we didn't, so...
Phyllis: Hey. I can handle it.
Summer: Well, thank you for being here. It means a lot to me.
Phyllis: Oh, you listen to me, all right? There is nothing on this planet that your family's not gonna do for you. That's a fact.
Summer: Cheers.
Victor: Where's the bartender now?
We don't have his precise location, or if he's even still on the sailboat.
Victor: I have a feeling that he is involved in the sabotage somehow. So find him for me.
[Knock on door]
Victor: Come in. And I want those background checks by tonight. I need to know who I'm dealing with. Thank you.
Luca: I hope I didn't interrupt.
Victor: Oh, just about to acquire a new company.
Luca: Of course.
Victor: Now, uh, before you and I talk, I need to make a phone call. In private, please.
Luca: I'll wait outside.
Victor: You eavesdropping punk. [Chuckles] So, I understand things have changed since we last spoke.
Luca: Yes. It's about the wedding date. Summer and I decided that we want to be husband and wife as soon as possible. If, of course, that's acceptable to you.
Victor: All I'm concerned about is summer's happiness. You know I don't give a damn about the date as such.
Luca: I appreciate that, sir. Summer and I both do. You know, it's -- it's also very generous of you to invite me for a drink. Especially when I know your -- your hands are full at Newman. And, you know, I was thinking, if there are any timing issues you'd like us to be aware of, or any --
Victor: Don't you worry. I'll be at the wedding no matter what.
Luca: Good. But the, uh -- the fallout from the oil spill is still quite extensive, yes?
Victor: Yes, and taken care of. But unless you find the person behind the sabotage, it could happen again, right?
Victor: Yeah, well, you know. Happened when I was in prison, so now that I'm back in control, no one will interfere with my oil division.
Luca: Sir, may, uh... may I speak freely?
Victor: Sure.
Luca: Um... as I, uh -- as I approached the office, I overheard you mention the name Travis Crawford as a possible suspect.
Victor: Oh, you just overheard it as you were approaching? You weren't eavesdropping, were you?
Luca: Oh, no, no, no. It -- it wasn't intentional.
Victor: Oh, I see.
Luca: Truth is, I've -- I've always believed that Travis was the one behind the oil spills.
Victor: Oh, yeah?
Luca: And that hasn't changed.
Victor: Okay. Tell me about it.
Phyllis: Don't look at me. I'm fine.
Summer: [Chuckles] Yeah, I can tell.
Phyllis: I didn't get to do this last time you got married.
Summer: Well, that should've been a sign -- my marriage to Austin was doomed.
Phyllis: I woke up one day, and my baby was all grown up. Everything has changed. For both of us.
Summer: Yeah, but this is what you want for me, right? Not Luca, but... I mean, a good life, and love, and work, and someone to depend on, right?
Phyllis: You know, I think, selfishly, I wanted to be the person you could depend on. But you're right. [Sighs] I want you to have all the best things. And you're gonna have them.
Chloe: I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I am so late. I'm so late.
Chelsea: Well, is everything okay at home?
Chloe: Uh...yeah. Basically, Dylan showed up expecting you. He found me. He's thrilled.
Chelsea: I'm sorry.
Chloe: It's totally fine. I explained everything to him. I come in peace. He doesn't have to worry about me causing any trouble.
Kevin: Hey, why are you running Chloe's name through the system?
Dylan: Well, did you know she's back in town?
Kevin: Yeah, of course.
Dylan: Well, nobody bothered to mention it to me.
Kevin: Uh, it's not like it's a secret.
Dylan: Well, considering Adam's in prison for what looks to be a setup... I wish I would have heard this a little sooner.
Kevin: What is that supposed to mean?
Dylan: Seriously?
Kevin: Yeah, seriously. Chelsea invited Chloe to move in with her. Did you know that part?
Dylan: Yeah. Um, Chelsea has a soft spot for her old friend. Even after her old friend tried to kill her husband.
Kevin: Chloe's better now.
Dylan: Yeah, so I've heard.
Kevin: Oh, and you're not buying that?
Dylan: A woman in a wig used a fake name to visit Victor in prison to ruin Adam's life.
Kevin: It wasn't Chloe. It wasn't Chloe! Why are you even working this case? Does the chief know?
Dylan: You don't get to tell me what leads I follow.
Kevin: Uh, I do when you're wrong.
Dylan: [Scoffs] You want to tell me what I can and can't investigate? Are you sure about that? After all the hacking you've done that could get cases tossed out of court?
Kevin: No, actually. But I am telling you as a friend and as a coworker that Chloe is not Victor's gal Friday. She's changed.
Dylan: But you haven't, have you? You're still in love with your ex. That's why you can't look at this objectively.
Kevin: Yes, I can. I know Chloe better than anyone.
Dylan: She tried to kill Adam. And Adam's in prison and she's back. Is that coincidence?
Kevin: She has a new child. Did you know that?
Dylan: Yeah, we met.
Kevin: Great. And you think she'd be willing to break a dozen laws and end up in a cell instead of spending time with her child?
Dylan: Well, maybe she's not thinking about it in those terms.
Kevin: Except she is. And I've seen the surveillance videos a thousand times. I'm the one who -- who retrieved them.
Dylan: Mm.
Kevin: And you think I don't know my ex? The way she sits, the way she stands, the way she moves her hands?
Dylan: You're not looking for it. Why would you? Chloe was supposed to be in a psych facility.
Kevin: It's not her, Dylan. Think about the footage. Can you definitely say that's the woman you were just talking to? No, you can't.
Dylan: No, I can't. I can't be sure of anything except that I know Chloe wanted to punish Adam before, and now she's back. With motive and opportunity. Come on, Kevin. Think like a cop. And if you can't see it, maybe you should admit that you could be wrong about Chloe.
Mariah: Oh, my gosh! What a pretty little snowflake.
Summer: Ohh.
Chloe: I like this one.
Summer: You don't think one's a little too poufy?
Mariah: This is crazy. I didn't even know that you and Luca were making the jump. Didn't he get divorced from his wife, like, yesterday?
Summer: No, that was months ago. And why do you have to cause trouble? Why can't you just be happy for us? Everyone else is happy for us. I mean, my mom just shed a tear about the wedding like a minute ago.
Mariah: Yeah, I bet she did.
Sharon: Um, I think it's so sweet that you and Phyllis get to share this together.
Summer: Yeah. No, I am incredibly grateful. And, actually, I'm really happy that you get to share this with us, too, Sharon.
Sharon: Oh, thank you. You know, I think you deserve all the happiness in the world, and more.
Summer: Thank you. That means a lot to me.
Sharon: I know there were times when I was in the way of your happiness. So I want you to know how much I care about you, and how glad I am that faith has an older sister like you.
Phyllis: Are we doing this? Are we saying nice things to one another?
Chloe: It's easier than it looks. I mean, lot of therapy.
Sharon: Amen to that. Yeah.
Chloe: Funny-farm humor. I like that.
Mariah: Is this weird for anybody else? 'Cause it feels weird. As an outsider.
Summer: You only think you're an outsider. You are one of us.
Mariah: Oh, that's sweet. Or manipulative. I can't tell.
Chelsea: It is fair to say there is some... complicated history in this room.
Phyllis: Yeah.
Chloe: And a lot of weddings. Combined.
Phyllis: Let's keep the math on that fuzzy, shall we?
Sharon: So many weddings. So many mistakes.
Chloe: Oh, I don't know. I think it was great. I-I married Billy, and then I ended up finding out that he cheated on our wedding day. No names.
Summer: You know, not all weddings were legal, so I don't think we should count them.
Sharon: We've all had some interesting ceremonies. Even some where one of the guests shows up in a white dress.
Phyllis: Uh, that's the only thing I could find that day.
Chelsea: Oh, my gosh.
Summer: Well, I'm just happy that we can laugh about all these things now.
Sharon: Laugh, or keep from crying hysterically.
Chloe: You know, Billy and Victoria, the only reason why they even had their last wedding was because Kevin was abducted, and I had a wedding venue and no husband.
Phyllis: Wow. That was nice of you to give up your wedding.
Chloe: That's because I'm a giver.
Phyllis: Okay.
Chloe: And the bonus was, when I finally did get married, well, it was alongside Jeffrey and Gloria. Now that was good times.
Chelsea: Mm. Was that more fun than getting up to the altar and your groom basically calling you a whore and telling you he hates you?
Phyllis: [Inhales sharply]
Chloe: That was a rough one.
Phyllis: Mm-hmm.
Mariah: Well, none of you have been drugged, kidnapped, and, uh, forced to marry the cult leader that raised you, so...
Sharon: Uh, you win.
[All agreeing]
Summer: Yeah, you win.
Phyllis: You win. You win. Yeah.
Chelsea: Okay. Wait. You guys, you guys, you guys. We need to put our focus back on the bride-to-be.
Sharon: Yes.
Chelsea: Okay? So, let's have a toast. Here you go.
Phyllis: Thank you, Chelsea.
Chelsea: To summer. May you have a loving, lovely, legal wedding. And a drama-free, very predictable, very nice and simple marriage.
Summer: Yes.
Sharon: Cheers to that.
Summer: Cheers.
Phyllis: Cheers to that.
Sharon: Absolutely.
Chelsea: But for now, actually, we need to make sure that the bride has something to wear on her actual day, so...
Summer: Yeah, um, Chelsea, look, I-I love all of your designs. I do.
Chelsea: But?
Summer: I just -- I've been waiting for that, "oh, my god, this is it!" Moment. I just -- I haven't had that yet.
Chelsea: I totally understand. I do. Which is why I've actually been sketching while you were trying on dresses. So I have a new design.
Phyllis: Mm-hmm.
Chelsea: And it's very rough. It's far from being finished. But I want you to be honest with me. If you don't like it, I will not be offended, okay?
Summer: Okay.
Chelsea: Promise?
Summer: Yes. Promise.
Chelsea: All right.
[All gasp]
Mariah: Oh, my god.
Summer: Oh, my god. This is it.
Chelsea: Yeah?
Summer: This is it!
Chelsea: There you go. There's your dress.
Chloe: So good.
Summer: Thank you.
Luca: The second this guy started with Victoria, I put a tail on him. For her sake, and for the sake of Newman enterprises. I assume by now you know that he has a background on wall street.
Victor: He's a commodities trader, right?
Luca: Yes.
Victor: Mm-hmm.
Luca: With a focus on the oil industry.
Victor: Oh.
Luca: Look, when I asked him directly about the sabotage, he clocked me in the face.
Victor: Ah.
Luca: Yeah. And then he covered with Victoria, and she bought his story. Now this guy has... crawled out of town. He's obviously hiding something.
Victor: No one knows where he is, right?
Luca: No. But I know this guy. I think you need someone with a personal connection on this job to find him.
Victor: And that would be you?
Luca: For the sake of my fiancée's family, let me help you, Victor.
Victor: You know, you've offered help before, and you sort of failed me, didn't you?
Luca: Well, this time, I won't. For summer's sake.
Victor: Well... okay. Let's drink to that. For summer's sake, okay? You go ahead. You do what you can.
Luca: Well, then, I'll get started right now, Victor. I just need some office space --
Victor: Well, I don't know about that, Luca. I mean, that's a little premature, you know. Might raise some eyebrows, and... let's be subtle about it, all right?
Luca: Of course. Of course. Look, Victor, you -- you won't regret bringing me in.
Victor: I better not.
Victor: How did it go with summer?
Phyllis: I had to fake being excited about my daughter's wedding. That was not fun. Let's move this along.
Victor: Well, I would say that pain in the short run prevents pain in the longer run.
Phyllis: Then you have found something on Luca?
Victor: He showed his true colors.
Summer: Hey.
Luca: Hey.
Summer: Where were you?
Luca: First...a-ha! First... second, how was the dress hunt?
Summer: Oh, it was, uh, sweet and fun and bizarre. But mostly a success. No spoilers, but you are going to love the dress that Chelsea is making for me.
Luca: Mm. I can't wait.
Summer: So, where were you?
Luca: I, uh -- I bought a tuxedo.
Summer: Oh.
Luca: I needed a new one. Fresh start.
Summer: Okay, you got a tuxedo. Where is it?
Luca: It's at the tailor's. Adjustment had to be made.
Summer: Mmm. Well, you are gonna look sexy and dashing and all mine.
Luca: Mmm. What was that first one again?
Summer: Very, very sexy.
Luca: Did someone mention a rain check earlier?
Summer: I did. And look at that. We are home.
Luca: Hm.
Summer: All alone.
Luca: Well, it's too bad we have so much wedding planning to do.
Summer: Well, it is a lot of work. Maybe we should remember why we're putting in all this effort.
Chelsea: Hey, are you guys okay here? I want to go grab some stuff for Connor's birthday tomorrow.
Chloe: Yeah, we got this.
Chelsea: Okay.
Mariah: You made a very special snowflake feel very happy today. Considering her last husband, you know, cheated on her and ended up dead, she deserves what she wants. Don't tell her I said that.
Chelsea: You got it. Uh, will you walk me to the elevator?
Chloe: Yeah, sure.
Chelsea: Are you sure you're okay? You just seemed a little shaky after Dylan grilled you.
Chloe: Yeah. People are gonna assume the worst about me. It's nobody's fault but my own.
Chelsea: Well, we've all made mistakes. And we've all gotten second chances. Including Dylan, so... he'll come around.
Chloe: It must be exhausting, though, defending your husband and me to the world.
Chelsea: I love you both. I'm never gonna stop defending either one of you. All right. I'll see you at home.
Chloe: Okay.
Chloe: Hey [Scoffs] Did you steal that mug?
Mariah: It was a gift.
Chloe: That logo, it just... well, brings back a lot of memories. Bad memories. With Kevin. I shouldn't have said that.
Mariah: No, no, it's -- it's fine. I understand. I-I did steal that mug, by the way.
Chloe: No, I mean about the bad memories with Kevin. They weren't all bad. That's not fair. We had fun. I mean, you know Kevin. He's -- he's goofy, and sweet, and loyal. You know, if he cares about you, he is totally devoted. I mean, he will be there for you through everything.
Mariah: So, uh... you're reconsidering, then?
Chloe: No, no. I-I am not. I have my new start. And he has his. He -- he deserves to have a real future with someone.
Mariah: Are you talking about me again? Because no. No.
Chloe: I know. What, because you're friends? You know that's how we started, and then I ended up marrying him.
Mariah: No. Not happening. One and done.
Chloe: Okay. You say that now, but you never know.
Mariah: Yes. Yes, I do. It's not an option.
Sharon: Oh! Hi.
Dylan: Hi.
Sharon: Why are you not at the station?
Dylan: How come you didn't tell me that Chloe is back in town and working with Chelsea?
Sharon: Well, I realized when I was at work today that I never mentioned it. And I don't know why, I guess it just never occurred to me --
Dylan: How does nobody see the connection to Adam's case here? I-I don't understand it. She wanted him dead. She pulled a gun on him. She ran him down with a car. You don't just get over those things and just let everything go.
Sharon: What are you saying, Dylan? That people don't get over loss and -- and grief? I mean, are you saying people don't get over mental illness?
Dylan: I'm -- I'm not talking about you. You know that.
Sharon: Well, why not? I-I've been broken. I've hurt people. I burned down the house on this very ranch. You know, I've been hospitalized more times than Chloe. So if you can see her as permanently broken, then how must you see me? The same way?
Dylan: Look, I-I see you with our son. And I know that you're not broken. You have an illness that you treat and your monitor. Look, you and Chloe are nothing alike, okay? I know you would never hurt anybody on purpose.
Sharon: I'm gonna go check on sully.
Dylan: Sharon -- [Sighs] Sharon, just what --
[Knock on door]
Dylan: [Sighs]
Chelsea: Hey.
Dylan: Hey.
Chelsea: Is this a bad time?
Dylan: Uh, what's up?
Chelsea: Chloe said that you were looking for me at the penthouse?
Dylan: Uh, yeah. That was a surprise, because I didn't know Chloe was back in town and -- and living with you and Connor.
Chelsea: So, you have questions. The return. The timing. The mystery woman.
Dylan: Yeah. Yeah, of course I do.
Chelsea: Okay, great. So find the answers.
Dylan: Wh-- you want me to investigate your friend and prove that she was behind Adam's setup?
Chelsea: Um, no. I actually want you to prove that it wasn't Chloe. Adam's fixated on Chloe, so you need to find evidence that it wasn't her. He needs to move on so we can find the real person who's trying to destroy my husband's life.
Mariah: "I'm an idiot." Duh. I told you. "Let's start over."
Chloe: Wow. Those are so pretty. Who are those for?
Mariah: They're... they're for me. From Kevin.
Chloe: Well, I guess Kevin didn't get the memo about you guys being one and done.
Mariah: [Scoffs]
Chloe: He's a good guy. Just let him be your good guy.
Summer: It's time for a shower and who knows what else.
Luca: Mm. You go get it started. I'll be right there, okay? I need to make one quick call to the wedding planner.
Summer: I love that you're so into this wedding.
Luca: Well, I'm into you. The wedding is just a means to the end. Our life together.
[Shower running]
Luca: Yeah, hey. It's Santori. I've been tracking the subject. He was last seen in Manzanillo, Mexico. Yeah, he could be anywhere now. Yeah, hey. Find him and get back to me, okay, as soon as possible.
Victor: Luca took this bait eagerly. He wants to personally prove that Travis was behind the sabotage. Of course, whatever he comes up with, we must realize that he manufactured that personally, probably.
Phyllis: Because we know that Travis is innocent?
Victor: Yeah.
Phyllis: That Luca is a piece of work. Preying on my daughter. As if she has not been through enough. At least you're screwing over the right person for the right reasons for once.
Victor: If we want this plan to work, we must dispense with personal antipathy for one another, okay?
Phyllis: The plan might fail anyway. There are no guarantees in life, Victor.
Victor: One thing I guarantee you -- summer will not marry that bastard.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Michael: There are some fierce people out there fighting for you.
Victor: I want you to remember one thing -- I am Adam's only hope.
Paul: Until you can learn to work within the system, you do not deserve to wear that badge.
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